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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Gyvybės draudimo teoriniai ir praktiniai aspektai / Theoretical and Practical Aspects of Life Insurance

Jomantaitė, Sigita 20 May 2005 (has links)
Master Final work, 73 pages, 11 tables, 13 figures, 50 sources of literature 8 appendixes, lithuanian. Keewords: market, life insurance, insurance company, income, payments, services, insurer, assured. Object of the work – life insurance market in Lithuania. Purpose of the work – to analyze life insurance theoretical and practical aspects and to give conclusions for the life insurance market development. Tasks of the work: 1. to define the conception of life insurance; 2. to analyze types and groups of life insurance; 3. to investigate the life insurance market of Lithuania; 4. to estimate the life insurance market development and to give advices for it. Methods of research: the research was done making the analysis of Lithuania laws of insurance, Europe Union directives, metodical and scientifical works. The author also used description, generalization, comparative and logical analysis methods and vertical and horizontal analysis as well.

Lietuvos gyvybės draudimo įmonių įvertinimas / Evaluation of Life Insurance Companies in Lithuania

Čižauskaitė, Sandra 14 January 2009 (has links)
Tyrimo objektas – Lietuvos gyvybės draudimo įmonės. Tyrimo dalykas – Lietuvos gyvybės draudimo įmonių veikla. Darbo tikslas – išskyrus pagrindinius vertintojus ir jų tikslus, parinkti vertinimo kriterijus ir įvertinti Lietuvos gyvybės draudimo įmonių veiklą. Uždaviniai: 1) įvardinti gyvybės draudimo reikšmę, privalumus bei identifikuoti pagrindines gyvybės draudimo įmonių vertinimo problemas; 2) nustatyti gyvybės draudimo įmonių vertintojus, suformuluoti jų tikslus bei numatyti gyvybės draudimo įmonių vertinimo kriterijus; 3) parengti gyvybės draudimo įmonių vertinimo metodiką; 4) pagal parengtą metodiką, įvertinti Lietuvos gyvybės draudimo įmones. Tyrimo metodai – mokslinės literatūros analizė ir sintezė, loginė analizė ir sintezė, lyginamoji analizė, horizontalioji ir vertikalioji analizė, apibendrinimo ir reitingavimo metodai. Tyrimo rezultatai – atlikus mokslinę Lietuvos ir užsienio literatūros analizę, išanalizavus Lietuvos draudimo įstatyminę bazę bei valstybinės draudimo priežiūros komisijos teikiamus duomenis, buvo atrinkti penki gyvybės draudimo įmonių vertintojai, nustatyti jų vertinimo kriterijai ir rodikliai, pagal kuriuos buvo sureitinguotos ir įvertintos Lietuvos gyvybės draudimo įmonės bei numatytos tendencijos. / Research object – Life insurance companies in Lithuania. Research subject – The practice of Life insurance companies in Lithuania Research aim – except the main estimators and their goals, select the criterions and evaluate the life insurance companies in Lithuania. Objectives: 1) specify the meaning of life insurance, its advantages, and identify the main evaluation problems of life insurance companies; 2) except the main estimators of life insurance, formulate their goals and predict the criterions of evaluation; 3) frame the methodology of evaluation of life insurance companies; 4) according to the methodology, which was prepared, evaluate the life insurance companies. Research methods – the analysis and synthesis of scientific literature, logical analysis and synthesis, comparable analysis, horizontal and vertical analysis, methods of summation and rating. Research results – doing the analysis of Lithuanian and foreign scientific literature, Lithuanian insurance law base and national insurance supervision commission information, helped to sort five estimators of Life Insurance companies, to identify their criterions and indexes. In accordance with them the Life insurance companies were rated, evaluated and the tendencies were forecasted.

Draudimo produktų marketingo IS / Insurance products marketing is

Šilinskaitė, Kristina 25 November 2010 (has links)
Magistro baigiamajame darbe gvildenama mokslinė problema – kokia IS sudarytų draudimo brokeriui galimybes atlikti skirtingų draudimo kompanijų siūlomų draudimo produktų lyginamąją analizę ir pateikti klientui optimalų draudimo variantą. Iškelta problema buvo tiriama trim lygiais. Darbo objektas, t.y. draudimo informacinės sistemos, tiriamos iš paslaugų teikėjų IS pusės, produkto formavimo sistemos ir kliento informacijos kaupimo požiūriais. Galimybių pačiam klientui palyginti draudimo kompanijų siūlomus draudimo produktus praktiškai nėra, todėl jis yra priklausomas nuo draudiko. Darbe daroma prielaida, jog pagrindinės kliūtys šiai problemai spręsti iškyla nepakankamai panaudojant IT, nesugebant įmonių sistemose sukaupti ir panaudoti draudimo brokerio žinių ir patirties bei integruotai apdoroti skirtingų draudimo įmonių produktų informacijos. Todėl baigiamojo darbo tikslas - sudaryti vieningą draudimo brokerio marketingo IS modelį, sugebantį suformuoti klientui komercinį pasiūlymą pasitelkiant skaičiuokles, įvertinant sukauptą informaciją apie klientą išplėstinėje duomenų bazėje, įdiegiant marketingines strategijas kliento poreikius atitinkančiam pasiūlymui formuoti. Pagrindiniai darbo uždaviniai: 1. Ištirti draudimo rinką, jos dalyvių informacinius ryšius. 2. Identifikuoti, kurios marketingo teorinės koncepcijos yra tinkamos draudimo procesams ir produktams tirti. 3. Atlikti draudimo rinkoje įdiegtų IS lyginamąją analizę. 4. Atlikti empirinį tyrimą, kokia informacija... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In the MBA graduation Paper the functions of marketing information technologies applied in the insurance broker market. The aim of the Paper is to answer to the question, what kind IS could help to insurance broker to do comparative analysis of different insurance companies’ products and to form the optimal insurance product. There were made researches in three levels: insurance companies and brokers informational systems, products’ IS and client information storing system. The activities of insurance broker are analyzed, as based on the premise, that the final optimal offer for the client is best formulated by the insurance specialist. In the third part of MBA Graduation Paper I suggest united broker IS. The main advantage of the suggested system is its ability: 1. To store not only basic clients’ data, but also additional information, this could help to take various marketing actions (up-sell, cross-sell and other) and to increase insurance value. 2. To make calculations, which take into consideration the insurance conditions, risk, approved basic tariffs and clients’ requirements, 3. Also to generate offer to the client for best-fit insurance product. The MBA graduation Paper contains three main parts, which take up 55 pages. There were used MS Excel and STATISTICA packages to process research data. To make diagrams and pictures there was used MS Visio package in the last part of the graduation Paper. Also there are 24 pictures, 7 tables and 5 appendixes.

Rinkodaros taikymas lietuvos draudimo paslaugų rinkoje / Marketing implementation in Lithuanian insurance services market

Šyvokaitė, Jurgita 30 May 2005 (has links)
Master thesis, 65 pages, 18 pictures, 4 table, 39 literature sources, 5 appendages, Lithuanian language. The object of the work- insurance service marketing. The subject of the work - the research of the insurance service marketing. The aim of the work – to establish and estimate service marketing significance in an insurance business and to make suggestions of marketing implementation for companies. The goals of the work: 1.To analyse the nascency determinant elements of insurance service marketing. 2.To settle and describe a conception, functions, and essential things of insurance service marketing. 3.To analyze the peculiarities of the insurance service marketing and their determinant elements. 4.With reference to facts, to settle the size of Lithuanian insurance service market, to measure the structure of insurance service suppliers’ market and its competitive ability. 5.To find out consumers’ opinion about insurance service. 6.To estimate need and conditions of insurance service marketing implementation. Methods of the research: empirical research (questionnaire), unstruktural interview, analysis and synthesis of nonfiction, statistical material analysis, graphics, comparable, generalization. Analysing Lithuanian and foreign countries nonfiction and periodic literature about insurance service marketing, it is defined the organization particularity of the insurance service marketing, its expedience of adaptability and facility in Lithuanian insurance companies.

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