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Luigi Pirandello: l'umorismo ne Il Fu Mattia Pascal / Luigi Pirandello: humor in his novel Il Fu Mattia PascalSEDLÁČKOVÁ, Markéta January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with an italian writer Luigi Pirandello and with one of his most famous novel: Il fu Mattia Pascal. The main aim is to find the examples of Pirandellos humour in this novel and to prove, that the novel is rightly called one of his first humour compositions. At the beginning of the thesis I introduce the writer and his works generally. Than I focus on his essay LUmorismo, which is important for analysis of the novel. In this essay Pirandello summarized the concept of his conception of humour. On the basis of the essay I analyse the novel.
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Pharmacogenetics and colorectal cancer / Pharmacogénétique et cancer colorectalBenhaim, Léonor 19 November 2013 (has links)
Le champ de la pharmacogénétique est d'une importance cruciale en oncologie pour optimiser la sélection du traitement à utiliser en fonction du profil génomique du patient et de la tumeur. En effet, au-delà des caractéristiques spécifiques de la tumeur, le génome de l'individu explique une grande partie de la variation de la réponse du observée à des agents chimiothérapeutiques à la fois en terme d'efficacité et de toxicité. Les patients atteints de cancer colorectal (CCR) sont susceptibles de recevoir une ou plusieurs lignes de chimiothérapie avec une efficacité variable et de faire l'expérience des effets secondaires connexes. Il est donc essentiel d'optimiser l’arsenal thérapeutique pour améliorer l’efficacité des traitements en évitant au maximum les effets indésirables. Le but des études de pharmacogénétique est d'étudier spécifiquement pour chaque médicament les voies métaboliques impliquées et leurs variations interindividuelles potentielles secondaires à des mutations génomiques ou somatiques. Cette recherche vise ainsi à identifier les biomarqueurs pronostiques et prédictifs qui aideront à une meilleure sélection de traitement. Pour les patients atteints de CRC, le bénéfice de survie de l'administration de la chimiothérapie adjuvante chez les patients de stade II et III reste à évaluer. En effet, l'avantage de survie donné par la perfusion de 5-fluorouracile en adjuvant (avec ou sans oxaliplatine) a été montré pour les patients de stade III CRC mais est encore indéterminé pour les patients de stade II CRC. Par définition, les mutations somatiques sont détectées dans le génome des cellules tumorales et ont été associées à la réponse aux agents chimiothérapeutiques. En outre, plusieurs rapports ont suggéré l'importance du rôle des variations héréditaires (génome constitutionnel) pour la réponse aux médicaments et à la prévision des effets secondaires. Dans ce travail, je me suis concentrée sur la relation entre les polymorphismes et la réponse aux chimiothérapies chez les patients de stade II - III CRC. J'ai observé que la cycline D1 (CCND1), les canaux sodique voltage-dépendants (SCN1A), les régulateurs de la voie WNT / β - caténine, KSR et les gènes de cellules souches cancéreuses pouvaient prédire la réponse et la survie de patients traités pour CCR en situation adjuvante. / The pharmacogenetics field is of crucial importance in oncology to optimize the selection of which chemotherapy regimen to use according to the patient’s and tumor’s genomic profile. Indeed, beyond the specific tumor characteristics, the individual’s inherited genome accounts for a large proportion of the variation in patient’s response to chemotherapeutic agents both in term of efficiency and toxicity. Patients with colorectal cancer are likely to receive one or several lines of chemotherapy with variable efficacy and to experience some related side effects. It is therefore critical to tailor the best therapeutic arsenal to improve treatments efficacy meanwhile avoiding adverse reactions susceptible to lead to treatment disruption as much as possible. The purpose of pharmacogenetics studies is to specifically investigate for each drug the implicated metabolic pathways and their potential individual variations related to genomic or somatic mutations. This research aims at identifying both prognostic and predictive biomarkers that will help for the best treatment selection. In CRC, one important issue remains to evaluate the survival benefit of adjuvant chemotherapy administration in patients with stage II and III CRC. In this setting, the survival advantage given by adjuvant 5-fluoruracil-infusion (with or without oxaliplatin) has been shown for patients with stage III CRC but is still undetermined for patients with stage II CRC. By definition somatic mutations can be found in tumor cells genome and have been related with response to chemotherapeutic agents. In addition, several reports suggested the important role of inherited variations (constitutional or germ line) for drug response and side effects prediction.
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《樂府補題》研究= A study on yue fu bu ti /姚道生.姚道生, 25 August 2016 (has links)
《樂府補題》是一部著名的詠物詞集,本文即以此詞集為研究對象。除緒論及總結外,本文共分三編七章。各章節的內容大要如下。緒論回顧了《樂府補題》的研究狀況,並提出了本文的研究問題:一、甚麼因素促使《樂府補題》問世?二. 能否整理出一個《樂府補題》的新文本以供討論? 三. "樂府補題"究竟有何寄託?四.《樂府補題》的詠物成就如何?五.《樂府補題》復出之後,讀者又如何接受?上編一章,研究《補題》的生成語境,處理的是第一個研究問題。本章分別從「歷史語境」、「詠物詞史語境」、「詞學語境」和陳恕可的「個人語境」等四個層面,由廣而狹地逐步聚焦於《樂府補題》得以問世的因素,並嘗試界定「雅」的定義。中編包括第二、第三及第四等三章,主力研究《補題》的文本,處理的是第二、第三和第四等三個研究問題。本編探討了《補題》的版本、寄託和詠物等基本課題。第二章首先整理了《補題》的版本系統,重建了《補題》的文本,第三章即在此基礎上作進一步的討論,提出無本事而有寄託的解讀方法、應題典故和烘題典故的區分及其對解讀詠物詞所起的作用。此外,本編第四章又討論了《補題》在賦形和摹神所用到的手法,並嘗試界定「神」的定義。下編三章,討論了後世讀者對《補題》的接受,處理的是第五個研究問題。第五章討論了清代詞人追和《補題》的作品的特點,第六章則討論了清人對《補題》的理論開發,從而看出《補題》經典地位的建立。本編第七章則討論了《補題》進入民國之後被文學史家邊緣化的問題。總結即回顧本文各章的研究結果。= It is known that Yue Fu Bu Ti 樂府補題 is a famous anthology of object-chanting Ci poetry詠物詞. Where have such poems come from? How did such an anthology come about? Very simply put, in the early years of the Yuan Dynasty, a small number of poets held a handful of clandestine gatherings to mourn the demise of the Song Dynasty. The innocence of their verse - songs about very common objects and animals - hid their true feelings about the the Song Dynasty. Their lamentations, their regrets and even their feelings of guilt burn within the sub-text of this small collection of poems. This thesis is a study of this anthology. In this thesis, except for the introduction and the conclusion, there are 3 sections with 7 chapters. The synopsis is as follows. The introduction contains a literature review on Yue Fu Bu Ti. Five research questions are raised: 1. What are the factors that spurred the emergence of Yue Fu Bu Ti? 2. Is it possible to reconstruct a faithful and authentic version of Yue Fu Bu Ti today? 3. What are the hidden meanings - the subtext - of Yue Fu Bu Ti? 4. What are the accomplishments of object-chanting which Yue Fu Bu Ti achieved? 5. How have the readers over the years received Yue Fu Bu Ti? Chapter 1 addresses the first research question. It examines the factors which prompted Yue Fu Bu Ti to coalesce and to take shape through the perspectives of its historical context, the context of object-chanting Ci, the context of Ci poetry 詞學more generally, and the personal context of Chen Shu He 陳恕可, the editor and one of the authors of Yue Fu Bu Ti. In addition, the concept of Ya 雅 is also discussed in this chapter. Chapters 2, 3 and 4 make up Section 2. They concentrate on the second, third and fourth research questions respectively. The basic issues, including different versions of Yue Fu Bu Ti, the shrouded, concealed meanings Yue Fu Bu Ti, and the realization and triumph of object-chanting which Yue Fu Bu Ti achieved are discussed in this section. The text of Yue Fu Bu Ti is reconstructed. This latest version is the basis of further discussion. It is suggested that the true meanings of Yue Fu Bu Ti are cleverly disguised free of referential incidents. Direct and indirect allusion are keys to a successful reading of the poems. The concept of Shen 神 of objects, the writing technique for depicting a resemblance to objects, and the acquisition or attainment of the essence of the Shen of objects in Yue Fu Bu Ti, are discussed in this section. There are also 3 chapters in the last section. The final research question is discussed in this section. Chapter 5 studies the characteristics of Zhui He 追和 (compositions based on the rhymes of the original work ) during the Qing Dynasty while Chapter 6 examines the Ci theory revealed within Yue Fu Bu Ti and explored in the Qing Dynasty. The process of canonization of Yue Fu Bu Ti is shown here. Marginalisation of Yue Fu Bu Ti by literary historians in the Min Guo era is discussed in Chapter 7. The conclusion is a review of the achievements the chapters have presented.
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Establishing associations for the evaluation of mobility screen (EMS) in an adult South African populationBrink, Marthinus Lotz 07 May 2019 (has links)
Background: Muscle, joint and bone injuries affect mobility and stability, which in turn limits physical activity. Screening tests such as the Functional Movement Screen (FMS) are used to assess an individual’s mobility and stability to determine whether any movement dysfunctions exist. Screening tests aim to establish an individual’s injury risk with the goal of guiding an intervention program. The Evaluation of Mobility Screen (EMS) is a screening test that has been developed at the Sports Science Institute of South Africa. The EMS has been adapted from the FMS by exchanging the Rotatory Stability test for the Seated Rotation test. The current use of screening tools is limited because of the lack of normative data sets that represent the diversity of age, gender and physical activity levels in the general population. Most current published data represent athletes or younger populations. By establishing the relationship between screening outcomes and variables such as age, gender and physical activity level, the effectiveness of screening tests may be improved. Aim: To describe associations between EMS scores for males and females across different age groups and levels of physical activity. Objective: To evaluate and compare differences in EMS scores relating to age, gender and physical activity levels. Methods: This was a quantitative study, with a descriptive, correlational design. The sample consisted of 135 males and 127 females between the ages of 18 and 60. The EMS data were collected at the HighPerformance Centre, in the Sports Science Institute of South Africa, Cape Town. Results: There was no difference between the total scores of males and females (median = 17). The two youngest groups (20-30 and 31-40 years) scored the highest (median = 17), while the oldest group (51-60 years) scored the lowest (median = 15). Gender had a significant effect (p < 0.05) on five subtests (Single Leg Hurdle, Shoulder Mobility, Asymmetric Leg Raise, Stability Push Up and Seated Rotation). Age had a significant effect (p < 0.05) on three subtests (Overhead Squat, Single Leg, Hurdle Split Squat). Physical activity level had a significant effect (p < 0.05) with two subtests (Single leg Hurdle and Stability Push Up). Conclusion: Gender, Age and Physical Activity are associated with changes in EMS scores. EMS total scores declined as age increased. While the total scores remain similar between genders, there were clear variations within the different subtests. The oldest participants (51-60 year) scored the lowest throughout all subtests. Males scored higher in the strength components, while females scored higher in the flexibility components. Physical activity levels did not have a clear pattern as expected but still demonstrated association with two subtests. The results add to the sentiment that the focus should move away from the composite scoring system, and towards analyzing individual subtest scores. Future studies should also investigate if subtest scores can be improved by targeted intervention programs.
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The Artist as Creator: The Theory of Art in Du Fu's Poems about PaintingsEdwards, James H 01 January 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Du Fu is one of China's most celebrated and influential poets. His poems about paintings are a highly innovative subset of poems rich with imagery and emotion. Received ideas about these poems fail to account for any role played in them by Du's aesthetic ideas. This study analyses Du's poems about paintings in order to bring to light Du's theory of art. Du's theory of art combines ancient Chinese ideas about aesthetics, literature and the nature of humanity's relationship to the universe. These traditional ideas serve as the foundation for a unique theory. Du's theory of art posits the painter as a higher being whose paintings have magical qualities as a result of his mastery of the craft of painting and the richness of his inner world.
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A geografia de Yi-Fu Tuan: essências e persistências / Yi-Fu Tuan\'s Geography: essences and persistenciesPadua, Leticia Carolina Teixeira 26 September 2013 (has links)
O constante refletir sobre si mesma é uma das mais importantes características da ciência, é desse modo que ela avança e procura compreender novas realidades e tecer novas maneiras de ver o mundo. Nesse contexto, a geografia não poderia se furtar à permanente autoreflexão. Uma das maneiras de percorrer os caminhos que a geografia tem trilhado é buscar conhecer a obra de grandes geógrafos, em especial, daqueles que efetivamente marcam grandes inovações e abrem novos horizontes para a nossa ciência. Esta tese, então, é fruto de uma profunda exploração na geografia de Yi-Fu Tuan, um dos fundadores da geografia humanista. Suas reflexões enriqueceram e, sobretudo, propuseram à geografia a abertura de novas abordagens e temas de análise: às suas mais conhecidas concepções sobre espaço e lugar, somam-se debates sobre os valores, a moral, o escapismo, a bondade, a criação de pets, o cosmopolitismo e ainda a comunidade e o indivíduo. Para um profundo entendimento da obra de Tuan pensamos ser importante, primeiramente, decompor seus elementos constituintes. Assim, trouxemos à luz suas principais influências e matrizes de pensamento, por meio de um extenso levantamento dos autores que cita e as discussões que fomenta entre a fenomenologia-existencialista, o estruturalismo, o humanismo e a própria geografia. A riqueza de seu pensamento é fruto da aguda erudição e de seu livre-pensar. Por isso, procuramos compreender como Tuan trata as essências principais, por meio dos debates e significações acerca do espaço, lugar, paisagem, meio ambiente, tempo, entre outras. Verificamos, ao realizar a leitura da obra que, além das essências, Tuan também tem temas privilegiados que persistem ao longo de seus quase cinquenta e cinco anos de geografia, como percepção, atitudes, comportamento, arte e cultura entre outros. A maneira como o autor os aborda também foi objeto de exposição nesta tese. Ao mesmo tempo, identificamos outros temas-chave, mas que não persistem por toda a sua carreira, eles são ora frutos do jovem Tuan como é o caso do estudo dos aspectos físicos em geografia ora reflexos de uma mente mais amadurecida em um mundo que se globaliza, como por exemplo, na abordagem do progresso ou do placelessness. Então, para que pudéssemos ter a compreensão do percurso da obra e suas temáticas, recompusemos o todo por meio de argumentações acerca de cada um de seus livros, considerados aqui como sínteses ainda que incompletas de seus argumentos. Tuan é sobretudo um humanista, que acredita na educação libertária da mente humana e que compõe toda uma geografia em busca da essência humana. Conhecer, portanto, a geografia, é conhecer a nós mesmos. Desta forma, finalmente, voltamos ao impulso inicial desta tese: compreender que é geografia para um de seus pensadores contemporâneos mais influentes e as contribuições que esta geografia tem para dar ao mundo. / The constant reflection on itself is one of most important characteristic of science, this is the way to develop and search the understanding of new realities and weave the ways of improving the world views. Giving that, geography could not avoid permanent self reflexiveness. One of the ways to pursue the paths in which Geography has been walking is to know great geographers works, especially those who had deeply contributed with highly innovative and broadening new horizons into the geographical science. This thesis, then, is the product of a thorough exploration into Yi-Fu Tuans geography, one of the humanist geography founders. His reflections have enriched and, furthermore, proposed to open geography to new approaches and themes: to his mostly known conceptions about space and place, we add discussions on values, moral, escapism, human goodness, dominance of pets, cosmopolitanism, community and self. To get a deep insight into Tuans work it was necessary to decompose its elements. Therefore, his main influences and matrices of thought were brought to light through an extensive survey into his work, research on the authors whom he quotes over, regarding the discussions he foments amongst Phenomenologyexistentialism, Structuralism, Humanism and Geography itself. The richness of his thoughts is a result of acute erudition and his free-thinking. Therefore, this thesis seeks to comprehend how Tuan copes with the main essences through debates and meanings of space, place, landscape, environment, time, and so on. Through the reading of his work that we verified that, besides to essences, Tuan also has other privileged themes, he has kept debating during his almost fifty five years of geographical study, such as perception, attitudes, behavior, arts and culture, amongst others. The way the author approaches the themes was also explored throughout this thesis. Meanwhile, other key subjects were identified in his work, which, however, are not persistent during his whole career. Among them some are products of the young Tuan as it is the case of the studies on the physical aspects in geography others are reflections of a globalized world over a mature mind, as an example, the approach of progress or placelessness. To achieve the lengthiness of his work and its themes, we chose to review each book, considering that they are syntheses although incomplete of his arguments. Above all, Tuan is a humanist, who believes in the free education of the human mind, and who makes a complete geography in the search of human essence. Knowing geography is, therefore, understanding ourselves. Thus, we finally turn back to the prior impulse of this thesis: understanding what geography is to one of its most influential thinkers and the contributions that this geography has to offer the world.
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Artes marciais chinesas: histórias de vida de mestres brasileiros e as tensões entre a tradição e o modelo esportivo / Chinese martial arts: life histories of brazilian masters and the tensions between tradition and the sports modelTralci Filho, Marcio Antonio 25 June 2014 (has links)
Essa dissertação se propôs a discutir o conceito de tradição, bem como a sua importância, no campo das artes marciais chinesas (Kung Fu) no Brasil. Para tanto, recorri às histórias orais de vida de cinco mestres brasileiros, discípulos de chineses, como fontes primárias para contribuir com essa discussão. Essas narrativas foram cotejadas com os referenciais teóricos a respeito da relação mestre-discípulo, da relação entre tradição e autoridade e de certos momentos da história do Kung Fu, com destaque para o intenso processo de transformação sofrido por essas práticas ao longo do século XX, o que abarcou, inclusive, a migração de alguns mestres para o Brasil. Em concordância com o esboço metodológico proposto por Pierre Bourdieu, a análise desse elemento específico do Kung Fu, a tradição, foi precedida por um delineamento de seu - campo esportivo, o qual revelou que as artes marciais chinesas apresentam, de fato, uma grande dispersão em suas denominações, não somente em relação às suas diversas manifestações, mas também pelas experiências de vida dos mestres de cada denominação e sua relação com questões de classe social, de capital social, de gênero, de raça/etnia e de territorialidade. A respeito da tradição, é unânime a consideração dos entrevistados de que se trata de um elemento fundamental no Kung Fu, sendo que um estilo, escola ou família podem ser denominados tradicionais em razão de sua antiguidade e de sua genealogia. Entretanto, é a justificação da importância do conceito de tradição que demarca dois discursos distintos: o primeiro, remetendo-se à ancestralidade, à fundação e a elementos simbólicos, se volta para a tradição enquanto manutenção do legado dos mestres; o segundo, referendando-se no caráter intrínseco da relação entre mestres e discípulos e em contextualizações histórico-políticas das artes marciais, alude para um processo interpretativo em relação aos elementos considerados tradicionais. Chama a atenção o fato de que ambos os discursos são reticentes em relação ao modelo esportivo, mas sob perspectivas diferentes: se um enfatiza os conteúdos simbólicos e filosóficos em resistência ao tecnicismo, à competitividade e ao apelo estético das manifestações esportivas, o outro pontua as questões que permearam as artes marciais chinesas em relação à dominação política e cultural que sofreram em determinados momentos da história. Desse modo, a presente pesquisa evidenciou que essa circulação de narrativas é relevante para a compreensão do campo esportivo do Kung Fu no Brasil. Além disso, as artes marciais chinesas demonstraram ser um campo privilegiado que permite aos envolvidos entrarem em contato com questões sofisticadas a respeito das relações estreitas que a história, a política, a cultura e a sociedade podem estabelecer com as práticas corporais. Ainda que não sejam nomeados, mitologia e história, sincronia e diacronia, estrutura e transformação, tradição e autoridade são conceitos circulantes caros ao campo esportivo do Kung Fu e que não podem ser negligenciados quando se aborda essa prática de maneira rigorosa e crítica. / This dissertation aimed to discuss the concept of tradition as well as its importance in the field of Chinese martial arts (Kung Fu) in Brazil. To this end, I resorted to the oral life histories of five Brazilian masters, disciples of Chinese ones, as primary sources to contribute to this discussion. These narratives has been confronted with the theoretical background about the master-disciple relationship, the relationship between tradition and authority and certain moments in the history of Kung Fu, especially the intense process of transformation undergone by these practices throughout the twentieth century, which encompassed even the migration of some masters to Brazil. In accordance with the methodological outline proposed by Pierre Bourdieu, the analysis of this particular element of Kung Fu, the tradition, was preceded by a design of its \"sports field\", which revealed that Chinese martial arts have, in fact, a great dispersion in their denominations, not only in relation to their different names and manifestations, but also by the life experiences of the masters of each denomination and its relation to issues of social class, social capital, gender, race/ethnicity and territoriality. Regarding the tradition is unanimous the consideration of the interviewed that it is a fundamental element in Kung Fu, and a style, school or family can be called traditional because of its antiquity and its genealogy. However , is the justification of the importance of the tradition\'s concept that demarcates two distinct discourses: the first, referring to the ancestry, the foundation and symbolic elements, turns to tradition while the maintaining of the masters\' legacy; the second, endorsing on the intrinsic character of the relationship between masters and disciples and the historical and political contextualization of martial arts, refers to an interpretive process in relation to the elements considered traditionals. It calls atention the fact that both discourses are reticent about the sports model but from different perspectives: the first one emphasizes thee symbolic and philosophical content in resistance to the technicality, competitiveness and aesthetic appeal of the sports, the another one points out the issues involved in the Chinese martial arts in relation to political and cultural domination suffered at certain times in it history. Thus, the present study showed that this movement of narratives is relevant for understanding the sports field of Kung Fu in Brazil. Moreover, Chinese martial arts have shown to be a privileged field that allows the subjects involved on it to get in touch with sophisticated issues about the close relations that history, politics, culture and society can be established with body practices. Although not named, mythology and history, synchrony and diachrony, structure and transformation, tradition and authority are circulating concepts valued to the sports field of Kung Fu and that can not be overlooked when discussing this practice rigorously and critically.
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Artes marciais chinesas: histórias de vida de mestres brasileiros e as tensões entre a tradição e o modelo esportivo / Chinese martial arts: life histories of brazilian masters and the tensions between tradition and the sports modelMarcio Antonio Tralci Filho 25 June 2014 (has links)
Essa dissertação se propôs a discutir o conceito de tradição, bem como a sua importância, no campo das artes marciais chinesas (Kung Fu) no Brasil. Para tanto, recorri às histórias orais de vida de cinco mestres brasileiros, discípulos de chineses, como fontes primárias para contribuir com essa discussão. Essas narrativas foram cotejadas com os referenciais teóricos a respeito da relação mestre-discípulo, da relação entre tradição e autoridade e de certos momentos da história do Kung Fu, com destaque para o intenso processo de transformação sofrido por essas práticas ao longo do século XX, o que abarcou, inclusive, a migração de alguns mestres para o Brasil. Em concordância com o esboço metodológico proposto por Pierre Bourdieu, a análise desse elemento específico do Kung Fu, a tradição, foi precedida por um delineamento de seu - campo esportivo, o qual revelou que as artes marciais chinesas apresentam, de fato, uma grande dispersão em suas denominações, não somente em relação às suas diversas manifestações, mas também pelas experiências de vida dos mestres de cada denominação e sua relação com questões de classe social, de capital social, de gênero, de raça/etnia e de territorialidade. A respeito da tradição, é unânime a consideração dos entrevistados de que se trata de um elemento fundamental no Kung Fu, sendo que um estilo, escola ou família podem ser denominados tradicionais em razão de sua antiguidade e de sua genealogia. Entretanto, é a justificação da importância do conceito de tradição que demarca dois discursos distintos: o primeiro, remetendo-se à ancestralidade, à fundação e a elementos simbólicos, se volta para a tradição enquanto manutenção do legado dos mestres; o segundo, referendando-se no caráter intrínseco da relação entre mestres e discípulos e em contextualizações histórico-políticas das artes marciais, alude para um processo interpretativo em relação aos elementos considerados tradicionais. Chama a atenção o fato de que ambos os discursos são reticentes em relação ao modelo esportivo, mas sob perspectivas diferentes: se um enfatiza os conteúdos simbólicos e filosóficos em resistência ao tecnicismo, à competitividade e ao apelo estético das manifestações esportivas, o outro pontua as questões que permearam as artes marciais chinesas em relação à dominação política e cultural que sofreram em determinados momentos da história. Desse modo, a presente pesquisa evidenciou que essa circulação de narrativas é relevante para a compreensão do campo esportivo do Kung Fu no Brasil. Além disso, as artes marciais chinesas demonstraram ser um campo privilegiado que permite aos envolvidos entrarem em contato com questões sofisticadas a respeito das relações estreitas que a história, a política, a cultura e a sociedade podem estabelecer com as práticas corporais. Ainda que não sejam nomeados, mitologia e história, sincronia e diacronia, estrutura e transformação, tradição e autoridade são conceitos circulantes caros ao campo esportivo do Kung Fu e que não podem ser negligenciados quando se aborda essa prática de maneira rigorosa e crítica. / This dissertation aimed to discuss the concept of tradition as well as its importance in the field of Chinese martial arts (Kung Fu) in Brazil. To this end, I resorted to the oral life histories of five Brazilian masters, disciples of Chinese ones, as primary sources to contribute to this discussion. These narratives has been confronted with the theoretical background about the master-disciple relationship, the relationship between tradition and authority and certain moments in the history of Kung Fu, especially the intense process of transformation undergone by these practices throughout the twentieth century, which encompassed even the migration of some masters to Brazil. In accordance with the methodological outline proposed by Pierre Bourdieu, the analysis of this particular element of Kung Fu, the tradition, was preceded by a design of its \"sports field\", which revealed that Chinese martial arts have, in fact, a great dispersion in their denominations, not only in relation to their different names and manifestations, but also by the life experiences of the masters of each denomination and its relation to issues of social class, social capital, gender, race/ethnicity and territoriality. Regarding the tradition is unanimous the consideration of the interviewed that it is a fundamental element in Kung Fu, and a style, school or family can be called traditional because of its antiquity and its genealogy. However , is the justification of the importance of the tradition\'s concept that demarcates two distinct discourses: the first, referring to the ancestry, the foundation and symbolic elements, turns to tradition while the maintaining of the masters\' legacy; the second, endorsing on the intrinsic character of the relationship between masters and disciples and the historical and political contextualization of martial arts, refers to an interpretive process in relation to the elements considered traditionals. It calls atention the fact that both discourses are reticent about the sports model but from different perspectives: the first one emphasizes thee symbolic and philosophical content in resistance to the technicality, competitiveness and aesthetic appeal of the sports, the another one points out the issues involved in the Chinese martial arts in relation to political and cultural domination suffered at certain times in it history. Thus, the present study showed that this movement of narratives is relevant for understanding the sports field of Kung Fu in Brazil. Moreover, Chinese martial arts have shown to be a privileged field that allows the subjects involved on it to get in touch with sophisticated issues about the close relations that history, politics, culture and society can be established with body practices. Although not named, mythology and history, synchrony and diachrony, structure and transformation, tradition and authority are circulating concepts valued to the sports field of Kung Fu and that can not be overlooked when discussing this practice rigorously and critically.
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潛夫論政治思想研究 / The Political Thought About Qian Fu Lun游世揚, Yu-shih Yang January 1997 (has links)
關鍵字:王符、潛夫論、東漢政治 / Wang Fu was a political commentator of East Han Dynasty. His book “Qian Fu Lun” described the politics, economy, and social norms at that time with rich content. Fan Hua suggested in his “Post Han Book” that Wang used criticism to ridicule the gain and loss at that time, and observed the politics, indicating that Wang’s Qian Fu Lun” was important to the study of historiography of East Han.
This paper, based on the records in “Qian Fu Lun” and political problems during East Han, extended the historical facts recorded in “Qian Fu Lun” and compared the data with the contents in other two records of Han history, in order to organize the political thoughts expressed in Wang’s “Qian Fu Lun”. Chapter 2 introduces Wang Fu and his “Qian Fu Lun”, including his biography, experience, origin of thoughts, and compilation and contents of “Qian Fu Lun”. Chapter 3 discusses the political problems of East Han reflected in “Qian Fu Lun”, from the perspectives of the origin of political thoughts in East Han, and political and social norms. Chapter 4 presents the five political theories of Wang Fu, which are practicality, emphasis on the laws, advocacy of morals, recruitment of virtuous personnel, and solidifying the borderline. The main characteristic of Wang’s political theories is its realism. Therefore, this chapter also discusses the criticisms and suggestions proposed by Wang in his “Qian Fu Lun” concerning the political situation and social norms during East Han Dynasty. Chapter 5 is the conclusion, and expounds the time values of the political problems and thoughts reflected in “Qian Fu Lun”.
Keywords: Wang Fu, Qian Fu Lun, politics in East Han / 摘要 I
Abstract II
目錄 III
表目錄 IV
第壹章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機 1
第二節 文獻探討 2
第貳章 王符生平、思想淵源及著作 5
第一節 王符生平 5
(一)關於生卒年 6
(二)關於生平 9
第二節 王符的思想淵源 15
第三節《潛夫論》撰作時間與內容 19
第參章 東漢初年的政治問題 23
第一節 中央政府的腐敗 23
(一) 外戚宦官交替專權: 23
(二) 統治集團內部殘殺: 30
(三) 吏治腐敗,豪族地主勢力膨脹與農民起義 31
第二節 重利浮奢敗壞社會風氣 34
第三節 赦宥頻繁 40
第四節 東漢中後期邊疆形勢 48
第五節 《潛夫論》之思想背景 53
第肆章 王符《潛夫論》的政治思想及其貢獻 56
第一節 五大政治理論:務本、重法、德化、用賢、實邊 57
第二節 民為邦本,以民為基 76
第三節 選賢舉能,考名責實 83
第四節 重視邊防、禦寇實邊 90
第伍章 結論 101
參考文獻 104
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A geografia de Yi-Fu Tuan: essências e persistências / Yi-Fu Tuan\'s Geography: essences and persistenciesLeticia Carolina Teixeira Padua 26 September 2013 (has links)
O constante refletir sobre si mesma é uma das mais importantes características da ciência, é desse modo que ela avança e procura compreender novas realidades e tecer novas maneiras de ver o mundo. Nesse contexto, a geografia não poderia se furtar à permanente autoreflexão. Uma das maneiras de percorrer os caminhos que a geografia tem trilhado é buscar conhecer a obra de grandes geógrafos, em especial, daqueles que efetivamente marcam grandes inovações e abrem novos horizontes para a nossa ciência. Esta tese, então, é fruto de uma profunda exploração na geografia de Yi-Fu Tuan, um dos fundadores da geografia humanista. Suas reflexões enriqueceram e, sobretudo, propuseram à geografia a abertura de novas abordagens e temas de análise: às suas mais conhecidas concepções sobre espaço e lugar, somam-se debates sobre os valores, a moral, o escapismo, a bondade, a criação de pets, o cosmopolitismo e ainda a comunidade e o indivíduo. Para um profundo entendimento da obra de Tuan pensamos ser importante, primeiramente, decompor seus elementos constituintes. Assim, trouxemos à luz suas principais influências e matrizes de pensamento, por meio de um extenso levantamento dos autores que cita e as discussões que fomenta entre a fenomenologia-existencialista, o estruturalismo, o humanismo e a própria geografia. A riqueza de seu pensamento é fruto da aguda erudição e de seu livre-pensar. Por isso, procuramos compreender como Tuan trata as essências principais, por meio dos debates e significações acerca do espaço, lugar, paisagem, meio ambiente, tempo, entre outras. Verificamos, ao realizar a leitura da obra que, além das essências, Tuan também tem temas privilegiados que persistem ao longo de seus quase cinquenta e cinco anos de geografia, como percepção, atitudes, comportamento, arte e cultura entre outros. A maneira como o autor os aborda também foi objeto de exposição nesta tese. Ao mesmo tempo, identificamos outros temas-chave, mas que não persistem por toda a sua carreira, eles são ora frutos do jovem Tuan como é o caso do estudo dos aspectos físicos em geografia ora reflexos de uma mente mais amadurecida em um mundo que se globaliza, como por exemplo, na abordagem do progresso ou do placelessness. Então, para que pudéssemos ter a compreensão do percurso da obra e suas temáticas, recompusemos o todo por meio de argumentações acerca de cada um de seus livros, considerados aqui como sínteses ainda que incompletas de seus argumentos. Tuan é sobretudo um humanista, que acredita na educação libertária da mente humana e que compõe toda uma geografia em busca da essência humana. Conhecer, portanto, a geografia, é conhecer a nós mesmos. Desta forma, finalmente, voltamos ao impulso inicial desta tese: compreender que é geografia para um de seus pensadores contemporâneos mais influentes e as contribuições que esta geografia tem para dar ao mundo. / The constant reflection on itself is one of most important characteristic of science, this is the way to develop and search the understanding of new realities and weave the ways of improving the world views. Giving that, geography could not avoid permanent self reflexiveness. One of the ways to pursue the paths in which Geography has been walking is to know great geographers works, especially those who had deeply contributed with highly innovative and broadening new horizons into the geographical science. This thesis, then, is the product of a thorough exploration into Yi-Fu Tuans geography, one of the humanist geography founders. His reflections have enriched and, furthermore, proposed to open geography to new approaches and themes: to his mostly known conceptions about space and place, we add discussions on values, moral, escapism, human goodness, dominance of pets, cosmopolitanism, community and self. To get a deep insight into Tuans work it was necessary to decompose its elements. Therefore, his main influences and matrices of thought were brought to light through an extensive survey into his work, research on the authors whom he quotes over, regarding the discussions he foments amongst Phenomenologyexistentialism, Structuralism, Humanism and Geography itself. The richness of his thoughts is a result of acute erudition and his free-thinking. Therefore, this thesis seeks to comprehend how Tuan copes with the main essences through debates and meanings of space, place, landscape, environment, time, and so on. Through the reading of his work that we verified that, besides to essences, Tuan also has other privileged themes, he has kept debating during his almost fifty five years of geographical study, such as perception, attitudes, behavior, arts and culture, amongst others. The way the author approaches the themes was also explored throughout this thesis. Meanwhile, other key subjects were identified in his work, which, however, are not persistent during his whole career. Among them some are products of the young Tuan as it is the case of the studies on the physical aspects in geography others are reflections of a globalized world over a mature mind, as an example, the approach of progress or placelessness. To achieve the lengthiness of his work and its themes, we chose to review each book, considering that they are syntheses although incomplete of his arguments. Above all, Tuan is a humanist, who believes in the free education of the human mind, and who makes a complete geography in the search of human essence. Knowing geography is, therefore, understanding ourselves. Thus, we finally turn back to the prior impulse of this thesis: understanding what geography is to one of its most influential thinkers and the contributions that this geography has to offer the world.
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