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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Numerous Forms of Occam’s Razor and their Effect on Philosophy of Mind

O'Neal, Mikayla L 01 January 2016 (has links)
In the first chapter of this paper I focus on the general overview of Occam's Razor, and develop several interpretations and adaptations of Occam's Razor as a principle of simplicity. In the second chapter I apply these different interpretations in the Physicalism/Dualism debate, and critically assess the validity of these implementations of Occam's Razor in philosophy of mind. In the final chapter I give an overview of my discussion thus far, and make assertions about what my paper means for the usage of Occam's Razor's as a whole.

Being-human in the world of digital artifacts: holistic rethinking of design practices

Lakew, Nathan January 2016 (has links)
This  thesis  conducts  a  philosophical,  theoretical, and  practical  exploration  of digital technology design to examine how digital technologies can fulfill our two-facet of existentiality – identified in the thesis as belonginess and novelty. By belonginess, I identify human’s innate need for a feeling of connectedness and harmony with the self, others, and the natural world. The word novelty implies the human interest in exploration, invention, and desire for new experiences. This research suggests that contemporary  digital  technologies  are  largely  novelty  need-oriented,  while  our belonginess  need  is  either  ignored  or  its  growth  curtailed.  The  research  question presented in this thesis is how and why can design enable digital technologies to mediate aligned  existentiality?  With  this  broad  question,  I  will  argue  that  an  alignment between digital technologies and our two-facet of existentiality can be met through refocused design practices.  Strong arguments have been forwarded that novelty focused digital technologies can reduce our existential  needs of belonginess. Digital technologies are leading consumerist  commodities  associated  with  creating  unrelenting  demand  for  new experiences.  The  search  for  constant  stimulation  and  novelty  has  resulted  in  a fragmented and alienated state of being-human where the only way of feeling a sense of belonging comes from consuming more novel experiences. As contemporary everyday life is increasingly intertwined with digital technologies, their effect on our way of being-human becomes even more notable.  Against  this  background,  the  research  attempts  to  ‘bring  back’  our  needs  of belonginess to an equal footing with novelty in digital technologies. I have examined the  current  digital  technology  design’s  philosophical,  theoretical,  and  practical foundations  to  refocus  design,  from  its  too  strong focus  on  developing  novelty experiences  to  mediating  aligned  existentiality.  With  the  aim  of  refocusing  the design  role,  a  theoretical  framework  based  on  holism  has  emerged  that  could provide design a background to focus on mediating aligned existentiality. Primarily ivinformed by three thinkers – Marin Heidegger, Karl Marx, and John Dewey – the proposed holistic theoretical framework aims to provide design with a basis to (1) embed belonginess values in digital technologies (2) redirect digital technologies from  alienating  values  such  as  consumerism,  and  (3)  provide  a  mediating materiality for digital technologies to advance aligned existentiality while in use. The  thesis  further  illustrates  the  proposed  holistic  dimensions  –  philosophy, theory, and practice – using three empirical materials. I argue that the proposed holistic foundation for design is also aligned with how digital technologies are being used in the everyday lifeworld. Consequently, by freeing design from its traditional responsibility of making technically savvy and novel artifacts and refocusing its role to mediating aligned existentiality, design can itself be used to support our being-human in the world of digital artifacts. / <p>Vid tidpunkten för disputationen var följande delarbeten opublicerade: delarbete 8 accepterat, delarbete 9 under granskning.</p><p>At the time of the doctoral defence the following papers were unpublished: paper 8 accepted, paper 9 under review.</p>

Itálie: ekonomika a regiony v kontextu EU / Italy: Economy and Regions in EU Context

Buchtelová, Martina January 2010 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is the analysis of the position of Italy from the socio-economic point of view in the EU in context of its most important aspect -- differentiation of the regions of North-Centre and South. The thesis is divided into three chapters. The first chapter deals with the comparative profile of Italy in EU including the causes and the development of the Italian social and economic specifics -- the high public debt, the slow economic growth rate and labour market problems. The basic macroeconomic and labour market indicators are used to determine the position of Italy in EU. The second chapter is aimed at the analysis of the primary causes, development and the current state of the Italian dualism on a theoretical level. The third chapter is dedicated to the description of Italian dualism by means of the concrete socio-economic indicators and deals with the comparison on the regional level. The part of this chapter deals with the efectiveness of application of EU regional policy in Italy.

Om fenomenell kunskap och Förmågehypotesen : Information eller förmåga – vad lär vi oss när vi får en ny upplevelse? / On phenomenal knowledge and the Ability Hypothesis : Information or ability – what do we learn upon having a new experience?

Bergqvist Karlsson, Daniel January 2019 (has links)
Fysikalism ifråga om vårt upplevande – fenomenella – medvetande; att det är helt och enbartfysiskt, står i kontrast till olika former av dualism, som säger att medvetandet inte helt låter sigreduceras till det fysiska.Frank Jackson har presenterat det så kallade kunskapsargumentet mot fysikalism. Eftersom vilär oss något nytt då vi får en ny upplevelse, och eftersom detta inte kan läras på något annatsätt än att själv erfara upplevelsen, så drar kunskapsargumentet slutsatsen att det finns ickefysiskafakta om världen, och att fysikalismen därför är falsk.Förmågehypotesen (eng. the Ability Hypothesis) är ett svar på detta argument som lagts framav David Lewis och Laurence Nemirow. De menar att det vi lär oss då vi får en ny upplevelseinte är något annat än vissa förmågor, och därför är kunskapsargumentets slutsats att det finnsicke-fysiska fakta om världen falsk.Syftet med föreliggande uppsats är att undersöka om Förmågehypotesen utgör ett hållbartförsvar för fysikalismen mot kunskapsargumentet. För att genomföra detta utvärderar jag feminvändningar mot Förmågehypotesen och de svar på dessa som Nemirow anför. Jag kommeratt argumentera för att två av dessa invändningar pekar på problem med Förmågehypotesensom inte låter sig lösas, och därför drar jag slutsatsen att Förmågehypotesen inte lyckas försvarafysikalismen mot Jacksons kunskapsargument. / Physicalism concerning the phenomenal consciousness; the view that it is entirely physical,stands in contrast with various versions of dualism, which claims that consciousness isirreducibly non-physical.Frank Jackson has presented the so-called knowledge argument against physicalism. Becausewe do learn something new upon having a new experience, and because this something cannotbe learned any other way than to have the experience, the knowledge argument concludes thatthere are non-physical facts about the world. Hence, physicalism is false.The Ability Hypothesis is a response to the knowledge argument presented by David Lewis andLaurence Nemirow. They argue that what we learn upon having a new experience is nothingbut a set of abilities. Hence, the conclusion of the knowledge argument that there are nonphysicalfacts about the world, is false.The aim of this paper is to investigate whether the Ability Hypothesis constitutes a viabledefense for physicalism against the knowledge argument. To accomplish this, I evaluate fiveobjections that have been raised against the Ability Hypothesis and the answers to thesepresented by Nemirow. I will argue that two of these objections point to problems with theAbility Hypothesis which cannot be solved, and I therefore conclude that the Ability Hypothesisis unable to defend physicalism against Jacksons knowledge argument

Hur smart är AI? : En undersökning av möjligheten av intelligenta maskiner / How smart is AI? : An examination of the possibility of intelligent machines

Loos, Leonard January 2019 (has links)
The reemergence of artificial intelligence during the last 30 years has introduced severalforms of weak AI to our everyday lives, be it in our smartphones or how the weather ispredicted. Modern approaches to AI, using methods like neural networks and machinelearning, also feel confident about creating strong AI, intelligence that is human-like orsuperior to humans. In this thesis, I discover the philosophical premises of artificialintelligence, how the research program views the mind and what implications this has for theform of intelligence that is being constructed. Furthermore, I derive at several criteria thatneed to be met to qualify a system as intelligent. To cover this rather wide field, the works ofHubert Dreyfus, an early commentator on AI, and David Chalmers, one of the most widelyread philosophers of mind, are interrogated about their views on human intelligence and howsuch a theory relates to the possibility of intelligent machines.Key

Jungfruns andra natur: Magna Mater, Moder Natur och Mamma Maggan : En religionshistorisk studie med inslag av religionspsykologi om Maria och hennes alter Marior i ´feministisk generationsklyfta´

Dunér, Veronika January 2019 (has links)
Jungfruns andra natur: Magna Mater, Mamma Maggan och Moder Natur är en religionshistorisk studie med inslag av religionspsykologi som genom en hermeneutisk metod undersöker Maria i debattserien ´feministisk generationsklyfta´ mellan åren 2008 och 2017. Debatten utvecklades efter Mariautställningen på Historiska museet i Stockholm, Maria – drömmen om kvinnan, 2008. Genom en deduktiv ansats analyseras det empiriska materialet utifrån teorier om heligt och profant samt dualism och dialog. Frågeställningarna handlar om varför och på vilket sätt Maria framställs som en immanent och/eller transcendent gestalt och om debattörerna ansåg att Maria var relevant eller icke-relevant för kvinnor idag.   Ett centralt tema i ´feministisk generationsklyfta´ var en ”systerstrid” mellan likarts- och särartsfeminism. Studien visar emellertid att distinktionen mellan religion och feminism, katolicism och protestantism inte var självklar. En av debattörerna, en av grundarna till Feministiskt initiativ, upphöjde Maria, Gud och Nya testamentets kärleksbudskap. Medan den som var präst förordade att moderna röster, sekulära och feminister, skulle ta Maria i anspråk och föra henne ut ur de kyrkliga rummen. Och den som sade sig komma med ”nyläsning”, skrev utan bibelreferenser. Hon utgick istället från sin egna upplevelser och känslor. Gemensamt för de tre debattörerna var att de levandegjorde Maria på var sitt sätt, kristen som sekulär, helig som profan, universell som privat. Genom att använda, för studien det konstruerade begreppet, ´alter Maria´, vidgades narrativen och gestaltningarna. Alter Mariorna förtydligade både relationer i tid och rum samt outtalade eller underliggande personliga pronomen. Ju mer himmelsk Maria, desto mer universell. Ju mer jordisk Maria, desto mer privat och intim. Under debattens olika lager representerade Mariagestalten kvinnans plats i kosmos. Marias moderskap betraktades antingen som kvinnans styrka eller svaghet. Bebådelsen representerade synen på sexualitet i förhållande till Gud. Marias relevans för kvinnor idag stod i relation till hennes ägande av sin kropp och sitt ja. I nöd eller lust. / The Virgin´s Other Nature: Magna Mater, Mother Nature and Mother Maggan is a religious historical study of Mary and her alter Mary’s. The empirical material is the debate called "feminist generational division" (2009-2017) that followed the exhibition, Mary - the dream of the woman at the Historical Museum in Stockholm 2008. The purpose of this study is to examine through hermeneutic method why and how Mary was portrayed as an immanent and/or transcendent figure and whether the debaters considers Mary as relevant or not for women today. The study shows that there were other fundamental divisions beside a modern feminist crisis of “sister struggle” between essentialist and constructivist feminism. Analyzing through the theories of holy and profane, dualism and dialog Mary represented women's place in cosmos. The degree of relevance had connection with the view of Mays maternity as women’s either strength or weakness, while the Annunciation represented the sexuality in relation to the immanent and transcendent language.

Själen : i samtida kristen teologi / The Soul : in contemporary Christian theology

Karlsson, Jenny January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

L'union de l'âme et du corps dans la philosophie de Descartes / The union of the mind and the body in the phislosophy of Descartes

Toyooka, Megumi 27 September 2018 (has links)
Descartes admet simultanément deux thèses : la distinction réelle de l’âme et du corps, pensées comme deux substances séparées, d’une part, et leur union substantielle de l’autre. Comment ces deux substances, radicalement distinctes, peuvent-elles être unies ? Dans l'histoire de la philosophie, la métaphysique cartésienne est comprise comme un dualisme, distinguant radicalement la substance pensante et la substance étendue, donc l’âme et le corps. Ma thèse conduit à renverser une telle représentation grâce à la considération de la correspondance avec Elisabeth. Elle montre que sa conception des relations entre l’âme et le corps est plus complexe qu’on ne le pense souvent, et montre aussi comment sa philosophie réussit à assurer la compatibilité de sa métaphysique, de sa philosophie naturelle et de sa philosophie pratique. La pensée cartésienne s’adresse ainsi aux hommes, non seulement dans leur réflexion métaphysique,mais aussi dans leur expérience de la vie. / Descartes simultaneously admits two theses: one is the real distinction between mind and bodythought as two separate substances, and the other is their substantial union. How can these two radically distinct substances be united? In the history of philosophy, Cartesian metaphysics is understood as a dualism, radically distinguishing the thinking substance and the extended substance, therefore the mind and the body. The aim of my thesis is to reverse such are presentation by the grace of the consideration of correspondence with Elisabeth. She shows that his conception of mind-body relations is more complex than is often thought, and also shows how his philosophy succeeds in ensuring the compatibility between his metaphysics, his natural philosophy and his practical philosophy. Cartesian thought is thus addressed to a human being, not only in their metaphysical reflection, but also in their experience of life.


Perham, John 01 March 2016 (has links)
This thesis investigates the multiple readings that arise when the division between the biological and technological is interrupted--here abjection is key because the 
binary between abjection and gadgetry gives multiple meanings to other binaries, including male/female. Using David Cronenberg’s Videodrome and eXistenZ, I argue that multiple readings arise because of people’s participation with electronically mediated technology. Indeed, abjection is salient because Cronenberg’s films present an ambivalent relationship between people and technology; this relationship is often an uneasy one because technology changes people on both a somatic and cognitive level.

Vojenská otázka v rakousko-uherské politice na přelomu století / Army question in Austo-Hungarian politics at the turn of centuries

Benda, Peter January 2019 (has links)
This thesis deals with the political crisis in Hungary (and by extension Austria-Hungary as a whole) at the turn of centuries. Attempts to modernize the armed forces and increase their size led, especially in Hungary, to a broad discussion about relations between the army and the nation and the position of Hungary within the monarchy. Thesis describes basic characteristics of political development in relation to the army question during years 1902-1912, its actors, their aims, motivations and results. Keywords: Austria-Hungary, compromise, dualism, army, crisis

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