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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Relativvärdebaserad investeringsstrategi i industriföretag : Fungerar det och varför kan det fungera? / Relative value based investment strategy in industrial companies : Does it work and why does it work?

Aschan, Robert, Gustafsson, Mathias January 2011 (has links)
Flera tidigare studier har visat att det går att generera överavkastning genom att investera i aktier baserat på olika nyckeltal. Genom relativvärdering ställs företag i relation mot varandra för hitta indikationer på under- eller övervärdering. För att bidra ytterligare till den redan existerande forskningen fokuserar författarna till studien på en specifik bransch, industribranschen. Genom en branschindelning bör jämförbarheten öka mellan nyckeltal. Syftet med studien är att undersöka huruvida det är möjligt att generera överavkastning genom att investera i undervärderade aktier i industribranschen enligt nyckeltalen P/E, DY och P/BV. Resultatet kommer att härledas till och diskuteras utifrån teorier inom Behavioral Finance, för att förstå och förklara resultatet. Undersökningen baseras på en kvantitativ metod där tre nyckeltal har undersökts. Fem portföljer har skapats för respektive nyckeltal under tidsperioden 2001-2010. Vidare har allmänt publicerade rekommendationer samt förändringar i nyckeltalen i extremportföljerna undersökts för att bidra till en underliggande förklaring av resultatet. Studiens resultat stödjer tidigare forskning och vi kan visa att samtliga värdeportföljer presterar bättre än motsvarande tillväxtportföljer för de tre nyckeltalen. Störst överavkastning ger portföljer baserat på ett lågt P/BV. Vi har kunnat statistiskt säkerställa överavkastning mellan värde- och tillväxtportfölj för nyckeltalen P/E och P/BV. Effekten existerar alltså även i en specifik bransch och industribranschen visade upp en starkare effekt än tidigare studier där hela marknaden har undersökts. Vidare drar vi slutsatsen att överoptimistiska analyser leder till för höga förväntningar och i kombination med ett flockbeteende bland investerare är detta en förklarande faktor till studiens resultat. / Previous studies have shown the possibility to generate excess returns through investing in stocks based on multiples. A strategy called relative valuation, where companies are compared to one another, aims to find signs of under- or overvaluation. To support existing research, the authors of this study focus on a specific sector, the industrial sector. Supposedly by focusing on one sector the comparability improves. The purpose of the study is to investigate whether it’s possible to generate excess return through investing in undervalued stocks in the industrial sector, according to the multiples P/E, DY and P/BV. Theories from Behavioral Finance will be used to explain, and understand, the result. The study is based on a quantitative method to examine three multiples. During the period 2001-2010 five portfolios were created for each multiple. Publically published recommendations and the change in multiples for the outlying portfolios have been examined to support the explanation for the results. This study supports previous research and shows that, according to the three used multiples, value portfolios perform better than corresponding growth portfolios. The portfolio based on a low P/BV achieves the highest excess return. We can statistically prove that the value portfolios for P/E and P/BV achieve excess returns over their corresponding growth portfolios. The anomaly also exists in a specific sector and the industrial sector proved to have a stronger effect compared to previous studies with a full market research. We can also see that the analyses are overly optimistic and that this leads to high expectations. This in combination with the behavior of herding is a factor explaining the result of the study.

Studies of rare earth oxidation reactions by laser ablation techniques and emission spectroscopy.

Huang, Tzu-Tsang 29 July 2002 (has links)

Device characterization and reliability of Dysprosium (Dy) incorporated HfO₂ CMOS devices and its application to high-k NAND flash memory

Lee, Tackhwi 07 February 2011 (has links)
Dy-incorporated HfO₂ gate oxide with TaN gate electrode nMOS device has been developed for high performance CMOS applications in 22nm node technology. DyO /HfO bi-layer structure shows thin EOT with reduced leakage current and less charge trapping compared to HfO₂. Excellent electrical performance of the DyO-capped HfO₂ oxide n-MOSFET such as lower V[subscript TH], higher drive current, and improved channel electron mobility are reported. DyO/HfO samples also show better immunity for V[subscript TH] instability and less severe charge trapping characteristics. Its charge trapping characteristics, conduction mechanisms and dielectric reliability have been investigated in this work. As an application to memory device, HfON charge trapping layered NAND flash memory is developed and characterized. First, temperature-dependent Dy diffusion and the diffusion-driven Dy dipole formation process are discussed to clarify the origin of V[subscript TH] shift, and eventually modulate the effective work function in Dy-Hf-O/SiO₂ system. The Dy-induced dipoles are closely related to the Dy-silicate formation at the high-k/SiO₂ interfaces since the V[subscript FB] shift in Dy₂O₃ is caused by the dipole and coincides with the Dy-silicate formation. Dipole formation is a thermally activated process, and more dipoles are formed at a higher temperature with a given Dy content. The Dy-silicate related bonding structure at the interface is associated with the strength of the Dy dipole moment, and becomes dominant in controlling the V[subscript FB]/V[scubscript TH] shift during high temperature annealing in the Dy- Hf-O/SiO₂ gate oxide system. Dy-induced dipole reduces the degradation of the electron mobility. Second, to understand the reduced leakage current of the DyO/HfO sample, the effective barrier height of Dy₂O₃ was calculated from FN tunneling models, and the band diagram was estimated. The higher effective barrier height of Dy₂O₃, which is around 2.32 eV calculated from the F-N plot, accounts for the reduced leakage current in Dy incorporated HfO₂ nMOS devices. The lower barrier height of HfO₂ result in increased electron tunneling currents enhanced by the buildup of hole charges trapped in the oxide, which causes a severe increase of stress-induced leakage current (SILC), leading to oxide breakdown. However, the increased barrier height in Dy incorporated HfO₂ inhibits a further increase of the electron tunneling from the TaN gate, and trapped holes lessen the hole tunneling currents, resulting in a negligible SILC. The lower trap generation rate by the reduced hole trap density and the reduced hole tunneling of the Dy-doped HfO₂ dielectric demonstrates the high dielectric breakdown strength by weakening the charge trapping and defect generation during the stress. Based on these fundamental studies of the dielectric breakdown, modeling of time-dependent dielectric breakdown (TDDB) was done. The intrinsic TDDB of the Dy-doped HfO₂ gate oxide having 1 nm EOT is characterized by the progressive breakdown (PBD) model. At high temperature, the PBD becomes severe, since thermal energy causes carrier hopping between the localized weak spots. The voltage acceleration factor derived from the power law shows a realistic prediction in comparison with those from the 1/E model. The increase of the voltage acceleration factor at lower stress voltage is due to the lower trap generation rate in Dy- incorporated HfO₂. This voltage acceleration factor can be easily extended to include temperature dependency, and the effective activation energy derived from the power law is voltage dependent. Lastly, I studied the device characteristics of thin HfON charge-trap layer nonvolatile memory in a TaN/Al₂O₃/HfON/SiO₂/p-Si (TANOS) structure. A large memory window and fast erase speed, as well as good retention time, were achieved by using the NH₃ nitridation technique to incorporate nitrogen into the thin HfO₂ layer, which causes a high electron-trap density in the HfON layer. The higher dielectric constant of the HfON charge-trap layer induces a higher electric field in the tunneling oxide at the same voltage compared to non-nitrided films and, thus, creates a high Fowler-Nordheim (FN) tunneling current to increase the erase and programming speed. The trap-level energy in the HfON layer was calculated by using an amphoteric model. / text

博報堂DY組織轉型與商業模式創新個案研究 / Case Study of Hakuhodo DY's Transformation & Innovative Business Model

史翔升, Shih, Hsiang Sheng Unknown Date (has links)
由於台灣的內需市場小,註定了本土企業成長過程中角逐國際市場的命運,在過去也因為他們的努力而打造出台灣的經濟奇蹟。然而隨著國內外市場需求的改變、台灣社會發展的階段演進以及國際情勢的變遷,本土企業面臨前所未有的成長瓶頸,再加上先進國家的集團擴張或開發中國家的新企業崛起,形成了本土企業的嚴峻挑戰。 以廣告產業為例,歐美集團不斷併購競爭者並且壟斷媒體資源,威脅著包含台灣在內的各地廣告廠商。然而,日本的博報堂DY有著結合當地不同規模廣告相關企業之全新競合與營運模式,為彼此的轉型成長刻畫出一線生機。 本研究以博報堂DY作為個案,探討組織轉型策略與計畫,以及商業模式之創新。其透過重新設計的組織架構與資源整合管理系統,打造出有效的競合模式並激發集團的廣告與行銷創意能量,轉型為完整行銷解決方案公司;2009年與2014年兩個為期五年的中期商業計畫,提升關鍵媒體資源的整合管理能力,同時藉由策略單位不斷進行併購與策略結盟以獲取新興數位科技之應用技術與開發能力,補足日本廣告公司長久以來在數位廣告與行銷上的缺失。 根據個案分析創新轉型計畫整理出以下結論:刪減成本未必是組織復甦的首要步驟、定義核心能力以競爭激勵創新以合作創造價值、靈活變換合作模式以設計出最適合客戶的解決方案、組織變革的成功經驗能引發合作契機導致加乘轉型效果、適時調整商業模式要素方能幫助企業永續發展。 本研究期望幫助本土企業彼此轉型合作,打造競爭優勢、開創永續未來。

An Investigation On The Effect Of Structural And Microstructural Attributes On Magnetostriction Of Tb-Dy-Fe And Fe-Ga Alloys

Palit, Mithun 07 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Giant magnetostrictive RFe2 type (R represents rare earths) intermetallics form an important class of magnetic materials keeping in view of their potential applications as sensors and/ or actuators. In this thesis, one such mixed rare earth compound (Tb,Dy)Fe2 has been chosen for investigations. Being a technologically important material system, several investigations concerning physical and magnetic properties of the material and effect of processing parameters on magnetic properties have been reported in the available literature. However, existing literature does not provide a clear insight into some important aspects such as phase equilibria, evolution of texture and microstructure of directionally solidified Tb-Dy-Fe alloys. Therefore, the present work was undertaken to bring out tangible process-structure-property correlations with an emphasis to clarify the grey areas in the available literature. The investigation on the nature of ternary phase equilibria of Tb-Dy-Fe was taken up with an aim to understand the effect of Tb/Dy ratio on phase equilibria and magnetic properties of TbxDy1-xFe1.95 (x=0-1) alloys. Microstructural and micro-chemical analysis along with study of lattice parameter has been used to predict the nature of phase equilibria and the deviation from the assumed pseudo-binary behaviour. Further, from the microstructural investigations and study of lattice parameter and Curie temperature, a schematic sketch of a section of the ternary diagram, where (Tb,Dy) / Fe =1.95, was formulated and presented. Directional solidification technique is the most widely adopted method for processing the (Tb,Dy)Fe2, to impart grain orientation for practical applications. Therefore, it was aimed in the present study to understand the evolution of texture and microstructure in directionally solidified Tb0.3Dy0.7Fe1.95 alloy by modified Bridgman and zone melting techniques. The alloy was directionally solidified by modified Bridgman technique with a series of growth rates 5 - 100 cm/h, at a constant temperature gradient of 150oC/ cm. Microstructural investigation revealed formation of island banding at lower growth rate and peritectic coupled growth at higher growth rates. The texture study indicated a transition of growth texture from <113> to <110> and finally to <112> with increase of growth rate. A mechanism based on atomic attachment kinetics is proposed to explain the orientation selection with growth rate. The texture and microstructure have been correlated with magnetostriction and static strain co-efficient (dλ/dH) of the Bridgman solidified alloys. The solidification morphology observed in Bridgman solidified samples was found to be mostly plane front. Therefore, in order to understand the microstructure and texture evolution in cellular/ dendritic regime, directional solidification of Tb0.3Dy0.7Fe1.95 was attempted by zone melting technique with a lesser temperature gradient of 100oC/cm. A detailed texture study indicated a transition in preferred growth direction from <110> to <112> with increase of growth rate. In this case of cellular/ dendritic growth regime, a mechanism based on atomic attachment kinetics has been proposed and the preferred morphologies of the solid-liquid interface for <110> and <112> growth have been modelled. The modelled interfaces have been correlated to the shape of cell/ dendrite cross-section observed for the growth rates adopted in this study. Apart from the investigation carried out on the (Tb,Dy)Fe2 alloys, attempts have been made to understand the role of microstructure, especially the ordered phases on the magnetostriction of an emerging magnetostrictive material Fe-Ga. A series of alloy compositions of Fe-x at % Ga (x=17, 20, 23 and 25) were prepared and subjected to different thermal treatments and characterized for microstructural features and magnetostriction. Microstructure investigation of slow cooled, quenched and quenched + aged alloys reveals formation of ordered DO3 phase from disordered A2 phase by first order transformation in 17 and 20 at% Ga alloys, whereas for 23 and 25 at% alloys, the transformation takes place by continuous ordering. It could be observed that large magnetostriction arises owing to the presence of disordered A2 phase or ordered DO3 phase alone. The magnetostriction however decreases substantially when these two phases are co-existing.

The development and application of two-time-scale turbulence models for non-equilibrium flows

Klein, Tania S. January 2012 (has links)
The reliable prediction of turbulent non-equilibrium flows is of high academic and industrial interest in several engineering fields. Most turbulent flows are often predicted using single-time-scale Reynolds-Averaged-Navier-Stokes (RANS) turbulence models which assume the flows can be modelled through a single time or length scale which is an admittedly incorrect assumption. Therefore they are not expected to capture the lag in the response of the turbulence in non-equilibrium flows. In attempts to improve prediction of these flows, by taking into consideration some features of the turbulent kinetic energy spectrum, the multiple-time-scale models arose. A number of two-scale models have been proposed, but so far their use has been rather limited.This work thus focusses on the development of two-time-scale approaches. Two two-time-scale linear-eddy-viscosity models, referred to as NT1 and NT2 models, have been developed and the initial stages of the development of two-time-scale non-linear-eddy-viscosity models are also reported. The models' coefficients have been determined through asymptotic analysis of decaying grid turbulence, homogeneous shear flows and the flow in a boundary layer in local equilibrium. Three other important features of these models are that there is consistent partition of the large and the small scales for all above limiting cases, model sensitivity to the partition and production rate ratios and sensitivity of the eddy viscosity sensitive to the mean strain rates.The models developed have been tested through computations of a wide range of flows such as homogeneous shear and normally strained flows, fully developed channel flows, zero-pressure-gradient, adverse-pressure-gradient, favourable-pressure-gradient and oscillatory boundary layer flows, fully developed oscillatory and ramp up pipe flows and steady and pulsated backward-facing-step flows.The proposed NT1 and NT2 two-scale models have been shown to perform well in all test cases, being, among the benchmarked models tested, the models which best performed in the wide range of dimensionless shear values of homogeneous shear flows, the only linear-eddy-viscosity models which predicted well the turbulent kinetic energy in the normally strained cases and the only models which showed satisfactory sensitivity in predicting correctly the reattachment point in the unsteady backward facing step cases with different forcing frequencies. Although the development of the two-time-scale non-linear-eddy-viscosity models is still in progress, the interim versions proposed here have resulted in predictions of the Reynolds normal stresses similar to those of much more complex models in all test cases studied and in predictions of the turbulent kinetic energy in normally strained flows which are better than those of the other models tested in this study.

Viscosity and Microscopic Chaos: The Helfand-moment Approach (Viscosité et Chaos Microscopique: Approche par le Moment de Helfand)

Viscardy, Sébastien 21 September 2005 (has links)
<p align="justify"> Depuis les premiers développements de la physique statistique réalisés au 19ème siècle, nombreux ont été les travaux dédiés à la relation entre les processus macroscopiques em>irréversibles</em>(tels que les phénomènes de transport) et les propriétés de la dynamique <em>réversible</em> des atomes et des molécules. Depuis deux décennies, l'<em>hypothèse du chaos microscopique</em> nous en apporte une plus grande compréhension. Dans cette thèse, nous nous intéressons plus particulièrement aux propriétés de <em>viscosité</em>. <br /><br /> Dans ce travail, nous considérons des systèmes périodiques de particules en interaction. Nous proposons une nouvelle méthode de calcul de la viscosité valable pour tous systèmes périodiques, quel que soit le potentiel d'interaction considéré. Cette méthode est basée sur la formule dérivée par Helfand exprimant la viscosité en fonction de la variance du <em>moment de Helfand</em> croissant linéairement dans le temps.<br /><br /> Dans les années nonante, il a été démontré qu'un système composé de seulement deux particules présente déjà de la viscosité. Les deux disques <em>durs</em> interagissent en collisions élastiques dans un domaine carré ou hexagonal avec des conditions aux bords périodiques. Nous appliquons notre méthode de calcul des propriétés de viscosité dans les deux réseaux. Nous donnons également une explication qualitative des résultats obtenus. <br /><br /> L'étude de la relation entre les propriétés de viscosité et les grandeurs du chaos microscopique représente l'une des principales tâches de cette thèse. Dans ce contexte, le <em>formalisme du taux d'échappement</em> joue un rôle majeur. Ce formalisme établit une relation directe entre cette grandeur et la viscosité. Nous étudions numériquement cette relation et la comparaison avec les résultats obtenus par notre méthode sont excellents. <br /><br /> D'autre part, le formalisme du taux d'échappement suppose l'existence d'un <em>répulseur fractal</em>. Après avoir mis en évidence son existence, nous appliquons le formalisme proposant une formule exprimant la viscosité en termes de l'exposant de Lyapunov du système (mesurant le caractère chaotique de la dynamique)et de la dimension fractale du répulseur. L'étude numérique de cette relation dans le modèle à deux disques durs est réalisée avec succès et sont en excellent accord avec les relations obtenus précédemment. <br /><br /> Enfin, nous nous penchons sur les systèmes composés de <em>N</em> disques durs ou sphères dures. Après une étude de l'équation d'état et des propriétés chaotiques, nous avons exploré les propriétés de viscosité dans ces systèmes. Les données numériques obtenues sont en très bon accord avec les prévisions théoriques d'Enskog. D'autre part, nous avons utilisé notre méthode de calcul de la viscosité dans des systèmes de Lennard-Jones. De plus, nous avons proposé une méthode analogue pour le calcul numérique de la <em>conduction thermique</em>. Nos résultats sont en très bon accord avec ceux obtenus par la méthode de Green-Kubo. </p> <br /><br /> <p align="justify"> In this thesis, we first devote a section on the history of the concept of irreversibility; of the hydrodynamics, branch of physics in which the viscosity appears; of the kinetic theory of gases establishing relationships between the microscopic dynamics and macroscopic processes like viscosity; and, finally, the interest brought in statistical mechanics of irreversible processes by the theory of chaos, more precisely, the microscopic chaos. We propose a method based on the Helfand moment in order to calculate the viscosity properties in systems of particles with periodic boundary conditions. We apply this method to the simplest system in which viscosity already exists: the two-hard-disk model. The escape-rate formalism, establishing a direct relation between chaotic quantities of the microscopic dynamics (e.g. Lyapunov exponents, fractal dimensions, etc.), is applied in this system. The results are in excellent agreement with those obtained by our Helfand-moment method. We extend the calculation of the viscosity properties to systems with more than two hard balls. Finally, we compute viscosity as well as thermal conductivity thanks to our own method also based on the Helfand moment. </p>

狄家將通俗小說研究 / A Study on Popular Novel of DIJIAJIANG(狄家將)

成始勳, Sung, Si Hoon Unknown Date (has links)

Bayesian Methods in Gaussian Graphical Models

Mitsakakis, Nikolaos 31 August 2010 (has links)
This thesis contributes to the field of Gaussian Graphical Models by exploring either numerically or theoretically various topics of Bayesian Methods in Gaussian Graphical Models and by providing a number of interesting results, the further exploration of which would be promising, pointing to numerous future research directions. Gaussian Graphical Models are statistical methods for the investigation and representation of interdependencies between components of continuous random vectors. This thesis aims to investigate some issues related to the application of Bayesian methods for Gaussian Graphical Models. We adopt the popular $G$-Wishart conjugate prior $W_G(\delta,D)$ for the precision matrix. We propose an efficient sampling method for the $G$-Wishart distribution based on the Metropolis Hastings algorithm and show its validity through a number of numerical experiments. We show that this method can be easily used to estimate the Deviance Information Criterion, providing a computationally inexpensive approach for model selection. In addition, we look at the marginal likelihood of a graphical model given a set of data. This is proportional to the ratio of the posterior over the prior normalizing constant. We explore methods for the estimation of this ratio, focusing primarily on applying the Monte Carlo simulation method of path sampling. We also explore numerically the effect of the completion of the incomplete matrix $D^{\mathcal{V}}$, hyperparameter of the $G$-Wishart distribution, for the estimation of the normalizing constant. We also derive a series of exact and approximate expressions for the Bayes Factor between two graphs that differ by one edge. A new theoretical result regarding the limit of the normalizing constant multiplied by the hyperparameter $\delta$ is given and its implications to the validity of an improper prior and of the subsequent Bayes Factor are discussed.

Bayesian Methods in Gaussian Graphical Models

Mitsakakis, Nikolaos 31 August 2010 (has links)
This thesis contributes to the field of Gaussian Graphical Models by exploring either numerically or theoretically various topics of Bayesian Methods in Gaussian Graphical Models and by providing a number of interesting results, the further exploration of which would be promising, pointing to numerous future research directions. Gaussian Graphical Models are statistical methods for the investigation and representation of interdependencies between components of continuous random vectors. This thesis aims to investigate some issues related to the application of Bayesian methods for Gaussian Graphical Models. We adopt the popular $G$-Wishart conjugate prior $W_G(\delta,D)$ for the precision matrix. We propose an efficient sampling method for the $G$-Wishart distribution based on the Metropolis Hastings algorithm and show its validity through a number of numerical experiments. We show that this method can be easily used to estimate the Deviance Information Criterion, providing a computationally inexpensive approach for model selection. In addition, we look at the marginal likelihood of a graphical model given a set of data. This is proportional to the ratio of the posterior over the prior normalizing constant. We explore methods for the estimation of this ratio, focusing primarily on applying the Monte Carlo simulation method of path sampling. We also explore numerically the effect of the completion of the incomplete matrix $D^{\mathcal{V}}$, hyperparameter of the $G$-Wishart distribution, for the estimation of the normalizing constant. We also derive a series of exact and approximate expressions for the Bayes Factor between two graphs that differ by one edge. A new theoretical result regarding the limit of the normalizing constant multiplied by the hyperparameter $\delta$ is given and its implications to the validity of an improper prior and of the subsequent Bayes Factor are discussed.

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