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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Counterfeit as a Challenge to Chinese E-Commerce Platform—the case of Alibaba

Chen, Ke January 2016 (has links)
With the development of Internet technology, e-commerce is becoming more and more popular nowadays. A tremendous number of small and medium size enterprises have emerged, selling goods in e-commerce platforms. However, the transactions of counterfeit products on e-commerce platforms are becoming more severe in global electronic commerce, particularly in Chinese online markets. Not only are consumers and brand-owners suffering the loss of money, but also the whole ecosystem of e-commerce is being damaged by counterfeit issues. Accordingly, e-commerce platforms, which serve as the third party of online businesses, have a significant role to play in this serious situation. How e-commerce platforms handle counterfeit problems can be quite urgent.This thesis chooses Alibaba as a special case to study, considering its e-commerce platform Taobao, which has a large market share or e-commerce market place and always suffers a bad reputation of counterfeits distribution, as the most suitable and representative e-commerce platform in China. The research uses both interviewing and documental data as different resources to study the case. Learning from the perspective of e-commerce platforms, combined with mechanism theory, principle-agent theory, trust system, reputation theory, and contestable market theory, this research wants to reach a deeper understanding of the challenge counterfeits have made in Taobao. What measures Alibaba has done and how these measures are going on are the research questions in this case.The results of this investigation shows that Alibaba did try several ways to combat against counterfeit problems such as building some specific mechanisms like “return-back system”, “Xiaoer” and “Mantianxing plan”, considering trust, reputation and information asymmetry factors. Many people show their appreciations and supports to Alibaba’s measures and the current situation of counterfeit in Taobao is eased by these measures. But there is still a long way to go and many more things could be done to face the counterfeit challenge.

Digital affärsmodellsutveckling för fysiska butiker

Blom, Kristian, Larstorp, Oliver January 2021 (has links)
På senare tid har fysiska butiker hamnat alltmer i skuggan av stora digitala handelsplattformar som CDON eller Amazon och tomma butikslokaler är en allt vanligare syn runtom i Sverige. Som en motreaktion på detta har näringslivsföreningen i Torsby kommun startat ett samarbete där fysiska butiker i kommunen erbjuds möjligheten att ansluta sig till en lokal digital handelsplattform. En av anledningarna till detta är att göra Torsbys butiker mera tillgängliga och på så vis fånga upp kunder som önskar handla lokalt på ett digitalt och bekvämt sätt.  Syftet med studien är att beskriva hur en fysisk butiks affärsmodell kan utvecklas för att möta kundernas alltmer digitala köpbeteende. Projektet som beskrivs ovan går under namnet handla.itorsby.se och är hela studiens nav. En relevant frågeställning är förstås om denna digitala handelsplattform kan hjälpa butikerna i Torsby från att tyna bort? Det finns naturligtvis otaliga sätt att angripa frågor som denna på men vi har valt att titta närmare på butikernas affärsmodeller. Att kontinuerligt arbeta med affärsmodellsutveckling är viktigt men åsidosätts ofta bland företag (Chesbrough, 2007). En av anledningarna kan vara att medveten affärsmodellsutveckling är ett relativt outforskat område (Fjeldstad & Snow, 2018) och tillvägagångsätten för denna process är abstrakta och svårförståeliga.  Studien finner att den digitala handelsplattformen har potentialen att utveckla och förändra de anslutna butikernas affärsmodeller och således motverka eroderingen av dessa. Vägen dit är dock i skrivande stund lång, detta på grund av två anledningar. Nummer ett: den digitaliseringsgrad som krävs för att butiken ska vara en fungerande del av handelsplattformen är, för de flesta, långt ifrån verklighet. Nummer två: det råder en viss tvetydighet om vad syftet med handelsplattformen verkligen är. Näringslivsföreningen menar att projektet går ut på att utbilda samt digitalisera butikerna i Torsby. Kunderna ser handelsplattformen som vilken digital handelsplats som helst och förväntar sig således att den ska fungera som en sådan. Butikerna pendlar mellan dessa två ytterligheter, vissa ser projektet som en chans att utbilda och digitalisera sin verksamhet andra ser det som ytterligare en säljkanal. Plattformen har, som tidigare nämnts, potentialen att utveckla och förändra butikernas affärsmodeller, men för att detta ska bli verklighet så måste syftet vara mer förankrat hos butikerna själva. Många är helt enkelt inte redo för en sådan förändring. / During recent times physical stores have found it hard to survive, which is made noticeable by all the empty shop premises around the country. The reasons are many, but the increasing competition from internet commerce is one of the more severe ones. Many of our respondents experience this competition when the pressure from digital platforms such as Amazon becomes more palpable.  Digital business model development regarding physical stores has been neglected in business model research. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to describe how a physical stores business model can develop to meet the customers' increasingly digital buying behavior. In this study, we have looked closer at the digital business platform: handla.itorsby.se trying to understand if this digital tool can help physical stores to regain some competitiveness. We look at this problem from a business model perspective. To work continuously with business model development is significant but often disregarded. It is crucial since business models lose their relevance as time goes by. The study concludes that the platform is not particularly helpful in developing and changing the physical stores’ business models. There are two main reasons for this. Number one: The degree to which the organizations are up to date digitally. Many of the companies are too far behind digitally to be an active part of the platform. The change needed in their business model is far too radical. These companies' business models have been static for a long time and focused on developing and changing the internal operational processes that are a part of the business. The dynamics of the business model have not changed or developed at all. Therefore, their business models are considered outdated.  The second reason is that there is an ambiguity regarding what role the business platform has. From the project management perspective, the goal is to educate and digitalize the stores in Torsby. From a customer perspective, the platform is a commerce platform. Therefore, they want to be able to see the offers and buy their products. The company perspective is somewhere in between. Some want to be educated and helped to digitalize their business, while others see it more as a tool for selling more products and services. The platform has the potential to help companies develop and change their business models. However, for that to happen, the idea must be more established within the companies. Many of the stores are not ready for such a radical change.

探討B2B電子商務平台信號與買方行為之關係 / Investigating the effects of online signals on buyers behavior

魏君 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,電子商務飛速發展,已取得長足進步。電子商務可以高效利用有限資源,加快商業週期循環,節省時間、降低成本、提高利潤和增強企業競爭力,並以傳統經營方式所無法比擬的優點受到全球關注。因此,電子商務給企業所帶來的影響是非常重要且值得探討。 在電子商務貿易模式中,信息的高效傳遞成為平台上賣方增強競爭力的重要手段。但是過去鮮少有研究以信號理論觀點,切入探討B2B交易平台上賣方信號對買方之吸引力,以及鮮少有研究探討其中是否有其他變數可能會增加或削弱兩者之間的關係。因此本研究旨在探討賣方採用的信號與買方聯繫賣方之可能性的關係,並以企業外部市場化發展程度因素作為干擾變數。 本文共蒐集167家中小企業信息作為研究對象,並以階層回歸作為分析方法,進一步釐清賣方所採用的信號與買方聯繫賣方之可能性之間的關係,並以企業外部市場化發展程度作為干擾變數,研究外部環境情況是否會強化賣方所採用的信號與買方聯繫賣方之可能性之間的關係,補充過去文獻鮮少探討之觀點。冀望本研究結果能為平台賣方之決策者在考慮如何運營,提供一些參考與建議。

Att våga vara mobil : En studie i hur företag kan påverka konsumentens köpvanor genom införandet av mobil handel

Fagerman, Hannes, Nilsson, Martin January 2012 (has links)
We chose to write this essay about mobile commerce and what influences a consumer's buying habits within mobile commerce. We also look at how a company can implement mobile commerce. We could not find any studies that directly addressed factors that affected consumers of mobile commerce prior to this essay. This was one of the reasons that we chose to write about it. In the introductory chapter, we will discuss important issues relating to ecommerce and the use of smartphones as a tool for marketing and trade. In the methodology chapter, we explain our choice of methods for this essay. We reported on the techniques and methods to collect data that were relevant to this work and then we had a discussion about the methodological choices made. The methodology chapter ended with a presentation of our criticism about the choice of methods. In the theory chapter we describe the relevant theories on our subject. We describe some factors that could influence a consumer's purchasing behaviour, and other theories about how companies can implement mobile commerce. We then describe the material collected through surveys and interviews we conducted. This data formed the basis for the synthesis, analysis and conclusions, which we reported in the essay. In the analysis we combine theory and empirical data and then interpret the data we have collected. In the conclusion we responded to the questions we asked and gave advice to companies that are interested in introducing mobile commerce.

台灣紡織產業導入B2C電子商務平台--以機能性紡織廠商為例 / The introduction of Taiwan’s textile enterprise implements the B2C e-commerce platform -- a case study of a functional textile company

王園甯, Wang, Yuan Ning Unknown Date (has links)
台灣B2C電子商務市場無疑已經突顯出越來越大的商機。在網際網路的世界裡,E-commerce平台的演進、社群網路的興起、智慧行動裝置及移動科技的出現帶給B2C電子商務平台的影響,及如何運用於紡織產業,是本研究的主要研究項目。 傳統紡織業市場中,布料商有群聚效應,雖然商家眾多,但市場規模太小、且涵蓋率過低。擺設空間有限,布料、產品種類繁雜,無法將所有產品上架,而且生產布料屬大量標準化規模生產,客製化的空間有限,容易產生大量存貨。因此,布料商和消費者之間產生許多資訊不對稱,消費者的需求往往未能被滿足。經由五力分析、電子商務、價值鏈管理、STP理論等文獻探討,以及紡織產業電子化、供應鏈管理實施情況之資料蒐集分析中,了解紡織產業電子化上下游合作廠商配合情形。 本研究提出紡織產業價值鏈管理B2C電子商務平台之構想,闡述B2C平台架構、內涵及功能、推動策略等。同時,以Hyperbola作為個案研究的對象,探討公司過去經營概況、市場地位,現有的B2B平台、以及顧客服務系統,對企業在B2C電子商務平台下之運作情形。分析發現B2C平台能簡化多對多的資訊連結,增加與下游品牌商及終端消費者的溝通,並有利於提供全球化的客戶服務、加速企業在市場中的反應能力。唯有綜合佈局,全面提升競爭力,才能突出重圍,再創台灣紡織產業新一波高峰。 / Taiwan's B2C e-commerce market has undoubtedly highlighted the growing business opportunities. In the world of Internet, E-commerce platform evolution, the increase rate of social networking, mobile devices, and smart phone technology to brings the impact of B2C e-commerce platform, and how used in the textile industry, is the main focus of this study. In the traditional textile market, the fabric suppliers have cluster effect, although many businesses, but the market is too small, and the coverage is too low. Display space is limited, fabrics, products include a wide variety, not all products can go into the market, and production of fabric is a large-scale standardized production with limited space for customized work, which can cause a large qty of leftover storage. Therefore, much misunderstanding and communication between fabric supplier and customers would occur, hence the needs of the customers cannot be satisfied. Through the five forces model, e-commerce, value chain management, STP theory literature review, and digitized textile industry, supply chain management implementation of data collection analysis, brings to understand how digitized textile industries in both upstream and downstream co operation together with the relevant vendors. This study proposes the textile industry value chain management concept of B2C e-commerce platform to explain the B2C platform architecture, content and function, and promote strategies. Meanwhile, the object of Hyperbola as a case study to explore the company's past operating profile, market position, the existing B2B platform, and customer service systems, B2C e-commerce platform for enterprises operating under the mentioned circumstances. B2C platform to simplify the analysis found many to many links to information, increase with the downstream end consumer brands and communication, and facilitate the provision of global customer service, accelerate enterprise in the market response. Only with comprehensive layout, enhancing competitiveness one can be ‘out-the-box’, thus a new peak of Taiwan's textile industry appears.

Mellanmän inom e-handel : Ansvar för försäljning av förfalskade varor / Intermediaries in the E-commerce Business : Liability for the Sale of Counterfeited Goods

Nilsson, Kajsa January 2017 (has links)
E-handelns framväxt har till stor del inneburit en positiv utveckling för företag eftersom företaget kan nå ut till en större marknad. Men i takt med e-handelns utveckling har även försäljning av förfalskade produkter ökat. Försäljningen av förfalskningar av ett företags varor påverkar företaget på flera sätt. För det första kan företaget inte garantera att varan håller den kvalitetsstandard originalet har. För det andra påverkas företagets goodwill om varan inte når upp till den standard som kunden förväntar sig. En kund som fortfarande tror att varan är äkta tappar förtroende för företagets varor och avråder andra att anskaffa dessa. Som en direkt följd av de två första punkterna kan företagets vinst påverkas negativt. För den rättighetsinnehavare som vill stoppa försäljningen av förfalskningar vore det mest effektivt om e-handelsplattformen ålades ett direkt ansvar istället för att rättighetsinnehavaren ska leta upp och väcka åtal mot respektive säljare. I dagsläget riskerar e-handelsplattformen dock endast ett medverkansansvar. I TPB-målet från EU- domstolen framgår dock att den mellanman som, mot bakgrund av den verksamhet de bedriver, borde ha ett direkt ansvar trots att aktuella lagregler inte medger det kan åläggas ett direkt ansvar om kännedom om intrång föreligger. Detta kan bli aktuellt för vissa e- handelsplattformar. Dessa e-handelsplattformar omfattas inte av e-handelsdirektivets ansvarsundantag eftersom de är aktiva aktörer. För att en e-handelsplattform ska bli direkt ansvarig krävs dock att plattformen har kännedom om ett specifikt intrång och sedan ställer sig passiv till det specifika intrånget. Detta innebär att kännedom måste skapas. Det åligger rättighetsinnehavaren att anmäla specifika intrång till e-handelsplattformen och på så sätt skapa kännedom. E-handelsplattformen kan inte åläggas en övervakningsplikt. Även om så vore fallet skulle rättighetsinnehavaren behöva kontrollera att e-handelsplattformen uppfyllde denna plikt. En e-handelsplattform skulle således kunna åläggas ett direkt ansvar men det är starkt beroende av aktivitet från rättighetsinnehavaren vilket gör ansvaret relativt snävt och ineffektivt. Rättighetsinnehavaren måste ta ett lika stort ansvar som tidigare om denne vill stoppa förfalskningar. Det kan tyckas att den som bedriver en e-handelsplattform ska ha koll på sin verksamhet men i praktiken vore det både omöjligt och orimligt för en e- handelsplattform att kontrollera allt som sker på plattformen. / The rise of e-commerce has led to a positive development for businesses since they can reach a bigger market. But it has also led to an increase in the sale of counterfeited goods. The sale of counterfeited goods affects a company in several ways. Firstly, the company cannot guarantee that the counterfeited good fulfils the company’s quality standards. Secondly, the company’s goodwill is damaged if the counterfeited good does not hold the quality the customer expects. A customer, who is convinced the counterfeited good is the original, loses trust for the company and will discourage others to buy goods from the company. Consequently, the company’s profit could be badly affected. For the rights owner/company, wishing to stop the sale of counterfeited goods, it would be more efficient if an e-commerce platform would be directly liable for the sale of counterfeited goods sold on its platform. Instead, the rights owner must find the actual seller and press chargers. The e-commerce platform only risks contributory liability. However, the TPB-case from the EU-court suggests that a middleman who, depending on the characteristics of their business, can be directly liable if they are aware of the infringement. This could be applied on certain e-commerce platforms. These platforms cannot avoid liability through the e-commerce directive since they are active. For an e- commerce platform to be directly liable it is required the platform knows about a specific infringement. Furthermore, that the platform is passive after knowledge has been established. It is the rights owner’s responsibility to make the e-commerce platform aware of specific infringements. The e-commerce platform cannot be obliged to perform a general monitoring duty. Even if it was possible, the rights owner would still have to control the e-commerce platform fulfilled its duty. Hence, an e-commerce platform could be directly liable for infringements taking place on the platform, but such a liability is dependent on the rights owner’s activity which makes the liability limited and inefficient. One could argue an e-commerce platform should supervise its business but it would be both impossible and unreasonably for an e-commerce platform to screen all offers made available on the platform.

使用圖碼技術於行動商務平台 / Apply Picture Code to Commerce Application

何駿逸, Ho, Chun Yi Unknown Date (has links)
從過去的公元2000年所強調網路Dot Com時代來臨,資訊商務發展一路從電子錢包、電子商務、B2B、B2C、第三方支付、C2C、O2O..到近期的「行動支付」發展的角度上來看,因為網路的發達,無線網路覆蓋面積的增大,網路速度也不斷的提升,智慧型手機及行動裝置使用廣泛,讓整體消費市場由過去所重視的企業消費市場已大幅轉向重視個人的消費市場。 短短的這二、三年,因智慧型手機使用的普及,各種APP應用程式蓬勃發展,已徹底改變了人們的生活習慣,當人們想要獲取與傳遞資訊時,只要動動手指頭,馬上就可達成;相對的,人們對於智慧型手機行動裝置也越來越依賴。面對這一新的「動動手指頭的時代」發展與趨勢,加上個人消費者的使用與消費習慣改變,造就了消費市場巨幅的變化;企業更為爭取個人消費者的市場,作為企業競爭力之指標。從企業為爭取個人消費者的市場之發展趨勢來看,O2O (Online to Offline)更成為現代重要的營銷模式。 本研究的貢獻希望在於以便利商店繳交信用卡帳款為例得到之啟發,打造一個行動商務平台,藉由現代圖碼(Picture Code),即利用目前所常見使用的條碼,如:堆疊式二維條碼以及矩陣式二維條碼,結合現行還在開發之新技術,組合出更新,圖形更複雜且資料儲存量更大之圖碼當作介質,透過網路之連結,以現代資訊商務發展活動的應用模式為基礎,套用本研究之應用模型,作為對於個人使用者的身分驗證,以及個人消費者於現代資訊商務發展活動之「電子錢包」及「電子商務」、「第三方支付」乃至「C2C」在使用信用卡的應用上,透過使用智慧型手機或行動裝置,作為現代另一新的「行動支付」方法。同時,在完成商務交易活動後,又能結合O2O營銷模式,為使用或消費者個人帶來共多利益,也為商家創造出更多商機。 / From "Dot Com" network generation coming in 2000, the IT Business Development Activities from "Electronic Wallet", "e-commerce", "B2B", "B2C", "Third-party payment," "C2C", "O2O" to the recent "Mobile Payment" development, because the network developed, wireless network coverage area increases, network speed has also been improved, smart phones and mobile devices are popular, overall business market is focus on the individual consumer market now. In this three years, smart phones use a variety of APP applications, it really has completely changed people's habits. When people want to capture and transmit some information, it just need to “move your fingers” as soon as you can reach. Also, people become increasingly dependent on smart phones and mobile devices. Face with this new "move your fingers time” developments trends and consumers’ consumption habits change, enterprise all want to increase the individual consumers’ market share and also as a business Indicators competitiveness. O2O (Online to Offline, Offline to Online) business model is more and more important to enterprise in the future. This thesis investigates from a case study on credit card payment for bill in the convenience store to get an idea. Hope build up a mobile commerce platform and use the modern “Picture Code” that the current use of bar codes, such as Stacked 2D bar codes and two-dimensional matrix bar code and combined with the existing new technology still in development. The combination of updates, graphics and more complex and larger data storage capacity of the bar code to be the new “interface”. Based on all application connect within Internet, we try to implement for all application according to development and innovation from this paper that to be a customer’s ID verification and “mobile payment” new model. Meanwhile, after transaction successfully, integrate the O2O business model to create more benefit for customer and more business opportunity for enterprise.

Разработка модели анализа данных для управления потребительским поведением в цифровом формате продаж : магистерская диссертация / Development of a data analysis model for managing consumer behavior in digital sales format

Кравченко, М. В., Kravchenko, M. V. January 2022 (has links)
В магистерской диссертации рассмотрены современные проблемы управления данными с использованием информационных приложений. Изучена деятельность торгового предприятия ООО «Мастер-Торг», проведено моделирование основных бизнес-процессов, разработана системы информационной поддержки в организации онлайн-продаж, а также применен системно-динамический подход для оценки внедрения вэб-ресурса. / In the master's thesis, modern problems of data management using information applications are considered. The activity of the trading enterprise LLC "Master-Torg" was studied, modeling of the main business processes was carried out, information support systems were developed in the organization of online sales, and a system-dynamic approach was applied to evaluate the implementation of a web resource.

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