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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hur medarbetare och flödeschefer på två bolag inom Sandvik AB upplever Unimed Care AB:s sjuk- och friskanmälningstjänst : en utvärderingsstudie

Andersson, Stina, Stenberg, Anders January 2009 (has links)
<p>Det finns många aktörer på marknaden som säljer hälsofrämjande tjänster till företag, föreningar och organisationer. Två bolag inom Sandvik AB köper en sjuk- och friskanmälningstjänst med telefonrådgivning av Unimed Care AB. Syftet med uppsatsen var att utföra en utvärdering åt de två bolag som köper tjänsten, samt se effekten av den. Tre olika enkäter delades ut till totalt 861 medarbetare. Bortfallet i undersökningen är betydande, 21 % av undersökningspopulationen deltog i utvärderingen. En enkät riktar sig till medarbetare, en till flödeschefer och en till Human Resource (personalavdelningen). För att komplettera insamlat material har information sökts via telefon och mail. Resultatet visar att medarbetares och flödeschefers uppfattningar om tjänsten varierar. För att öka samtligas tillfredställelse med tjänsten behövs mer information och kunskap om tjänsten, samt dess syfte. Det är många som inte vet hur tjänsten kan användas. Flödescheferna kan behöva förslag på hur statistiken kan användas i arbetet med personalfrågor. Sjukfrånvaron har minskat nationellt och även inom Sandvik koncernen under 2006-2008. Att sjukfrånvaron minskat under de år bolagen köpt tjänsten från Unimed kan förklaras som en kombination av samtliga insatser som bolagen genomfört, förändringar i nationella regler för sjukskrivning, samt att sjukskrivningarna minskat i hela landet.</p>

Hur medarbetare och flödeschefer på två bolag inom Sandvik AB upplever Unimed Care AB:s sjuk- och friskanmälningstjänst : en utvärderingsstudie

Andersson, Stina, Stenberg, Anders January 2009 (has links)
Det finns många aktörer på marknaden som säljer hälsofrämjande tjänster till företag, föreningar och organisationer. Två bolag inom Sandvik AB köper en sjuk- och friskanmälningstjänst med telefonrådgivning av Unimed Care AB. Syftet med uppsatsen var att utföra en utvärdering åt de två bolag som köper tjänsten, samt se effekten av den. Tre olika enkäter delades ut till totalt 861 medarbetare. Bortfallet i undersökningen är betydande, 21 % av undersökningspopulationen deltog i utvärderingen. En enkät riktar sig till medarbetare, en till flödeschefer och en till Human Resource (personalavdelningen). För att komplettera insamlat material har information sökts via telefon och mail. Resultatet visar att medarbetares och flödeschefers uppfattningar om tjänsten varierar. För att öka samtligas tillfredställelse med tjänsten behövs mer information och kunskap om tjänsten, samt dess syfte. Det är många som inte vet hur tjänsten kan användas. Flödescheferna kan behöva förslag på hur statistiken kan användas i arbetet med personalfrågor. Sjukfrånvaron har minskat nationellt och även inom Sandvik koncernen under 2006-2008. Att sjukfrånvaron minskat under de år bolagen köpt tjänsten från Unimed kan förklaras som en kombination av samtliga insatser som bolagen genomfört, förändringar i nationella regler för sjukskrivning, samt att sjukskrivningarna minskat i hela landet.

Anmälningspliktens skuggsida : en essä om att hantera orosanmälningar på förskolan i praktiken

Basinska, Anna Maria January 2013 (has links)
I min uppsatts kommer jag att utgå från en berättelse som beskriver ett fall av orosanmälan som jag upplevde i mitt arbete på förskolan. Anmälan grundades på barnets berättelse och resulterade i ett samtal på ett kriscentrum i närvaro av polis, psykolog och åklagare, utan föräldrars vetskap. Jag valde essäform för min uppsats därför att den skrivformen bjuder på ett reflekterande tillvägagångssätt och lämpar sig för mitt känsliga ämne. Genom att gestalta anmälningspliktens skuggsidor vill jag försöka bringa förståelse för den väldigt känslosamma företeelsen. Jag kommer att belysa vad anmälningsplikten går ut på samt undersöka vilka är mina skyldigheter som pedagog vid anmälningar. Jag kommer att reflektera kring barnets utsatta position, föräldrars samt de anmälande pedagogernas svåra läge. Min uppsats genomsyras av tanken att anmälningsplikten kan te sig som en hård lag men ändå en lag som skall följas utan förbehåll. Pedagogens eget omdöme bör inte förekomma vid orosanmälan. Anmälan görs för barnets skull och inte mot familjen. / My essay starts by describing a case of a "declaration of concern" regarding a child that I experienced in my work at a preschool. The duty to make a notification was based on the child's story and led to a meeting at a crisis center. The meeting involved the presence of police, psychologists and prosecutors, without parental knowledge. I chose the essay form for this subject because this writing form offers a reflective approach which is suitable for such a sensitive topic. By describing the negative aspects associated with this duty of notification I want to try to bring some understanding of the very emotional issues associated with a notification. I will highlight what the notification requirement is about and examine what - my obligations are as a teacher in making a declaration of concern leading to a notification to the relevant local authorities and government agencies. I will reflect on the child's vulnerable position as well as the difficult position of parents and notifying teachers. The pervading idea in the essay is that the obligation to report your concern may seem like a hard law but a law that has to be followed without reservation. The teacher´s own opinion or judgment is irrelevant in a declaration of concern and subsequent notification. Registration of the concern is done for the child's sake and not the sake of the family.

Manual de procedimentos para notificação de eventos adversos em estudos clínicos : uma proposta de organização

Cerqueira, Luciano Batista January 2018 (has links)
Os estudos clínicos são importantes para a sociedade, contribuem para o avanço da ciência, geram novos conhecimentos, trazem benefícios, melhoria da qualidade de vida e o bem-estar das pessoas. Devem ser realizados de acordo com os princípios éticos e vários agentes devem estar envolvidos: as autoridades regulatórias, o patrocinador, o pesquisador, o participante de pesquisa e o comitê de ética em pesquisa. Os regulamentos e guias internacionais e nacionais relacionados aos estudos clínicos, entre eles a Diretriz de Boas Práticas Clínicas foram implantados principalmente, para proteger e garantir a segurança e integridade dos participantes de pesquisa. No decorrer dos estudos clínicos podem ocorrer eventos adversos, portanto a plena monitorização é fundamental, pois torna o estudo mais seguro para o participante de pesquisa. Este trabalho teve como objetivo elaborar um manual direcionado a pesquisadores visando orientar a notificação de eventos adversos aos órgãos pertinentes. O estudo foi realizado em quatro etapas. Na primeira etapa realizou-se uma revisão da literatura sobre eventos adversos em estudos clínicos. Na segunda etapa, elaborou-se um manual piloto. Na terceira etapa, o material foi qualificado por um Painel de Especialistas formado por cinco pesquisadores do Hospital Universitário Cassiano Antonio Moraes, que analisaram o conteúdo e responderam a um questionário de onze questões. Na quarta etapa, analisou-se as respostas dos questionários e com as sugestões do Painel de Especialistas aprimorou-se o manual e obteve-se a versão denominada Manual de Procedimentos para Notificação de Eventos Adversos em Estudos Clínicos. Após a apreciação final do produto pela banca do mestrado profissional, o manual será disponibilizado em formato eletrônico, para que vários pesquisadores tenham acesso, em especial os pesquisadores que atuam no Hospital Universitário Cassiano Antonio Moraes e nos hospitais vinculados a rede da Empresa Brasileira de Serviços Hospitalares (EBSERH). / Clinical studies are important to society. They contribute to the advance of science, generate new knowledge, bring benefits, improve the quality of life and the well-being of people. They must be carried out in accordance with ethical principles and several agents should be involved: the regulatory authorities, the sponsor, the researcher, the research participant and the research ethics committee. International and national regulations and guidelines related to clinical studies, including the Clinical Good Practice Guideline, were primarily implemented to protect and ensure the safety and integrity of the research participants. Adverse events can occur during clinical studies; it means that, full monitoring is critical in order to lead the study safer for the research participant. The aim of this work is to elaborate a manual directed at researchers to guide them on the notification of adverse events process to the government organizations. The study was divided in four steps. In the first step, a bibliographic review on adverse events in clinical studies was done. In the second step, a pilot manual was developed. In the third step, the analyzed material was qualified by a Panel of Experts composed of five University Hospital Cassiano Antonio Moraes’ researchers who analyzed the content and answered a questionnaire of eleven questions. In the fourth step, the analyzed questionnaire as well as the Panel of Expert’s suggestions were used for improving the manual, reaching the version called the Manual of Procedures for Notification of Adverse Events in Clinical Studies. After the final evaluation of the product by the master's degree examining board, the manual will be available in electronic format, so that several researchers will have access, especially researchers working in University Hospital Cassiano Antonio Moraes and hospitals linked to the network of the Brazilian Hospital Services Company (EBSERH).

Manual de procedimentos para notificação de eventos adversos em estudos clínicos : uma proposta de organização

Cerqueira, Luciano Batista January 2018 (has links)
Os estudos clínicos são importantes para a sociedade, contribuem para o avanço da ciência, geram novos conhecimentos, trazem benefícios, melhoria da qualidade de vida e o bem-estar das pessoas. Devem ser realizados de acordo com os princípios éticos e vários agentes devem estar envolvidos: as autoridades regulatórias, o patrocinador, o pesquisador, o participante de pesquisa e o comitê de ética em pesquisa. Os regulamentos e guias internacionais e nacionais relacionados aos estudos clínicos, entre eles a Diretriz de Boas Práticas Clínicas foram implantados principalmente, para proteger e garantir a segurança e integridade dos participantes de pesquisa. No decorrer dos estudos clínicos podem ocorrer eventos adversos, portanto a plena monitorização é fundamental, pois torna o estudo mais seguro para o participante de pesquisa. Este trabalho teve como objetivo elaborar um manual direcionado a pesquisadores visando orientar a notificação de eventos adversos aos órgãos pertinentes. O estudo foi realizado em quatro etapas. Na primeira etapa realizou-se uma revisão da literatura sobre eventos adversos em estudos clínicos. Na segunda etapa, elaborou-se um manual piloto. Na terceira etapa, o material foi qualificado por um Painel de Especialistas formado por cinco pesquisadores do Hospital Universitário Cassiano Antonio Moraes, que analisaram o conteúdo e responderam a um questionário de onze questões. Na quarta etapa, analisou-se as respostas dos questionários e com as sugestões do Painel de Especialistas aprimorou-se o manual e obteve-se a versão denominada Manual de Procedimentos para Notificação de Eventos Adversos em Estudos Clínicos. Após a apreciação final do produto pela banca do mestrado profissional, o manual será disponibilizado em formato eletrônico, para que vários pesquisadores tenham acesso, em especial os pesquisadores que atuam no Hospital Universitário Cassiano Antonio Moraes e nos hospitais vinculados a rede da Empresa Brasileira de Serviços Hospitalares (EBSERH). / Clinical studies are important to society. They contribute to the advance of science, generate new knowledge, bring benefits, improve the quality of life and the well-being of people. They must be carried out in accordance with ethical principles and several agents should be involved: the regulatory authorities, the sponsor, the researcher, the research participant and the research ethics committee. International and national regulations and guidelines related to clinical studies, including the Clinical Good Practice Guideline, were primarily implemented to protect and ensure the safety and integrity of the research participants. Adverse events can occur during clinical studies; it means that, full monitoring is critical in order to lead the study safer for the research participant. The aim of this work is to elaborate a manual directed at researchers to guide them on the notification of adverse events process to the government organizations. The study was divided in four steps. In the first step, a bibliographic review on adverse events in clinical studies was done. In the second step, a pilot manual was developed. In the third step, the analyzed material was qualified by a Panel of Experts composed of five University Hospital Cassiano Antonio Moraes’ researchers who analyzed the content and answered a questionnaire of eleven questions. In the fourth step, the analyzed questionnaire as well as the Panel of Expert’s suggestions were used for improving the manual, reaching the version called the Manual of Procedures for Notification of Adverse Events in Clinical Studies. After the final evaluation of the product by the master's degree examining board, the manual will be available in electronic format, so that several researchers will have access, especially researchers working in University Hospital Cassiano Antonio Moraes and hospitals linked to the network of the Brazilian Hospital Services Company (EBSERH).

Análise da qualidade das notificações de dengue informadas no SINAN, na epidemia de 2010, em uma cidade pólo da zona da mata do estado de Minas Gerais

Assis, Vanessa Costa 04 February 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2016-03-28T11:28:50Z No. of bitstreams: 1 vanessacostaassis.pdf: 2261462 bytes, checksum: 2bbcf8fbf1a6e34788de1d872c3f5f7c (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2016-04-24T02:34:49Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 vanessacostaassis.pdf: 2261462 bytes, checksum: 2bbcf8fbf1a6e34788de1d872c3f5f7c (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-24T02:34:49Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 vanessacostaassis.pdf: 2261462 bytes, checksum: 2bbcf8fbf1a6e34788de1d872c3f5f7c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-02-04 / A dengue é uma doença viral que se apresenta como um importante problema de saúde pública mundial. Todo caso suspeito ou confirmado de dengue deve ser notificado no Sistema de Informação de Agravos de Notificação – SINAN. Os dados inseridos nesse sistema representam uma importante fonte de informação para estudos epidemiológicos e para a avaliação da qualidade do mesmo. Este estudo teve como principal objetivo analisar a qualidade das notificações de dengue informadas no SINAN, referentes à epidemia ocorrida em 2010 no município de Juiz de Fora – MG. Trata-se de um estudo epidemiológico descritivo, cujos dados foram obtidos do SINAN, disponibilizados pelo Departamento de Vigilância Epidemiológica e Ambiental de Juiz de Fora. Foram analisadas as variáveis sexo, faixa etária, dados de residência, raça/cor, escolaridade, local provável de infecção, dados laboratoriais e clínico-epidemiológicos, assim como a completitude, o encerramento oportuno dos casos registrados no Sistema, a duplicidade e a consistência dos dados. Foram notificados 9396 casos de dengue em Juiz de Fora, dos quais 62,9% foram classificados como Dengue Clássico, 0,9% como Dengue com Complicações, 0,1% como Febre Hemorrágica da Dengue, 0,04% como Síndrome do Choque da Dengue, 4,9% casos descartados, 30,8% inconclusivos, 0,3% casos ignorados/em branco, sendo que entre o total dos casos notificados 0,2% evoluíram para óbito. A maioria dos casos foi constatada em indivíduos do sexo feminino, na faixa etária de 32 a 59 anos, residentes na zona urbana, da raça branca, com ensino fundamental completo/incompleto e autóctones do município. A análise da completitude obteve classificação ruim para a maioria de seus campos, exceto para os de preenchimento obrigatório que receberam classificação excelente. Não foram encontradas notificações em duplicidade e 95,88% dos casos foram encerrados oportunamente. A análise da consistência obteve classificação excelente. As análises realizadas nesse trabalho apresentaram importantes informações para o conhecimento da epidemiologia da dengue em Juiz de Fora, consequentemente criando parâmetros para um melhor direcionamento das atividades de vigilância e controle da doença. Mostrou-se preocupante a quantidade de variáveis em branco/ignorado, apontando a necessidade de capacitação dos profissionais sobre a importância do preenchimento dos instrumentos base dos sistemas de informação. / Dengue is a viral disease that presents itself as an important public health problem worldwide. All suspected or confirmed case of dengue should be notified in the Notifiable Hazards Information System (Sistema de Informação de Agravos de Notificação – SINAN). Data included in this system represent an important source of information for epidemiological studies and for the evaluation of quality. This study aimed to analyze the quality of reports of dengue reported in SINAN, referring to the epidemic occurred in 2010 in the city of Juiz de Fora - MG. This is a descriptive epidemiological study whose data were obtained from SINAN, provided by the Environmental and Epidemiological Surveillance Department of Juiz de Fora. The analysis included the variables sex, age range, address, race/skin color, schooling, probable source of infection acquisition, laboratory and clinical and epidemiological data, as well as the completeness, timely closure of the recorded cases, duplicity and consistency of the data. Of the 9396 dengue cases notified in Juiz de Fora, 62.9% were classified as Classical Dengue, 0,9% as Dengue with Complications, 0,1% as Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever, 0.04% as Dengue Shock Syndrome, 4.9% were discarded, 30.8% inconclusive, 0.3% cases ignored / blank and 0.2% of the total of reported cases died. Most cases occurred in healthy adults aged 32 to 59 years, of the female sex, living in the urban area, of the white race, with complete/incomplete fundamental education, and autochthonous from the municipality. Completeness was poor for most fields, except for those to be compulsorily completed, which were classified as excellent. No notifications in duplicity were found, and 95.88% of the cases were timely closed. Consistency was classified as excellent. The analyzes performed in this study provided important information for understanding the epidemiology of dengue in Juiz de Fora, thus creating a better parameters for directing the activities of surveillance and disease control. It was showed a worrying amount of variables in white / ignored, pointing to the need for training of professionals about the importance of filling the information systems´s instruments based.

The development and harmonisation of risk assessment procedures to evaluate the environmental impact of toxic substances

Robinson, Nikki Lee January 2001 (has links)
The environmental risk assessment of substances is introduced and the various controls used to protect the environment are outlined. The European notification system and the risk assessments required as part of the system are detailed. Through an examination of the existing European Union System for the Evaluation of Substances tool and sensitivity analyses based on variability in the measurement of physico-chemical properties for a substance, a spreadsheet model was developed to allow multiple risk assessments for the same substance to be calculated simultaneously. The development and testing of the NECXES spreadsheet tool are documented in detail. Data for the capacity and dilution factor at Sewage Treatment Plants (STPs) in England and Wales were collated and statistically analysed and compared to European default values used for generic risk assessments. The default capacity value for STPs (10,000 population equivalents) was protective of 70% of the STPs sampled. The remaining 30% however, a small number of large works, contributed 94% of the total effluent discharged from STPs in England and Wales. The STP data were used with the NEXCES tool to perform and compare probabilistic risk assessments to those calculated using deterministic methods for a number of test substances. The probabilistic calculations produced a lower median exposure concentration for water than the generic assessment for all of the test substances. Regression analysis allowed the probability of adverse effects to be quantified for the various deterministic risk values. The NEXCES tool was also used to develop a rapid assessment tool for new substances in the form of contour plots, which can be used to assess the risk of substances using minimal data. The main conclusions and contributions to the academic and industrial fields, as well as the field of environmental technology are presented. Areas where there are opportunities for further research are also outlined.

Automatic Form-Factor Transformations of Web Pages and Web Services UIs

Lubiński, Piotr January 2009 (has links)
Browsing the Web on a distant screen may very often become user’s unpleasant experience. Such a situation may happen in a living room environment, where the user attempts to browse the Web on TV sitting at 10-foot distance from the screen. In a vast number of web sites that the user is able to request, many may contain, for instance, tiny text characters, which would become unreadable when watched from the distance. On the other hand, also navigation through the Web offerings can become troublesome. Especially, when the user is only equipped with the commonly used remote controller, interaction with the displayed content may prove inefficient. Therefore, methods to overcome content visibility and navigation problems become challenging. In this thesis we perceive living room environment as a good scenario, in which web-enabled handheld devices could further be utilized to interact with Consumer Electronics products, such as TVs. This sort of interaction should make an advantage of publically available Web resources to have them displayed on TV and controlled from the distance by the user who is equipped with, for instance, a web-enabled mobile phone. We think that such an interaction approach would become beneficial in several ways, making the Web browsing routine an interactive, possibly a group activity. Discussed in this thesis solutions are the first step of automatic transformations of web content into a form that can be rendered on Web4CE (Web for Consumer Electronics) products. A particularly important aspect of the proposed system is the concept of request/response HTTP message processing and HTML modification. According to this approach, living room browsing activity should be achievable without the need to re-author already existing web sites.

Designriktlinjer för en bättre användarupplevelse av notifikationer : En studie om notifikationsdesign och användare / Design guidelines for a better user experience of notifications : A study on notification design and users

Rejhagen, Amanda, Karaoghlanian, Isabella January 2016 (has links)
Notifications are known to effectively improve the access to information and draw the users attention. Social media seems to be a popular domain for mobile users. The users seem to receive a lot of different notifications of social media. This is the reason why the data gathering source of this study is Instagram. The user experiences related to notifications are divided, as some people experience them as stressful and others seem to experience them as affirmative. The user experience depends on the context, content and what the notifications are triggered from. This study is done to identify the problems with the notification design. As a result, the study showed that the most common problems concern how the notification are shown to the users and its content. Suggestions of guidelines are created for future designers to improve the user experience of notifications.

Střet zájmů při řízení obchodních korporací / Conflict of interest in management of business corporations

Procházka, Jakub January 2016 (has links)
The thesis is focused on the conflict of interest issue with relation to the management of business corporations, adjusted especially in the Business Corporations Act. The conflict of interest has been codified in a more detailed way after the recodification of the private law and this new codification brought up questions concerning practical application. The aim of the thesis is an analysis of the effective conflict of interest rules, providing proposals on how to solve some uncertainties which may appear and showing opinions of experts. The aim is also to show concrete examples of non-legislative adjustment in the conflict of interest area, especially through the corporate governance codices. The first chapter contains general information on conflict of interest, because the private law is not the only branch of law, where it can be found. In Czech public law, for example, is effective Conflict of Interest Act. Unfortunately, due to limited extent of the thesis it is not possible to analyse even the whole conflict of interest topic in private law, therefore the scope of the thesis is restrained on the general issues contained in the Sec. 54 and following of Business Corporations Act. The second chapter provides a short preview of the basic principles, which must be obeyed by the members of the...

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