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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Οι στρατηγικές ανάπτυξης και επέκτασης των αεροπορικών εταιριών χαμηλού κόστους και ο ελληνικός τουρισμός

Αβραμόπουλος, Αβραάμ 24 October 2012 (has links)
Η παρούσα διδακτορική διατριβή προσεγγίζει το θέμα του εισερχόμενου τουρισμού στην Ελλάδα υπό το πρίσμα των αερομεταφορών και ειδικότερα μέσω των στρατηγικών επιλογών μιας ιδιότυπης μορφής αερομεταφορέων, όπως είναι οι αεροπορικές εταιρίες χαμηλού κόστους (Low Cost Carriers). Η ανάπτυξη των εταιριών αυτών αποτελεί μία από τις σημαντικότερες εξελίξεις στο χώρο των αερομεταφορών παγκοσμίως. Αυτός ο «νέος» τύπος αερομεταφορέων έχει αναταράξει σε βάθος και αποφασιστικά το καθεστώς των αερομεταφορών γενικά και συγκεκριμένα των αποκαλούμενων παραδοσιακών αερομεταφορέων δικτύων με την εισαγωγή ενός επιχειρησιακού μοντέλου χαμηλού κόστους, το οποίο επιτρέπει σε αυτές τις αερογραμμές να προσφέρουν οικονομικά εισιτήρια στους πελάτες τους. Οι αεροπορικές εταιρίες χαμηλού κόστους (LCCs) αποτελούν μια σημαντική διάσταση στις σύγχρονες στρατηγικές ανάπτυξης και ανταγωνισμού στον τομέα των αερομεταφορών διεθνώς. Η διατριβή εστιάζει στον καθορισμό των προσδιοριστικών παραγόντων στρατηγικής ανάπτυξης των LCCs καθώς και στις επιδράσεις αυτών των στρατηγικών επιλογών στον ελληνικό τουρισμό. Ο σκοπός της διατριβής είναι να περιγράψει το επιχειρησιακό τους μοντέλο και να καταγράψει τις στρατηγικές που αυτές ακολουθούν. Αναφορικά με την μεθοδολογική προσέγγιση, επιλέχθηκε η έρευνα περιπτωσιολογικής μελέτης για την διερεύνηση των στρατηγικών των αερομεταφορέων χαμηλού κόστους και των πιθανόν επιδράσεών τους στον εισερχόμενο τουρισμό στην Ελλάδα. Η επιλογή αυτή εξαρτήθηκε σε μεγάλο βαθμό από την φύση του αντικειμένου και των ερωτημάτων που τέθηκαν λαμβανομένων υπόψη των περιορισμών, όσον αφορά στα λιγοστά και κατακερματισμένα διαθέσιμα στατιστικά στοιχεία σχετικά με τους αερομεταφορείς χαμηλού κόστους, σε ό,τι αφορά την Ελλάδα τουλάχιστον και τις αεροπορικές τους συνδέσεις με αυτήν. Συμπερασματικά θα λέγαμε, ότι οι αερομεταφορές αποτελούν αναπόσπαστο τμήμα του τουριστικού προϊόντος και ότι τα τελευταία χρόνια επικρατεί αισιοδοξία αναφορικά με τη αεροπορική διασύνδεση των κομβικών και περιφερειακών αεροδρομίων της Ελλάδας με ευρωπαϊκούς προορισμούς. Η είσοδος νέων αεροπορικών εταιριών χαμηλού κόστους, στον ΔΑΑ που συνδέουν απευθείας διάφορους ευρωπαϊκούς προορισμούς με την Αθήνα καθώς και οι εξελίξεις στην ανατολική Ευρώπη, εξαιτίας της ένταξης νέων χωρών στην Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση δημιουργεί νέα δεδομένα στις αερομεταφορές και στην σύνδεση της Αθήνας, αλλά και των περιφερειακών αερολιμένων με αεροδρόμια της κεντρικής και ανατολικής Ευρώπης. Οι αεροπορικές εταιρίες ναυλωμένων πτήσεων, οι οποίες παραδοσιακά είχαν συνδεθεί με την ανάπτυξη του ελληνικού τουρισμού προσπάθησαν να αναθεωρήσουν το επιχειρηματικό τους μοντέλο, ώστε να ανταγωνιστούν τις εταιρίες χαμηλού κόστους. Η Ελλάδα θεωρείται μια αγορά υψηλού κόστους λόγω των διαφόρων επιβαρύνσεων στα τέλη των αερομεταφορών. Καθώς όμως χρειάζεται να ανταγωνιστεί και με άλλες παραδοσιακές αγορές, η πολιτεία χρειάζεται να δράσει σε συνεργασία με όλους τους εμπλεκόμενους φορείς ώστε να υποστηρίξει τις στρατηγικές επιλογές επέκτασης των LCCs και μέσα από μακροπρόθεσμες πολιτικές να διατηρήσει και να ενισχύσει την προσέλευση των LCCs σε ελληνικά αεροδρόμια. / This doctoral dissertation deals with inbound tourism to Greece within the context of air transport and specifically through the strategic choices of a singular form of air transport, such as low-cost carriers. The growth of these companies is one of the most significant global developments in the air transport industry. This “new” type of air transport has thoroughly and decisively stirred up the status quo in air transport and specifically, the so-called traditional air transport networks, through the introduction of the low-cost model that permits these airlines to offer economically competitive tickets to their customers. The low-cost carriers (LCCs) are a significant dimension in the modern development and competition strategies of the air transport industry. The dissertation focuses upon defining the determinant factors in the development strategies of the LCCs, as well as the influence of these strategic choices upon Greek tourism. The dissertation’s purpose is to describe their business model and to record the strategies that they follow. The case study research approach was selected in relation to the methodology in order to investigate the strategies of the low-cost carriers and their potential influences on inbound tourism to Greece. This choice is largely dependent upon the nature of the objective and the questions that are raised, which takes into consideration the restrictions relating to the scarce and fragmented statistics that are available on the low-cost carriers, at least in relation to Greece and their air connections to it. In conclusion, we could say that air transport is an integral part of the tourist product and that optimism has prevailed in recent years on the interconnection by air of the central and regional airports in Greece with European destinations. The entry by new airlines into AIA (Athens International Airport), which directly connect the European destinations to Athens, as well as the developments in Eastern Europe, through the incorporation of many nations into the European Union, has created a new status quo for air transport and the connection of Athens to the Central and Eastern European airports. The chartered flight airlines that were traditionally connected to the growth of Greek tourism have attempted to review their business model, so as to compete with the low-cost carriers. Greece is considered to be a high-cost market, due to the various charges on the air transport duties. The State needs to act in collaboration with all authorities involved in order to retain and support the presence of LCCs at Greek airports, in addition to the need to also compete with the other traditional markets.

Closing Loops and Making Sense : An exploratory case study of how employees in a global company make sense of a circular economy

Guthknecht, Arne January 2018 (has links)
Background: According to Webster et al. (2013, p. 4) “the idea of the circular economy is capturing the attention of businesses, academics and the next generation of entrepreneurs as a framework for re-designing the economy”. This can be traced back to growing evidence of environmental risks like ozone depletion, climate change, threats to biodiversity and changes in the nitrogen cycle (Geissdoerfer et al., 2017). Although the European economy still relies on a linear economic model, operating on a take-make-dispose basis (Rossé et al., 2016), circular business model have recently experienced a rapid growth and are perceived increasingly attractive by businesses (Ellen MacArthur Foundation, 2017a). Research Question: How do individuals in a multi-national organization make sense of circular economy and their goal of transforming to a circular business? Purpose: Exploring how individuals in an organization make sense of the circular economy concept when pursuing the goal to transform to a circular business by 2030. Method: The research is an exploratory case study with empirical data collected through semi- structured interviews at the case company IKEA Conclusion: By establishing the circularity goal, the organization changes the ambiguity of circular economy to uncertainty for employees that enact it. The individuals are making sense of the circular economy concept triggered by uncertainty due to the missing practical approach defined in the strategy. There is no collective agreement if circular economy is mainly business- driven or sustainability-driven, but they establish collective sense on engaging in many local solutions of circular economy instead of choosing one global approach, representative for the concept of a circular economy. Conclusion: By establishing the circularity goal, the organization changes the ambiguity of circular economy to uncertainty for employees that enact it. The individuals are making sense of the circular economy concept triggered by uncertainty due to the missing practical approach defined in the strategy. There is no collective agreement if circular economy is mainly business- driven or sustainability-driven, but they establish collective sense on engaging in many local solutions of circular economy instead of choosing one global approach, representative for the concept of a circular economy.

Modelo de inteligência estratégica antecipativa : uma caso aplicado na empresa de software Gens S/A

Gensas, Gerson January 2006 (has links)
O mundo dos negócios hoje em dia está cada vez mais competitivo e os consumidores buscam de forma acelerada a satisfação de suas necessidades imediatas. Na sociedade do conhecimento, caracterizada pela alta competitividade e pela necessidade inerente de informações, torna-se necessária a adoção de estratégias que permitam a manutenção das vantagens competitivas sustentáveis adaptadas a cada modelo de negócio das corporações. A reorientação de um modelo de negócios utilizando os conceitos de Inteligência Estratégica Antecipativa é foco deste trabalho. Em relação aos procedimentos metodológicos, realizou-se um estudo de caso com uma pesquisa exploratória em um banco de dados interno no CRM da empresa estudada e em paralelo uma coleta de fichas de captação com clientes desta empresa. Estes dois bancos de dados foram inclusos no software Sphinx®. O resultado deste estudo foi a geração de três exemplos: O primeiro com o objetivo de testar se um grupo de palavras com destaque de aparições pode trazer pistas de serviços a serem criados pela empresa. O segundo tinha o objetivo de testar se palavras com aparição nas fichas de captação podem ter algum tipo de relação com aparições destas mesmas palavras na base de CRM dando assim pistas de novas tecnologias a serem aplicadas/desenvolvidas pela empresa. O terceiro tinha o objetivo de testar se um grupo de palavras vinculadas ao tema “serviços” e agrupadas por região do país poderiam sinalizar prioridade de investimento da empresa para geração de serviços adicionais aos usuários de seus softwares através de uma rede de representantes. A aplicação dos conceitos de IEA em situações reais de uma empresa de software buscando auxiliar o gestor nas decisões estratégicas de uma possível reorientação de um modelo de negócios foi o resultado final apresentado neste trabalho. / Nowadays the world of business is becoming each day more competitive and the consumers are looking at a fast pace to satisfy their immediate necessities. At the knowledge society, characterized for the high competitiveness and the inherent necessity of information, becomes necessary the adoption of strategies that allows the maintenance of the sustainable competitive advantages to each model of business of the corporations. The reorientation of a business model using the Anticipatory and Collective Environmental Scanning concepts is the focus of this work. Related with the methodological procedures, a study case was made with an exploratory research in an internal data base in the CRM of the studied company and in parallel was become fulfilled a collection of captation fiches with customers of this company. These two data bases had been enclosed in the Sphinx® software The result of this study was the production of three cases: The first one with the objective to test if a group of words with prominence of appearances, it means, a great number of events, in a CRM database, can bring clues from services to be created by the company. The objective of the second was to test if words with appearance in the captation fiches can have kind of relation with appearances of these same words in the CRM base, thus giving clues of new technologies to be applied/developed by the company. The third had the objective to test if a group of words entailed to the subject “services” and grouped by region of the country could sign priority of investment of the company for the generation of add services to the users of its softwares through of a net representatives. The application of the concepts of IEA in real situations of a software company searching to help the manager in strategic decisions of a possible reorientation of a business model, was the final result presented in this work.

Modelo de inteligência estratégica antecipativa : uma caso aplicado na empresa de software Gens S/A

Gensas, Gerson January 2006 (has links)
O mundo dos negócios hoje em dia está cada vez mais competitivo e os consumidores buscam de forma acelerada a satisfação de suas necessidades imediatas. Na sociedade do conhecimento, caracterizada pela alta competitividade e pela necessidade inerente de informações, torna-se necessária a adoção de estratégias que permitam a manutenção das vantagens competitivas sustentáveis adaptadas a cada modelo de negócio das corporações. A reorientação de um modelo de negócios utilizando os conceitos de Inteligência Estratégica Antecipativa é foco deste trabalho. Em relação aos procedimentos metodológicos, realizou-se um estudo de caso com uma pesquisa exploratória em um banco de dados interno no CRM da empresa estudada e em paralelo uma coleta de fichas de captação com clientes desta empresa. Estes dois bancos de dados foram inclusos no software Sphinx®. O resultado deste estudo foi a geração de três exemplos: O primeiro com o objetivo de testar se um grupo de palavras com destaque de aparições pode trazer pistas de serviços a serem criados pela empresa. O segundo tinha o objetivo de testar se palavras com aparição nas fichas de captação podem ter algum tipo de relação com aparições destas mesmas palavras na base de CRM dando assim pistas de novas tecnologias a serem aplicadas/desenvolvidas pela empresa. O terceiro tinha o objetivo de testar se um grupo de palavras vinculadas ao tema “serviços” e agrupadas por região do país poderiam sinalizar prioridade de investimento da empresa para geração de serviços adicionais aos usuários de seus softwares através de uma rede de representantes. A aplicação dos conceitos de IEA em situações reais de uma empresa de software buscando auxiliar o gestor nas decisões estratégicas de uma possível reorientação de um modelo de negócios foi o resultado final apresentado neste trabalho. / Nowadays the world of business is becoming each day more competitive and the consumers are looking at a fast pace to satisfy their immediate necessities. At the knowledge society, characterized for the high competitiveness and the inherent necessity of information, becomes necessary the adoption of strategies that allows the maintenance of the sustainable competitive advantages to each model of business of the corporations. The reorientation of a business model using the Anticipatory and Collective Environmental Scanning concepts is the focus of this work. Related with the methodological procedures, a study case was made with an exploratory research in an internal data base in the CRM of the studied company and in parallel was become fulfilled a collection of captation fiches with customers of this company. These two data bases had been enclosed in the Sphinx® software The result of this study was the production of three cases: The first one with the objective to test if a group of words with prominence of appearances, it means, a great number of events, in a CRM database, can bring clues from services to be created by the company. The objective of the second was to test if words with appearance in the captation fiches can have kind of relation with appearances of these same words in the CRM base, thus giving clues of new technologies to be applied/developed by the company. The third had the objective to test if a group of words entailed to the subject “services” and grouped by region of the country could sign priority of investment of the company for the generation of add services to the users of its softwares through of a net representatives. The application of the concepts of IEA in real situations of a software company searching to help the manager in strategic decisions of a possible reorientation of a business model, was the final result presented in this work.

Les raisonnements à l'oeuvre dans la conception de business models innovants / Understanding strategic reasoning mechanisms of business model prototyping

Haggege, Meyer 03 April 2013 (has links)
L'entreprise de demain n'aura pas les mêmes caractéristiques de celle d'aujourd'hui ! Parmi, les nombreux leviers de ce changement, le business model est un concept récent qui connaît chez les praticiens et les académiques un fort intérêt. Le business model est un cadre mental qui décrit comment l'entreprise fonctionne, plus précisément comment l'entreprise créée et capture de la valeur (Teece, 2010). L'innovation technologique est aussi un levier qui requiert parfois une innovation de business model (Chesbrough 2002). Quand la technologie est à un stade embryonnaire, l'entrepreneur fait face à l'incertain. Il ne sait pas encore dans quelle offre sa technologie sera déployée. À quels segments de marché, l'offre sera-t-elle commercialisée ? Quels sont les partenariats qu'il devra nouer pour que l'offre encore peu définie soit commercialisée ? Comment fera-t-il pour générer des revenus et assurer la survie de son entreprise ? D'un point de vue académique, la littérature a principalement porté son regard sur les composants du business model et sur les mécanismes de son évolution. Cependant, en tant que cadre mental, le business model est un modèle (Baden-Fuller et Morgan, 2010) et un modèle sert à raisonner (Le Moigne, 1999). En revenant sur les fondamentaux des objectifs qu'il dessert, nous nous posons la question suivante : comment raisonne-t-on dans un processus de conception de business model ? La recherche suit les principes d'une recherche des sciences de la conception organisationnelle (Hatchuel 2001; Romme 2003; Morhman 2007) autour d'une étude de cas unique et un mode de recherche collaboratif. L'instrumentation de gestion combine plusieurs méthodes (séance de créativité, technique de mise en récit, mise en carte du réseau de valeur et modélisation financière). Afin de répondre à cette question, nous avons mis en place un dispositif méthodologique dans lequel nous avons récolté le discours du processus instrumenté de scénarios de business models chez Schneider Electric. Le cas Calorie est un cas de valorisation d'une technologie innovante qui permet de réaliser des économies d'énergie substantielles sur les machines de production de froid. Ce cas a de l'intérêt, car il pose un véritable problème de business model. En passant par le business model dominant du groupe, la technologie n'est pas valorisée à sa juste valeur. Ce cas a été l'occasion de concevoir deux scénarios innovants de business models en partenariat avec une équipe d'innovation du groupe Schneider Electric. Nous avons analysé les modes de raisonnement de ce processus grâce à un cadre d'analyse que nous avons construit : le modèle des modes de raisonnement. Le travail théorique a permis en effet d'identifier le mode de raisonnement analytique, systémique, causal, narratif, calculatoire, analogique, effectual, d'identification de problèmes et de conception. Les résultats permettent de montrer de manière quantitative la part de chacun de ces modes de raisonnement et leur évolution au cours de ce processus. Dans un style narratif, nous proposons aussi une interprétation qualitative. L'apport académique réside dans le fait que nous espérons avoir donné des clefs de compréhension d'un processus de conception de business model grâce au modèle de raisonnements que nous avons fourni à la communauté scientifique. Par ailleurs, nous montrons que la conception de business model relève principalement d'une démarche systémique. Pour l'apport pratique, ce travail propose aux praticiens une méthode fonctionnelle pour concevoir des scénarios de business models. / The company of the future will not have the same characteristics as today! Among the many levers of change, the business model is a recent concept familiar to practitioners and academics. They have a strong interest for it. The business model is a mental framework that describes how the business works, specifically how the company created and capture value (Teece, 2010). Technological innovation is also a lever that sometimes requires business model innovation (Chesbrough 2002). When technology is at an embryonic stage, the entrepreneur faces uncertainty. He does not know yet what will offer its technology deployed. On the academic point of view, the literature has focused on the components ant its mechanisms of evolution. However, as a mental framework, the business model is a model (Baden-Fuller and Morgan, 2010) and a model used to think (Le Moigne, 1999). Returning to the basic goals it serves, we ask the question: how do we reason in the process of designing business model? The research follows the principles of a science research organization design (Hatchuel 2001, Romme 2003; Morhman 2007) around a single case study and a mode of collaborative research. The management instrumentation combines several methods (brainstorming session, technique of narration, setting the value network card and financial modeling). To answer this question, we set up a methodology in which we collected the speech process instrumented business model scenarios at Schneider Electric. Calorie case is a case of valuation of an innovative technology that can achieve energy savings on production machines cold. This case is of interest because it is a real problem of business model. Through the dominant business model of the group, the technology is not valued at fair value. This case was the opportunity to design two scenarios of innovative business models in partnership with a team of Schneider Electric innovation. We analyzed the patterns of reasoning process using an analytical framework that we built: the model modes of reasoning. The results allow us to show quantitatively the contribution of each of these modes of reasoning and their evolution during this process. In a narrative style, we also offer a qualitative interpretation. The academic contribution lies in the fact that we hope to have given the keys to understanding the design process of a business model with the model of reasoning we have provided the scientific community. Moreover, we show that the design of business model is primarily a systemic approach. For practical contribution, this work proposes a method for practitioners to design functional business model scenarios.

TV digital e comércio eletrônico: análise de modelo de negócios para T-Commerce

Almeida, Willem Fernandes de [UNESP] 13 April 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:24:05Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2011-04-13Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T20:31:01Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 almeida_wf_me_bauru.pdf: 1887807 bytes, checksum: b912a735136a5ff89c67e83abda3e086 (MD5) / Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) / Juntamente com o advento da televisão digital no Brasil também florescem novas oportunidades de expansão de expansão mercadológica para as emissoras e canais de televisão, especialmente por conta da interatividade. Nesse cenário, o serviço interativo de t-commerce, que viabiliza a realização de comércio eletrônico pela televisão, apresenta-se como uma possível nova alternativa de financiamento para essas empresas. No entanto, modelo de negócios para t-commerce ainda não estão bem definidos, especialmente pela ausência de instrumentos específicos para elaboração de modelos de negócios para comércio em televisão nesse período de transição do analógico para o digital. Este trabalho, todavia, busca compreender as característica e funcionalidades do serviço de t-commerce da Tv digital interativa e também analisa teorias sobre comércio eletrônico e modelos de negócios. O objetivo da pesquisa está centrado assim no estabelecimento de um roteiro mínimo que traga indicações para auxiliar empresas de televisão no processo de análise e arquitetura de modelos de negócios para este serviço interativo da TV digital. / Along the advent of digital television in Brazil, also booming new market expansion opportunities for broadcasters and television channels, especially because of interactivity. In this scenario, the interactive service of t-commerce, which enables the achievement of eletronic commerce on television, are presented as a possible new source of financing for these companies. However, business models for t-commerce are not well defined, especially by the lack of specific tools for developing business models to electronic commerce on television during this period of transition from analog to digital. This work, however, focuses on understanding features and functionally of t-commerce service and also analyzes theories about electronic commerce and business models. The aim of the of the research is focused on establishing a roadmap that will bring minimum information to help television companies in the process of analysis and architecture of business models for this interactive TV service.

Digitale Transformation - Beispiele aus der Praxis. Neue Wege zum Kunden. Neue Geschäftsmodelle. Neue Wege in Produktion und Kollaboration.

Schönefeld, Frank 23 March 2018 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.

Modelo de inteligência estratégica antecipativa : uma caso aplicado na empresa de software Gens S/A

Gensas, Gerson January 2006 (has links)
O mundo dos negócios hoje em dia está cada vez mais competitivo e os consumidores buscam de forma acelerada a satisfação de suas necessidades imediatas. Na sociedade do conhecimento, caracterizada pela alta competitividade e pela necessidade inerente de informações, torna-se necessária a adoção de estratégias que permitam a manutenção das vantagens competitivas sustentáveis adaptadas a cada modelo de negócio das corporações. A reorientação de um modelo de negócios utilizando os conceitos de Inteligência Estratégica Antecipativa é foco deste trabalho. Em relação aos procedimentos metodológicos, realizou-se um estudo de caso com uma pesquisa exploratória em um banco de dados interno no CRM da empresa estudada e em paralelo uma coleta de fichas de captação com clientes desta empresa. Estes dois bancos de dados foram inclusos no software Sphinx®. O resultado deste estudo foi a geração de três exemplos: O primeiro com o objetivo de testar se um grupo de palavras com destaque de aparições pode trazer pistas de serviços a serem criados pela empresa. O segundo tinha o objetivo de testar se palavras com aparição nas fichas de captação podem ter algum tipo de relação com aparições destas mesmas palavras na base de CRM dando assim pistas de novas tecnologias a serem aplicadas/desenvolvidas pela empresa. O terceiro tinha o objetivo de testar se um grupo de palavras vinculadas ao tema “serviços” e agrupadas por região do país poderiam sinalizar prioridade de investimento da empresa para geração de serviços adicionais aos usuários de seus softwares através de uma rede de representantes. A aplicação dos conceitos de IEA em situações reais de uma empresa de software buscando auxiliar o gestor nas decisões estratégicas de uma possível reorientação de um modelo de negócios foi o resultado final apresentado neste trabalho. / Nowadays the world of business is becoming each day more competitive and the consumers are looking at a fast pace to satisfy their immediate necessities. At the knowledge society, characterized for the high competitiveness and the inherent necessity of information, becomes necessary the adoption of strategies that allows the maintenance of the sustainable competitive advantages to each model of business of the corporations. The reorientation of a business model using the Anticipatory and Collective Environmental Scanning concepts is the focus of this work. Related with the methodological procedures, a study case was made with an exploratory research in an internal data base in the CRM of the studied company and in parallel was become fulfilled a collection of captation fiches with customers of this company. These two data bases had been enclosed in the Sphinx® software The result of this study was the production of three cases: The first one with the objective to test if a group of words with prominence of appearances, it means, a great number of events, in a CRM database, can bring clues from services to be created by the company. The objective of the second was to test if words with appearance in the captation fiches can have kind of relation with appearances of these same words in the CRM base, thus giving clues of new technologies to be applied/developed by the company. The third had the objective to test if a group of words entailed to the subject “services” and grouped by region of the country could sign priority of investment of the company for the generation of add services to the users of its softwares through of a net representatives. The application of the concepts of IEA in real situations of a software company searching to help the manager in strategic decisions of a possible reorientation of a business model, was the final result presented in this work.

Inovação e modelo de negócios como ferramentas competitivas em grandes empresas / Innovation and business model as competitive tools in large corporations

Juliana Harumi Fujisawa Campos 04 December 2017 (has links)
O propósito desta dissertação é entender como grandes empresas multinacionais desenvolvem modelo de negócios suportados por suas inovações, visando a manter a competitividade e a atender às necessidades de seus consumidores em um mercado cada vez mais dinâmico e exigente.Para tal fim, definiu-se como objetivo principal compreender a maneira como especialistas que trabalham em grandes empresas inovam e desenvolvem modelos de negócios para atender às demandas de mercado, visando à competitividade e à sobrevivência do negócio. A escolha deste tema se justifica pelo fato de que empresas grandes possuem maior dificuldade de inovar, pois continuam a fazer melhor o que as tornaram grande, priorizando a eficiência e execução à inovação. Trata-se de um estudo exploratório de natureza qualitativa, baseado em fontes primárias por meio de entrevistas em profundidade com doze especialistas que atuam com inovação em grandes empresas multinacionais. Para a composição amostral, os especialistas foram buscados em organizações multinacionais com base em três rankings de inovação existentes no país que distinguem as melhores empresas nesse quesito. A análise identificou que há um alinhamento entre teoria e prática no que tange aos conceitos de inovação e a modelo de negócios. Além disso, constatou-se que os especialistas abordam a inovação de forma estratégica e estruturada, desenvolvendo assim diferentes tipos de inovação: tecnológica, incremental, radical e disruptiva. No entanto, apenas as inovações ditas como radicais ou disruptivas criaram modelos de negócios nas empresas dos especialistas entrevistados, por diferentes motivos, a saber: pela característica da indústria; pelo direcional estratégico da organização; ou pelo papel da liderança, sendo este fundamental para fomentar a prática de inovação e eliminar barreiras estruturais ou comportamentais presentes. Desta forma, o estudo exploratório trouxe à luz a importância da inovação em relação à sua prática e à implantação no ambiente de negócios, bem como seu valor para a competitividade empresarial quanto ao desenvolvimento de modelo de negócios. / The purpose of this thesis is to understand how large multinational companies develop a business model supported by their innovations in order to maintain their competitiveness and to meet consumers\' needs in an increasingly dynamic and demanding market. Therefore, the main objective was to understand how specialists who work in large companies innovate and develop business models to meet market demands, aiming competitiveness and business survival. The choice of this theme is justified by the fact that large companies have more difficulty to innovate, as they continue to do better what has made them big, by prioritizing efficiency and execution over innovation. It is an exploratory and qualitative study based on primary data sources and in-depth interviews with twelve specialists who work with innovation in large multinational companies. For the sample composition, experts were selected in multinational companies based on three local innovation rankings that distinguishes the best companies in this area. The analysis identified that there is an alignment between theory and practice in terms of innovation concepts and business models. In addition, all the companies surveyed approach innovation in a strategic and structured way, developing different types of innovation - technological, incremental, radical, and disruptive. However, only radical or disruptive innovations have created business models in the surveyed companies, for different reasons: either because of the characteristics of the industry; by the strategic direction of the organization; or by the role of leadership, the latter being fundamental to foster innovation practices and to eliminate structural or behavioral barriers presented. Thus, the exploratory study has brought to light the importance of innovation in relation to its practice and to its implementation in business environment, as well as its value for business competitiveness concerning the development of business models.

Modelos de negócios adotados para o uso de dados governamentais abertos: estudo exploratório de prestadores de serviços na cadeia de valor dos dados governamentais abertos / Business models adopted to use of open government data: an exploratory study of service providers in the value chain of open government data

Edson Carlos Germano 07 November 2013 (has links)
A presente investigação tem como objetivo identificar tipos de usos que podem ser agregados aos dados governamentais abertos por prestadores de serviço, para oferecer produtos e serviços através de aplicativos para smartphones ou através de páginas web. O foco desta pesquisa buscou explorar modelos de negócios que utilizam bases de DGA, as quais devem estar organizadas em sítios, com objetivos de dar transparência, podendo ainda utilizar bases de dados construídas a partir da captura de dados públicos e de dados pessoais. Os modelos de negócio em questão têm como objetivo reorganizar e combinar esses dados de forma que produzam um produto ou serviço que crie valor para o cliente do modelo de negócio. Foi realizado um estudo explorado para identificar qual a participação desses prestadores de serviços na cadeia de valor dos dados abertos, como estão sendo estruturados os modelos de negócio que suportam o funcionamento dessas ferramentas e quais as dificuldades que esses prestadores de serviço têm encontrado no acesso as bases de dados governamentais, que possam ser utilizadas como fonte de dados para produzir informação com valor agregado. Neste estudo estão apresentados sete casos que foram elaborados através de entrevistas semiestruturadas, realizadas com auxilio do software Skype, quando a distância geográfica impossibilitou a entrevista presencial. Os casos foram então submetidos à análise de conteúdo, através da codificação aberta onde, buscou-se identificar fenômenos ou características que poderiam ser replicadas e encontradas em novos casos. Elaborou-se, para cada caso, uma proposta de interpretação do modelo de negócio adotada com a representação gráfica da ferramenta Canvas Também foram analisados o posicionamento de cada caso na cadeia de valor dos DGA e as bases de dados utilizadas. / The following research aims to identify types of uses that can be aggregated to open government data by service providers, to offer products and services using smartphone applications or web pages. The main focus of this research was to explore business models that use DGA databases, which are organized in sites aiming to give transparency, and to optionally use databases built from the capture of public and personal data. These business models intend to reorganize and combine these data in order to produce a product or service that create value to the business models\'s client. A research has been made to identify what is the participation of these service providers in the open data value chain, how are structured the business models that support these tools and what are the problems that these service providers have been found trying to access government databases that can be used as data sources to produce value aggregated information. In this study, seven cases are presented , which were developed using semistructured interviews, carried out using Skype software when the physical distance made it impossible to make a face interview. The cases were subjected to content analysis through open source coding , in order to identify phenomena or characteristics that could be found or replicated in new cases. For each case, a business model interpretation proposal using Canvas tool has been made, together with the position of each case in the DGA value chain and in the used databases.

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