Spelling suggestions: "subject:"femail"" "subject:"esmail""
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Mitteilungen des URZ 4/1999Becher, Clauß, Heide, Richter, Riedel 17 January 2000 (has links)
Inhalt:Übersicht neu beschaffter Hardware,
Neuer Mailbox-Server mailbox.hrz.tu-chemnitz.de,
Login-Server login.hrz.tu-chemnitz.de,
E-Mail per WWW: WebMail mit IMP,
CLICK - Chemnitzer Linux Cluster Konzept,
Was ist ein Beowulf?
GNOME - ein neuer Desktop unter Linux,
X Gnuplot Front End (XGFE)
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Mitteilungen des URZ 2000Becher, Clauß, Heik, Hübsch, Müller, Richter, Riedel, Schier, Wolf, Ziegler 23 November 2000 (has links)
Das CLIC-Projekt;
X2X - ein Werkzeug zur Darstellung von XML-Dokumenten;
Der Backupdienst des URZ;
Betreuung von Ausbildungspools durch das URZ;
Aktueller Netzausbauzustand;
Komfortablere E-Mail-Bearbeitung mit IMAP;
MagicPoint - Präsentationen unter Linux;
10 Jahre ¨UNIX-Stammtisch in Sachsen¨
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Mitteilungen des URZ 2/2004Heide, Richter, Riedel, Schier, Kratzert, Ziegler 10 May 2004 (has links)
Informationen des Universitätsrechenzentrums:Nutzung der Computerpools
Unicode - eine neue Art der Zeichenkodierung
Sicheres Programmieren mit PHP (Teil 2)
NIDS im Campusnetz
Achtung, Mail-Würmer!
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Mitteilungen des URZ 4/2005Heik, Andreas, Müller, Thomas, Richter, Frank, Riedel, Wolfgang, Schmidt, Ronald, Trapp, Holger 21 November 2005 (has links)
Informationen des Universitätsrechenzentrums:Zentrale Ausbildungspools und UB-Computerarbeitsplätze: neue Hardware und Linux-Distribution
Web-Trust-Center: Single Sign On für Web-Anwendungen
Neuer Webmail-Zugang: IMP Version 4
Neues in der UB
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Überwachung der privaten E-Mail-Kommunikation von Schülerinnen und Schülern durch Schulen und ihre Aufsichtspflicht über diese PersonenGramlich, Ludwig, Mai, Frank 20 November 2007 (has links)
Verbundprojekt "Entwicklung einer Systemlösung für die Schulen der Stadt
Chemnitz zur Unterstützung des fachübergreifenden Einsatzes neuer
Medien" (SyS-C)
Förderkennzeichen: 01NM254B
Laufzeit des Vorhabens: 01.06.2004 bis 31.05.2007
Durch das Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung und den
Europäischen Sozialfonds gefördertes Projekt
Mit dem Projekt SyS-C hat die Stadt Chemnitz eine zentrale Systemlösung
für alle Chemnitzer Schulen geschaffen, die diesen eine zeitgemäße
IT-Lösung zu bezahlbaren Kosten zur Verfügung stellt. Die Lösung
entlastet die Lehrenden von administrativen Aufgaben, ist einfach zu
bedienen und macht so für die Lehrkräfte die Nutzung der neuen Medien
dauerhaft und mit hoher Verlässlichkeit möglich.
Die Lösung besteht aus einer Schulserver-Software, die speziell die
Anforderungen des schulischen Alltags berücksichtigt, für alle
Schulformen geeignet ist, plattformunabhängig Client-Systeme unterstützt
und zentral administriert werden kann. Auf dieser Basis werden alle
Schulen über VPN-Verbindungen mit dem in Chemnitz aufgebauten
Schulrechenzentrum verbunden. Dieses Intranet ist die Basis der
zentralen Administration.
Die Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit den unterschiedlichen Formen der Nutzung
von E-Mail im Unterricht und den Möglichkeiten der Überwachung vor dem
Hintergrund des Fernmeldegeheimnisses und der Aufsichtspflichten der
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Mitteilungen des URZ 2/2011Clauß, Matthias, Heik, Andreas, Richter, Frank, Riedel, Wolfgang 20 June 2011 (has links)
Informationen für URZ-Nutzer, in dieser Ausgabe speziell zur Umstellung der Systemsoftware zentral administrierter Computer sowie zu Sicherheitsfragen für Webserver und E-Mail:o Windows7 am Campus der TUC
o Active Directory Dienste
o Scientific Linux 6 am Campus der TUC
o Poolnutzung im Wintersemester 2011/12
o Sichere Geheimnisse für Webanwendungen auf zentralen Webservern
o E-Mail-Bearbeitung sichern - ein Drama in mehreren Akten
o Kurzinformationen:
- Compute- und Referenz-Server für SL 6
- Windows Server 2008 R2 im Pilotbetrieb
- Portal zur Beschaffung von Standard-PC-Technik
- Renovierung Computerpools
- Azubis im URZ
- Facettierung im WebOPAC der UB
o Software-News:
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Can Chatbot technologies answer work email needs? : A case study on work email needs in an accounting firmOlsen, Linnéa January 2021 (has links)
Work email is one of the organisations most critical tool today. It`s have become a standard way to communicate internally and externally. It can also affect our well-being. Email overload has become a well-known issue for many people. With interviews, follow up interviews, and a workshop, three persons from an accounting firm prioritise pre-define emails needs. And identified several other email needs that were added to the priority list. A thematic analysis and summarizing of a Likert scale was conducted to identify underlying work email needs and work email needs that are not apparent. Three work email needs were selected and using scenario-based methods and the elements of PACT to investigating how the characteristics of a chatbot can help solve the identified work email overload issue? The result shows that email overload is percept different from individual to individual. The choice of how email is handled and email activities indicate how email overload feeling is experienced. The result shows a need to get a sense of the email content quickly, fast collect financial information and information from Swedish authorities, and repetitive, time-consuming tasks. Suggestions on how this problem can be solved have been put forward for many years, and how to use machine learning to help reduce email overload. However, many of these proposed solutions have not yet been implemented on a full scale. One conclusion may be that since email overload is not experienced in the same way, individuals have different needs - One solution does not fit all. With the help of the character of a chatbot, many problems can be solved. And with a technological character of a chatbot that can learn individuals' email patterns, suggest email task to the user and performing tasks to reducing the email overload perception. Using keyword for email intents to get a sense of the email content faster and produce quick links where to find information about the identified subject. And to work preventive give the user remainder and perform repetitive tasks on specific dates.
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Reframing climate change as a public health issue : a Canadian case study, 2008-2020Pillod, Alizee 07 1900 (has links)
Les changements climatiques représentent une menace majeure pour la santé publique au Canada et ailleurs. À l’inverse, l’action climatique pourrait procurer des éventuels co-bénéfices santé. Bien que la recherche en matière de communication sur les changements climatiques soit en plein essor, seulement une poignée d’études ont exploré comment les médias relient les changements climatiques à leurs impacts sur la santé humaine. Les médias peuvent jouer un rôle clef, de par leur capacité à modeler la compréhension du public ainsi que son adhésion à des politiques nouvelles. Cette analyse de contenu examine la couverture des impacts sanitaires des changements climatiques dans le journal canadien The Globe and Mail entre 2008 et 2020. Notre étude suggère que le cadrage santé demeure sous-utilisé à ce jour, et que les journalistes ne réussissent pas à faire des liens exhaustifs entre climat et santé. Lorsque la question est abordée, le contenu est le plus souvent imprécis ; sans risque sanitaire, facteur social médiateur ou population vulnérable identifiés. Les co-bénéfices santé émanant de l’action climatique peuvent convier des émotions positives et ainsi inciter davantage à un changement comportemental. Malgré tout, ils demeurent rarement mentionnés. Tandis que des études précédentes montraient que les professionnels de la santé sont les mieux équipés pour communiquer les risques, nous avons constaté que ce sont les membres de la société civile, la plupart n’ayant pas d’expertise médicale, qui sont les plus souvent cités dans les articles. Enfin, la pandémie de Covid-19 peut être décrite comme une opportunité manquée pour recadrer les changements climatiques, puisque notre étude démontre que le cadrage santé n’était pas plus utilisé en 2020 qu’auparavant. / Climate change represents a major threat to public health in Canada and elsewhere. Conversely, climate action could procure potential health co-benefits. Although research on climate communication is growing, only a few studies have explored how the media connect climate change to its impacts on human health. The media can play a key role in shaping people’s understanding of the issue as well as their support for policy change. This media content analysis investigates the coverage of climate change impacts on human health in the Canadian news outlet The Globe and Mail between 2008 and 2020. Our study suggests that the public health frame remains largely underutilized to this date, and that journalists fail to make comprehensive links between climate change and health. When the issue is addressed, the content is most often unprecise, with either no particular health risk, social mediating factor or vulnerable population identified. Climate action health co-benefits can convey positive emotions and induce greater behavior change. Yet, they are rarely mentioned. While previous studies have shown that health professionals are best equipped to communicate the risks, we found that members of civil society with no medical expertise were the most regularly cited individuals in the articles. Finally, the Covid-19 pandemic could be described as a missed opportunity to reframe climate change, as our study demonstrates that the public health frame was not more often used in 2020 than it was before.
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Design and implementation of personal health data monitoring and retrieval system for health providersOjo-Seriki, D. F. 17 August 2020 (has links)
M. Tech. (Department of Process Control and Computer System, Faculty of Engineering and Technology), Vaal University of Technology. / Personal health record system (PHRS) is a tool that is used in maintaining the health and wellness of an individual as well as helping with illness of an individual. PHRS gives the individual access to a wide range of credible health information, data, and knowledge. Individuals can use that access to improve their health and manage their diseases. Patients with chronic illness can track and manage their health in conjunction with their health provider, this will promote early intervention when they encounter an abnormality or complications. Continuous monitoring and storing of health information has been a challenge for patients and health providers. Personal health data monitoring and retrieval system for health providers was designed and implemented. The main aim of this study was to develop an accurate, secure and flexible personal health data monitoring and retrieval system for health providers (PHRS). This was achieved. The research showed that when a patient health information (Electrocardiogram (ECG) and temperature) was monitored, the heartbeat (ECG) sensor output the value as an analog value to the signal processing (NodeMCU) which was then converted to a digital value.
The temperature sensor used in this research is a digital sensor which lowers the amount of ADC conversion that was done. The digital values are displayed on LCD, its send to a personal health data storage system which was designed for health information storage purposes. It also sends the value to a retrieval system which is an android application that is connected to the data storage system to display health information to the health providers from a remote location. Personal health data storage and the retrieval system are secure due to the Message queuing telemetry transport (MQTT) protocol used in the application layer. The MQTT protocol is secure due to the secure socket layer (SSL) which is an encryption based on presentation layer embedded inside the MQTT protocol. After the comparison of the software simulation and the prototype test, the differences in the value for the heartbeat and temperature sensor indicate 0.04 BPM and 0.04 oC which shows the accuracy of the sensing circuit.
Personal health data monitoring and retrieval system developed is applicable and useful to multiple entities in and around South Africa such as; Ministry of health, hospitals, sport and recreations.
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Space ProgramYes, Melissa R. January 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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