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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Open Call / Open Call

Gajdošík, Andreas January 2018 (has links)
In diploma thesis Open Call I focus on unequal position of artists in current art world in which, despite the transparent practices like open calls, still persists the cult of name, the power of networking and personal recommendation. This topic I artistically process in form of practical artistic intervention, which is close to the tactics of 1:1 scale of Arte Útil - specifically by creation of software tool called Nomin. Its purpose is to support weakened or marginalized groups of artists. Nomin uses properties of email protocol SMTP to allow its users-spectators to send fake self-recommending emails - from email addresses of famous curators to the inboxes various galleries or other art institutions. During development of program Nomin and its technical background (software documentation, web page etc.) I followed the paradigm of free, libre, open source software (FLOSS) and also the methodology of agile software development in order to provide in this gesamtsoftwerk the users-spectators with fully functional, user-friendly software and give them possibility to influence further development of Nomin or directly participate on it. Created artwork is thus not a single artefact but rather a set of interconnected objects and practices grounded in the network of social bonds and behaviours which balances on the edge of institutional critique, useful art, participatory art and collective performance.

Elektronický obchod a jeho marketing / E-commerce and its Marketing

Musilová, Veronika January 2009 (has links)
I will attend to creation suitable model of e-marketing for e-shop with flowers in my diploma work. The aim will by join the possible instruments of online marketing in order that the company can succesfully work on the Internet. and ensure the betterposition before the competition. I will focus on e-marketing and its individua instruments. I will make some analysis of the company, by virtue of I will propose what kind of e-marketing can company use. Last but not least I will attend to the aims, which company should achieve and own potential which should valorize.

Personalisierung im E-Commerce – zur Wirkung von E-Mail-Personalisierung auf ausgewählte ökonomische Kennzahlen des Konsumentenverhaltens: Personalisierung im E-Commerce – zur Wirkung von E-Mail-Personalisierung auf ausgewählte ökonomische Kennzahlen des Konsumentenverhaltens

Fassauer, Roland 29 April 2016 (has links)
Personalisierung ist ein wichtiger Bereich des Internet Marketings, zu dem es wenige experimentelle Untersuchungen mit großen Teilnehmerzahlen gibt. Für den erfolgreichen Einsatz von Empfehlungsverfahren sind umfangreiche Daten über das Käuferverhalten erforderlich. Diesen Problemstellungen nimmt sich die vorliegende Arbeit an. In ihr wird das Shop-übergreifende individuelle Käuferverhalten von bis zu 126.000 Newsletter-Empfängern eines deutschen Online-Bonussystems sowohl mittels ausgewählter Data-Mining-Methoden als auch experimentell untersucht. Dafür werden Prototypen eines Data-Mining-Systems, einer A/B-Test-Software-Komponente und einer Empfehlungssystem-Komponente entwickelt und im Rahmen des Data Minings und durch Online-Feldexperimente evaluiert. Dabei kann für die genannte Nutzergruppe in einem Experiment bereits mit einem einfachen Empfehlungsverfahren gezeigt werden, dass zum einen die Shop-übergreifenden individuellen Verhaltensdaten des Online-Bonus-Systems für die Erzeugung von Empfehlungen geeignet sind, und zum anderen, dass die dadurch erzeugten Empfehlungen zu signifikant mehr Bestellungen als bei der besten Empfehlung auf Basis durchschnittlichen Käuferverhaltens führten. In weiteren Experimenten im Rahmen der Evaluierung der A/B-Test-Komponente konnte gezeigt werden, dass absolute Rabattangebote nur dann zu signifikant mehr Bestellungen führten als relative Rabatt-Angebote, wenn sie mit einer Handlungsaufforderung verbunden waren. Die Arbeit ordnet sich damit in die Forschung zur Beeinflussung des Käuferverhaltens durch Personalisierung und durch unterschiedliche Rabatt-Darstellungen ein und trägt die genannten Ergebnisse und Artefakte bei.:1 Inhalt 1 Einleitung 1 1.1 Stand der Forschung 3 1.2 Forschungsbedarf 6 1.3 Forschungskonzept 8 1.4 Verwendete Methoden 11 1.5 Aufbau der Arbeit 11 2 Theoretische und konzeptionelle Grundlagen 13 2.1 Internethandel, E-Commerce und E-Business 13 2.2 Marketing, Konsumenten- und Käuferverhalten 16 2.2.1 Käuferverhalten bei Rabatt-Angeboten 20 2.3 Internet Marketing 21 2.3.1 Erfolgskontrolle im Internet Marketing 24 2.3.2 Ausgewählte Disziplinen des Internet Marketings 27 Affiliate Marketing 28 Online-Cashback-Systeme 35 E-Mail-Marketing 38 2.4 Personalisierung im Internet Marketing 56 2.4.1 Empfehlungssysteme 59 2.4.2 Bewertung von Empfehlungssystemen 59 2.4.3 Architektur von Empfehlungssystemen 60 2.4.4 Empfehlungssystem-Kategorien 62 Hybride Empfehlungssysteme 67 2.4.5 Techniken für Empfehlungsverfahren 69 2.5 Wissensaufbereitung und -entdeckung 89 2.5.1 Datenerhebungsverfahren 89 Datenqualität 91 Datensicherheit und Datenschutz 92 2.5.2 Knowledge Discovery und Data Mining 94 Der Data-Mining-Prozess 96 Data-Mining-Problemtypen 98 Das Data-Mining-System 100 2.5.3 Das Experiment als Erhebungsdesign 106 Anforderungen und Gütekriterien 111 Online-Feldexperimente im Marketing 117 Auswertungsverfahren 120 Theoretische Grundlagen des A/B-Testverfahrens 121 3 Vorgehen 126 3.1 Forschungsdesign 126 Ziele und Anforderungen der Andasa GmbH 128 Ziele und Anforderungen des Instituts für Angewandte Informatik 129 3.1.2 Design des Informationssystems 130 Der Designprozess 131 3.1.3 Konzeption des Software-Systems 133 3.1.4 Evaluation 134 3.2 Datenanalyse 135 3.2.1 Datenbeschaffung 135 3.2.2 Datenaufbereitung 136 3.2.3 Auswahl geeigneter Data-Mining-Methoden 137 Auswahl-Kriterien 137 Methodenauswahl 140 3.2.4 Erläuterung ausgewählter Data-Mining-Methoden 156 Bayes’sche Netze 156 Clustering 158 Diskriminanzanalyse 158 Korrelationsanalyse 159 Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) 159 3.2.5 Auswahl geeigneter Data-Mining-Werkzeuge 165 Auswahlprozess 165 Kriterien 166 Werkzeuge zur statistischen Analyse und Visualisierung 168 Werkzeuge für Clustering und Diskriminanzanalyse 168 Werkzeuge für Online Analytical Processing 169 Werkzeuge für Bayes’sche Netze 169 3.3 Untersuchungsdesign 171 3.3.1 Online-Marketing-Instrumente bei Andasa 172 3.3.2 Stimulus-Auswahl 174 3.3.3 Entwurf des Experimentaldesigns 175 4 Umsetzung 180 4.1 Architektur und prototypische Implementation 180 4.1.1 Das Data-Mining-System 180 4.1.2 Der ETL-Prozess 181 Datenerhebung 183 Datenbereinigung 184 4.1.3 Die A/B-Testumgebung 185 4.1.4 Das Empfehlungssystem 189 4.1.5 Usability-Evaluation 196 4.2 Data Mining 199 4.2.1 Statistische Analyse 200 4.2.2 Anwendung ausgewählter Data-Mining-Methoden 206 Clustering 208 Klassifikation 213 Modellierung als Bayes’sche Netze 214 4.2.3 Ergebnisse und Evaluation 221 4.3 Feldexperimente mit Newslettern 222 4.3.1 Eckdaten der Tests 223 4.3.2 Beispiel-Experimente 224 4.3.3 A/B-Tests Rabattdarstellungen 226 Öffnungsrate Prozente vs. Euro 226 Klickrate Prozente vs. Euro 227 Conversion-Rate Prozente vs. Euro 229 4.3.4 A/B-Test zur Personalisierung 230 Auswahl des Empfehlungsverfahrens 230 Definition der Kontrollgruppe 231 Operative Durchführung 231 Auswertung 232 4.3.5 Ergebnisse und Evaluation 236 5 Zusammenfassung und Ausblick 239 6 Anhang 243 6.1 Anhang A Usability-Evaluation 243 6.1.1 Methoden der Usability-Evaluierung 246 Usability-Tests und lautes Denken 246 Benutzerbefragung 248 Feldstudien und Partizipation 250 Expertenorientierte (Inspektions-)Methoden 251 Formal-analytische Verfahren 252 Quantitative Fragebogen 252 Verfahrensmodell 259 Auswertung 262 6.1.2 Fragebögen 263 6.2 Anhang B Zeitreihenanalyse 281 6.2.1 Klassische Komponentenmodelle 281 6.2.2 Stochastische Prozesse 282 6.2.3 Fourier-Analyse-Methoden (Spektralanalyse) 283 6.3 Anhang C Daten und Programme 286 6.3.1 Technische Daten 286 Data Warehouse / Data Mining Server 286 6.3.2 Programm- und Skriptcodes 287 R- Skripte 287 SQL – Skripte 296 C# Code MostRecentLinkInvocationsShopRecommender.cs 314 6.3.3 Daten A/B-Tests 317 Übersicht Newsletter 317 Mengengerüst Aussendungen 319 Shopaufrufe und Besteller 319 Darstellungen der Newsletter-Varianten 320 6.3.4 Daten Personalisierung 335 6.4 Abbildungsverzeichnis 338 6.5 Tabellenverzeichnis 343 6.6 Literaturverzeichnis 346

Comparison between email and twitter as knowledge platforms in small South African businesses located in the Western Cape

Heyns, Wiaan 11 1900 (has links)
The aim of this research is to shed more light on an aspect identified as a gap in knowledge in the literature; the use of a social networking service as knowledge sharing platform. More specifically, this research sets out to establish if the social networking service Twitter could be used as knowledge-sharing platform in small South African businesses in the Western Cape. A mixed method research design is used. This includes gathering data through questionnaires as well as conducting semi-structured interviews for case study participants. The sample comprises 122 questionnaire participants together with 14 semi-structured interview participants across three small businesses located in the Western Cape Province. Although it is apparent from the study conducted that small businesses are not yet willing to forego traditional platforms such as Email to use Twitter exclusively as a knowledge sharing tool, the researcher proposes a case for using Twitter, which he believes, could take the most advantage of the functions Twitter brings to a small business operation. / School of Computing / M. Sc. (Computing)

Rektorers arbete med kompetensutveckling av lärares erfarenhetsbaserade undervisning

Knifsund, Camilla January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att få en förståelse för hur rektorer väljer att organisera kompetensutveckling för lärare gällande erfarenhetsbaserad undervisning. Min empiri är insamlad med hjälp av datorstödda mailintervjuer. I och med detta söker jag mönster i respondenternas olika svar utifrån en fenomenografisk ansats. Studiens resultat har gett svar på de frågeställningar som studien utgår ifrån och resultatet visar på en stor variation. Dels finns det variation i respondenternas tolkning av begreppet erfarenhetsbaserad undervisning och det finns även variationer kring deras tolkning av styrdokumenten. Det går också att se olikheter gällande den kompetensutveckling som rektorer organiserar för lärare. På grund av de variationer som råder i samtliga utsagor så kan det bli aktuellt att lyfta vikten av centraliserad tolkning av bärande begrepp på nationell nivå för att komma så nära likvärdig undervisning som möjligt. / The aim of this study is to gain an understanding how the principals choose to develop teacher competence in experience-based teaching. I seek patterns in the different interview answers based on phenomenographic approach. My empirical data was collected with the help of computer-aided mail interviews. The results of the study have given answers to the questions on which the study is based upon and the results show a great variation. Variation in the interpretation of the concept of experience-based teaching and the governance document. But the results also vary regarding the skills development the principals offers teachers. Due to the variations that seem to prevail in all statements, it may be relevant to emphasize the importance of centralized interpretation of key concepts at the national level, in order to get as close to equivalent teaching as possible.

Changement et apprentissage chez les professeurs utilisant la télécommunication dans leur enseignement

Bossé, Marielle January 2001 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.

Canoes and colony: the dugout canoe as a site of intercultural engagement in the colonial context of British Columbia (1849-1871)

Wenstob, Stella Maris 15 April 2015 (has links)
The cedar dugout canoe is iconically associated with First Nations peoples of the Pacific Northwest coast, but the vital contribution it made to the economic and social development of British Columbia is historically unrecognized. This beautifully designed and crafted oceangoing vessel, besides being a prized necessity to the maritime First Nations peoples, was an essential transportation link for European colonists. In speed, maneuverability, and carrying capacity it vied with any other seagoing technology of the time. The dugout canoe became an important site of engagement between First Nations peoples and settlers. European produced textual and visual records of the colonial period are examined to analyze the dugout canoe as a site of intercultural interaction with a focus upon the European representation. This research asks: Was the First Nations' dugout canoe essential to colonial development in British Columbia and, if so, were the First Nations acknowledged for this vital contribution? Analysis of primary archival resources (letters and journals), images (photographs, sketches and paintings) and colonial publications, such as the colonial dispatches, memoirs and newspaper accounts, demonstrate that indeed the dugout canoe and First Nations canoeists were essential to the development of the colony of British Columbia. However, these contributions were differentially acknowledged as the colony shifted from a fur trade-oriented operation to a settler-centric development that emphasized the alienation of First Nations’ land for settler use. By focusing research on the dugout canoe and its use and depiction by Europeans, connections between European colonists and First Nations canoeists, navigators and manufacturers are foregrounded. This focus brings together these two key historical players demonstrating their “entangled” nature (Thomas 1991:139) and breaking down “silences” and “trivializations” in history (Trouillot 1995:96), working to build an inclusive and connected history of colonial British Columbia. / Graduate

The impact of social network sites on written isiXhosa : a case study of a rural and an urban high school

Dlutu, Bongiwe Agrienette January 2014 (has links)
The use of cellphones has increased all over the world. That invites many academics to conduct research on the usage of these devices, especially by young people, since young people join Social Network Sites (Facebook, Mxit, 2go, Whatsapp) and use a shorthand language. Most studies are related to the use of English and other languages that are recognised by computer software. There are few studies, if any, that have been done in relation to the use of African Languages on these sites. This research therefore aims to seek to explore the use of African Languages, especially isiXhosa, in assessing how technology might help in language development through the usage of SNSs that learners already use to equip them with educational material in their mother tongue. This study was conducted in two high schools, Nogemane Senior Secondary School in a disadvantaged and remote rural community with limited access to additional educational material such as magazines, newspapers, and television. The school also lacks basic study materials such as textbooks from the Education Department and they have no access to a library and laboratory. They also only have very few subjects to choose from. Nombulelo Senior Secondary School is in Grahamstown. This school has good infrastructure and learners have access to different technological devices and they can access libraries. What is common between learners in both schools is that they are all doing isiXhosa as a first language and are using SNSs to interact with each other. This study has found that learners enjoy using SNSs rather than reading the printed books. Furthermore, they enjoy and prefer interacting in isiXhosa in their conversations. Learners also use the web to post and show their creative writing, regardless of the shorthand form writing they use on the SNSs. This study has found that learners are not well equipped with basic isiXhosa skills when reaching the FET phase. They lack the understanding of standard isiXhosa idioms and proverbs. That clearly means that they are equipped in the more modern forms of literature rather than the traditional oral forms. IsiXhosa teachers also see SNSs as the better platform to engage with learners and they suggest that there must be a section in the subjects at school that teaches about cyber bullying and being safe online. This thesis also presents examples of new and contemporary forms of SNS-speak that are used by learners in both the rural and urban schools. This study is more concerned with SNSs for literacy development and to assess whether the shorthand writing has negative or positive effects in writing isiXhosa. This is done against the backdrop of a literature review which explores new literacies, computer mediated communication, social identity models as well as language policy and planning.

Way of the Butterfly: A Journey towards Transformation through Self-portraits In-Between

Koshikawa, Masami 01 January 2015 (has links)
It has not been easy for me to talk about myself or describe my feelings or thoughts. Coming from Japan, a collective society, we typically are not raised to do so. Throughout the MFA program at UCF, I have shared my feelings and thoughts through my work. It is important to discuss and inform others of our cultural similarities and differences so that we may gain a better understanding of each other. This process has helped me grow not only on an artistic level, but also on a personal level. My journey towards integration has led me to a meaningful studio practice, which has allowed my work to bridge the gap between Western and Eastern artistic sensibilities. At the beginning of the MFA program, my mother sent many boxes of origami from Japan. As I started incorporating my mother’s origami into my work, I found myself identifying with the origami butterfly. My realization is that the person I am now is not the person I was when I began this journey. My wish for you, the reader, is to go along with me as I tell you the story of my transformation.

Faculty Senate Minutes May 1, 2017

University of Arizona Faculty Senate 29 August 2017 (has links)
This item contains the agenda, minutes, and attachments for the Faculty Senate meeting on this date. There may be additional materials from the meeting available at the Faculty Center.

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