Spelling suggestions: "subject:"moderator"" "subject:"amoderator""
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Vormingsjare van die kerkleier J.D. (Koot) Vorster, 1909-1956Louw, Reinier Willem 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Dr. J D Vorster het gedurende sy bedieningstyd in die
N.G.Kerk [1935-1978] ontwikkel en gegroei tot 'n invloedryke
kerkleier. Die faktore en omstanighede wat tot sy vorming
bygedra het is die onderwerp van hierdie studie.
Die f eit dat hy in die Stormberge gebore en getoe is asook
.karaktereienskappe wat hy van sy voorsate geerf het, was
belangrike komponente in sy vorming. Boustene soos godsdiens
en volksliefde het in sy ouerhuis die grondslag gele vir sy
teologiese beskouings wat op universiteit ontwikkel het.
Sedert 1935 is hy in die bediening verder gevorm deur
pastorale werk, kerklike vergaderings en briefwisselings.
Kulturele en politieke betrokkenheid asook gevangenisstraf
het horn bekend gemaak en gebrei.
'n Doktorsgraad in die Kerkreg was verder die regte skoling
vir die amp va.n Aktuarius - 'n pos wat met soveel
deeglikheid uitgevoer is dat hy later as kerkleier erken is
met sy verkiesing as Moderator. / During his ministry in the D.R.Church, dr.J D Vorster developed and grew to become an influential church leader.
The subject of this study is the factors and circumstances
which contributed to his forming.
The fact that he was born and bred in the Stormberge as well
as the characteristics he inherited from his ancestors were
important components in his forming. Building stones such as
religion and nationalism in his parents home laid the
.foundation of his theological views which developed at
He was further formed in his ministry through pastoral work,
church meetings and correspondence. Cultural and political
participation as well as imprisonment made him well-known
and tough.
His doctorate in church law put him on the right track for
the post of Actuary - an off ice which he filled with so much
efficiency that his leadership in the church was recognised
with his election as Moderator. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / Th. M. (Church History)
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The impact of decorative pictures on learning with mediaSchneider, Sascha 27 July 2017 (has links)
This thesis aimed at examining the impact of decorative pictures, defined as pictures which make an instructional material aesthetically appealing rather than conveying information for learning. In research, the use of decorative pictures was considered to be detrimental for learning for a long time. In contrast, recent research revealed that the impact of these pictures is moderated by a number of variables. In a series of experiments which were based on cognitive-affective theories of learning with media, a selected number of theoretically derived moderators were examined in a series of experiments. A first experiment (N1 = 82) investigat-ed the effectiveness of different levels of emotional charge (positive vs. negative) and the impact of different contexts (learning context vs. leisure time context) shown in decorative pictures. Results showed that learning performance was higher for positive than negative pictures, while the measured pleasure of students mediated this effect. Decorative pictures showing a learning context were also found to enhance learning while the students’ assessments of arousal and dominance were raised for these pictures.
In a second experiment (N2 = 81), design features of anthropomorphism, defined as features which elicit the tendency to attribute human characteristics to non-human objects, were implemented in decorative pictures. Based on a two-factorial design with the inclusion of human faces (present vs. absent) and personalized labels (present vs. absent), both human faces and personalized labels were found to foster learning. In comparison to a control group without decorative pictures (experiment 3; N3 = 102), the inclusion of both mentioned anthropomorphic features in decorative pictures led to a higher learning performance. In contrast, decorative pictures without anthropomorphic features decreased learning. Both features additionally enhanced the mental effort and intrinsic motivation of students, although a task-irrelevant cognitive load was increased by the inclusion of decorative pictures.
The emotional charge (positive vs. negative) and the degree of text-picture connectedness (weakly vs. strongly) of decorative pictures were additionally examined in three other experiments (N4 = 108, N5 = 86, N6 = 162). Moreover, these groups were compared with an additional control group without decorative pictures. All three experiments revealed that decorative pictures with a strong connection to the learning topic of a text and a positive charge increased learning. In comparison with the control group, positive, strongly connected pictures mainly enhanced and negative, weakly connected pictures mainly impaired learning. Results can be explained by significant differences among the assessment of cognitive processes of learners. In conclusion, decorative pictures may be used in order to enrich an instructional material if boundary conditions like the context-relatedness, the degree of anthropomorphism, the text-picture connectedness, and the emotional charge are taken into account.:Zusammenfassung 4
Summary 6
1 Introduction 8
2 Theories of Learning with Text and Pictures 8
2.1 Cognitive Load Theory 8
2.2 Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning 9
2.3 Integrated Model of Text and Picture Comprehension 11
2.4 Cognitive-Affective Theories of Learning with Text and Pictures 12
3 The Role of (Decorative) Pictures in Learning with Media 15
3.1 Picture Taxonomies and the Function of Decoration 16
3.2 Decorative Pictures and Learning 18
3.3 Moderators of Decorative Pictures in Learning 18
3.4 Main Hypotheses 20
4. Methods 22
4.1 Participants and Experimental Designs 22
4.2 Pre-Studies and Instructional Materials 24
4.3 Learning Measures and Further Questionnaires 24
5 Results 26
5.1 Learning Results 26
5.2 Additional Results 28
6 General Discussion 29
6.1 Implications 30
6.2 Limitations and Future Directions 31
7 References 32
Article 1: „Decorative pictures and emotional design in multimedia learning” 38
Article 2: „Anthropomorphism in decorative pictures: Benefit or harm for learning?” 48
Article 3: “How affective charge and text-picture connectedness moderate the impact ….. of decorative pictures on multimedia learning” 64
Curriculum Vitae 116
Danksagung 119
Selbstständigkeitserklärung 120 / Die vorliegende Dissertation untersucht den Einfluss dekorativer Bilder, welche per Definition ein Lernmaterial eher ästhetisch schmücken als lernrelevante Informationen zu vermitteln. In der Forschung wurden solche Bilder bisher vorrangig als lernhinderlich betrachtet. Neuere Befunde weisen jedoch darauf hin, dass der Einfluss dieser Bilder einer Reihe von moderierenden Einflüssen unterliegt. Auf der Grundlage von verschiedenen Experimenten, welche auf kognitiv-affektiven Theorien des Lernens mit Medien beruhen, wurde eine ausgewählte Anzahl theoretisch abgeleiteter Moderatoren näher untersucht. In einem ersten Experiment (N1 = 82) wurden Einflüsse der emotionalen Ladung (positiv vs. negativ) sowie des dargestellten Lernkontexts (Lernkontext vs. Freizeitkontext) von dekorativen Bildern analysiert. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass sich das Lernergebnis durch positive Bilder im Kontrast zu negativen Bildern verbesserte, während dieser Effekt durch die Zufriedenheit der Studenten mediiert wurde. Auch dekorative Bilder mit einem Lernkontext erhöhten die Lernleistungen, während Lernende durch diese Bilder eine höhere Aktivierung sowie Dominanz angaben.
Ein zweites Experiment (N2 = 81) bestimmte den Einfluss anthropomorphisierter Bestandteile von dekorativen Bildern, welche die Tendenz zur Attribution menschlicher Charakteristiken auf nicht-menschliche Objekte auslösen können. Auf der Grundlage eines zwei-faktoriellen Untersuchungsdesigns, gekennzeichnet durch die Einbettung von menschlichen Gesichtern (vorhanden vs. nicht-vorhanden) und personalisierter Beschriftungen (vorhanden vs. nicht-vorhanden), konnten menschliche Gesichter und personalisierte Beschriftungen die Lernleistungen erhöhen. Im Kontrast zu einer Kontrollgruppe ohne dekorative Bilder (Experiment 3, N3 = 102), erwies sich der Einsatz anthropomorphisierter Bilder als lernförderlich, wohingegen dekorative Bilder ohne anthropomorphisierte Bestandteile lernhinderlich waren. Beide Bestandteile erhöhten außerdem die wahrgenommene mentale Anstrengung sowie intrinsische Motivation der Lernenden, obwohl sich die lernirrelevante Belastung durch die Hinzunahme dekorativer Bilder erhöhte.
Die emotionale Ladung (positiv vs. negativ) sowie der textliche Bezug (gering vs. hoch) von dekorativen Bildern wurden in drei weiteren Experimenten (N4 = 108, N5 = 86, N6 = 162) zusammen mit einer zusätzlichen Kontrollgruppe ohne dekorative Bilder untersucht. Jedes der drei Experimente ist ein Beleg für den lernförderlichen Einfluss dekorativer Bilder mit positiver Ladung und hohem Textbezug. Im Vergleich zur Kontrollgruppe, erweisen sich dekorative Bilder mit positiver Ladung und hohem Textbezug als lernförderlich, wobei dekorative Bilder mit geringem Textbezug und negativer Ladung also lernhinderlich nachgewiesen wurden. Einen Erklärungsansatz liefern zusätzlich gemessene kognitive Variablen. Zusammenfassend zeigt sich, dass dekorative Bilder durchaus lernförderlich beim Design von Lernmaterialien eingesetzt werden können, wenn moderierende Einflüsse, wie der dargestellte Lernkontext, der Grad der ausgelösten Anthropomorphisierung, der Textbezug, sowie die emotionale Ladung dekorativer Bilder beachtet werden.:Zusammenfassung 4
Summary 6
1 Introduction 8
2 Theories of Learning with Text and Pictures 8
2.1 Cognitive Load Theory 8
2.2 Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning 9
2.3 Integrated Model of Text and Picture Comprehension 11
2.4 Cognitive-Affective Theories of Learning with Text and Pictures 12
3 The Role of (Decorative) Pictures in Learning with Media 15
3.1 Picture Taxonomies and the Function of Decoration 16
3.2 Decorative Pictures and Learning 18
3.3 Moderators of Decorative Pictures in Learning 18
3.4 Main Hypotheses 20
4. Methods 22
4.1 Participants and Experimental Designs 22
4.2 Pre-Studies and Instructional Materials 24
4.3 Learning Measures and Further Questionnaires 24
5 Results 26
5.1 Learning Results 26
5.2 Additional Results 28
6 General Discussion 29
6.1 Implications 30
6.2 Limitations and Future Directions 31
7 References 32
Article 1: „Decorative pictures and emotional design in multimedia learning” 38
Article 2: „Anthropomorphism in decorative pictures: Benefit or harm for learning?” 48
Article 3: “How affective charge and text-picture connectedness moderate the impact ….. of decorative pictures on multimedia learning” 64
Curriculum Vitae 116
Danksagung 119
Selbstständigkeitserklärung 120
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Using technology to support collaborative learning through assessment designDoolan, Martina A. January 2011 (has links)
This thesis offers an assessment design for collaborative learning, utilisation of blended learning support through current communication technologies and highlights the crucial role of the tutor. The thesis designed and tested a theoretical framework which encompassed an active learning environment and resulted in the development of the shamrock conceptual framework. To test the theoretical framework, clarify the role of the tutor and the impact on the learner experience two studies were undertaken using pedagogical models that combined the concepts of learner-centric, sociocultural and dialogic perspectives on collaborative learning and technology in meeting the needs of learners in the 21st Century. In the first study, the role of the tutor was found to be crucial in setting, implementing and guiding learners using the assessment design as part of a social constructivist pedagogical practice. The pedagogical approach adopted was to blend face-to-face and Wiki learning experiences and was found to promote learner ownership, engagement and the fostering of a learning community. The second study validated the first and provided additional asynchronous technology experiences in addition to the Wiki blend in the assessment design. Study 2 examined the role of the tutor and the learner whilst using current technologies comprising podcasts and video and a Wiki in the collaborative experience. Findings showed that the Wiki supported community and collaborative aspects of a sociocultural practice whilst learners were engaged in authentic learning activities and led to a well supported learning environment. The importance of technology design and use to accommodate collaborative and community aspects was found to be an essential component. It was found that technology is not simply an add-on but rather needs to be planned and considered purposefully by both tutors and learners when used in a blend to supplement learning on campus as part of an assessment design in higher education. This study has shown that, for this to happen, academics need to be provided with the appropriate support, knowledge and skills required in developing a blended learning experience using a Wiki supplemented by class contact on campus as part of an assessment design.
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Using Online Pedagogy to Explore Student Experiences of Science-technology-society-environment (STSE) Issues in a Secondary Science ClassroomAyyavoo, Gabriel Roman 02 August 2013 (has links)
With the proliferation of 21st century educational technologies, science teaching and learning with digitally acclimatized learners in secondary science education can be realized through an online Science-Technology-Society-Environment (STSE)-based issues approach. STSE-based programs can be interpreted as the exploration of socially-embedded initiatives in science (e.g., use of genetically modified foods) to promote the development of critical cognitive processes and to empower learners with responsible decision-making skills.
This dissertation presents a case study examining the online environment of a grade 11 physics class in an all-girls’ school, and the outcomes from those online discursive opportunities with STSE materials. The limited in-class discussion opportunities are often perceived as low-quality discussions in traditional classrooms because they originate from an inadequate introduction and facilitation of socially relevant issues in science programs. Hence, this research suggests that the science curriculum should be inclusive of STSE-based issue discussions. This study also examines the nature of students’ online discourse and, their perceived benefits and challenges of learning about STSE-based issues through an online environment. Analysis of interviews, offline classroom events and online threaded discussion transcripts draws from the theoretical foundations of critical reflective thinking delineated in the Practical Inquiry (P.I.) Model. The PI model of Cognitive Presence is situated within the Community of Inquiry framework,encompassing two other core elements, Teacher Presence and Social Presence. In studying Cognitive Presence, the online STSE-based discourses were examined according to the four phases of the P.I. Model. The online discussions were measured at macro-levels to reveal patterns in student STSE-based discussions and content analysis of threaded discussions. These analyses indicated that 87% of the students participated in higher quality STSE-based discussions via an online forum as compared to in-class. The micro-level analysis revealed students to attain higher cognitive interactions with STSE issues. Sixteen percent of the students’ threaded postings were identified in the Resolution Phase 4 when the teacher intervened with a focused teaching strategy. This research provides a significant theoretical and pedagogical contribution to blended approach to STSE-based secondary science education. It presents a framework for teachers to facilitate students’ online discussions and to support learners in exploring STSE-based topics.
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Using Online Pedagogy to Explore Student Experiences of Science-technology-society-environment (STSE) Issues in a Secondary Science ClassroomAyyavoo, Gabriel Roman 02 August 2013 (has links)
With the proliferation of 21st century educational technologies, science teaching and learning with digitally acclimatized learners in secondary science education can be realized through an online Science-Technology-Society-Environment (STSE)-based issues approach. STSE-based programs can be interpreted as the exploration of socially-embedded initiatives in science (e.g., use of genetically modified foods) to promote the development of critical cognitive processes and to empower learners with responsible decision-making skills.
This dissertation presents a case study examining the online environment of a grade 11 physics class in an all-girls’ school, and the outcomes from those online discursive opportunities with STSE materials. The limited in-class discussion opportunities are often perceived as low-quality discussions in traditional classrooms because they originate from an inadequate introduction and facilitation of socially relevant issues in science programs. Hence, this research suggests that the science curriculum should be inclusive of STSE-based issue discussions. This study also examines the nature of students’ online discourse and, their perceived benefits and challenges of learning about STSE-based issues through an online environment. Analysis of interviews, offline classroom events and online threaded discussion transcripts draws from the theoretical foundations of critical reflective thinking delineated in the Practical Inquiry (P.I.) Model. The PI model of Cognitive Presence is situated within the Community of Inquiry framework,encompassing two other core elements, Teacher Presence and Social Presence. In studying Cognitive Presence, the online STSE-based discourses were examined according to the four phases of the P.I. Model. The online discussions were measured at macro-levels to reveal patterns in student STSE-based discussions and content analysis of threaded discussions. These analyses indicated that 87% of the students participated in higher quality STSE-based discussions via an online forum as compared to in-class. The micro-level analysis revealed students to attain higher cognitive interactions with STSE issues. Sixteen percent of the students’ threaded postings were identified in the Resolution Phase 4 when the teacher intervened with a focused teaching strategy. This research provides a significant theoretical and pedagogical contribution to blended approach to STSE-based secondary science education. It presents a framework for teachers to facilitate students’ online discussions and to support learners in exploring STSE-based topics.
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