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This research has developed an assessment model and framework to measure cascading economic impacts in terms of gross domestic product (GDP) loss due to severe weather-induced power outages. The major objectives of this research were to (1) identify physical correlations between different industries within an economic system, (2) define deterministic relationships through the values of interconnectedness and interdependency between 71 industries, (3) complete probabilistic estimation of economic impacts using historical economic data spanning from 1997 to 2016, and (4) develop an assessment model that can be used in the future to measure economic loss in terms of gross domestic product (GDP) across 71 industries.
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Ensaios sobre os custos da morbidade e mortalidade associada ao uso de medicamentos no BrasilFreitas, Gabriel Rodrigues Martins de January 2017 (has links)
Introdução: As morbidades e mortalidade relacionadas ao uso de medicamentos (MRM) representam um desafio para a saúde pública e são consequências da utilização não efetiva e insegura dos medicamentos. Estudos internacionais mostram como as MRM afetam pacientes internados no hospital e como podem ser evitadas na maioria dos casos. Entretanto, pouco é conhecido sobre as MRM na prática ambulatorial. Estas pesquisas têm abordado as consequências clínicas negativas para os usuários de medicamentos e sugerem que vultosas somas de recursos financeiros são utilizadas para manejar e resolver estas morbidades ao redor do mundo. Já no Brasil, o conhecimento sobre as MRM é escasso em ambas perspectivas e o seu impacto econômico é desconhecido. Objetivo: O propósito desta Tese foi obter uma estimativa sobre os gastos com morbidade e mortalidade associadas ao uso de medicamentos no Brasil, utilizando modelos farmacoeconômicos (teórico e empírico). Métodos: Foram considerados como morbidades relacionadas a medicamentos os novos problemas de saúde advindos da utilização de uma farmacoterapia (por exemplo, reações adversas, dependência a medicamentos e intoxicação por overdose) e as falhas terapêuticas (por exemplo, efeito insuficiente dos medicamentos e problemas de saúde não tratados). Foram conduzidos dois estudos utilizando abordagens distintas (bottom up e top down) na coleta de dados sobre custos. O primeiro estimou, por meio da análise do tipo microcosting, os custos para resolução de Morbidades Relacionadas a Medicamentos em casos identificados no serviço de emergência de um hospital universitário. Resultados: O custo médio para tratar cada um desses pacientes é de aproximadamente R$ 2.200. Reações adversas a medicamentos, falta de adesão à farmacoterapia e problemas resultantes da administração de doses incorretas foram as causas mais prevalentes das morbidades. No segundo estudo, um modelo do tipo cost-of-illness foi traduzido e adaptado para a realidade brasileira, e então um painel com especialistas (farmacêuticos e médicos) foi realizado para estimar a proporção de pacientes que experimentam uma MRM, a proporção de MRM evitáveis e as consequências clínicas resultantes desta morbidade. A partir disto, o custo das MRM para o sistema de saúde brasileiro foi modelado, baseado em estatísticas nacionais sobre o consumo de serviços de saúde. Os especialistas julgaram as morbidades relacionadas a medicamentos como um evento bastante frequente. De acordo com esta estimativa central, as MRM seriam responsáveis por um uso considerável de recursos, podendo chegar a 23% do orçamento público anual total destinado à saúde no Brasil. Para cada real gasto com medicamentos, pelo Ministério da Saúde no Brasil, cinco reais seriam gastos para resolver as MRM. Da mesma forma foi verificado que mais da metade dos casos seriam evitáveis. Conclusão: As MRM são, de fato, um problema de ordem econômica-orçamentária, clínica e humanística para os usuários de medicamentos e para o sistema de saúde brasileiro, e que é imperiosa a criação de políticas públicas e ações capazes de evitar os danos gerados pelo uso não racional de medicamentos, garantir a segurança dos pacientes, bem como uma melhor alocação de recursos em saúde. / Introduction: Drug related morbidities and mortality (DRM) is a challenge to public health due to the consequences of ineffective and unsafe medicines use. It is well known that the DRM are common among hospitalized patients, and are preventable to some extent, but little is known about DRM outside the hospital. In Brazil, the knowledge on the subject is scarce and its economic impact is unknown. However, international studies suggest that DRM result in considerable amounts of financial resources to manage and resolve these morbidities around the world and the negative clinical consequences for those who use medicines. Aim: In this thesis, the drug related morbidities include: new medical problems arising from the pharmacotherapy (adverse effects, addiction to drugs and intoxication by overdose) and therapeutic failure (e.g. insufficient drug effect and untreated health problems). Methods: Two studies were conducted using different methodologies. The first study was a cross-sectional study, based on a microcosting analysis, where patients admitted to a teaching hospital emergency were identified in order to determine the proportion of people seeking health services due to a DRM, and, consequently, to obtain the cost for manage these patients. Results: It was observed that 14.6% of patients visiting an emergency service, do so because of a DRM and the average cost to treat each of these patients is approximately R$ 2,000. Adverse drug reactions, lack of adherence to pharmacotherapy and problems resulting from the administration of incorrect doses were the most prevalent causes of morbidity. In the second study, a cost-of-illness model was translated to portuguese and adapted, and then a panel of experts (pharmacists and physicians) was conducted to estimate the proportion of patients experiencing DRM, the proportion of preventable DRM, and the negative outcomes resulting from this morbidity. From this, the DRM cost for the Brazilian Health System was modeled, based on national statistics on the consumption of health services. Experts have judged drug-related morbidities to be a fairly frequent event. According to central estimate, the DRM would be responsible for a considerable use of resources, being able to reach 23% of the total annual public health budget in Brazil. For each real (R$ 1,00) spending on medicines, by the Brazilian Ministry of Health, five reais (R$ 5,00) would be spent to manage the DRM. Likewise, in this study it was also verified that more than half of the cases would be avoidable. In the second, a panel of experts (pharmacists and physicians) was performed to estimate the proportion of patients experiencing an DRM, DRM preventable ratio and the clinical consequences of this morbidity. From this, the cost of DRM for the Brazilian health system was modeled, based on national statistics on the consumption of health services. Conclusion: Based on these and many other results presented in this thesis, it is concluded that the DRM are indeed, an economic, clinical and humanistic issue for those who use medicines and to the Brazilian health system, and that is overriding the establishment of public policies and actions to prevent the damage caused by the non-rational use of medicines to ensure patient safety and to the best allocation of health resources.
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Impactos econômicos do Novo Código Florestal, no Brasil, 2010 a 2030: uma análise integrada com base nos modelos GLOBIOM-Brasil e TERM-BR / Economic Impact of New Forest Code from 2010 to 2030 in Brazil: an integrated analysis based on models GLOBIOM-Brazil and TERM-BRSantos, Mari Aparecida dos 13 April 2018 (has links)
O Novo Código Florestal brasileiro se tornou em 25 de maio de 2012 o principal conjunto normativo ambiental instituído pela Lei n° 12.651/2012, que regulamenta a exploração, conservação e recuperação da vegetação nativa em nível nacional. Contudo tal legislação enfrenta Ações Diretas de Inconstitucionalidade (ADIs), as quais apontam prejuízos ambientais por causa da flexibilidade das novas regras relacionadas às áreas de preservação permanente, à redução da reserva legal e também à anistia para àqueles enquadrados por degradação ambiental antes de 22 de julho de 2008. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi comparar os impactos econômicos de alterações do Novo Código Florestal, sobre os setores econômicos e regiões do Brasil, considerando três cenários possíveis. Para tanto, foram utilizados dados de cenários específicos gerados pelo modelo GLOBIOM-Brasil: 1) O primeiro cenário traz restrições no uso da terra em caso da utilização parcial do mecanismo de Cotas de Reserva Ambiental (CRA), como forma de compensação do déficit de reserva legal, apenas na agricultura (excluindo pecuaristas); 2) o segundo cenário incorpora restrições no uso no solo em caso da desaprovação do mecanismo Cotas de Reserva Ambiental (CRA), ou seja, desconsidera-se totalmente esse mecanismo de compensação; e 3) no terceiro cenário a restrição do uso da terra está relacionada a desconsideração da anistia das multas e sanções concedida pela Lei 12.651/2012. Esses dados foram integrados à base do Modelo TERM-BR. A metodologia integra dois modelos: GLOBIOM-Brasil e TERM-BR. Os resultados mostraram que o valor dos agregados macroeconômicos, no período acumulado de 2010 a 2030, comparado com a linha de base, houve queda no PIB de 0,12%, 0,14% e 051%, nos cenários 1, 2 e 3, respectivamente. Como também houve queda no Consumo, Gastos do Governo e Importação (vol.) com retração de 0,1% (cenários 1 e 2) e cerca de 0,5% (cenário 3), o Investimento se reduz em 0,8%, 0,8% e 3,1%, nos respectivos cenários 1,2 e 3. A queda percentual no salário real é ainda maior do que no consumo, onde houve redução de 0,3% (cenário 1 e 2) e 1,2% (cenário 3). As exportações aumentam em 0,4% no primeiro e no segundo cenário, enquanto no terceiro cenário o incremento chega a 1,9%. A retração no mercado interno, pressiona os setores agroexportadores para comercialização no mercado internacional. No primeiro cenário, a região mais afetada economicamente foi a do Pará-TO com queda de 2,5% no PIB regional. No segundo cenário o estado do Mato Grosso apresentou maior queda no PIB, em 4,5%. No terceiro cenário, Goiás foi o mais afetado, com queda de 4,3% no PIB, tais resultados foram ocasionados por perda de área de pastagem e de soja, principalmente. Além disso, os resultados mostram que a soja e a criação de bovinos são as atividades mais impactadas negativamente por tais mudanças na política ambiental. / New Forest Code of Brazil became the main environmental regulatory on May 25, 2012, established by Law No. 12.651 / 2012, which regulates exploration, conservation and recovery of native vegetation nationwide. However, this legislation faces Direct Unconstitutionality Actions (DUIs), which point to environmental damages because of the flexibility of the new rules related to permanent preservation areas, reduction of legal reserve and amnesty for those framed by environmental degradation before July 22 of 2008. The objective of this research was to compare the economic impacts of changes in the New Forest Code on economic sectors and regions of Brazil, considering three possible scenarios. For that purpose, we used data from specific scenarios of the GLOBIOM-Brazil model: 1) the first scenario restricts land use in case of partial use of the Mechanism of Environmental Reserves Quotas (CRA in Portuguese) in order to compensate for the legal reserve deficit, only in agriculture (excluding livestock farmers); 2) the second scenario restricts land use in case of disapproval of the Mechanism of Environmental Reserves Quotas mechanism, that is, the mechanism of compensation is totally ignored; and 3) in the third scenario, land use restriction is related to disregarding amnesty of fines and sanctions granted by Law No. 12.651 / 2012. These data were integrated to the base of the TERM-BR model. The methodology integrates two models: GLOBIOM-Brazil and TERM-BR. The results showed that the value of the macroeconomic aggregates, in the accumulated period from 2010 to 2030, compared to the baseline, showed a GDP drop of 0.12%, 0.14% and 051% in scenarios 1, 2 and 3 , respectively. As there was also a decline in consumption, government and importations (vol.) , which decreased of 0.1% (scenarios 1 and 2) and around 0.5% (scenario 3), investment decreased by 0.8% , 0.8% and 3.1% in the respective scenarios 1,2 and 3. The percentage decrease in real salary higher than in consumption showed a reduction of 0.3% (scenarios 1 and 2) and 1, 2% (scenario 3). Exports increased by 0.4% in scenarios 1 and 2, while in scenario 3, the increase is close to 1.9%. The downturn in the domestic market pressures the agro-export sectors for commercialization in the international market. In the first scenario, the region most affected economically was Pará-TO, with a drop of 2.5% in regional GDP. In scenario 2, the state of Mato Grosso showed the greatest GDP drop, at 4.5%. In scenario 3, Goiás was mostly affected, with a fall of 4.3% in GDP, such results were caused by loss of grazing area and soybean, mainly. In addition, it was observed that soybean and cattle raising are the activities most negatively impacted by such changes in environmental policy.
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Simulação de impacto econômico da brucelose bovina em rebanhos produtores de leite das regiões Centro Oeste, Sudeste e Sul do Brasil / Simulation of economic impact of bovine brucellosis in dairy herds of the Central-Western, Southeastern, and Southern regions of BrazilAdemir de Lucas 13 September 2006 (has links)
Foi calculado o impacto econômico da brucelose bovina, a partir de um banco de dados socioeconômico, efetuado no período de 2001 a 2002 pelo Centro de Estudos Avançados em Economia Aplicada da Escola Superior de Agricultura \"Luiz de Queiroz\" da Universidade de São Paulo (CEPEA/ESALQ/USP). Foram reunidas informações de 27, 43, 36 e 17 propriedades leiteiras representantes, respectivamente, dos estados de Goiás (GO), Minas Gerais (MG), Santa Catarina (SC) e Rio Grande do Sul (RS). No Rio Grande do Sul, as propriedades amostradas situavam-se na região Noroeste, em Santa Catarina, na região Oeste, em Goiás, na região Sul e, em Minas Gerais, nas regiões Central, do Triângulo Mineiro e metropolitana de Belo Horizonte. Os parâmetros utilizados para a simulação dos prejuízos causados pela brucelose foram: prevalência de 0,06% e 3,0% respectivamente para os estados de MG/GO (Região I) e SC/RS (Região II); fertilidade 80%; descarte por esterilidade 20%; abortamento 25%; mortalidade perinatal 30%; reposição de matrizes nos rebanhos infectados 30% superior aos rebanhos não infectados; custos dos serviços veterinários 20% do salário mínimo vigente e custo da quilometragem 30% do valor da gasolina por quilômetro rodado. As propriedades foram divididas em três estratos: pequenas, com população média de 94 e 38,83 animais, respectivamente para as regiões I e II; intermediárias, populações médias de 143 e 57,83 animais, respectivamente para as regiões I e II e grandes, populações médias de 242 e 115,82 animais, respectivamente para as regiões I e II. Estes agrupamentos foram estabelecidos a partir do número de animais por rebanho e do número vacas em lactação, obtendo-se dados com uma distribuição normal. Os prejuízos totais atribuídos ao impacto causado pela brucelose bovina nas propriedades leiterias amostradas foram de R$ 18.532,80 e de R$ 4.279,94 respectivamente para as regiões I e II, quando expressos em reais ou de 39.131,60 e 10.204,83 se referidos em litros perdidos por ano. As proporções anuais de perdas na região I foram da ordem de 14% e para a região II de 5% / The economic impact of bovine brucellosis was calculated from a socioeconomic data bank corresponding to 2001-2002 period, by the staff of the Centro de Estudos Avançados em Economia Aplicada - CEPEA - Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil. Data concerning to the prevalence of brucellosis, dairy production and economic information from 27, 43, 36, and 17 dairy farms pertaining respectively to the states of Goiás (GO), Minas Gerais (MG), Santa Catarina (SC) and Rio Grande do Sul (RS) were analyzed in this study. In the state of Rio Grande do Sul, the dairy farms sampled were located at the Northwestern region; in Santa Catarina state herds were sampled from the Western region; in the Goiás state the farms were sampled from the Southern region; and in the state of Minas Gerais, samplings included herds from the Central, Triângulo Mineiro, and metropolitan region of Belo Horizonte. The parameters used for the simulation of losses caused by brucellosis were: prevalence rate of 0.06% and 3.0%, respectively for the states of MG/GO (Region I), and SC/RS (Region II); fertility rate of 80.0%; culling of cows due to sterility of 20.0%; abortion rate of 25.0%; perinatal mortality rate of 30.0%, replacement of dams from infected herds 30.0% higher than to that of non-infected herds; cost of veterinary technical assistance service corresponding to 20.0% of the minimum wage in force; and transportation cost corresponding to 30.0% of the price of gasoline/Km. The dairy farms were divided into three strata: small farms with average population of 94 and 38.83 animals , respectively for the regions I and II; intermediate ones with mean population of 143 and 57.83 animals, respectively for the regions I and II; and large properties with mean population of 242 and 115.82 animals, respectively for regions I and II. These clusters were established starting from the number of animals existing in corresponding herds and the existing number of cows in lactation, and the data were found to be under normal distribution. Total losses attributed to the impact caused by bovine brucellosis in those dairy farms sampled reached a monetary value of R$ 18,532.80 and R$ 4,279.94, and expressed in volume of production, losses corresponded to 39,131.60 and 10,204.83 litters/year, respectively for the regions I and II. In terms of percentage, annual losses of the region I reached 14.0%, and 5.0% for the region II
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Vliv inovace na ekonomickou situaci podniku / The influence of innovations on the economic situation of the companyHEJPETROVÁ, Lucie January 2019 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to assess the effectiveness of innovation and evaluate its economic impact on the company. Theoretical part contains topics regarding innovations and also potential ways of assessing effectiveness and impact of innovation. Practical part presents fundamental information about the company and its current economic situation. Once all basic information is presented, innovation is described in detail followed up by evaluation of its effectiveness and impact on the company.
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The socio-economic impact of HIV and AIDS on community development at Fetakgomo Municipality, Limpopo ProvincePhakoago, Manche Harry January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (MPA) --University of Limpopo, 2007 / HIV and AIDS pandemic poses a threat to both poor and rich communities alike.
Communities face a developmental challenge as HIV and AIDS kills the lives of people who
should improve their socio-economic position. It destroys both the Constitutional rights to
life and human dignity. This is seen when people get sick and lose their potential to
contribute to the development of their communities. The Fetakgomo communities, in the
Limpopo Province, face the same challenge of fighting the pandemic for their social and
economic development without sufficient resources.
This study focuses on the socio-economic impact of HIV and AIDS on community
development in Fetakgomo Municipality, Limpopo Province. Fetakgomo communities are
situated about ± 90 km, South of Burgersfort. These communities are mostly poor and rural.
The researcher used non-probability purposive sampling for this study. Three communities
were selected and their leaders were chosen to participate in the study. Through qualitative
research, the qualitative data were obtained through person to-person interviews and focus
group interviews.
The results of the study indicate that the social lives of community members are disrupted
through death from the pandemic. In the two communities – Ga-Nchabeleng and Mohlaletse
– there are orphans who are created by the pandemic. There is also a problem of lack of
social cohesion created by prejudice around the disease, which raises a challenge in fighting
the pandemic in the three villages. The issue of confidentiality compounds the situation in
fighting the pandemic among members of the three communities as people are not open to
talk freely about the impact of the pandemic on their lives. Economically, the pandemic is
impacting on a few families that lose their incomes and are unable to buy electric services.
The final results indicate that the impact of the pandemic is arguably very low. The
communities are shown not to be doing enough to fight the impact of the pandemic. Even if
the three communities are economically poor, the pandemic does not have serious impact on
their material possessions. There is no real economic impact as members of the three
communities are poor and at the same time a few families are affected in terms of losing their incomes. The impact of the pandemic is only experienced on the social lives where it breeds prejudice and secrecy among the people.
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Essays on Immigrants and Institutional Change in SwedenOhlson, Mikael January 2008 (has links)
This thesis consists of three self-contained essays about immigrants’ experiences in Sweden. They all focus on the interaction between institutional settings and effects on immigrants’ economic conditions. Essay I examines the effects of changed eligibility rules for disability pension in the 1979 Swedish pension reform on immigrant retirement behavior. The reform made disability pension in the form of basic pension available to a wider group of immigrants. Before the pension reform, the eligibility for a basic pension for foreign citizens living in Sweden was dependent on bilateral and multilateral agreements on social security between Sweden and other countries. Thus, immigrants who were not covered by any of these agreements had no access to a basic pension before the reform. Through the reform, all foreign citizens residing in Sweden were made eligible for a basic pension after a short qualification period. The results indicate a substantial impact on the retirement rate with disability pension on the immigrant group that was made eligible for a basic pension by the reform. These findings confirm previous research showing that the size of the benefit levels in the pension system affects early retirement behavior. Essay II analyzes the impact of the Swedish taxi and bus deregulations on the differences in labor earnings between Swedish born and foreign born workers in these sectors. The changes in the gap in labor earnings that are due to the deregulation are estimated. The results show that there was no significant decrease in the differences in labor earnings between Swedish born and foreign born workers in the bus sector as a result of the 1989 deregulation. As regards the taxi sector, the results show that, before the deregulation, there were only small differences in labor earnings between Swedish born and foreign born workers. After the deregulation, the real labor earnings of foreign born workers decreased substantially more than those of Swedish born workers. However, there was a larger increase in the inflow of foreign born workers than of Swedish born workers into the taxi sector after the deregulation, which may have changed the composition of immigrant workers in this sector. Essay III investigates the impact of becoming a Swedish citizen on annual labor earnings. The study finds a positive impact of naturalization on labor earnings, in particular for immigrants originating from Africa and Asia, an effect than cannot only be attributed to selection into citizenship. A clear trend of increasing labor earnings during the years before becoming a Swedish citizen is found. This trend also continued during the years after citizenship acquisition. The study also suggests that the effects of naturalization on labor earnings are larger for men than for women, and larger for individuals with very low income.
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Next-generation biofuels: the supply chain approach to estimating potential land-use changeOkwo, Adaora 29 March 2012 (has links)
Biofuels, including ethanol and biodiesel, are important components of energy policy in the U.S. and abroad. There is a long history of ethanol production from corn (maize) in the United States and from sugarcane in Brazil. However, there has been a push for greater use of next-generation biofuels (including those derived from cellulosic feedstocks) to mitigate many of the environmental and potential food system impacts of large scale biofuel production.
Farmer willingness to grow biomass crops and ensuring adequate feedstock supply are two important challenges impeding large scale commercialization of next-generation biofuels. The costs of transporting bulky, low density biomass will be substantial. Consequently, in the near term, the economic success of next-generation biofuels will hinge on the supply of locally available biomass. As such, agricultural contracts are expected to be an important tool in overcoming the feedstock acquisition challenge. The broad objective of this study is to understand the effect of contracting for non-food energy crops (cellulosic feedstocks) on the agricultural landscape via the displacement of commodity (food) crops on productive cropland.
We develop an analytical framework for evaluating the design and use of two different contract structures for securing cellulosic feedstock in a representative supply chain with a biorefinery and farmer. We study the dynamics of scarce land and indirect competition from commodity market production on a biorefinery's equilibrium pricing strategy and the resultant supply of cellulosic biomass. And we consider its sensitivity to various production characteristics and market conditions.
We develop a method for quantifying the biorefinery's tradeoff between profit margins and competing for land in order to secure the requisite feedstock for biofuel production. And we characterize the loss of efficiency in the decentralized system, relative to a vertically integrated system, that can be attributed to the need to compete for the farmer's scarce land resource versus that which results from the biorefinery's desire to make a profit.
Then we extend our framework to consider multi-year contracts for biomass production and evaluate the importance of land quality, yield variability and contract structure on a farmer's willingness to accept a contract to produce cellulosic feedstock as well as the resulting impact on the agricultural landscape through the displacement of commodity crops. Using switchgrass production in Tennessee as a case study, we develop feedstock supply curves for each contract structure considered and evaluate the conditions and contract prices at which land devoted to various field crops would be displaced by switchgrass based on field trials of switchgrass production in Tennessee and recent USDA data on crop prices and production.
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ES Struktūrinių fondų paramos poveikio įvertinimas Lietuvos atvykstamajam turizmui / EU structural funding for lithuanian incoming tourism sector evaluation of impactJuškelis, Paulius 26 June 2014 (has links)
JUŠKELIS, Paulius. (2007) ES Struktūrinių fondų paramos poveikio įvertinimas Lietuvos atvykstamajam turizmui. Magistro baigiamasis darbas. Kaunas: Vilniaus universiteto Kauno humanitarinis fakultetas. 65 p. SANTRAUKA RAKTINIAI ŽODŽIAI: Europos Sąjungos struktūriniai fondai, ekonominio poveikio vertinimas, atvykstamasis turizmas. 2004 m. Lietuvai tapus Europos Sąjungos nare, ji įgijo teisę gauti ES struktūrinių fondų finansinę paramą. Vienas iš remiamų ūkio sektorių – atvykstamasis turizmas. Esami duomenys rodo, kad turėdama gausius gamtinius ir kultūrinius išteklius, Lietuva galėtų geriau išnaudoti šio sektoriaus potencialą. Naujas finansinis instrumentas – galimybė šių tikslų įgyvendinimui. Siekiant pagrįsti bet kokių investicijų poreikį, būtina nuosekliai įvertinti jų poveikį ir efektyvumą. Tačiau reikia pastebėti, jog šiuo metu tiek Lietuvoje, tiek užsienyje nėra vieningos kompleksinės investicijų į atvykstamojo turizmo sektorių efektyvumo vertinimo metodikos. To pasekoje sudėtinga palyginti šių investicijų efektyvumą su investicijomis į kitus sektorius, pagrįsti jų poreikį visuomenei, patikrinti ar buvo pasiekti užsibrėžti rodikliai. Tyrimo objektas – investicijų į atvykstamojo turizmo sektorių makroekonominis poveikis. Analizuojamas ES struktūrinių fondų paramos Lietuvos atvykstamojo turizmo sektoriui poveikis šalies ekonomikai: užsienio prekybos balansui ir bendrajam vidaus produktui, darbo rinkai bei šalies biudžetui. Tiriamojo laikotarpio trukmė – 2005-2009 m. Pirmoje... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / JUŠKELIS, Paulius. (2007) EU Structural Funding for Lithuanian Incoming Tourism Sector. Evaluation of Impact. MBA Graduation Paper. Kaunas: Kaunas Faculty of Humanities, Vilnius University. 65 p SUMMARY KEYWORDS: European Union structural funding, economic impact evaluation, incoming tourism. Lithuania joined the EU in 2004 and received a right for EU structural funding. Incoming tourism is one of the subsidized sectors. Although Lithuania possesses high natural and cultural resources, incoming tourism sector is not developed enough yet. The new financial instrument is a good possibility. In order to prove effectiveness of the investment, there is a need for consecutive evaluation of an economic impact. Today no unified incoming tourism economic impact evaluation model is used. As a result it is difficult to compare investment effectiveness into different sectors, substantiate their need to the society, check if the results were reached. Object of the research – an economic impact of investment into incoming tourism. An impact on trade balance and gross national product, labor market, national budget is analyzed. Period of the research – year 2005 to year 2009. The first chapter analyses the situation of Lithuanian incoming tourism sector. The importance for the economy, possibilities and problems are analyzed. The possibilities of investment are also reviewed. The second chapter is devoted to analysis of tourism impact on economy. An impact on trade balance, gross domestic... [to full text]
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Unfair discrimination based on pregnancy within the mining industry / Viglia Elizabeth BesterBester, Viglia Elizabeth January 2012 (has links)
This dissertation scrutinises the impact of pregnancy challenges on the mining industry, taking the right of equality and unfair discrimination into consideration.
Pre-employment pregnancy testing is an acceptable practice within the current legal framework whereby the MHSA and section 26 of the BCEA place an obligation on the employer to protect employees before and after the birth of a child. This section provides that no work may be performed by an employee that is hazardous to her health or the health of her unborn child.
The dissertation synthesises and reviews the practical implications of pregnancy and related challenges of underground employees and all the problems surrounding this matter are dissected. The liability of the employer and the failure of the employee to report her pregnancy status to the employer as soon as she becomes aware of it, can be justifiably treated as misconduct.
The justification of the dismissal of an underground employee based on pregnancy is confirmed in light of the legislative obligations placed on the employer. Current legislative measures, which justify an automatically unfair dismissal due to pregnancy, cannot be implemented without considering the Constitution and the employers’ right to economical sustainability.
A literature study will be done using current and relevant sources such as books, legislation, court decisions, conference papers and journal articles. Methodological issues will also render it necessary to weigh up different rights through literature sources. / Thesis (LLM (Labour Law))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013
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