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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Guidelines for municipal land allocations – An investigation of the application, availability and content / Riktlinjer för kommunala markanvisningar – En undersökning av tillämpning, tillgänglighet och innehåll

Andersson, Lina, Åkerblom, Annakarin January 2016 (has links)
The process of municipal land allocations is not regulated by law in Sweden with the result that Swedish municipalities has developed their own approaches of land allocation and choice of developer. In the absence of rulings and standardized municipal use has led to that especially developers considered the land allocation process to be unpredictable and not transparent. The 1st of January 2015 the law of guidelines for municipal land allocations took effect. The law states that municipalities who carry out land allocations should adopt guidelines whose content should specify each municipality’s procedure for land allocation. The purpose of the law is to create transparency, increased clarity and predictability to the initial part of the building process. Our study aims to give an overlook of how the 50 largest municipalities work with the guidelines acquired by law. The project studies the application, availability and the content of the guidelines for land allocations. The investigation shows that about 75 % of the 50 largest municipalities in Sweden have adopted guidelines for land allocation. About 60 % of the municipalities have the guidelines available on their website. Our study also shows a wide spread in content and details and that the information mediated to interested developers through the guidelines may be considered too general to be able to achieve the purpose of the law. Municipalities do not benefit from specified guidelines and the law itself opens up for general formulations and their own interpretations while there are no sanctions. We wonder whether the law simply was written to quiet the critics that have existed in the area. / Markanvisningsprocessen är inte reglerad i lag vilket har gjort att kommunerna utformat sina egna tillvägagångssätt för markanvisningen och således valet av byggherre. Avsaknaden av dels styrande regler och dels en enhetlig kommunal praxis har medfört att framförallt byggherrar ansett att markanvisningsprocessen ofta är oförutsägbar och inte transparent. Den 1 januari 2015 trädde Lag (2014:899) om riktlinjer för kommunala markanvisningar i kraft. Konkret anger lagen att kommuner som genomför markanvisningar ska anta riktlinjer vars innehåll ska precisera respektive kommuns förfarande vilket ska leda till att skapa transparens och ökad tydlighet, samt förutsägbarhet i byggprocessens inledande skede. Undersökningens syfte är att försöka ge en översiktlig bild av hur Sveriges 50 största kommuner arbetar med de riktlinjer som lagstiftningen föreskriver. Mer konkret avser uppsatsen undersöka tillämpningen och tillgängligheten av kommunala riktlinjer för markanvisningar samt dess innehåll. Undersökningen visar att cirka 75 % av de 50 största kommunerna i Sverige har antagna riktlinjer för markanvisningar. Ungefär 60 % av kommunerna har riktlinjer tillgängliga via sin hemsida. Undersökningen visar även på en stor variation i utförligheten hos de kommunala riktlinjerna och den information som förmedlas till intresserade byggherrar genom riktlinjerna kan anses alltför generell för att kunna uppnå lagens syfte. Kommuner gynnas inte av att precisera sina riktlinjer närmre och lagen i sig öppnar upp för generella skrivelser och egna tolkningar samtidigt som ingen prövning finns. Vi ställer oss frågande till om lagen helt enkelt kom till för att stilla de kritiker som funnits på området.

Munic ipal land allocation in larger development projects / Större exploaterin gsprojekt på kommunal mark

Granström, Johanna, Vestin, Linnéa January 2016 (has links)
Currently there is a high demand for housing in Sweden, especially in the metropolitan areas. The municipalities own a major part of the land intended for new construction. Through a land allocation the land can be allocated to developers, which in turn develops the area. Thus, land allocation is a vital tool for the housing development in Sweden. Currently there are no regulations concerning how the land allocation should be carried out. Consequently, the implementations differ significantly between different municipalities and projects. The purpose of this master thesis is to describe and compare different approaches of municipal land allocations in larger development projects. Furthermore, the aim is to analyze pros and cons of the different approaches and recommend which components that should be used in land allocations of larger development projects. When the different approaches have been described and compared the particular method has been studied, what criteria that have been used during the selection of developers and how the assessment has been carried out. Other than that the duration, pricing and regulation of rent and tenure have been investigated. Furthermore, questions regarding zoning have also been considered in the study. The four projects that has been investigated is Frihamnen (Göteborg), Årstafältet (Stockholm), Södra Ladugårdsängen (Örebro) and Vallastaden (Linköping). The objective of the study has been achieved through a literature review and a case study of the four projects. The case study is based on written documents and conducted interviews with involved parties from the municipalities and developers. The study has shown that all approaches of land allocation studied differ depending on the project conditions and objectives. In all projects a tender process has been the base for selection of developers. Price was the driving factor in Årstafältet, while other criterias were in focus in the other projects. The study shows that a selection based on other criterias then price is good in order to promote quality and diversity in the project. However, a tender based only on price is a simple and relatively cheap method. Regarding detail plans, it is concluded that it can be an advantage for smaller municipalites to prepare the detail plan before a land allocation takes place in order to attract developers. This approach is something that especially promotes smaller developers since preparation of a plan is costly and time-consuming. In addition, it is concluded that it always should occur some type of coordination and planning among the municipality and the selected developers in order to obtain optimal overall solutions for the area. / Det råder i Sverige idag en stor efterfrågan på bostäder, speciellt i storstadsregionerna. En stor del av marken för nyproduktion ägs av Sveriges kommuner som via en markanvisning kan fördela marken till byggherrar för exploatering av marken. Markanvisning är därmed tillsammans med planmonopolet ett viktigt instrument för bostadsutvecklingen. Någon reglering för hur fördelning av markanvisning bör ske finns inte och tillämpningen skiljer sig därmed väsentligt mellan kommun och projekt. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att beskriva och jämföra tillvägagångssätten vid kommunal markanvisning inom större exploateringsprojekt. Detta för att kunna observera skillnader, analysera för- och nackdelar samt att ge förslag på komponenter som bör tillämpas vid markanvisning av större exploateringsområden. Med tillvägagångssätt menas bland annat vilken tilldelningsmetod som använts, vilka kriterier som val av byggherrar grundats på samt hur denna bedömning gått till. Vidare har även processens gång, prissättning och eventuell reglering av hyra och upplåtelseformer undersökts. Hur och när detaljplan framtagits berörs även i studien. De fyra projekt som ingår i studien är Frihamnen (Göteborg), Årstafältet (Stockholm), Södra Ladugårdsängen (Örebro) och Vallastaden (Linköping). Syftet med studien har uppnåtts via en litteraturstudie samt en fallstudie över de fyra projekten. Inom fallstudien har dels material studerats och dels intervjuer med kommunala tjänstemän samt deltagande byggherrar genomförts. Studien har visat på att samtliga studerade tillvägagångssätt skiljer sig åt beroende på förutsättningar och mål med projekten. Inom samtliga projekt har anbudsanvisning tillämpats och inom samtliga projekt förutom Årstafältet har urvalet grundats på andra kriterier än pris. Att genomföra bedömningen på andra kriterier än pris är något som studien kommit fram till är lämpligt för att främja kvalitet och mångfald i projektet. Däremot är ett anbud baserat endast på pris en enkel och mindre resurskrävande metod att tilldela markanvisning samt erhålla ett marknadspris på. Avseende framtagande av detaljplan kan detta i vissa mindre kommuner vara fördelaktigt att ta fram innan markanvisning för att locka fler byggherrar. Detta tillvägagångssätt är även något som främjar mindre byggherrar då ett detaljplanearbete är resurs- och tidskrävande. Någon slags samordning och planering bör däremot alltid ske mellan kommun och tilldelade byggherrar för att erhålla en optimal helhetslösning för området.

Municipal Landownership and Housing in Sweden : Exploring links, supply and possibilities

Caesar, Carl January 2016 (has links)
This thesis comprises a number of studies, all directed at different linkages between municipal landownership and housing in Sweden. In all, the thesis consists of four papers. Of these, initial Paper I targets the emergence of the municipal landownership that still today are of crucial importance for the Swedish housing market. The main functions of the municipal landownership from the beginning of the 20th century and up until present time are retrospectively investigated and its role within Swedish housing during different times is elaborated upon. Paper II thereafter redirects focus to present time solely, and studies the management of the municipal land from particularly a housing perspective. More concretely, the disposal procedure – or land allocation practice – of the municipal land aimed for housing is investigated empirically, based on current practice in more than 25 municipalities. Paper III builds on preceding Paper II, but with a narrowed focus to a fundamental sequence of the disposal procedure – namely the developer selection. Accordingly, four different assigning methods, all derived from municipal practice, are discerned and their individual strengths and weaknesses are systematically discussed. Lastly, Paper IV attempts to illuminate an often overlooked dimension of the municipal landownership – as a potential and powerful instrument to counter polarizations between different social-groups, within the built environment. Necessary prerequisites in order to enable this are presented and an empirical study investigates whether this, somewhat concealed, potential in the municipal landownership seems to be utilized in practice. / <p>QC 20161103</p>

Den kommunala markanvisningsprocessen : En studie av transparens och förutsägbarhet

Rydberg, Sara January 2015 (has links)
Kommunerna har som markägaren en viktig roll för att styra bebyggelseutvecklingen och locka aktörer att etablera sig i kommunen. Genom markanvisningar kan kommunen bjuda ut mark som ska exploaterats till intresserade byggherrar. Begreppet markanvisning är inte entydigt men innebär i huvudsak att en byggherre under en viss tid och under vissa villkor får en ensamrätt att förhandla med kommunen om att i ett senare skede förvärva ett område för bebyggande. Det har i tidigare studier påtalats brist på transparens och förutsägbarhet i den kommunalamarkanvisningsprocessen varför denna studie syftade till att utreda hur det ser ut idag vad gäller transparens och förutsägbarhet. För att få svar på frågeställningarna genomfördes en kvantitativ enkätundersökning som skickades ut till alla Sveriges 290 kommuner, dels för att kunna skapa en helhetsbild av nuläget och dels för att tidigare studier begränsat sig till större kommuner. Enkäten besvarades av 133 (46%) kommuner varav 62 (46%) angav att de använde markanvisningar och 70 (53%) att de inte gör det eller gör det vid enstaka tillfällen, en kommun svarade inte på frågan. Denna studie har endast gett en översiktlig bild av dagsläget och av resultatet framkom att rutinerna för att informera om och utvärdera markanvisningsprocessen skiljer sig åt och det finns fortfarande brister vad gäller transparens och förutsägbarhet, framförallt med avseende på motivering, uppföljning och utvärdering. Det fanns även skillnader mellan kommunerna och det framstår som att kommuner som genomfört fler markanvisningar i större utsträckning informera om, motivera, uppfölja och utvärdera markanvisningar. De flesta kommunerna ser även ut att uppleva att markanvisningssystemet och arbetet med markanvisningar fungerar ganska bra, men att det kan bli bättre. Slutligen bör nämnas att flertalet kommuner ser ut att befinna sig i en utvecklingsfas och det finns därav anledning att tro att markanvisningssystemet i framtiden kommer bli mer transparent och förutsägbart. / The municipalities as landowners have an important role to control the urban development and attract developers to establish themselves in the municipality. Municipalities can trough land allocation offer land for development to interested developers. The concept of land allocation is not clear but essentially means that a developer, during a certain time and under certain conditions has a right to negotiate with the municipality to subsequently acquire an area fordevelopment. There have been previous studies complaining of the lack of transparency and predictability in the municipal land allocation process. That’s why the purpose of this study is to investigate the situation of today in terms of transparency and predictability. To get answers to the questions a quantitative survey was conducted and it that was sent out to all 290 municipalities in Sweden, partly to create an overall picture of the current situation and partly because previous studies were limited to larger municipalities. 133 (46%) of the municipalities answered the questionnaire by witch 62 (46%) stated that they used the land allocation and 72 (53%) that they do not or do it occasionally, one municipal didn’t answer the question. This study only gives a general picture of the reality and the result showed that the routines to inform about and evaluate land allocation process differs and there are still shortcomings in terms of transparency and predictability, particularly with regard to motivation, follow-up and evaluation. There were also a differences between the municipalities and it appears that municipalities conducted more land allocation of teams to a greater extent inform, motivate, monitor and assess land allocation. The overall experience for the municipalities is that the land allocation system and work with land allocation works pretty well, but there are still areas for improvement. Most municipalities are in a development phases and there is hence reason to believe that the land allocation system in the future will become more transparent and predictable.

Markanvisningsprocessen ur ett tjänstemannaperspektiv / The land allocation process from an officials’ perspective

Aronsson, Pontus, Söderberg, Petter January 2016 (has links)
I dagens Sverige har vi ett stort behov av nya bostäder, det råder det ingen tvekan om. De fastigheter som ofta är ändamål för bostadsbebyggelse ägs till stor del av Sveriges kommuner. För att möta behovet av nya bostäder krävs det således att kommunal mark tas i anspråk. Kommunens mark säljs eller upplåts genom markanvisningar. En markanvisning är ett sätt för kommunen att tilldela kommunal mark till en byggherre som har rätt att ensam förhandla med en kommun om en exploatering. På grund av avsaknaden av direkta lagregler för hur markanvisningar ska gå till, varierar markanvisningsprocessen från kommun till kommun. Syftet med studien är att öka förståelsen för markanvisningsprocessen i åtta Svenska kommuner samt jämföra hur dessa skiljer sig åt. För att göra detta undersöker författarna kommunens val av markanvisningsmetod samt tidpunkt för anvisning. De ämnar även förklara tjänstemännens beslutssituation vid markanvisningar. I metodkapitlet motiveras studiens tillvägagångsätt. Författarna valde att använda sig av semistrukturerade intervjuer, vilket även innebär att studien bygger på en kvalitativ metod. I empirin delades kommunerna in i kluster efter vilka metoder de valt att tillämpa, här beskrivs även tjänstemännens beslutssituation. I den hanteras hur tjänstemännen upplever målen, vilket inflytande de har samt vilka svårigheter de möter. Exempelvis menar flera av tjänstemännen att målen från politikerna är motstridiga. Tjänstemännen besitter även en s.k. agendamakt, vilket innebär att de har stor möjlighet att påverka vilka byggherrar som ska tilldelas mark. Slutligen presenteras författarnas slutsatser. Det finns inte en tidpunkt för anvisning eller en markanvisningsmetod som passar alla kommuner, det är de lokala förutsättningarna som styr. Däremot finns stor möjlighet till samverkan mellan de olika kommunerna. Författarna ger förslag på förbättringar som skulle kunna göras för att öka transparensen och få fart på bostadsbyggandet. Exempelvis föreslås att likande kommuner går samman i kluster för att hjälpa varandra med att ta fram markanvisningspolicy, utvärdera byggherrar och lära sig av varandra. Detta skulle underlätta både för kommun och byggherrar. / In today’s Sweden, we have a huge demand for new housing. The appropriate land for housing is often owned by the Swedish municipalities. To meet the demand for new housing, the municipal land needs to be developed. The sale of this land is performed by land allocations. This is a way for the municipality to allocate municipal land to a developer, which gives the developer exclusive right to negotiate with a municipality for the development. The lack of direct legal rules regarding how the land allocation process should be performed varies between municipalities. The purpose of this study is to increase the understanding of the land allocation process in eight Swedish municipalities and compare how they differ. In order to accomplish this, the authors will examine the municipalities’ choice of allocation method, as well as, when the allocations take place. They also intend on explaining the officials' decision- making situations within the field of land allocation. In the chapter on methodology, the study’s approach is explained. The authors chose to use semi-structured interviews to gather data, which also means that the study is based on a qualitative approach. The empirical results were divided into three clusters categorized by the method the municipalities have chosen. The result also describes the officials’ decision making situation. In this part, explanations about how the officials experience the objectives, which affect they have, and what difficulties they encounter will be clarified. For example, the majority of the officials find the politicians objectives contradictory. They also possess a so-called agenda-power, which means they have great potential to influence the choice of developer regarding land allocation. Finally, the authors present the conclusions. There is not one point in time or land allocation method that fits all municipalities; the choice of method mainly depends on the local conditions. However, there is great opportunity for cooperation among the various municipalities. The authors suggest improvements that could increase transparency and improve the rate of housing construction. For example, by letting similar municipalities come together in clusters to help each other develop land allocation policies, evaluate developers and learn from each other in all possible ways. This would simplify the process for both the municipalities and the developers.

Markanvisningar: ett effektivare system med policys / Land allocation: A more efficient system through policies

Edin, Jacob, Sandberg, Alexander January 2015 (has links)
No description available.

A genetic algorithm for fair land allocation / um algoritmo genético para alocação justa de terras

Gliesch, Alex Zoch January 2018 (has links)
O objetivo de projetos de reforma agrária é redistribuir terras de grandes latifúndios para terrenos menores, com destino à agricultura familiar. Um dos principais problemas do Instituto Nacional de Colonização e Reforma Agrária (INCRA) é subdividir uma parcela grande de terra em lotes menores que são balanceados com relação a certos atributos. Este problema é difícil por que precisa considerar diversas restrições legais e éticas. As soluções atuais são auxiliadas por computador, mas manuais, demoradas e suscetíveis a erros, tipicamente produzindo lotes retangulares de áreas similares mas que são injustos com relação a critérios como aptidão do solo ou acesso a recursos hidrográficos. Nesta dissertação, nós propomos um algoritmo genético para gerar subdivisões justas de forma automática. Nós apresentamos um algoritmo construtivo guloso randomizado baseado em locação-alocação para gerar soluções iniciais, assim como operadores de mutação e recombinação que consideram especificidades do problema. Experimentos com 5 instâncias reais e 25 instâncias geradas artificialmente confirmam a efetividade dos diferentes componentes do método proposto, e mostram que ele gera soluções mais balanceadas que as atualmente usadas na prática. / The goal of agrarian reform projects is the redistribution of farmland from large latifundia to smaller, often family farmers. One of the main problems the Brazilian National Institute of Colonization and Agrarian Reform (INCRA) has to solve is to subdivide a large parcel of land into smaller lots that are balanced with respect to certain attributes. This problem is difficult since it considers several constraints originating from legislation as well as ethical considerations. Current solutions are computer-assisted, but manual, time-consuming and error-prone, leading to rectangular lots of similar areas which are unfair with respect to soil aptitude and access to hydric resources. In this thesis, we propose a genetic algorithm to produce fair land subdivisions automatically. We present a greedy randomized constructive heuristic based on location-allocation to generate initial solutions, as well as mutation and recombination operators that consider specifics of the problem. Experiments on 5 real-world and 25 artificial instances confirm the effectiveness of the different components of our method, and show that it leads to fairer solutions than those currently applied in practice.

Questioning &#039 / sustainability&#039 / Of Forest Lands Allocated And Used For Tourism In Turkey

Biter, Serdar 01 December 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Turkey is one of the leading tourism countries of the world. Tourism contributes to not only national economy but also regional development. Turkey has adhered to several international conventions regarding economic, socio-cultural and environmental sustainability. Nonetheless, since the onset of the 1980s, Tourism Encouragement Law&rsquo / s main policies, along with the globalization and privatization, have developed mass tourism in Turkey, and led to continuous damage on the natural environment. Over the last thirty years, forest lands along the Mediterranean and Aegean coasts have been eradicated and over-exploited to a greater degree through the development of large-scale, inward-oriented and exclusive tourism investments, and second-home developments. This thesis investigates the extent to which forest lands in Turkey are allocated regarding &lsquo / sustainability&rsquo / measures. It first makes a literature review on the notions of &lsquo / sustainability&rsquo / , &lsquo / sustainable development&rsquo / , &lsquo / sustainable forest management&rsquo / and &lsquo / sustainable tourism planning&rsquo / , and examines institutional, stakeholder, policy and legal dimensions of tourism planning on forest lands in Canada and Australia, widely accepted with their advanced practices in the world to draw a theoretical framework and identify main components of &lsquo / sustainability&rsquo / . Second, it analyzes how far institutional, stakeholder, policy and legal structures in Turkey have accommodated the sustainability approach, while allocating forest lands to tourism. Then, it examines the recent development story of Belek Tourism Center (BTC) in Antalya by assessing &lsquo / economic&rsquo / , &lsquo / socio-cultural&rsquo / and &lsquo / environmental&rsquo / sustainability indicators. In the final part, the thesis underlines the major shortcomings and seeks to identify main policies for &lsquo / sustainable&rsquo / allocation and use of forests for tourism in Turkey.

A genetic algorithm for fair land allocation / um algoritmo genético para alocação justa de terras

Gliesch, Alex Zoch January 2018 (has links)
O objetivo de projetos de reforma agrária é redistribuir terras de grandes latifúndios para terrenos menores, com destino à agricultura familiar. Um dos principais problemas do Instituto Nacional de Colonização e Reforma Agrária (INCRA) é subdividir uma parcela grande de terra em lotes menores que são balanceados com relação a certos atributos. Este problema é difícil por que precisa considerar diversas restrições legais e éticas. As soluções atuais são auxiliadas por computador, mas manuais, demoradas e suscetíveis a erros, tipicamente produzindo lotes retangulares de áreas similares mas que são injustos com relação a critérios como aptidão do solo ou acesso a recursos hidrográficos. Nesta dissertação, nós propomos um algoritmo genético para gerar subdivisões justas de forma automática. Nós apresentamos um algoritmo construtivo guloso randomizado baseado em locação-alocação para gerar soluções iniciais, assim como operadores de mutação e recombinação que consideram especificidades do problema. Experimentos com 5 instâncias reais e 25 instâncias geradas artificialmente confirmam a efetividade dos diferentes componentes do método proposto, e mostram que ele gera soluções mais balanceadas que as atualmente usadas na prática. / The goal of agrarian reform projects is the redistribution of farmland from large latifundia to smaller, often family farmers. One of the main problems the Brazilian National Institute of Colonization and Agrarian Reform (INCRA) has to solve is to subdivide a large parcel of land into smaller lots that are balanced with respect to certain attributes. This problem is difficult since it considers several constraints originating from legislation as well as ethical considerations. Current solutions are computer-assisted, but manual, time-consuming and error-prone, leading to rectangular lots of similar areas which are unfair with respect to soil aptitude and access to hydric resources. In this thesis, we propose a genetic algorithm to produce fair land subdivisions automatically. We present a greedy randomized constructive heuristic based on location-allocation to generate initial solutions, as well as mutation and recombination operators that consider specifics of the problem. Experiments on 5 real-world and 25 artificial instances confirm the effectiveness of the different components of our method, and show that it leads to fairer solutions than those currently applied in practice.

A genetic algorithm for fair land allocation / um algoritmo genético para alocação justa de terras

Gliesch, Alex Zoch January 2018 (has links)
O objetivo de projetos de reforma agrária é redistribuir terras de grandes latifúndios para terrenos menores, com destino à agricultura familiar. Um dos principais problemas do Instituto Nacional de Colonização e Reforma Agrária (INCRA) é subdividir uma parcela grande de terra em lotes menores que são balanceados com relação a certos atributos. Este problema é difícil por que precisa considerar diversas restrições legais e éticas. As soluções atuais são auxiliadas por computador, mas manuais, demoradas e suscetíveis a erros, tipicamente produzindo lotes retangulares de áreas similares mas que são injustos com relação a critérios como aptidão do solo ou acesso a recursos hidrográficos. Nesta dissertação, nós propomos um algoritmo genético para gerar subdivisões justas de forma automática. Nós apresentamos um algoritmo construtivo guloso randomizado baseado em locação-alocação para gerar soluções iniciais, assim como operadores de mutação e recombinação que consideram especificidades do problema. Experimentos com 5 instâncias reais e 25 instâncias geradas artificialmente confirmam a efetividade dos diferentes componentes do método proposto, e mostram que ele gera soluções mais balanceadas que as atualmente usadas na prática. / The goal of agrarian reform projects is the redistribution of farmland from large latifundia to smaller, often family farmers. One of the main problems the Brazilian National Institute of Colonization and Agrarian Reform (INCRA) has to solve is to subdivide a large parcel of land into smaller lots that are balanced with respect to certain attributes. This problem is difficult since it considers several constraints originating from legislation as well as ethical considerations. Current solutions are computer-assisted, but manual, time-consuming and error-prone, leading to rectangular lots of similar areas which are unfair with respect to soil aptitude and access to hydric resources. In this thesis, we propose a genetic algorithm to produce fair land subdivisions automatically. We present a greedy randomized constructive heuristic based on location-allocation to generate initial solutions, as well as mutation and recombination operators that consider specifics of the problem. Experiments on 5 real-world and 25 artificial instances confirm the effectiveness of the different components of our method, and show that it leads to fairer solutions than those currently applied in practice.

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