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Uma linha de produto de software para módulos de aprendizagem interativa / A software product line for interactive learning modulesDanilo Leite Dalmon 06 July 2012 (has links)
Aplicativos educacionais podem promover diversos benefícios a professores e alunos, desde a redução de tarefas repetitivas à realização de atividades impossíveis com o uso de apenas lousa e papel. Módulos de Aprendizagem Interativa (iMA) são uma família de aplicativos educacionais que fornecem atividades interativas integradas a Sistemas de Gerenciamento de Cursos. O desenvolvimento de iMA, similarmente ao de outros sistemas criados em contexto de projetos acadêmicos, enfrenta problemas relacionados a manutenção e evolução de software, que afetam suas contribuições à sociedade. Isso é provocado principalmente pela degradação do código com o tempo e dos métodos ad-hoc utilizados, sem sistematização do processo ou procedimentos explícitos para prevenção desses problemas. Com o objetivo de aprimorar esse processo, esta dissertação apresenta uma Linha de Produto de Software (LPS) criada para o desenvolver iMA. O método usado para criá-la envolveu análise do domínio, formado pelos iMA existentes, a elaboração de um modelo de sistema para definir as responsabilidades das características obrigatórias, variantes e opcionais aos aplicativos, e a implementação de um arcabouço de aplicação. Assim, essa LPS consiste nesse arcabouço e seus manuais de funcionamento interno, utilização e evolução, promovendo reúso de código, arquitetura e processo. A avaliação deste trabalho foi conduzida com uma prova de conceito e um estudo de caso. A prova de conceito descreve o desenvolvimento de um novo iMA, chamado iTangran, apresentando a factibilidade da utilização da LPS para essa tarefa. O estudo de caso investigou com maior profundidade o impacto da LPS sobre a criação da nova versão de um aplicativo existente, chamado iVProg. Os resultados obtidos mostram que o oferecimento de um processo e uma arquitetura que guiam as tarefas do programador de iMA teve grande influência na sua percepção de produtividade e satisfação, além de contribuírem para a qualidade do código criado e sua documentação, fatores essenciais para a prevenção dos problemas de desenvolvimento enfrentados atualmente. / Educational software provide many benefits for teachers and students, from reducing repetitive tasks to offering assignments impossible with the use of only blackboard and paper. Interactive Learning Modules (iLM) are a family of educational systems which offer interactive assignments integrated with Learning Management Systems. The development of iLM, similarly to other software created in context of academic projects, faces issues related to software maintenance and evolution, which hinder their contributions to society. This is mainly caused by code degradation with time and to ad-hoc methods used, without a systematic process and explicit considerations to prevent these problems. With the goal of improving this process, this work presents a Software Product Line (SPL) for the development of iLM. The method used to create this SPL involved an analysis of the domain, which are the existing iLM, the creation of a system model in order to define the responsibilities of mandatory, variant and optional features among systems, and the implementation of an application framework. Therefore, the SPL consists of this framework and its manuals for internal operation, utilization and evolution, providing code, architecture and process reuse. Contributions of this work were evaluated by a proof of concept and a study case. The proof of concept describes the development of a new iLM called iTangran, presenting the possibility of using the SPL for this task. The study case investigated more deeply the SPL impact on the refactoring process of an existing iLM, iVProg. Results show that a guide and an architecture for the tasks undertaken by programmers have a significant influence on the perceived productivity and their satisfaction while working, also contributing to code and documentation quality, which are essential factors to prevent development problems such as those faced nowadays.
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Latinos, libraries and electronic resourcesMestre, Lori S 01 January 2000 (has links)
Responsiveness to a diverse population is a pressing issue for higher education today. The need to develop more connections with users from all areas is of growing importance in college and university libraries, especially in areas of computer access and skills. In an attempt to learn of the attitudes and experiences of Latino college students toward learning and using computer applications in an academic library, a two year, primarily qualitative study was conducted with Latinos as participants at one university. As a precursor to this research, a pilot study was conducted using in-depth phenomenological interviewing to learn what it was like for Latinos to use an academic library. Following the analysis of the pilot study, further research was conducted and data were gathered from field notes, observations, group discussions and e-mail journal responses from Latinos enrolled in two courses: an introductory course, Internet for Latino Studies, taught by a Latino professor, and an introductory Essentials of Library Research course, which I taught. Supporting data were gathered through 14 interviews and a survey questionnaire. Out of 137 questionnaires distributed to classes with a high concentration of Latino students, 129 were returned completed. The data were analyzed according to themes and findings are discussed in terms of their implications for librarians and educators. Findings include the following: (1) Social class and cultural capital were found to be more significant than ethnicity or language dominance in library use, comfort in the library, and asking for assistance from library personnel. (2) Latinos, in general, reported performing better and being more motivated when there was a supportive environment with a caring teacher/librarian who treated them as “a friend.” (3) Latinos reported the need for information to be presented in a way that was personally or culturally relevant to them. (4) Latinos were found to use nonverbal communication as an important means for transmitting and interpreting messages. Included in the final chapter of this study are implications and suggestions for improving library instruction to better accommodate differences in computer experience, learning styles, classroom environment and communication.
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Conception et évaluation d'Evasion, un logiciel éducatif d'entraînement des capacités d'attention visuelle impliquées en lecture / Design and evaluation of Evasion, an educational software to train the visual attention skills involved in readingMeyer, Svetlana 22 January 2019 (has links)
Apprendre à lire est une activité complexe qui s'appuie sur différentes capacités cognitives, dont l'attention visuelle. Absente des programmes scolaires, le rôle de l'attention visuelle pour l'apprentissage de la lecture est pourtant largement documenté dans la littérature scientifique. Dans cette thèse, nous avons donc conçu un logiciel éducatif original d'entraînement de l'attention visuelle, Evasion, et évalué l'impact de son utilisation au sein de la classe.Pour ce faire, une revue de littérature a été menée pour identifier plus précisément quelles sont les dimensions de l'attention visuelle impliquées en lecture et comment les entraîner au mieux. Un cadre conceptuel théorique que nous avons développé permet d'interpréter ces éléments et suggère que les dimensions à cibler sont la quantité totale d'attention visuelle et sa dispersion dans l'espace. Ces deux dimensions semblent particulièrement bien entraînées par les jeux vidéo d'action, dont l'effet sur l'attention visuelle a été lui aussi expliqué dans le cadre de notre modèle.Pour les entraîner au mieux au sein d'Evasion, nous avons mêlé les tâches, dont l'effet sur ces dimensions a été validé, avec les propriétés des jeux vidéo d'action. Notre logiciel prend la forme de quatre mini-jeux, dont les propriétés s'ajustent au niveau de l'élève grâce à un algorithme d'adaptation de la difficulté développé par notre équipe. Evasion devait être utilisé en classe pendant 10~h au total, à raison de 3 sessions hebdomadaires de 20 minutes. L'expérimentation a porté sur 730 élèves de CP répartis en deux groupes d’entraînement. Les deux groupes étaient appariés quant à leurs compétences cognitives avant entraînement. En post-entraînement, les performances du groupe Evasion ont été comparées à celles du groupe contrôle, qui recevait un entraînement de la compréhension orale en anglais.Les résultats de cette expérience écologique montrent que les capacités d'attention visuelle et de lecture ne progressent pas davantage suite à l'utilisation d'Evasion que suite à l'utilisation d'un entraînement contrôle. Des analyses supplémentaires révèlent que le protocole a été peu suivi en classe, et que le temps d'entraînement est un facteur expliquant l'amplitude de l'amélioration des dimensions attentionnelles ciblées. Par ailleurs, il semblerait que les entraînements proposés aient été trop faciles. Ces résultats ouvrent de nouvelles perspectives sur les améliorations à apporter à notre logiciel et, plus généralement, sur les conditions de mise en oeuvre d'expériences écologiques dont les besoins sont spécifiques. / Learning to read is a complex activity that relies on different cognitive abilities, including visual attention. The role of visual attention in learning to read is widely documented in the scientific literature but absent from school curricula. In this thesis work, we designed an original educational software, called Evasion, for visual attention training in the classroom and we evaluated its impact on beginning readers' performance.A literature review was first conducted to identify the dimensions of visual attention that are involved in reading and how best to train them. We then propose a conceptual framework which allows us to interpret these results. We conclude that the dimensions to be targeted are the total amount of visual attention resources and attention spatial dispersion. These two facets of attention seem to be particularly well driven by action video games, whose effect on visual attention has also been characterized in our model.To train visual attention resources and dispersion as well as possible within Evasion, we have mixed the tasks known to improve these attentional dimensions with the properties of action video games. Our software includes four training mini-games and an adaptive difficulty algorithm developed by our team to adjust the game properties online to the child needs. The training program was provided in classroom over a period of ten weeks at a rate of three 20-minute sessions a week. It was proposed to a large sample of 730 beggining readers for reading difficulty prevention.The impact of Evasion was assessed before and after training as compared to a control group that used an intervention program conceived to improve oral comprehension in English. The results of this ecological experiment show that visual attention and reading did not improve more following Evasion than control training. Additional analyses revealed that training time was poorly respected while this factor relates to the magnitude of improvement in the attentional dimensions we targeted. The analyses further suggest a problem in the level of difficulty of the mini-games. Overall, our work opens up new perspectives on the improvements to be made to our software and, above all, on the conditions for successful implementation of ecological experiments.
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Content Adaption and Design In Mobile Learning of Wind InstrumentsPriyadarshani, Neha January 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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A Constructivist Instructional DesignIntroducing visual programming to professional designersQiu, Xinyu 04 November 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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Understanding the Impact of Virtual Reality Upon Instruction of TCP/IP SubnettingBowie, Douglas R. 05 June 2023 (has links)
No description available.
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Examining Mathematical Modeling of Fifth Grade Students Using InteractiveSimulationsSanjari Pirmahaleh, Seyedeh Azin 30 September 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Veteran teachers, innovation and change: A study of veteran teachers in a beginning technology staff development programSchultz, Randolph Kevin 01 January 2002 (has links) (PDF)
This study was designed to examine the responses of four veteran teachers with 15 or more years of teaching experience as they moved through a beginning technology staff development program. The purpose of the study was to examine what factors have caused some teachers to wait until mid-career to take a beginning course in computer technology, determine what veteran teachers feel are successful computer technology professional development strategies, and to examine the resulting changes that a veteran teacher makes in classroom computer use. The study followed teachers from pre-instruction to instruction to one month after the staff development using interviews, journals and e-mail questionnaires. Taking as a starting point change theory literature, a grounded theory of the Five Universes that influence veteran teachers was defined. The study concluded with eight recommendations for future technology staff development programs for veteran teachers.
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Actividades interactivas con Jclic-Hot Potatoes para lograr la competencia resuelve problemas de movimiento, forma y localizaciónSanchez Julca, Edgard Guillermo, Santamaria Muro, Jose del Carmen January 2023 (has links)
La presente investigación denominada “Actividades interactivas con Jclic-Hot potatoes para lograr la competencia resuelve problemas de movimiento, forma y localización”, de enfoque cuantitativo, y tipo cuasi experimental, tuvo el objetivo de determinar en qué medida influyen las actividades interactivas ut supra, en el logro de la competencia matemática mencionada, en alumnas de 4° “B” de Educación Secundaria de la Institución Educativa Sara Antonieta Bullón Lamadrid de la ciudad de Lambayeque, en el año 2019, aplicando el modelo de diseño instruccional ADDIE
El estudio consideró una muestra estadística conformada por los grupos experimental y control con 30 discentes de cuarto grado, pertenecientes a una población de 210 alumnas. Se aplicó el instrumento ficha de registro y la data obtenida fue procesada mediante el estadístico T Student, interpretándose y
discutiéndose, a la luz del marco teórico.
Finalmente, se demostró la hipótesis que Las actividades interactivas con Jclic-Hot Potatoes influyen en el logro de la competencia Resuelve Problemas de Movimiento, Forma y Localización en estudiantes de 4° “B” de educación secundaria de la entidad educativa Sara Antonieta Bullón Lamadrid de la ciudad de Lambayeque, en el año 2019; concluyéndose con la pertinencia del empleo de los softwares educativos mencionados. / The present investigation called "Interactive activities with Jclic-Hot potatoes to achieve competence solves problems of movement, shape and location", of a quantitative approach, and quasi-experimental type, had the objective of determining to what extent the activities influence interactive ut supra, in the
achievement of the aforementioned mathematical competence, in students of 4th "B" of Secondary Education of the Sara Antonieta Bullón Lamadrid Educational Institution of the city of Lambayeque, in the year 2019, applying the ADDIE instructional design model
The study considered a statistical sample made up of the experimental and control groups with 30 fourth grade students, belonging to a population of 210 female students. The registration form instrument was applied and the data obtained was processed using the T Student statistic, interpreting and discussing it, in light of the theoretical framework.
Finally, the hypothesis was demonstrated that the interactive activities with JclicHot Potatoes influence the achievement of the competence Solve Problems of Movement, Shape and Location in students of 4th "B" of secondary education of the educational entity Sara Antonieta Bullón Lamadrid de the city of Lambayeque, in the year 2019; concluding with the relevance of the use of the mentioned educational software.
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The Effectiveness of Implementing Classroom Response Systems in the Corporate EnvironmentHeiss, Brandon M. 02 May 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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