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Den svarthuvade snigelns (Krynickillus melanocephalus) substratpreferens vid äggläggning / Krynickillus melanocephalus substrate preference during ovipositionBrodén, Geir January 2023 (has links)
Krynickillus melanocephalus was first seen in Sweden 2015. It is now labeled as an invasive species and it potentially poses a threat to the ecosystem, but the slug has not yet shown to have great negative impact in gardens and agricultural fields. There is limited ecological knowledge about the species. This study aims to increase the knowledge about habitat preference of the species during oviposition. Fifty slugs were placed in experimental arenas containing four compartments, each containing a different substrate: birch leaves, gravel, potting soil and sphagnum moss. The position of the slugs were recorded daily for three consecutive days. Further, position of laid eggs were recorded at two different times. Slugs showed a preference for leaves at oviposition, and 88 % of the eggs were laid in this substrate, and the fewest eggs were laid in moss (0,6 %). The slugs were found the most in contact with the leaves. The result has expanded our knowledge about the species, which is important to develop ways to hinder and slow down its invasion. Future research about substrate preference in this species should focus on how humidity and temperature may affect the substrate preference, as well as on movement behaviour during oviposition, perhaps by means of PIT telemetry. The study provides practical advice regarding how to deal with garden waste in areas that are inhabited by the species, where, in particular birch leaf compost should not be moved around. / Den svarthuvade snigeln upptäcktes i Sverige först 2015. Nu är den klassad som eninvasiv art och blir ännu ett hot mot våra ekosystem. Den kan även utgöra ett hot motträdgårdsägare, men än så länge har snigeln inte observerats ha åstadkommit störreskada. Arten är relativt okänd och därav är litteraturen väldigt begränsad. Min studiesyftar därför till att öka den ekologiska kunskapen om arten. Preferens föräggläggningssubstrat undersöktes samt föredraget habitat underäggläggningsperioden. Femtio sniglar användes i studien och dessa placerades iexperimentarenor innehållande mindre plastkorgar med fyra olika substrat; björklöv,grus, blomjord och vitmossa. Sniglarnas position observerades vid tre tillfällen undertre dagar och i vilket substrat äggen placerats noterades vid två tillfällen. Sniglarvisade en tydlig preferens för löv som äggläggningssubstrat där proportionen lagdaägg var 0,88. Minst antal ägg fanns i mossan (0,6%). Sniglarna befann sig ocksåoftare i kontakt med lövsubstratet än de andra substraten. Resultatet har berikat vårkunskap om arten, kunskap som är viktig för att utveckla metoder för att bekämpadess spridning. Framtida viktiga studier om artens äggläggning kan inkluderabeskrivning av dess rörelsebeteende med hjälp PIT-telemetri, samt undersökningarom hur olika temperaturer och fukthalter påverkar substratpreferens. Min studie hargett insikt i praktiska implikationer om hur trädgårdsavfall bör hanteras i områdendär arten existerar, specifikt att komposter med björklöv inte bör flyttas runt.
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Évaluation des facteurs influençant l’avortement des oeufs de la punaise marbrée Halyomorpha halys Stål (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) par la guêpe parasitoïde Telenomus podisi Ashmead (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae)Hadi, Frederic 08 1900 (has links)
Les parasitoïdes se développent sur, ou, à l'intérieur d'un hôte qu’ils tuent au cours de leur
développement. Ils sont souvent utilisés en lutte biologique car ils ont la capacité de réduire et de
contrôler les populations d’organismes considérés comme nuisibles. Nous avons investigué la
capacité de la guêpe parasitoïde Telenomus podisi à induire l’avortement des oeufs de son hôte :
la punaise exotique Halyomorpha halys. Cette nouvelle association d’espèce ne permet pas à la
guêpe de se reproduire, mais elle induit un taux d’avortement des oeufs de l’hôte, néanmoins
variable d’une guêpe à l’autre. Nos trois expériences ont permis de déterminer que 1) le taux
d’avortement suit la grosseur de l’oeuf, qu’il soit parasité ou non. Que ce taux d’avortement est
encore plus important lorsque parasité par des guêpes de plus petite taille. 2) Le taux
d'avortement est expliqué à 18.2% par la génétique des guêpes (h2 = 0,182). 3) Il est difficile de
générer une population de T. podisi capable d’induire un taux d’avortement élevé après 5
générations de reproduction sélective. Nous ouvrons, par ces résultats, une piste en matière de
lutte biologique contre l’insecte ravageur qu’est H. halys. L’utilisation de petites guêpes
permettrait de réduire la reproduction de la punaise. Mais aussi, qu’à la lumière du contenu de ce
mémoire, un programme de reproduction sélective pourrait être optimisé pour produire des
guêpes performantes en matière d’avortement des oeufs de H. halys. / Parasitoids develop on, or, inside a host they kill during their development. They are often used
in biological control because they have the ability to reduce and control populations of organisms
considered harmful. We investigated the ability of the parasitoid wasp Telenomus podisi to
induce the abortion of its host eggs: the exotic stink bug Halyomorpha halys. This new species
association does not allow the wasp to reproduce, but it induces some abortion of the eggs of the
host, nevertheless variable from one wasp to another. Our three experiments have determined
that 1) the abortion rate follows the size of the egg, whether parasitized or not. That this abortion
rate is even greater when parasitized by smaller wasps 2) The abortion rate is explained to 18.2%
by wasp genetics (h2 = 0.182). 3) It is difficult to generate a population of T. podisi capable of
inducing a high abortion rate after 5 generations of selective breeding. With these results, we are
opening a track in biological control against the pest insect H. halys. The use of small wasps
would reduce the stink bug reproduction. But also, at the light of the contents of this thesis, a
selective breeding program could be optimized to produce efficient wasps in the abortion of H.
halys eggs.
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Effets des logements alternatifs sur les performances et la qualité des œufs en pondeuses commercialesMarcos, Noémie 11 1900 (has links)
La forte demande sociétale pour un meilleur bien-être des poules a conduit l’industrie ovocole canadienne à remplacer progressivement les cages conventionnelles par des logements alternatifs tels que les cages enrichies (CE) et les volières (V). L’objectif de cette étude était de comparer les performances et la qualité des œufs dans 24 élevages commerciaux au Québec : 12 en CE et 12 en V. Le taux de ponte, la mortalité cumulative et la consommation alimentaire ont été choisis pour évaluer les performances des élevages entre 19 et 65 semaines d’âge. L’évaluation de la qualité des œufs a été réalisée à 35, 45, 55 et 65 semaines d’âge incluant la masse de l’œuf, la force et l’épaisseur de la coquille, l’unité Haugh, l’intensité de la couleur du jaune et la prévalence des œufs sales et fêlés. Aucune différence significative (P> 0,05) n’a été observée entre les CE et les V pour tous les paramètres de performance et de qualité étudiés. L’interaction entre le logement et l’âge a eu un effet significatif sur la mortalité (P< 0,05) qui a augmenté plus rapidement avec l’âge dans les V que dans les CE. L’âge a eu un effet significatif sur toutes les variables étudiées (P< 0,05) excepté la prévalence des œufs sales. Ces résultats sont encourageants pour les producteurs d’œufs québécois en pleine phase de transition. En conclusion, au Québec, durant le cycle de ponte les performances des oiseaux et la qualité des œufs sont similaires entre les CE et les V à l’échelle commerciale. / The strong societal demand for better hen welfare has led the Canadian egg industry to progressively replace conventional cages with alternative housing such as enriched cages (EC) and aviaries (A). The objective of this study was to compare the performance and quality of eggs from 24 commercial farms in Quebec: 12 in EC and 12 in A. Laying rate, cumulative mortality, and feed consumption were used to evaluate farm performance between 19 and 65 weeks of age while egg quality evaluation consisted of egg mass, strength and thickness shell, Haugh unit, yolk color intensity and prevalence of dirty and cracked eggs at 35, 45, 55 and 65 weeks of age. No significant differences (P> 0.05) were observed between EC and A for all performance and quality parameters studied. The interaction between housing and age had a significant effect on mortality (P< 0.05) which increased faster with age in A than in EC. Age had a significant effect (P< 0.05) on all variables studied except the prevalence of dirty eggs. These results are encouraging for Quebec egg producers in the midst of a transition phase. In conclusion, in Quebec, during the laying cycle the performance of the birds and egg quality are similar between the EC and the A on a commercial scale.
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Protein 14-3-3 (YWHA) isoforms and their roles in regulating mouse oocyte maturationDe, Santanu 02 July 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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Optimal Analysis of Sulfonamides From Biological Matrices Using Supercritical FluidsCombs, Michael T. 11 March 1997 (has links)
The objective of this research was to develop new sample preparation procedures for the isolation of sulfonamides, as well as, to determine the applicability of employing on-line nitrogen selective and mass spectrometric detection methods.
The first phase of this research investigated the effect of temperature and pressure on the supercritical fluid extraction (SFE) of sulfonamides from a spiked sand matrix. Temperature effects were either positive or negative with respect to extraction rate and total recovery, depending on the pressure and extraction fluid employed.
The second portion of this research compared trifluoromethane (CHF3) and carbon dioxide (CO2) as fluids for the extraction of sulfonamides from spiked non-fat dry milk, beef liver, and egg yolk were found to be more selective using CHF3 than CO2. The polar trifluoromethane improved the extraction efficiency of the polar sulfonamides from the biological matrices and also reduced the amount of co-extractives.
The next phase of this research considered the effect of organic modifier and CO2 in the SFE of sulfonamides from chicken liver, beef liver and egg yolk. Methanol, ethanol, acetone, acetonitrile were compared to determine optimum conditions. A SFE method employing 20% acetonitrile modified CO2 yielded quantitative recovery of sulfonamides from chicken liver, but 20% acetone modified CO2 was required to obtain quantitative recovery from beef liver. Either 20% acetone or 20% acetonitrile yielded quantitative recovery from egg yolk.
The last phase of this research focused on the evaluation of selective detection methods for sulfonamide analysis. Chemiluminescence nitrogen detection (CLND) parameters were optimized for use with packed column supercritical fluid chromatography (SFC) yielding a minimum detectable quantity (MDQ) of 5 ng of sulfamethazine, on column. Improvements in the detector design decreased the MDQ to 0.5 ng, while, decreasing the column diameter further reduced the MDQ to 125 pg. The second part of this phase evaluated PLC/Atmospheric pressure chemical ionization (APCI) mass spectrometry for the detection of sulfonamides. Sensitivity in selective ion mode was found to be as low as 50 pg on column for sulfamethazine. Supercritical fluid extracts of sulfonamides spiked at 100μg/kg in chicken liver were found to be readily detected by this method. / Ph. D.
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Analys av äggproteiner med MALDI-MS med matris baserad på Cu2O-partiklar / Analysis of egg proteins with MALDI-MS using a matrix based on Cu2O particlesHåkansson, Tove, Jungdalen, Matilde, Helin, Olof January 2024 (has links)
Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization Mass Spectrometry (MALDI-MS) är en effektiv metod för att analysera biomolekyler såsom proteiner. Metoden är utmärkt för kvalitativ analys, medan kvantitativ analys har utrymme för förbättringar. Detta projekt syftade till att undersöka inkorporering av Cu2O-partiklar (Cu2O PS) i en DHB-matris som ett sätt att förbättra kvantitativ analys av äggproteiner och peptider. För att göra detta syntetiserades Cu2O PS och olika utspädningar av partiklarna blandades i matrisen, och en hybridmatris (Cu2O PS@DHB) skapades. Syntesen utfördes tre gånger och resulterade i tre olika uppsättningar av partiklar som undersöktes med hjälp av UV/Vis och DLS. Prover med både DHB och Cu2O PS@DHB analyserades senare med MALDI-MS och resultaten visade att de syntetiserade Cu2O PS inte förbättrade den kvantitativa analysen, även om de mindre, gula partiklarna hade en bättre effekt än de större, orangea partiklarna. En intressant upptäckt gjordes under projektet beträffande Cu2O PS@DHB-matrisen. Vid förberedelse av Cu2O PS@DHB bör blandningen användas omedelbart efter förberedelsen, annars minskar kvalitén på MALDI-MS-spektrumen dramatiskt.
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Utvärdering av proteinglycerol och formaldehyd som agglutineringsmedel vid preparering av cellblock för lungcytologi / Evaluation of protein glycerol and formaldehyde as agglutination agents in the preparation of cell blocks for lung cytologyHolm, Moa, Myhrberg, Nora January 2024 (has links)
År 2020 stod lungcancer för högst andel cancer-relaterade dödsfall. Cellblockstekniken används inom diagnostik av vätskebaserad cytologi för att morfologiskt undersöka cellernas utseende och tumörcellers ursprung. I dagsläget upplever personal på Avdelningen för Klinisk patologi och cytologi Jönköping problematik vid klotformering av cellerna, vilket kan resultera i cellförlust. Syftet var att testa en ny metod för preparering av cellblock för lungcytologi samt utvärdera immunohistokemisk färgning med metoden. Studien behandlade 20 prover av pleuravätska och 20 lungcytologiprover som bearbetades till cellblock. Proteinglycerol och formaldehyd ersatte nuvarande agglutineringslösning bestående av koncentrerad formaldehyd och ättiksyra. Cellmängd beräknades på 39 snitt av två cytodiagnostiker, och graderades i tre nivåer från sparsam till riklig (1–3). Åtta cellblock selekterades för immunohistokemisk färgning. Det totala medelvärdet för cellularitet på snitten var måttlig (2,04). För pleuraproverna var medelvärdet 1,775 och för lungcytologiprover 2,315. Inga celler hittades på n=4 prover. Samtliga (n=8) immunohistokemiska färgningar med tillhörande kontroller godkändes av metodspecialist. Metoden ger snitt med tillräcklig cellularitet som fungerar väl med immunohistokemisk färgning. Metoden kan optimeras i relation till proteinförhållande och provtagning för att vid implementering bidra till en effektiviserad och individualiserad diagnostik. / In 2020, lung cancer accounted for the highest proportion of cancer-related mortalities. The cell-block technique is used in liquid-based cytology to morphologically examine the appearance of cells and the origin of tumour-cells. Staff at the Department of Clinical pathology and cytology in Jönköping are experiencing problems with clot-formation of cells, which can result in cell-loss. The aim was to test a new method for preparing cell-blocks for lung cytology, and evaluate immunohistochemical staining with the method. The study treated 20 pleural fluids and 20 fine needle aspirations that were processed into cell-blocks. Protein-glycerol and formaldehyde replaced the current agglutination solution consisting of concentrated formaldehyde and acetic acid. The cell-count on 39 sections were graded by two Cytotechnologists in three levels from sparse to abundant (1-3). Eight cell-blocks were selected for immunohistochemical staining. The mean cellularity was moderate (2,04). For the pleural and lung cytology samples the mean values were 1,775 and 2.315. No cells were found on n=4 sections. Every (n=8) immunohistochemical staining with associated controls was approved by method specialist. The method provides sufficient cellularity and works with immunohistochemical staining. It can be optimized in relation to protein-ratio and sampling to contribute to streamlined and individualized diagnosis if implemented.
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Analysis of the Impact Hyperglycemia has on Neuronal Functions Using Genetic Approaches in Caenorhabditis elegansRuiz, Manuel Axel 05 1900 (has links)
A chronic hyperglycemic state often results in neuropathological complications such as peripheral diabetic neuropathy (PDN). PDN is a debilitating medical condition that impacts over half of the US population with diabetes. In this study, we used the model organism Caenorhabditis elegans to determine that glucose-supplemented diet leads to an increased rate of intrauterine egg hatching (IUEH) and the reduction of dopamine and serotonin is sufficient to suppress the glucose-induced IUEH. Moreover, in this research demonstrates that a glucose-supplemented diet impacts serotonin and dopamine-associated behaviors. Additionally, we demonstrate that a diet rich in glucose impacts the structure of the serotonergic neurons HSN and NSM. These findings highlight the utility of the model organism C. elegans in elucidating the impact of a glucose-supplemented diet on the nervous system. Finally, these studies show that a glucose-supplemented diet impacts transgenerational and intergenerational phenotypes as well as changes in the transcriptional profile of subsequent generations.
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Selection of larvae for queen rearing by workers in the honey bee (Apis mellifera L.) − nepotism or different maternal supply?AL-Kahtani, Saad Naser Saad 15 August 2011 (has links)
Natürliche Selektion bevorzugt effiziente Zusammenarbeit innerhalb von eusozialen Kolonien. Dennoch kann bei polyandrischen Arten die Aufzucht von Königinnen Konflikte auslösen. Es wird vermutet, dass Honigbienen nepotistisch bei der Königinnenaufzucht agieren. Bienen sind in der Lage zwischen verschiedenen verwandten Individuen zu unterscheiden. Die bisher publizierten Daten sind aber widersprüchlich. In meiner Untersuchung zeigte sich, dass standardisiert aufgezogene Larven durch verwandte Arbeitsbienen nicht signifikant bevorzugt werden, aber dass ein höheres Gewicht der Eier, aus denen die Larven geschlüpft sind, ihre Chancen als Königin aufgezogen zu werden signifikant erhöhen. Ein hohes Eigewicht führte außerdem zu einer zwar nicht signifikanten, aber tendenziellen Erhöhung von Fitness Eigenschaften der resultierenden Königinnen. Probleme, Nepotismus eindeutig zu belegen, sind möglicherweise dadurch verursacht, dass die Verwandtschafts-Präferenz bestimmter Individuen nicht in eine Kolonie-Entscheidung überführt werden kann. Ich habe deshalb – mit molekulargenetischen Methoden – die Verwandtschaft der Larven, die als Königinnen aufgezogen werden sollen, mit jener der Pflege-Bienen, die deren Aufzucht initiierten, vergliechen. In fünf Kolonien, deren Königinnen mit jeweils drei Drohnen von drei verschiedenen Herkünften besamt wurden, fand ich keine Präferenz von Arbeitsbienen für ihre nah-verwandten Geschwister. Dafür zeigten sich signifikante Unterschiede bezüglich Präferenz für Larven der drei Drohnen-Herkünfte. Dies kann so interpretiert werden, dass Honigbienen in der Lage sind, zwischen genetischen Varianten zu unterscheiden, aber dass diese Fähigkeit nicht für Nepotismus genutzt wird. In einem natürlichen, durch Mehrfachpaarung genetisch variablen, aber mindestens zu 25 % verwandten Volk, ist eine genetisch oder umwelt- (maternal) induzierte Attraktivität, und nicht der Grad der Verwandtschaft, das zentrale Selektionskriterium in. / Natural selection favours an efficient cooperation within eusocial colonies. However, in polyandrous species, queen rearing may provide some conflict. Worker bees are assumed to play a nepotistic role during the queen-rearing phase by preferring more closely related larvae. Honeybee workers were found to be able to discriminate between different related individuals, but published data are inconsistent. Here in my study I show that larvae reared on a standardized basis were not significantly preferred by related worker bees, but that a higher egg weight – from which the larvae originated – significantly increased the chance to receive a royalty treatment and showed a tendency to correlate positively with fitness traits of the resulting queen. Queen rearing results from a colony decision, and this involves many workers. Consequently any lack of a nepotism which is proved may be due to the fact that relatedness-driven kin preference of individuals cannot be applied to a colony decision. In view of this, using DNA fingerprinting, I also tested the relatedness of larvae to be reared as queens and those nursing worker bees which initiated the queen−rearing process. In five colonies, each inseminated with three drones from three different origins, I did not observe any preference of worker bees for their closely related sib for queen rearing, but I did find significant differences with respect to the preference of worker bees for larvae from the three drone origins. Our data provide evidence that honey bees have the ability to discriminate genetic differences, but they do not use it for nepotism. In a natural, diverse – but always at least 25%-related – framework within a colony, genetically or environmentally driven attractiveness but not relatedness represents the key criteria for selecting larvae for gyne production.
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Neurological Responses to a Glucose Diet in Caenorhabditis elegansDumesnil, Dennis 08 1900 (has links)
TRPV channels play a role in both mammalian insulin signaling, with TRPV1 expression in pancreatic beta-cells, and in C. elegans insulin-like signaling through expression of OSM-9, OCR-1, and OCR-2 in stress response pathways. In response to a glucose-supplemented diet, C. elegans are know to have sensitivity to anoxic stress, exhibit chemotaxis attraction, and display reduced egg-laying rate. Transcriptome analysis reveals that glucose stimulates nervous system activity with increased transcript levels of genes regulating neurotransmitters. Ciliated sensory neurons are needed for a reduced egg-laying phenotype on a glucose-supplemented diet. Egg-laying rate is not affected when worms graze on glucose-supplemented Delta-PTS OP50 E. coli, which is defective in glucose uptake. This suggests a possible sensory neuron obstruction by exopolysaccharides produced by standard OP50 E. coli on glucose, eliciting a starvation response from the worm and causing reduced egg-laying rate. Glucose chemotaxis is affected in specific TRPV subunit allele mutants: ocr-2(vs29) and osm-9(yz6), serotonin receptor mutants: ser-1(ok345) and mod-1(ok103), and G-alpha protein mutant: gpa-10(pk362). TRPV deletion mutants had no effect on glucose chemotaxis, alluding to the modality role pf TRPV alleles in specific sensory neurons. The role of serotonin in a reduced egg-laying rate with glucose remains unclear.
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