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Přežívání kuřat čejky chocholaté (Vanellus vanellus) v zemědělské krajině / Surviving of Northern Lapwing (Vanellus vanellus) chicks in agriculture landscapeKubelka, Vojtěch January 2014 (has links)
The variability of egg-size within a bird species reflects different reproductive investments and, besides the intrinsic constraints and particular female quality, it can be affected by environmental factors, too. Moreover, the egg-size predetermines the chick performance. The knowledge of factors influencing precocial chick survival is crucial for better understanding of life-history strategies as well as for endangered species conservation. The Northern Lapwing (Vanellus vanellus) represents a suitable model species for investigation of climate variables effects on egg-size and also to study factors influencing chick survival. Eggs in a total of 714 nests were measured during 13 breeding seasons over period 1988-2014 in South Bohemia and 293 lapwing chicks from 100 broods in 37 localities were monitored in 2013-2014. The mean egg-size through the whole season is positively affected by March precipitation, March clutches also negatively by minus temperatures in March. The higher intensity of rainfall there is during March, the bigger eggs are laid in March and the steeper is slope of decline in mean egg-size during season. This decline is more profound with lower rainfall in April. The effect of habitat is not significant. The body mass and condition of hatchlings is positively correlated with the...
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Hydrous Mineral Stability in Earth’s Mantle: Implications for Water Storage and CyclingRytel, Alexander L. 08 June 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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The Aerodynamic, Glottographic, and Acoustic Effects of Clear Speech.Tahamtan, Mahdi 06 September 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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Les méthodes de procréation médicale assistées et les risques adverses périnataux : l’impact du programme de remboursement universel du Québec.Gorgui, Jessica 12 1900 (has links)
L'infertilité affecte 11-15 % des Canadiennes et 8-20 % des couples ont de la difficulté à concevoir spontanément. Par conséquent, le recours à la procréation médicalement assistée (PMA) ne cesse d'augmenter, cependant la controverse demeure quant à ses risques sur la santé maternelle et celle des enfants. La PMA comprend les techniques de procréation assistée (TRA) (fécondation in vitro [FIV], insémination intra-utérine [IIU]) et les stimulateurs ovariens (SO), avec plus de 5 millions d'enfants issu d’une FIV au monde. La PMA a précédemment été associée à un risque accru d’issues adverses de grossesse incluant l’hypertension gestationnelle, les saignements utérins ainsi que les issues adverses affectant la santé de l’enfant, notamment les grossesses multiples, la prématurité, et le faible poids à la naissance sur lesquelles nous allons nous concentrer dans cette thèse de doctorat. Entre 05/08/2010-15/11/2015, le Québec fut la 1ère province Canadienne à financer un programme de remboursement universel pour la PMA, visant à augmenter le taux de natalité au Québec et réduire les grossesses multiples et leurs dépenses de santé associées en implémentant le transfert d'embryon unique. Le programme a été interrompu en 2015 dû aux dépenses de santé plus élevées que prévu. Nous avons identifié plusieurs lacunes de connaissances, que nous avons cherché à combler dans ce programme doctoral. Premièrement, aucun registre n’a été mis en place pour évaluer l'impact du programme sur les mères et les enfants. Deuxièmement, les études se concentrent sur les TRA ou combinent toutes les méthodes non-FIV, ce qui a des implications cliniques limitées. Les SO sont sous-analysées mais ont des implications cliniques importantes car ils constituent un traitement de première ligne pour l'infertilité. Enfin, les grossesses singleton sont moins évaluées alors qu’il est devenu évident qu'elles comportent des risques périnataux cliniquement importants.
Cette thèse de doctorat est composée d'une revue de la littérature publiée et de trois études épidémiologiques effectuées dans la Cohorte des Grossesses du Québec (CQG). L'étude 1 quantifie les variations des tendances trimestrielles des issues obstétricales et périnatales 5 ans avant et pendant le programme québécois, et quantifie le risque de multiplicité associé au programme et à la PMA dans l’ensemble et par sous-types (SO seuls, TRA seuls, SO/TRA combinés) pendant ses années actives. Nous avons aussi étudié le rôle des grossesses multiples comme modificateur d'effet dans l'association entre la PMA et la prématurité. Entre 2005-2015, nous avons observé une augmentation de la prévalence de multiplicité par un facteur de 10. Les grossesses multiples ont augmenté significativement pendant le programme (rapport de cotes ajusté [RCa] 6,09, intervalle de confiance à 95 % [IC95%] 5,23-7,09) par rapport aux 5 ans avant. La PMA a significativement augmenté le risque de multiplicité (RCa 4,65, IC95% 3,84-5,62) par rapport à la conception spontanée. Les SO seuls augmentaient le plus le risque de multiplicité (RCa 6,28, IC95 % 4,56-8,64) par rapport à la conception spontanée. L’étude 2 quantifie le risque de prématurité associé à la PMA dans l'ensemble et par sous-type parmi les grossesses singleton survenues pendant le programme et dans une cohorte restreinte de grossesses PMA pour évaluer l'impact d’un biais d'indication (l’infertilité ou la sous-fertilité) potentiel. La PMA dans l’ensemble (RCa 1,46, IC95 % 1,25-1,72) et par sous-types : OS seul (RCa 1,47, IC95% 1,04-2,07), TRA seul (RCa 1,76, IC95% 1,01-3,06) et SO/TRA combinés (RCa 1,43, IC95% 1,19-1,73) étaient associées à un risque accru de prématurité par rapport à la conception spontanée. Enfin, l’étude 3 quantifie le risque de naitre petit/très petit pour l'âge gestationnel associé à la PMA dans l’ensemble et par sous-types. Connaissant l'association PMA/prématurité, nous avons aussi évalué le rôle de la prématurité comme modificateur d'effet dans l'association entre PMA et le fait de naitre petit ou très petit pour l'âge gestationnel. Bien qu'aucune association n'ait été observée entre la PMA et le fait de naitre petit ou très petit pour l'âge gestationnel, la PMA était associée à un risque accru de naitre petit ou très petit pour l'âge gestationnel (RCa 1,69, IC95 % 1,08-2,66) chez les prématurés spécifiquement.
Nos résultats démontrent une augmentation significative des grossesses multiples pendant le programme, au-delà des seuils visés. Les SO seuls augmentent particulièrement les grossesses multiples, une technique de PMA ne pouvant être contrôlée par le transfert d’embryon unique. La PMA augmente le risque de prématurité, en particulier chez les singletons. Nos résultats confirment en outre qu’elle augmente également le risque de naitre petit pour l’âge gestationnel, en particulier chez singletons prématurés. / Infertility affects 11-15% of Canadian women, while 8-20% of couples report having difficulties conceiving spontaneously. As such, the use of medically assisted reproduction (MAR) has steadily increased, however controversy remains with regards to its risks on the health of mothers and children. MAR includes assisted reproductive technology (ART) (i.e. in vitro fertilization [IVF], intrauterine insemination [IUI]) and ovarian stimulators (OS), with over 5 million children born through IVF alone worldwide. MARs have previously been associated with an increased risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes including gestational hypertension, uterine bleeding as well as adverse child health outcomes including multiplicity, prematurity, and low birth weight. Perinatal outcomes will be the focus in this doctoral thesis. Between 05/08/2010-15/11/2015, Quebec was the first Canadian province to fund a universal MAR reimbursement program, which aimed to reduce multiplicity and associated health expenditures with the practice of single embryo transfers in the context of IVF and increase Quebec’s birth rate. The program was halted in 2015 following a higher than expected healthcare expenditure. We identified several knowledge gaps, which we have aimed to fill through this doctoral program. First, no database exists to assess the impact of Quebec’s universal MAR program on mothers and children. Second, evidence focuses on ART or combine all non-IVF (e.g. OS) methods together, which has limited clinical implications. OS are under analysed but carry clinical implications as they are a first line therapy for infertility. Lastly, singleton pregnancies are not always evaluated when it has become evident that they carry clinically relevant perinatal risks.
This doctoral thesis is composed of a published literature review as well as three epidemiological studies conducted within the Quebec Pregnancy Cohort (QPC). Study 1 aimed to quantify the changes in quarterly trends of obstetrical and perinatal outcomes 5 years before and during the universal program in Quebec through an interrupted time series analysis, as well as quantify the risk of multiplicity in association with the program itself and MAR conceptions specifically during the active program years. In this first study we also aimed to evaluate the role of multiplicity as an effect modifier in the association between MAR conception and prematurity. Between 2005-2015, we observed a 10-fold increase in multiplicity. Multiplicity increased by 6-fold during the program (adjusted odds ratio [aOR] 6.09, 95% confidence interval [CI] 5.23-7.09) compared to 5 years prior. MAR significantly increased the risk of multiplicity by 4.7-fold (aOR 4.65, 95%CI 3.84-5.62) compared to spontaneous conception. OS alone increased the risk of multiplicity the most (aOR 6.28, 95%CI 4.56-8.64) compared to spontaneous conception. In Study 2, we quantified the risk of prematurity associated with MAR conceptions overall and by subtype (eg. OS alone, ART alone, OS/ART combined) among singleton pregnancies occurring during the program as well as in a restricted cohort of MAR-exposed pregnancies to evaluate the impact of indication (infertility/subfertility) bias. MAR conception was associated with an increased prematurity risk (aOR 1.46, 95%CI 1.25-1.72). All MAR types were associated with increased prematurity risk when compared to spontaneous conception: OS alone (aOR 1.47, 95%CI 1.04-2.07), ART alone (aOR 1.76, 95%CI 1.01-3.06), and OS/ART combined (aOR 1.43, 95%CI 1.19-1.73). Lastly, in Study 3, we aimed to quantify the risk of being born small/very small for gestational age (SGA, VSGA) associated with MAR overall and by subtype. In this study, knowing the MAR/prematurity association, we assessed the role of prematurity as an effect modifier in the association between MAR and SGA/VSGA. While no association was observed between MAR and SGA/VSGA, MAR was associated with an increased SGA risk (aOR 1.69, 95%CI 1.08-2.66) among preterms.
Our findings show a significant increase of multiplicity during the program years, well above the thresholds targeted by the program administrators. OS alone particularly increases multiplicity the most, an MAR technique that cannot be controlled through single embryo transfer. MARs increase the risk of preterm, particularly among singleton pregnancies. Our results further confirm that they also increase the risk of SGA, specifically among preterm singleton pregnancies.
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LC-MS/MS-Bestimmung von Kokzidiostatika in Futtermittel und EiBodi, Dorina 12 June 2014 (has links)
Kokzidiostatika werden in der Kleintiermast als Futtermittelzusatzstoffe zur Vorbeugung der Kokzidiose eingesetzt. Die Verwendung der Wirkstoffe ist in der Europäischen Union gesetzlich geregelt und unterliegt der amtlichen Lebens- und Futtermittelkontrolle. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden Methoden zur flüssigchromatographisch tandem-massen¬spektro¬metrischen (LC-MS/MS-) Bestimmung von Kokzidiostatika in Futtermitteln und in Ei entwickelt. Durch Bestandteile des Probenmaterials traten Störungen des Analytsignals auf. Die Untersuchung solcher Matrixeffekte ist in der pharmazeutischen und der Pestizidanalytik üblich. Zu Matrixeffekten bei der LC-MS/MS-Analytik in Futtermitteln gibt es kaum Daten. Ein Schwerpunkt dieser Arbeit war daher die Untersuchung der Einflussfaktoren auf Matrixeffekte bei der Analyse von Kokzidiostatika. Aufgrund der gewonnenen Erkenntnisse wurde eine Methode zur Bestimmung von Verschleppungen von Kokzidiostatika in Futtermittel für Nichtzieltierarten entwickelt und validiert. Weitere LC-MS/MS-Methoden wurden zur Bestimmung Maduramicins in Futtermittel, Eiweiß und Eigelb optimiert. Diese wurden zur wurden zur Untersuchung des Übergangs des Kokzidiostatikums aus dem Futtermittel in das Ei benötigt. Dazu wurde eine Fütterungsstudie mit Legehennen durchgeführt. Futtermittel mit drei Konzentrationen von Maduramicin bis zum Höchstgehalt in Futtermittel für Nichtzieltierarten wurden hergestellt und je einer Gruppe von Legehennen verabreicht. Das aufgenommene Maduramicin ging ausschließlich ins Eigelb über, es ergab sich eine Carry-over-Rate von 8 %. Der für Eier festgelegte Höchstgehalt von 2 µg/kg wurde überschritten, obwohl die Konzentrationen Maduramicins in den verfütterten Futtermitteln unterhalb des Höchstgehaltes für Futtermittel lagen. Als Folge dieser Ergebnisse wurde der Maduramicin-Höchstgehalt in Ei auf 12 µg/kg angepasst. Der in Verordnung (EG) Nr. 124/2009 festgelegte Höchstgehalt wurde durch die Verordnung (EU) 610/2012 geändert. / Prevention of coccidosis by anticoccidial feed additives is of great economic importance in poultry farming. Application of these substances is regulated by European law and is a matter of official feed and food control requiring appropriate determination methods for coccidiostats. In this study, liquid chromatographic tandem mass spectrometric (LC-MS/MS-) methods for the quantification of coccidiostats in feed and eggs were developed. The influence of the sample material resulted in poor method performance. These matrix effects are intensively investigated in other analytical fields like drug or pesticide analysis. In contrast, there are limited data concerning matrix effects in LC-MS/MS analysis in feedingstuffs. This study therefore focussed on the systematic investigation of factors influencing matrix effects during analysis of coccidiostats. The findings were implemented in the development and validation of a method for the determination of cross-contamination levels of authorized coccidiostats in feed for non-target animals. This method was optimized for the determination of the anticoccidial feed additive maduramicin in feed, egg white, and egg yolk for a carry-over study. By means of the conducted feeding trial with laying hens the carry-over of maduramicin from feed into eggs was comprehensively characterized. Three feedingstuffs containing different levels of maduramicin up to the maximum tolerable level in non-target animal feed were prepared and fed to groups of ten laying hens. Maduramicin is exclusively transferred into egg yolk, and a carry-over rate into whole eggs of 8 % was calculated. Although the applied diets were in compliance with the maximum level in feed, resulting concentrations in whole eggs exceeded the maximum level in eggs. As a consequence of these findings, the maximum permitted level of maduramicin in eggs was adapted to 12 µg/kg. The maximum level assigned by Regulation (EC) No. 124/2009 was amended in Regulation (EU) 610/2012.
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Contribuição à investigação das alterações hemostáticas induzidas pelo veneno da serpente Bothrops jararaca em coelhos: estudo das glicoproteínas da membrana, função, secreção e sobrevivência plaquetárias. / Contribution to the investigation of hemostatic disturbances induced by Bothrops jararaca snake venom in rabbits: study of platelet membrane glycoproteins, function, secretion and survival.Santoro, Marcelo Larami 15 May 2002 (has links)
Que o envenenamento pela serpente Bothrops jararaca causa distúrbios hemorrágicos sistêmicos, com alteração da coagulação e fibrinólise sangüíneas, é notório. Contudo, pouco se sabe sobre a ação in vivo desse veneno sobre as plaquetas. Em estudos recentes, demonstrou-se que esse veneno causa trombocitopenia, distúrbios da agregação e diminuição do número de corpos densos plaquetários, que, dessarte, sugeriam a ativação das plaquetas circulantes. Com o escopo de comprovar esta hipótese e melhor caracterizar as ações in vivo desse veneno sobre as plaquetas, serviu-se de um modelo experimental que empregava coelhos para o envenenamento pela B. jararaca. No grupo experimental, os animais foram injetados i.v. com o veneno da B. jararaca (60 µg/kg) e no grupo controle com salina. Previamente à administração de salina ou veneno, os coelhos tiveram suas plaquetas marcadas ex vivo com NHS-biotina. Para a avaliação das alterações plaquetárias, amostras de sangue foram coletadas seqüencialmente, em intervalos de tempo que variaram de 1 a 144 horas após a administração do veneno ou salina. Durante o envenenamento, houve trombocitopenia, hipofibrinogenemia, elevação dos níveis plasmáticos do fator de von Willebrand, diminuição da função plaquetária no sangue total induzida pela botrocetina e pelo colágeno e diminuição da secreção de ATP. Não obstante, os níveis plasmáticos de fator plaquetário 4, um marcador específico da ativação plaquetária in vivo, e os níveis intraplaquetários de serotonina se mantiveram constantes. Pela citometria de fluxo, observou-se um decréscimo significativo da expressão do epítopo da GPIIb-IIIa reconhecido pelo anticorpo monoclonal P2, porém isso não foi observado ao utilizar-se anticorpos policlonais. A expressão de fibrinogênio ou dos produtos de degradação do fibrinogênio/fibrina (PDF) na membrana plaquetária também não sofreu alteração significativa ao longo do tempo. Houve, todavia, elevações significativas da P-selectina plaquetária, um receptor cuja expressão é indicativa de ativação plaquetária, e do epítopo induzido por ligantes (LIBS1) da GPIIIa. A porcentagem de plaquetas reticuladas na circulação, assim como os tempos de sobrevivência plaquetária, não foram estatisticamente diferentes entre os dois grupos. As análises histológicas e imuno-histoquímicas dos órgãos dos coelhos mostraram que as plaquetas circulantes são retidas entre redes de fibrina nos capilares pulmonares. Os resultados obtidos sugerem que a trombina engendrada pelos componentes pró-coagulantes deste veneno desempenha uma função essencial na patogenia dos distúrbios da coagulação e plaquetários observados neste modelo de envenenamento. O aumento da expressão de P-selectina no grupo experimental comprovou a hipótese inicial de que as plaquetas dos coelhos envenenados são verdadeiramente ativadas na circulação. Os dados ora apresentados demonstram definitivamente que a diminuição do fibrinogênio ou o aumento dos PDF não são a causa fundamental da disfunção plaquetária observada no envenenamento botrópico e que outro(s) composto(s) parece(m) estar envolvido(s) com estes distúrbios plaquetários. / In spite of being well established that Bothrops jararaca snake venom causes blood coagulation and fibrinolysis disturbances in patients, scant information about blood platelet disorders during envenomation is available. In recent investigations, thrombocytopenia, platelet aggregation disturbances and decreased numbers of platelet dense bodies were observed following venom administration, suggesting that circulating platelets had been activated. In order to prove this hypothesis and to gain a better characterization of the in vivo role of this venom on platelets, an experimental model of B. jararaca envenomation was utilized. Rabbits were injected i.v. either with B. jararaca venom (60 µg/kg) (experimental group) or saline (control group). Previously to saline or venom administration, rabbit platelets were labeled ex vivo with NHS-biotin. To evaluate platelet disturbances, blood samples were collected consecutively, at time intervals that varied from 1 to 144 hours after venom or saline administration. During envenomation, there were thrombocytopenia, hypofibrinogenemia, elevation of von Willebrand factor plasma levels, reduced botrocetin- and collagen-induced platelet aggregation in whole blood, and decreased ATP secretion. However, plasma levels of platelet factor 4, a specific marker of in vivo platelet activation, and intraplatelet serotonin levels remained constant. By flow cytometry, a significant decrease on the expression of GPIIb-IIIa epitope recognized by P2 monoclonal antibody was observed; however, this was not observed when polyclonal antibodies were employed. Fibrinogen or fibrin(ogen) degradation product (FDP) expression on platelet surface showed no significant alteration. Nonetheless, significant elevations of platelet P-selectin, a receptor whose expression is indicative of platelet activation, and of ligand-induced binding sites (LIBS1) of GPIIIa were noted. The percentage of circulating reticulated platelets, as well as platelet survival times, were not statistically different between the two groups. Histopathological and immunohistochemical analyses of rabbit organs demonstrated that circulating platelets were sequestered among fibrin deposits in pulmonary capillaries. These results suggest that thrombin generated by procoagulating components of B. jararaca venom has an essential role in the pathogenesis of platelet and coagulation disorders in this experimental model. Increased expression of P-selectin in the experimental group proves the initial hypothesis that platelets of envenomed rabbits are indeed activated in the circulation. The data presented herein demonstrate definitively that decreased fibrinogen or increased FDP levels are not the primary cause of the platelet dysfunction observed in bothropic envenomation, but other substances seem to be responsible for it.
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Investigations on the effects of dietary insoluble and soluble non-starch polysaccharides (NSP) on host-parasite interactions in laying hen chicks infected with Heterakis gallinarum or Ascaridia galli / Untersuchungen zum Einfluß löslicher und unlöslicher Nicht-Stärke-Polysaccharide (NSP) im Futter auf Parasit-Wirt-Interaktionen bei wachsenden JunghennenDaş, Gürbüz 16 November 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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Regionální trh vybranými bio komoditami: bio maso / Market of selected organic commodities (organic meat)LEŠTINOVÁ, Iva January 2014 (has links)
This thesis deals with the organic livestock production in South Bohemian region. The aim of the thesis was to analyze the South Bohemian organic meat production, production of eggs and honey and distribution of the biocommodities. Through the processing of data from the database IAEI and questionnaire survey, conducted at the level of organic farmers farming in the South Bohemian region with a valid certificate for meat production, development and the current market situation of organic meat production were assessed in the South Bohemian region.
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Contribuição à investigação das alterações hemostáticas induzidas pelo veneno da serpente Bothrops jararaca em coelhos: estudo das glicoproteínas da membrana, função, secreção e sobrevivência plaquetárias. / Contribution to the investigation of hemostatic disturbances induced by Bothrops jararaca snake venom in rabbits: study of platelet membrane glycoproteins, function, secretion and survival.Marcelo Larami Santoro 15 May 2002 (has links)
Que o envenenamento pela serpente Bothrops jararaca causa distúrbios hemorrágicos sistêmicos, com alteração da coagulação e fibrinólise sangüíneas, é notório. Contudo, pouco se sabe sobre a ação in vivo desse veneno sobre as plaquetas. Em estudos recentes, demonstrou-se que esse veneno causa trombocitopenia, distúrbios da agregação e diminuição do número de corpos densos plaquetários, que, dessarte, sugeriam a ativação das plaquetas circulantes. Com o escopo de comprovar esta hipótese e melhor caracterizar as ações in vivo desse veneno sobre as plaquetas, serviu-se de um modelo experimental que empregava coelhos para o envenenamento pela B. jararaca. No grupo experimental, os animais foram injetados i.v. com o veneno da B. jararaca (60 µg/kg) e no grupo controle com salina. Previamente à administração de salina ou veneno, os coelhos tiveram suas plaquetas marcadas ex vivo com NHS-biotina. Para a avaliação das alterações plaquetárias, amostras de sangue foram coletadas seqüencialmente, em intervalos de tempo que variaram de 1 a 144 horas após a administração do veneno ou salina. Durante o envenenamento, houve trombocitopenia, hipofibrinogenemia, elevação dos níveis plasmáticos do fator de von Willebrand, diminuição da função plaquetária no sangue total induzida pela botrocetina e pelo colágeno e diminuição da secreção de ATP. Não obstante, os níveis plasmáticos de fator plaquetário 4, um marcador específico da ativação plaquetária in vivo, e os níveis intraplaquetários de serotonina se mantiveram constantes. Pela citometria de fluxo, observou-se um decréscimo significativo da expressão do epítopo da GPIIb-IIIa reconhecido pelo anticorpo monoclonal P2, porém isso não foi observado ao utilizar-se anticorpos policlonais. A expressão de fibrinogênio ou dos produtos de degradação do fibrinogênio/fibrina (PDF) na membrana plaquetária também não sofreu alteração significativa ao longo do tempo. Houve, todavia, elevações significativas da P-selectina plaquetária, um receptor cuja expressão é indicativa de ativação plaquetária, e do epítopo induzido por ligantes (LIBS1) da GPIIIa. A porcentagem de plaquetas reticuladas na circulação, assim como os tempos de sobrevivência plaquetária, não foram estatisticamente diferentes entre os dois grupos. As análises histológicas e imuno-histoquímicas dos órgãos dos coelhos mostraram que as plaquetas circulantes são retidas entre redes de fibrina nos capilares pulmonares. Os resultados obtidos sugerem que a trombina engendrada pelos componentes pró-coagulantes deste veneno desempenha uma função essencial na patogenia dos distúrbios da coagulação e plaquetários observados neste modelo de envenenamento. O aumento da expressão de P-selectina no grupo experimental comprovou a hipótese inicial de que as plaquetas dos coelhos envenenados são verdadeiramente ativadas na circulação. Os dados ora apresentados demonstram definitivamente que a diminuição do fibrinogênio ou o aumento dos PDF não são a causa fundamental da disfunção plaquetária observada no envenenamento botrópico e que outro(s) composto(s) parece(m) estar envolvido(s) com estes distúrbios plaquetários. / In spite of being well established that Bothrops jararaca snake venom causes blood coagulation and fibrinolysis disturbances in patients, scant information about blood platelet disorders during envenomation is available. In recent investigations, thrombocytopenia, platelet aggregation disturbances and decreased numbers of platelet dense bodies were observed following venom administration, suggesting that circulating platelets had been activated. In order to prove this hypothesis and to gain a better characterization of the in vivo role of this venom on platelets, an experimental model of B. jararaca envenomation was utilized. Rabbits were injected i.v. either with B. jararaca venom (60 µg/kg) (experimental group) or saline (control group). Previously to saline or venom administration, rabbit platelets were labeled ex vivo with NHS-biotin. To evaluate platelet disturbances, blood samples were collected consecutively, at time intervals that varied from 1 to 144 hours after venom or saline administration. During envenomation, there were thrombocytopenia, hypofibrinogenemia, elevation of von Willebrand factor plasma levels, reduced botrocetin- and collagen-induced platelet aggregation in whole blood, and decreased ATP secretion. However, plasma levels of platelet factor 4, a specific marker of in vivo platelet activation, and intraplatelet serotonin levels remained constant. By flow cytometry, a significant decrease on the expression of GPIIb-IIIa epitope recognized by P2 monoclonal antibody was observed; however, this was not observed when polyclonal antibodies were employed. Fibrinogen or fibrin(ogen) degradation product (FDP) expression on platelet surface showed no significant alteration. Nonetheless, significant elevations of platelet P-selectin, a receptor whose expression is indicative of platelet activation, and of ligand-induced binding sites (LIBS1) of GPIIIa were noted. The percentage of circulating reticulated platelets, as well as platelet survival times, were not statistically different between the two groups. Histopathological and immunohistochemical analyses of rabbit organs demonstrated that circulating platelets were sequestered among fibrin deposits in pulmonary capillaries. These results suggest that thrombin generated by procoagulating components of B. jararaca venom has an essential role in the pathogenesis of platelet and coagulation disorders in this experimental model. Increased expression of P-selectin in the experimental group proves the initial hypothesis that platelets of envenomed rabbits are indeed activated in the circulation. The data presented herein demonstrate definitively that decreased fibrinogen or increased FDP levels are not the primary cause of the platelet dysfunction observed in bothropic envenomation, but other substances seem to be responsible for it.
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