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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Kargl, Anneli, Ten, Elena January 2016 (has links)
Uppsatsens syfte är att studera hur äldreomsorgen skildras i media och hur denna framställning görs. För att besvara syftet gjordes en innehållsanalys med kvantitativ och kvalitativ ansats. För att analysera och förstå resultatet användes tre teoretiska perspektiv: medielogik, dagordningsteorin och socialkonstruktivism. Uppsatsens material inhämtades från två dagstidningar varav den ena utges lokalt och den andra på riksnivå för att ge en bredare uppfattning om medias framställning av äldreomsorgen samt att se om någon skillnad sågs i de olika tidningarna. Urvalet av artiklarna publicerades under två separata månader 2015. Uppsatsens resultat visar tre framstående teman inom äldreomsorgen som ofta förekom i medias framställning och dessa var i huvudsak negativa med fokus på brister. I de två tidningarna var likheterna mellan framställningen mer framträdande än skillnaderna. / The aim of this study was to investigate how elderly care is portrayed in media. A content analysis with quantitative and qualitative approaches was made to answer the research questions. To ana-lyze and understand the results three theoretical perspectives were used: social constructivism, media logic and agenda theory. The study material was collected from two newspapers, one of which is published locally and the other at the national level, in order to gain a broader under-standing of the media's representation of elderly care and also to see the differences in various newspapers. We used the articles published during two separate months in 2015. Study results show three prominent themes in elderly care that are frequent in the media - the depiction is largely negative, with a focus on shortcomings. The portrayal is similar in both newspapers.

Qualidade de vida e saúde mental de residentes em Instituições de Longa Permanência para Idosos / The life quality and mental health of Long-Term Care Facilities residents

Barbaro, Alessandra Marino 14 August 2012 (has links)
A elevação da expectativa de vida ocasionou a expansão do contingente de idosos no mundo e ascendeu à preocupação quanto à qualidade de vida dos mesmos. Os idosos solitários geralmente permanecem sob os cuidados dos familiares, que muitas vezes carecem de tempo para os assistirem adequadamente, e assim os alocam em Instituições de Longa Permanência (ILPIs), com a certeza de que receberão uma assistência adequada. Os moradores de ILPIs em sua grande maioria apresentam o aumento do sedentarismo, maior perda de autonomia, ausência de familiares e outros fatores que contribuem para uma qualidade de vida deficiente e maior incidência de enfermidades, sobretudo mentais. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a qualidade de vida de idosos residentes em ILPIs, verificar seu estado de saúde mental e correlacionar esses dois aspectos. O estudo foi realizado em 15 ILPIs do município de Ribeirão Preto, estado de São Paulo, Brasil. Foi aplicado o Mini Exame do Estado Mental (MEEM) em 357 idosos para a seleção dos que seriam inclusos do estudo e foram selecionados 99, nos quais foram aplicadas as escalas: WOQOL-Bref, WOQOL-Old e Inventário de Saúde Mental (MHI). Os escores médios dos domínios do WOQOL-Bref foram: Físico 46,57, Psicológico 53,58, Relações Sociais 66,08 e Meio Ambiente 57,58, sendo o domínio que mais favoreceu a QV foi o das Relações Sociais e o que mais desfavoreceu foi o Físico. Os escores dos domínios do WOQOL-Old foram: Funcionamento Sensorial 35,86; Autonomia 43,12; Participação social 53,35; Atividades Passadas, Presentes e Futuras 59,03; Morte e Morrer 32,5 e Intimidade 72,85. A faceta que apresentou o menor escore foi Morte e Morrer seguidos de Funcionamento Sensorial e Autonomia, demonstrando que estes aspectos estão rebaixados e contribuem desfavorecendo a QV. O escore total médio obtido pelo WOQOL-Old foi de 49,46, mostrando que a QV dos idosos entrevistados não está satisfatória nem insatisfatória, em virtude principalmente de alguns aspectos, próprios do idoso, de um modo geral, que contribuem negativamente para tal resultado, como o aspecto Morte e Morrer, o Funcionamento Sensorial e a Autonomia. O escore médio total do MHI foi de 30, 70, mostrando uma saúde mental deficiente. Foram encontradas correlações moderadas entre as dimensões de QV e SM, portanto, se as dimensões da QV forem satisfatórias, as da SM tenderão também a ser e vice-versa. Conclui-se, portanto, que a qualidade de vida da população estudada é mediana e sua saúde mental deficitária, sendo assim importante se atentar tanto à qualidade de vida, quanto à saúde mental desta população, pois elas se correlacionam. / The recent rise in life expectancy has led to a higher number of elderly people in the world and brought up concerns regarding their welfare. The elderly generaly remains under their family care, alone, due to the fact that their relatives lack the time to assist them properly, which leads their families to allocate them into Long-Term Care Facilities (LTCF) so that they can rest assured that they will receiver proper care. LTCF residents in general develop traits of sedentary lifestyle and become dependent, that\'s due to the absence of their relatives and other factors that lead to an impaired life with higher rates of diseases, mostly mental diseases. The goal of this research is to evaluate the life quality of LTCF residents, verify their mental health state and correlate both of these aspects. The research was conducted in 15 LTCF in the city of Ribeirão Preto, in the State of São Paulo, Brazil. 357 elders went through the Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) to select the ones who were going to be included in this research and 99 of them were selected, in which the following scales were applied to: WOQOL-Bref, WOQOL-Old and Mental Health Inventory (MHI). The average WOQOLBref scores were: Physical 46,57, Psychological 53,58, Social Relationships 66,08 and Environmental 57,58, of which the one that favored the QV the most was Social Relationships and the least favored was the Physical domain. The WOQOL-Old domain scores were: Sensory Function 35,86; Autonomy 43,12; Social Participation 53,35; Past, Present and Future Activities 59,03; Death and Dying 32,5; Privacy 72,85. The domain with the lowest score was Death and Dying followed by Sensory Function and Autonomy, this shows that these aspects are lowered and they contribute unfavoring the QV. The average score obtained by the WOQOL-Old was 49,46, this means that the QV of the elderly interviewed is neither satisfactory nor unsatisfactory, mainly due to some aspects that are characteristic of aged people, which contribute in an unfavorable way towards the aforementioned domains (Death and Dying, Sensory Function and Autonomy). The MHI total score average was 30, 70, which means a deficient mental health. Moderate correlations were found in between the dimensions of the QV and the SM, therefore, if the dimensions of the QV are satisfactory,so are the SM dimensions and vice-versa. It can be concluded that the life quality of the population interviewed is average and their mental health is deficient, therefore it is important to look into this population\'s mental health because it is correlated to their life quality.

Organisatoriska bakslag : Mer än tio år av förändringar i två svenska kommuner / Organisational Setbacks : More than Ten Years of Changes in Two Swedish Municipalities

Jonsson, Robert January 2013 (has links)
Denna avhandling handlar om förändring av kommunal ledning, specifikt inom vård och omsorg. I Sverige finns inte mindre än 15 000 chefer inom kommunal vård och omsorg. De kan hantera budgetar som överstiger en miljard kronor och mellanchefer inom samma verksamhet kan leda ett hundratal medarbetare. Syftet med avhandlingen är att beskriva organisering av kommunal ledning samt att förklara varför kommunala ledningsorganisationer förändras. Den bygger på litteraturstudier samt på longitudinella fallstudier i Linköpings och Norrköpings kommuner. Studien visar att förändrade omgivningsförhållanden och spänningar som finns i kommunernas övergripande uppgifter, det vill säga medborgarnas intresseorganisation, att vara serviceleverantör, myndighet och samhällsaktör driver på aktörer till att förändra kommunala ledningsorganisationer. Nya idéer växer fram som en effekt av bakslag av tidigare fattade beslut. Bakslagen och nya idéer leder till krav på ledningsförändringar för att kunna hantera uppgifter på ett mer önskvärt sätt. För att få till stånd förändring hänvisas till kommunernas övergripande uppgifter och legitima institutioner som är förknippade med rättvisa, effektivitet, öppenhet och utveckling. / This dissertation deals with municipal management and especially municipal management of eldercare. In Sweden there are at least 15 000 managers in public service managing eldercare. Some managers of them are responsible for budgets of more than one billion SEK. Middle managers in municipal care can be responsible for up to one hundred co-workers. The purpose of the dissertation is to describe the organising of municipal management and explain why it changes. The dissertation is based on studies of literature and longitudinal case studies in Linköping and Norrköping. Changed circumstances and tensions within the municipality’s organization, specifically related to the overall assignments of the municipalities are conditions that influence agents to want to change their management. The overall assignments of the municipalities are democracy, supplier of service, authority and being a society actor. New ideas grow as an effect of organisational setbacks of earlier decisions. The setbacks and new ideas contribute to a demand of management changes. In order to change the management of a municipality, actors have to refer to the overall assignments and institutions such as justice, efficiency, openness and development.

Omkonstruktion av en rollators bromssystem / Redesign of a braking system for a walking frame

Gruber, Mattias, Alfredsson, Henric January 2006 (has links)
This diploma work project is a product development project which purpose is to redesign a braking system for a walking frame. The system that was developed diverges the force from the user to braking power, and includes a service brake as well as a parking brake. The most important components of the system are a grip handle on where the user holds on to and a braking handle on which the user operates the brake from. The system also includes a power transmission component, braking package and other mechanical components. All of the components wasn’t developed in this project, several off them has been reused from the existing system. This product has been developed to meet the requirements and standards presented from the principal, Ahlberg Leber. The needs of the future users have also been to importance of the project. These needs where defined thru a marketing analysis, which took place during the first phase of the project. The results from this were so interesting, not only did it function as a basic data; it also is representing an important part of this projects result. During the next phase of the project the product development process took place. You can divide this development work into two separate parts that has developed parallel. The purpose of the first one was to develop the mechanical parts that enable the user to operate the brake. The other one was to design the both handles. During the course of the development process two different product development methods have been used to decide the design of the braking operating. The first one was used to design a conceptual solution and the second one was used to determine the final solution. The approach of these methods is to develop several different proposals from which one is selected and moves on to the next phase of the project. During the course of the project several ideas and proposals has been developed and later on documented. According to the developers - these ideas makes the most important part of the result of the project. Since most of them are interesting and has potential, it is curtain that the designers of Ahlberg Leber will have usage of these ideas in the future. Hopefully they will contribute to new ideas of how the product of tomorrow might look like. The parking brake of the product that is presented as the final one is to be operated by the use of a button. When the braking handle moves over a certain location, the parking brake is automatically activated and the button is then used to deactivate it. The most important result of the grip handle design is that the user may choose between different position of there hands. These positions are preferable in different situations and the options give the user a better chance to cope with the every day life. / Detta examensarbete är ett produktutvecklingsprojekt som har gått ut på att omkonstruera ett bromssystem tillhörande en rollator. Systemet som utvecklats har som syfte att omvandla brukarens kraft till bromsverkan, och det innehåller både färd- och parkeringsbroms. Systemets viktigaste delar är ett grepphandtag som brukaren håller sig i, ett bromshandtag som brukaren använder för att manövrera bromsen, kraftöverföringselement, bromspaket samt mekaniska komponenter. Alla dessa komponenter har inte utvecklats i detta projekt utan många av dem har återanvänts från det befintliga systemet. Produkten har utvecklats för att uppfylla de krav och önskemål som har ställts av uppdragsgivaren, Ahlberg Leber, men även de framtida brukarnas behov har varit viktiga. Dessa behovs identifierades i en marknadsundersökning som utfördes under projektets första del. Under denna så framkom information som var så pass intressant att den inte bara har fungerat som underlag utan den har också presenterats som en viktig del av projektets resultat. I nästa del av projektet började utvecklingen av produkten. Detta utvecklingsarbete kan delas upp i två separata delprojekt som har bedrivits parallellt med varandra. Det ena gick ut på att utveckla de mekaniska delarna, som ser till att brukaren kan manövrera bromsen, och den andra gick ut på att utforma grepphandtaget och bromshandtaget. Under utvecklingsarbetet har två olika produktutvecklingsmetoder använts för att bestämma hur manövreringen av färd- och parkeringsbroms ska ske. Den första användes för att ta fram en konceptlösning och den andra användes för att utveckla denna till den slutliga lösningen. Metodernas tillvägagångssätt är att flera olika förslag utvecklas och mot slutet så väljs ett av dessa ut för att gå vidare till nästa fas i projektet. Under projektets gång så har flera olika idéer och förslag framkommit och alla dessa har efterhand dokumenterats. Enligt projektmedlemmarna så utgör dessa idéer och förslag den viktigaste delen av projektets resultat. De flesta är intressanta och många av dem har potential, och därför kommer konstruktörerna på Ahlberg Leber garanterat att ha nytta av dem i framtiden. Förhoppningen är att dessa ska bidra till nya idéer om hur framtidens produkter kan se ut. Parkeringsbromsen på den produkt som har presenterats som den slutliga manövreras med hjälp av en knapp. Då bromshandtaget rör sig över ett visst läge så aktiveras parkeringsbromsen automatiskt och knappen används sedan för att avaktivera den. Det viktigaste resultatet från utformningen av grepphandtaget var att brukaren kan välja mellan olika positioner på sina händer. Dessa positioner fungerar olika bra i olika situationer vilket betyder att brukaren är bättre rustad för att klara av sin vardag.

Omkonstruktion av en rollators bromssystem / Redesign of a braking system for a walking frame

Gruber, Mattias, Alfredsson, Henric January 2006 (has links)
<p>This diploma work project is a product development project which purpose is to redesign a braking system for a walking frame. The system that was developed diverges the force from the user to braking power, and includes a service brake as well as a parking brake. The most important components of the system are a grip handle on where the user holds on to and a braking handle on which the user operates the brake from. The system also includes a power transmission component, braking package and other mechanical components. All of the components wasn’t developed in this project, several off them has been reused from the existing system.</p><p>This product has been developed to meet the requirements and standards presented from the principal, Ahlberg Leber. The needs of the future users have also been to importance of the project. These needs where defined thru a marketing analysis, which took place during the first phase of the project. The results from this were so interesting, not only did it function as a basic data; it also is representing an important part of this projects result.</p><p>During the next phase of the project the product development process took place. You can divide this development work into two separate parts that has developed parallel. The purpose of the first one was to develop the mechanical parts that enable the user to operate the brake. The other one was to design the both handles.</p><p>During the course of the development process two different product development methods have been used to decide the design of the braking operating. The first one was used to design a conceptual solution and the second one was used to determine the final solution. The approach of these methods is to develop several different proposals from which one is selected and moves on to the next phase of the project. During the course of the project several ideas and proposals has been developed and later on documented. According to the developers - these ideas makes the most important part of the result of the project. Since most of them are interesting and has potential, it is curtain that the designers of Ahlberg Leber will have usage of these ideas in the future. Hopefully they will contribute to new ideas of how the product of tomorrow might look like.</p><p>The parking brake of the product that is presented as the final one is to be operated by the use of a button. When the braking handle moves over a certain location, the parking brake is automatically activated and the button is then used to deactivate it.</p><p>The most important result of the grip handle design is that the user may choose between different position of there hands. These positions are preferable in different situations and the options give the user a better chance to cope with the every day life.</p> / <p>Detta examensarbete är ett produktutvecklingsprojekt som har gått ut på att omkonstruera ett bromssystem tillhörande en rollator. Systemet som utvecklats har som syfte att omvandla brukarens kraft till bromsverkan, och det innehåller både färd- och parkeringsbroms. Systemets viktigaste delar är ett grepphandtag som brukaren håller sig i, ett bromshandtag som brukaren använder för att manövrera bromsen, kraftöverföringselement, bromspaket samt mekaniska komponenter. Alla dessa komponenter har inte utvecklats i detta projekt utan många av dem har återanvänts från det befintliga systemet.</p><p>Produkten har utvecklats för att uppfylla de krav och önskemål som har ställts av uppdragsgivaren, Ahlberg Leber, men även de framtida brukarnas behov har varit viktiga. Dessa behovs identifierades i en marknadsundersökning som utfördes under projektets första del. Under denna så framkom information som var så pass intressant att den inte bara har fungerat som underlag utan den har också presenterats som en viktig del av projektets resultat.</p><p>I nästa del av projektet började utvecklingen av produkten. Detta utvecklingsarbete kan delas upp i två separata delprojekt som har bedrivits parallellt med varandra. Det ena gick ut på att utveckla de mekaniska delarna, som ser till att brukaren kan manövrera bromsen, och den andra gick ut på att utforma grepphandtaget och bromshandtaget.</p><p>Under utvecklingsarbetet har två olika produktutvecklingsmetoder använts för att bestämma hur manövreringen av färd- och parkeringsbroms ska ske. Den första användes för att ta fram en konceptlösning och den andra användes för att utveckla denna till den slutliga lösningen. Metodernas tillvägagångssätt är att flera olika förslag utvecklas och mot slutet så väljs ett av dessa ut för att gå vidare till nästa fas i projektet. Under projektets gång så har flera olika idéer och förslag framkommit och alla dessa har efterhand dokumenterats. Enligt projektmedlemmarna så utgör dessa idéer och förslag den viktigaste delen av projektets resultat. De flesta är intressanta och många av dem har potential, och därför kommer konstruktörerna på Ahlberg Leber garanterat att ha nytta av dem i framtiden. Förhoppningen är att dessa ska bidra till nya idéer om hur framtidens produkter kan se ut.</p><p>Parkeringsbromsen på den produkt som har presenterats som den slutliga manövreras med hjälp av en knapp. Då bromshandtaget rör sig över ett visst läge så aktiveras parkeringsbromsen automatiskt och knappen används sedan för att avaktivera den.</p><p>Det viktigaste resultatet från utformningen av grepphandtaget var att brukaren kan välja mellan olika positioner på sina händer. Dessa positioner fungerar olika bra i olika situationer vilket betyder att brukaren är bättre rustad för att klara av sin vardag.</p>

” Ibland känner jag mig övergiven därför att personalen har så mycket andra människor att ta hand om”.  : - En kvalitativ intervjustudie som presenterar några äldres åsikter om hur relationen till vårdare kan påverka äldre i deras vardag. / ”Sometimes I feel abandoned because the professional caretakers have so many other people to take care of” : - A qualitative study that presents some elderly opinions on how the relationship with the professional caretakers can affect older people in their everyday lives.

Riahi Löfdahl, Fredrika January 2014 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to examine the relationship between the elderly at a retirement home and their professional caretakers with focus on the perspective of the elderly. Chosen method, a qualitative interview analysis has been conducted to describe how the relationship affects the elderly in their everyday lives. The total amount of interviews were four. The relationship between the elderly and their professional caretakers has rarely been examined in previous research from an elder’s perspective. The results indicate that the elderly often are satisfied with the way the professional caretakers treat them. Factors that the elderly mentioned as problematic were that professional caretakers often acted stressed, and rushed through things which the elderly considered as problematic for their own well- being. Another feature was the asymmetric relationship with the professional caretakers which affected the elderly ́s belief in their own capability in managing their everyday lives. In cases where the elderly felt that the relationship was equal their capacity and their beliefs to their own capacity increased significantly which was an effect that was positive for the elderly ́s physical and mental health.

Qualidade de vida e saúde mental de residentes em Instituições de Longa Permanência para Idosos / The life quality and mental health of Long-Term Care Facilities residents

Alessandra Marino Barbaro 14 August 2012 (has links)
A elevação da expectativa de vida ocasionou a expansão do contingente de idosos no mundo e ascendeu à preocupação quanto à qualidade de vida dos mesmos. Os idosos solitários geralmente permanecem sob os cuidados dos familiares, que muitas vezes carecem de tempo para os assistirem adequadamente, e assim os alocam em Instituições de Longa Permanência (ILPIs), com a certeza de que receberão uma assistência adequada. Os moradores de ILPIs em sua grande maioria apresentam o aumento do sedentarismo, maior perda de autonomia, ausência de familiares e outros fatores que contribuem para uma qualidade de vida deficiente e maior incidência de enfermidades, sobretudo mentais. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a qualidade de vida de idosos residentes em ILPIs, verificar seu estado de saúde mental e correlacionar esses dois aspectos. O estudo foi realizado em 15 ILPIs do município de Ribeirão Preto, estado de São Paulo, Brasil. Foi aplicado o Mini Exame do Estado Mental (MEEM) em 357 idosos para a seleção dos que seriam inclusos do estudo e foram selecionados 99, nos quais foram aplicadas as escalas: WOQOL-Bref, WOQOL-Old e Inventário de Saúde Mental (MHI). Os escores médios dos domínios do WOQOL-Bref foram: Físico 46,57, Psicológico 53,58, Relações Sociais 66,08 e Meio Ambiente 57,58, sendo o domínio que mais favoreceu a QV foi o das Relações Sociais e o que mais desfavoreceu foi o Físico. Os escores dos domínios do WOQOL-Old foram: Funcionamento Sensorial 35,86; Autonomia 43,12; Participação social 53,35; Atividades Passadas, Presentes e Futuras 59,03; Morte e Morrer 32,5 e Intimidade 72,85. A faceta que apresentou o menor escore foi Morte e Morrer seguidos de Funcionamento Sensorial e Autonomia, demonstrando que estes aspectos estão rebaixados e contribuem desfavorecendo a QV. O escore total médio obtido pelo WOQOL-Old foi de 49,46, mostrando que a QV dos idosos entrevistados não está satisfatória nem insatisfatória, em virtude principalmente de alguns aspectos, próprios do idoso, de um modo geral, que contribuem negativamente para tal resultado, como o aspecto Morte e Morrer, o Funcionamento Sensorial e a Autonomia. O escore médio total do MHI foi de 30, 70, mostrando uma saúde mental deficiente. Foram encontradas correlações moderadas entre as dimensões de QV e SM, portanto, se as dimensões da QV forem satisfatórias, as da SM tenderão também a ser e vice-versa. Conclui-se, portanto, que a qualidade de vida da população estudada é mediana e sua saúde mental deficitária, sendo assim importante se atentar tanto à qualidade de vida, quanto à saúde mental desta população, pois elas se correlacionam. / The recent rise in life expectancy has led to a higher number of elderly people in the world and brought up concerns regarding their welfare. The elderly generaly remains under their family care, alone, due to the fact that their relatives lack the time to assist them properly, which leads their families to allocate them into Long-Term Care Facilities (LTCF) so that they can rest assured that they will receiver proper care. LTCF residents in general develop traits of sedentary lifestyle and become dependent, that\'s due to the absence of their relatives and other factors that lead to an impaired life with higher rates of diseases, mostly mental diseases. The goal of this research is to evaluate the life quality of LTCF residents, verify their mental health state and correlate both of these aspects. The research was conducted in 15 LTCF in the city of Ribeirão Preto, in the State of São Paulo, Brazil. 357 elders went through the Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) to select the ones who were going to be included in this research and 99 of them were selected, in which the following scales were applied to: WOQOL-Bref, WOQOL-Old and Mental Health Inventory (MHI). The average WOQOLBref scores were: Physical 46,57, Psychological 53,58, Social Relationships 66,08 and Environmental 57,58, of which the one that favored the QV the most was Social Relationships and the least favored was the Physical domain. The WOQOL-Old domain scores were: Sensory Function 35,86; Autonomy 43,12; Social Participation 53,35; Past, Present and Future Activities 59,03; Death and Dying 32,5; Privacy 72,85. The domain with the lowest score was Death and Dying followed by Sensory Function and Autonomy, this shows that these aspects are lowered and they contribute unfavoring the QV. The average score obtained by the WOQOL-Old was 49,46, this means that the QV of the elderly interviewed is neither satisfactory nor unsatisfactory, mainly due to some aspects that are characteristic of aged people, which contribute in an unfavorable way towards the aforementioned domains (Death and Dying, Sensory Function and Autonomy). The MHI total score average was 30, 70, which means a deficient mental health. Moderate correlations were found in between the dimensions of the QV and the SM, therefore, if the dimensions of the QV are satisfactory,so are the SM dimensions and vice-versa. It can be concluded that the life quality of the population interviewed is average and their mental health is deficient, therefore it is important to look into this population\'s mental health because it is correlated to their life quality.

Riktlinjer – en begränsning eller strävan mot rättvisa? : En kvalitativ studie om hur biståndshandläggare gör individuella bedömningar och samtidigt förhåller sig till kommunala riktlinjer. / Guidelines - a limitation or an aspiration for justice? : A qualitative study about how care managers of individual assessments and at the same time relate to municipal guidelines.

Jönrup, Hanna, Larsson, Amelie January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to understand how eldercare managers, in their assessments of home care, needs to make individual decisions and at the same time keep to municipality’s guidelines. Our research questions deal with how eldercare managers make individual assessments and at the same time consider general municipality’s guidelines in their estimations of need for homecare assistance and how eldercare managers experience that individual assessments and general municipal guidelines relate to each other in estimations of needs for homecare assistance. Nine qualitative, semi-structured interviews were conducted with social workers working with needs assessments within the eldercare. The results were analyzed through Lipsky’s theory on street-level bureaucracy and the concept of discretion. Our main conclusions from this study is that it is a complex work to estimate needs for homecare assistance when considering both individual assessments and general municipal guidelines. Our results showed that the needs of the individual are more important in the cases where guidelines and the person’s needs differ. Our study also showed that the eldercare managers, as a rule, follow the guidelines as long as they coincide with the assessment of individual needs, but the guidelines function as a guidance and not as something definite. The eldercare managers don’t feel that the relation between municipality guidelines and individual decisions is a problem. The complexity was rather evident in the lack of judicial security and justice in the work with the assessment of individual needs.

Chefers arbete i äldreomsorgen – att hantera den svårhanterliga omvärlden : Relationen mellan arbete och organisering / Managers work in elder care –to manage the unmanageable : The relation between work and organising

Antonsson, Hanna January 2013 (has links)
I avhandlingen beskrivs och analyseras chefers arbete genom att kombinera individuella perspektiv med organisatoriska och samhälleliga perspektiv vilket ger både teoretiska och praktiska implikationer Referensramen är uppbyggd av teorier kring chefers arbete och nyinstitutionell teori av Skandinaviskt slag. Flera metoder kombineras för att fånga komplexiteten i chefers arbete; skuggningar, intervjuer, observationer och dokumentstudier. Forskningsfrågorna besvaras genom att använda en kombination av teorier utvecklade för olika analysnivåer; individ, organisation och samhälle. De empiriska materialen används för att ge ett bidrag till vidare forskning om chefers arbete med en empirisk bas. Vikten av att relatera chefers arbete till den kontext som omger dem betonas. Chefers arbete i äldreomsorgen har specifika karaktäristika men också gemensamma drag med chefers arbete i andra sektorer och på andra organisatoriska nivåer. I det empiriska materialet har flera organisatoriska karaktäristika som påverkar chefers arbete identifierats. Beskrivningarna av chefers arbete bidrar också till en utveckling av en empirinära praxisteori för chefers arbete. Med hjälp av nyinstitutionell teori beskrivs hur chefer möter skilda förväntningar och krav och i organisationer, där dessa inte överensstämmer måste chefer hantera ett organisatoriskt hyckleri. / In the thesis managers’ work is described and analysed by combining individual perspectives with organisational and societal perspectives, which gives both theoretical and practical implications. The frame of reference is constituted of theories on managers’ work and the Scandinavian version of new institutional theory. Several methods are combined to grasp the complexity in mangers’ work; shadowing, interviews, observations and document studies. The research questions are answered through a combination of theories  developed for different levels of analysis; individual, organisational and societal. The empirical materials are used to give a contribution to further research on managers’ work with an empirical base. The importance to relate managers’ work to the context that surrounds them is emphasised. Managers’ work in eldercare has specific characteristics, but also common features with managers’ work in other sectors and at other hierarchical levels in organisations. In the empirical material several organisational characteristics that affect managers’ work have been identified. The descriptions of managers’ work also contribute to a praxis theory of management. New institutional theory is applied in order to describe how managers meet diverse expectations and demands in organisations. When these do not match, the managers need to handle organisational hypocrisy.

Omsorgens pris i åtstramningstid : Anhörigomsorg för äldre ur ett könsperspektiv / The cost of caring in the Swedish welfare state : Feminist perspectives on family care for older people

Ulmanen, Petra January 2015 (has links)
This thesis examines the extent of family care for older people, primarily filial care, and the costs of caring in the Swedish welfare state. Costs of caring are understood as the negative effects of caregiving, primarily on the caregivers’ working life. The analysis is inspired by feminist theories on the importance of welfare state provisions for care for women’s citizenship, including personal autonomy and economic independence. The main aims of this thesis are twofold. The first is to explore the extent and development of family care for older persons in Sweden, primarily filial care, and the consequences of caregiving for well-being and working life. The second is to explore how older persons’ family members have been represented and the possible consequences of these representations for the development of publicly financed eldercare services and other forms of support for family carers, as well as for family members’ living conditions. The thesis consists of four studies. The first reviews the literature concerning the extent and consequences of family caregiving for older persons and the welfare state’s policy responses to older people’s care needs. The second study analyses how older persons’ family members and their role in eldercare have been represented in Swedish eldercare policy since the 1950s. The third study analyses surveys to explore changes during the 2000s in the role of the family, the public sector and the market in providing care for older persons in Sweden. The fourth study is a survey analysis of the extent, content and consequences of filial care among middle-aged women and men in Sweden in 2013. The policy analysis found that the expansion of eldercare was motivated solely in relation to older persons’ needs; thus working daughters’ needs of eldercare have been a blind spot in Swedish eldercare policy. Since 2000, every fourth residential care bed has disappeared and the increase in homecare services did not fully compensate for the decline, resulting in a significant increase in filial care in all social groups, and among both sons and daughters. Daughters of older persons with shorter education, however, remained the primary providers of filial care. Both daughters and sons are affected by caregiving. They suffer to the same extent from difficulties in managing to accomplish their work tasks and taking part in meetings, courses and travels. They are also equally likely to reduce their working hours and to quit their job. It is however clearly more common that daughters experience mental and physical strain, difficulties in finding time for leisure and reduced ability to focus on their job. Although more daughters than sons retire earlier than planned due to filial care, this is very rare. Managerial care (handling contacts with health and eldercare services) has a more salient role in a welfare state such as Sweden, with generously provided care services, less intense filial care and high employment rates among both sexes. The high labour force participation however makes middle aged children more vulnerable when their parents’ care arrangement does not work. The decline in eldercare services since 1980 has reinforced co-ordination problems in health and eldercare services. The managerial care required to handle this development, while living up to the demands of work and family life, stands out as especially demanding for the well-being and working lives of daughters. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following paper was unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 4: Accepted.</p>

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