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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Stabilisation chimique des électrolytes polymères pour pile à combustible / Chemical stabilization of polymer electrolytes used in Fuel Cells

Monin, Guillaume 27 March 2012 (has links)
La dégradation accélérée des membranes conductrices protoniques en pile est en partie due à une oxydation induite par la production d'H2O2. Cette étude présente une stratégie originale de stabilisation chimique d'une matrice de sPEEK par l'inclusion de nano-charges stabilisantes. Quatre nano-charges ont été préparées par fonctionnalisation de nanoparticules de silice avec des fonctions chimiques organosoufrées (disulfure, tétrasulfure et thiourée). Un protocole spécifique de mise en forme des membranes hybrides a permis d'obtenir des composites présentant des propriétés mécaniques et une conductivité protonique compatibles avec l'application pile. Les fonctions polysulfures permettent de ralentir la dégradation de la matrice de sPEEK durant l'étape de mise en œuvre et d'augmenter sa conductivité au cours d'un vieillissement ex-situ (H2O2). En présence de fonctions tétrasulfures, la membrane sPEEK ne se dégrade pas durant un test de 1200h en OCV à 70°C et 100%HR. / One of the origins of the accelerated aging of proton exchange membranes used in Fuel Cells is the oxidation induced by H2O2 formation. This work concerns the development of a new way to chemically stabilize a sPEEK membrane by the addition of stabilizing nano-fillers. Four fillers were synthesized by grafting organosulfur functions (disulfide, tetrasulfide and thiourea) onto silica nanoparticles. A specific protocol to prepare hybrid membranes led to materials with suitable mechanical properties and proton conductivity for fuel cells application. Polysulfides allow a significant decrease of the matrix degradation occurring during membrane processing and also a large increase of the proton conductivity of this matrix during ex-situ aging tests (H2O2). A membrane containing tetrasulfide nano-fillers could withstand 1200h in OCV condition at 70°C and 100%RH, without showing any sign of degradation.

Développement de cathodes performantes pour batteries lithium/air / Development of high-performance cathodes for lithium/air batteries

Berenger, Sophie 28 January 2014 (has links)
Ces travaux de thèse sont consacrés à l’étude de cathodes performantes pour batteries lithium/air. Les performances de ce type de batteries sont principalement limitées par les phénomènes de diffusion d’oxygène dans la cathode et l’électrolyte ainsi que par la formation d’oxydes de lithium bouchant progressivement les pores de la cathode. Ainsi on ne peut envisager le développement de l’électrode à air sans prendre en compte l’influence de l’électrolyte organique et celui-ci a également était considéré dans cette étude. La porosité de l’électrode et la nature du catalyseur employé joue un grand rôle sur les performances de l’électrode. Les électrodes à base de tissus de carbone et contenant des nanofils de α-MnO2 ont fourni les meilleurs résultats au regard de la capacité et de la tenue au cyclage. Par ailleurs, des mesures de spectroscopie de masse in situ ont permis d’analyser la formation des produits gazeux lors de la charge. Le TEGDME est un électrolyte prometteur; néanmoins, la formation de dioxyde de carbone (CO2) est détectée dès 3,7 V vs. Li/Li+. / In this thesis, high-performance cathodes for lithium/air batteries have been investigated. The main limitations for lithium/air batteries are oxygen diffusion into the cathode and in the electrolyte and the progressive clogging of cathode pores by lithium oxide. The development of the air cathode is strongly dependant on the organic electrolyte used, thus the nature of the electrolyte has been here considered. Electrode porosity and the kind of catalyst employed influence the cathode performance. Promising results were obtained with carbon cloth based electrodes containing α-MnO2 nanotubes as catalyst with regards to capacity and cycle stability. Furthermore, formation of gaseous products during charging has been studied thanks to mass spectroscopy experiments. TEGDME is a promising electrolyte; nevertheless, carbon dioxide (CO2) has been detected up to 3.7 V vs. Li/Li+.

Elaboration, caractérisations et modélisation des mécanismes de conduction de matériaux céramiques conducteurs anioniques et protoniques / Elaboration, characterization and modelling of conduction mechanisms in anionic and protonic conducting ceramic materials

Pons, Aenor 16 December 2014 (has links)
Dans ce travail, le composé de structure apatite La9,33(SiO4)6O2+3x/2 (-0,2<x<0,27) a été synthétisé et caractérisé en vue d’applications comme matériau d’électrolyte dans les piles à combustible à conduction anionique (IT-SOFC) et potentiellement protonique (PC-SOFC).Des pastilles et membranes denses d’oxyapatite pure ont été élaborées à partir de poudres synthétisées par voie solide, mises en forme par pressage isostatique ou coulage en bande et thermocompression, et frittées à 1550°C. Les échantillons ont été caractérisés électrochimiquement par spectroscopie d’impédance complexe et semi-perméation à l’oxygène et à l’hydrogène. Les phases La2SiO5 et La2Si2O7, qui peuvent apparaître lors de la synthèse de l’oxyapatite, ont été élaborées selon un protocole similaire, afin de caractériser leurs propriétés de conduction anionique. Ces phases ont d’autre part été utilisées lors d’essais d’élaboration d’oxyapatite à microstructure orientée le long de l’axe c, par frittage réactif d’échantillons d’architecture multicouche composés initialement d’une alternance de bandes La2SiO5 et La2Si2O7.Des tests de protonation en autoclave, à 550°C et 50 bars de pression de vapeur d’eau, ont été réalisés afin d’étudier le mécanisme d’insertion des protons dans la structure de l’oxyapatite. Des analyses thermogravimétriques, effectuées sur les échantillons protonés, ont permis de localiser les espèces protoniques insérées (surface/cœur) et de faire une analyse semi-quantitative de ces dernières. Les pertes de masses observées sont d’autant plus importantes que le temps de protonation et la stœchiométrie en oxygène des échantillons sont élevés. Des caractérisations structurales par diffraction des rayons X et spectroscopie Raman ont mis en évidence une augmentation conséquente du volume de la maille et un élargissement des grands canaux de la structure, ainsi qu’un changement de symétrie et une augmentation du désordre au sein de ces derniers. Ainsi, il semble que l’insertion des protons dans l’oxyapatite se fasse de manière préférentielle à l’intérieur des grands canaux de la structure. / This work is devoted to the synthesis and characterization of apatite-type La9,33(SiO4)6O2+3x/2 (-0,2<x<0,27), as electrolyte material for Intermediate Temperature Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (IT-SOFC) and potentially Proton Conducting SOFC (PC-SOFC).Pure and dense oxyapatite pellets and membranes were prepared from powders synthetized by solid-state reaction and shaped by isostatic pressing or tape-casting process and thermocompression, then sintered at 1550�C. The electrochemical properties of the samples were characterized by complex impedance spectroscopy and O2 and H2 semi-permeation. La2SiO5 et La2Si2O7 phases, which may appear during the oxyapatite synthesis, were prepared following a similar process, in order to study their electrochemical properties. Theses phases were also used in an experiment whose purpose was to elaborate highly c-axis-oriented apatite-type lanthanum silicate polycrystals by combined use of tape casting and reactive diffusion between La2SiO5 and La2Si2O7.In order to study the protonation process of oxyapatite, tests were performed in autoclave with water at 550�C and 50 bars. Thermogravimetric analyses enabled to locate (surface/bulk) and to make a semi-quantitative analysis of inserted protonic species. The longer the protonation time and the higher the oxygen stoichiometry are, the greater the mass loss is. Moreover, structural studies by X ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy revealed that the cell volume was increased and the channels of the structure enlarged, while the symmetry was modified and the disorder increased inside them. Thus, it appears that the protonic species insertion in oxyapatite takes place preferentially inside the channels of the structure.

Modification de la porosité de Ce0,9Gd0,1O1,95 par traitement laser : application pile SOFC monochambre / Densification of cerium gadolinium oxide electrolyte by laser treatment : application to single-chamber solid oxide fuel cells

Mariño Blanco, Mariana 19 December 2016 (has links)
Dans les piles à combustible SOFC (Solid Oxide Fuel cell) de type monochambre (SC-SOFC), l’anode et la cathode, séparées par un électrolyte, sont situées dans une même chambre alimentée par un mélange de combustible et d’oxygène. L’électrolyte, n’ayant alors plus le rôle d’étanchéité entre les compartiments anodique et cathodique, peut être mis en forme par sérigraphie. Cependant, il est nécessaire d’avoir une barrière pour éviter la possible diffusion de l’hydrogène produit localement à l’anode vers la cathode, ce qui peut générer une chute de la tension. L’objectif de ce travail de thèse est de créer une barrière de diffusion localisée via la densification de la surface de l'électrolyte par un traitement laser. Le matériau sélectionné pour l’électrolyte est un oxyde mixte Ce0,9Gd0,1O1,95 (CGO) qui est déposé par sérigraphie sur une anode composite NiO-CGO. Deux types de lasers impulsionnels sont utilisés : un laser UV (λ = 248 nm) et un laser IR (λ = 1064 nm). Les caractérisations microstructurales réalisées ont permis de mettre en évidence les effets du traitement laser pour certaines combinaisons fluence – nombre de tirs, montrant un grossissement de grain de l’électrolyte ou bien des surfaces densifiées mais fissurées. Des modifications structurales et chimiques sur la surface ont été évaluées ainsi que la diffusion de gaz au travers des électrolytes modifiés tout comme leur conductivité électrique. Afin de mieux comprendre l'interaction laser-matière, une modélisation thermique a également été mise en œuvre. Finalement, les performances de piles SC-SOFC ont été améliorées pour les dispositifs présentant un grossissement de grain à la surface de l'électrolyte. / In single-chamber solid oxide fuel cells (SC-SOFC), anode and cathode are placed in a gas chamber where they are both exposed to a fuel/air mixture. Similarly to conventional dual-chamber SOFC, the anode and the cathode are separated by an electrolyte, but in the SC-SOFC configuration it does not play tightness role between compartments. For this reason, a porous electrolyte can be processed by screen printing. However, it is necessary to have a diffusion barrier to prevent the transportation of hydrogen produced locally at the anode to the cathode through the electrolyte that reduces fuel cell performances. This study aims to obtain directly a diffusion barrier through the surface densification of the electrolyte by a laser treatment. The material chosen for the electrolyte was cerium gadolinium oxide Ce0.9Gd0.1O1.95 (CGO) which is deposited by screen printing on a composite NiO-CGO anode. UV laser and IR laser irradiations were used at different fluences and number of pulses to modify the density of the electrolyte coating. Microstructural characterizations confirmed the modifications on the surface of the electrolyte for appropriate experimental conditions showing either grain growth or densified but cracked surfaces. Structural and chemical modifications on the surface were evaluated as well as the gas diffusion through the electrolytes and their electrical conductivity. In order to understand interaction between the laser and the material, thermal modelling was also developed. Finally, SC-SOFC performances were improved for the cells presenting grain growth at the electrolyte surface, particularly, the power density has been enhanced by a factor 2.

Investigating self-discharge in a graphite dual-ion cell using in-situ Raman spectroscopy.

Hassan, Ismail Yussuf January 2023 (has links)
Anion intercalation in the graphite positive electrode of a dual-ion battery requires high potential (&gt; 4.3 V vs Li+/Li), which aggravates parasitic reactions involving electrolyte decomposition and Al corrosion, manifesting in poor coulombic efficiency, cycle life, and quick self-discharge. This study aims to investigate the stability of anion-intercalated graphite electrodes in a 4 M solution of lithium bis(fluorosulfonyl)imide (LiFSI) in ethyl methyl carbonate (EMC) using both in-situ and ex-situ Raman spectroscopy. The concentrated electrolyte is essential as it limits parasitic reactions at the cathode-electrolyte interface (CEI) occurring in parallel to anion intercalation. Using electrochemical methods including cyclic voltammetry, and post-mortem electron microscopy it was confirmed that the Al current collector is largely stable at potentials as high as 5.2 V in the electrolyte under consideration; no dissolved Al species were detected using EDX characterization. Results from the cyclic voltammetry study also indicate that parasitic reactions can be mitigated when the cut-off potential is limited to 5.0 V leading to higher coulombic efficiency (CE = 94 %) and more stable discharge capacity (85.17 mAh g-1). However, extending the potential to 5.1 and 5.2 V results in the discharge capacity increasing by almost 20 mAh g-1, though at the expense of the coulombic efficiency, which decreases from 94 to 76 %. Upon raising the cut-off potential to 5.3 V, the CE significantly decreased (20.62 %) as a result of extensive solvent decomposition ultimately leading to much quicker capacity fading.  Based on SEM images taken after 50 cycles, graphite particles did not sustain any structural or morphological change during cycling regardless of the cut-off potentials applied. Further tests were conducted on Li-graphite DIBs using galvanostatic methods in the range from 3 to 5 V, and at different specific currents (20, 50, and 100 mA g-1). Though the cells exhibited good performance in terms of capacity retention, and cycle life at all currents, the coulombic efficiency tended to decrease as the test currents were lowered. This observation confirms the presence of parasitic reactions which are only visible when the experimental timescale is sufficiently long. At 50 and 100 mA g-1, the CE reached &gt; 98 % which further verifies the kinetic aspect of electrolyte decomposition reactions. It is evident that self-discharge sustained in the course of open-circuit potential (OCP) relaxation of the fully charged cell can reveal the stability of the electrolyte and the anion-intercalated graphite. Raman spectroscopy measurements conducted in-situ and ex-situ on graphite electrodes charged and discharged to a series of potential cut-offs reveal the existence of self-discharge leading to extraction of anions from the graphite particles. This was demonstrated through the spectral appearance of E2g2(i) band next to E2g2(b) band at a fully intercalated state, as opposed to the in-situ spectrum, which only showed one intercalated band (E2g2(b)). It can be concluded that concentrated electrolytes (such as 4 M LiFSI in EMC) only provide kinetic stability and are unable to entirely inhibit parasitic reactions at the interface. This further highlights the need for electrolyte additives that can create a more stable interfacial passivation layer on the positive electrode so that more reversible anion intercalation can be attained.

A comparison between aqueous and organic electrolytes for lithium ion batteries / En jämförelse mellan vattenbaserade och organiska elektrolyter för litium-jonbatterier

Quintans De Souza, Gabriel January 2021 (has links)
Många batteriers användningsområden kräver att batterierna har hög upp- och urladdningshastighet samt låg kostnad. För dessa användningsområden är vattenbaserade laddningsbara batterier (ARB) ett möjligt alternativ i och med att de är svårantändliga, har god jonledningsförmåga, lägre inre resistans, billigare elektrolytlösning och tillverkning och har potentiellt högre upp- och urladdningshastigheter.  Genom att utgå från en cell med LiMn2O4 och V2O5 som katod respektive anod, utvecklades en cell med en spänning på 1 V och prestanda för 2 mol/L LiTSFI i organisk respektive vattenlöslig lösning jämfördes i ett SEI-fritt system. Prestandan kvantifierades med avseende på urladdningskapaciteten vid olika urladdningshastigheter samt fördelningen av de interna överpotentialerna. Vid C/4 behöll den organiska elektrolyten 88,3% av den initiala kapaciteten efter 10 cykler medan den vattenlösliga behöll 98,8%. En gräns på 20 °C påvisades för den organiska elektrolyten och vid försök att gå över denna hastighet svällde pouch cellen upp. Den vattenlösliga elektrolyten, å andra sidan, bevarade 37 mAh/g vid 50 °C.  Skillnaden i potentialfördelning i de två systemen analyserades även genom att använda tunnare elektroder. Den organiska elektrolyten visade då en förbättring av prestandan vid höga hastigheter, med en urladdningskapacitet på 8,8 mAh/g vid 50 °C, jämfört med 30 mAh/g för den vattenlösliga elektrolyten. IR-fallet var 7 gånger högre för den organiska elektrolyten. Eventuell skillnad i laddningsöverföring och por-resistans kunde inte analyseras då flera processer ägde rum på samma gång i systemen, vilket gav ett impedansspektrum med en komplex associerad ekvivalent krets. / For several battery applications, high dis-/charge rate and low cost are imperatives. It is for these applications that aqueous rechargeable batteries (ARB) rise as potential candidates given the non-flammability, potentially higher ionic conductivity and dis-/charge rates, lower internal resistances and lower price of the electrolyte solvents and manufacture. By benchmarking a cell with LiMn2O4 and V2O5 as cathode and anode, respectively, a cell with an operating voltage window of 1 V was developed and the performance of 2 mol/L LiTFSI in organic and aqueous solvent compared in a SEI-free system. This performance was quantified in terms of discharge capacity at different rates of discharge and the distribution of internal overpotentials. At C/4, the organic electrolyte held 88.3% of the initial capacity after 10 cycles while the aqueous, 98.8%. A limit of 20 °C for the organic electrolyte was seen, and at the attempt of cycling above this rate, swelling of the pouch cell took place. The aqueous electrolyte, on the other hand, conserved 37 mAh/g at 50 °C. The difference of overpotentials distribution in both systems was also assessed by employing thinner electrodes. The organic electrolyte showed then an improvement on high-rate performance, reaching 50 °C, but with a discharge capacity of 8.8 mAh/g, against 30 mAh/g for the aqueous electrolyte. The IR-drop was 7 times higher for the organic electrolyte. The differentiation between charge-transfer and pore resistance, however, was not possible, because of the presence of several processes taking place at similar time-scales in both systems, yielding an impedance spectra with a complex associated equivalent circuit.

Stabilisation des Membranes Perfluorosulfoniques par Réticulation et Développement de Membranes Composites Inorganique-organique. Application aux Piles à Combustible à Moyenne Température. / Stabilisation of Perfluorosulfonic Acid Membranes by Cross-linking and Inorganic-organic Composite Formation. Application in Medium Temperature Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells.

Gao, Hongrong 13 December 2010 (has links)
Ce travail décrit le développement de membranes réticulées et de membranes composites inorganique-organique basées sur des polymères perfluorosulfoniques (PFSA) à chaîne longue (LSC) et courte (SSC) et à faible masse équivalente, pour application dans une pile à combustible fonctionnant à moyenne température et à faible humidité relative. Des membranes (LSC-PFSA) réticulées par des groupements sulfonimide ont été préparées à partir de membranes fonctionnalisées par des groupements fluorure de sulfonyle. Les membranes réticulées de type SSC-PFSA ont été préparées à partir d'un polymère à chaînes 2-bromo-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroéthoxy pendantes et réticulables, par traitement thermique pour former des ponts perfluoro. Les membranes préparées ont été caractérisées par spectroscopies IR, Raman, RMN et XPS, par MEB-EDX et ATG. Les membranes de LSC-PFSA et SSC-PFSA réticulées présentent une stabilité dimensionnelle accrue et une meilleure performance en pile à combustible hydrogène-oxygène jusqu'à 110°C que celles des membranes de PFSA non modifiées. Une procédure d'échange ionique/précipitation a été utilisée pour la préparation de systèmes composites à partir de membranes de LSC-PFSA et SSC-PFSA. Plusieurs techniques ont été utilisées pour caractériser les matériaux préparés. Les membranes de type SSC-PFSA-ZrP présentent une morphologie distincte, et différente de celle des membranes LSC-PFSA-ZrP. En pile à combustible, ces membranes composites autorisent une température de fonctionnement plus élevée et une humidité relative plus faible, que les membranes non modifiées. / The objective of this research was to develop cross-linked and composite inorganic-organic membranes based on long and short side chain (LSC, SSC) perfluorosulfonic acid (PFSA) polymers with low equivalent weight/high ion exchange capacity for operation at medium temperature and low relative humidity in proton exchange membrane fuel cells. Covalently cross-linked LSC-PFSA membranes were prepared from sulfonyl fluoride form membranes by reaction with an ammonium base followed by thermal processing to give cross-linking through sulfonimide groups. Covalently cross-linked SSC-PFSA membranes were prepared by formation of perfluoro-cross-links under thermal treatment of solution cast polymers containing cross-linkable 2-bromo-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethoxy side chains. Evidence for cross-linking was provided by IR, Raman, NMR and XPS spectroscopies, SEM-EDX, tensile testing and TGA. Cross-linked LSC and SSC-PFSA membranes have increased dimensional stability and improved performance in a single hydrogen-oxygen cell fuel up to 110°C compared with the corresponding non-cross-linked membranes. Composite PFSA-zirconium phosphate membranes, based on LSC and SSC PFSA (or cross-linked PFSA) membranes were prepared using an ion exchange/precipitation procedure. The physical properties of LSC-PFSA-ZrP and SSC-PFSA-ZrP have been compared and the morphology of the composite membranes shown to differ in SSC and LSC membranes. Composite membranes enabled fuel cell operation at higher temperature/lower RH than non-composite PFSA. Preliminary results indicated that association of cross-linking and composite membrane formation is a clear future perspective of this work.

Amélioration des performances des microbatteries au lithium : corrélation entre la structure locale et la conductivité ionique d’électrolytes solides amorphes / Improvement of lithium microbatteries performances : correlation between local structure and ionic conduction of amorphous solid electrolytes

Fleutot, Benoit 14 December 2010 (has links)
Les microbatteries sont des microsources d’énergie adaptées à l’alimentation des microsystèmes tels que l’horloge à temps réel des téléphones portables, les étiquettes intelligentes RFID…. Pour pouvoir être considéré comme un composant classique de la microélectronique, la microbatterie doit être compatible avec le processus de soudure de type solder-reflow qui atteint une température de 260 °C pendant quelques secondes. Au cours de cette thèse, nous nous sommes focalisés sur l’étude de couches minces de LiPON (oxynitrure de phosphate de lithium) utilisé comme électrolyte solide qui est le matériau limitant pour une application à basse température en établissant des relations entre sa composition, sa structure et ses performances électriques. Ayant observé une baisse des performances après traitement thermique, nous avons proposé un matériau présentant une meilleure stabilité. Nous avons également étudié la compatibilité des autres couches ainsi que l’empilement complet de la microbatterie vis-à-vis du solder-reflow. / Microbatteries are energy sources well-adapted to power microsystems such as the real time clock of mobile phones, smart tags RFID. To be considered as a microelectronic component, the microbattery must be compatible with the solder-reflow process which reaches a temperature of 260 °C during few seconds. During this Ph-D, various thin films of LiPON (lithium phosphate oxynitride) used as amorphous solid electrolyte have been prepared by sputtering. As this material presents limited performances for an application of the microbattery at low temperature, we have investigated the influence of its composition and local structure on its electrical performances. In addition, a decrease of its performances has been noticed after solder-reflow. In this work, we have proposed a new material, much more thermally stable. Finally, we have studied the compatibility of other active layers as well as the all-solid-state microbattery towards the solder-reflow.

Poly (Ionic Liquid) Based Electrolyte for Lithium Battery Application

Safa, Meer N 14 May 2018 (has links)
The demand for electric vehicles is increasing rapidly as the world is preparing for a fossil fuel-free future in the automotive field. Lithium battery technologies are the most effective options to replace fossil fuels due to their higher energy densities. However, safety remains a major concern in using lithium as the anode, and the development of non-volatile, non-flammable, high conductivity electrolytes is of great importance. In this dissertation, a gel polymer electrolyte (GPE) consisting of ionic liquid, lithium salt, and a polymer has been developed for their application in lithium batteries. A comparative study between GPE and ionic liquid electrolyte (ILE) containing batteries shows a superior cyclic performance up to 5C rate and a better rate capability for 40 cycles for cells with GPE at room temperature. The improvement is attributed to GPE’s improved stability voltage window against lithium as well as higher lithium transference number. The performance of the GPE in lithium-sulfur battery system using sulfur-CNT cathodes shows superior rate capability for the GPE versus ILE for up to 1C rates. Also, GPE containing batteries had higher capacity retention versus ILE when cycled for 500 cycles vii at C/2 rate. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) studies reveal interfacial impedances for ILE containing batteries grew faster than in GPE batteries. The accumulation of insoluble Li2S2/Li2S on the electrodes decreases the active material thus contributes to capacity fading. SEM imaging of cycled cathodes reveals cracks on the surface of cathode recovered from ILE batteries. On the other hand, the improved electrochemical performance of GPE batteries indicates better and more stable passivation layer formation on the surface of the electrodes. Composite GPE (cGPE) containing micro glass fillers were studied to determine their electrochemical performance in Li batteries. GPE with 1 wt% micro fillers show superior rate capability for up to 7C and also cyclic stability for 300 cycles at C/2 rate. In situ, EIS also reveals a rapid increase in charge transfer resistance in GPE batteries, responsible for lowering the capacity during cycling. Improved ion transport properties due to ion-complex formations in the presence of the micro fillers, is evidenced by improved lithium transference number, ionic conduction, and ion-pair dissociation detected using Raman spectroscopy.

Materials for future power sources

Ludvigsson, Mikael January 2000 (has links)
<p>Proton exchange membrane fuel cells and lithium polymer batteries are important as future power sources in electronic devices, vehicles and stationary applications. The development of these power sources involves finding and characterising materials that are well suited r the application.</p><p>The materials investigated in this thesis are the perfluorosulphonic ionomer Nafion<sup>TM </sup>(DuPont) and metal oxides incorporated into the membrane form of this material. The ionomer is used as polymer electrolyte in proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFC) and the metal oxides are used as cathode materials in lithium polymer batters (LPB).</p><p>Crystallinity in cast Nafion films can be introduced by ion beam exposure or aging. Spectroscopic investigations of the crystallinity of the ionomer indicate that the crystalline regions contain less water than amorphous regions and this could in part explain the drying out of the polymer electrolyte membrane in a PEMFC.</p><p>Spectroscopic results on the equilibrated water uptake and the state of water in thin cast ionomer films indicate that there is a full proton transfer from the sulphonic acid group in the ionomer when there is one water molecule per sulphonate group.</p><p>The LPB cathode materials, lithium manganese oxide and lithium cobalt oxide, were incorporated <i>in situ</i> in Nafion membranes. Other manganese oxides and cobalt oxides were incorporated <i>in situ</i> inside the membrane. Ion-exchange experiments from HcoO<sub>2 </sub>to LiCoO<sub>2 </sub>within the membrane were also successful.</p><p>Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction were used for the characterisation of the incorporated species and the Nafion film/membrane.</p>

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