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The diploma thesis is focused on the revitalization of the dilapidated area of the former textile factory in Brno, Obřany. Areal is located in the city's peripheral parts between Maloměřice and Obřany. The location of the areal creates a strategic potential for creating a closer relationship between the central part of the city and its peripheries which allows urban activities spread to the distant area. The main target of the paper was to promote the relationship between the island and the water element - the river which brings a unique composition for the creation of a new central point of the urban part, which in Obřany currently lacking. The main focus of the project was to support the local potential by expanding the range of urban activities and recreational opportunities with respect for industrial heritage of Brno. It was necessary to made a radical interventions for island revitalization. Cleaning the island from inappropriate, structural, statically or architecturally inadequate buildings and re-opening the space for public was needed. The former spinning factory was therefore a key element of the entire project. It is due to its monumental qualities predestined to place the main and dominant function which after a previous analysis and survey was allocated to the textile museum. As the opposite of this huge structure there were designed a free and grassy area of the park which has been cleaned from the old unsatisfactory objects. The preserved buildings of the former textile factories were individually revitalized and designed with new suitable functions.
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Radio Frequency Energy Harvesting In Embankment DamsJärvström, William, Lundberg, Axel January 2022 (has links)
Energy harvesting can be used to consume the potential power of the surrounding environment. This harvesting can be done in different ways, some common energy harvesting modalities are vibrations, heat differences, solar power, and RF energy. In this Master Thesis, these different methods for harvesting energy are studied and the one that is the most suitable for an environment inside an embankment dam is further explored. If some energy harvesting modalities can operate well in that environment then it might be possible to monitor the embankment dam from the inside. The hope is to create an energy harvesting platform equipped with some suitable sensors which can be placed inside an embankment dam and collect data for a longer duration of time. Considering how an embankment dam is structured, it was concluded that the best possible energy harvesting method is wireless ultra-high frequency radio signals. An RF energy harvesting platform was created and tested, both in a laboratory and buried underground, mimicking the environment inside an embankment dam. These tests were measured and the results showed some promise that it is possible to use this energy harvesting method to power a sensor platform underground.
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Utveckling av en generell metod för läckageövervakning vid fyllningsdammarGasim, Alia January 2020 (has links)
Fyllningsdammar har alltid ett naturligt läckage då jordmaterialet som används har en viss permeabilitet. Detta acceptabla naturliga läckage är viktigt att övervaka för att kontrollera att läckageflödet håller sig inom förväntade värden. Om läckaget blir för stort, kan det leda till felmoder som i sin tur leder till dammbrott. Damminstrumentering som möjliggör övervakning av läckage i fyllningsdammar är ett krav enligt RIDAS. På nedströmssidan av fyllningsdammar finns det dränagerör som samlar upp och leder läckagevatten till platser där läckaget mäts med något slags instrument. Detta mätinstrument mäter inte endast läckaget genom fyllningsdammar, utan påverkas även av yttre faktorer såsom nederbörd och evapotranspiration. Detta examensarbete syftar därför att utveckla en generell metod för läckageövervakning vid fyllningsdammar, för att erhålla det normala läckaget. Hur det normala läckaget kan erhållas allmängiltigt för fyllningsdammar har presenterats. Det normala läckaget genom dammkroppen kan antingen erhållas med hjälp av fysikalisk läckageberäkning (qD1,Fysikalisk) eller från läckagemätning (qD1,Läckagemätning). Fysikalisk läckageberäkning bygger på en genomströmningsmodell baserat på fysikaliska samband. Läckage från läckagemätning baseras på en vattenbalansekvation där läckageflödet är en term av flera, som uppmätt läckage nedströms dammen, nederbörd och avdunstning. En fallstudie har genomförts för en av Vattenfalls dammanläggningar för att testa den metodik som framtagits för erhållande av det normala läckaget. De fysikaliska läckageberäkningarna har modellerats fram med hjälp av COMSOL Multiphysics och läckaget från läckagemätningarna har beräknats fram med hjälp av vattenbalansekvationen och indata på hydrologi. Resultatet visar att det är viktigt att ta hänsyn till de yttre faktorerna från vattenbalansekvationen eftersom dessa kan ha en betydande påverkan på det läckageflöde som faktiskt mäts. Vidare bedöms det betydande att modellera läckage baserat på en fysikalisk baserad strömningsmodell eftersom detta värde sällan finns idag. Då kan en jämförelse av läckage från läckagemätningar jämföras med det fysikaliska läckaget. Det bedöms att beräkning av läckage från läckagemätningar med hjälp av vattenbalansekvationen är en bra metod för att beräkna läckaget genom dammar. Dock behöver den studerade dammanläggningen en djupare analys för att senare kunna tillsätta gränsvärden. Detta genom att även undersöka läckage under dammkroppen och magasinsförändringar vid beräkning av läckage från läckagemätningar. Det fysikaliska läckaget genom att modellera genomströmningen för hela geometrin och genom att utföra en tidsberoende modellering. / Embankment dams are not completely impervious as its core materials has a certain permeability. This seepage is important to monitor to follow-up to ascertain that it stays as expected. If the seepage increase above design, failure modes could occur and ultimately a dam failure. The Swedish dam safety guideline RIDAS deals with this safety aspect by requirements on instrumentation to measure seepage. Downstream embankment dams, drainage leads seepage water to an outflow point where seepage can be measured. However, at these points the measured flow also is impacted by external factors such as precipitation and evapotranspiration. The aim of this report is to propose a method where the measured flow by post-processing can exclude the impact of these external factors. The normal seepage through a dam can either be obtained by modelling (where the physical seepage has been obtained based on physical relationships) or by a water balance equation (where the seepage from measurement downstream a dam is a part of the water balance equation, including the impact by precipitation and evapotranspiration. A case study has been carried out on a dam operated by Vattenfall, as a means to assess the proposed methodology. The seepage has been modelled using the COMSOL Multiphysics software, and the seepage from measurements has been calculated by the water balance equation. The results show that it is important to take into account external factors as it clearly affects the measured seepage flow. Furthermore, it is of great importance to calculate the theoretical design seepage, which is a threshold value level that is rarely modelled today. If both the seepage from measurements and theoretical seepage is obtained, a comparison of these can be made. The seepage from measurements (with the help of the water balance equation) is a good method to obtain embankment dam seepages. However, the results from the case study implies that further work is needed to be able to set relevant limit values.
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Ett tvådelat Norrland : En studie om grophus från stenåldern i mellersta Norrland. / A divided Norrland : A study on semi-subterranean houses from the stone age in the middle part of NorrlandKarlsson, Simon January 2024 (has links)
This study focuses on the semi-subterranean houses in northern Sweden, specifically in the counties Jämtland, Västerbotten and Västernorrland. The semi-subterranean houses were usedby hunter-gatherers and the houses date to the end of the Mesolithic and the Neolithic. In this study two separate types of semi-subterranean houses are being investigated. Both types of semi-subterranean houses are categorized as ‘settlement embankments’ (Sw. boplatsvall). Within the study one type is called ‘embankments of fire-cracked stones’ (Sw. skärvstensvall) which are situated in the interior part of Norrland, and the other type is called ‘embankmentsof gravel/sand’ (Sw. grusvall) which are mainly found in the coastal areas of Norrland. The purpose of this study is to investigate the number of individuals residing within the semi-subterranean houses. Cross-cultural studies based on ethnographic material is used to calculate how many individuals lived in each house. The cross-cultural study of floor area has resulted in a mean of how much space (6.1 m2) a prehistoric human needs in a dwelling. This number is used to calculate the number of individuals that lived in each house based on the size of the floor area. Another purpose of this study is to investigate if there are any differences between the embankments of fire-cracked stone and the embankments of gravel/sand. Are they simply different construction techniques or are there any other differences between them, such as size, social structure and chronology.
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Mapeamento de áreas potenciais a implantação de aterro sanitário em Guarapuava-PR, com uso de redes neurais artificiaisAntonio, Janaina Natali 16 December 2009 (has links)
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JANAINA NATALI ANTONIO.pdf: 4882934 bytes, checksum: b2a9d5c041820a4f5922fb15978b43c7 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2009-12-16 / The large production of solid waste and its wrong final destination in the environment have become a problem, especially in urban centers. For what effective measures
can be taken, it is necessary to know the local reality, thus to be able act directly in the base of this question. The current system of managing solid residues in the
municipality of Guarapuava-PR has as final destination the open atmosphere in "garbage", which causes a number of detriment to the environment and the people
who live nearby. Considering this situation, the municipal administration has as proposal the construction of the one sanitary embankment. For the implementation of this must be considered technical criteria, politicians and social, for select an appropriate area. This work aims to carry through the mapping of areas with potential for deployment of sanitary embankment in Guarapuava-PR, using the methodology
based on classification by Artificial Neural Networks (ANN). For classification were performed a series of tests with variations in the number of layers of input, and the
parameters of the RNA, thus different results were obtained in the output layer. The best results were obtained with the architecture consists of 5 layers of input and 2 neurons in the hidden layer and change the variables of threshold training 0.8000, 0.1000 learning rate, dynamic training of 0.8000, mean square error of 0.0500 and number of iterations of 2000, is considered the ideal architecture for this type of classification. / A grande produção de resíduos sólidos domiciliares e a sua destinação final inadequada no ambiente têm se tornado um problema, principalmente nos centros
urbanos. Para que medidas eficientes possam ser tomadas, é necessário o conhecimento da realidade local, para assim poder atuar diretamente na base desta
questão. O atual sistema de gerenciamento dos resíduos sólidos no município de Guarapuava-PR tem como forma de destino final o “lixão” a céu aberto, o qual causa
uma série de danos ao ambiente e a população que reside nas proximidades. Considerando esta situação, a administração municipal tem como proposta a
construção de um aterro sanitário. Para a implantação deste devem ser considerados critérios técnicos, políticos e sociais, para a escolha de uma área adequada. Este trabalho tem por objetivo realizar o mapeamento de áreas com potencialidade de implantação de aterro sanitário em Guarapuava-PR, utilizando a metodologia baseada na classificação supervisionada, por Redes Neurais Artificiais (RNA). Para a classificação foram realizados uma série de testes com variações do número de camadas de entrada, e nos parâmetros da RNA, desta forma foram obtidos diferentes resultados na camada de saída. Os melhores resultados foram obtidos com a arquitetura composta por 5 camadas de entrada e com 2 neurônios na camada escondida e com alterações das variáveis de limiar de treinamento de 0.8000, taxa de aprendizagem 0.1000, dinâmica do treinamento de 0.8000, erro médio quadrático de 0.0500 e o número de iterações de 2000, sendo considerada a arquitetura ideal para este tipo de classificação.
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Análise das deformações dos aterros que compõem a obra do Arco Metropolitano do Rio de Janeiro. / Analysis of deformation of embankments that compose the Arco Metropolitano from Rio de Janeiro.Danielle Batista Dias de Araújo 10 February 2015 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / O presente trabalho tem como objetivo a análise numérica do comportamento
dos aterros instrumentados que compõem a obra do Arco Metropolitano do Rio de
Janeiro. Os resultados da instrumentação de campo serão retroanalisados,
juntamente com dados disponíveis na literatura, buscando-se a definição de
parâmetros confiáveis, representativos do comportamento da argila compressível da
região em estudo. O Arco Metropolitano do Rio de Janeiro é uma rodovia projetada
que servirá como ligação entre as principais rodovias que cortam o município do Rio
de Janeiro. Devido a presença de grandes espessuras de solo compressível em
alguns trechos da região, cortados pelo traçado da rodovia, instrumentos de
monitoramento, como placas de recalque e inclinômetros, foram utilizados para
avaliar os deslocamentos verticais e horizontais dos aterros durante o processo
construtivo. Para este trabalho foram selecionados trechos de aterros
representativos, devido à magnitude dos recalques, qualidade do resultado da
instrumentação e diferentes métodos construtivos. A partir da análise dos
parâmetros de projeto e dos parâmetros encontrados na literatura, procede-se à
simulação numérica do processo construtivo dos aterros selecionados com o
programa PLAXIS, de elementos finitos, através de modelagem bidimensional. Os
resultados numéricos são confrontados com a instrumentação de campo (placas de
recalque e inclinômetros) e com os resultados de previsões teóricas (teoria de
adensamento unidimensional). Os resultados comprovaram que a modelagem
numérica mostrou-se uma ferramenta adequada para a previsão dos recalques
totais, tempos de adensamento e ganho de resistência ao longo do tempo. A
retroanálise do comportamento de aterros sobre solos moles permite a reavaliação
das premissas de projeto, uma vez que as limitações das teorias de análise e a
dificuldade na seleção de parâmetros, muitas vezes acarretam em estimativas de
recalque incoerentes com as observações de campo. / This study aims to numerical analysis of the behavior of instrumented
embankments that compose the the Arco Metropolitano from Rio de Janeiro. The
field instrumentation results will be retroanalysed, together with data available in the
literature, seeking the definition of reliable parameters, representative of the behavior
of compressible clay in the area of study. The Arco Metropolitano of Rio de Janeiro is
a highway designed to link the main highways that cross the city of Rio de Janeiro.
Due to the presence of large compressible soil thickness in some parts of the region,
cut by the route of the highway, monitoring instruments, such as settlement plates
and inclinometers, were used to evaluate the vertical and horizontal displacements of
the landfill during the construction process. Representative landfills stretches were
selected for this study due to the magnitude of settlements, quality of the result of
instrumentation and different construction methods. By the analysis of the
parameters from this project and the parameters found in the literature, it proceeds to
the numerical simulation of the construction process of landfills selected with the
PLAXIS software, of finite elements, through two-dimensional modeling. The
numerical results are compared with field instrumentation (provided by settlement
plates and inclinometer) and the results of theoretical predictions (one-dimensional
consolidation theory). Results showed that the numerical modeling proved to be a
suitable tool for the prediction of total settlements, thickening times and gaining
strength over time. The back analysis of soft soils on landfill behavior allows the
reassessment of project assumptions, once the limitations of the analysis of theories
and the difficulty in the selection of parameters often results in estimates of
repression inconsistent with the field observations.
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An Investigation On Seismic Behaviour Of Nahrain Dam, Tabas, IranD.k.sorkhabi, Mohammad 01 May 2004 (has links) (PDF)
This study is an evaluation on the seismic behavior of the Nahrain Dam, which is located in Khorasan province in the central part of Iran. The finite element method is used for the dynamic analysis of the dam. Using a slope stability computer program, the critical slip surface near the crest of the dam and the yield acceleration corresponding to this slip surface are determined. Static analysis was completed by using the finite element computer program SAP90 and SAP2000 in order to determine the stress conditions within the body of the dam prior to earthquake. The stresses obtained from this analysis were used in the assessment of the dynamic material properties of the dam. Two near by actual earthquakes were modified and used as input motions of different magnitudes. At the next step, the harvested data was used as input data for the program TELDYN to perform dynamic analysis. Permanent displacements under the scenario base motions were calculated by using the Newmark&rsquo / s method.
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Entre mobilité et sédentarité : les Mising, "peuple du fleuve", face à l'endiguement du Brahmapoutre (Assam, Inde du Nord-Est) / Between mobility and a sedentary lifestyle : the Misings, "river people" faced with measures to contain the Brahmaputra River (Assam, North-East India)Crémin, Émilie 09 December 2014 (has links)
Les catastrophes naturelles au nord-est de l’Inde, tout comme dans le reste du monde, attirent régulièrement l’attention des médias. Au-delà des interventions d’urgence, il s’avère nécessaire de prendre du recul afin de mieux cerner l’origine des évènements et les stratégies d’adaptation déployées par les populations pour y faire face. Suivant une approche interdisciplinaire mêlant hydro-géomorphologie, éco-anthropologie et political ecology, cette thèse apporte un éclairage nouveau sur les dynamiques du Brahmapoutre, les interactions sociétés-milieux et la gestion des risques dans une région peu étudiée. En Assam, chaque année au cours de la mousson, le fleuve Brahmapoutre entre en crue et déborde dans sa plaine, déposant sur son passage des sédiments sableux et des limons fertiles. Dans cet espace densément peuplé, les Mising - population originaire de l’Himalaya oriental, Scheduled Tribe d’Assam - ont longtemps adapté leurs modes de vie à ce milieu dynamique. Au rythme du fleuve, les Mising pratiquent plusieurs types de riziculture, utilisent différentes techniques de pêche et déplacent leurs villages dans les espaces exposés aux inondations en suivant le mouvement des chenaux. Or, en 1950, un séisme majeur provoqua d’importantes modifications de l’hydrosystème fluvial, bouleversant ce système socio-écologique fragile. Pour contrôler le Brahmapoutre et mettre en valeur les territoires, la région connut dès le XIIe siècle des programmes d’endiguement et d’administration foncière sur la rive sud. À partir de 1954, l’État d’Assam étendit l’endiguement de part et d’autre du lit mineur. Ces aménagements incitèrent les communautés paysannes à se sédentariser dans les périmètres protégés en les contraignant à respecter les nouvelles délimitations foncières. Toutefois, depuis 1988, des ruptures de digues soudaines ont été à l’origine d’inondations récurrentes dans les espaces censés être protégés, tandis que l’érosion se poursuit, emportant les terres de plusieurs villages des subdivisions de Bokakhat, Majuli et Dhakuakhana, objets de cette thèse. L’objectif général de cette thèse est de montrer – à l’aide d’exemples pris dans trois localités – comment les aménagements fluviaux et les politiques foncières ont provoqué une crise sociale et environnementale obligeant les Mising à réajuster leurs pratiques agricoles tout en renégociant leur place au sein de la société et du territoire assamais. Ainsi, à Bokakhat, les Mising négocient leurs droits d’accès aux ressources avec les autorités du parc national de Kaziranga ; à Majuli, ils travaillent pour les institutions religieuses vaishnavites et les propriétaires terriens assamais ; à Dhakuakhana, certains d’entre eux se réfugient illégalement sur les débris de digues et espèrent que leurs terres pourront redevenir fertiles, tandis que d’autres émigrent. Dans ces situations socio-économiques distinctes, les Mising adoptent différentes stratégies socioreligieuses. Ils sont partagés entre ceux qui souhaitent s’insérer au sein de la société assamaise en adoptant les cultes vaishnavites localement dominants, ceux qui envisagent d’accéder au monde globalisé par une conversion au christianisme, et ceux qui affirment une identité tribale en faisant revivre des cultes plus anciens. En représentant l’ensemble de la communauté devant l’État d’Assam, les organisations politiques mising demandent plus d’autonomie territoriale vis-à-vis de Delhi. Un projet néanmoins difficile à mettre en œuvre, car les villages mising sont dispersés parmi ceux d’autres communautés d’Assam. Dans quelle mesure ces stratégies permettront-elles aux Mising de maintenir leurs capacités d'adaptation dans un milieu changeant ? / Natural disasters in Northeast India and in the rest of the world regularly attract media’s attention. Besides an emergency response to these events, it is necessary to distance oneself from the disaster in order to acquire a better understanding of the cause of the events and the coping strategies adopted by the population. Following on an interdisciplinary approach combining disciplines such as hydro-geomorphology, eco-anthropology and political ecology, this thesis sheds new light on the dynamics of the Brahmaputra River, the socio-environmental interactions and risk management in an area where few studies have been conducted.In Assam, every year during the monsoon, the level of the Brahmaputra River rises and overflows into the floodplain, covering sandy land and carrying fertile silts. In this densely populated area, the Mising tribe - a group from the eastern Himalayas, a scheduled tribe of Assam - has for long time managed to adapt its way of life to this dynamic environment. The Misings practise several types of rice cultivation; use different fishing techniques and move their villages according to the flow of the braided river’s channels. However, in 1950, a major earthquake brought about important modifications in the river’s hydrosystem, seriously upsetting this fragile socio-ecological system. Embankments have been built and land has been administrated on the south bank of the Brahmaputra since the twelfth century to control the river and to establish territories. But since 1954, the State of Assam has extended the embankments on both sides of the river. These infrastructures have encouraged farming communities to settle on these new protected lands, forcing them to respect cadastral boundaries. However, since 1988, breaches in the embankment have frequently led to flash floods, while erosion has caused land belonging to several villages in Majuli, Bokakhat and Dhakuakhana subdivisions, which are discussed in this thesis, to be washed away. The main objective of this thesis is to demonstrate — using examples from these three territories — how river engineering and rigid administrative boundaries have led to a social and environmental crisis that leaves the Misings no option but to adjust their agricultural practices and to adopt various strategies to negotiate their space on Assamese land and within Assamese society. Thus, in Bokakhat, the Misings negotiate their right to access resources with the Kaziranga National Park authorities; in Majuli, they work as farmers for Vaishnavite religious institutions and Assamese landowners; in Dhakuakhana, some of them take shelter illegally on portions of the embankment in the hope that their land will be restored to them, while others choose to migrate. In these distinct socio-economical conditions, they are divided into those who are assimilated into Assamese society through Vaishnavite cults, those who have converted to Christianity, which is gaining a foothold in the globalized world, and those who defend their tribal identity and who are reviving ancient faith. Finally, Mising political organizations are claiming to the State of Assam and to Delhi for more territorial autonomy. This would be a difficult undertaking as their villages are scattered among the other communities of Assam. To what extent these strategies will help the Misings to maintain their adaptability in a changing environment?
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Uma contribuição metodológica ao estudo da dinâmica da paisagem aplicada a escolha de áreas para a construção de aterro sanitário em Presidente Prudente-SP /Nunes, João Osvaldo Rodrigues. January 2002 (has links)
Orientador: João Lima Sant'Anna Neto / Nas últimas décadas, uma das principais discussões, especificamente no âmbito municipal, tem se direcionado para a questão do destino final a ser dado aos resíduos sólidos urbanos. Estes, na maioria das vezes, são despejados a céu aberto em forma de lixões, gerando doenças, mau cheiro e vetores de vários tipos, como insetos e roedores. Uma das alternativas ambientalmente viáveis para resolver este problema é a construção de aterros sanitários a partir do gerenciamento integrado dos resíduos municipais. Nesse trabalho, pretende-se analisar a dinâmica da paisagem, a partir dos conhecimentos geomorfológicos, geológicos (morfoestruturais e hidrogeológicos), pedológicos, climáticos e sócio-econômicos, aplicados em uma área escolhida pela administração municipal 1997-2000, para a construção de um aterro sanitário, objetivando o estabelecimento de critérios e procedimentos técnicos, numa perspectiva sócio-ambiental, de escolha de áreas para a construção de aterro sanitário. / In the last decades, one of the principal discussions, specifically in the municipal ambit, has been directed to the question of the final destination to be given to the urban solid residues. These remnants are mostly thrown out under the open atmosphere as large garbage areas, causing diseases, stink and vectors of several types as insects and rodents. One of the environmentally viable alternatives to solve this problem is the construction of sanitary embankments from the integrated control of the municipal residues. In this work, the author intends to analyse the dynamics of the landscape, from the geomorphological, geological (morphostructural and hydrogeological), pedological, climatical and social-economical knowledge applied to an area chosen by the municipal administration 1997-2000, for the construction of a sanitary embankment, with the purpose of establishing technical criteria and procedures, in a socialenvironmental perspective, for the choice of areas for the construction of a sanitary embankment. / Doutor
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Uma contribuição metodológica ao estudo da dinâmica da paisagem aplicada a escolha de áreas para a construção de aterro sanitário em Presidente Prudente-SPNunes, João Osvaldo Rodrigues [UNESP] January 2002 (has links) (PDF)
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Previous issue date: 2002Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T20:22:12Z : No. of bitstreams: 1
nunes_jor_dr_prud.pdf: 8667634 bytes, checksum: 379abeef4190ab8cd3d970abeefeab60 (MD5) / Nas últimas décadas, uma das principais discussões, especificamente no âmbito municipal, tem se direcionado para a questão do destino final a ser dado aos resíduos sólidos urbanos. Estes, na maioria das vezes, são despejados a céu aberto em forma de lixões, gerando doenças, mau cheiro e vetores de vários tipos, como insetos e roedores. Uma das alternativas ambientalmente viáveis para resolver este problema é a construção de aterros sanitários a partir do gerenciamento integrado dos resíduos municipais. Nesse trabalho, pretende-se analisar a dinâmica da paisagem, a partir dos conhecimentos geomorfológicos, geológicos (morfoestruturais e hidrogeológicos), pedológicos, climáticos e sócio-econômicos, aplicados em uma área escolhida pela administração municipal 1997-2000, para a construção de um aterro sanitário, objetivando o estabelecimento de critérios e procedimentos técnicos, numa perspectiva sócio-ambiental, de escolha de áreas para a construção de aterro sanitário. / In the last decades, one of the principal discussions, specifically in the municipal ambit, has been directed to the question of the final destination to be given to the urban solid residues. These remnants are mostly thrown out under the open atmosphere as large garbage areas, causing diseases, stink and vectors of several types as insects and rodents. One of the environmentally viable alternatives to solve this problem is the construction of sanitary embankments from the integrated control of the municipal residues. In this work, the author intends to analyse the dynamics of the landscape, from the geomorphological, geological (morphostructural and hydrogeological), pedological, climatical and social-economical knowledge applied to an area chosen by the municipal administration 1997-2000, for the construction of a sanitary embankment, with the purpose of establishing technical criteria and procedures, in a socialenvironmental perspective, for the choice of areas for the construction of a sanitary embankment.
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