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Vlog: Resonance Experience Impact on Audience Continuance intention to Watch Travel Vlogs and Travel IntentionYu, Chenyu 06 August 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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Imaginace jinakosti a přehlídky lidských "kuriozit" v Praze v 19. a 20. století / Imaginations of "Otherness" and Freak Show Culture in the 19th- and 20th-Century PragueHerza, Filip January 2018 (has links)
in English Dissertation deals with the freak show culture in Prague and the Czech lands in a broader context of the modern discourses of dis/ability and the imaginations of the collective body of the Czech nation. Exhibitions of "Lilliputians", "Giants", "Siamese twins" and other "extraordinary" bodies are analyzed here as a part of the history of an international entertainment culture in the 19th-century Europe. The emphasis lays on the turn of the century, the decade that witnessed rash development both of the capitalist entertainment industry and the expert disciplines that dealt with the "ab/normal". I claim, that the popularity of freak shows in this period rested in their ability to articulate fears and ambitions of their visitors, both in their individual embodied experience and their imaginative belonging, notably their belonging to the collective body of the Czech nation. In four case studies, I focus on individual freak figures and analyze how the intersections of different axes of difference - ethnicity, gender, class - within the representation of "the extraordinary", coproduced certain notion of social order and power hierarchies that were closely intertwined with the imagined collective body of nation.
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Propuesta de Expansión para un Centro de EntretenimientoBravo García, Lily Nancy, Guzmán Mariluz, Gisella 29 January 2019 (has links)
Este documento presenta un trabajo de investigación que tiene como objetivo determinar la viabilidad de un proyecto de expansión para el centro de entretenimiento Magic Zone, el cual ofrece juegos y talleres artísticos para niños menores a 6 años.
Magic Zone brinda un servicio de entretenimiento y de actividades artísticas para niños menores a 6 años con juegos y talleres atractivos para el infante, y que cumple con las siguientes características: ubicado en un lugar estratégico, políticas de seguridad claramente establecidas para el cuidado de los menores, horarios acordes a la necesidad del cliente (apoderado), y profesional calificado tanto para el diseño frecuente del espacio con juegos en zonas de recreación como para el diseño de talleres. Estas dos últimas características solo las tienen negocios como centros de estimulación temprana, guarderías y nidos. Sin embargo, Magic Zone ha apostado por considerarlas a fin de lograr captar la atención de los niños y potenciar su deseo de realizar actividades de motricidad y creatividad.
Actualmente, Magic Zone está ubicado en el distrito de Los Olivos, en un local con un layout distribuido solo en el primer piso y área geográfica construida de 120 m2, ubicado estratégicamente en la Av. Antúnez de Mayolo 1474 cerca a centros de educación inicial y condominios con familias que tienen hijos pequeños.
La experiencia adquirida de Magic Zone en su primer año de operación, nos motivó a evaluar una propuesta de negocio para el crecimiento de nuevos centros de entretenimiento, con las mismas características de su primer local, en otros distritos de Lima Metropolitana, los cuales tienen mayor población de niños en el rango de 0 a 6 años (público objetivo) como son San Juan de Lurigancho, Ate, San Martín de Porres, Villa El Salvador y Comas,
Se ha evaluado el mercado objetivo, los resultados del sondeo y el análisis financiero de los 5 distritos con mayor población, y se concluye que es conveniente desarrollar la expansión del centro de entretenimiento de Magic Zone solo en 4 distritos: San Juan de Lurigancho, Ate, Villa El Salvador y Comas, por tener mayor poder adquisitivo e indicadores financieros viables. No optamos por abrir un local en el distrito de San Martín de Porres porque la encuesta determinó que los clientes potenciales no estaban dispuestos a pagar el valor actual del servicio.
Asimismo, podemos determinar a través de la evaluación financiera realizada para cada distrito que en el en distrito de San Juan de Lurigancho obtuvimos el mayor VAN con S/. 54,929.25 soles, que respalda la viabilidad de la propuesta de extender la empresa en este distrito y con un TIR de 73.66%. En el caso del distrito de Ate, los resultados que respaldan la viabilidad del proyecto son de S/. 54,274.38 para el VAN y 71.81% para el TIR. Por otro lado, en el distrito de Comas y Villa el Salvador, se obtuvo un VAN de S/. 52,964.63 y S/. 53,619.51 respectivamente y un TIR de 68.30% en Comas y un 70.02% en el distrito de Villa el Salvador.
En conclusión, por el proyecto global obtenemos un VAN y TIR de S/ 215,787.77 y 70.91%, este resultado positivo del VAN demuestra que el proyecto de expansión propuesto para Magic Zone, es viable y sostenible financieramente. / This document presents a project for the expansion of an entertainment center for children up to 6 years old, which is currently operating in Los Olivos district, in Lima, Peru.
An entertainment center is a business model that provides recreation, entertainment, and hobby services for children. The service includes a space with a wide variety of games for motor activities. This type of service is demanded by families that look for a clean, close, safe and with a variety of entertainment options for their children. Currently, entertainment centers have been located within shopping centers as one more store offering services.
Unlike the traditional entertainment center model located in shopping centers, this project evaluates the option of installing this business model outside the Shopping Centers and concludes the feasibility of doing so in four of the most populated districts of the city of Lima. / Trabajo de investigación
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Acciones de social media marketing en instagram y su relación con la intención de compra en marcas de joyas low cost / Social media marketing efforts in instagram and its relationship with the purchase intention in low cost jewelry brandsAsencios Torres, Valery Melissa, Delgado Cuadros, Ana Gabriela 03 November 2020 (has links)
Esta investigación tiene como objetivo entender la relación de las acciones de social media con la intención de compra en páginas de Instagram de marcas de joyas low cost, ya que dichas marcas han ido tomando notoriedad en redes sociales y las necesidades de los consumidores han ido migrando hacia joyas de precio accesible. Las marcas que hemos tomado como referencia en nuestra investigación son aquellas que tienen presencia en Instagram y cuentan con módulos o locales en centros comerciales, ya que, son las que tienen mayor preferencia por los clientes debido a la relación calidad - precio. Asimismo, busca entender cuáles son las acciones recurrentes en las marcas de joyas low cost y cuáles tiene mayor relación con la intención de compra. / This research aims to understand the relationship of social media actions with the purchase intention on Instagram pages of low-cost jewelry brands, since these brands have been gaining notoriety on social networks and the needs of consumers have been migrating toward affordable jewelry. The brands that we have taken as a reference in our research are those that have a presence on Instagram and have modules or stores in shopping centers, since they are the ones that have the greatest preference for customers due to the quality-price ratio. Likewise, it seeks to understand which ones with the recurring actions in low cost jewelry brands and which ones have a greater relationship with the purchase intention. / Trabajo de investigación
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Entertainement [!] for faster driving takeovers : Designing games for faster and safer takeovers on level 3 self-driving carsDi Luccio, Luca January 2020 (has links)
The upcoming level 3 generation of self-driving vehicles will be characterized by the freedom of not having the driver’s hands on the steering wheel. This acquired freedom is posing new challenges on the traditional passenger comfort paradigm as the drivers will spend a higher amount of time doing non-driving tasks (NDRT). Certain constraints must be imposed as the level 3 generation systems will not be able to drive all the time without active feedback from the user. The driver needs to stay active enough to do takeover in a situation where it is needed to. What effect will different NDRT have on the behavior of a driver in a self-driving car? In our low fidelity driving simulator, we tested different simple actions (e.g. playing a simple 2D game). We then evaluated them based on their accident avoidance and situation awareness in the post-transition period. The results show a significant difference between the reaction speeds of the drivers before and after an active task.
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Zobrazení vybraných silných ženských postav v seriálech a jejich reflexe v reálném světě / Showing Chosen Strong Female Characters in TV Series and Their Reflection in the Real WorldDostálová, Veronika January 2020 (has links)
This thesis deals with the influence of TV series and their strong heroines on female audience. The aim of this work is to find out whether selected female characters influence the general view of the femine beauty ideal, whether the viewers were in any way inspired by strong female characters and whether these series have opened up some social issues. These goals were formulated into three research questions, which will be answered in the conclusion. The work is divided into three main parts - theoretical, methodological and practical. The theoretical part aims to acquaint the reader with the theoretic basis needed to understand the researched issues. The methodological part presents research methods with all its advantages and disadvantages. The last practical part is focused on research and interpretation of the obtained data. A qualitative method is used to achieve the results, specifically the grounded theory, which is used for the analysis and subsequent interpretation of data obtained from interviews.
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Corporate real estate management: a survey of the South African entertainment & media companiesSelamolela, Matla January 2017 (has links)
Thesis is submitted in partial fulfilment for the degree of Master of Science in property development and Management
to the Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment, School of Construction Economics and Management at the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2017 / Purpose- The main objective of this study was to determine a particular knowledge and skill of the senior management of the South African entertainment and media industry towards corporate real estate management.
[Abbreviated Abstract. Open document to view full version] / MT 2018
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GalleteaFlores Benites, Derlyn Lourdes, Chu Acosta, Nami Estephani, Honorio Ortiz, Katia Paola, Sánchez Gil, Gunther Manuel, Tello Heredia, Kelly Janeth 06 December 2020 (has links)
De acuerdo con la investigación realizada por nuestro equipo, hemos podido identificar situaciones que preocupan a los padres de nuestro segmento de análisis; padres de familia con hijos entre 3 a 10 años del sector socioeconómico A y B de Lima metropolitana. La practicidad de los medios digitales que interfieren en un óptimo crecimiento de sus hijos, la falta de comunicación efectiva y la generación de hábitos poco saludables para ellos. Adicionalmente, se debe mencionar que la pandemia ocasionada por el Covid – 19 ha alterado la vida familiar cerrando las escuelas para los niños y creando un estilo de trabajo remoto desde casa para los padres. Es por este motivo que un grupo de estudiantes de la Facultad de Negocios de la Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas ha visto oportuna la creación de Galletea, un modelo de negocio que busca llegar a los niños, desarrollando el lado creativo y motivando su aprendizaje e imaginación, compartiendo momentos de creatividad y momentos en familia. Todo esto basándose en un análisis previo del modelo de negocio, centrándose en los resultados del plan financiero el cual indica con determinación de que este proyecto tiene la capacidad de generar efectivo lo cual le permitirá tener un panorama de rentabilidad positiva tanto para el proyecto en si como generadora de valor y también para los inversionistas. / According to the research conducted by our team, we have been able to identify situations that concern the parents of our analysis segment; parents with children between 3 and 10 years of age in the socio-economic sector A and B of metropolitan Lima. The practicality of digital media that interferes with optimal growth of their children, the lack of effective communication and the generation of unhealthy habits for them. In addition, it should be mentioned that the pandemic caused by the Covid – 19 has altered family life by closing schools for children and creating a remote work style from home for parents. It’s for this reason that a group of students from the Faculty of Business of the Peruvian University of Applied Sciences has seen the creation of Galletea, a business model that seeks to reach children, developing the creative side and motivating their learning and imagination, sharing moments of creativity and moments as a family. All these factors based on a previous analysis of the business model, focusing on the results of the financial plan, which indicates with right determination that this project has the capacity to generate cash which will allow it to have a positive profitability outlook for both the project itself, as a generator of value and also for shareholders. / Trabajo de investigación
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CHEPI TVAncalle Inga, Kery Rocío, Benites Rodríguez, Ivonne Grimalda, Li Leo, Luis Ángel, Peña Rojo, Carmen Carolina, Santos Santos, Joao Valdir 23 January 2021 (has links)
CHEPI TV, es una idea de negocio que nace a partir de la evolución del entretenimiento audiovisual, el uso del internet y el desarrollo tecnológico.
La plataforma de videos por streaming propuesta con contenido hecho en el Perú llegará a todos los peruanos con contenido cultural, conversatorios en vivo, programas de cocina, comedia, documentales, películas, series, musicales, dibujos. El contenido podrá ser visto desde cualquier dispositivo que esté conectado a internet: móvil android e iOS, Smart TV, PC o Tablet.
Este modelo de negocio nace dado la coyuntura y el gran crecimiento de las plataformas de contenido audiovisual para el entretenimiento, la cual ha reemplazado muchas actividades que han sido restringidas, convirtiéndose en una oportunidad de negocio. Las operaciones se realizarán en el local ubicado en San Borja; en el cual trabajaran los gerentes con el personal a contratar; dicho personal tendrá una capacitación para brindar el mejor servicio. CHEPI TV contará con un Community manager; encargado de tener la primera interacción con el cliente. CHEPI TV, buscará posicionarse como una plataforma con un servicio post venta continúo permitiendo tener un soporte 24/7. El área de Recursos Humanos se trabajará para unir al equipo de trabajo personal altamente calificado y comprometido con la misión de la empresa. El proyecto representa un riesgo mediano en la inversión, pero se obtiene una rentabilidad desde el segundo año por lo cual hace que la inversión sea recuperable en un plazo corto, además de mostrar a futuro un importante crecimiento continuo. / CHEPI TV is a business idea born from the evolution of audiovisual entertainment, the internet, and technological development.
The proposed streaming video platform with content made in Peru will reach all Peruvians with cultural content, live conversations, cooking programs, comedy, documentaries, movies, series, musicals, drawings. The clients can view the programs from any device connected to the internet: android and iOS mobile, Smart TV, PC, or Tablet.
This business model was born given the current situation and the significant growth of audiovisual content platforms for entertainment, which has replaced many spare activities, becoming a business opportunity. Shareholders will develop the business in San Borja’ s office; they will work with the staff to hire; the team will have the training to provide the best streaming service. CHEPI TV will have a Community manager; responsible for having the first interaction with the customer. CHEPI TV will seek to position itself as a platform with continuous after-sales service to have 24/7 support. The Human Resources area will be responsible for hiring the right staff focused on the company’s mission. The project represents a medium risk in investment. Still, a return is obtained from the second year, making the investment recoverable in a short time and showing in the future significant continuous growth. / Trabajo de investigación
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Product placement v českém filmu / Product Placement in Czech FilmŠťastná, Hana January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals with product placement in Czech cinematographic work as a specific way of presentation branded product. From a few points of view consumer aesthetics, semiotics of cinema and marketing semiotics is explored four movies (Empties, Women in Temptation, Men in hope and Perfect Days). At selected scenes we show how branded products are presented in the movie, how the placements are integrated into the plot and the story. The paper uses classified in terms of efficiency. It is following up the meaning value of the brand, of the context and of the role in which the product placement occurs. The film shots and scenes in which branded products are used, we focus on the denotative and connotative meanings and uses of rhetorical figures of metaphor and metonymy, meaning funds used semiotics and semiotics of film marketing. Along with this case is taken account of consumer aesthetics, which justifies daily consumption. Attention is paid not only at branded products, but also scenes and product which are free from labels (belonging without a brand) or have labels fictional brands. Keywords Product placement, semiotics of cinema, marketing semiotics, consumer aesthetics, branded entertainment, brand, movie
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