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Análise temporal de mecânica respiratória e morfometria pulmonar em camundongos após instilação nasal de papaína / Temporal analysis of respiratory mechanics and lung morphometry in mice after nasal instillation of papainAdriana Martins Anciães 11 May 2011 (has links)
Objetivos: Verificar alterações na mecânica e parâmetros de morfometria pulmonar em um estudo temporal sobre enfisema em um modelo animal. Métodos:Setenta camundongos Balb / c receberam instilação nasal de solução de papaína ou salina e foram estudados no 1º, 3º, 15º, 28º e 40º dias após a instilação. Resistência das vias aéreas (Raw), Resistência do tecido (Gtis) e elastância tecidual (Htis), foram analisados. Intercepto Linear Médio (Lm), a proporção do volume de fibras elásticas e colágenas, macrófagos (MAC), o número de células que expressam MMP12 e a expressão de -isoprostano 8 no parênquima pulmonar, foram medidos. Resultados: Comparando os grupos papaína e solução salina ao longo do tempo, foi observado um aumento de Lm após o dia 28, associado a uma diminuição no Htis e Gtis. Houve um aumento na proporção do volume das fibras colágenas a partir do dia 15 até o dia 40, enquanto a proporção do volume de fibras elásticas foi aumentada somente no dia 40. Analisando o número de macrófagos, houve um aumento no dia 1 e manteve-se crescente até o dia 40. A expressão de MMP12 aumentou a partir do dia 3 até o dia 40. No entanto, a expressão de isoprostano 8 foi maior apenas no dias 1 e 3. Conclusão: Um aumento significativo no intercepto linear médio (Lm) após o dia 28 de instilação de papaína foi associado a uma piora na função pulmonar caracterizando assim o enfisema pulmonar. No entanto, no dia 40, as diferenças na morfometria foram mantidos, mas não houve diferenças na mecânica respiratória. O remodelamento da matriz extracelular observada no parênquima pulmonar no dia 40 poderia explicar estes resultados / Objectives: To verify how mechanical and morphometry parameters change in a temporal study of emphysema in an animal model. Methods: Balb/c mice received either a nasal drop of papain solution (Papa) or saline (Sal) and were studied on the 1st, 3rd, 15th, 28th and 40th days after instillation. We evaluated airway resistance (Raw), tissue damping (Gtis) and tissue elastance (Htis). Using morphometry, we measured mean linear intercept (Lm), volume proportion of elastic and collagen fibers, number of macrophages (MAC), number of cells expressing MMP12 and the expression of 8-isoprostane in parenchyma. Results: Comparing Papain and Saline groups in each time window, we observed an increase in Lm after the 28th day associated to a decrease in Htis and Gtis. The volume proportion of collagen fibers increased from the 15th to the 40th day, while the volume proportion of elastic fibers increased only on the 40th day. Analyzing the macrophages number, there was an increase on the 1st day, and it continued increasing until the 40th day. The expression of MMP12 increased from the 3rd until 40th day. However, the expression of 8-isoprostane increased only on the 1st and the 3rd day. Conclusions: A significant increase in mean linear intercept (Lm) after the 28th day of papain instillation was associated to a worsening in lung function. However, on the 40th day, differences in morphometry maintained but there were no differences in respiratory assessment. The extracellular matrix remodeling observed in lung parenchyma on the 40th day could explain these results
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Influência da remodelação óssea na transferência de cálcio e fósforo durante hemodiálise em pacientes com doença renal crônica / Influence of the bone remodeling in the calcium and phosphorus transfer during hemodialysis in patients with chronic kidney diseaseCristina Karohl 13 December 2010 (has links)
A cinética e os fatores determinantes da transferência do cálcio e do fósforo durante a hemodiálise foram pouco avaliados e não são completamente compreendidos até os dias de hoje, apesar de associarem-se ao desenvolvimento e progressão da doença óssea renal, à calcificação vascular e à maior mortalidade. Tanto a transferência de cálcio e a remoção de fósforo durante a diálise afetam o equilíbrio do metabolismo mineral. Este estudo tem por hipótese que o metabolismo mineral e ósseo poderia, por sua vez, afetar a cinética de ambos os íons durante a diálise. No entanto, remodelação óssea não é usualmente considerada quando modelos cinéticos são aplicados para cálcular o balanço do cálcio e do fósforo. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a cinética do cálcio e do fósforo durante a hemodiálise e o papel da remodelação óssea nessa transferência. MÉTODO: Vinte e três pacientes (idade = 43,2 ± 17 anos) com doença renal crônica em hemodiálise no Hospital das Clínicas da USP foram submetidos a 4 sessões de hemodiálise com cada uma das seguintes concentrações de cálcio no dialisato (Cad): 2,0; 2,5; 3,0 e 3,5 mEq/L. Amostras de sangue e de dialisato foram coletadas a cada 30 minutos para calcular a transferência de cálcio e fósforo e avaliar os fatores determinantes desta transferência. RESULTADOS: O balanço de cálcio foi extremamente variável em todas as Cad. A transferência de cálcio foi de 578±389, 468±563, +46±400 e +405±413 mg nas Cad de 2,0, 2,5, 3,0 e 3,5 mEq/L, respectivamente (2,0 e 2,5 vs 3,0 e 3,5 mEq/L, P<0.001; 3,0 vs 3,5 mEq/L, P<0.05). Análise de regressão multivariada mostrou que a transferência de cálcio foi dependente do gradiente de cálcio entre o sangue e o dialisato, da albumina, do PTH e da osteocalcina. A média do balanço de cálcio foi de -332±235mg para o grupo de pacientes com PTH > 300 pg/ml, e de -8±200mg no grupo com PTH 300pg/ml (P<0,005). A média de remoção de fósforo foi de 1073 ± 351,8 mg. Cad não afetou a remoção de fósforo. O balanço de fósforo foi dependente da concentração de fósforo pré hemodiálise, dos níveis de PTH, do cálcio iônico e do Kt/V. O grupo de pacientes com níveis de PTH > 300 pg/ml apresentaram remoção significativamente maior de fósforo do que o grupo com PTH 300pg/ml (1328 ± 176,7 vs. 877 ± 184,3; P<0,0001). CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados deste estudo sugerem que a remodelação óssea influencia a transferência de cálcio e a remoção de fósforo durante a hemodiálise. A remodelação óssea deveria ser considerada nos futuros modelos de cálculo da cinética do balanço do cálcio e do fósforo, assim como na escolha da Cad mais apropriada para cada paciente em tratamento hemodialítico / Few studies have evaluated the calcium and phosphorus kinetics and their determinants during hemodialysis, although both ions are associated with renal bone disease, vascular calcification and mortality in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD). In addition, both calcium transfer and phosphorus removal during dialysis can affect mineral metabolism. This study hypothesizes that bone and mineral metabolism may influence the calcium and phosphorus transfer during hemodialysis. However, when dialysate calcium concentration (d[Ca]) is chosen or kinetic models are employed to calculate calcium and phosphorus balance, bone remodeling is rarely considered. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate calcium and phosphorus kinetics and whether bone remodeling affects calcium and phosphorus mass transfer during hemodialysis. METHODS: Twenty three patients (mean age = 43.2 ± 17 years) with CKD in hemodialysis at the Hospital das Clínicas of USP were studied. Each patient was dialyzed using a dialysate calcium concentration (d[Ca]) of 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 or 3.5 mEq/L. Blood and dialysate samples were collected at each 30 minutes. Calcium and phosphorus mass transfer were measured and associated with remodeling bone factors. RESULTS: Calcium balance varied widely depending on the d[Ca]. Calcium removal was 578±389, 468±563, +46±400 and +405±413mg when a d[Ca] of 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 or 3.5mEq/L was used, respectively; (2.0 and 2.5 vs. 3.0 and 3.5 mEq/L; P < 0.01; 3.0 vs. 3.5mEq/L, P <0.05). Multivariate analysis showed that calcium gradient between blood and dialysate, PTH and osteocalcin were determinants of calcium transfer. Mean calcium transfer was - 332±235mg in the group of patients with PTH levels > 300pg/mL whereas it was - 8±200mg in the group of patients with PTH levels 300pg/mL (P<0,005). Mean phosphorus removal was 1073 ± 351.8mg, and it removal was not affected by d[Ca]. Serum phosphorus level, PTH levels, ionized calcium and Kt/V were determinant factors to phosphorus removal. The group of patients with PTH > 300pg/ml showed higher phosphorus removal than the group with PTH 300pg/mL (1328 ± 176.7 vs. 877 ± 184.3; P<0.0001). CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that bone remodeling affects calcium and phosphorus mass transfer during hemodialysis. The bone remodeling should be considered in further kinetic models of calcium and phosphorus, as well as it should be considered when choosing the better d[Ca] for each patient
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Atividade quimiopreventiva do ácido fólico quando suplementado continuamente durante as etapas iniciais da hepatocarcinogênese em ratos / Chemoprevention of early rat hepatocarcinogenesis with folic acid supplementationCarlos Eduardo Andrade Chagas 05 May 2010 (has links)
A ingestão de folato é inversamente associada com o risco de diversos cânceres. Apesar da deficiência dessa vitamina ser classicamente considerada fator de risco para câncer de fígado, não existem estudos avaliando o efeito da suplementação com ácido fólico (AF) durante as etapas iniciais da hepatocarcinogênese. Assim, o objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar o efeito da suplementação com AF continuamente durante as etapas de iniciação e seleção/promoção da hepatocarcinogênese em ratos. Os animais receberam diariamente 0,08 mg (grupo AF8) ou 0,16 mg (grupo AF16) de AF/100 g de peso corpóreo ou água (grupo controle [GC]). Após duas semanas de tratamento, todos os animais foram submetidos ao modelo de hepatocarcinogênese do “Hepatócito Resistente” (iniciação com dietilnitrosamina, seleção/promoção com 2-acetilaminofluoreno e hepatectomia parcial a 70%). A eutanásia dos animais ocorreu após 8 semanas de tratamento. Quando comparado ao GC, o grupo AF16, mas não o AF8, apresentou menores nódulos macroscópicos (p<0,05), menor (p<0,05) número de lesões pré-neoplásicas (LPN) persistentes, maior (p<0,05) número de LPN em remodelação, menor (p<0,05) proliferação celular nas LPN persistentes, menos (p<0,05) danos no DNA hepático e tendência (p<0,10) a apresentar menor expressão de c-myc em LPN microdissecadas. Não foram observadas diferenças significativas (p>0,05) entre os grupos experimentais com relação à indução de apoptose nas LPN persistentes e em remodelação bem como no padrão de metilação global do DNA em LPN microdissecadas. Em resumo, a suplementação com AF durante as etapas iniciais da hepatocarcinogênese resultou em atividade quimiopreventiva de forma dose-efeito. Alteração no fenótipo das LPN, inibição de danos no DNA hepático e da expressão de c-myc representam relevantes efeitos celulares e moleculares dessa vitamina. / Dietary intake of folate is inversely associated with the risk of several malignancies. Although folate deficiency is associated with liver cancer, there is no data on folic acid (FA) supplementation during hepatocarcinogenesis. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of FA supplementation during early hepatocarcinogenesis. Rats receiving daily 0.08 mg (FA8 group) or 0.16 mg (FA16 group) of FA/100 g body weight or water (CO group, controls) were used. After a 2 week-treatment, all animals were submitted to the resistant hepatocyte model of hepatocarcinogenesis (initiation with diethylnitrosamine, selection/promotion with 2-acetylaminofluorene and partial hepatectomy). All animals were euthanized after 8 weeks of treatment. When compared to CO group, FA16 group, but not FA8 group, presented: smaller (p < 0.05) macroscopic nodules; reduced (p < 0.05) number of persistent and increased (p < 0.05) number of remodeling preneoplastic lesions (PNL); reduced (p < 0.05) cell proliferation in persistent PNL; decreased (p < 0.05) hepatic DNA damage; and a tendency (p < 0.10) of decreased c-myc expression in microdissected PNL. No differences (p > 0.05) were observed between CO, FA8 and FA16 groups regarding apoptosis in both persistent and remodeling PNL, and global DNA methylation pattern in microdissected PNL. In conclusion, FA supplementation during early hepatocarcinogenesis resulted in a dose-response chemopreventive activity. Reversion of PNL phenotype and inhibition of DNA damage and of c-myc expression represent relevant FA cellular and molecular effects.
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Efeito do alcoolismo crônico sobre a densidade e o reparo ósseo em tíbias de ratos: estudo histométrico e imunohistoquímico / Effect of chronic alcoholism on the density and bone repair in tíbia of rats: immunohistochemical and histometric studyJosé Renato Romero 19 December 2012 (has links)
O tecido ósseo tem como característica estar constantemente em plena absorção e recomposição celular, sendo controlado pela interação de RANKL e OPG. No caso da perda de sua continuidade, ou seja, quando ocorre algum defeito ósseo, sua remodelação leva à restauração e consequente integridade do esqueleto, sendo o seu metabolismo influenciado por fatores hormonais, locais, comportamentais, ambientais e nutricionais; e seu desequilíbrio é um dos maiores obstáculos para a eficácia da remodelação óssea, podendo interferir negativamente na consolidação de fraturas. A ingestão crônica de álcool pode contribuir para esse desequilíbrio, e embora correlações significativas venham sendo relatadas entre o consumo excessivo de álcool e a consolidação óssea, novos estudos devem ser desenvolvidos haja vista a grande disparidade entre o tempo de submissão e a quantidade de ingestão do álcool englobando os diferentes protocolos. Os objetivos desse estudo foram avaliar quantitativamente os efeitos do consumo crônico de álcool no peso, reparo ósseo e densidade óssea em ratos Wistar, além de observarmos qualitativamente as fibras colágenas e a expressão de OPG e RANKL. Para isso, separamos aleatoriamente 30 ratos Wistar em dois grupos , sendo (G1) 15 ratos consumindo solução de aguardente diluída em água por 100 dias com concentração progressiva e controlada (10ºGL, 15ºGL, 20ºGL, 25ºGL e 30ºGL) e 15 ratos não alcoólatras consumindo como dieta líquida somente água (G2). Após o 92º dia do período de indução do alcoolismo, ambos os grupos foram submetidos a um defeito ósseo realizado na tíbia com um motor rotacional contendo uma broca com tamanho de 3 mm de diâmetro. Após 8 dias após o procedimento cirúrgico os animais foram eutanasiados em câmara de C02, as tíbias foram removidas e aparadas nas proximidades do defeito ósseo para que fossem processadas através de secções histológicas descalcificadas. A porcentagem de osso neoformado e a densidade óssea foram avaliadas histometricamente. Através da imunohistoquimica observamos a expressão de OPG e RANKL e através de reação histoquímica pelo método Picro-sirius Red, estudamos o padrão de birrefringência das fibras colágenas. Como resultados, pudemos observar que o peso dos animais, a densidade e remodelação ósseas foram menores no grupo alcoólico. Encontramos também efeitos negativos em relação à qualidade e organização das fibras colágenas, bem como diferenciação na expressão de RANKL e OPG nos diferentes grupos. Nossos resultados demonstram que o protocolo proposto de ingestão de álcool exerce efeitos negativos no ganho de peso e qualidade óssea quando comparado ao grupo controle. / The osseous tissue features the continuous cellular absorption and recomposition regulated by the interaction of the Receptor activator of nuclear factor kappa- β ligand (RANKL) and Osteoprotegerin (OPG). In case its continuity is lost, that is, any kind of bone injury, its remodeling leads to restoration and consequent skeletal integrity and its metabolism is influenced by hormonal, local, behavioral, environmental and nutritional factors; its imbalance is one of the biggest obstacles to the efficiency of bone remodeling, and it might interfere negatively with fracture healing. The chronic consumption of alcohol may contribute to this imbalance, and, although significant correlations between the excessive alcohol intake and bone consolidation have been reported, new studies must be developed considering the great variety of protocols which approach the time of exposure and quantity of alcohol intake. The objective of this study was to verify quantitatively the effects of chronic alcohol consumption on body weight, bone healing and density in rats. It was also observed quantitatively the collagenous fibers and the expression of OPG and RANKL. For this purpose, 30 Wistar rats were randomly divided into two groups: G1 (group 1) consisted in 15 rats which had, for 100 days, a liquid diet of liquor diluted in water with a progressive and controlled concentration (10°GL, 15°GL, 20°GL, 25°GL and 30°GL); G2 (group 2) consisted in 15 rats on a liquid diet of only water and free of alcohol. After the 92nd day of the induction period of alcoholism, tibial defects of 3 mm in diameter were created in both groups and after 8 days from this surgery procedure the animals were euthanized in a CO2 chamber. The tibiae were removed and cut next to the bone defect in order to be processed through decalcified histological sections. The percentage of renovated bone and osseous density were submitted to histometric analysis. Through immunohistochemistry, the expression of OPG and RANKL were analyzed and using Picrosirius red staining method, the birefringence pattern of the collagen fibers was studied. As a result, it was verified that the body weight of the animals, the osseous density and bone remodeling were smaller in G1; negative effects regarding to the collagen fibers quality and organization and a differentiation in the expression of OPG and RANKL were also found in both groups. Conclusion: these results show that the proposed protocol of alcohol intake produces negative effects in the gain of body weight and bone quality when compared to the control group.
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Etude des voies de signalisation impliquées dans la phosphorylation des protéines du myofilament dans l’insuffisance cardiaque / Study of signaling pathways involved in the phosphorylation of proteins of the myofilament heart failureBouvet, Marion 16 December 2015 (has links)
Avec plus de 3,5 millions de nouveaux cas diagnostiqués chaque année, l’insuffisance cardiaque (IC) touche actuellement plus de 15 millions d’européens et représente ainsi la première cause de mortalité cardiovasculaire en Europe. Malgré les avancées de la recherche cardiovasculaire, l’IC reste une maladie grave et de mauvais pronostic. En effet, plus de 50% des patients meurent dans les 5 années suivant le diagnostic. La compréhension des mécanismes physiopathologiques sous-jacents, encore largement inconnus, permettrait de développer des thérapeutiques visant à soigner les causes de l’IC plutôt que les conséquences et ainsi d’améliorer la prise en charge des patients. La contribution majeure des modifications post-traductionnelles (MPTs) dans la régulation de l’expression génique, de l’activité enzymatique ainsi que dans la régulation fonctionnelle des protéines font des MPTs les intégrateurs de l'adaptation dynamique du phénotype. C’est pourquoi l’équipe a réalisé des analyses phosphoprotéomiques dans un modèle expérimental d’IC chez le rat à 2 mois post-infarctus du myocarde (IDM). Ces analyses ont permis de mettre en évidence d’une augmentation du niveau de phosphorylation en sérine de la Desmine dans les ventricules gauches (VG) de rats IC par rapport aux témoins.Notre étude vise à identifier d’une part les kinases impliquées dans la phosphorylation de la Desmine et d’autre part à déterminer l’impact de l’augmentation de la forme phosphorylée de la Desmine sur son devenir dans le modèle in vivo.Par analyse bioinformatique, nous avons sélectionné les kinases potentiellement impliquées dans la phosphorylation de la Desmine. L’étude de la régulation de ces kinases dans le modèle d’IC chez le rat a permis de mettre en évidence la présence d’une plus grande quantité d’unités actives de PKC zeta et de GSK3 beta dans les VG de rats IC à 2 mois post-IDM. In vitro, l’inhibition de PKC zeta entraîne à la fois une diminution de l’activité GSK3 beta ainsi qu’une modulation du profil de phosphorylation de la Desmine. L’ensemble de ces données suggère l’implication de PKC zeta et de GSK3 beta dans l’augmentation du niveau de phosphorylation de la Desmine dans le modèle d’IC chez le rat. Néanmoins, leur action directe sur la Desmine, en cascade ou encore indirecte via d’autres partenaires reste encore à définir.Par immunofluorescence, nous avons mis en évidence la présence d'agrégats de Desmine dans les VG de rats IC à 2 mois post-IDM possiblement formés suite à son hyperphosphorylation. Nous avons émis l’hypothèse que ces agrégats de Desmine, comme toute protéine agrégée, seraient toxiques pour le cardiomyocyte et nécessiteraient l'intervention des systèmes protéolytiques pour être éliminés afin d'assurer la survie cellulaire. L’étude du système ubiquitine protéasome, de la macroautophagie et de l’autophagie médiée par le chaperonnes (CMA) dans le modèle d’IC chez le rat à 7 jours, 1 et 2 mois post-IDM suggère que l’inefficacité de la macroautophagie à 7 jours post-IDM et la diminution de son activité au cours du temps entraînerait une accumulation cytosolique de Desmine phosphorylée mais également l’induction de la CMA afin d’assurer la clairance de cette dernière. In vitro, nous avons montré que l’induction pharmacologique de la CMA entraîne une diminution du niveau de Desmine ainsi qu’une modulation de son profil de phosphorylation.L’augmentation de phosphorylation en sérine de la Desmine dans les VG de rats IC à 2 mois, dépendante de la PKC zeta et/ou GSK3 beta, semble entraîner l’accumulation cytosolique de Desmine ainsi que la formation d’agrégats dans les VG de rat IC qui pourraient participer à la dysfonction contractile observée au cours de l’IC. En réponse à l'inefficacité de la macroautophagie, la CMA serait activée afin d’assurer l’élimination de la Desmine phosphorylée et ainsi la survie du cardiomyocyte au cours de l’IC. / With over 3,5 million new cases each year, heart failure (HF) currently affects more than 15 million of European individuals and thus represents the leading cause of cardiovascular mortality in Europe. Despite advances in cardiovascular research, HF remains a serious disease with poor prognosis. Indeed, more than 50 per cent of patients die within 5 years after diagnosis. Understanding the underlying physiopathological mechanisms would allow the development of therapeutics to treat the causes of HF rather than the consequences of the disease, thereby improving the medical care of patients. The major contribution of post-translational modifications (PTMs) in the regulation of gene expression, enzyme activity as well as in the functional regulation of proteins, turns PTMs into integrators of the dynamic adaptation of the phenotype. For this reason, the team performed phosphoproteomic analyses in an experimental rat model of HF at 2 monhs following myocardial infarction (MI). These analyses revealed an increase of the phosphorylation levels of Desmin at serine residues in left ventricles (LV) of HF rats compared to sham rats.The aim of our study is to identify the kinases which are implicated in Desmin phosphorylation on one hand, and the impact and behavior of increased phosphorylated Desmin in cardiomyocyte on the other hand.By bioinformatic analysis, we first selected the kinases which are potentially implicated in Desmin phosphorylation. Then, we studied the enzymatic regulation of selected kinases in an experimental rat model of HF, which allowed the identification of active PKC zeta and GSK3 beta in the LV of HF rats at 2 months. In vitro, pharmacological inhibition of PKC zeta leads to a decreased of GSK3 beta activity as well as a modulation of the phosphorylated Desmin profiles. Taken together, these data suggest an implication of PKC zeta and GSK3 beta in the increase of Desmin phosphorylation levels in the LV of HF rats. However, their direct, consecutive or indirect implication on Desmin phosphorylation remains to be evaluated.By immunofluorescence, we observed the presence of aggregated Desmin in LV of HF rats at 2 months post-MI that suggest that these could be the result of Desmin hyperphosphorylation. We hypothesized that these Desmin aggregates, like other aggregated proteins, could be toxic for cardiomyocytes and need to be cleared by proteolytic systems to ensure cell survival.The study of proteolytic systems in the in vivo model showed that while the UPS is not modulated all along LV remodeling, macroautophagy decreases with time and could thus drive cytosolic accumulation of phosphorylated Desmin in LV of HF rats. At the same time, CMA seems to be activated thereby ensure phosphorylated Desmin clearance. In vitro, we have shown that pharmacological induction of CMA results in lower phosphorylated Desmin levels.In conclusion, increased Desmin phosphorylation levels seems to be dependent of PKC zeta and/or GSK3 beta activation in LV of HF rats at 2 months after MI. This elevation could drive the cytosolic accumulation and aggregation of Desmin, which could be involved in the contractile dysfunction observed during HF. Finally, as a result of decreased macroautophagy, CMA could be activated in LV of HF rats to ensure phosphorylated Desmin clearance and thus cardiomyocyte survival.
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Bone as a target for persistent organic pollutantsKoskela, A. (Antti) 05 December 2016 (has links)
Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) are ubiquitous and bioaccumulative man-made chemicals, resistant to chemical, biological and photolytic degradation and widely distributed to sediments, wildlife, and human. Many of these chemicals have adverse effects on a variety of targets, including the endocrine system, organogenesis and reproduction. Due to these effects and wide distribution, many of them are either banned or strictly controlled. However, because of persistency, they continue to interact with organisms globally.
Despite the existing knowledge of the adverse effects of POPs, the effects of many chemicals on bone tissue are still poorly known. In the present study, we investigated the adverse effects of three common POPs, including tributyltin (TBT), 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) and perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) on the skeletal system. In vitro models were used to study the effects of PFOA in mouse and in human, and the co-effects of TBT and TCDD on differentiating osteoblasts and osteoclasts of mice. An in vivo model for mice was used to study the developmental effects of maternal PFOA-exposure on pups among with morphometrical and biomechanical property analyses. Mass-spectrometry was used to study the presence of PFOA in bones both in mice and in human, the latter acquired from the bone bank held in the Oulu University Hospital, Finland. The bones were also analyzed with cone beam computer tomography and microcomputer tomography.
The results show that PFOA exposure in utero and during lactation leads to the accumulation of PFOA in bone, traceable even 17 months after exposure. PFOA exposure decreased the mineral density of the tibias and increased the medullary area. Nearly all of the human samples contained PFAS, including PFOA. PFOA also disturbed the differentiation of osteoblasts and with lower doses, increased bone resorption of osteoclasts both in mouse and human, the phenomenon being slightly stronger in mice. Co-exposure to TBT and TCDD led to decreased differentiation of osteoblasts and osteoclast, and the co-effect was partially synergistic in osteoblasts.
These results show disruption of bone development, bone cell differentiation, and PFAS accumulation in bone. Further studies are recommended to evaluate the co-effects of different POPs and the possible effects of long-term accumulation of POPs in bone and other tissues. / Tiivistelmä
Pysyvät orgaaniset ympäristömyrkyt (POP-yhdisteet) ovat kemikaaleja, jotka ovat levinneet ihmisen toiminnan seurauksena laajalle ympäristöön, sen eliöihin ja ihmisiin. Monilla POP-yhdisteillä on haitallisia vaikutuksia esimerkiksi hormonaaliseen toimintaan, elinten muodostukseen ja hedelmällisyyteen. Toksisten vaikutusten ja niiden yleisyyden vuoksi monien POP-yhdisteiden käyttö on joko rajattua tai kielletty kokonaan. Laajan levinneisyytensä ja hitaan puoliintumisaikansa takia POP-yhdisteet ovat kuitenkin edelleen vuorovaikutuksessa ympäristön ja sen eliöiden kanssa.
POP-yhdisteiden luustovaikutuksista tiedetään edelleen vähän. Tässä väitöskirjassa tutkittiin kolmen yleisen POP-yhdisteen, tributyylitinan (TBT), 2,3,7,8-tetraklooridibentso-p-dioksiinin (TCDD) ja perfluoro-oktaanihapon (PFOA), vaikutuksia luustoon. PFOA:n vaikutuksia hiiren ja ihmisen luustoon sekä TBT:n ja TCDD:n yhteisvaikutuksia hiiren erilaistuvien osteoblastien ja osteoklastien suhteen selvitettiin in vitro -malleilla. In vivo -mallilla tutkittiin hiiriemon PFOA-altistuksen vaikutusta syntyvien poikasten luuston kehitykseen ja remodelaatioon analysoimalla poikkileikekuvia sekä luiden biomekaanisia ominaisuuksia. Lisäksi luiden PFOA-pitoisuudet mitattiin massaspektrometrilla. Tutkimusta laajennettiin ihmiseen analysoimalla Oulun yliopistollisen sairaalan luupankkinäytteitä. Ihmisnäytteet analysoitiin myös kartiokeila-TT:n ja mikro-TT:n avulla.
Tulosten mukaan PFOA kertyy luuhun; hiiriltä voitiin mitata PFOA-pitoisuuksia jopa 17 kuukautta altistumisen jälkeen. Lisäksi PFOA-altistus pienensi luun mineraalitiheyttä ja kasvatti luuydinontelon tilavuutta. Lähes kaikki ihmisluunäytteet sisälsivät PFOA:ta ja muita PFAS-yhdisteitä. Solukokeiden perusteella PFOA-altistus häiritsee osteoblastien erilaistumista ja pienillä pitoisuuksilla lisää osteoklastien luunhajotusta sekä hiirellä että ihmisellä. TBT:n ja TCDD:n yhteisaltistus vaikuttaa puolestaan vähentävän sekä osteoblastien että osteoklastien erilaistumista ja toimintaa; osteoblastien osalta yhteisvaikutus oli osaksi synergistinen.
Väitöskirja antaa lisätietoa POP-yhdisteiden vaikutuksista luun kehitykseen ja luusolujen erilaistumiseen sekä PFAS-yhdisteiden kertymisestä luuhun. Väitöksessä myös suositellaan lisätutkimuksia yhdisteiden yhteisvaikutuksista sekä pitkän aikavälin ympäristökemikaalikertymän vaikutuksista luussa ja muissa kudoksissa.
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Le rôle du complexe de remodelage de la chromatine NURF dans les mélanocytes et les mélanomes / The role of the NURF chromatin remodeling complex in melanocytes and melanomaKoludrovic, Dana 30 September 2014 (has links)
Le mélanome est un cancer de la peau très agressif. Microphthalmia-associated transcription factor (MITF) est un facteur de transcription clé contrôlant le développement de la lignée mélanocytaire, ainsi que la prolifération et l’invasion des cellules de mélanome. Pour mieux comprendre les fonctions de MITF, nous avons identifié ses cofacteurs impliques dans la régulation de la transcription. Nous avons montré que le complexe de remodelage de la chromatine NURF interagit avec MITF. Ma thèse a consisté à élucider le rôle de NURF dans le mélanome et les mélanocytes. La perte de BPTF, la principale sous-unité de ce complexe, induit un arrêt de la prolifération et une entrée en senescence des cellules de mélanome. Nous avons montré que BPTF et MITF coopèrent pour réguler l’expression de gènes impliqués dans la prolifération and invasion suggérant que BPTF et un cofacteur de MITF. De façon inattendue, l’inactivation de BPTF spécifiquement dans les mélanocytes entraine la perte progressive et totale de la pigmentation du pelage en raison de l’incapacité des cellules souches mélanocytaire à produire une descendance fonctionnelle. C’est la première fois que l’interaction fonctionnelle entre NURF et MITF est démontrée in vitro, complétée par des observations phénotypique uniques in vivo, contribuant à la compréhension de la biologie des mélanocytes et du mélanome. / Melanoma is a highly aggressive form of skin cancer. Microphthalmia-associated transcription factor (MITF) isa key regulator of development of the melanocyte lineage and proliferation and invasion of melanoma cells.To further elucidate the functions of MITF, we identified factors co-regulating transcription with MITF. We identified the NURF chromatin-remodeling complex as MITF interactor. My thesis aims to elucidate the role of NURF in melanoma and melanocytes. Loss of BPTF, the principal subunit of the complex, led to arrest of proliferation and entry into senescence of melanoma lines. We showed BPTF and MITF co-regulate genes involved in proliferation and invasion suggesting that BPTF acts as cofactor for MITF. Remarkably, the mouse model of melanocyte-specific BPTF ablation led to progressive and complete loss of coat pigmentation due to the inability of the melanocyte stem cells to produce functional progeny. This is the first report of NURF-MITF functional interaction in vitro, complemented with a unique in vivo phenotype, both adding to a general understanding of melanocyte and melanoma biology.
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Sénescence, remodelage tissulaire et membranaire, risque thrombotique au cours de la fibrillation auriculaire / Senescence, tissue and membrane remodeling, thrombotic risk in atrial fibrillationJesel-Morel, Laurence 21 September 2016 (has links)
Nos travaux montrent qu’au cours de la fibrillation atriale (FA), les microparticules (MP) reflètent et contribuent à un état d’hypercoagulabilité et pro-inflammatoire. Leurs concentrations similaires dans les deux oreillettes de patients en FA témoignent d’une absence de différence de statut pro-thrombotique entre ces deux cavités cardiaques. Au cours des procédures d’ablation de FA, les concentrations de MP évoluent parallèlement à l’augmentation de l’activation cellulaire et plaquettaire. Nous avons également montré dans l'altération tissulaire des oreillettes en FA, l'importance de la sénescence qui évolue avec la progression du trouble du rythme. Nous avons caractérisé un modèle cellulaire de sénescence réplicative de cellules endothéliales auriculaires de porc permettant d'identifier l'apparition d'un phénotype pro-thrombotique, pro-inflammatoire, pro-adhésif et de mieux comprendre la physiologie de la cellule endothéliale atriale sénescente et le rôle majeur du système rénine-angiotensine dans ces mécanismes. / Our data evidence that during atrial fibrillation (AF), microparticles (MP) contribute to an enhanced hypercoagulable and pro-inflammatory state. Similar concentrations of MP measured in left and right atria of AF patients highlight the absence of chamber-specific enhanced thrombogenic status. During AF ablation procedures, MP concentrations progress in parallel with cell and platelet activation. We also showed that AF progression is strongly related to human atrial senescence burden pointing toward a possible network that links in human atrium, senescence burden, endothelial dysfunction, thrombogenicity and atrial remodeling. We also developed a model of left atrium endothelial cell replicative senescence providing compelling evidences indicating that atrial endothelial senescence promotes thrombogenicity, inflammation and proteolysis. These data underline the major role of renin-angiotensin system in endothelial atrial cell senescence.
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Protein trafficking and host cell remodeling in malaria parasite infection / Le trafic des protéines et le remodelage de la cellule hôte dans l'infection par le parasite du paludismeCurra, Chiara 05 July 2010 (has links)
Pour assurer ses besoins de croissance, multiplication, et survie, Plasmodium modifie sa cellule hôte, l'érythrocyte, après l'invasion. Le parasite met en place ainsi un système d'échanges (import/export) avec sa cellule hôte et le milieu extérieur. Nous avons identifié dans la base de données de Plasmodium berghei, le parasite de rongeurs, une famille de gènes, sep, correspondant à la famille etramp chez Plasmodium falciparum. Cette famille de gènes code pour des petites protéines exportées, et conservées dans tout le genre Plasmodium. Les protéines SEP (13?16 kDa) contiennent en N-terminal un peptide signal prédit, un domaine hydrophobe interne, et elles diffèrent au niveau des régions C-terminal et 3' UTR. Toutefois, les protéines SEP sont exprimées à différents moments du cycle de Plasmodium. Durant le cycle érythrocytaire, PbSEP1 et PbSEP3 sont exprimées à partir du stade trophozoïte, et la même quantité de protéine est détectée au stade schizonte et gamétocyte, pendant que PbSEP3 est hautement détectée dans les trophozoïtes mûrs et les gamétocytes. Chez le moustique, PbSEP1 et PbSEP3 sont détectées seulement chez les ookinètes, alors que PbSEP2 est très abondante dans les ookinètes, oocystes, et sporozoïtes des glandes salivaires. Les protéines SEP ont également des localisations différentes. Dans l'érythrocyte, PbSEP1 est localisée dans la membrane de la vacuole parasitophore, alors que PbSEP2 et PbSEP3 sont exportées au-delà de cette vacuole, et sont ainsi localisées dans la cellule hôte, en association avec des structures vésiculaires. Dans cette étude, nous avons identifié les signaux d'adressage des protéines SEP dans la vacuole parasitophore et dans la cellule hôte, chez Plasmodium berghei. L'autre partie du travail, effectuée à l'Université de Montpellier II, a consisté à étudier la localisation de deux protéines du squelette sous- membranaire de l'érythrocyte, la dématine, et l'adducine, durant le développement intra-érythrocytaire de Plasmodium falciparum. Le but de cette étude étant d'identifier un mécanisme potentiel d'internalisation des composants du squelette sous-membranaire de l'érythrocyte dans le parasite. Des études d'immuno-localisation ont montré que la dématine et l'adducine sont internalisées à partir du stade trophozoïte, et sont localisées probablement à la vacuole parasitophore (membrane et/ou lumière). Cette internalisation a été confirmée par des études de fractionnement cellulaire et d'accessibilité à la protéinase K, montrant que la dématine est totalement internalisée, alors l'adducine ne l'est que partiellement, suggérant une localisation de la protéine à la périphérie du parasite. / Plasmodium endurance depends on the ability of the parasite to reorganize the cytosol of the erythrocyte, a terminally differentiated cell, and remodel its skeleton membrane immediately after invasion. In this way the parasite can organize the import/export of the molecules necessary to its survival. The comprehension of cellular trafficking mechanisms which occur during Plasmodium infection is a very important step and fundamental contribute to understand the biology of the malaria parasite.We identified in database of the rodent malaria parasite Plasmodium berghei the gene family sep, corresponding to etramp in P. falciparum, encoding small exported proteins conserved in the genus Plasmodium. SEP proteins (13?16 kDa) contain a predicted signal peptide at the NH2-terminus, an internal hydrophobic region while they differ in their C-terminal region; the genes share the upstream regulative region while differ in the 3' UTR. Despite this, we showed that SEPs have a different timing of expression and a different localization: in the erythrocytic cycle PbSEP1 and PbSEP3 start to be expressed at trophozoite and the same amount of protein is detected also in schizonts and gametocytes, while PbSEP2 is highly detected in mature trophozoites and even more in gametocytes. In mosquitoes stages PbSEP1 and PbSEP3 are expressed only in ookinetes, while PbSEP2 is very abundant in ookinetes, oocysts and in sporozoites of the salivary glands. SEPs also have a different localization in the iRBC: PbSEP1 is targeted to the membrane of the parasitophorous vacuole, while PbSEP2 and 3 are exported beyond the parasite membrane and translocated to the host cell compartment in association with vesicle-like structures. In this study we identified the specific signals necessary for the correct timing of expression and to direct SEP proteins to the vacuolar membrane and to the host cell compartments.The second part of the work was carried out in Montpellier II University and aims to identify the localization of two RBC membrane skeleton components, dematin and adducin, during Plasmodium falciparum infection. Our purpose is to recognize a possible mechanism of internalization of host cytoskeleton components to the parasite compartments. In fact, IFA experiments carried on iRBCs showed that dematin and adducin start to be internalized at trophozoite stage and localize at the periphery of the parasite, most probably at the parasitophoruos vacuole (PV) membrane/lumen. Dematin and adducin internalization during Plasmodium infection is also demonstrated by subcellular fractionation and proteinase K assay: while dematin is fully internalized, adducin is partially protected and suggesting a localization of the protein at the periphery of the parasite where it can be exposed to PK degradation.
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Bestimmung der Quantität der mRNA ausgewählter Proteine der extrazellulären Matrix des Alveolarknochens mithilfe der real-time RT-PCR / Determining the mRNA quantity of selected proteins of the extracellular matrix in the alveolar boneGroße Steffen, Christian 25 July 2017 (has links)
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