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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Quantification of length-bias in screening trials with covariate-dependent test sensitivity /

Heltshe, Sonya Lenore. January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D. in Biostatistics, Department of Preventive Medicine and Biometrics) -- University of Colorado Denver, 2007. / Typescript. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 89-93). Free to UCD affiliates. Online version available via ProQuest Digital Dissertations;

Comparação dos critérios de agressividade do câncer de próstata diagnosticado por rastreamento no Brasil, em idades superior e inferior a 70 anos / Comparison of criteria of aggressiveness of prostate cancer diagnosed by screening in Brazil, at ages above and below 70 years

Rafael Ribeiro Mori 06 December 2016 (has links)
Introdução: O câncer de próstata é a neoplasia maligna não-cutânea mais frequente nos homens brasileiros. Seu rastreamento é tema controverso na literatura, e a maioria das entidades médicas não recomenda sua realização a partir dos 70 anos. Não existem estudos sobre suas características nessa faixa etária da população brasileira, que não é submetida a rastreamento ativo sistemático. Objetivos: Avaliar a prevalência e critérios de agressividade do câncer de próstata diagnosticado por rastreamento ativo em homens com idade inferior e superior a 70 anos no Brasil. Pacientes e métodos: Estudo transversal retrospectivo incluindo 17.571 voluntários no Brasil, submetidos a rastreamento ativo através de toque retal e dosagem sérica do antígeno prostático específico (PSA), entre janeiro de 2004 e dezembro de 2007. Os critérios de indicação para a biópsia foram: PSA>4,0ng/ml, ou PSA entre 2,5 e 4,0ng/ml com relação PSA livre/total <=15%, ou toque retal suspeito. Todos os homens rastreados foram divididos em dois grupos etários: grupo A, entre 45 e 69 anos; grupo B, acima de 70 anos. Os grupos foram comparados com relação a prevalência e critérios de agressividade da doença (valor do PSA sérico, escore de Gleason da biópsia e estadiamento clínico TNM). Resultados e discussão: A prevalência do câncer de próstata na nossa amostra foi de 3,71%. O grupo dos homens com mais de 70 anos apresentou prevalência da doença 2,9 vezes maior (RP 2,90; p <0,001), o valor médio de PSA foi mais elevado nos acometidos (17,28ng/ml no grupo B versus 9,54ng/ml no grupo A), assim como ocorreu maior chance de haver portadores de câncer com PSA acima de 10,0ng/ml (OR 2,63; p=0,003). No grupo de homens com mais de 70 anos também houve uma prevalência 3,59 vezes maior do padrão histológico mais agressivo (Gleason 8-10: RP 3,59; p<0,001) e maior prevalência de doença metastática (RP 4,95; p<0,05). Conclusão: O rastreamento do câncer de próstata nos homens com idade acima de 70 anos e expectativa de vida superior a 10 anos pode ser relevante no Brasil. Neste grupo etário detectamos uma maior prevalência desta doença, quando comparado ao grupo de idade entre 45 e 69 anos. Nosso estudo também demonstrou que o grupo de homens com mais de 70 anos possui maior probabilidade de apresentar doença de alto risco ao diagnóstico (PSA sérico mais elevado e em faixas de maior risco; escore de Gleason 8 a 10 e disseminação metastática à distância mais frequentes) / Background: Prostate cancer (PC) is the leading non-cutaneous malignancy among Brazilian men. PC may present as an indolent or aggressive life-threatening disease. There is no consensus in the literature regarding PC screening, and most medical organizations do not recommend it over the age of 70 years old. There are no studies in the literature addressing this topic in the Brazilian population. Objectives: To compare the prevalence and the aggressiveness of prostate cancer diagnosed, by active screening, in men under and over 70 years. Patients and methods: We performed a retrospective cross-sectional study including 17,571 volunteers. Screening was performed by digital rectal examination and prostatespecific antigen (PSA) measurement. Individuals who met the criteria for PC suspicion (PSA>4.0ng/ml, or PSA 2.5-4.0ng/ml with free/total PSA ratio <=15%, or suspicious digital rectal examination) underwent prostate biopsy. Those diagnosed with cancer were staged. The screened men were stratified by age in two groups: group A, between 45 and 69 years old, and group B, over 70 years old. The groups were compared regarding PC prevalence and its aggressiveness criteria (seric PSA value, Gleason score from biopsy and TNM staging). Results and discussion: The prevalence of prostate cancer was 3.71% in all population. The group of men over 70 years old had disease prevalence 2.9 times higher (RP 2.90; p<0.001); higher mean PSA value in men diagnosed with prostate cancer (17.28ng/ml vs. 9.54ng/ml); and greater likelihood to present PC when PSA level was above 10.0ng/ml (OR 2.63; p=0.003), when compared with men between 45 and 69 years old. The group of men aged over 70 years also presented a prevalence of histologic aggressive disease 3.59 times higher (Gleason 8-10: RP 3.59, p<0.001) and greater prevalence of metastatic disease (RP 4,95; p<0,05). Conclusion: Our study reveals that men over 70 years old presented a higher prevalence of prostate cancer and a higher probability to present high-risk disease at diagnosis (higher PSA; Gleason score 8-10 and metastatic disease more frequent), when compared to men aged 45-69 years. Screening for prostate cancer in men aged over 70 years and life expectancy over 10 years may be relevant in Brazil

Avaliação inicial de um programa de detecção precoce do câncer de mama, por meio de mamografia, na região de Barretos / Initial evaluation of the breast cancer early detection program, based on mammography, at Barretos region

Raphael Luiz Haikel Junior 03 August 2010 (has links)
O câncer de mama é a neoplasia maligna mais prevalente entre as mulheres no mundo e representa 23% de todos os cânceres femininos. Buscou-se avaliar a implementação de um programa de rastreamento mamográfico para as mulheres que vivem na área de Barretos usando uma unidade móvel (UM) e uma unidade fixa (UF). Um total de 54.238 mulheres com idade entre 40 a 69 anos reside nesta área e são elegíveis para a participação no programa. Os dados epidemiológicos das mulheres foram examinadas entre 01 de abril de 2003 e 31 de março de 2005. A análise estatística foi constituída pela avaliação das freqüências dos parâmetros clínicos e as características do tumor usando o teste de Qui-quadrado com correção de Bonferroni, com valor de confiança de p<0,05. Um total de 17.964 mulheres (media de 51 anos de idade) foram efetivamente examinadas por mamografia, o que representou 33,1% de todas as mulheres elegíveis (18,6 exames por dia na UF e 26,3 na UM). Setenta e seis casos foram diagnosticados como câncer de mama (41, ou 54%, no UM), o que representa 4,2 casos de câncer de mama para cada 1.000 exames. Foi observada diferença significativa na detecção de câncer entre mulheres com idade entre 50-59 e 60-69 anos (p<0,001) e com idade entre 40-49 e 60-69 anos (p<0,001). Não foram observadas diferenças entre 40 a 49 e 50-59 anos (p = 0,164). O programa de rastreamento mamografico é viável no território nacional e os resultados preliminares são animadores / Breast cancer is the most prevalent malignancy among women worldwide and enrolls 23% of all female cancers. We sought to evaluate the implementation of a screening program for women who living in Barretos county area using a mobile unit (MU) and a fixed unit (FU). A total of 54,238 women aged 40 to 69 years is living in this area and are eligible for breast screening. Epidemiologic-based data supported the study design and the women were examined from April 01, 2003 to March 31, 2005. Statistical analysis supported the evaluation of clinical parameters frequencies and tumor characteristics using Chi-test and Bonferroni correction test, with confidence value of p<0,05. Overall of 17,964 women (media of 51 years old) were effectively examined by mammogram which represented 33,1% of all eligible women (18,6 in RA and 26,3 exams in MU per day). Seventy-six cases were diagnosed as breast cancer (41, or 54%, at MU), which represents 4,2 cases of breast cancer for each 1.000 exams. It was observed significant difference of cancer detection between women aged 50 to 59 and 60 to 69 yrs (p<0, 001) and between women aged 40 to 49 and 60 to 69 yrs (p<0,001). No differences were observed between aged 40 to 49 and 50 to 59 yrs (p=0,164). The program for mammogram screening is feasible to be implementing in Brazil territory and the preliminary results are encouraging

Prevalencija faktora rizika za nastanak raka dojke kod žena koje su obuhvaćene nacionalnim skrining programom na teritoriji Autonomne Pokrajine Vojvodine / Prevalence of risk factors for breast cancer in women covered by the National screening program on the territory of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina

Rajčević Smiljana 01 November 2019 (has links)
<p>Rak dojke je trenutno po incidenciji vodeća maligna bolest kod žena kako u razvijenim tako i u zemljama u razvoju. Osnovni cilj istraživanja bio je da se defini&scaron;u faktori rizika u populaciji žena uzrasta 50-69 godina koje su obuhvaćene Nacionalnim skrining programom ranog otkrivanja raka dojke mamografijom na teritoriji Autonomne Pokrajine Vojvodine (APV). U istraživanju je kori&scaron;ćena retrospektivno-prospektivna studija. Za potrebe istraživanja formirana je grupa obolelih žena i kontrolna grupa žena na teritoriji APV. Istraživanje je obuhvatilo 510 žena sa teritorije AP Vojvodine, uzrasta od 50 do 69 godina. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su da su se kao značajni prediktori raka dojke u na&scaron;em istraživanju izdvojili: 1. Hormonska terapija &ndash; one osobe koje su uzimale hormonsku terapiju značajno imaju veću verovatnoću da imaju rak dojke i obrnuto. 2. Prethodna maligna bolest &ndash; osobe koje su prethodno imale neku drugu malignu bolest imaju manju &scaron;ansu da imaju rak dojke&nbsp; 3. One žene koje vr&scaron;e samokontrolu dojke če&scaron;će su u nekliničkom uzorku. 4. Žene koje su u grupi starijih su če&scaron;će u kliničkom uzorku. 5. One osobe koje imaju u porodici nekog ko je oboleo od raka dojke če&scaron;će i same oboljevaju. Ovo je prvo istraživanje o faktorima rizika za rak dojke na populaciji žena AP Vojvodine u okviru Nacionalnog programa ranog otkrivanja raka dojke. Rezultati istraživanja daju osnove za buduća istraživanja iz ove oblasti, takođe mogu da utiču na podizanje svesti žena o značaju redovnih pregleda i ranom otkrivanju raka dojke kao i pružanje podr&scaron;ke programu skrininga.</p> / <p>Breast cancer is currently theleading malignant disease in women both in developed and developing countries. The main goal of the research was to define risk factors in the population of women aged 50-69 years, covered by the National Screening Program for Early Detection of Breast Cancer by Mammography on the territory of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina. The researchwasconducted asretrospective-prospective study. For the purpose of the research,were formed a group of diseased women and a control group of women in the territory of AP Vojvodina . The research involved 510 women with the territory of AP Vojvodina, aged 50 to 69 years. The results of the study showed that as significant predictors ofbreast cancer in our study. 1.Hormone Therapy -Those who have taken hormone therapy are significantly more likely to have breast cancer and vice versa. 2. Pre-existing malignant disease -people who previously had any other malignant disease have a lowerchance of having breast cancer 3. Women who perform self-control of their breasts are more often in a non-clinical sampl.e 4. Women in the elderly group are more often in the clinical sample. 5. Those who have a family member who has breast cancer are more likely to suffer from their own illness. This is the first study on the risk factors for breast cancer in the population of AP Vojvodina women within the National Breast Cancer Screening Program. The results of the research provide the basics for future research in this area, they can also help raise women&#39;s awareness of the importance of regular screening and early detection of breast cancer, as well as supporting the screening program</p>

Mainland Chinese women's perception of risk of cervical cancer: a model to understand factors determining cervical screening behavior. / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection

January 2010 (has links)
A model was developed in this study to understand women's cervical screening behaviour. It revealed that the interaction among institutional factors, risk appraisal, coping appraisal, and health beliefs and cultural factors contributed to the complex nature of screening behaviour among Chinese women. The institutional component provided the contextual factors within which women perceived the risk of cervical cancer, perceived the practice of cervical screening, and decided to take or not to take cervical screening. Risk appraisal provided the premise factor that induces women to seek coping strategies to reduce or remove the risk. During the process of coping appraisal, women's motivation to have cervical screening could be increased or decreased as the perceived benefits and costs of screening interacted with each other. The importance of the women's health beliefs and cultural factors was reflected in the way that they were affected by their notions of health behaviour and their cultural beliefs about cervical cancer risk and cervical screening participation. Commitment to participate in screening was a reinforcing factor inducing women to take up an offer of cervical screening. / Aim: To explore the knowledge and the perception of the risk of cervical cancer, identify the factors determining cervical screening behaviour, and develop a model to understand cervical screening behaviour among women in mainland China. / Background: Cervical cancer is the most common type of cancer, and is the second most common cause of cancer death in women in mainland China. Cervical screening is the most important intervention for the secondary prevention of cervical cancer. Theories of health behaviour and empirical research highlight risk perception as a significant factor motivating people to opt for cancer screening. However, little is known about the risk perception of cervical cancer and the factors influencing the screening participation of women in mainland China. / Conclusion: This study provides evidence of the complex factors influencing cervical screening behaviour and contributes new knowledge to the understanding of cervical screening behaviour within the Chinese cultural context. It further informs programmes for the promotion of cervical screening among this population. / Methods: A mixed method design consisting of two phases was used, employing both quantitative and qualitative methods of data collection. First, a cross-sectional survey was conducted to collect a baseline assessment of women's knowledge of cervical cancer and screening, their perceptions of the risk of cervical cancer, and the relationship between these factors and their cervical screening behaviour. Findings from this phase also guided the purposive sampling of participants in phase two. / Results: The findings from phase one demonstrated that the availability of an organized screening programme was a major motivator for women to opt for cervical screening. Multivariate analysis shows that having children (OR=2.57, p=0.026), a perception that visiting doctors regularly is important for health (OR-2.66, p=0.025), average (OR-4.84, 1)=0.006) and high levels of knowledge about cervical screening (OR-9.66, p=0.001) were significantly associated with having been screened in the previous three years. / Then in phase two, qualitative research was conducted using semi-structured interviews of 27 women, 16 of whom had been screened and 11 had not. The interview structure was based on an initial analysis of the data from phase one and from a review of the related literature. The data from the interviews were analyzed using latent content analysis, involving an interpretative reading of the symbolism underlying the surface structure in the text. The audio recordings of the interviews were transcribed verbatim in Chinese, and then the key phrases which were important for the objectives of the study were identified. The key phrases and words were grouped according to their commonality of meaning. Then, these groups of data were sorted and classified to create categories and sub-categories, which were mutually exclusive, explicit and accurate without overlapping. / Two themes emerged from the qualitative data from phase two. Theme I was that perceptions of cervical cancer and cervical screening included five categories: the perceived effects of suffering from cervical cancer; the perception of cervical screening; a lack of understanding about cervical cancer and screening; the perceived risk of cervical cancer; and factors related to the cultural beliefs system. Theme II was that the institutional and health care practitioner system included two categories: availability of an organised physical examination programme and the role of the health care practitioner in encouraging cervical screening utilization. / Gu, Can. / Adviser: Chan, Carmen. / Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 73-02, Section: B, page: . / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2010. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 244-267). / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Electronic reproduction. [Ann Arbor, MI] : ProQuest Information and Learning, [201-] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Abstract also in Chinese.

Uticaj znanja, stavova, ponašanja i modela skrininga na učešće u skriningu raka debelog creva / The influence of knowledge, attitude, practice and screening models on participation in colorectal cancer screening

Petrović Vasa 15 April 2016 (has links)
<p>Uvod. Rak debelog creva predstavlja 9,7% svih malignih bolesti u svetu, i drugi ili treći je po učestalosti u onkolo&scaron;koj strukturi obolevanja, u zavisnosti od pola. Skrining, ili sekundarna prevencija populacije u prosečnom riziku ima centralnu ulogu u kontroli kolorektalnog karcinoma. Cilj. Utvrditi nivo znanja, stavove i pona&scaron;anje u odnosu na rak debelog creva i njihov uticaj na odaziv na skrining raka debelog creva, u zavisnosti od primenjenog modela skrininga. Materijal i metode. U istraživanje je pozvano 1.213 osoba oba pola, starosti 50-74 godine, za uče&scaron;će u studiji znanja, stavova i pona&scaron;anja (KAP studija) u odnosu na rak debelog creva, popunjavanjem upitnika (Sessa A). Formirane su tri grupe prema modelu skrininga: populacioni - model 0; oportuni skrining uz kontakt ispitanika sa medicinskim osobljem, bez dodatnih informacija o bolesti, skriningu i testu &ndash; model 1; oportuni skrining kada se uz kontakt sa medicinskim osobljem dobija informacija o bolesti i skriningu, uz prikaz izvođenja testa - model 2. U ovoj studiji je kao skrining metoda kori&scaron;ćen imunolo&scaron;ki test stolice -Wondfo FOB.Obrada podataka je rađena statističkim programom SPSS (version 13). Značajnost razlika je testirana parametrijskim (t-test, ANOVA) i neparametrijskim (Mann-Whitney U test) testovima, dok se komparacija kategoričkih varijabli vr&scaron;ila &chi;&sup2; testom i Fisher Exact testom. Test-retest analiza je rađena Cohen&#39;s Kappa testom. Rezultati. Od 1.213 pozvanih, 666 (55%) osoba je prihvatilo uče&scaron;će u KAP studiji. Vi&scaron;e od polovine (54,5%) ispitanika ima ukupan skor znanja manji od 50%. Nivo znanja, sociodemografske karakteristike, procena sopstvenog rizika obolevanja, stav u odnosu na korist testa, stepen sopstvenog rizika obolevanja i mogućnosti prevencije raka debelog creva, nisu faktori koji utiči na participaciju u skriningu kolorektalnog karcinoma. Najvažniji faktor za uče&scaron;će u skriningu u ovom istraživanju je kontakt i razgovor sa lekarom o bolesti, prevenciji i skrining testu.Odaziv u skrining, u odnosu na celokupno pozvanu populaciju je 51,2%. Od ispitanika koji su popunili anketni upitnik, participacija u skriningu je 93,4%. Statistički značajno manji odaziv u skriningu je u modelu 0 (12%) i modelu 1 (6%) u odnosu na model 2 (1%). Zaključak. Poznavanje bolesti, faktora rizika i mogućnosti prevencije generalno je oskudno, ali ne utiče na participaciju u skriningu. Faktor koji utiče na visok odaziv u skrining kolorektalnog karcinoma je kontakt i razgovor sa medicinskim osobljem, pre svega sa lekarom.</p> / <p>Introduction. Colorectal cancer represents 9.7% of all malignancies in the world and it is second or third in frequency in oncological structure depending on the sex. Screening, or secondary prevention of the average risk in the population has a central role in the control of colorectal cancer. Aim. Determine the level of knowledge, attitudes and behaviour in relation to colon cancer and their impact on turnout for colorectal cancer screening, depending on the applied screening model. Material and method. There were 1213 people of both sexes aged 50-74 years participating in this study of knowledge, attitudes and practice (KAP studies) in relation to colorectal cancer, by filling in the questionnaire (Sessa A). Three groups were formed with respect to model screening: population - model 0; opportunistic screening involving the contact of patients and medical staff, without receiving additional information about the disease, screening and test - model 1; opportunistic screening involving the contact of patients and medical staff while receiving information about the disease and screening, and explaining the test performance - model 2. In this study, a screening method used was fecal occult blood test - Wondfo FOB. Data processing is performed by the statistical program SPSS (version 13). The significance of differences was tested by parametric (t-test, ANOVA) and nonparametric (Mann-Whitney U test) tests, while the comparison of categorical variables was performed with &chi;&sup2; test and Fisher Exact test. Test-retest analysis was performed with Cohen&rsquo;s Kappa test. Results. Out of all the 1213 participants, 666 (55%) of them accepted to participate in the KAP study. More than half of them (54.5%) have a total score of knowledge less than 50%. The level of knowledge, socio-demographic characteristics, assessment of the risk of the disease, the attitude towards the benefit of the test, degree of the risk of disease and opportunities for prevention of colorectal cancer, are not factors in deciding to participate in the screening of colorectal cancer. The most important factor for the participation in the screening in this study is the contact and conversation with the doctor about the disease, prevention and screening test. The turnout for the screening, in relation to the number of people who participated is 51.2%. Out of those who completed the questionnaire, participation in the screening is 93.4 %. Statistically significantly lower response in the screening is in model 0 (12%) and in model 1 (6%) in relation to model 2 (1%). Conclusion. Knowledge of the disease, risk factors and prevention opportunities are generally scarce, but do not affect the participation in screening. The factor influencing the high turnout for colorectal cancer screening is contact and conversation with the medical staff, primarily the doctor.</p>

Socioeconomic inequalities in the use of health care services in Europe : the role of public coverage and population-based cancer screening programmes

Palència Fernàndez, Laia 18 December 2012 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was to describe inequalities in the use of different health care services according to socioeconomic position (SEP) in Catalonia, Spain and Europe. In addition, we intended to assess whether the public coverage of the services, in particular dental health care, has an influence on the magnitude of inequalities in the use of such services. Finally, we aimed to determine the influence of population-based female cancer screening programmes on the prevalence of screening and on the extent of inequality. To accomplish these objectives four studies were carried out. The sources of information of the four studies were, respectively: several editions of the Catalan Health general practitioner (GP) services are equitable or manual classes use them to a greater extent. However, there are marked SEP inequalities in the use of outpatient specialist services, especially in dental care. Socioeconomic inequalities in use of dental care services exist throughout Europe, but they are larger in countries in which dental care is not covered at all by the public health care system than in countries in which dental care is partially covered. In Europe, socioeconomic inequalities in breast and cervical cancer screening are not found in countries with population-based screening programmes but they are found in those countries with only regional or pilot programmes and in those countries with opportunistic screening. / L'objectiu d'aquesta tesi era descriure les desigualtats en l'ús de diferents serveis sanitaris segons la posició socioeconòmica a Catalunya, Espanya i a Europa. A més a més, es volia avaluar si la cobertura pública dels serveis, en particular la dels serveis dentals, infuencia la magnitud de les desigualtats socioeconòmiques en l'ús d'aquests serveis. Finalment, es va voler determinar la influència dels programes poblacionals de cribratge dels càncers de mama i cèrvix en la prevalença de cribratge i en la magnitud de les desigualtats. Per tal d'assolir aquests objectius es van dur a terme 4 estudis. Les fonts d'informació d'aquests estudis van ser, respectivament: diferents edicions de l'Enquesta de Salut de Catalunya (ESCA), diferents edicions de l'Enquesta Nacional de Salut d'Espanya (ENS), l'Enquesta de Salut, Envelliment i Jubilació a Europa (SHARE) 2006 i dades dels països europeus que van participar a l'Enquesta Mundial de la Salut de l'OMS l'any 2002. Els dos primers estudis eren estudis de tendències mentre que els dos últims van ser transversals. En tots els estudis les desigualtats socioeconòmiques es van mesurar mitjançant índexos relatius (RII) i absoluts (SII) de desigualtat. Els resultats d'aquests estudis mostren que a Catalunya i a Espanya els serveis d'atenció primària són equitatius o fins i tot les persones de classes manuals en presenten una major proporció d'ús. Tanmateix, hi ha marcades desigualtats en visites a l'especialista, en especial en les visites al dentista. Les desigualtats socioeconòmiques en la utilització dels serveis dentals existeixen a tota Europa, però són més grans en aquells països on l'atenció dental no està coberta pel sistema públic de salut que en aquells països on aquesta està parcialment coberta. A Europa, no es troben desigualtats socioeconòmiques en el cribratge dels càncers de mama i cèrvix en aquells països amb programes poblacionals de cribratge, però sí que es troben en aquells països amb programes pilot o regionals o amb només cribratge oportunista.

Estudo do Fator Inibitório da Migração de Macrófagos(MIF) em pacientes com carcinoma epidermoide da cavidade bucal / Study of Macrophage Migration Inhibitory Factor (MIF) in patients with oral squamous cell carcinoma

Souza, Mariana Barbosa de 15 April 2014 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO. A proteína Fator Inibitório da Migração de Macrófagos (MIF) é frequentemente observada com expressão elevada em tecidos tumorais quando comparados aos tecidos equivalentes normais e estudos têm sugerido seu papel como marcador prognóstico de neoplasias malignas, incluindo carcinomas hepatocelular, de ovário, de esôfago e também de cabeça e pescoço. Adicionalmente, alguns de seus mecanismos de ação já demonstrados, como a indução da proliferação e migração celular permitem implicar essa expressão diferencial no desenvolvimento tumoral e, consequentemente, no prognóstico das neoplasias malignas. OBJETIVO. Esse estudo objetivou avaliar o papel diagnóstico e prognóstico da proteína MIF em carcinoma epidermóide da cavidade bucal. METODOLOGIA. O estudo foi composto por 50 pacientes com carcinoma epidermoide da cavidade bucal coletados prospectivamente e 57 casos retrospectivos admitidos nos Serviços de Cirurgia de Cabeça e Pescoço do Hospital Heliópolis e da Faculdade de Medicina da Fundação ABC. As análises foram feitas por meio de imunoistoquímica dos tecidos tumorais e margens epiteliais normais e de ELISA das amostras de soro e saliva, coletadas pré e pós-tratamento cirúrgico, dos pacientes participantes. Os resultados foram correlacionados aos achados clínicos e histopatológicos. RESULTADOS. A expressão da proteína MIF e seu receptor CD74 mostrou-se elevada em tecido tumoral quando comparado ao tecido epitelial livre de neoplasia (p < 0,0001). Associação entre a alta expressão da MIF no tumor e infiltração vascular linfática foi observada (p=0,005) e alta expressão da MIF no epitélio livre de tumor apresentou correlação marginalmente significativa com ocorrência de segundo tumor primário (p=0,072). A expressão positiva do receptor CD74 não apresentou associação com variáveis clínicas ou histopatológicas. A concentração sorológica da proteína MIF apresentou associação inversa com metástase linfonodal (p=0,018) e estádios patológicos avançados (p=0,040) e foi significativamente reduzida após a ressecção do tumor (p=0,001). A concentração da MIF na saliva não apresentou redução significativa após o tratamento cirúrgico, mas foi associada aos estágios pT3 e pT4 (p=0,001) e a estádios patológicos avançados (p=0,032). CONCLUSÕES. A redução significante da concentração da MIF observada no soro dos pacientes após a ressecção cirúrgica do tumor permite sugerir papel potencial dessa proteína como biomarcador para a detecção precoce de recorrência do carcinoma epidermoide da cavidade bucal. A expressão tecidual da proteína MIF e seu receptor CD74 apresentou papel controverso, mas a concentração salivar da proteína MIF parece relacionar-se a um possível papel pró-tumoral em carcinoma epidermoide da cavidade bucal / INTRODUCTION. The Macrophage Migration Inhibitory Factor (MIF) overexpression is frequently observed in tumor tissues compared to normal tissues and some previous studies have suggested its role as a prognostic marker of malignancies, including hepatocellular, ovarian, esophageal and also head and neck carcinoma. Additionally, some of its mechanisms of action, as migration and cell proliferation induction, have been demonstrated, which allow imply a differential expression in tumor progression and therefore in the prognosis of malignant neoplasms. OBJECTIVES. This study aimed to evaluate the role of MIF protein and its receptor CD74 in prognosis and diagnostic of oral squamous cell carcinoma. METHODS. The study consisted of 50 patients with oral squamous cell carcinoma prospectively collected and 57 patients retrospectively collected admitted at the Head and Neck Surgery Service from Heliópolis Hospital and ABC Medical School. The analysis were performed by Imunohistochemistry of tumor and normal tissues and by ELISA of serum and saliva samples collected pre and post-surgical treatment. Results were correlated to clinical and histopathological data. RESULTS. The expression of MIF protein and of its receptor CD74 was higher in OSCC than in normal epithelium (p < 0,0001). Association between overexpression of MIF in tumor tissue and lymphatic vessel invasion was observed (p=0,005) and higher concentration of MIF in normal epithelium showed correlation of marginal significance with second primary tumor occurrence (p=0,072). The positive expression of the receptor CD74 did not presented association with clinical or histopathological variables. Serum MIF concentration presented inverse association with lymph node metastasis (p=0,018) and advanced pathological stage (p=0,040) and it was significantly reduced after the surgery (p=0,001). The salivary MIF concentration was not significantly reduced after the surgery, but it was associated with pT3 and pT4 stages (p=0,001) and advanced pathological findings (p=0,032). CONCLUSIONS. The results showing significant reduction of MIF concentration in post-surgical serum of patients suggest its potential role as a biomarker to early detection of oral squamous cell carcinoma recurrence. The MIF and CD74 expression presented controversial role, but the salivary concentration of MIF seems to develop a possible pro-tumoral role

Estudo do Fator Inibitório da Migração de Macrófagos(MIF) em pacientes com carcinoma epidermoide da cavidade bucal / Study of Macrophage Migration Inhibitory Factor (MIF) in patients with oral squamous cell carcinoma

Mariana Barbosa de Souza 15 April 2014 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO. A proteína Fator Inibitório da Migração de Macrófagos (MIF) é frequentemente observada com expressão elevada em tecidos tumorais quando comparados aos tecidos equivalentes normais e estudos têm sugerido seu papel como marcador prognóstico de neoplasias malignas, incluindo carcinomas hepatocelular, de ovário, de esôfago e também de cabeça e pescoço. Adicionalmente, alguns de seus mecanismos de ação já demonstrados, como a indução da proliferação e migração celular permitem implicar essa expressão diferencial no desenvolvimento tumoral e, consequentemente, no prognóstico das neoplasias malignas. OBJETIVO. Esse estudo objetivou avaliar o papel diagnóstico e prognóstico da proteína MIF em carcinoma epidermóide da cavidade bucal. METODOLOGIA. O estudo foi composto por 50 pacientes com carcinoma epidermoide da cavidade bucal coletados prospectivamente e 57 casos retrospectivos admitidos nos Serviços de Cirurgia de Cabeça e Pescoço do Hospital Heliópolis e da Faculdade de Medicina da Fundação ABC. As análises foram feitas por meio de imunoistoquímica dos tecidos tumorais e margens epiteliais normais e de ELISA das amostras de soro e saliva, coletadas pré e pós-tratamento cirúrgico, dos pacientes participantes. Os resultados foram correlacionados aos achados clínicos e histopatológicos. RESULTADOS. A expressão da proteína MIF e seu receptor CD74 mostrou-se elevada em tecido tumoral quando comparado ao tecido epitelial livre de neoplasia (p < 0,0001). Associação entre a alta expressão da MIF no tumor e infiltração vascular linfática foi observada (p=0,005) e alta expressão da MIF no epitélio livre de tumor apresentou correlação marginalmente significativa com ocorrência de segundo tumor primário (p=0,072). A expressão positiva do receptor CD74 não apresentou associação com variáveis clínicas ou histopatológicas. A concentração sorológica da proteína MIF apresentou associação inversa com metástase linfonodal (p=0,018) e estádios patológicos avançados (p=0,040) e foi significativamente reduzida após a ressecção do tumor (p=0,001). A concentração da MIF na saliva não apresentou redução significativa após o tratamento cirúrgico, mas foi associada aos estágios pT3 e pT4 (p=0,001) e a estádios patológicos avançados (p=0,032). CONCLUSÕES. A redução significante da concentração da MIF observada no soro dos pacientes após a ressecção cirúrgica do tumor permite sugerir papel potencial dessa proteína como biomarcador para a detecção precoce de recorrência do carcinoma epidermoide da cavidade bucal. A expressão tecidual da proteína MIF e seu receptor CD74 apresentou papel controverso, mas a concentração salivar da proteína MIF parece relacionar-se a um possível papel pró-tumoral em carcinoma epidermoide da cavidade bucal / INTRODUCTION. The Macrophage Migration Inhibitory Factor (MIF) overexpression is frequently observed in tumor tissues compared to normal tissues and some previous studies have suggested its role as a prognostic marker of malignancies, including hepatocellular, ovarian, esophageal and also head and neck carcinoma. Additionally, some of its mechanisms of action, as migration and cell proliferation induction, have been demonstrated, which allow imply a differential expression in tumor progression and therefore in the prognosis of malignant neoplasms. OBJECTIVES. This study aimed to evaluate the role of MIF protein and its receptor CD74 in prognosis and diagnostic of oral squamous cell carcinoma. METHODS. The study consisted of 50 patients with oral squamous cell carcinoma prospectively collected and 57 patients retrospectively collected admitted at the Head and Neck Surgery Service from Heliópolis Hospital and ABC Medical School. The analysis were performed by Imunohistochemistry of tumor and normal tissues and by ELISA of serum and saliva samples collected pre and post-surgical treatment. Results were correlated to clinical and histopathological data. RESULTS. The expression of MIF protein and of its receptor CD74 was higher in OSCC than in normal epithelium (p < 0,0001). Association between overexpression of MIF in tumor tissue and lymphatic vessel invasion was observed (p=0,005) and higher concentration of MIF in normal epithelium showed correlation of marginal significance with second primary tumor occurrence (p=0,072). The positive expression of the receptor CD74 did not presented association with clinical or histopathological variables. Serum MIF concentration presented inverse association with lymph node metastasis (p=0,018) and advanced pathological stage (p=0,040) and it was significantly reduced after the surgery (p=0,001). The salivary MIF concentration was not significantly reduced after the surgery, but it was associated with pT3 and pT4 stages (p=0,001) and advanced pathological findings (p=0,032). CONCLUSIONS. The results showing significant reduction of MIF concentration in post-surgical serum of patients suggest its potential role as a biomarker to early detection of oral squamous cell carcinoma recurrence. The MIF and CD74 expression presented controversial role, but the salivary concentration of MIF seems to develop a possible pro-tumoral role

Addressing gaps in colorectal cancer screening in Canada : multilevel determinants of screening, pathways to screening inequalities, and program evaluation

Blair, Alexandra 07 1900 (has links)
No description available.

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