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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vliv změny občanského zákoníku na realitní praxi / Effect of amendments to the Civil Code on the real estate practice

Buchtová, Michaela January 2015 (has links)
On 1 January 2014 the new Civil Code no. 89/2012 Coll., which affected many areas, came into force. This thesis deals with the changes that have an impact on real estate activities. To the change of the Civil Code no. 40/1964 Coll. an introduction of new Cadastral law no. 256/2013 Coll. is closely related. Influence of this Cadastral law on a real estate practice is also described in this work. The conclusion summary of this work is a mapping of changes and an assessment of the extent to which they affect a real estate practice.

Ocenění pozemku zatíženého služebností / Valuation of land loaded by easement

Nedůchalová, Ludmila January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis solves issue of the easements and their impact on evaluation of the land. Primary there are decribe basic topics of the isuue, further on legal procedure of the easements and the constituon, modification and termination. Next there is describe types of prises and evaluation of the land, easements and the lands with these easements. In the practical part there is evaluation of the specific land (with the market value and administrative price), which is loaded by easement of way over the land.


Sedláček, Jan January 2015 (has links)
This PhD thesis analyzes the current situation in appraisals of technical infrastructure easements created by the Road and Motorway Directorate of the Czech Republic in the process of transport infrastructure development. The thesis explains the basic concepts, identifies the relevant legisla-tion and examines the appraising methods used for these easements as described in the literature. It then discusses and critically assesses, based on existing legislation and best practices, the indi-vidual appraising approaches used in expert opinions prepared for the Road and Motorway Di-rectorate of the Czech Republic. Drawing on this assessment, it makes recommendations for a standardized approach for establishing the fair market value of easements and demonstrates its application on a model example.

Právo stavby a jiné možnosti postavit dům na cizím pozemku / Usufructuary right of building and other ways of erecting house on the land of another

Buchar, Jan January 2015 (has links)
Usufructuary right of building and other ways of erecting house on the land of another The purpose of this thesis is to analyse comprehensively the institute of usufructuary right of building and other ways of erecting house on the land of another. Other legal institutes that can be used to set up home on a foreign land are easements, lease, usufructuary lease, precarious loan and loan for use. The Civil Code, after more than sixty years, is returning to the superficial principle, with which is the usufructuary right of building inherently connected and which represents an exception from that principle. Thesis is divided into four parts. The largest is the first part, which deals with the usufructuary right of building. The second part is devoted to other institutes, which enable the establishment of a house on a foreign land. The third part is the comparison of the usufructuary right of building with other institutes. The fourth part focuses on the usufructuary right of building legislation abroad. The focus of this thesis is in the first part, which consists of nine chapters. The first chapter defines the basic concepts and institutes related to the usufructuary right of building. The second chapter describes the history of the usufructuary right of building. The third to the seventh chapter...

Onyttiga servitut i Fastighetsregistret : En studie om dagens hantering och förslag på framtida lagstiftning

Lövgren, Therese, Stattin, Maria January 2013 (has links)
Servitut som inte uppfyller något ändamål eller inte använts under väldigt lång tid kallas onyttiga servitut. Ett onyttigt servitut försvinner inte automatiskt från Fastighetsregistret utan kvarstår och skapar en onödig belastning. Syftet med examensarbetet är att utreda hur hanteringen av servitut kan förbättras för att minska antalet onyttiga servitut i Fastighetsregistret. De metoder som används är en litteraturstudie och en intervjustudie. I litteraturstudien undersöks svensk lagstiftning och juridisk litteratur. Utdrag ur Fastighetsregistret och förrättningsakt visas för att ge praktiska exempel. I intervjustudien intervjuas en jurist och tre förrättningslantmätare. Litteraturstudien visar att Fastighetsregistret belastas av många onyttiga servitut. Det rör sig främst om kraftledningsservitut, villaservitut och servitut för skogsfång och mulbete. Förrättningslantmätarnas arbete påverkas av dessa då de fördröjer och fördyrar förrättningar. Olika förslag har lagts fram för att förbättra hanteringen och minska uppkomsten av onyttiga servitut. I februari 2013 överlämnade regeringen en proposition till riksdagen. Propositionen innebär flera olika lagförändringar som tillsammans syftar till att minska antalet onyttiga servitut i Fastighetsregistret. I intervjustudien framkommer att onyttiga servitut påverkar lantmätarnas arbete negativt. Förrättningar fördröjs och fördyras. Intervjudeltagarna tror att lagen om preklusion kommer ge störst effekt. Samtidigt finns en oro för ökad rättsförlust då servitut som inte är inskrivna kan förfalla vid överlåtelse. Denna studie visar att det finns ett stort behov av nya möjligheter att hantera onyttiga servitut. Det är viktigt att Fastighetsregistret är pålitligt då myndigheter, företag och privatpersoner använder uppgifter därifrån. Färre onyttiga servitut i Fastighetsregistret skulle minska lantmätarnas utredningstid och därmed ge lägre förrättningskostnader för sakägarna. / Easements that no longer fulfill a purpose or have not been used for a very long period of time are called useless easements. Useless easement are not automatically removed from the Real Property Register, they remain and creates an unnecessary load. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate how to improve the handling of easements in order to reduce the number of useless easements in the Real Property Register.  The methods used are literature study and interview study. The literature study investigates Swedish law text and legal literature. Extracts from the Real Property Register and cadastral dossier are presented to give practical examples. Three cadastral surveyors and one lawyer were interviewed in the study. The literature study shows that the Real Property Register contains a large number of useless easements. It mainly concerns power line easements, villa easements and easements for clearing forest. Useless easements cause delays and higher cadastral procedure costs. During the last couple of years various propositions have been presented to improve the handling of easements and decrease the number of useless easements. In February 2013 the Swedish Government presented a proposal of change of legislations to the parliament. The proposal presents a variety of changes which together aim to reduce the number of useless easements in the Real Property Register. The interview study shows that useless easements affect surveyors work in a negative way and generate higher costs for interested parties. Interview participants thinks that the proposed law to remove not renewed easements from the register will give the best effect to decrease the number of useless easements in the Real Property. At the same time they fear an increased legal loss. This study shows that there is a large need of new ways of handling useless easements. A reliable Real Property Register is very important for the users. A more reliable register would help the cadastral surveyors work and lead to lower costs for the interested parties.

Kartläggning av allmänna gång- och cykelvägar på kvartersmark : utan rättsligt genomförande

Dalhammer, Ida January 2015 (has links)
Detaljplaner reglerar hur Sveriges mark och vatten ska användas. Detaljplanering regleras i plan- och bygglagen (2010:900). En detaljplan ska ange vad som är allmän plats, kvartersmark och vattenområde. Allmän plats får beträdas av allmänheten och ägs av kommunen. Kvartersmark kan ägas av olika aktörer men framförallt av privatpersoner. På kvartersmark kan ändamål såsom bostäder, kontor, handel, skola m.m. förekomma. Frivilliga planbestämmelser kan tillämpas i en detaljplan. Den här studien handlar om den frivilliga planbestämmelsen "x". Ett gement "x" i en detaljplan symboliserar ett markreservat för allmän gång- och cykelväg vilken planläggs på kvartersmark. Vid planläggning av "x", inskränks den berörda fastighetsägaren i sin äganderätt.Genom att bilda en rättighet för x-området undviks fastighetsägarens möjlighet att stänga ute allmänheten från fastigheten. Oklarheter rörande drift och underhåll undviks också när en rättighet bildats. Rättigheten i fråga skapas lämpligast genom bildande av servitut eller nyttjanderätt. Det finns två olika typer av servitut, avtalsservitut och officialservitut. Officialservitut skrivs in automatiskt i fastighetsregistret och är ett säkrare alternativ än avtalsservitutet. Bildande av officialservitut sker efter ansökan till lantmäterimyndigheten som bland annat prövar om servitutet är av väsentlig betydelse för den fastighet som får förmån av servitutet. Vid bildande av servitut för x-område bör den fastighet som får förmån av servitutet (härskande fastighet) vara en kommunal fastighet, med tanke på dess allmänna ändamål. Genomföranderegler saknas för x-områden vilket medför en risk för att en rättighet aldrig bildas för dem. När en rättighet inte bildas finns det ingen rätt för kommunen att använda marken för allmän gång- och cykelväg. Det medför även oklarheter rörande drift och underhåll i och med att gång- och cykelvägen är lokaliserad till en fastighet som inte ägs av kommunen men som nyttjas av allmänheten.Vid avsaknad av bildad rättighet kan fastighetsägaren om så önskas stänga ute allmänheten, till exempel genom förbudsskyltar eller bommar vilket antagligen bidrar till att x-området inte uppfyller sin funktion. Tidigare studier har visat att x-områden används i större utsträckning än vad som var ämnat med införande av bestämmelsen. Det har även tidigare framgått att "x" kombineras med "g" med syfte att undvika kostnader, som istället överlåts från kommunen på de delägande fastighetsägarna i gemensamhetsanläggningen. Ett "g" i en detaljplan innebär att en gemensamhetsanläggning ska bildas inom området. Det har även uttryckts under föreläsningar vid Högskolan Väst att oklarheter gällande vem som ansöker om officialservitut förekommer vid exploateringar. Syftet med studien är att undersöka förändring av användningsfrekvensen för "x". Studien gäller beslut mellan 1 januari 2002 och 31 december 2011 i de tre kommunerna Motala, Linköping och Mjölby i Östergötlands län. Syftet är även att utreda hur många av x-områden som ett officialservitut har bildats för.Resultatet av studien visar att inrättande av x-områden minskar. De två sista åren i studien har få inrättningar av x-områden ägt rum. Motala kommun har till skillnad från Linköpings och Mjölby kommun en uppåtgående trendlinje. Dock avviker 2011 i Motala då inga x-områden inrättats. Det avvikande resultatet tyder på en förändring även i Motala kommun. Resultatet från de intervjuer som hållits med planarkitekter i de olika kommunerna kompletterar resultatet ovan. Planarkitekterna bekräftar att de inrättar "x" mer sällan idag än för några år sedan. Av samtliga x-områden i studien har 44 % inte genomförts genom bildande av officialservitut. Markåtkomst kan ha lösts genom annan rättighet eller saknas helt. / Detailed development plans regulate how Sweden's land and water should be used. Statutes on detail planning are to be found in the Swedish planning and building act. A detailed development plan must specify public area, private property area and water area. Everybody may enter the public areas which the municipality owns. The private property area is private and has owners like a housing company or an individual. Optional rules can be used in the detailed development plan. This study deals with the optional regulation "x", which is a land reserve for public pathways. "X" is located on the private property areas.The private property owner may suffer from a restriction of their property rights by getting an "x" over the property. To avoid the risk that the public is prevented from passing through the x-field, a right is formed. If no right is formed, the owner of the property can choose to shut the public out. The right in question occurs appropriate by official easement which occurs by an application. An application can be made to the land survey to create an official easement. The land survey investigates if the official easement has an essential use for the property that has the advantage of the easement.Implementation rules are missing for x-areas, which results in that no right is formed. When no rights are formed there is no legal right for the public to use pedestrian and bicycle pathways. The property owner can choose to put up prohibiting signs and barriers to exclude the public, which results in that the x-areas are not filling their purpose. Previous studies have shown that the x-areas are used more often than intended. Its also used as a combination with "g", to avoid costs for the municipality. A "g" in a detail development plan means that a joint facility will be formed, that consist of the property owners in the area. The cost transfer to the members instead. During lectures at University West it has aroused uncertainties who it is that applies for official easement. The purpose of this study is to investigate how often x-areas have been applied for in the three municipalities of Motala, Linköping and Mjölby in Östergötland County, January 1, 2002 – December 31, 2011. The purpose is also to see how many official easements that have been formed for the x-areas.The result of this research shows that the use of x-areas decreases. The last two years very few x-areas have been established. Motala municipality has unlike Linköping and Mjölby an increasing trend of x-areas. However, in 2011 Motala municipality had no establishment of x-areas. The abnormal result indicates a change, even in Motala. Interviews with plan architects in the different municipalities confirm the result above. The plan architects admit to establish fewer x-areas today than a few years ago. Of all x-areas in the study, 44 percent have no official easement. It may have another easement but it is also possible that they have no easement at all.

Srovnání obvyklé ceny věcného břemene inženýrských sítí s cenami podle vnitřních předpisů obcí / A comparison of the normal value of infrastructure easement to the prices determined by the internal regulations of municipalities

Prokopová, Tereza January 2015 (has links)
The thesis deals with the valuation of the servitude of the engineering network by normal price and based on the internal regulations of municipalities. The theoretical part focuses on the issues related to the easements, brief historical overview, structure, possibilities of the creation and termination, as well as the description and structure of the technical infrastructure with a focus on gas conduction. The last theoretical part contains of a description of the ways and methods of the valuation of the easements. In the practical part the actual valuation of the easements based on the internal regulations of municipalities and the own calculation of the normal price are carried out.

Zásada superficies solo cedit a její význam v pozemkovém právu / Legal principle of superficies solo cedit and its significance in land law

Humenná, Katarína January 2019 (has links)
The topic of the diploma thesis is the legal principle superficies solo cedit and its return into the Czech law. The main aim of this thesis was to give a comprehensive view of this issue, especially how the return of the principle has changed land law relations. The first part of the thesis describe the division of the law to private law and public law. The first part is followed by the historical excursion which describes how the principle originated and how and whether it was part of the legal order in the past. The next chapters of the thesis are the main part of the work and describes the principle in todays law. Firstly the incorporation of the principle into the Civil Code is described and then individual paragraphs governing the principle follows. The definition of the basic terms as land, construction and temporary construction which are used by Civil Code but not described in it are the topic of next chapter. Next, relatively extensive chapter named line constructions describes exceptions to the principle. The basic definition of exceptions can be found in the Civil Code but more detailed regulation is contained in public acts, therefore private and public law is intertwined in this area. Easements to real estate, historical development of its legislation and today's legislation in this...

Some Legal Problems of Urban Runoff

Holub, Hugh 06 May 1972 (has links)
From the Proceedings of the 1972 Meetings of the Arizona Section - American Water Resources Assn. and the Hydrology Section - Arizona Academy of Science - May 5-6, 1972, Prescott, Arizona / Pressure is being brought to bear on national resources of air, earth, and water in the growing cities in the arid southwest. Legal questions involved in capturing urban runoff and putting it to a beneficial use are examined. Urbanization of a watershed results in a 3 to 5 fold increase in runoff amounts. Legal aspects include tort liability from floods, water rights to the increased flows, land use restrictions along banks and flood plains, condemnation of land for park development and flowage easements, financing problems, zoning applications, and coordination of governmental bodies responsible for parks, storm drainage and related services. Urban runoff is the most obvious legal problem in the tort liability area. It appears feasible to divert small quantities of water from urban wastes for recreational uses which provide flood control benefits. It appears that municipalities could appropriate increased flows caused by urbanization. The ultimate legal questions remain to be resolved by legislation, litigation or extension of the appropriative system.

Určení hodnoty věcných břemen stavby na cizím pozemku a přechodu nebo přejezdu přes pozemek jiného vlastníka / Determination of the Value of Easements for Construction on Land Owned by Another Individual and Crossing or Passage across Another Owner's Land

Kuhrová, Kristýna January 2011 (has links)
The diploma thesis is aimed on course of the easements in perspective of a forencis engineer. First chapter specifies the legal regulation of the easements, its division, the causes of its constitution, modification and termination. General description of easements’ assessment methodology ensued, the definition of the particular types of prices and values and purposes of evaluation of the easements alike. In the proposal part is the theoretical analysis used on two actual cases of easements, specifically the right to crossing another owner's land and the right of construction on land owned by another individual.

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