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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Determinantes estratégicos de ecoeficiências de empresas chinesas no Brasil / Strategic ecoefficiency determinants of Chinese companies in Brazil

Lennan, Maria Laura Ferranty Mac 23 November 2016 (has links)
Preocupações com sustentabilidade ambiental são recorrentes tanto no meio acadêmico, como no meio empresarial. Elas ecoam ao se pensar no crescimento econômico chinês e nos impactos das atividades produtivas no meio ambiente. A China é o país emergente com as maiores taxas de crescimento econômico no mundo, porém sua imagem também reflete sua vulnerabilidade com relação à ecologia. Tendo isso em consideração e procurando compreender como isso repercute nas operações internacionais, esta tese estuda os determinantes estratégicos das empresas chinesas em operação no Brasil, pelas lentes teóricas do tripé da estratégia. A sustentabilidade ambiental se operacionalizou em ecoeficiência, termo desdobrado em eco-inovação, eco-reputação e manufatura verde. Dado que os aspectos estratégicos direcionam as ações empresariais, isto se torna ainda mais complexo ao se analisar a operação internacional, uma vez que além dos aspectos internos e de mercado, a empresa é influenciada por forças institucionais relacionados com seu mercado de origem e com o mercado de destino das vendas externas. Esta tese inova ao relacionar aspectos do tripé da estratégia com as estratégias de ecoeficiência de empresas chinesas no Brasil. São utilizadas técnicas quantitativas para testar as hipóteses. A análise é feita utilizando modelo de equações estruturais, com o software SmartPLS v3. Os resultados indicam que há associação positiva entre os recursos internos da empresa e ações de ecoeficiência nos seus três desdobramentos (eco-inovação, eco-reputação e manufatura verde). No caso da visão baseada na indústria, encontrou-se associação positiva com manufatura verde e eco-reputação, mas não com as iniciativas de eco-inovação. Os aspectos institucionais do mercado brasileiro não puderam ser associados com nenhuma das iniciativas de ecoeficiência. Esta tese contribui para o entendimento de determinantes estratégicos na adoção de iniciativas ambientais, ao indicar a importância dos recursos na implantação dessas estratégias. Não se confirma a importância da vertente institucional no modelo teórico-conceitual, o que mostra limitação à extensão dessa teoria. Os resultados, do ponto de vista gerencial, mostram que as forças de mercado estimulam as empresas a empreender em iniciativas de eco-reputação e os processos de manufatura. Contudo, verifica-se que os aspectos de eco-inovação nas empresas chinesas ainda não foram influenciados pelas demandas do mercado brasileiro. / Concerns about environmental sustainability are recurrent both in academy and in business. This concern echoes especially because of the impact of Chinese productive activities on the environment. China is an emerging country with the highest economic growth rates in the world, but its image also reflects their vulnerability on ecological issues. Taking this into consideration, this thesis studies the strategic determinants of Chinese companies operating in Brazil by the theoretical lenses of strategic tripod. Environmental sustainability is operationalized into eco-efficiency, a term translated into eco-innovation, eco-reputation and green manufacturing. To the extent that strategy directs business actions, it becomes even more complex when analyzing the international operation, as well as internal aspects and market, the company is influenced by institutional forces from home market and the target market of foreign sales. This thesis contributes to relate aspects of the strategy tripod with the eco-efficiency strategies of Chinese companies in Brazil. This thesis contributes to relate the strategy tripod with the eco-efficiency strategies of Chinese companies. To this end, methodology was quantitative, with data collected and examined in order to confirm or refute the hypothesis. They were analyzed by structural equation model, with SmartPLS v3 software. The results indicate that there is a positive association between the internal resources and eco-efficiency in its three developments (eco-innovation, eco-green reputation and manufacturing). About the industry-based view, there is a positive association with green manufacturing and eco-reputation, but not with eco-innovation initiatives. Brazilian institutional aspects could not be associated with any of the eco-efficiency strategies. To literature, this thesis contributes to the understanding of strategic determinants on adopting environmental initiatives. It highlights the importance of resources in the implementation of eco strategies. However, tests do not confirm the importance of institutional aspects in the theoretical-conceptual model, which exposes the limited extent of this theory. From the managerial side results show that market forces encourage companies to engage in eco-reputation and green manufacturing process initiatives. However, it appears, according to the data, which aspects of eco-innovation in Chinese companies have not been influenced by the Brazilian market demands.

Determinantes estratégicos de ecoeficiências de empresas chinesas no Brasil / Strategic ecoefficiency determinants of Chinese companies in Brazil

Maria Laura Ferranty Mac Lennan 23 November 2016 (has links)
Preocupações com sustentabilidade ambiental são recorrentes tanto no meio acadêmico, como no meio empresarial. Elas ecoam ao se pensar no crescimento econômico chinês e nos impactos das atividades produtivas no meio ambiente. A China é o país emergente com as maiores taxas de crescimento econômico no mundo, porém sua imagem também reflete sua vulnerabilidade com relação à ecologia. Tendo isso em consideração e procurando compreender como isso repercute nas operações internacionais, esta tese estuda os determinantes estratégicos das empresas chinesas em operação no Brasil, pelas lentes teóricas do tripé da estratégia. A sustentabilidade ambiental se operacionalizou em ecoeficiência, termo desdobrado em eco-inovação, eco-reputação e manufatura verde. Dado que os aspectos estratégicos direcionam as ações empresariais, isto se torna ainda mais complexo ao se analisar a operação internacional, uma vez que além dos aspectos internos e de mercado, a empresa é influenciada por forças institucionais relacionados com seu mercado de origem e com o mercado de destino das vendas externas. Esta tese inova ao relacionar aspectos do tripé da estratégia com as estratégias de ecoeficiência de empresas chinesas no Brasil. São utilizadas técnicas quantitativas para testar as hipóteses. A análise é feita utilizando modelo de equações estruturais, com o software SmartPLS v3. Os resultados indicam que há associação positiva entre os recursos internos da empresa e ações de ecoeficiência nos seus três desdobramentos (eco-inovação, eco-reputação e manufatura verde). No caso da visão baseada na indústria, encontrou-se associação positiva com manufatura verde e eco-reputação, mas não com as iniciativas de eco-inovação. Os aspectos institucionais do mercado brasileiro não puderam ser associados com nenhuma das iniciativas de ecoeficiência. Esta tese contribui para o entendimento de determinantes estratégicos na adoção de iniciativas ambientais, ao indicar a importância dos recursos na implantação dessas estratégias. Não se confirma a importância da vertente institucional no modelo teórico-conceitual, o que mostra limitação à extensão dessa teoria. Os resultados, do ponto de vista gerencial, mostram que as forças de mercado estimulam as empresas a empreender em iniciativas de eco-reputação e os processos de manufatura. Contudo, verifica-se que os aspectos de eco-inovação nas empresas chinesas ainda não foram influenciados pelas demandas do mercado brasileiro. / Concerns about environmental sustainability are recurrent both in academy and in business. This concern echoes especially because of the impact of Chinese productive activities on the environment. China is an emerging country with the highest economic growth rates in the world, but its image also reflects their vulnerability on ecological issues. Taking this into consideration, this thesis studies the strategic determinants of Chinese companies operating in Brazil by the theoretical lenses of strategic tripod. Environmental sustainability is operationalized into eco-efficiency, a term translated into eco-innovation, eco-reputation and green manufacturing. To the extent that strategy directs business actions, it becomes even more complex when analyzing the international operation, as well as internal aspects and market, the company is influenced by institutional forces from home market and the target market of foreign sales. This thesis contributes to relate aspects of the strategy tripod with the eco-efficiency strategies of Chinese companies in Brazil. This thesis contributes to relate the strategy tripod with the eco-efficiency strategies of Chinese companies. To this end, methodology was quantitative, with data collected and examined in order to confirm or refute the hypothesis. They were analyzed by structural equation model, with SmartPLS v3 software. The results indicate that there is a positive association between the internal resources and eco-efficiency in its three developments (eco-innovation, eco-green reputation and manufacturing). About the industry-based view, there is a positive association with green manufacturing and eco-reputation, but not with eco-innovation initiatives. Brazilian institutional aspects could not be associated with any of the eco-efficiency strategies. To literature, this thesis contributes to the understanding of strategic determinants on adopting environmental initiatives. It highlights the importance of resources in the implementation of eco strategies. However, tests do not confirm the importance of institutional aspects in the theoretical-conceptual model, which exposes the limited extent of this theory. From the managerial side results show that market forces encourage companies to engage in eco-reputation and green manufacturing process initiatives. However, it appears, according to the data, which aspects of eco-innovation in Chinese companies have not been influenced by the Brazilian market demands.

Cooperação em P&D e ecoinovações: influência sobre o desempenho socioeconômico de empresas / Cooperation in R&D and eco-innovations: influence on companies socioeconomic performance

Cleonir Tumelero 06 February 2018 (has links)
A adoção de rotas tecnológicas ambientalmente sustentáveis é uma estratégia acertada para empresas que queiram manter ou melhorar suas posições de mercado e contribuir para a prevenção e adaptação às mudanças climáticas globais. É nessa perspectiva da inovação e da sustentabilidade que este estudo avaliou a influência da cooperação em P&D e das ecoinovações sobre o desempenho socioeconômico de 221 fabricantes de produtos elétricos e eletrônicos. As teorias de Gaia, do Holismo e a teoria evolucionária da inovação predominantemente orientaram o estudo. Os dados foram coletados em 2017 e processados via SmartPLS®3. Por meio da técnica de Modelagem de Equações Estruturais o modelo conceitual do estudo foi validado com 99% de confiabilidade (p<0,01), demonstrando com originalidade que a cooperação em P&D e as ecoinovações explicaram satisfatoriamente em 51,3%o desempenho socioeconômico das empresas pesquisadas. Três hipóteses comprovaram que a cooperação em P&D com parceiros tecnológicos influenciou positivamente a introdução de ecoinovações de produto, ecoinovações de processo e ecoinovações organizacionais nas empresas investigadas. Duas hipóteses comprovaram que ecoinovações de produto e ecoinovações organizacionais influenciaram positivamente o desempenho socioeconômico das empresas. Uma hipótese não comprovada demonstrou que ecoinovações de processo não influenciaram positivamente o desempenho socioeconômico das empresas. Dos atributos de ecoinovação, três não foram validados estatisticamente: a simplificação das embalagens, a simplificação da construção e a eficiência energética dos produtos desenvolvidos. Apesar de os atributos não validados demonstrarem atraso tecnológico dos produtos elétricos e eletrônicos, há predominância de uma rota tecnológica ambientalmente sustentável nas empresas, o que é um visível diferencial competitivo. São notáveis as implicações deste estudo a partir dos emergentes paradigmas da economia circular e da economia verde. Se cooperação em P&D e ecoinovações permitiram resultados socioeconômicos satisfatórios, em empresas distintas usuárias de minerais e de energia elétrica, então cai por terra o paradigma da inovação poluidora, que ignora que recursos naturais são finitos. Fica evidente que o paradigma Triple Bottom Line, que considera o equilíbrio entre as dimensões ambiental, social e econômica, possui base viável para a indústria do terceiro milênio. Emerge nas empresas a responsabilidade de ancorar a mudança tecnológica em todos os elos de suas cadeias de valor, desde a extração de matérias primas da natureza até a educação de consumidores para o uso e descarte consciente de produtos. É possível sugerir que não corrigir a rota tecnológica baseada no paradigma econômico dos excessos sobre os recursos planetários pode ser qualificado como responsabilidade corporativa de lesa ao Planeta. Ademais, indústrias e cadeias de valor de base poluidora parecem estar fadadas ao desaparecimento. Os resultados deste estudo são restritos à amostra de indústrias investigadas no Brasil. Temas com potencial de pesquisa emergem em simbiose e biomimética industrial, sistemas de ecoinovação em Smart Cities, ecoinovação social, ecoinovação de marketing e ecoinovações na Indústria 4.0. / The adoption of environmentally sustainable technology routes is a sound strategy for companies that want to maintain or improve their market positions and contribute to the prevention and adaptation to global climate change. In this perspective of innovation and sustainability, this study evaluated the influence of cooperation in R & D and of eco-innovations on the socioeconomic performance of 221 manufacturers of electric and electronic products. The theories of Gaia, Holism and the evolutionary theory of innovation predominantly guided the study. Data were collected in 2017 and processed via SmartPLS®3. Through the Structural Equation Modeling technique, the conceptual model of the study was validated with 99% reliability (p<0,01), showing with originality that the cooperation in R & D and the eco-innovations satisfactorily explained the socio-economic performance of the companies surveyed in 51.3%.Three hypotheses have proved that cooperation in R & D with technological partners positively influenced the introduction of product eco-innovations, process eco-innovations and organizational eco-innovations in the companies investigated. Two hypotheses have shown that product eco-innovations and organizational eco-innovations have positively influenced the companies\' socioeconomic performance. An unproven hypothesis showed that process eco-innovation has not positively influenced the companies\' socioeconomic performance.From the eco-innovation attributes, three have not been statistically validated: the simplification of packaging, the simplification of construction and the energy efficiency of developed products. Although the non-validated attributes demonstrate technological backwardness of the electrical and electronic products, there is a predominance of an environmentally sustainable technological route in companies, which is a visible competitive edge. The implications of this study are noteworthy from the emerging paradigms of the circular economy and of the green economy. If cooperation in R & D and eco-innovations have enabled satisfactory socioeconomic outcomes, in companies which are distinct users of minerals and electricity, then it falls down the paradigm of polluting innovation that ignores that natural resources are finite. It is clear that the Triple Bottom Line paradigm, which considers the balance between the environmental, social and economic dimensions, has a viable basis for the industry of the third millennium. Companies have the responsibility to anchor technological change at every link in their value chains, since the extraction of raw materials from nature up to the education of consumers for the conscious use and disposal of products. It is possible to suggest that not correcting the technological route based on the economic paradigm of excesses on the world\'s resources can be qualified as a harmful corporate responsibility to the Planet.In addition, polluter-based industries and value chains seem to be doomed to disappear. The results of this study are restricted to the sample of industries investigated in Brazil. Topics with potential for future research emerge in symbiosis and industrial biomimetics, eco-innovation systems in Smart Cities, social eco-innovation, marketing eco-innovation and eco-innovations in Industry 4.0.

Les déterminants de l'innovation environnementale : application au secteur des détergents et produits d'entretien / Determinants of environmental innovation : application for detergents and cleaning products

Mehamli, Amara 21 September 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse vise à relever les déterminants de l'innovation environnementale de produit. Cette nouvelle innovation à caractère plus complexe, et dont les exigences en termes d'efficacité environnementale et de compétitivité sont essentielles à son développement et sa diffusion, occupe une place de plus en plus centrale au sein de la firme. Nous avons, dans ce travail de recherche, analysé particulièrement l'efficacité des approches volontaires, en l'occurrence la certification Ecolabel européen, sur l'innovation de produit au sein de la firme et relevé, en même temps, les principaux déterminants d'adoption de cet écolabel. Nous avons focalisé notre analyse sur le secteur des détergents et produits d'entretien en France. Cette analyse s'inscrit dans une approche évolutionniste et considère le processus de changement technique (développement et diffusion de l'innovation de produit (s) certifié (s) Ecolabel européen) comme étant un processus complexe et incertain intégrant différents facteurs en coévolution, au-delà d'une conception se limitant au rôle des politiques environnementales. L'étude de cas montre le rôle de la stratégie des firmes dans le processus de changement technique. L'étude empirique confirme le rôle de ce déterminant (stratégie des fournisseurs de biomolécules), et ressort, en outre, l'importance de la règlementation (REACH…), des avantages de la certification (une forte image) et de la demande dans l'adoption de cet écolabel / The aim of this thesis is to determine the relevant factors of environmental product innovation. This new more complex innovation, which requires environmental and competitiveness performance for its development and diffusion, occupies a more and more central place in the firm. We have in this work particularly analyzed the effectiveness of voluntary approaches (namely the European Ecolabel certification) on the innovation of products in the firm and, at the same time, identified the key determinants to adoption of this ecolabel. We focused our analysis on the detergents and maintenance-products sector in France. This study is a part of an evolutionary approach and considers the process of technical change (development and diffusion of European Ecolabel certified product) to be a complex and uncertain process incorporating different factors in co-evolution, beyond a limited conception of the role of environmental policies. The case study shows the role of the firm strategy in the process of technical change. The empirical analysis confirms the role of this determinant (strategy of suppliers of bimolecular substances) and presents, moreover, the importance of regulation (REACH…), the benefits of certification (brand image) and demand as key factors in adoption of this ecolabel certification. Indeed, although this voluntary policy drives some firms to innovation, the environmental performance and accession by most firms in this sector remains a challenge. In the current context, firms which have used biomolecular substances, under suppliers' strategic influence, have developed green products but not systematically European Ecolabel certified products

L’apport de la créativité dans les processus d’éco-innovation : proposition de l’outil EcoASIT pour favoriser l’éco-idéation de systèmes durables / Contribution of creativity in the eco-innovation process : proposition of an EcoASIT tool to foster the eco-ideation of sustainable

Tyl, Benjamin 13 December 2011 (has links)
Aujourd’hui les challenges portés par le développement durable nécessitent de développer de nouvelles offres et de nouveaux usages dans le cadre d’un processus d’éco-innovation intégrant les approches environnementales et sociétales.Cette thèse a pour objectif d’étudier l’intérêt d’utiliser des outils d’aide à la créativité afin d’instrumenter les phases de génération d’idées et de nouveaux concepts lors des processus d’éco-innovation.Cette adaptation est argumentée sur le plan conceptuel en montrant les affiliations théoriques entre les deux outils et sur le plan expérimental en présentant les résultats de nos différentes expérimentations. Nous montrons ainsi que l’outil EcoASIT présente un fort potentiel dans le processus d’éco-innovation en proposant de stimuler efficacement les phases d’idéation sur l’ensemble des axes du développement durable.A partir d’un état de l’art sur le concept d’éco-innovation et sur les outils d’aide à l’éco-innovation, nous montrons ainsi que, s’il existe de nombreux outils, peu d’entre eux sont précisément focalisés sur la phase de génération d’idées, ou idéation. De même, peu d’entre eux permette de stimuler l’ensemble des axes du développement durable.Pour répondre à cette lacune, nos recherches s'appuient sur une adaptation de l’outil de créativité ASIT en EcoASIT. / Today the challenges of sustainable development require new offers and new uses to be developed within the framework of an eco-innovation process, integrating environmental and societal approaches.The aim of this thesis is to study the advantages of using creativity tools to foster new concepts and ideas generation phases in eco-innovation processes.From a state of the art of the concept of eco-innovation and of the eco-innovation tools, we show that although there are many tools, few of them actually focus on the idea generation stage, or ideation, and few make it possible to stimulate all the axes of sustainable development.To fix this, our research relies on an adaptation of the creativity ASIT tool to EcoASIT. This adaptation is defended conceptually by showing the theoretical affiliations between the two methods, and experimentally by presenting the results of our different tests. We prove that the EcoASIT tool has great potential in terms of eco-innovation by efficiently stimulating the ideation stages with regard to all the aspects of sustainable development.

Energy policies and environmental entrepreneurship : the cases of Britain, France and Germany

Ball, Christopher Stephen January 2016 (has links)
To respect climate change goals, reinforced by COP21 in Paris, an overhaul of the energy system in EU countries will be necessary and this will involve a major deployment of low-carbon technology (Stern 2006). Although the relative roles of green new ventures and incumbent firms in the dissemination of environmental innovation remain unclear (Hall, Daneke et al. 2010), entrepreneurship shows promise as a response to environmental prob-lems (Anderson 1998, Schaltegger 2002, Hart, Milstein 1999). Since green new ventures are free from the innovatory constraints faced by incumbent firms (York, Venkataraman 2010, Hockerts, Wüstenhagen 2010), they are in a position to disrupt existing unsustaina-ble markets. Designing and implementing an energy policy with an “entrepreneurial fla-vour” (Wüstenhagen, Wuebker 2011) could be advantageous in achieving a successful sus-tainable transformation of the energy system. This thesis examines how entrepreneurs per-ceive energy policy in three advanced EU countries using a case study approach, with each country constituting a case. Data sources comprised policy documents, interviews with entrepreneurs and key staff in new ventures, and field notes from practitioner conferences. At this critical point at which direct support for renewables is being withdrawn, it is argued that efforts must be made to retain this entrepreneurial force in the energy market. This thesis reflects on the degree to which the market-creating support mechanisms are being withdrawn. If entrepreneurship is to thrive in a post-support context, there must be consid-eration as to how to better integrate decentralised renewables into the energy market, espe-cially in relation to how they can compete effectively with conventional technologies, namely nuclear and gas. In addition to alternative strategies to incentivise adoption of re-newable energy technologies beyond early adopter consumer categories (Rogers 1995), building greater public consent to sustainability policies is crucial to the continued success of energy entrepreneurship. Geopolitical factors surrounding energy security may rein-force the case for continuing to support entrepreneurship in the renewable power sector.

Avaliação do impacto de ecoinovações: o caso da tecnologia de biodigestores aplicada na agroindústria processadora de mandioca do estado do Paraná / Eco-innovations impact assessment: the case of biodigester technology applied in processing of cassava industries of Paraná state

Jesus, Marco Antonio Sampaio de 26 June 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Nadir Basilio (nadirsb@uninove.br) on 2016-06-07T16:19:57Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Marco Antonio Sampaio de Jesus.pdf: 2226717 bytes, checksum: 6a4b34c676cc6dcd79f81303dac46949 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-07T16:19:57Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Marco Antonio Sampaio de Jesus.pdf: 2226717 bytes, checksum: 6a4b34c676cc6dcd79f81303dac46949 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-06-26 / The negative externalities caused by production activities to satisfy the consumption needs impact directly on the natural environment, for example, the emission of greenhouse gases and pollution of soil and water, requiring new approaches to decision-making processes in organizations. Among these approaches are incorporating innovations that provide reduced environmental impacts, also called eco-innovations, and the adoption of models that assess comprehensively, integrated and in different perspectives the overall performance of these innovations. Considering that the object of this research is the eco-innovation 'biodigester technology' and the research field are the processing of cassava industries in State of Paraná, this multicase study included an extensive literature review to propose a specific set of indicators to assess the overall impact caused by the eco-innovation cited, covering the classic dimensions of sustainable development (environmental, social and economic) as well as other dimensions defined for the model used (training of human resources, institutional development, introducing innovation, unexpected/unwanted occurrences and characteristics of environmental management). This set of indicators was incorporated into the INOVA-tec System Model (Jesus-Hitzschky, 2007) developed by a researcher at the Brazilian Agricultural Research (Embrapa), setting up a new model called INOVA-tec System Modified. The primary data were processed in the new model and after analysis of the results it was evident that the technology object of this research has a favorable scenario for its spread, but the performance indicators are still low. Then were then presented suggestions for improvement to optimize the overall impact of the technology and at the end, it is recommended that the model proposed in this study be applied to other activities of the agricultural industry in order to validate and improve it´s theoretical contribution. / As externalidades negativas provocadas pelas atividades produtivas para atender as necessidades de consumo impactam diretamente o meio ambiente natural, por exemplo, pela emissão de gases efeito estufa e contaminação do solo e da água, exigindo novas abordagens para os processos decisórios das organizações. Entre essas abordagens estão a incorporação de inovações que proporcionem redução dos impactos ambientais, também denominadas ecoinovações, bem como a adoção de modelos que avaliem de forma abrangente, integrada e em diferentes perspectivas a performance geral dessas inovações. Tendo como objeto de pesquisa a ecoinovação ‘tecnologia de biodigestores’ e como campo de pesquisa as fecularias do Estado do Paraná, este estudo de casos múltiplos compreendeu uma extensa revisão na literatura para propor um conjunto específico de indicadores capazes de avaliar o impacto geral provocado pela referida ecoinovação, contemplando as dimensões clássicas do desenvolvimento sustentável (ambiental, social e econômica) bem como as demais dimensões definidas para o modelo utilizado (capacitação de recursos humanos, desenvolvimento institucional, introdução da inovação, ocorrências inesperadas/indesejadas e características da gestão ambiental). Esse conjunto de indicadores foi incorporado ao modelo INOVA-tec System (Jesus-Hitzschky, 2007) desenvolvido por uma pesquisadora da Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária, configurando um novo modelo aqui denominado INOVA-tec System Modificado. Os dados primários obtidos foram processados no novo modelo e após análise dos resultados ficou evidenciado que a tecnologia objeto desta pesquisa tem um cenário favorável à sua disseminação, porém a performance dos indicadores ainda é baixa. Foram, então, apresentadas sugestões de melhoria visando otimizar o impacto geral da tecnologia e, ao final, recomenda-se que o modelo proposto neste estudo seja aplicado em outras atividades da agroindústria a fim de validar e aprimorar sua contribuição teórica.

Success and Failure Factors for the Adoption of Bio-Based Packaging

Erdogan, Umit Emre January 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to provide insight into the factors that determine the willingness of key market players in the Indian food industry to adopt bio-based plastic packaging. First, the key market players are identified within the important market segments in the specified industry. After the identification of key players, the literature is surveyed in the context of eco-innovations, innovation adoption in emerging countries and Roger’s market adoption theory. In addition, the sustainability point of packaging and its perceived attributes are elaborated on and analyzed using the selected framework.   Semi-structured interviews with the key market players in the food packaging industry are conducted in the context of adoption theory. The results of the survey reveal that there are only two groups in the industry, those that are currently considering bio-based plastic packaging and those that have not yet considered it. Due to the low number of completed questionnaires, advanced multivariate statistical methods cannot be used for data analysis. Nevertheless, the questionnaire is used in the analysis section; for further investigation of important concepts, semi-structured interviews are performed which clarify the environmental strategies and programs of players in the market who expect opportunities for CO2, material, water and energy reduction to emerge in both the short-term and long-term. Their responses also underscore the increasing importance of “Life Cycle Assessment” in decision-making, i.e., as factors that determine the willingness of especially brand owners to adopt bio-based plastic packaging. However, the contribution of bio-based materials to these sustainability programs has not been clearly perceived as a positive attribute. Moreover, there is no significant indication that supports the use of bio-based materials in comparison to conventional plastics regarding the implemented cases of some life cycle assessments. Last but not least, the packaging material is perceived as being highly cost sensitive. One of the important findings is that market players are not willing to pay a premium price for packaging material merely on the basis of it being environmental friendly; therefore, it is necessary to add value to ensure the potential adoption of these environmental materials. Moreover, this obstacle may be overcome with the help of decreased cost by economies of scale in the bio-packaging materials.   This thesis concludes by emphasizing that value chain alignment is necessary, originating from the raw material to the end of recycling, for potentially adopted bio-based packaging material. This alignment can be stimulated by legislation; however, in some European countries, there is no signal detected to the contrary specifically for this industry. / <p>ID number <strong><em>2013:13</em></strong><strong><em>1</em></strong></p>

Managing the Difficulties Related to Adoption and Diffusion of Eco-Innovations : A Case Study of Electrochromic Windows / Anammande och spridning av miljövänliga innovationer : En fallstudie av elektrokroma fönster

Sandin Viberg, Andrea January 2013 (has links)
The increased determination to tackle the climate change has resulted in an increased importance of environmental friendly innovations. However, these types of products have a tendency to diffuse slowly into markets. Yet, the actual way through which firms succeed in bringing sustainable innovations to the market is relatively unexplored. The electrochromic window is an eco-innovation that despite its relatively superior technology and potential to reduce the energy consumption of the building sector has had relatively slow market diffusion. The aim of this thesis is hence to analyze the difficulties related to adoption and diffusion of eco-innovations. The purpose is to identify prerequisites that can improve the electrochromic window’s prospects of successful diffusion, and show how increased understanding of the factors/attributes that affects adoption and diffusion of eco-innovation can be used to improve the share of environmental friendly products on the market.  The findings are based on data from multiple research methods, such as a literature review, an analysis of the market for window/façade applications, basic building simulations, a simplified life cycle assessment, and cost-effectiveness calculations. This data is used to evaluate the electrochromic window’s performance relative eight factors/attributes that is argued to affect adoption and diffusion of eco-innovation. The main conclusions are that the electrochromic window performs well relative most of the identified factors and should hence have good prospects of being adopted within the building sector. Also, even though the electrochromic window has a high energy-saving potential due to its effect on buildings’ cooling need, the findings indicate that the window’s main benefit is its ability to ensure an unobstructed view. As a result, the window can provide both significant economic benefits as well as health benefits and thus also be beneficial for the society. However, since the benefits of the window are not communicated well to customers, there is currently a hesitance to adopt the window. Consequently, it is suggested that further research should be devoted to the understanding of needs and wants of the potential adopters and to prove the benefits of the window relative these needs and wants. Extra devotion should be given to the benefits of the unobstructed view since this could be the niche that separates the electrochromic window from currently established solar shading solutions on the market. / Den ökande beslutsamheten att möta klimatförändringarna har bidragit till att miljövänliga innovationer har blivit allt viktigare. Dock har den här typen av innovationer en tendens att spridas långsamt på marknaden. Trots detta är vetskapen kring hur företag egentligen lyckas med att introducera hållbara innovationer på marknaden relativt outforskat. Det elektrokroma fönstret är en miljövänlig innovation som trots sin relativt överlägsna teknologi och potential att minska byggnadssektorns energiförbrukning har haft en relativt långsam spridning. Syftet med detta arbete är därför att analysera de svårigheter som är relaterade till anammande och spridning av miljövänliga innovationer. Avsikten är att identifiera förutsättningar som kan förbättra det elektrokroma fönstrets förutsättningar att anammas inom byggnadssektorn, samt att visa hur en ökad förståelse kring de faktorer/attribut som påverkar anammande och spridning av eco-innovationer kan användas till att öka andelen miljövänliga innovationer som tas upp och sprids på marknaden. Resultaten är baserade på data från flera olika forskningsmetoder så som en litteratursökning, en analys av marknaden för fönster/fasadapplikationer, grundläggande byggnadssimuleringar, en enklare livscykelanalys, samt kostnadseffektivitetsberäkningar. Dessa data används sedan för att utvärdera det elektrokroma fönstrets prestanda relativt åtta faktorer/attribut som hävdas ha påverkan på anammandet och spridningen av miljövänliga innovationer. De främsta slutsatserna av arbetet är att det elektrokroma fönstret presterar väl relativt de flesta av de identifierade faktorerna och bör därför ha goda framtidsutsikter för att bli anammad inom byggnadssektorn. Resultaten visar även att trots att fönstret har en hög energibesparingspotential tack vare dess påverkan på behovet av komfortkyla, så är det dess förmåga att tillhandahålla en fri utsikt som är dess största fördel. Denna fördel medför att fönstren kan bidra till både ekonomiska fördelar så väl som hälsofördelar vilket gör dem fördelaktiga för hela samhället. Dock, eftersom dessa fördelar inte väl förmedlade så finns det i nuläget en tveksamhet till att anamma fönstret. Följaktligen föreslås det att fortsatta studier bör ägnas åt att öka förståelsen kring kundernas önskningar och behov samt att bevisa fönstrens fördelar relativt dessa. Särskilt fokus bör ägnas åt värdet i att tillhandahålla fri utsikt då detta kan vara den nisch som särskiljer de elektrokroma fönstren from de redan etablerade produkterna på marknaden.

Estudio de la interrelación entre el eco-diseño y la eco-innovación e identificación de aspectos clave en la innovación sostenible en un sector industrial: aplicación al sector del automóvil

PAYA MARTINEZ, ANA-MARIA 15 October 2013 (has links)
El respeto al medioambiente está calando en la sociedad moderna a todos los niveles. Los ciudadanos, las instituciones públicas y también las empresas son conscientes del papel que desempeñan en la protección del entorno. Este trabajo busca profundizar en los conceptos relacionados con el medioambiente que afectan a las decisiones que las empresas toman en el día a día. Por la relación de la autora con el sector del automóvil, en el que he desarrollado mi actividad profesional desde el año 1999, la aplicación empírica se ha realizado en esta industria, con el objetivo principal de identificar los aspectos sobre los que se debe indicir para potenciar las actuaciones mediomentalmente proactivas. Como actividades clave para el sector se ha analizado en profundidad el diseño y la innovación, que, al incluir el enfoque sostenible, se estudian en la tesis como ecodiseño y ecoinnovación. Así, en primer lugar se realiza una revision bibliográfica sobre el ecodiseño, los beneficios que se derivan para las empresas al considerar la mejora medioambiental a través del mismo, los que se derivan de la actitud proactiva y de su implementación también se identifican, como, por ejemplo, la mejora de la posición competitiva, la reducción de costes, la mejora de la imagen de la empresa o el desarrollo de nuevos productos En esta primera parte se identifica también el principal obstáculo que las empresas encuentran, que se resume en la falta de incentivos y de apoyo para que las empresas puedan potenciar e implementar las actuaciones de ecodiseño. En el segundo estudio, se analizaron las acciones concretas que una empresa automotriz líder como Faurecia ha desarrollado en los últimos años. A través del estudio de este caso de manera profunda, se presenta la información recogida mediante entrevistas con expertos en ecodiseño del grupo Faurecia. Los resultados observados a nivel particular en Faurecia se refuerzan por los resultados empíricos realizados sobre empresas pertenecientes al sector que muestran que la orientación ambiental está influenciada, principalmente, por las características de la empresa. Para las empresas de automoción españolas, el estudio detectó que la proactividad ambiental al innovar viene determinada, principalmente, por el tamaño de las empresas, medido por las variables: ingreso total, inversión total, cantidad de inversión en I+D y el número deempleados en I+D y también, aunque menos, por la actividad formal en I+D (número de patentes) y la orientación de exportadora de la empresa. Así, las grandes empresas con mayor número de patentes y con presencia internacional son más propensas a ser medioambientalmente activas en actividades de ecodiseño y ecoinnovación y que son este tipo de empresas las que lideran la actividad y la orientación medioambiental en el sector del automóvil español. Por otra parte, aunque la reducción en el uso de la energía y de material también se han relacionado con la ecoinnovación ambiental, están muy influenciados por otras variables como el rendimiento económico, la estructura de costes o su situación financiera, por lo que no se pudo concluir nada al respecto. La investigación prosiguió explorando las características específicas de la industria automotriz frente al eco diseño y otras cuestiones ambientales relacionadas. Así, el siguiente artículo que conforma esta tesis doctoral, se planteó con el propósito de identificar los impulsores de la orientación ambiental de las empresas del sector del automóvil. En concreto, se analizó la importancia de la tipología de las fuentes de información procedentes del entorno (denominadas ¿de mercado¿; proveedores, clientes, competidores y consultores externos) para orientar eficazmente mejoras de productos y procesos como factores claves para determinar la orientación ambiental de las empresas del sector. Utilizando el paquete de software SmartPLS 2.0, el modelo de medición fue confirmado con suficiente fiabilidad y validez para todas las hipótesis. Además, el modelo estructural demostró que todos los coeficientes de la ruta fueron estadísticamente significativos. Los resultados de nuestro estudio, consistentes con trabajos previos, destacan cómo las actividades de eco-innovación están positivamente relacionadas con la innovación. Las empresas que se centran en productos y procesos cuando innovan son más eco-innovadoras que el resto. La consistencia de los resultados sugiere que las compañías que buscan, por una parte, una mayor flexibilidad operativa, aumentar la capacidad de producción, reducir los costes laborales unitarios o reducir el consumo energético por unidad cuando están buscando innovaciones están también más dispuestas a adoptar una orientación ambiental y, por otra, las empresas que se centran en el desarrollo de nuevos productos, en aumentar o sustituir la gama de productos, en aumentar la calidad del producto o en alcanzar una mayor cuota de mercado o nuevos mercados, son también más propensas a ser medioambientalmente más proactivas. / Paya Martinez, A. (2013). Estudio de la interrelación entre el eco-diseño y la eco-innovación e identificación de aspectos clave en la innovación sostenible en un sector industrial: aplicación al sector del automóvil [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/32830

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