Spelling suggestions: "subject:"cological essessment"" "subject:"cological bioassessment""
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Approche écologique de l'évaluation de la mémoire épisodique et de la navigation spatiale dans la maladie d'Alzheimer / Ecological approach of episodic memory and spatial navigation assessment in Alzheimer diseaseDejos, Marie 03 December 2012 (has links)
Ces dernières années, la prise en compte des difficultés quotidiennes des personnes a largement évolué pour être aujourd’hui au centre des préoccupations des cliniciens et chercheurs. Dans le vieillissement en particulier, les difficultés quotidiennes tiennent une place particulière car elles constituent un critère de diagnostic de la démence mais également un facteur de risque de celle-ci, même en l’absence de trouble cognitif avéré.Leur prise en compte relève donc d’un intérêt majeur mais pose la question de leur mesure, notamment au vu des relations non systématiques qu’elles entretiennent avec les troubles cognitifs évalués par les tests neuropsychologiques traditionnels et les plaintes des sujets. Les approches écologiques, la réalité virtuelle en particulier, dans lesquelles s’inscrivent nos travaux, tentent de proposer une évaluation de la cognition « quotidienne » en espérant par ce bais, fournir des mesures qui soient à la fois précises, spécifiques et reflétant le fonctionnement quotidien de la personne. L’utilisation de deux environnements virtuels, représentant un appartement et un quartier résidentiel nous a permis de dégager des profils cognitifs spécifiques associés au vieillissement normal et à la maladie d’Alzheimer dans le cadre de la mémoire épisodique et de navigation spatiale. Ces profils sont discutés en référence au modèle multifactoriel du vieillissement et au regard de l’objectivation des difficultés quotidiennes des personnes. L’application de ces recherches pour le développement d’aides à l’autonomie des âgés est proposé comme perspective de travail. / These last years, taking account of everyday difficulties has largely improved and is at the core of preoccupations of clinicians and researchers.Particularly, everyday difficulties hold a special place in aging because of their potential value as a diagnostic criterion, but also as a risk factor, for dementia, even in the absence of cognitive impairment. However, despite being taken into consideration and their major interest, their assessment is being questioned, especially regarding their inconsistent relationships with cognitive impairments assessed by traditional neuropsychological tests and subjects’ complaints. The purpose of ecological approaches, particularly those using virtual reality technologies, in which our work is framed, is to assess the “daily” cognition, by which we hope providing measures that are accurate, specific and reflecting the one’s daily functioning. The use of two virtual environments, an apartment and a residential district, has allowed us identifying specific cognitive patterns of episodic memory and spatial navigation associated with normal aging and Alzheimer's disease. These patterns are discussed according to the multifactorial model of aging and the objective assessment of daily difficulties.The application of this research to the development of aids for the autonomy of the elderly is proposed as a work perspective.
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Evaluation de l'intégrité fonctionnelle des écosystèmes lotiques du sud-ouest de la France / Evaluation of the functional integrity of lotic ecosystems in southwestern FranceBrosed, Magali 14 June 2016 (has links)
L'évaluation écologique des cours d'eau ne prend pas en compte les différents processus qui y sont réalisés, faute d'indicateur disponibles. L'objectif de cette thèse a été de documenter l'utilisation de la décomposition des litières végétales d'origine terrestre comme indicateur de l'intégrité fonctionnelle des rivières de plaine et de piedmont suivies par l'Agence de l'Eau Adour-Garonne. Partie 1. Sur une douzaine de sites suivis pour la pollution par les pesticides, le taux de décomposition est divisé par deux entre le site le moins et le plus contaminé, entrainant le passage d'une décomposition co-assurée par les invertébrés et les microorganismes dans les sites les moins contaminés à un processus réalisé seulement par les microorganismes dans les sites les plus contaminés, compromettant le processus dans les rivières les plus contaminées. Cette altération est observée à des concentrations en pesticides pourtant inférieures aux seuils fixés par l'Union Européenne. Partie 2. Sur 58 sites qui maximisent l'amplitude des classes de qualité écologiques, l'absence de corrélation observée entre les indices biologiques basés sur les invertébrés (IBGN, I2M2) et les diatomées (IBD) et le processus de décomposition suggère que les perturbations, selon leur nature et/ou leur intensité, altèrent différentiellement la composition des communautés et les activité de transformation de la matière organique. Partie 3. Une grille d'évaluation de la qualité fonctionnelle des rivières croisant deux variables, ktotal et le ratio kinvertébré/kmicrobien est proposée à partir de 84 sites de suivi et de sites de référence tirés de la bibliographie. Cette grille montre qu'à l'échelle régionale, le processus de décomposition est plus affecté dans sa composante liée à l'activité des invertébrés qu'à celle liée aux microorganismes. En suivant les critères d'évaluation de la Directive Cadre sur l'Eau, cette grille d'évaluation met en évidence que seulement 28 % des sites étudiés atteindrait un bon état fonctionnel. Cette thèse a permit de documenter la réflexion menée sur le développement d'indicateurs fonctionnels et plaide pour l'inclusion de la décomposition des litières végétales dans l'évaluation évaluation écologique par une approche croisée, telle que formalisée par un graphique structure x fonction à double entrée. / The aim of this thesis was to document, at regional scale (SW France), the application of litter decomposition and associated metrics as a proxy of functional integrity of stream ecosystems. The Introduction exposed the underlying arguments, mainly relying on (1) the importance of this ecosystem process, which provides most carbon sources to the aquatic food web, and (2) the need to complement the structural metrics routinely used in biomonitoring schemes by a functional component. Chapter I dealt with the capacity, by using litter decomposition, to discriminate the effects of pesticides from other stressors in 12 agricultural streams selected along a contamination gradient. The decomposition rate was twice as low in the most contaminated site compared with the less contaminated one, and the relationship was monotonous along the gradient. Only the activity of invertebrate decomposers was affected, translating into the switch from a decomposition co-dominated by invertebrates and microorganisms in the less contaminated sites to a process only achieved by microorganisms in the most contaminated ones. Taxonomic richness and density of invertebrate decomposers together with a specific indicator based on invertebrate traits followed the same trends as the invertebrate-driven decomposition rate, kinvertebrate, while fungal biomass, sporulation rate and taxonomic richness remained unaffected. Consequently, the presence of pesticides compromised leaf breakdown, as microbial decomposers did not compensate for the invertebrate decomposers decline. This occurred while pesticides concentrations even in the most contaminated stream were under the European Union's Uniform Principles thresholds for targeted species. This study showed that litter breakdown, particularly the ratio of total to microbial-driven breakdown rate, is a pertinent proxy to assess the functional integrity of pesticide-contaminated streams. Chapter II compared the biological evaluation, as routinely undertaken in monitoring schemes from structural indicators based on invertebrates (IBGN and I2M2) and diatoms (BDI), with the functional indication based on litter decomposition. No correlation was found between structural and functional indicators on 58 streams, whereas the 3 structural indicators were strongly correlated each other. Redundancy analysis showed a negative relationship between ktotal or kinvertebrate and the proportion of cultures in the riparian corridor, while kmicrobial responded to the same environmental parameters (substratum coarseness, temperature) as structural indicators. The lack of correlation between invertebrate-based structural metrics and kinvertebrate suggested that disturbances, depending on their nature and/or intensity, differentially impair community composition and community activity in organic matter processing. In the view of proposing functional metrics, Chapter III concerned the distribution patterns of decomposition parameters on our study sites together with reference sites from the literature. Strong links were detected between decomposers community, decomposition rate and environmental settings, as exemplified by positive correlations between ktotal or kinvertebrate and detritivores abundance, kmicrobial and fungal biomass or sporulation rate, and the ratios ktotal/kmicrobial or kinvertebrate/kmicrobial and the abundance of decomposers. We propose a rating grid of stream ecosystem functional quality crossing two entries, ktotal and kinvertebrate/kmicrobial. At the regional scale, this grid shows that litter decomposition is more affected in its invertebrate component than in the microbial one. The Discussion exposes the main results in context and opens to perspectives, particularly about the question of reference sites. In conclusion, our results strongly argue for a crossed evaluation of ecological quality of running waters, as formalized by a chart with structure × fonction double entry.
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Mental contamination (i.e., feelings of dirtiness in the absence of contact with a contaminant) is a potentially important yet understudied factor in posttraumatic psychopathology, particularly for survivors of sexual trauma. Mental contamination has been linked to PTSD symptom severity, negative affect, and coping cross-sectionally and in lab-based paradigms, but research has yet to assess these relationships in ecological contexts. The present study extends previous cross-sectional findings by modelling relationships between mental contamination and posttraumatic psychopathology, emotions, and coping both within-day and from one day to the next. Forty-two female sexual trauma survivors completed twice-daily assessments of mental contamination, PTSD symptoms, negative emotions, and avoidant/approach coping via a smartphone app. Daily averages and intraindividual changes in mental contamination scores were linked with PTSD symptoms at the same timepoint. Mental contamination also significantly predicted several specific avoidant coping strategies at later timepoints in addition to concurrent links. Unexpectedly, several negative emotions exhibited positive links with concurrent mental contamination but were negatively linked to later mental contamination. Exploratory analyses identified a significant interaction whereby elevated morning negative affect predicted evening reductions in mental contamination, but only for individuals also high in morning PTSD symptoms. Lastly, prevalence of reported baseline mental contamination was much higher in the present study compared to prior research. Clinical relevance and future recommendations for ecological research in trauma-related mental contamination is discussed.
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Nemuno kilpų regioninio parko Punios šilo sumedėjusios augalijos ekologinis vertinimas / Nemunas Loops Regional Park the forest of Punia woody vegetation ecological assessmentGudaitis, Marius 15 June 2009 (has links)
Magistro darbe tiriama Nemuno kilpų regioninio parko Punios šilo sumedėjusią augaliją. Darbo objektas – Punios šilas bei jame esantys gamtinis rezervatas ir botaninis – zoologinis draustinis. Dabar Punios šilas – viena svarbiausių Nemuno kilpų regioninio parko dalių. Darbo tikslas – ekologinis Nemuno kilpų regioninio parko Punios šilo sumedėjusios augalijos vertinimas. Darbo metodika – Išanalizavus literatūrinę medžiagą ir remiantis Nemuno kilpų regioniniame parke esančiame Punios šile atliktais sumedėjusios augalijos tyrimais, stebėjimais nustatytas medžių rūšių išsidėstymas, jų pasiskirstymas kvartaluose. Buvo nustatyta medynų ekologinė būklė. Tyrimai buvo vykdomi visuose 48 Punios šilo kvartaluose. Kiekvienam kvartalui sudaryta atskira lentelė, iš kurios atsispindi bendras užimamas kvartalo plotas hektarais, sklypų skaičius, medynų sudėtis, būdinga augavietė, medynų amžiaus vidurkis, skalsumas, medynų tūris. Darbo rezultatai – nustatyta esama sumedėjusios augalijos rūšinė sudėtis, medynų įvairovė, ekologinė būklė. Punios šilo gamtinių objektų būklė yra gera. Pagal medynų charakteristiką Punios šile pušynai užima didžiausią plotą, eglynai per puse mažesnį, o ąžuolynai ir beržynai beveik vienodą plotą. / Post–graduate work examined the Nemunas loops regional park the forest of Punia woody vegetation. Object of the work - forest of Punia with nature reserve and botanical - zoological preserve that are in it. Now forest of Punia - one of the most important part of the Nemunas Loops Regional Park. Aim of the work - the ecological assessment of Nemunas loops regional park forest of Punia woody vegetation. Method of the work - analysis of literary material and on the basis of the Nemunas Loops Regional Park located in forest of Punia for the woody vegetation studies, the observations set out in the distribution of tree species, their distribution areas. It was found the ecological status of the woods. Studies were conducted in all 48 blocks of forest of Punia. For different block was made separate table, which is reflected in the total area in hectares occupied by block, parcel number, stand composition, characterized place of growth, average age of stands, the volume of stands. Results of the work - the existing woody vegetation species composition, stand diversity, the ecological status was set. Forest of Punia natural objects are in good condition. Under the stands testimonial pine forests occupy the largest area of the forest of Punia, fir - a half lower, and the oak woods, and birch forest takes near the same area.
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Development of an integrated GIS-based simulation tool to support ecologically sound water management in the Amudarya river deltaSchlüter, Maja 03 November 2003 (has links)
Extensive use of the Amudarya river waters for irrigation has severely impacted semi-natural ecosystems along its course and in its delta region. Currently, new strategies are searched for multi-user and multi-objective water management to mitigate ecological and socio-economic deterioration. The GIS-based modeling framework, TUGAI, has been developed to support exploration of alternative water management strategies for the Amudarya river delta and to analyze their ecological implications. Available information of heterogeneous type and quality on resource availability and habitat demands of deltaic ecosystems has been integrated into a comprehensive tool by a hybrid approach. A multi-objective water allocation model, AmuEPIC, has been combined with simple, spatially-explicit statistical and rule-based models of landscape dynamics, AmuGIS, and an ecological assessment procedure based on a fuzzy habitat suitability index model for riverine Tugai forests, TugaiHSI. Users can develop scenarios of alternative water management strategies for a time period of up to 30 years and compare their ecological effects. The tool facilitates a first quick assessment of the response of the delta environment to water management measures in a problem-oriented way. It assists in structuring the problem of water allocation to the environment, facilitates analysis of tradeoffs and uncertainties, fosters discussion between stakeholders and supports a goal finding process. Results of scenario analysis demonstrate solutions to given management tasks, which can serve as goals for implementation of measures in reality. First testing results indicate that there is a potential for increase of water discharge for environmental needs, while, at the same time, providing irrigation and other water users with sufficient water.
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An assessment of water quality and endocrine disruption activities in the Eerste/Kuils River catchment system, Western Cape, South AfricaFourie, Shani 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--University of Stellenbosch, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Water quality analysis forms the basis in assessing and monitoring catchments. As
urban development continuously increase, pollution sources increase in either point
source (wastewater treatment works, industrial effluents) and/or non-point source
origin (storm water discharge, domestic pollutants), accumulating pollutants in the
environment. It was only recently discovered that certain pollutants have subtle
disrupting effects on the endocrine system resulting in health related problems
associated with the reproductive system and thyroid system (growth and
development) of animals and potentially humans. Natural water resource
management proves to include limited biological assays measuring endpoints for
cytoxicity, inflammatory activity and endocrine disruption. The broad objective of
this study was therefore to include several bioassays, not normally used in municipal
(City of Cape Town) monitoring programmes, along with water quality data collected
by the City of Cape Town. The Eerste/Kuils River catchment system, Western Cape,
under the auspices of the City of Cape Town was chosen, and although this catchment
does not contribute to drinking water resources, is subjected to a range of
anthropogenic influences (industrial effluents, household wastewater, agricultural
runoff). Within the short time-frame available for this study (six months) two months,
July (following a dry summer and autumn season) and October (following a wet
winter and early spring season) were selected for water quality monitoring. Spatial
variation (with relevance to specific point and non-point contamination) among
sampling sites were also obtained by choosing several (n=10) along the catchment.
Specific aim of the study therefore included: Firstly (Chapter 2), the use of in vitro
bioassays, lactate-dehydrolises assay (LDH) for cytotoxic activity, pro-inflammatory
hormone Interleukin-6 (IL-6) secretion by human blood cells and a specific
Salmonella ELISA for faecal contamination, in conjunction with routine chemical and
biological (mostly microbiological) monitoring activities. The study indicated
significant variation among sites in all microbiological measures as well in IL-6
secretion and Salmonella presence. Between months, variations were also evident in
certain variables. Secondly (Chapter 3), two bioassays using the yolk precursor
protein, vitellogenin (Vtg) as endpoint was implemented in a) an in vitro Xenopus
laevis liver slice assay (five day exposure) and b) an in vivo Zebrafish (Danio rerio)
bioassay (seven day exposure) assessing estrogenic activity in the Eerste/Kuils River catchment. Although estrogen spiked positive control water samples stimulated Vtg
production in vitro as well as in vivo, no dramatic estrogenic activity was measured at
any of the selected sites. Thirdly (Chapter 4), a bioassay using the thyroid controlled
metamorphosis in Xenopus laevis tadpoles to assess effects on the thyroid hormonal
system was implemented. Thyroid stimulatory activity, compared with a negative
control sample, was measured at two sites along the catchment. Although the
practical implementation of the tadpole semi-static exposure protocol (water
replacement) proved to be labour intensive, all the added bioassays proved to be
valuable tools to add valuable information regarding water quality. It is clear that
more research related to anthropogenic influences along the Eerste/Kuils River
catchment system are needed, specifically in monitoring monthly variations to better
understand annual variation in several of the endpoints studied. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Waterkwaliteit vorm die basis vir die evaluering en monitering van opvangsgebiede.
Voortdurende stedelike ontwikkeling gee aanleiding tot ‘n toename in die voorkoms
van besoedelstowwe in die natuurlike omgewing deur gelokaliseerde (punt) bronne
(rioolwerke/industriële uitvloeisel) en/of nie gelokaliseerde (nie punt) bronne (vloed
uitlaat/huishoudelike uitvloeisels) van besoedeling. Dit het onlangs aan die lig gekom
dat van hierdie chemise besoedelstowwe subtiel die endokriene sisteem versteur en so
aanleiding gee tot gesondheidsprobleme in terme van die voortplantingsisteem en
tiroied sisteem (groei en ontwikkeling) by diere en moontlik ook die mens. Daar is
beperkte gebruik van biologiese toetse wat inligting verskaf oor sitotoksiteit,
inflammatoriese aktiwiteit en endokriene versteuring. Die doel van hierdie studie was
dus om van hierdie biologiese toetse, wat normaalweg nie deel uitmaak van die
roetine munisipale (Stad van Kaapstad) opvangsgebied monitering nie, gebruik te
maak. Die Eerste-, Kuilsrivier, Wes Kaap, onder beheer van Stad Kaapstad is gekies
en alhoewel die opvangsgebied nie water bydra tot drinkwaterbronne nie, word die
opvangsgebied beïnvloed deur verskeie mensgemaakte bronne van besoedeling
(afloop vanuit omliggende lanbougebiede). Binne die kort tydsraamwerk van die
projek (ses maande) is besluit om twee maande, Julie (volg ‘n droë somer en herfs
seisoen) en Oktober (volg ‘n nat winter en vroeë lente seisoen) vir water kwaliteit
monitering te kies. Ruimtelike variasie langs die loop van die opvangsgebied is
ingesluit deur moniteringspunte (n=10), met in ag name van die potensiële
besoedelingsbronne. Spesifieke doelwitte van die projek sluit in: Eerstens (Hoofstuk
2), om die in vitro biotoetse, laktaat hidrolise (LDH) vir sitotoksisiteit, proinflammatoriese
hormoon Interleuikin-6 (IL-6) vir inflammatoriese aktiwiteit,
vrygestel deur menslike bloedselle en ‘n Salmonella ELISA vir ontlasting besoedeling
saam met bestaande chemise en biologiese (hoofsaaklik migrobiologiese)
veranderlikes te gebruik. Die studie het getoon dat beduidende variasie in alle
mikrobiologiese toetse asook IL-6 vrystelling en Salmonella voorkoms bestaan het
tussen versamelpunte. Maandelikse variasie in sekere van die veranderlikes het ook
voorgekom. Tweedens (Hoofstuk 3), is twee biotoetse wat die
dooiervoorloperproteïen, vitellogeen (Vtg) as eindpunt gebruik geimplimenteer in a)
‘n in vitro Xenopus laevis lewersnit biotoets (vyf dag blootstelling) en b) ‘n in vivo
Zebravis (Danio rerio) biotoets (sewe dag blootstelling) om estrogenisiteit in die Eerste-, Kuilsrivier opvangsgebied te evalueer. Alhoewel, die estrogeen behandelde
positiewe kontrole water monsters Vtg produksie veroorsaak het in beide die in vitro
lewer-kulture en in vivo vistoets, is geen dramatiess estrogeniese aktiwiteit by enige
van die moniteringspunte gevind nie. Derdens (Hoofstuk 4), is ‘n biotoets wat die
tiroïedbeheerde metamorfose in Xenopus laevis paddavisse gebruik om effekte op die
tiroïedsisteem te evalueer. Die differensiële stimulering (versnelling), in vergelyking
met ‘n negatiewe kontrole watermonster, van die tiroied sisteem is by twee
moniteringspunte in die opvangsgebied waargeneem. Alhoewel die praktiese
implementering van die paddavis semi-statiese (water word gereeld vervang) biotoets
arbeidsintensief is, het alle bykomstige biotoetse waardevolle bykomstige inligting
oor water kwaliteit verskaf wat ‘n belangrike bydrae tot ingeligte bestuursbesluite kan
verleen. Dit is duidelik dat meer navorsing int verband met die menslike invloed
langs die Eerste-, Kuilsrivier opvangsgebied nodig is, veral met maandlikse
monitering vir seisoenale veranderinge.
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Ecological impact assessment: post-project analysis of pipeline installation.January 2001 (has links)
Leung Hoi-gok. / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2001. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 188-205). / Abstracts in English and Chinese. / Abstract --- p.i / 槪論 --- p.iv / Acknowledgements --- p.vi / List of Tables --- p.vii / List of Figures --- p.viii / List of Plates --- p.ix / List of Appendices --- p.x / Chapter CHAPTER 1 --- INTRODUCTION / Chapter 1.1 --- Introduction --- p.1 / Chapter 1.2 --- The Problems --- p.6 / Chapter 1.3 --- Conceptual Framework --- p.10 / Chapter 1.4 --- Significance of the Study --- p.15 / Chapter 1.5 --- Scope of Study --- p.17 / Chapter 1.6 --- Organization of the Thesis --- p.19 / Chapter CHAPTER 2 --- STUDY AREA / Chapter 2.1 --- Physical Setting of Hong Kong --- p.22 / Chapter 2.2 --- "Towngas Pipeline Project, the Land Section" --- p.25 / Chapter 2.3 --- Study Plots --- p.30 / Chapter 2.4 --- Observation on the Site --- p.39 / Chapter 2.5 --- Post-planting Care --- p.40 / Chapter CHAPTER 3 --- SOIL PROPERTIES AND IMPACTS BY PIPELINE CONSTRUCTION / Chapter 3.1 --- Introduction --- p.42 / Chapter 3.2 --- Methodology --- p.47 / Chapter 3.2.1 --- Sampling --- p.47 / Chapter 3.2.2 --- Bulk density --- p.48 / Chapter 3.2.3 --- Soil texture --- p.43 / Chapter 3.2.4 --- Soil reaction --- p.49 / Chapter 3.2.5 --- Organic carbon --- p.49 / Chapter 3.2.6 --- Total Kjedahl nitrogen (TKN) --- p.50 / Chapter 3.2.7 --- Available phosphate --- p.50 / Chapter 3.2.8 --- "Exchangeable K, Ca and Mg" --- p.50 / Chapter 3.3 --- Statistical Analysis --- p.51 / Chapter 3.4 --- Results --- p.51 / Chapter 3.4.1 --- Soil texture --- p.51 / Chapter 3.4.2 --- Bulk density --- p.53 / Chapter 3.4.3 --- Soil pH --- p.53 / Chapter 3.4.4 --- Soil organic matter --- p.55 / Chapter 3.4.5 --- Total Kjeldahl nitrogen --- p.55 / Chapter 3.4.6 --- Available phosphorus --- p.59 / Chapter 3.4.7 --- "Exchangeable potassium, calcium and magnesium ions" --- p.59 / Chapter 3.5 --- Discussion --- p.64 / Chapter 3.5.1 --- Nutrient content of shoulder and proper soils --- p.64 / Chapter 3.5.2 --- Causes for the change of soil properties --- p.72 / Chapter --- Construction of the pipeline --- p.72 / Chapter --- Influence of localized factors --- p.74 / Chapter 3.5.3 --- Recommendations on soil management --- p.75 / Chapter 3.6 --- Conclusion --- p.77 / Chapter CHAPTER 4 --- SPECIES SELECTION IN RESTORATION PLANTING / Chapter 4.1 --- Introduction --- p.79 / Chapter 4.2 --- Methodology --- p.83 / Chapter 4.2.1 --- Vegetation sampling --- p.83 / Chapter 4.3 --- Results --- p.85 / Chapter 4.3.1 --- Species composition of the undisturbed habitats --- p.85 / Chapter 4.3.2 --- Species composition of the restored vegetation --- p.88 / Chapter 4.4 --- Discussion --- p.95 / Chapter 4.4.1 --- Inadequate baseline and impact prediction in project EIA --- p.95 / Chapter 4.4.2 --- Restoration strategy --- p.98 / Chapter 4.4.3 --- Species selection in restoration planting --- p.101 / Chapter 4.4.4 --- Compatibility of species in restoration planting --- p.105 / Chapter 4.5 --- Conclusion --- p.110 / Chapter CHAPTER 5 --- GROWTH PERFORMANCE OF VEGETATION AND NATURAL INVASION IN THE SITES / Chapter 5.1 --- Introduction --- p.112 / Chapter 5.2 --- Methodology --- p.117 / Chapter 5.3 --- Results --- p.119 / Chapter 5.3.1 --- Growth performance of shrubs and trees --- p.119 / Chapter 5.3.2 --- Ground cover --- p.131 / Chapter 5.3.3 --- Species invading the pipeline corridor --- p.132 / Chapter 5.4 --- Discussion --- p.133 / Chapter 5.4.1 --- Growth performance of the restored saplings --- p.133 / Chapter 5.4.2 --- Site constraints --- p.135 / Chapter 5.4.3 --- Natural invasion on the pipeline corridor --- p.140 / Chapter 5.5 --- Conclusion --- p.141 / Chapter CHAPTER 6 --- RESTORATION TECHNIQUES AND MANAGEMENT / Chapter 6.1 --- Introduction --- p.144 / Chapter 6.2 --- Overview of the Project EIA --- p.146 / Chapter 6.2.1 --- Guidelines for site preparation --- p.146 / Chapter 6.2.2 --- Planting techniques of the restored vegetation --- p.148 / Chapter 6.2.3 --- Maintenance and aftercare --- p.149 / Chapter 6.3 --- Evaluation on Restoration Techniques and Aftercare --- p.149 / Chapter 6.3.1 --- Site preparation --- p.149 / Chapter 6.3.2 --- Restoration techniques of the vegetation --- p.151 / Chapter 6.4 --- Conclusion --- p.153 / Chapter CHAPTER 7 --- IMPROVEMENT ON ECOLOGICAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT / Chapter 7.1 --- Introduction --- p.154 / Chapter 7.2 --- Integrative Discussion --- p.156 / Chapter 7.2.1 --- Scoping and focusing procedures --- p.156 / Chapter 7.2.2 --- Impact assessment --- p.160 / Chapter 7.2.3 --- Impact mitigation --- p.161 / Chapter 7.2.4 --- Monitoring and auditing --- p.165 / Chapter 7.2.5 --- Guidelines of restoration in the technical memorandum of EIAO --- p.167 / Chapter 7.3 --- Conclusion --- p.169 / Chapter CHAPTER 8 --- CONCLUSION / Chapter 8.1 --- Summary of Findings --- p.171 / Chapter 8.2 --- Implications of the Study --- p.179 / Chapter 8.2.1 --- Criteria for the selection of species in restoration --- p.179 / Chapter 8.2.2 --- Silvicultural knowledge of native species --- p.180 / Chapter 8.2.3 --- Soil impact assessment for project involving soil alternation --- p.182 / Chapter 8.2.4 --- Improvement on environmental monitoring and auditing --- p.182 / Chapter 8.3 --- Limitation of the Study --- p.183 / Chapter 8.4 --- Suggestion for Further Studies --- p.185 / REFERENCES --- p.188 / APPENDICES --- p.206
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Rapid bioassessment of the ecological integrity of the Lourens, Palmiet and Hout Bay Rivers (South Western Cape, South Africa) using aquatic macroinvertebratesOllis, Dean Justin 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--University of Stellenbosch, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The primary aim of this study was to assess and compare the ecological integrity of the Lourens, Palmiet and
Hout Bay Rivers (South Western Cape, South Africa) by examining the macroinvertebrate community
structure at a series of representative sampling sites along the course of each river, using the South African
Scoring System - Version 5 (SASS-5) rapid bioassessment method. Secondary aims included an
examination of the effects of seasonal variability, biotope availability and site-specific environmental
variables on the macroinvertebrate community structure at sampling sites, as well as the preliminary testing
of the Integrated Habitat Assessment System (IHAS) for aquatic macroinvertebrates.
According to results obtained, the ecological integrity of sampling sites in the Mountain Stream Zone of the
three rivers was consistently good. The Hout Bay River in the upper portions of the Orange Kloof Reserve
was particularly near-pristine, with this area having been identified in this study as a potential biodiversity
‘hot-spot’ for aquatic macroinvertebrates. Downstream of the Mountain Stream Zone, there was a significant
deterioration in the ecological integrity of all three rivers due to a number of probable causes. Results based
on recorded SASS Scores and Average Score per Taxon (ASPT) values, using ‘biological bands’ generated
from reference sites in the South Western Cape, were generally similar to and supported by the
corresponding multivariate analyses undertaken. From the results of the various analyses undertaken in this
investigation and some of the problems encountered in interpreting the data, a number of recommendations
are made regarding future bioassessment studies based on the SASS within the national River Health
Programme (RHP).
To test the IHAS, secondary data were obtained from reference sites in the Mpumalanga and Western Cape
Provinces of South Africa. Assuming that SASS Scores at reference sites are the highest scores attainable,
one would expect to find a positive relationship between SASS Scores and IHAS scores at reference sites.
The assumption in this investigation was that this relationship should be linear. Non-parametric correlation
analyses were undertaken between SASS-4/5 Scores and IHAS scores, using Kendall’s Rank-correlation
Coefficient (τ), with separate analyses undertaken for different geomorphological zones and biotope groups.
Correlations between SASS Scores and IHAS scores were generally weak (τ-values mostly < 0.3) and
unsatisfactory, with no significant correlations (p < 0.05) for two-thirds of the data sets analysed and a wide
degree of scatter generally observed amongst data points in respective scatter plots. The performance of the
IHAS varied between geomorphological zones and biotope groups, with the Foothill: Gravel-bed Zone in
Mpumalanga showing the best results, particularly when the stones-in-current biotope group was analysed
separately. Further testing of the IHAS is required to confirm its relative performance in different
bioregions/ecoregions, geomorphological zones and biotope groups, which should be undertaken as a
priority research area within the RHP. Unsuccessful attempts to test the IHAS by means of multiple
regression analyses were undertaken, suggesting that such techniques should be avoided in further testing
of the IHAS. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die hoofdoel van hierdie studie was om die ekologiese toestand van die Lourens-, Palmiet- en
Houtbaairiviere (Suidwes Kaap, Suid Afrika) te bepaal en te vergelyk deur die bestudering van die
makroinvertebraatgemeenskapstruktuur by verteenwoordigende monsterpunte langs die riviere, met gebruik
van die “South African Scoring System” – Weergawe 5 (SASS-5) snelle biologiese bepalingsmetode.
Sekondêre doelwitte het die bepaling van die gevolge van seisoenele veranderlikheid, biotoop
beskikbaarheid en ligging-bepaalde omgewingsveranderlikes op die makroinvertebraatgemeenskapstruktuur
by monsterpunte ingesluit, asook die inleidende toetsing van die “Integrated Habitat Assessment System”
(IHAS) vir watermakroinvertebrate.
Volgens die resultate verkry, was die ekologiese toestand van monsterpunte in die Bergstroomsone van die
drie riviere konsekwent goed. Die Houtbaairivier in die boonste gedeelte van die Oranjekloofreservaat was
veral feitlik onversteurd en hierdie streek is in die studie as ‘n potensiaal biodiversiteit “hot-spot” vir
watermakroinvertebrate geidentifiseer. Stroomafwaarts van die Bergstroomsone was daar ‘n beduidende
verswakking in die ekologiese toestand van al drie riviere, as gevolg van ‘n aantal moontlike oorsake.
Resultate gebaseer op bepaalde “SASS Scores” en ‘Gemiddelde Waarde per Takson’ (“Average Score per
Taxon” - ASPT) waardes, met gebruik van ‘biologiese bande’ wat van verwysingsmonsterpunte in die
Suidwes Kaap afgelei is, was oor die algemeen soortgelyk aan en gestaaf deur die ooreenstemmende
multiveranderlikke (“multivariate”) statistiese analises wat gedoen is. Uit die resultate van die verskeie
analises wat in hierdie ondersoek gedoen is en sommige van die probleme wat in die dataverklaring gevind
is, is ‘n aantal aanbevelings gemaak met betrekking tot toekomende biologiese bepalingstudies vir die
nasionale Riviergesondheidsprogram (“River Health Programme” - RHP) wat op die SASS gebaseer is.
Om die IHAS te toets is sekondêre data van verwysingsmonsterpunte in die Mpumalanga en Wes Kaap
Provinsies van Suid Afrika verkry. As aangeneem word dat die “SASS Scores” by verwysingsmonsterpunte
die hoogste moontlike tellings is wat bereik kan word, sou ‘n positiewe verwantskap tussen “SASS Scores”
en IHAS tellings by verwysingsmonsterpunte verwag word. Die veronderstelling in hierdie studie was dat dié
verwantskap lineêr moet wees. Nie-parametriese korrelasieanalise tussen “SASS-4/5 Scores” en IHAS
tellings is gemaak, deur gebruik van Kendall se Rangkorrelasiekoëffisiënt (τ), met afsonderlike analises vir
verskillende geomorfologiese sones en biotoopgroepe verrig. Korrelasies tussen “SASS Scores” en IHAS
tellings was algemeen swak (τ-waardes < 0.3) en onbevredigend, met geen beduidende korrelasies (“p” <
0.05) vir twee-derdes van die datastelle wat geanaliseer is nie en ‘n wye verspreiding tussen datapunte in
die onderskeie “scatter plots” wat waargeneem is. Die funksionering van die IHAS was verskillend tussen
geomorfologiese sones en biotoopgroepe. Die beste resultate is vir die Voorheuwel: Gruisbeddingsone in
Mpumalanga verkry, veral indien die klippe-in-stroom biotoopgroep afsonderlik geanaliseer is. Verdere
toetsing van die IHAS is nodig om die relatiewe funksionering in verskillende biostreke/”ecoregions”,
geomorfologiese sones en biotoopgroepe te bevestig en dit behoort voorangs te geniet binne die RHP.
Pogings om die IHAS deur middel van veelvoudige regressie analise te toets het misluk, wat aandui dat
sulke tegnieke vermy moet word in verder toetsing van die IHAS.
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Eco-livelihood assessment of inland river dredging : the Kolo and Otuoke creeks, Nigeria, a case studyTamuno, P. B. L. January 2005 (has links)
Conventionally environmental assessments (EAs) have been carried out to enhance the understanding of the environment and for the purpose of developing appropriate environmental management and protection strategies. There are, however, limitations to the application of traditional EA approaches, particularly in rural communities in the developing world, where livelihood is dependent on common pool resources (CPRs), and baseline data are inadequate or unavailable. Eco-livelihood assessment (EcLA) is an adaptive approach that integrates a people focused sustainable livelihood approach with ecological assessment, as well as exploring traditional eco-livelihood knowledge (TELK). EcLA is identified as a promising EA tool that could help environmental professionals in planning for equitable development. This approach has been used in the Kolo and Otuoke Creeks, Niger Delta, Nigeria to investigate the ecological impact of dredging that may impact on livelihoods in such a rural setting. Ecological and social surveys have been carried out in four communities in the Study Area; two Test communities and two Reference communities (two communities from each study creek). The information collected from the social survey includes TELK, and has been used to build up a baseline scenario of the Study Area. Abundance and diversity of fish are good indicators of the eco-livelihood impacts of inland river dredging. The research shows that livelihood characteristics, river use profile, fish species diversity and abundance are very similar among all four sample communities. In addition, all sample communities have been associated with similar natural and human induced environmental consequences except that the Test communities have had river sections dredged for the purpose of land reclamation representing the baseline scenario. The analysis of the results of the ecological survey shows a difference in fish catch per unit effort, catch per unit hour, and species diversity between the Test and Reference communities, this have been attributed to the impacts of inland river dredging. The study shows that TELK has a place in environmental assessment, and that eco-livelihood assessment is one promising environmental assessment approach that could be used in areas where livelihood is strongly dependent on common pool resources.
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Energetické hodnocení administrativní budovy / Energy evaluation of an administrative buildingStadtherr, Jan January 2018 (has links)
This master’s thesis deals with the energy assessment of an administrative building. The theoretical part is devoted to legislation for energy assessment – law, regulations and technical standards. The application of this legislation is provided in the calculation part as energy audit and energy performance certificate of the administrative building. The last part of this thesis is dedicated to application of computational softwares for analysing results of heat consumption in comparison with reality.
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