Spelling suggestions: "subject:"conomic colicy"" "subject:"conomic bpolicy""
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Gender equality and corporate social responsibility in the workplace: a case study of Anglo American Platinum Mine and Impala Platinum Mines Rustenburg, South AfricaMutasa, Francyn Chido January 2017 (has links)
A research report submitted to the Faculty of Humanities, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts in Labour, Policy and Globalisation, 2017 / This research presents an investigation of the role played by private corporations in promoting gender equality, using the platinum mining sector in the Rustenburg area as a case study. In evaluating this role the research uses The Mining Charter, a piece of legislation and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) to assess the efforts that have been made by Anglo American and Impala Platinum mines. This qualitative study uses an abductive approach and a Marxist feminist theoretical perspective to establish what constitutes the problem of inequality. Relying on data collected through document analysis, which included a review of the Mining Charter, and various company annual reports, coupled with data collected from conducting interviews from September to December 2016, the research has found companies to look at the problem of gender equality from a ‘female employees statistics’ point of view. As such, the problem of equality has ignored the indirect negative impacts mining has on women in the communities in which the mining companies operate. This research understands equality as having two sides, “formal and informal” equality. While efforts by the government, and mining companies have tried to address the part of formal equality through increasing the numbers of females in mining, and improving the general conditions in which they operate, this research finds that there exists a form of “informal equality.” This informal inequality looks at the outcomes of the efforts in reality, and goes beyond the company into society. Mining companies have the ability to address this type of equality through CSR, but this research notes that CSR programs are often not viewed through a gender lens. The study therefore concludes that there is a disjuncture between the perceived results of efforts made by corporations on paper and the outcomes in reality. While corporations can contribute to promoting equality in the workplace, their understanding of equality is skewed and one sided therefore inequality continues to persist. Perhaps if companies use the strategy of gender mainstreaming to address the goal of equality, which involves taking into account the particular problems of women in all facets, then equality can be achieved. / XL2018
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Implementation of the child labour policy in South AfricaAsobo, Simo Mambi January 2016 (has links)
A research report submitted to the Faculty of Management, University of the Witwatersrand, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Management (in the field of Public Policy)
, April 2016 / Child labour is a social problem that affects several countries worldwide, and South Africa is not an exception. It is the result of adverse economic conditions in the country, where children feel they have to resort to finding employment in order to support their families. There is a general consensus that child labour in South Africa needs to be dealt with, and this is seen via the ratification of the two most important ILO conventions that speak to child labour. The ratification of these conventions led to the development of a child labour policy for South Africa; the Child Labour Programme of Action. However, despite the existence of this policy and its implementation, child labour continues. This report looked at how the child labour policy was implemented, and to verify if the continued occurrence of child labour was due to a disconnection between the policy as it is presented on paper, and those who are supposed to implement the policy on the ground. The report used qualitative methods, specifically documentary analysis and interviews. The documents that were analysed included the Child Labour Programme of Action, as well as its follow up documents. Meanwhile, government officials as well as members of civil society were the interview subjects. The main finding of the research is that the implementers of the policy do not have a full understanding of the policy and what it entails. And because of this they are unable to properly implement the policy to produce an effective solution against child labour. The report concludes with recommendations intended to help the government to get more out of the Child Labour Programme of Action. / MT2018
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Em busca de um projeto de nação: revisitando a obra de Celso Furtado / Search of a nation project: revisiting the Celso Furtado\'s workCarvalho, Clerisnaldo Rodrigues de 11 March 2009 (has links)
O presente trabalho analisa, interpreta e discute as análises do economista Celso Furtado quanto ao processo de construção do Estado nacional brasileiro desde o processo de industrialização dos anos 30, a partir de uma perspectiva de desenvolvimento de um sistema econômico e centros de decisão nacionais que vai se configurando com a industrialização. Consideramos necessário que a construção do Estado nacional, idéia central do trabalho a ser perseguido, culminou com as abordagens geográficas categoriais de nação, espaço, território, região presentes nos aportes teóricos de C. Furtado e que é um campo interpretativo de suma importância nas abordagens de análise da ciência geográfica. Analisamos o período dado por C. Furtado como de construção do Estado nacional a partir dos anos 30, do século passado; apontamos o arrefecimento do Estado nacional, nos governos militares e o seu desmanche nos governos neoliberais da década de 90. A partir destas constatações históricas observamos a necessidade intrínseca de retomada do desenvolvimento econômico brasileiro e o fortalecimento do Estado nacional como mecanismo de solidificação das estruturas da economia e da sociedade frente ao descontrole do capital. A direção é no sentido de mantermos a perspectiva de C. Furtado, de constituirmos uma Nação mais solidária em termos dos entes federativos e, sua inserção soberana na esfera internacional, ter uma ação com certo grau de protagonismo e soberania, no contato com outras nações-Estados. / This study examines, interprets and discusses the analysis of the economist Celso Furtado on the procedure for the construction of the brazilian national state since the industrialization process of the 30, from a perspective of developing an economic system and national centers of decision that goes is setting up with the industrialization. We consider that the construction of the national state, central idea of the work to be pursued, culminating with the approaches of geographical categorial - nation, space, territory, and region - in theoretical contributions of C. Furtado and is a field of great importance in interpretive approaches to analysis of geographical science. I reviewed the period given by C. Furtado as the construction of the national state from the 30s of last century, indicated the cooling of the nation-state, governments in the military and its dismantling of neoliberal governments in the 90s. Based on these findings historical look at the intrinsic need of resumption of economic development and strengthening of the brazilian national state as a mechanism of solidification of the structures of the economy and society uncontrolled front of the capital. Based on these findings historical look at the intrinsic need of resumption of economic development federal entities, and their integration into sovereign in the international sphere action with a certain degree of ownership and sovereignty, in contact with other nations-states.
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Previous issue date: 2005-09-02 / Since the publication of LDB 9.394./96, guidelines which deal with Brazilian educational policy
and which include Pre-school Education as an integral part of Primary Education, the question of
supply and demand has been observed in this level of education. This research arose when we
realized the necessity of a greater understanding of the Public Policy for Primary Education, of
which Pre-school Education is a part. It is our intention to discover to what point the service to
children up to six years old has been implanted and how Pre-school Education is progressing in
the towns of Goiânia, Catalão, Ipameri, Palmeiras de Goiás e Urutaí in the state of Goiás, using
finance as the basis of analysis. On the basis that the reality is understood from the totality, we
used the historic dialectic method to provide the guidelines for this research. Thus, we analyzed
the financing of Primary Education and how Pre-school Education is being catered for. We
worked with quantative research as one of the instruments to understand the reality objectively.
However, to facilitate interaction the results were analyzed qualatively. Descriptive studies
allowed us to collect data on the availability of Pre-school Education; in the same way that
bibliographical studies contributed to the arguments as to the importance of Pre-school Education
for the cognitive formation of the children and for the process of their development. The
theoretical basis of this research is provided by works of Kramer, Barbosa, Karl Marx, Saviani,
Brzezinski, Philippe Áries, Sofia Lerche, Vygotsky, Piaget, Enguita e Perry Anderson, among
others. The research is presented in three chapters. In the first Pre-school Education: historical
and psycho-pedagogic aspects we deal with questions involving the battle for access to Preschool
Education and its importance in the development and learning of the pupils. In the second
The policy for Pre-school Education: a project in the making we speak of the policy of
finance for Pre-school Education, how and why Fundef (the Fund for Primary Education) was set
up and the logic that permeates it, as well as governmental norms for the financing of Pre-school
Education and the contradictions present inside governmental discourse. In the last chapter
Analysis of the Data we move on to the qualitative analysis of the data obtained about the five
towns, returning to the importance of the National Education Plan, as the legal and legitimate
instrument which defend the raising of the level of schooling of the population and the
improvement in the quality of teaching in the country. In spite of the battle, Brazilian society has
still not won a specific budget for the financing of education for children under six, even though
Pre-school Education is part of the obligatory National Primary Education. Therefore this
question is one of the contradictions in Brazilian education which must be overcome in the fight
of Brazilian workers. / Desde a publicação da LDB 9.394/96, que trata da política educacional brasileira, incluindo a
Educação Infantil como parte integrante da Educação Básica, que vimos observando a questão da
oferta e da demanda deste nível de ensino. Esta pesquisa surgiu no momento em que detectamos
a necessidade de compreender melhor as políticas públicas para a Educação Básica, da qual a
Educação Infantil faz parte. É nossa intenção verificar até que ponto tem sido realizado o
atendimento às crianças na faixa etária de 0 a 6 anos e como se dá a Educação Infantil nos
municípios de Goiânia, Catalão, Ipameri, Palmeiras de Goiás e Urutaí localizados no Estado de
Goiás,tendo como referência de análise o financiamento. Entendendo que a realidade se
compreende a partir da totalidade, vamos buscar no método histórico dialético as diretrizes para
esta pesquisa. Assim, analisamos a política de financiamento para a Educação Básica como
também a inserção da Educação Infantil. Trabalhamos com a pesquisa quantitativa como um dos
instrumentos para compreender a realidade objetiva e facilitar a interação, entretanto,
submetemos os resultados obtidos à análise qualitativa. Os estudos descritivos nos possibilitaram
levantar dados referentes à oferta da Educação Infantil; da mesma forma que os estudos
bibliográficos contribuíram no alicerce da discussão sobre a importância desta etapa da educação
na formação cognitiva da criança e no seu processo de desenvolvimento. A fundamentação
teórica que sustenta esta pesquisa baseia-se dentre outros em Kramer, Barbosa, Karl Marx,
Saviani, Brzezinski, Philippe Áries, Sofia Lerche, Vygotsky, Piaget, Enguita e Perry Anderson. A
pesquisa apresenta três capítulos sendo que o primeiro A Educação Infantil: Aspectos
Históricos e Psico-pedagógicos aborda questões que envolvem a luta pelo acesso à Educação
Infantil e sua importância no processo de desenvolvimento e aprendizagem; o segundo A
Política de Financiamento da Educação Infantil: um projeto em construção trata da política de
financiamento para o Ensino Fundamental, como e por que o Fundef foi instituído e toda a lógica
que o permeia, bem como as normativas governamentais para financiamento da Educação
Infantil e as contradições presentes no interior do discurso governamental; no último O
Desvelamento dos Dados procede-se à análise qualitativa dos dados obtidos sobre os cinco
municípios, retomando a importância do Plano Nacional de Educação, enquanto instrumento
legal e legítimo, que defende a elevação do nível de escolaridade da população e melhoria da
qualidade do ensino no país. Apesar da luta da sociedade brasileira, ainda não se conquistou
destinação orçamentária específica para o financiamento da educação destinada ao atendimento
das crianças de 0 a 6 anos, embora a Educação Infantil faça parte da Educação Básica Nacional
que tem caráter obrigatório. Portanto tal questão é uma das contradições da educação brasileira,
que deverá ser superada pela luta dos trabalhadores e trabalhadoras brasileiros.
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Análise de projetos de REDD+ nas diferentes modalidades de financiamento / Analysis of REDD+ projects under different financing arrangementsSalles, Guilherme Piffer 31 March 2016 (has links)
O mecanismo de REDD+ tem sido colocado como central para incentivar medidas de mitigação das alterações climáticas globais envolvendo os ecossistemas florestais, sendo importante a definição das modalidades de financiamento a serem adotadas no âmbito da Convenção Quadro das Nações Unidas para as Mudanças Climáticas (UNFCCC, na sigla em inglês) para a viabilização destes incentivos. Buscando contribuir para este debate, o presente trabalho analisa a relação entre as características dos projetos de REDD+ no Brasil e suas modalidades de financiamento, baseadas em fundos públicos ou no mercado de carbono. A análise é feita aplicando-se estatística descritiva e testes de hipótese a dados coletados em bases de dados de acesso público, no período de janeiro a outubro de 2015, para 89 projetos piloto de REDD+ aprovados no mercado voluntário de carbono e no Fundo Amazônia. Para descrever as características dos projetos são utilizadas 21 variáveis, elaboradas a partir de informações referenciadas como relevantes na literatura sobre REDD+ e sobre instrumentos econômicos de política ambiental. Com base nos resultados foi possível identificar que os projetos sob cada modalidade de financiamento possuem claras diferenças, convergentes com distintas concepções teóricas sobre instrumentos econômicos baseados em incentivo, sendo que os Projetos financiados por fundos públicos estão mais alinhados aos conceitos propostos pela economia ecológica e os projetos financiados por mercados de carbono são mais aderentes às premissas da economia ambiental neoclássica. Por outro lado, foram identificadas também características em que o contraste entre as duas categorias de projetos não se mostrou tão evidente, representando a necessidade destes projetos de adaptar-se às complexidades do contexto florestal e à eficiência necessária para garantir resultados esperados do REDD+. Argumenta-se assim em favor da adoção de modalidades mistas de financiamento, capazes de gerar financiamento simultaneamente a projetos sob fundos públicos e sob mercados de carbono / The REDD+ mechanism is central to foster global forest-based climate change mitigation measures. And for it to work properly, it is of great relevance that financial mechanisms to be used for these incentives are defined within the UNFCCC. Aiming to contribute to this debate, this study analyses the relationship between the characteristics of REDD+ projects in Brazil and the financing mechanisms they use: public funds or carbon markets. The analysis is conducted using statistical descriptive analysis and hypothesis testing to 21 variables that describe core project characteristics. Data was collected from public access databases between January and October 2015 for 89 projects approved under the Voluntary Carbon Market and under the Amazon Fund. Based on the analysis results it is possible to identify that the projects under each category presents clear distinctions related to conceptual differences between the financial mechanisms: projects under public funds are aligned mainly with the ecological economics view and projects under the carbon market are more adherent to the neoclassical environmental economics view. On the other hand, there are some characteristics in which this contrast is not so clear, and that represent the projects efforts to adapt to the complexities of the forest sector and to the efficiency and efficacy requirements necessary achieve the expected REDD+ results. It is argued that that a mixed financial mechanism should be adopted, in order to enable simultaneous financing to both public fund and carbon markets projects
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A evolução diferenciada da indústria de máquinas agrícolas: um estudo sobre os casos norte-americano e brasileiro / The differentiated evolution of agricultural machinery industry: a study of North- American and Brazilian caseBaricelo, Luís Gustavo 03 December 2014 (has links)
Esta dissertação tem como objetivo realizar um estudo da evolução da indústria de máquinas agrícolas em dois mercados diferentes: o mercado norte-americano e o brasileiro. Deseja-se analisar como esta indústria se desenvolveu levando em consideração fatores da estrutura industrial, como também questões relacionadas à política econômica e agrícola. Utilizou-se uma metodologia analítica descritiva, iniciando o trabalho com uma revisão teórica dos fatores industriais e de política agrícola que podem influenciar a indústria e o mercado de máquinas agrícolas. Após tal revisão teórica iniciam-se os estudos das indústrias nos países citados. Primeiramente analisou-se o caso dos Estados Unidos, desde a formação do setor até o atual estágio de desenvolvimento daquele mercado. Os capítulos subsequentes fazem a mesma análise, mas com vistas ao caso brasileiro, dando ênfase na importância que o Estado teve na formação da indústria de máquinas agrícolas e o papel por ele desempenhado para estimular as vendas de tratores e demais máquinas através do crédito agrícola para investimento. Analisou-se a evolução da indústria brasileira desde seu nascimento, seu auge ocorrido durante o período 1960-1980, a crise que enfrentou entre 1980 e 1990, bem como sua posterior recuperação com o início dos anos 2000. As principais conclusões que este trabalho chegou foram que, a evolução desta indústria nos países estudados se deu de forma diferenciada. Enquanto no caso norte-americano o setor se desenvolveu de forma mais autônoma, isto é, sem tanta interferência estatal, no caso brasileiro somente pode-se pensar o desenvolvimento desta indústria levando em consideração a intervenção estatal, tanto por meio de incentivos para a criação da indústria quanto por meio do crédito subsidiado que fomentou as vendas. No caso norte-americano a indústria se desenvolveu através da capacidade inovadora de seus empresários, sem a intervenção direta do governo. Quando esta ocorreu deu-se em termos de políticas agrícolas que, ao sustentar o preço dos produtos agrícolas via política de preços mínimos, induziu os produtores rurais a se tornarem mais produtivos, adotando as novas máquinas existentes. Outra conclusão foi que durante as décadas de 1980-1990 tanto no Brasil quanto nos Estados Unidos o Estado se manteve ausente, tanto em termos setoriais quanto em termos de política agrícola, mesmo período no qual ambos os mercados de máquinas enfrentaram graves crises Tal indústria somente voltaria a se recuperar em 1990, no caso americano, e nos anos 2000 no caso brasileiro. Nos Estados Unidos a recuperação foi acompanhada por uma nova onda de inovações, principalmente com o surgimento da eletrônica embarcada e com a agricultura de precisão. Tal tecnologia chegaria no Brasil por volta dos anos 2000, dando novo ânimo ao setor, juntamente com o novo programa de financiamento lançado pelo governo brasileiro para modernização da frota agrícola, o MODERFROTA, que impulsionou as vendas de máquinas. Em termos mundiais os Estados Unidos consolidaram-se como difusores de progresso técnico e exportadores de máquinas, enquanto o Brasil, ainda que seja um importante produtor entre os países em desenvolvimento, não chega a ultrapassar a marca de 1,1% em relação as exportações mundiais. / This paper aims to conduct a study of the evolution of the agricultural machinery industry in two different markets: the North American market and the Brazilian. Examining how this industry developed taking into account factors of industrial structure, as well as issues related to economic and agricultural policy. This paper used a descriptive analytical methodology, starting work with a theoretical review of industrial and agricultural policy factors that can influence the industry and the market of agricultural machinery. After this literature review begins the study of industries in the countries cited. First was analyzed the case of the United States, since the formation of the sector to the current stage of development of that market. Subsequent chapters did the same analysis, but with a view to the Brazilian case, emphasizing the importance that the State had in shaping the agricultural machinery industry and the role it has played to stimulate sales of tractors and other machines through the agricultural investment credit. Analyzing evolution of the Brazilian industry from its birth, its peak occurred during the period 1960-1980, the crisis that faced between 1980 and 1990 and their subsequent recovery with the early 2000s The main conclusions that this study came were that the evolution of this industry in the countries studied occurred differently. While the American case the industry has developed more autonomously, ie, without much government interference in the Brazilian case the development of this industry was influenced by state intervention, both through the creation of incentives for industry as through subsidized credit that boosted sales. In the American case, the industry developed through the innovative capacity of their business, without the direct intervention of the government. When this occurred was given in terms of agricultural policies, to sustain the price of agricultural products via the minimum price policy, induced farmers to become more productive, adopting the new existing machines. Another conclusion was that during the decades of 1980-1990 both in Brazil and in the United States remained absent from the state, both in terms of sectors and in terms of agricultural policy, the same period in which both markets faced serious crises Such machinery industry only back to recover in 1990, in the American case, and in the 2000s in the Brazilian case. In the United States recovery was accompanied by a new wave of innovation, especially with the emergence of embedded electronics and precision agriculture. Such technology would arrive in Brazil around the 2000s, giving new life to the industry, along with the new financing program launched by the Brazilian government to modernize the agricultural fleet, MODERFROTA, which boosted sales of machines. Globally the United States consolidated as diffusers of technical progress and exporters of machinery, while Brazil, even though it is a major producer among developing countries, does not quite surpass the mark of 1.1% over exports world.
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Análise do armazenamento de milho no Brasil com um modelo dinâmico de expectativas racionais. / Dinamyc rational expectation storage models applied to brazilian corn market.Guimarães, Vania di Addario 21 September 2001 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar o mercado de milho no Brasil, sob a nova política de preços agrícolas, especificamente através do mecanismo de Prêmio para Escoamento de Produto (PEP) adotada na segunda metade da década de 90. Foram desenvolvidos modelos para representar o mercado brasileiro já que a literatura voltada para estes estudos não continha nenhum modelo adequado à situação brasileira. Os modelos destacam o papel dos estoques entre anos safra sobre o equilíbrio do mercado considerando ainda a possibilidade de importar e exportar. Foram estimadas funções de demanda para consumo e oferta de área plantada para milho no Brasil, obtidos os valores médios históricos, para o período de 1986 a 2000, do custo de armazenamento físico por tonelada, do preço médio do milho no mercado internacional representado pela Bolsa de Chicago, do custo médio de importação/exportação do produto tendo como referência uma distância média de 300 Km até o porto. A taxa de juros utilizada foi de 12% ao ano. Estas funções e parâmetros serviram de base para a estimação dos modelos dinâmicos de expectativas racionais, através de programação dinâmica estocástica e aproximações das funções de preço esperado e área plantada através de polinômios. Foram também desenvolvidos os algoritmos para a estimação dos modelos e todos os cálculos realizados em planilha eletrônica. Foram construídos quatro modelos para o mercado de milho partindo de uma situação de mercado fechado ao comércio exterior sem intervenção do governo; mercado fechado com intervenção através de PEP; mercado aberto ao comércio exterior sem intervenção do governo e mercado aberto com intervenção. Este último modelo representa o mercado de milho no Brasil no final da década de 90. Foram obtidas as políticas ótimas de armazenamento para os quatro modelos e então, realizadas 2500 simulações para uma seqüência de 10 anos para cada modelo. Duas variáveis exógenas aleatórias do modelo são os choques de oferta (produtividade aleatória) e de demanda. O preço de equilíbrio, o volume consumido, o estoque de um ano para o outro e os volumes exportados ou importados são variáveis endógenas, ou seja, resultados da estimação do modelo. A partir dos valores simulados foram calculadas as médias de longo prazo para as variáveis endógenas em cada modelo que foram, então, comparadas entre si. Os resultados mostram que a abertura do mercado transfere para o comércio exterior o papel de amortecedor de choques de oferta e demanda internos que, no caso de mercados fechados, é desempenhado pelos estoques de produtos entre anos safra. Os resultados sugerem que, dependendo dos valores relativos entre o preço mínimo e o preço de paridade de exportação, a política de subsídio pode levar o país à condição de exportador. / Dynamic rational expectation storage models were developed to represent the Brazilian corn market in the late 90s. In theses years the Brazilian agricultural price policy changed from a buffer stock scheme to a producer price subsidy (Prêmio para Escoamento de Produto - PEP) and the Brazilian market was open to international trade. Any model in the existing literature was not able to represent the Brazilian corn market conditions. Acreage supply and consumption demand functions for corn the were estimated, as well as average values from 1986 to 2000 of annual storage cost, export and import prices, based on Chicago Board of Trade quotes. The annual interest rate was 12%. These functions and parameters were used to estimate the dynamic rational expectation models, through stochastic dynamic programming. The expected price and planted area functions were approximated by a fourth degree polynomial. The necessary algorithms were developed and results obtained using worksheets. Four models were estimated beginning with the situation of closed economy with no government intervention; closed economy with intervention through a producer price subsidy; open economy with no government intervention and open economy with intervention through a producer price subsidy. The optimal storage policies or storage rules for each model were obtained and used to generate 2.500 simulations of a 10 years path for each model. In these models, equilibrium price, consumption, storage and imports/exports are endogenous variables. Stochastic yields and demand shocks are exogenous variables. The long run means of the endogenous variables were calculated from the simulations and compared among models. The results show that with open markets, exports and imports play the role of shocks absorbers, played by storage in closed economies. Results suggest that the producer price subsidy policy may lead the country to be an exporter, depending on the relative values between minimum price and export price at the cost of ever increasing government expenditures.
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渠道的結構演化與制度變遷: 交易成本理論在轉型中國的分析. / Qu dao de jie gou yan hua yu zhi du bian qian: jiao yi cheng ben li lun zai zhuan xing Zhongguo de fen xi.January 1998 (has links)
孫黎. / 本論文於1997年10月呈交. / 論文(碩士) -- 香港中文大學硏究院工商管理學部, 1998. / 參考文獻: leaves 138-147. / 中英文摘要. / Sun Li. / 摘要 --- p.1 / Chapter 壹 --- 緖言 --- p.3 / Chapter 貳 --- 文獻評論 --- p.8 / Chapter 一、 --- 循環論 --- p.8 / Chapter 二、 --- 衝突論 --- p.11 / Chapter 三、 --- 生態論 --- p.12 / Chapter 四、 --- 制度論 --- p.13 / Chapter 參 --- 交易成本理論框架 --- p.14 / Chapter 一、 --- 市場學中的交易成本理論 --- p.14 / Chapter 二、 --- 甚麼是交易成本 --- p.16 / Chapter 三、 --- 交易成本理論的假設 --- p.18 / Chapter 四、 --- 決定治理結構的因素 --- p.20 / Chapter 五、 --- 渠道治理結構的形式 --- p.23 / Chapter 肆 --- 制度演化分析框架 --- p.32 / Chapter 一、 --- 甚麼是市場 --- p.32 / Chapter 二、 --- 制度的內涵 --- p.33 / Chapter 三、 --- 制度與渠道演變的軌跡 --- p.35 / Chapter 四、 --- 制度演變與學習適應 --- p.40 / Chapter 五、 --- 制度演變的模型 --- p.43 / Chapter 六、 --- 作爲適應性機制的渠道 --- p.46 / Chapter 伍 --- 中國市場渠道分析框架 --- p.50 / Chapter 一、 --- 美國市場渠道的變革史 --- p.51 / Chapter 二、 --- 中國渠道結構的演變 --- p.52 / Chapter 陸 --- 實証分析 --- p.72 / Chapter 一、 --- 機會主義與制度分析 --- p.73 / Chapter 二、 --- 層級體系的分權化演變 --- p.88 / Chapter 三、 --- 計算機市場渠道分析 --- p.97 / Chapter 四、 --- 批發市場的興起 --- p.107 / Chapter 五、 --- 國有商業企業的發展 --- p.116 / Chapter 染 --- 結論與建議 --- p.130 / Chapter 一、 --- 總結 --- p.130 / Chapter 二、 --- 理論應用與發展 --- p.131 / Chapter 三、 --- 政策與策略管理的建議 --- p.133 / Chapter 四、 --- 硏究限制 --- p.136 / Chapter 捌 --- 參考文獻 --- p.138 / 附錄中英專有名詞翻譯對照 --- p.148
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Applying strategic environmental assessment to urban socio-economic plans in China: issues, challenges and prospects. / 战略环境评价在中国城市社会经济规划中的应用: 问题、挑战和展望 / Zhan lüe huan jing ping jia zai Zhongguo cheng shi she hui jing ji gui hua zhong de ying yong: wen ti, tiao zhan he zhan wangJanuary 2010 (has links)
Shi, Xiaoxin. / "August 2010." / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2010. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 153-169). / Abstracts in English and Chinese. / Abstract (English) --- p.iv / Abstract (Chinese) --- p.iiiv / Acknowledements --- p.iv / List of Tables --- p.ix / List of Figures --- p.x / Abbreviations --- p.xii / "Terms in English, Chinese, and Chinese pinyin" --- p.xi / Chapter Chapter 1 --- Introduction --- p.1 / Chapter 1.1 --- SEA and its practice in China --- p.1 / Chapter 1.2 --- Research objectives --- p.3 / Chapter 1.3 --- Research questions --- p.3 / Chapter 1.4 --- Significance of this research --- p.5 / Chapter 1.5 --- Structure of the thesis --- p.6 / Chapter Chapter 2 --- SEA and Its Chinese Context --- p.9 / Chapter 2.1 --- Introduction --- p.9 / Chapter 2.2 --- The definition of SEA --- p.9 / Chapter 2.3 --- The two schools of SEA theory --- p.12 / Chapter 2.3.1 --- EIA-based SEA --- p.12 / Chapter 2.3.2 --- Policy-oriented SEA --- p.112 / Chapter 2.4 --- SEA in the Chinese context --- p.15 / Chapter 2.4.1 --- Institutional context: administrative structure and governmental organs --- p.15 / Chapter 2.4.2 --- "Planning system context: urban SEPs, basic classification, and attributes" --- p.21 / Chapter 2.4.3 --- Historical context: from EIA to SEA --- p.25 / Chapter 2.4.4 --- "Regulatory context: a ""grey area"" for urban SEPs" --- p.28 / Chapter 2.5 --- Summary --- p.30 / Chapter Chapter 3 --- Research Methodology and Design --- p.31 / Chapter 3.1 --- Introduction --- p.31 / Chapter 3.2 --- Inquiry process as a social practice --- p.31 / Chapter 3.3 --- Framing the research --- p.33 / Chapter 3.3.1 --- "Starting from the tangible top of an ""iceberg""" --- p.33 / Chapter 3.3.2 --- Establishing criteria for evaluation --- p.35 / Chapter 3.3.3 --- Research Framework --- p.36 / Chapter 3.4 --- Literature review: summarizing key elements of good SEAs of urban SEPs --- p.37 / Chapter 3.5 --- Research instruments --- p.39 / Chapter 3.5.1 --- Literature review --- p.39 / Chapter 3.5.2 --- Questionnaire Survey --- p.39 / Chapter 3.5.3 --- Case studies --- p.40 / Chapter 3.5.4 --- Interviews --- p.42 / Chapter Chapter 4 --- Review of Chinese SEA of Urban SEPs --- p.44 / Chapter 4.1 --- Introduction --- p.44 / Chapter 4.2 --- Key elements of SEA of urban SEPs --- p.45 / Chapter 4.2.1 --- Integrated approach --- p.45 / Chapter 4.2.2 --- Integrated content --- p.47 / Chapter 4.2.3 --- Integrated process --- p.48 / Chapter 4.2.4 --- Communicative and participative process --- p.51 / Chapter 4.2.5 --- Consideration of alternatives --- p.52 / Chapter 4.2.6 --- Tiering and follow-up --- p.54 / Chapter 4.2.7 --- "Applying the six ""key elements of SEAs of urban SEPs"" to the evaluation of Chinese practices" --- p.56 / Chapter 4.3 --- General issues of Chinese SEA practices: a Chinese literature review --- p.58 / Chapter 4.3.1 --- SEA approach --- p.58 / Chapter 4.3.2 --- SEA content --- p.60 / Chapter 4.3.3 --- Integration with the planning process --- p.622 / Chapter 4.3.4 --- Stakeholder involvement --- p.63 / Chapter 4.3.5 --- Consideration of alternatives --- p.64 / Chapter 4.3.6 --- Establishment of continuous SEA process --- p.64 / Chapter 4.4 --- Questionnaire feedbacks from SEA practitioners --- p.65 / Chapter 4.5 --- "Case studies from three cities: Dalian, Wuhan, and Shanghai" --- p.69 / Chapter 4.5.1 --- SEA of the Urban Development Plan of Dalian City (2003-2020) --- p.72 / Chapter 4.5.2 --- SEA of the 11th Five-Year Economic and Social Development Plan (FYP) of Wuhan City (2006-1010) --- p.75 / Chapter 4.5.3 --- SEA of the 11th Five-Year Economic and Social Development Plan of Pudong New District in Shanghai (2006-2010) --- p.77 / Chapter 4.5.4 --- Findings from case studies --- p.81 / Chapter 4.6 --- Interviews with SEA practitioners and urban planners --- p.82 / Chapter 4.6.1 --- Applying EIA-based approach along with data deficiencies --- p.83 / Chapter 4.6.2 --- "SEA contents: narrow in scope, technical in presentation" --- p.84 / Chapter 4.6.3 --- Linkages with the planning process --- p.85 / Chapter 4.6.4 --- Insufficient non-government stakeholder involvement --- p.87 / Chapter 4.6.5 --- Inadequate consideration for alternatives at strategic levels --- p.88 / Chapter 4.6.6 --- One-time-only assessment exercises --- p.89 / Chapter 4.7 --- Conclusion --- p.90 / Chapter Chapter 5 --- Discussion and Recommendations --- p.93 / Chapter 5.1 --- Introduction --- p.93 / Chapter 5.2 --- Recommendations for SEA approach --- p.93 / Chapter 5.2.1 --- Moving beyond the rational decision-making mindset --- p.94 / Chapter 5.2.2 --- Moving beyond the end-of-pipe control mindset --- p.98 / Chapter 5.3 --- Recommendations for SEA content --- p.102 / Chapter 5.3.1 --- Reporting: making sense for non-environmental experts --- p.102 / Chapter 5.3.2 --- Building up SEA team --- p.104 / Chapter 5.4 --- Recommendations for SEA process --- p.107 / Chapter 5.5 --- Recommendations for stakeholder involvement: engaging non-government stakeholders --- p.110 / Chapter 5.6 --- Recommendations for considering alternatives at strategic levels --- p.114 / Chapter 5.7 --- Applying SEA more strategically --- p.116 / Chapter 5.8 --- Summary --- p.120 / Chapter Chapter 6 --- Conclusions --- p.122 / Chapter 6.1 --- Research findings --- p.122 / Chapter 6.1.1 --- Deficiencies in content and process of recent Chinese SEA of urban SEPs --- p.122 / Chapter 6.1.2 --- Views and recommendations from stakeholders on the deficiencies of Chinese SEA of urban SEPs --- p.124 / Chapter 6.1.3 --- Recommendations to improve SEAs of urban SEPs in China --- p.126 / Chapter 6.2 --- Limitations and future research --- p.128 / Chapter 6.3 --- Concluding remarks --- p.129 / Appendix I Questionnaire Survey --- p.131 / Appendix II A full list of the interviewees in this research --- p.134 / Appendix III Guiding questions for semi-structured interviews --- p.136 / Appendix IV Main contents of Five-Year Plans and UMPs --- p.141 / Appendix V Main topics in SEAs of urban SEPs --- p.144 / Appendix VI Recommendations to improve Chinese SEA of urban SEPs by interviewees --- p.15147 / Appendix VII Recommendations and challenges to address the six issues of Chinese SEA of urban SEPs --- p.151 / References --- p.153
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A Comunidade Econômica Européia e a economia portuguesa, 1986-2005 / The european economic community and the portuguese economy, 1986-2005Previdelli, Maria de Fatima Silva do Carmo 19 May 2011 (has links)
Este trabalho busca estudar a trajetória da economia portuguesa ao longo dos vinte anos de participação no Bloco Econômico Europeu, acompanhando as mudanças em sua estrutura e as consequências que o processo trouxe para o país como um todo. Desde o pedido de adesão de Portugal à Comunidade Econômica Europeia em 1977, até à assinatura do tratado em 1985, decorreram oito anos de negociações, assinaturas de acordos e declarações onde o país lentamente se adequou às exigências para que pudesse ser integrado ao bloco. A situação econômica do país se alterou significativamente nos vinte anos em que integra a Comunidade Europeia. Adicionalmente, a adesão à unificação da moeda, com a adoção do euro em 1994, implicou na aceitação de uma autoridade monetária única, retirando do Estado uma importante ferramenta de controle macroeconômico que passa a ser utilizada de modo supranacional. / This work aims to present a study on the history of the Portuguese economy over the twenty years of her participation in the European economic block, following the changes in its structure and the consequences that the process has brought to the country as a whole. Since the request of Portugal to join the European Economic Community in 1977 until the signing of the treaty in 1985, eight years of negotiations, agreements and declarations passed by, in which the country slowly adapted itself to the demands that could be integrated into the block. The country\'s economic situation has changed significantly in twenty years as it was incorporated to the European Community. Additionally, adherence to a unified currency, with the adoption of the euro in 1994, implied an acceptance of a single monetary authority, depriving the state of an important tool of macroeconomic management which is now used in a supranational level.
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