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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Inter-organizational knowledge management : A case study in a Swedish economic association

Storman, Anders, Storman, Elin January 2019 (has links)
Purpose The purpose of this case study is to understand how inter-organizational knowledge management is conducted in an economic association by analysing how different actor representatives perceive the inter-organizational collaboration. Design/methodology/approach The method of this study is qualitative, with a single case study of an economic association in Dalarna, Sweden. The interviews were of semi-structured character. A total of nine respondents were interviewed; four respondents from private member organizations, three respondents from public member organizations and two respondents employed by the economic association. Findings and conclusion Six themes were found that together answers the purpose of this study. These themes are personalization, codification, collaboration, conditions, capabilities and challenges. The personalization strategy from the knowledge management framework by Hansen et al (1999) is suggested to be the main strategy in the case of the economic association, while the codification strategy is the supporting strategy working in relation to each other. In order to use those strategies in this interorganizational context, four other themes are added in a model created by the authors of this study. The four additional themes need to be taken in consideration and as the theme capabilities points out; the inter-organizational collaboration gives not only challenges, but also opportunities for the participating organizations. Furthermore, the conditions and the reasons for collaborating can be used for improving the structure of an inter-organizational collaboration. Practical Information A Swedish economic association can be described as a legal entity which involves a minimum of three partners, with a common interest and where all members of the economic association are required to participate in the activities of the economic association. Originality/Value This study contributes to the field of inter-organizational knowledge management by providing insight from a Swedish economic association perspective. There is an apparent gap pointed out between theory driven and practical driven research, where this single case study aims to contribute to the practical field of applying inter-organizational knowledge management perspective into a real case scenario. The case is particularly interesting to study since there are 33 organizations involved in knowledge management, with knowledge bases of both private and public sectors, small- and middlesized organizations and from different branches.

Financing green energy projects : Funding possibilities, challange for change, and the integration of the private sector

Djerf, Rickard, Edblad, Solveig January 2023 (has links)
The world’s energy structure today relies 80 % on fossil fuels, contributing to rising temperatures and a changing climate. Society is built upon heavy energy usage and consumption is forecasted to increase rather than decrease. This implies that today’s energy mix needs thorough reconstruction where renewable energy sources must be a bigger part of the mix. There are well-known and developed green energy solutions that are not being fully exploited by society, where one explanation is the lack of funding possibilities. Therefore, this paper aims to investigate green energy projects to present further insight, integrate the private sector, and increase investments. This is done by interviewing Swedish economic associations investing in wind power to learn about concepts and experiences that can be applied by new investors when entering the green energy market. Our findings revealed that the permit process was the biggest obstacle in establishing wind turbines leading to fewer investing opportunities for private investors. Wind power in Sweden is self-sufficient with various returns hence are in no vital need for support schemes to be economically sustainable. This concludes that the government should focus on improving the permit process rather than promoting renewable energy support schemes to reach their climate goals.

Mål och verksamhetsstyrning inom ett konsumentkooperativt företag : En studie om målstruktur och dess användning inom Coop Syd samt hantering av medlemmarnas dubbla roller. / Objectives and operational management within a consumer cooperative company : A study on goal structure and its use within Coop Syd and management of the members' dual roles

Omer, Belmin January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Ett kooperativ är inte en företagsform vars syfte är likt de vanligast förekommande företagsformerna. Poängen med att starta ett kooperativ är däremot att sammansluta en grupp människor eller företag vars intressen i något hänseende går att förena. Kooperativ ägs således av individer i olika kombinationer som strävar efter en och samma sak. Ordet ”kooperation” härstammar ifrån det latinska uttrycket ”arbeta tillsammans” vilket är precis det man gör inom en kooperation. Det första konsumentkooperativt i Sverige uppkom redan under 1850 talet i Uppsala. Birchall (2014) tar upp nyckelfråga vars både praktiker och teoretiker är fundersamma kring: Kan ett kooperativ ömsesidigt ta hänsyn till medlemmarnas åsikter och därmed förbli trogna de principer som kooperativet och den ekonomiska föreningen i sig grundades på? När ett kooperativ växer sig tillräckligt stort, är det genomförbart, och ens rimligt att kooperativet tar hänsyn till medlemmarna, om inte, på vilket sätt hanterar företrädarna denna problematik? Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att beskriva och analysera hur målstrukturen ser ut inom Coop Syd. Vidare syftar studien till att kartlägga hur ledningen hanterar problematiken samt tar hänsyn till att medlemmarna både är ägare och konsumenter till föreningen vid utformningen av organisationens målstruktur.iiMetod: Uppsatsen är en kvalitativ fallstudie på Coop Syd. Empirin utgörs av intervjuer med respondenter på ledningspositioner ifrån kooperativet och ekonomiska föreningen Coop Syd. Det empiriska materialet har även kompletterats med skriftliga svar via mailkontakt. Det insamlade materialet har sedan analyserats samt ställts i jämförelse mot den valda teoretiska referensramen för att kunna besvara uppsatsens frågeställning och uppfylla syftet. Slutsats: Coop Syds utformning av målstrukturen är följaktligen en aning komplicerad process. Den består av två delar, en icke-finansiell och en finansiell del. Målstrukturen är påverkad ifrån flertalet olika håll där ledningen måste handskas med att integrera medlemmarnas dubbla roller, CSAB och den operativa verksamheten inom målstrukturen. Styrningen präglas av en långsiktighet med medlemsnytta i fokus inom målstrukturen. Coop Syd hanterar problematiken med att medlemmarna är både konsumenter och ägare främst genom ägarombuden. Ägarombuden spelar en viktig roll tillsammans med andra faktorer för att hantera medlemmarnas dubbla roller vid utformning av organisationens målstruktur. Nyckelord: Målstruktur, ekonomistyrning, konsumentkooperativ, kooperation, ekonomisk förening, målkongruens, medlemmar, långsiktighet, finansiell styrning, icke-finansiell styrning, ägarombud. / Background: A cooperative is not a form of business whose purpose is similar to the forms of business we most often come into contact with. The point of starting a cooperative, on the other hand, is to bring together a group of people or companies whose interests in some respect can be reconciled. Cooperatives are thus owned by individuals in various combinations who strive for one and the same thing. The word "cooperation" comes from the Latin expression "work together", which is exactly what you do within a cooperation. The first consumer cooperative in Sweden arose already in the 1850s in Uppsala. Birchall (2014) addresses a key question that both practitioners and theorists are pondering: Can a cooperative mutually consider the views of its members and thereby remain true to the principles on which the cooperative and the economic association itself were founded? When a cooperative grows large enough, is it feasible, and even reasonable, for the cooperative to consider the members, if not, how do the representatives deal with this problem? Purpose: The purpose of this study is to describe and analyze what the target structure looks like within Coop Syd. Furthermore, the study aims to map how the management handles the problem and considers that the members are both owners and consumers of the association when designing the organization's target structure. Methodology: The essay is a qualitative case study at Coop Syd. The experience consists of interviews with respondents in management positions from the cooperative and economic association Coop Syd. The empirical material has also been supplemented with written responses via email contact. The collected material has then been analyzed and compared to the chosen theoretical frame of reference to be able to answer the essay's question and fulfill the purpose. Conclusion: Coop Syd's design of the target structure is therefore a somewhat complicated process. It consists of two parts, a non-financial part, and a financial part. The target structure is influenced from several different directions where the management must deal with integrating the dual roles of the members, CSAB and the operational activities within the target structure. Governance is characterized by a longterm approach with member benefits in focus within the target structure. Coop Syd deals with the problem of the members being both consumers and owners, primarily through owner representatives. The ownership representatives play an important role along with other factors in managing the members' dual roles in shaping the organization's goal structure.


戴東清, Day, Dong-ching Unknown Date (has links)
每隔一段時間,就會有專家、學者出面預測中國大陸即將崩潰,只是實際情況的發展似乎與他們的預期有所出入。換言之,儘管中國大陸目前有許多問題,但是尚未有證據顯示,這些問題在短期內可能引發重大危機。 中國大陸曾經被視為約十年會有一個週期的政治危機週期,上次危機發生在一九八九年,在時序進入二○○五年之後,似乎已逐漸脫離危機週期的規律。 任何國家都可能發生各式各樣的危機,危機的結果卻不見得會帶來崩潰,其關鍵在於國家與社會如何面對及應付危機,雙方關係究竟在危機前後是如何彼此定位? 以天安門民主運動事件為例,在事件發生之前,中國大陸正面臨自改革開放以來最大的經濟危機—通貨膨脹。 然而危機的結果是以軍隊鎮壓收場,使得中國大陸社會運動就此陷於沉寂之中,晚近社會抗議事件雖然有增加的趨勢,但距離真正形成持續性的社會運動尚遠。 由此可知,政權出現正當性危機進而使得社會自主性增加,就必須具備兩項條件:一是引發正當性危機的事件出現;二是正當性危機出現後,社會力量興起與各方政治勢力透過妥協安排後,增加其本身的自由性。 本研究的目的要解答的問題是「天安門事件後中國大陸國家能力與社會自主性的關係」,此外社會力量之興起及政治勢力會否妥協,牽涉到各種菁英及一舨民眾對政治的態度問題,故本文亦藉用政治文化的研究途徑來探討國家能力與社會自主性之關係。

Češi na Kubě v širším kontextu vzájemných vztahů / Czechs on Cuba in the Wider Context of Mutual Relations

Kráčmarová, Kateřina January 2021 (has links)
The work studies a very specific period of the Czech-Cuban relations: the period of World War II and the Czechoslovakian refugees in Havana. For its creation, materials from two archives were used: the Archive of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic, the so-called "London Archive" which keeps the documentation of the Czechoslovak government in exile, and the National Archive of Cuba. In the first half of the 20th century, Cuba was not for the Czech society a distant country on the other side of the world. It was its partner and competitor on the world sugar market, and the echoes of Cuban independence were still fresh in its memory. The young Czechoslovak republic was looking for markets for its industrial and consumer products, while Cuban exports generally did not exceed a few dozen tons of unroasted coffee. In the inter-war period, some 20 Czechs and Slovaks were living in Cuba. The Munich Treaty, the occupation and then the application of the Nuremberg Laws created an atmosphere of suffocation and drastically reduced the living space for the Jewish population in the occupied territory of Czechoslovakia. Many decided to leave their homeland, but the world around them was unwilling to receive larger numbers of Jewish refugees. The original idea of getting to a safe place beyond...

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