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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Assessing the correlation between terrorist attacks and the limiting of Muslim immigration due to anti-Islamic sentiments

Okhai, Ratna 01 August 2013 (has links)
In the last 12 years, since the devastating attack on the United States Twin Towers on September 11, 2001, the global community has become increasingly wary. The continuing terrorism on July 7, 2005 on the United Kingdom subway system increased tensions between citizens and immigrants in these countries. I use these two countries to examine the consequences effects that these terrorist attacks have had on, in particular, the Muslim immigrant population. In addition to that, I use Germany as a control, since it has not faced a major terrorist attack, yet has a substantial Muslim immigrant population. In the United States and United Kingdom, I use public opinion data polls and immigration policies before and after the attacks. In Germany's case, I utilize the same data and to assess any correlation to the other two countries data. Using the literature already written, public opinion data polls and policy initiatives enacted before and after these attacks, I examine the overall effect, if any, on the Muslim immigrant population in these countries. The intent of this thesis is to explore if the significant changes in immigration policies after the attacks have occurred due to economic or cultural factors. Because public opinion is central to policy changes, I also consider the implications of public's views on immigration after the attacks, along with the effect all this has on the number of Muslim immigrants entering these countries.

Review Of Natural Gas Discovery And Production From Conventional Resources In Turkey

Keskin, Hakan 01 May 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Oil and natural gas are the most strategic raw materials to meet the expanding energy requirement in today&rsquo / s world. They have great impact on issues such as economy, national security, development, competition, and political consistency. Being a developing country, Turkey&rsquo / s natural gas requirement is increasing rapidly. However, the production is far from covering the demand. Recent assumptions point out that natural gas demand of Turkey will reach 44 billion cubic meters in 2010 with a financial burden of 10 billion $ to the national economy. Therefore Turkey requires meeting natural gas demand by using its own conventional natural gas resources. The geological researches and global data encourage Turkey to drill more exploration wells in offshore side of Western Black Sea .In early 2007, the production will be started in Western Black Sea Region with 1.42 million cubic meter gas per day. Moreover, further exploration and production activities in the region are still continuing in order to increase the production. In this thesis, issues such as importance of the natural gas for Turkey and the world, Turkey&rsquo / s present energy situation and natural gas supply and demand scenarios for Turkey have been investigated. The possible impact of natural gas exploration and production in Black Sea region on Turkey&rsquo / s economy in near future has been emphasized. An extensive literature survey using related printed and unprinted media has been performed in order to collect the necessary data and information.

Ovládnutí státu jako deformace trhu: Dopady politických konexí v České republice / State capture as market distortion: Effect of political connections in the Czech Republic

Špolc, Martin January 2017 (has links)
Politically connected firms may extract rent which significantly improves their financial performance, but with social costs to others in form of market distortions. The thesis presents the first empirical analysis of personal political connections to government ministers in the Czech Republic. We estimated value of political connections and inspected subsidies and public procurements allocation as channels of rent extraction on firm-level data set of 1993-2015 period. For both approaches, cross-section regressions and dynamic matching on covariates and propensity score, we found that connected firms significantly underperform their similar rivals, but slightly improve their performance over the time of connection to minister in office. Connected firms gain significantly more subsidies which confirms subsidy allocation as a channel of rent extraction. We interpret our results that firms may seek political connections as the last option how to improve their bad financial results and remain on the market. Biased subsidy allocation to connected firms in sectors where firms are dependent on subsidies like agriculture creates market distortions and could lead to significant consumer harm.

Regionalwirtschaftliche Effekte aus dem Betrieb von Photovoltaikanlagen: Methodenpapier zur Wertschöpfungsanalyse

Kolb, Katharina, Springsklee, Maren, Hesse, Mario 20 December 2021 (has links)
Der voranschreitende Ausbau von erneuerbaren Energien (EE) Technologien bringt eine zunehmend dezentralisierte Energieproduktion mit sich. Hieraus ergeben sich unterschiedliche regionalwirtschaftliche Effekte und Wertschöpfungspotenziale für den ländlichen und den urbanen Raum. Ziel dieser Studie ist die Quantifizierung der Wertschöpfung im Kontext von Solarstromerzeugung durch Photovoltaik (PV)-Anlagen. Hierzu wird eine allgemeine Methodik zur Bestimmung der direkten, indirekten und induzierten Wertschöpfungseffekte erstellt, die aktuelle Entwicklungen berücksichtigt und zunächst auf das Praxisbeispiel der Stadt Leipzig im Jahr 2019 angewandt. Die Ergebnisse können Kommunen bei der Frage unterstützen, ob und inwiefern es sich im Hinblick auf veränderte regulatorische Rahmenbedingungen auch in Zukunft lohnt, den PV-Ausbau vor Ort voranzutreiben und geeignete Ansatzpunkte hierfür zu identifizieren. Im Ergebnis zeigt sich, dass die Wertschöpfungseffekte für verschiedene Anlagengrößen variieren. Während kleinere Anlagen eine höhere Wertschöpfung pro Kilowattpeak (kWp) generieren, zeigen große Dach- und Freiflächenanlagen durch ihre Skalierung einen größeren Effekt auf die Wertschöpfung in absoluten Werten. Gleichzeitig fließt ein erheblicher Anteil der generierten Wertschöpfung aus der Standortkommune ab. Insgesamt beziffert sich die kommunal verbleibende Wertschöpfung aus dem PV-Betrieb in der Stadt Leipzig 2019 auf rund 4,5 Mio. Euro.

Tourism has impacts on smaller destinations too : A questionnaire study to determine any tourism effects on smaller destinations and its residents.

Carlström, Felicia, Gustavsson, Johanna January 2021 (has links)
Tourism is something that today is very common for most parts of the world. Tourism effects is a phenomenon that focuses on the effects of tourism which can affect destinations and residents in different ways. The most common are social, cultural, environmental and economic impacts. The purpose of this bachelor thesis has been to explore if there are any tourism effects and if so, what are they and in what ways can they affect a small rural area as a destination and the effect on the residents. For this purpose we have used an area called Glasriket in Sweden as an example. This study has used both qualitative and quantitative data with a deductive approach. After conducting our research, we then composed a questionnaire. The questionnaire was shared on our personal Facebook pages and also sent out through email to businesses, organizations and municipalities in Glasriket. In total, the empirical data was collected from 74 respondents. The results of the study showed that tourism is often perceived as positive. The positive effects of tourism outweigh the negative. It is clear that tourism has impacts on destinations in rural areas and not only on major cities or coastal areas. One conclusion is that yes, there are effects caused by tourism in Glasriket. There are several environmental, social, cultural and economic impacts in this area. It can also be concluded that tourism affects people and destinations in different ways and the ways the effects are perceived by residents might vary depending on factors such as cultural background, economic status and personal opinions.

Främjar verksamhetsstyrning ekonomisk resultat? : En undersökande studie av Folktandvården Skåne AB

Inkinen Magnusson, Emilia January 2024 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to examine the financial effects of operations control for a larger organization within the dental care business. For this purpose, Folktandvården Skåne AB has been selected. The questions to be answered are how operations controlis perceived to work within Folktandvården Skåne AB, and what effect it has on the financial result. The research design that has been used is a survey, where a number of units within Folktandvården Skåne AB have been selected to get answers to the questions to be investigated. The investigation has meant that primary data has been collected through surveys based on structured questionnaires to then be expressed using numbers and compiled statistically. In addition, secondary data on the investigated units has been collected from the company's financial system. Quantitative analysis based on a hypothetical-deductive approach has been done, to compare the primary data with the financial results. The overall conclusion of the study is that operations control, in all essentials, has good conditions to function within Folktandvården Skåne AB and that it has a positive connection with the financial result. Especially in the areas of strategy and structure there is a significant and statistically proven difference in profit margin between the units which, according to the completed survey, exhibit the highest and lowest levels of operations control. The study makes an academic contribution by further deepening the knowledge within an interesting research field, where some previous research in the field is confirmed in certain parts. The developed SSKSU model for the survey is judged to be more generally useful and therefore part of the knowledge contribution of the work. This can apply both to different organizations and to possible future academic work. It can be seen as a tool to be able to examine the effects of operations control in different organizations. Investigating relationships through correlation calculations and t-tests can therefore be used widely to assess a large number of different effects of operationscontrol. The study has also contributed to Folktandvården Skåne AB getting a clear picture of the conditions for its operations control, which contributes with practical benefit and guidance in the work of evaluating how the control works. The limitations are related to the complexity of operations control. Someone else could have used an alternative survey model, which might have reflected other dimensions of operations control. Another uncertainty is the respondents' interpretations, seriousness and personal calibration of the scale. Finally, the study's limited empirical evidence means that conclusions outside the studied case must be handled with great caution. A reasonable assumption is, however, that equivalent results could be achieved when examining organizations of similar size and business focus. Key words: Management, operations management, operations control, economic effects, strategy, structure, culture, system, development, structural fit / Arbetets syfte är att undersöka verksamhetsstyrningens ekonomiska effekter för en större organisation inom tandvårdsverksamhet. För detta ändamål har Folktandvården Skåne AB valts ut. Frågeställningarna som ska besvaras är hur verksamhetsstyrningen upplevs fungera inom Folktandvården Skåne AB (1), och vilken effekt den har på det ekonomiska resultatet (2). Den forskningsdesign som har använts är survey, där ett antal enheter inom Folktandvården Skåne AB valts ut för att få svar på de frågor som ska undersökas. Undersökningen har inneburit att primärdata samlats in genom en enkätbaserad på strukturerade frågeformulär för att därefter uttryckas med hjälp av siffror och sammanställas statistiskt. Därtill har sekundärdata om de undersökta enheterna samlats in från företagets ekonomisystem. Kvantitativ analys utifrån hypotetiskt-deduktiv ansatshar gjorts, för att jämföra primärdata med de ekonomiska resultaten. Den samlade slutsatsen av studien är att verksamhetsstyrningen, i allt väsentligt, har goda förutsättningar att fungera inom Folktandvården Skåne AB (frågeställning 1), och att den har ett positivt samband med det ekonomiska resultatet (frågeställning 2).Särskilt inom områdena strategi och struktur finns en signifikant och statistiskt säkerställd skillnad i vinstmarginal mellan de enheter som, enligt genomförd enkät,uppvisar högst respektive lägst nivåer på verksamhetsstyrning. Studien lämnar ett akademiskt bidrag genom att ytterligare fördjupa kunskapen inom ett intressant forskningsfält, där en del tidigare forskning inom området bekräftas i vissa delar. Den utarbetade SSKSU-modellen för undersökningen bedöms vara mera generellt användbar och därför en del av arbetets kunskapsbidrag. Detta kan gälla både för olika organisationer och för eventuellt framtida akademiska arbeten. Den kan ses som ett verktyg för att kunna undersöka verksamhetsstyrningens effekter i olika organisationer. Att undersöka samband genom korrelationsberäkning och t-test kan därför användas brett för att bedöma ett stort antal olika effekter av verksamhetsstyrning. Studien har också bidragit till att Folktandvården Skåne AB har fått en genomlysning av förutsättningarna för sin verksamhetsstyrning, vilket bidrar med praktisk nytta och vägledning i arbetet med att utvärdera hur styrningen fungerar. Begränsningarna sammanhänger med verksamhetsstyrningens komplexitet, varför någon annan kunde ha använt en alternativ undersökningsmodell, som eventuellt hade speglat andra dimensioner av verksamhetsstyrning. En annan osäkerhet är respondenternas tolkningar, seriositet och personliga kalibrering av skalan. Slutligen medför studiens begränsade empiri att slutsatser utanför det studerade fallet måste hanteras med stor försiktighet. Ett rimligt antagande är dock att motsvarande resultat skulle kunna uppnås vid undersökning av organisationer med liknande storlek och verksamhetsinriktning. Nyckelord: Styrning, verksamhetsstyrning, ekonomiska effekter, strategi, struktur, kultur, system, utveckling

2008北京奧運對中國經濟的影響 / The Impacts of Beijing 2008 Olympic Games on China’s Economy

康軒維 Unknown Date (has links)
The Modern Olympic Game is expected to not only bring a great amount of revenues, but also stimulate industrial structure. It has enormous impacts on economic indicators of the host countries. Hence, numerous countries are keen to strive for host as a strategy of motivating economic growth. The thesis works on searching and organizing papers about economic statistics of Beijing 2008 and previous Olympic Games, in order to analyze and conclude the impacts of Beijing 2008 Olympic Games on China’s economy. By comparing economic indicators of China with those of previous host countries, we will realize not only what the importance of Beijing 2008 Olympic Games to China’s economic effects and industrial development is, but also if it is a milestone for China to step into one of advancing countries. / The Modern Olympic Game is expected to not only bring a great amount of revenues, but also stimulate industrial structure. It has enormous impacts on economic indicators of the host countries. Hence, numerous countries are keen to strive for host as a strategy of motivating economic growth. The thesis works on searching and organizing papers about economic statistics of Beijing 2008 and previous Olympic Games, in order to analyze and conclude the impacts of Beijing 2008 Olympic Games on China’s economy. By comparing economic indicators of China with those of previous host countries, we will realize not only what the importance of Beijing 2008 Olympic Games to China’s economic effects and industrial development is, but also if it is a milestone for China to step into one of advancing countries.

Colonised Coasts : Aquaculture and Emergy Flows in the World System: Cases from Sri Lanka and the Philippines

Bergquist, Daniel A. January 2008 (has links)
<p>This thesis conceives aquaculture as a transfer of resources within and between different parts of the world system. It is argued that due to inappropriate human-nature interactions, resources tend to flow from the South to the North, as a process of coastal colonisation. To study this resource transfer, coastal aquaculture is ap-proached from a transdisciplinary perspective, integrating natural, social, economic and spatial aspects. By combining world system theory and general systems theory, a systems view is adopted to relate aquaculture to forces of global capitalism, and analyse interactions between social and ecological processes at local and global levels. Emergy (energy memory) synthesis and participatory research methodologies were applied to two cases of aquaculture in Sri Lanka and the Philippines; monocul-ture of the black tiger prawn (Penaeus monodon) and milkfish (Chanos chanos), and polyculture of the two species together with mudcrab (Scylla serrata). The study reveals that semi-intensive shrimp monoculture in Sri Lanka generates few benefits for poor local people, and depends much on external inputs such as fry, feed and fuels, which implies negative environmental effects at local as well as global levels. Extensive polyculture in the Philippines involves more local people, and implies lower dependence on external inputs. Still, since benefits accrue mostly to elites, and mangroves are negatively affected, neither case is viable for sustainable poverty alleviation. Nevertheless, the study offers several insights into how sustainability assessment may be more transdisciplinary, and points to several factors affecting sustainability and fairness in aquaculture; the most important being mangrove con-version, local people involvement, and dependence on external inputs. Given that mangrove conversion is counteracted, extensive polyculture practices may also prove more viable in times of decreasing resources availability, and if policies are developed that favour resource efficient polyculture, and local small-scale and re-source poor farmers, instead of the global North.</p>

Colonised Coasts : Aquaculture and Emergy Flows in the World System: Cases from Sri Lanka and the Philippines

Bergquist, Daniel A. January 2008 (has links)
This thesis conceives aquaculture as a transfer of resources within and between different parts of the world system. It is argued that due to inappropriate human-nature interactions, resources tend to flow from the South to the North, as a process of coastal colonisation. To study this resource transfer, coastal aquaculture is ap-proached from a transdisciplinary perspective, integrating natural, social, economic and spatial aspects. By combining world system theory and general systems theory, a systems view is adopted to relate aquaculture to forces of global capitalism, and analyse interactions between social and ecological processes at local and global levels. Emergy (energy memory) synthesis and participatory research methodologies were applied to two cases of aquaculture in Sri Lanka and the Philippines; monocul-ture of the black tiger prawn (Penaeus monodon) and milkfish (Chanos chanos), and polyculture of the two species together with mudcrab (Scylla serrata). The study reveals that semi-intensive shrimp monoculture in Sri Lanka generates few benefits for poor local people, and depends much on external inputs such as fry, feed and fuels, which implies negative environmental effects at local as well as global levels. Extensive polyculture in the Philippines involves more local people, and implies lower dependence on external inputs. Still, since benefits accrue mostly to elites, and mangroves are negatively affected, neither case is viable for sustainable poverty alleviation. Nevertheless, the study offers several insights into how sustainability assessment may be more transdisciplinary, and points to several factors affecting sustainability and fairness in aquaculture; the most important being mangrove con-version, local people involvement, and dependence on external inputs. Given that mangrove conversion is counteracted, extensive polyculture practices may also prove more viable in times of decreasing resources availability, and if policies are developed that favour resource efficient polyculture, and local small-scale and re-source poor farmers, instead of the global North.

Public-private partnership in the case of huge infrastructure projects. The example of High-Speed Railway Moscow - Kazan / Partenariat public-privé dans la mise en œuvre de grands projets d'infrastructure sur l'exemple de la construction de LGV Moscou - Kazan

Lavrinenko, Petr 25 June 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse analyse les tendances mondiales dans le financement de grands projets d'infrastructure dans le secteur des transports, en identifiant les caractéristiques distinctives du financement dans les pays développés et en développement. Un nouveau mécanisme de financement est proposé dans le contexte de contraintes budgétaires strictes grâce à l'utilisation d'un certain nombre d'effets économiques indirects découlant de l'amélioration de l'accessibilité des différents territoires en matière de transport. Comme le sujet de l'analyse, il y avait un projet de la construction d'un chemin de fer à grande vitesse en Russie Moscou-Kazan. / This paper analyzes global trends in financing large infrastructure projects in the transport sector, identifying the distinctive features of financing in developed and developing countries. A new financing mechanism is proposed in the context of strict budgetary constraints through the use of a number of indirect economic effects arising from improved transport accessibility of individual territories. As the subject of the analysis, there was a project of the construction of a high-speed railway in Russia Moscow-Kazan.

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