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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vikten av motivation på arbetsplatsen : en studie om belöningssystem i hotellbranschen

Brewitz, Malin, Stèen, Emma January 2007 (has links)
Background: Companies are beginning to see the world as their market; not only to seek global opportunities but also to oversee the global competition. Although most people connect globalization to export and import of goods, the globalization process also affect the businesses distinguished by service. The corporations are faced with higher demands of adaptation, which in turn leads to higher needs of skills and knowledge, which of course is very important in business such as the hotel industry. A motivated employee can perform better and furthermore has a stronger sense of belonging to the organization and might therefore be a key to future success of the company. Purpose: The main purpose of this essay is to compare the motivation strategies and reward systems chosen by the management and match this with what the employees are requesting. By doing this we can compare the different objects studied in this essay and furthermore we will be able to see which hotel that has the best match. A purpose is also to see which of the motivation strategies that generally are seen as the most motivating among the hotel employees in these case studies. Methodology: In order to attain our purpose of this essay we found it most suitable to utilize a multiple case study with a touch of both quantitative and qualitative research methods. To obtain a deeper understanding, personal interviews with hotel managers are being matched with the answers from the questionnaire that hotel employees in the studied hotels provided us with. The different perspectives will be clearer through a gap analysis, carried out case by case. Furthermore a total compilation of the questionnaire will be carried out. Conclusions: We have come to the conclusion that a good working climate, good relations, appreciation and satisfied customers are rated higher than economical incentives. Motivational measures seems to be necessary and the incentives that the hotels are using today could probably undergo some adjustments to better suit what the employees actually desire. Nynäs Havsbad Hotell & Konferens is the one hotel where the matching best agrees with both how the management work with incentives and what the employees actually are being motivated by. / Bakgrund: Allt fler företag börjar se världen som dess marknad; både för att söka globala möjligheter men även för att övervaka den globala konkurrensen. De flesta kopplar dock globalisering till export och import av varor, men denna process påverkar även tjänsteföretagandet, däribland serviceyrket. Företagen ställs inför allt högre krav på anpassning i verksamheten vilket i sin tur ställer krav på ständig uppdatering av färdigheter och sakkunskaper, framför allt inom tjänsteproduktion, vilket hotellbranschen i allra högsta grad handlar om. Eftersom motiverade medarbetare utför ett bättre arbete och känner starkare för organisationen kan de därför vara nyckeln till företagets framgång. Syfte: Huvudsyftet med uppsatsen är att jämföra huruvida hotelledningars valda motivationsstrategier och belöningssystem matchar de incitament och belöningar som de anställda söker. På så sätt kan vi jämföra undersökningsobjekten sinsemellan för att se vilka som bäst lyckas med denna matchning. Delsyftet är vidare att se vilka motivationsåtgärder som generellt uppfattas som mest motiverande bland hotellanställda i de undersökta fallföretagen. Metod: För att bäst uppnå syftet med uppsatsen har vi valt att göra en multipel fallstudie med såväl kvalitativa som kvantitativa inslag. Intervjuer med hotelldirektörer ställs mot enkätundersökningar bland hotellanställda. Perspektiven tydliggörs genom gapanalyser, fall för fall. Vidare görs en totalsammanställning av enkätundersökningen. Slutsatser: Undersökningen visar att mjukare värden värderas högre än materiella värden. Motiverande åtgärder förefaller vara nödvändiga och nuvarande belöningssystem bör ses över av respektive hotelledning samt att hänsyn bör tas till medarbetarnas synpunkter. Nynäs Havsbad Hotell & Konferens är det hotell där matchningen bäst överensstämmer kring hur ledningen tillämpar motivations-strategier och vad medarbetarna motiveras av.

Domstolar som konfliktreglerare : en komparativ undersökning av underrätternas konfliktreglerande verksamhet / Courts as conflict resolvers : a comparative study of conflict resolving activities in district courts

Drugge, Ulf January 1978 (has links)
Within the framework of the traditional sociological question, how the legal system is related to the society, the aim of this study is to treat the legal system as a conflict resolver. More specifically, the following questions will be treated:1.Which categories of people and which categories of organizations are as parties using the court for settling conflicts and in what types of conflicts do they act in this way?2.Howdoes the legal utilization vary over time? May socio-economical, demographical, and legal conditions explain these variations?This study only deals with conflict resolution in courts of first instance, so called district courts.One aim has been to get a general view over to what extent Swedish courts are utilized as conflict resolvers, and how this utilization varies over time. The discussion is mainly based upon official statistics. To complete this discussion, an empirical study has been realized. This study is comparative. The conflict solving activities between 1940 and 1969 has been examined in the town courts of Umeå and Luleå. The data basis consists of official statistics and collected informations from cases finally dealt with in the two courts. A stratified random sample out of these cases has been made. As a result of theoretical and methodological considerations the sample consists of only certain types of disputes and crimes.As a general conclusion, one can state that disputes before the courts nowadays as earlier are concerning socially and economically strong persons. However one must notify that this study is just a case study with its limitations.Concerning criminal cases, expected results from the study are that the proportion of workers among the prosecuted is bigger than the proportion of prosecuted business leaders. Interesting however, is that the unskilled are well represented in the data material. This means a different picture compared to the distribution of plaintiffs in civil cases. The changes in character of the conflict constellations occured in the two towns at the same time as summary legal processes were introduced in criminal cases at the end of the 1940's. A bigger proportion of workers as prosecuted party is observed after that processual simplification. Pro-cessual simplifications of that kind seem to strengthen rather than to weaken the occupational bias among the prosecuted persons, at least in crime cases with an injured person involved.Concerning criminal cases, we have finally assumpted that during phases of social and economical stagnation both the number of prosecuted workers and the number of theft and drunkeness cases increases in the type of industrialized community that Luleå belongs to. In more socially and economically differentiated communities, like Umeå, the same type of development is more linked to phases of economical expansion. While increases in the pressure of temptation are widening the economical conditions for people, this may be the reasonable explanation to the variations in the conflict resolving activities in the courts between different local communities. Explanations, close to those used to explain criminal activity caused by poverty, may refer to local communities dominated by industry. / digitalisering@umu

Med handen på hjärtat och kniven mot strupen : En kvalitativ undersökning av de svenska bokningsbolagens verklighet / A qualitative study of Swedish booking agencies

Gatu, Olle, Säll, Martin January 2010 (has links)
This study focuses on the booking agencies in Sweden and their point of view on the reality with a focal point from the mass media perspective, which says that they have become rather wealthy because of the changes within the music business. The mass media describes the booking agencies situation as golden because of the economical and technological changes that more or less have paralysed the record industry. The study is performed with a qualitative approach and is based on interviews with relevant individuals from eight different Swedish booking agencies. These individuals have been chosen to match as many different segments in the booking agency business as possible. On account of the qualitative approach it is difficult to generalize the conclusion of the study. We have nevertheless noted some tendencies that the technological development has had a strong impact on the everyday situations for the booking agencies. These will be presented in chapter five.

Skirtingų šėrimo technologijų įtaka karvių produktyvumui ir ekonominiams rodikliams / The effect of different feeding technologies on productivity of cows and economical parameters

Makauskas, Saulius 30 December 2005 (has links)
The aim of the research: To define the effect of the feeding of dairy cows roughage rations on their productivity, physiological state and economical parameters. The tasks of the research – to define the effect of feeding technologies on: forage intake; milk production and quality; microbiological and biochemical parameters of the rumen; forage OM digestibility in vitro; biochemical parameters of blood; economical effect. Novelty of the research: The effect of different feeding technologies – when forages were given as separate components and as the mixture of all components-on dairy cows’ productivity, physiological state and economical parameters has been studied complexically for the first time. Practical importance of the research: The results of the research led to the conclusion that it seems economically purposeful to feed dairy cows roughage mixtures, which made 83.44% and 85.63 % of all daily ration while preparing and sharing them out by a mixer-divider ,,OptiMix™“, as this feeding technology serves to decrease feeding expenditure and to increase milk production.

Struktūrinės paramos žemės ūkiui priemonių raida ir ekonominis vertinimas / Development and Economic Estimation of Structural Support Tools in Agriculture

Živilė, Deleckytė-Jurkšienė 16 August 2007 (has links)
Tyrimo objektas - struktūrinės paramos žemės ūkiui priemonės, dalykas - struktūrinės paramos priemonių poveikis žemės ūkio subjektams. Darbo tikslas - išanalizuoti ir įvertinti struktūrinės paramos žemės ūkiui priemonių raidą bei ekonominius rezultatus ir pasiūlyti galimas šių priemonių efektyvumo didinimo kryptis. Tikslui pasiekti iškelti tokie uždaviniai: • išanalizuoti pagrindinius veiksnius, nulėmusius struktūrinės paramos žemės ūkiui poreikį transformacijų laikotarpiu Lietuvoje; • išanalizuoti ir palyginti skirtingus požiūrius į struktūrinės paramos teikimą; • įvertinti struktūrinės paramos priemonių raidą Lietuvoje; • nustatyti kokių rezultatų pasiekta teikiant paramą (pagal NMA teikiamą informaciją); • remiantis respondentinių žemės ūkio bendrovių finansinėmis bei veiklos ataskaitomis nustatyti, kokį poveikį suteikta struktūrinė parama daro šių bendrovių ekonominės veiklos rodikliams; • pateikti siūlymus struktūrinės paramos priemonių efektyvumo didinimui. Tyrimo metodai: Lietuvos bei užsienio šalių autorių ekonominės literatūros analizė ir sintezė, loginis abstrahavimas, indukcija ir dedukcija, statistinių duomenų lyginimas bei grupavimas, statistinis modeliavimas, grafinis vaizdavimas. Remiantis ekonomine literatūra išanalizuota struktūrinės paramos priemonių raida, jos tendencijos bei perspektyvos ir nustatytos pagrindinės priežastys, atskirais laikotarpiais trukdančios įsisavinti struktūrinės paramos priemones. Naudojantis respondentinių žemės ūkio bendrovių... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The object of research is tools of structural support in agriculture, the subject – influence of structural support on economical individuals. The aim of work – to analyze the development of structural support tools in agriculture and estimate their influence on economical individuals, and suggest the ways of increasing support tools efficiency. Seeking the aim, the tasks are: • to analyze the main factors in time of transformations which have had the influence on structural support requirement; • to analyze and compare different views to rendering of structural support; • to estimate the development of structural support tools in Lithuania; • to investigate the main results of rendering support; • to ascertain the influence of support to respondent economical individuals, invoking their financial and business reports; • to suggest the ways of increasing support tools efficiency. Methods of research are: analyze and synthesis of Lithuanian and foreign author’s economical literature, logical abstraction, induction and deduction, comparable analysis, statistical analysis, graphical depiction. On the base of economical literature was analyzing the development of structural support tools, their tendencies and perspectives; investigated main factors which had have influence on reclamation support; ascertained the influence of support to respondent economical individuals, invoking their financial and business reports; suggested the ways of increasing support tools efficiency.

Savivaldybių ekonominės ir socialinės funkcijos bei jų veiklos analizė / The economical and social functions of self-governments and analysis of their activities

Strumilaitė, Jolanta 10 January 2007 (has links)
Darbe „Savivaldybių ekonominės ir socialinės funkcijos bei jų veiklos analizė“ aprašomos savivaldybių ekonominės ir socialinės funkcijos, pateikiama savivaldybių ekonominių ir socialinių funkcijų analizė, šioms sritims skiriamas savivaldybių finansavimas bei savivaldybių galimybės pasinaudoti Europos Sąjungos struktūrinių fondų parama socialinėms ir ekonominėms problemoms spręsti. Darbe bandoma išsiaiškinti savivaldybių teikiamų ekonominių ir socialinių paslaugų poreikį, įvairovę bei jų efektyvumą. Remiantis analize siūlomi savivaldybių ekonominių ir socialinių funkcijų tobulinimo kryptys ir būdai kaip didinti šių paslaugų efektyvumą. Tyrimo tikslas - atskleisti savivaldybių ekonominių ir socialinių funkcijų įgyvendinimo metu kylančias problemas ir jų priežastis, bei pasiūlyti galimus sprendimų variantus. Tyrimo hipotezė - Lietuvos savivaldybėse ekonominės ir socialinės funkcijos įgyvendinamos nepakankamai efektyviai. / In the Paper “The Economical and Social Functions of Self-Governments and Analysis of Their Activities”, the economical and social functions of self-governments are described, an analysis of economical and social functions of self-governments is provided, financing of self-governments allotted for these spheres as well as the opportunities of self-governments to use European Union‘s structural funds for a settlement of social and economical problems are discussed upon. Herein, it is tried to clear up the needs in economical and social services provided by self-governments, as well as diversity and efficiency of such services. On the base of the analysis, the directions of an improvement of economical and social functions of self-governments and the ways of increasing an efficiency of the said services are proposed. The aims of the investigation: to disclose problems arising on execution the economical and social functions of self-governments as well as their causes; to offer possible versions of their settlement. The hypothesis of the investigation: in Lithuania, execution the economical and social functions of self-governments is insufficiently efficient. In course of the investigation, the competence and functions of Lithuanian self-governments were reviewed, an analysis of an efficiency of the economical and social functions of self-governments was carried out, and attempts to go deep into the most urgent today problems of Lithuanian self-governments and to forecast... [to full text]

Effects of a dialogical argumentation based instruction on grade 9 learners' conceptions of a meteorological concept: Cold Fronts in the Western Cape, South Africa.

Riffel, Alvin Daniel January 2012 (has links)
<p>&nbsp / </p> <div style="line-height: 150% / margin: 0cm 0cm 12pt"><span style="line-height: 150% / font-size: 12pt"><span style="line-height: 115% / font-family: &quot / Calibri&quot / ,&quot / sans-serif&quot / font-size: 12pt / mso-ansi-language: EN-US / mso-fareast-font-family: Calibri / mso-bidi-font-family: 'Times New Roman' / mso-fareast-language: EN-US / mso-bidi-language: AR-SA" lang="EN-US"> <div style="line-height: 150% / margin: 0cm 0cm 12pt"><span style="line-height: 150% / font-size: 12pt">This study looks at the effects of a dialogical argumentation instructional model (DAIM) on grade 9 learners understanding of selected meteorological concepts: Cold fronts in the Western Cape of South Africa. Using a quasi-experimental research design model, the study employed both quantitative and qualitative (so-called &lsquo / mixed methods&rsquo / ) to collect data in a public secondary school in Cape Town, in the Western Cape Province. A survey questionnaire on attitudes and perceptions towards high school as well as conceptions of weather was administered before the main study to give the researcher baseline information and to develop pilot instruments to use in the main study.</span></div> <div style="line-height: 150% / margin: 0cm 0cm 12pt"><span style="line-height: 150% / font-size: 12pt">&nbsp / The study employed a dialogical instructional model (DAIM) with an experimental group of learners exposed to the intervention, and recorded differences from a control group which had no intervention. Learners from the two groups were exposed to a meteorological literacy test evaluation before and after the DAIM intervention. The results from the two groups were then compared and analysed according to the two theoretical frameworks that underpin the study namely: Toulmin&rsquo / s Argumentation Pattern - TAP (Toulmin, 1958) and Contiguity Argumentation Theory - CAT (Ogunniyi, 1997).</span></div> <span style="line-height: 115% / font-size: 12pt">&nbsp / Further analyses were conducted on learners&rsquo / beliefs and indigenous knowledge, according to their conceptual understanding of weather related concepts used in the current NCS (National Curriculum Statement).&nbsp / After completing the study some interesting findings were made and based on these findings certain recommendations were suggested on how to implement a DAIM-model into classroom teaching using Indigenous Knowledge (IK). These recommendations are suggestions to plot the way towards developing a science&ndash / IK curriculum for the Natural Sciences subjects in South African schools. </span></span></span></div>

Optimerad förfällning med hydrolys och fermentation av primärslam för utvinning av kolkälla till efterdenitrifikation. / Precipitation with hydrolysis of primary sludge for carbon source production to denitrification

Bjarne, Katrin January 2013 (has links)
Att rena vatten är kostsamt, från både en ekonomisk och miljömässig synpunkt, då behovet av fällningskemikalier, kolkällor och energi är stort. Det är därför önskvärt att titta på alternativa lösningar som möjliggör reningsverk att bli mer självförsörjande och kretsloppsanpassande. Hammarby Sjöstadverket är en pilotanläggning för avloppsvattenrening belägen i Stockholms sydöstra stadsdel i Henriksdal och ägs av IVL, Svenska Miljöinstitutet samt KTH. Sedan pilotanläggning byggdes år 2002, har flera olika reningstekniker utvärderats där fokus ligger på att sträva efter miljövänliga och kretsloppsanpassade system. Bland annat har en förfällningsteknik, så kallad trepunktsfällning utvärderats. Trepunktsfällningen innebär att ett metallsalt följt av två olika polymer tillsätts i flockningskammaren i inbördes ordning för att på så sätt kunna reducera en högre halt av det organiska materialet. Tidigare fällningsförsök på Hammarby Sjöstadsverket, har visat på att trepunktsfällningen kan avskilja det organiska materialet med upp till 90 %, vilket kan jämföras med en avskiljning på endast 75 % med vanlig förfällning. Detta examensarbete syftar till att validera redan framtagna resultat inom trepunktsfällning samt att genom biologisk hydrolys av primärslam, utvinna en kolkälla till efterdenitrifikationen innehållande så höga halter flyktiga fettsyror, Volatile Fatty Acids, (VFA) som möjligt samt undersöka kostnaderna för ett avloppsreningsverk med trepunktsfällning, biogasutvinning och uttag av intern kolkälla från primärslammet vid en uppskalning motsvarande 100 000 personekvivalenter. Fällningsförsöken utfördes i pilotskala med fällningskemikalien PAX XL-36 kombinerat med en lågmolekylär organisk polymer, Purfix-120, följt av en högmolekylär oorganisk polymer Superflock C-494. Syftet med trepunktsfällningen var att validera redan framtagna resultat inom trepunktsfällning och på så sätt avskilja så stora mänger organiskt material som möjligt i förfällningen så att ett primärslam innehållande en hög halt Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) erhålls. Två olika doseringar med PAX XL-36 testades, 145 respektive 193,5 g/m3. Bäst reduktion av COD och fosfor erhölls då 193 g/m3 PAX XL-36 kombinerades med 60 g/m3 Purfix-120 samt 0,025 g/m3 Superflock C-494. Då erhölls en COD-reduktion på 75 % samt en totalfosforreduktion på 83 %. Genom hydrolys av primärslam i laboratorieskala undersöktes torrsubstanshalter (TS-halter) på 1, 2 respektive 3 % och uppehållstider på upptill åtta dagar. Syftet med hydrolysen var i detta fall att undersöka vilken torrsubstanshalt samt vilken uppehållstid som gav högst produktion av VFA. Försöken visade att en TS-halt på 3 % producerade högst andel VFA och att produktionen av VFA för samtliga TS-halter var som störst under dygn två. VFA- och COD-produktionen ökade linjärt för samtliga TS-halter fram till och med dygn fem. Efter dygn fem började produktionen av VFA och COD för TS-halterna 1 och 2 % avta något. TS 3 % visade dock inte samma avtagande trend för VFA.  Även den dagliga ammoniumhalten och pH undersöktes. Ammoniumhalten ökade i takt med att VFA-halten ökade. pH hade generellt sett en avtagande trend. Fyra olika denitrifikationsförsök genomfördes i laboratorieskala med det uttagna hydrolysatet där den tillsatta COD-halten antingen var 3,3 eller 4 gånger den initiala nitratkvävekoncentrationen. Syftet med denitrifikationsförsöken var att utvärdera det framtagna hydrolysatets funktion som en kolkälla. Denitrifikationsförsöken uppvisade denitrifikationshastigheter mellan 4,3 och 7 mg NO3-N/g volatile suspended solids*h med kol-kvävekvoter (C/N-kvoter) mellan 3,9 och 12,3 mg COD/mg NO3-N. Lägst C/N-kvot erhöll lägst denitrifikationshastighet. Dock kunde inte slutsatsen dras att högst C/N-kvot gav högst denitrifikatioshastighet. Även de ekonomiska aspekterna undersöktes i syfte att utreda kostnaderna för ett avloppsreningsverk med trepunktsfällning, biogasutvinning och uttag av intern kolkälla från primärslammet vid en uppskalning motsvarande 100 000 personekvivalenter. Uttaget av en intern kolkälla skulle trots förlust i biogasutvinning vara ekonomiskt gynnsamt. Vinsten, i form av att ej behöva inhandla en extern kolkälla, i detta fall etanol, motsvarar biogasförlustens belopp. Trepunktsfällningens fällningskemikaliekostnader var den största posten och uppgick till 8 060 000 kr. Denna kostnad kontra mindre energiförbrukning i biosteget undersöktes också. Här uppgick besparingarna i biosteget till ca 1/8 av fällningskemikaliekostnaderna. Då trepunktsfällningen endast kunde ge en 75-procentig COD-reduktion, vilket motsvarar en vanlig förfällning, anses trepunktsfällningen vara ekonomisk ogynnsam då den medför extra kostnader av polymerer.  Istället borde trepunktsfällningen ersättas med en förfällning. Sammanfattningsvis kan det konstateras att en intern kolkälla i form av hydrolyserat primärslam skulle kunna ersätta en extern kolkälla rent funktionsmässigt. Dock måste åtgärder göras för att minimera produktionen av ammonium under slamhydrolysen. Ur ett ekonomiskt perspektiv skulle utvinningen av en intern kolkälla endast vara ekonomisk gynnsam då trepunktsfällningen ersätts med förfällning. / Water treatment is costly, from both an economic and environmental point of view, since the need for precipitation chemicals, carbon sources and energy is high. It is therefore desirable to look for alternative solutions that enable plants to be more self-sustaining. Hammarby Sjöstadsverket is a pilot plant for wastewater treatment located in Henriksdal, a southeastern neighborhood of Stockholm. The plant is owned by IVL, Svenska Miljöinstitutet and Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan (KTH). Since the pilot plant was built in 2002, several different cleaning techniques have been evaluated with focus on striving for eco-friendly and eco-adapted systems. For instance, a pre-precipitation technique, so-called three step precipitation have been evaluated. The three step precipitation implicates that a metal salt followed by two different polymers are added in the flocculation chamber in the particular order to thereby enable to reduce a higher content of the organic material. In previous precipitation tests at Hammarby Sjöstadsverket, one managed to remove up to 90 % of the organic material using the three step precipitation (IVL, Hammarby Sjöstadsverket, 2011). This can be compared to a removal of only 75 % with ordinary pre-precipitation. This thesis aims to validate already obtained results within three step precipitation and with biological hydrolysis of primary sludge, extract a carbon source for post-denitrification containing as high concentrations of Volatile Fatty Acids (VFA) as possible and to investigate the cost of a wastewater treatment plant with three step precipitation, biogas generation and collection of internal carbon source from primary sludge at an upscaling corresponding to 100,000 person equivalents. Precipitation experiments were carried out in pilot scale with the precipitation chemicals, PAX-XL 36, combined with a low molecular weight organic polymer, Purfix-120, followed by a high molecular weight inorganic polymer, Super Flock C-494. The purpose of the three step precipitation was to validate the already produced results within three step precipitation and thus separate as large amounts of organic material as possible in the precipitation so that a primary sludge containing a high chemical oxygen demand (COD) can be obtained.Two different dosages of Purfix-120 were tested: 45 and 60 g/m3. The best reduction of COD and phosphorus were obtained when 193 g/m3 PAX XL-36 was combined with 60 g/m3 Purfix-120 and 0.025 g/m3 Super Flock C-494. Hereby a COD reduction of 75 % and a total phosphorus removal of 83 % were obtained. By hydrolysis of primary sludge in batch experiments Total Solid (TS) concentrations of 1, 2 and 3 % and residence times of up to eight days were examined. The purpose of the hydrolysis in this case was to investigate which TS concentration and residence time that gave the highest production of VFA. The experiments showed that a TS concentration of 3 % produced the highest amount of VFA and that the VFA production of the three different TS concentrations peaked at the second day. The VFA and COD production increased linearly for the three TS concentrations up until day five. After day five the COD and VFA production, for the TS concentrations of 1 and 2 %, started to decrease slightly. However TS 3 % did not show the same declining trend for VFA. Furthermore the daily ammonium and pH were investigated.  As the VFA and COD concentration increased the ammonium concentration increased as well. pH had overall a  decreasing trend. Four different denitrification tests were performed in batch experiments with the extracted hydrolyzate. The added COD content from the hydolyzate was either 3.3 or 4 times the initial nitrate concentration. The denitrification tests showed denitrification rates between 4.3 and 7 mg NO3-N / g volatile suspended solids * h with carbon-nitrogen ratios (C/N ratio) between 3.9 and 12.3 mg COD/mg NO3-N. The lowest C/N ratio received the lowest denitrification rate. However, it could not be concluded that the maximum C/N ratio had the highest denitrification rate. Futhermore the financial aspects were examined in order to investigate the cost of a wastewater treatment plant with three step precipitation, biogas generation and collection of internal carbon source from primary sludge at an upscaling corresponding to 100,000 person equivalents. The extraction of an internal carbon source would, despite loss of biogas production, be economically beneficial. Gain, in terms of not having to purchase an external carbon source, in this case ethanol, amounts to the amount of the biogas loss. The three step precipitation chemical costs were the largest item, amounting to 8,060,000 SEK. This cost versus less energy utilization in the biological step was also examined. In this case the savings in the biological step amounted to about 1/8 of precipitation chemical cost. Since the three step precipitation only managed to remove 75 % of the COD, a removal which corresponds to an ordinary pre-precipitation, the three step precipitation is considered to be economically unfavorable as it involves additional costs of polymers. Instead the three step precipitation should be replaced with a pre-precipitation. In summary it can be stated that an internal carbon source in the form of hydrolyzed primary sludge could replace an external carbon source in a functional way. However, steps must be taken to minimize the production of ammonium during sludge hydrolysis. From an economic perspective, the extraction of an internal carbon source would only be economical favorable if the three step precipitation is replaced with pre-precipitation.

Tiesioginių užsienio investicijų poveikis Baltijos šalių ūkio plėtrai / Foreign Direct Investment Influence on Economy of Baltic States

Žvirblienė, Birutė 26 September 2008 (has links)
Magistro darbe aptarta tiesioginių užsienio investicijų samprata, jas lemiantys veiksniai bei jų įtaka ekonominiam augimui. Antroje darbo dalyje atlikta tiesioginių užsienio investicijų Baltijos šalyse analizė: nagrinėjama, kaip TUI kiekvienoje šalyje pasiskirsto sektoriuose, kokie yra pagrindiniai investuotojai, išanalizuota TUI dinamika, atliktas įtakos BVP, eksportui ir užimtumui vertinimas, bei tiesioginių užsienio investicijų prognozė kitiems 3 metams. Taip pat aptarti veiksniai, įtakojantys TUI srautą į Baltijos valstybes.Tyrimo metu nustatyta, kad po nepriklausomybės atgavimo praeitame dešimtmetyje visose trijose Baltijos valstybėse (Lietuvoje, Latvijoje ir Estijoje) tiesioginės užsienio investicijos nuolat augo (išskyrus 1999-2001 m. laikotarpį, kai jų srautus neigiamai paveikė Rusijos krizė). Praeitame dešimtmetyje TUI srautai didėjo daugiausia dėl privatizacijos procesų, vėliau apsisprendimas investuoti Baltijos valstybėse buvo įtakotas dėl sąlyginai mažesnių gamybos kaštų nei labiau išsivysčiusiose valstybėse bei augančio regiono ekonominio potencialo. Darbe patvirtinta hipotezė, kad tiesioginių užsienio investicijų didėjimas tiesiogiai veikia Baltijos šalių ekonominę plėtrą: TUI tiesiogiai įtakoja BVP augimą ir eksporto plėtrą bei mažina nedarbo lygį. / This master’s paper analysis the foreign direct investments (FDI) in Baltic States. In the first part of the work the conception of the FDI, the reasons that influence the flows of FDI and their impact on economical growth. In the second part of the work there was an analysis of FDI dynamics and the FDI distribution in separate branches performed, also it was analysed how the GDP growth, export and employment is affected by the foreign direct investments in Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. In the last part of the work it was foreseen the perspectives of the FDI. The hypothesis is formulated and confirmed as follows: „The increase of FDI flows directly impacts the growth of Baltic States economy, it stimulates the growth of GDP and the development of export also decrease of the unemployment level”.

Gyvybės draudimo rinkos analizė socialiniu ir ekonominiu požiūriais / Analysis of Life Insurance Market from the Economical and Social Point of Views

Motužienė-Marcinkevičiūtė, Živilė 08 June 2009 (has links)
Tyrimo objektas – gyvybės draudimas. Tyrimo dalykas – gyvybės draudimo analizės požiūriai. Tyrimo tikslas – išanalizavus gyvybės draudimo teorinius pagrindus ir identifikavus problemas, pasiūlyti gyvybės draudimo analizės metodiką, išanalizuoti gyvybės draudimą Lietuvoje ekonominiu ir socialiniu požiūriais bei pateikti išvadas. Uždaviniai: 1. Išanalizuoti gyvybės draudimo teorinius pagrindus ir identifikuoti problemas. 2. Nustatyti gyvybės draudimo analizės kriterijus, atrinkti rodiklius, geriausiai atspindinčius pasirinktus kriterijus ir sudaryti gyvybės draudimo analizės metodiką. 3. Išanalizuoti gyvybės draudimą Lietuvoje ekonominiu ir socialiniu požiūriais bei pateikti išvadas. Tyrimo metodai – mokslinės literatūros ir juridinių dokumentų analizė, loginė ir analitinė analizė, loginis abstraktus modeliavimas, ekonominiai – statistiniai duomenų rinkimo ir analizės metodai; statistinei informacijai apdoroti ir sisteminti panaudoti grupavimo, palyginimo ir grafinio vaizdavimo būdai. Tyrimo rezultatai: · Pirmoje darbo dalyje išnagrinėta gyvybės draudimo esmė ir samprata, gyvybės draudimo rūšys, funkcijos bei ekonominis ir socialinis požiūriai. Pateikiama gyvybės draudimo klasifikavimo kriterijų schema ir išskiriamos gyvybės draudimo analizės problemos. · Antroje darbo dalyje išanalizuoti gyvybės draudimo vertinimo metodai, išskirti gyvybės draudimo analizės kriterijai ir pateikta gyvybės draudimo analizės ekonominiu ir socialiniu požiūriais metodika. · Trečioje dalyje... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The object of research – life insurance. The object of research – life insurance analytical point of views. The aim of research – to desing a framework of life insurance analysis, to analyze economical and social point of views of life insurance in Lithuanian and to provide with conclusions. The objectives are: 1. To analyze theoretical point of views of life insurance and to identify their problems. 2. To determine the list of life insurance analysis criteria, to select indicators for these criteria and to desing a framework for analysis of life insurance. 3. To analyse economical and social point of views of life insurance in Lithuania and provide with conclusions. Methods of research: analysis of scientific papers and legal documents, logical analysis, logical abstractive modeling, economic – statistical data collection methods, data grouping, comparison and graphical representation. Research resuts: · Author analyses concept of life insurance, its types in the first part of the paper. Author emphasizes economical and social point of views of the life Insurance. Authors provides with a scheme of classification criteria of life insurance. Also problems of life insurance analysis are listed in the first part of the paper. · Second part of the paper provides with review of methods of analysis of life insurance in the scientific literature. Author developed a list of criteria used by researchers in the literature. Based on these review author propose a method for analysis of... [to full text]

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