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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Perspectives durables et territoriales des économies de fonctionnalité légitimes : une interprétation en termes conventionnalistes / Sustainable and territorial perspectives of legitimate functional economies : an interpretation in conventional terms

Serra, Benjamin 18 June 2018 (has links)
Depuis la Révolution Industrielle, les systèmes de production et de consommation de biens n’ont cessé d’évoluer au gré des innovations technologiques, organisationnelles et politiques. Mais ils ont montré une certaine permanence dans les objectifs qui sous-tendent et justifient leurs modalités d’organisation. Ces objectifs sont ceux portés par une société marchande au sein de laquelle l’échange économique constitue un moyen de créer des richesses et de répondre aux besoins de consommation. La recherche d’amélioration continue de la productivité de l’offre et la croissance des volumes et de la diversité des biens et services demandés ont contribué à façonner un système économique marchand et mondialisé, considéré comme le meilleur moyen de créer et de faire circuler les richesses. Pourtant, au cours des dernières décennies, l’atteinte des limites de ce système, tant en termes environnementaux que sociaux, a conduit les acteurs de l’échange à envisager de nouveaux moyens de satisfaire de manière efficace les besoins de consommateurs. Parmi ces moyens, l’économie de fonctionnalité vise à proposer de nouvelles modalités de création de valeur en substituant la vente de l’usage d’un bien à la vente du bien lui-même. Souvent associée à un modèle permettant de découpler la réponse aux besoins de l’utilisation de ressources matérielles, mais aussi de re-territorialiser des activités productives déconnectées de leurs espaces géographiques de consommation, cette pratique interroge quant à sa capacité à faire évoluer le paradigme classique de production et de consommation de masse. Est-elle un simple outil organisationnel permettant de limiter les impacts négatifs du système économique sans en modifier les finalités ou permet-elle au contraire d’en infléchir la trajectoire et de modifier les finalités qu’il poursuit ? Cette thèse cherche à répondre à cette question en abordant l’économie de fonctionnalité par les représentations de l’échange de qualité qu’elle engage dans l’action. Elle s’appuie sur l’économie des conventions pour caractériser les différentes qualités légitimes de l’échange par l’économie de fonctionnalité. Elle cherche à déterminer lesquelles sont porteuses de changements dans les modalités de l’échange sans en modifier les principes fondamentaux et lesquelles sont porteuses de changements dans la philosophie de l’échange économique et dans ses finalités acceptées. Moyen innovant au service d’une fin inchangée ou nouvelle fin qui contraint autant qu’elle incite les acteurs dans l’action, l’économie de fonctionnalité est susceptible de produire dans les deux situations des effets territoriaux et durables hétérogènes. Ce travail s’attache à qualifier les dynamiques de changement en jeu, de sorte à comprendre comment les représentations légitimes de l’économie de fonctionnalité se traduisent en motivations et en effets différenciés. Il crée ainsi le cadre nécessaire à la compréhension des trajectoires de convergence ou de divergence des différents types d’économies de fonctionnalité bénéficiant d’une démarche de légitimation. Il constitue de la sorte une première étape pour envisager les différentes combinaisons de représentations susceptibles de contribuer à l’émergence de systèmes économiques territorialement durables en fonction des objectifs poursuivis par les acteurs. / Since the Industrial Revolution, systems of production and consumption of goods have followed consecutive technological, organizational and political innovations phases. But they have shown a certain permanence in the objectives that underlie and justify the modalities of their organization. These goals are those conveyed by merchant society in which economic exchange is a way to create wealth and meet consumer needs. The quest for continuous improvement in supply productivity and the growth in volume and diversity of goods and services required have helped shaping a globalized trading economic system as the best way to create wealth and make it circulate. However, over the past few decades, this system has reached its limits, both in environmental and social terms, and it has led the stakeholders to consider new ways to efficiently meet the needs of consumers. Among these means, the functional economy aims at proposing new ways of creating value by substituting the sale of the use of a good to the sale of the good itself. Often associated with a model that allows to disconnect the response to the needs of the use of material resources, but also to re-territorialize productive activities that have been disjointed from their geographical areas of consumption, this practice questions as to its ability to make the classical paradigm of mass production and consumption evolve. Is it a simple organizational tool meant to limit the negative impacts of the economic system without modifying the purposes or, on the contrary, a way to change the trajectory and change the goals it pursues? This thesis seeks to answer this question by approaching the functional economy through the representations of the quality exchange that it implies in action. It relies on the economy of conventions to characterize the different legitimate qualities of the exchange. It aims at determining which ones bring changes in the modalities of exchange without impacting its fundamental principles and which bring changes in the philosophy of economic exchange and its accepted purposes. As an innovative means serving an unchanged goal or as a new end that constrains as much as it incites the actors, the functional economy is likely to produce heterogeneous territorial and sustainable effects, in both situations. This work seeks to characterize the dynamics of change at stake, so as to understand how legitimated representations of the functional economy can be translated into differentiated motives and effects. It therefore creates the necessary framework for understanding the converging or diverging trajectories of legitimate functional economies. In this way, it constitutes a first step to consider the different combinations of representations likely to contribute to the emergence of territorially sustainable economic systems according to the objectives pursued by the actors.

L'influence du développement durable sur la gestion des risques dans l'entreprise : un cas dans le BTP / The influence of sustainable development on risk management in a corporate environment : a case in the CPW field

Cere, Arnaud 13 September 2012 (has links)
L’objet de cette thèse est d’analyser l’influence du développement durable sur la gestion des risques dans l’entreprise dans la perspective de la responsabilité sociale de celle-ci. Dans l’abondante littérature sur ce thème, une distinction est faite entre la conception utilitariste et la conception déontologique qui peuvent se compléter pour éclairer la gestion des risques en lien avec la RSE. L’analyse de la littérature a porté ensuite sur les déterminants de la gestion des risques modernes, avec l’importance de la coordination dans la fiabilité des organisations. Dans cette perspective, une attention particulière a été accordée aux travaux de Weick mettant en évidence la notion de culture et les interrelations entre les acteurs comme déterminantes pour la fiabilité. L’éclairage de l’économie des conventions permet de concevoir l’intégration du développement durable comme une transformation des conventions constitutives de l’entreprise, des représentations de ses acteurs, et non pas seulement des règles de l’entreprise, opérant au niveau de la sphère des actions. Cela conduit à la mobilisation de la théorie des représentations sociales (Moscovici, Vergès, etc.) dans une perspective instrumentale conjointement aux économies de la grandeur de Boltanski et Thévenot afin de rendre intelligible les formes de dépassement des conflits d’intérêt qui définissent un bien commun et permettent d’établir des modalités de coordination stables.Nous avons choisi comme terrain une entreprise appartenant au secteur du BTP, filiale d’un groupe français, implantée sur les trois régions Aquitaine, Midi-Pyrénées et Languedoc-Roussillon et qui compte environ 3600 collaborateurs au moment de l’étude. Notre démarche de recherche empirique est basée sur une méthode combinant approche qualitative et approche quantitative dans une perspective de renforcement de la validité de la recherche. Une analyse des représentations sociales effectuée à partir d’une enquête par questionnaire, et d’entretiens en face à face avec certains membres du personnel, le travail permet de proposer une grille de lecture originale des apports d’une stratégie de développement durable à la maîtrise des risques, au-delà de la mise en place de systèmes de management classiques. Notre travail apporte une contribution à l’analyse des formes d’apaisement des conflits auxquelles peut contribuer le développement durable en matière de gestion des risques sociétaux. Nous mettons en évidence des éléments de compréhension de l’influence de l’intégration du développement durable sur la coordination des acteurs face aux risques. / The aim of this thesis is to analyse the influence of sustainable development on risk management within a company, regarding the social responsibility of the latter. The rich literature about this topic establishes a distinction between the utilitarian and the deontological conception that can complete each other to know better about the risk management linked to the CSR. The analysis in the literature has then focused on the determinants of the modern risk management and the importance of the coordination in the reliability of companies. In this perspective, a particular attention has been paid to Weick’s work, highlighting thus the notion of culture and the interrelations between people as determinatives of reliability. The thoughts on the economy of conventions enables to see sustainable development as a transformation of the constituent conventions of the company, the representations of its employees, and not only the rules of the company, operating at the level of the sphere of actions.This leads to the consider the theory of the social representations (Moscovici, Vergès...) in an instrumental way, and to associate it the economies of worth of Boltanski and Thévenot, with the aim to make understandable the ways that enables to go beyond the conflicts of interests that define a common good and enable to establish stable modalities of coordination.We have chosen for the study a company of the CPW field. This is a subsidiary company of a French group, located in the three following regions: Aquitaine, Midi-Pyrénées and Languedoc-Roussillon. At the time of the study, around 3600 persons were working in it.Our empirical research approach is based on a method combining qualitative and quantitative approaches in order to strengthen the validity of the research. An analysis of the social representations has been led through a questionnaire and face to face interviews with members of the workforce. This work offers an original interpretative framework of the contribution of a sustainable development strategy to the control of risks, beyond the implementation of classical management systems.Our work contributes to the analysis of means that can ease conflicts and that can be brought by the sustainable development regarding the social risk management. We highlight understandable elements of the influence of the integration of sustainable development on the coordination of people facing risks.

As convenções sociais de qualidade como suporte à configuração de sistemas agroalimentares locais competitivos : um estudo cross country na pecuária de corte

Malafaia, Guilherme Cunha January 2007 (has links)
No presente estudo examinou-se a influência da coordenação dos Sistemas Agroalimentares Locais (SIAL) na exploração dos ativos estratégicos territoriais (AET) para o desenvolvimento de vantagens competitivas sustentáveis. Para tanto, desenvolveu-se o framework da Construção Social de Vantagens Competitivas em Sistemas Agroalimentares Locais. Esse framework é sustentado por três abordagens teóricas, a Economia das Convenções, a Visão Baseada em Recursos e o Sistema Agroalimentar Local. A conjugação destas três vertentes teóricas permite entender o processo dinâmico de construção coletiva da qualidade de um produto agroalimentar oriundo de uma determinada região, pois proporciona um processo de complementaridade entre os ativos estratégicos territoriais e as formas de coordenação praticadas, bem como permite identificar os fatores de sustentação estratégicos envolvidos nessa complementaridade. Com intuito de validar esse framework, realizou-se um estudo multi casos na pecuária de corte, onde estudou-se a Indicação de Procedência da Carne do Pampa Gaúcho e o Programa de Carne Natural Certificada do Uruguai. Foram realizadas entrevistas em profundidade com os agentes de cada um dos casos, onde se verificou as quatro etapas que compõem o framework proposto, a motivação, a relevância, a coerência na ação coletiva e a legitimação. Os resultados mostraram que em ambos os casos estudados, as etapas do framework sinalizam condições favoráveis, indicando um possível desenvolvimento de vantagens competitivas. No caso específico da etapa referente à coerência da ação coletiva, onde ocorreu a principal contribuição desse estudo, identificou-se a presença de várias formas de coordenação ao longo do SIAL, e que essas formas fazem combinações entre si, gerando, consequentemente, uma complementaridade entre os AET. Por fim, conclui-se que o caráter compósito das formas de coordenação é pertinente para entender a complementaridade dos recursos, o que nos permite afirmar que as formas de coordenação influenciam na exploração dos ativos estratégicos territoriais. / In the present study, the influence of the coordination of Local Agrifood Systems (SIAL) in the exploration of territorial strategic actives (AET) for the development of sustainable competitive advantages was examined. For this purpose, a framework of the Social Construction of Competitive Advantages in Local Agrifood Systems was developed. This framework is supported by three theoretical approaches: Economy of Conventions, Resource- Based Perspective and Local Agrifood System. The conjugation of these three theoretical perspectives assists in the understanding of the dynamic process of collective construction regarding the quality of an agroalimentary product originated from a certain region. This occurs due to the fact that this conjugation provides a complementarity between the territorial strategic actives and the practiced coordination forms and it also allows the identification of strategic sustentation factors involved in this complementarity. With the objective of validating this framework, a study of multiple cases in the beef cattle industry was carried out, in which the Indication of Origin of the Meat of the Gaucho Pampas and the Uruguayan Program of Certified Natural Meat were studied. In-depth interviews with agents from both the cases were carried out. The four stages that compose the proposed framework: motivation, relevance, coherence in the collective action and legitimation were also verified. The results demonstrated that in both the cases studied, the stages of the framework point to favorable conditions, indicating a possible development of competitive advantages. In the specific case of the stage that refers to the coherence of collective action, in which resides the main contribution of this study, the presence of several forms of coordination throughout the SIAL could be identified and also the fact that these forms combine with each other, consequently generating a complementarity between the AET was observed. At last, it was concluded that the composite character of the coordination forms is pertinent in order for one to understand the resource complementarity. This allows one to affirm that the coordination forms have an influence in the exploration of territorial strategic actives.

As convenções sociais de qualidade como suporte à configuração de sistemas agroalimentares locais competitivos : um estudo cross country na pecuária de corte

Malafaia, Guilherme Cunha January 2007 (has links)
No presente estudo examinou-se a influência da coordenação dos Sistemas Agroalimentares Locais (SIAL) na exploração dos ativos estratégicos territoriais (AET) para o desenvolvimento de vantagens competitivas sustentáveis. Para tanto, desenvolveu-se o framework da Construção Social de Vantagens Competitivas em Sistemas Agroalimentares Locais. Esse framework é sustentado por três abordagens teóricas, a Economia das Convenções, a Visão Baseada em Recursos e o Sistema Agroalimentar Local. A conjugação destas três vertentes teóricas permite entender o processo dinâmico de construção coletiva da qualidade de um produto agroalimentar oriundo de uma determinada região, pois proporciona um processo de complementaridade entre os ativos estratégicos territoriais e as formas de coordenação praticadas, bem como permite identificar os fatores de sustentação estratégicos envolvidos nessa complementaridade. Com intuito de validar esse framework, realizou-se um estudo multi casos na pecuária de corte, onde estudou-se a Indicação de Procedência da Carne do Pampa Gaúcho e o Programa de Carne Natural Certificada do Uruguai. Foram realizadas entrevistas em profundidade com os agentes de cada um dos casos, onde se verificou as quatro etapas que compõem o framework proposto, a motivação, a relevância, a coerência na ação coletiva e a legitimação. Os resultados mostraram que em ambos os casos estudados, as etapas do framework sinalizam condições favoráveis, indicando um possível desenvolvimento de vantagens competitivas. No caso específico da etapa referente à coerência da ação coletiva, onde ocorreu a principal contribuição desse estudo, identificou-se a presença de várias formas de coordenação ao longo do SIAL, e que essas formas fazem combinações entre si, gerando, consequentemente, uma complementaridade entre os AET. Por fim, conclui-se que o caráter compósito das formas de coordenação é pertinente para entender a complementaridade dos recursos, o que nos permite afirmar que as formas de coordenação influenciam na exploração dos ativos estratégicos territoriais. / In the present study, the influence of the coordination of Local Agrifood Systems (SIAL) in the exploration of territorial strategic actives (AET) for the development of sustainable competitive advantages was examined. For this purpose, a framework of the Social Construction of Competitive Advantages in Local Agrifood Systems was developed. This framework is supported by three theoretical approaches: Economy of Conventions, Resource- Based Perspective and Local Agrifood System. The conjugation of these three theoretical perspectives assists in the understanding of the dynamic process of collective construction regarding the quality of an agroalimentary product originated from a certain region. This occurs due to the fact that this conjugation provides a complementarity between the territorial strategic actives and the practiced coordination forms and it also allows the identification of strategic sustentation factors involved in this complementarity. With the objective of validating this framework, a study of multiple cases in the beef cattle industry was carried out, in which the Indication of Origin of the Meat of the Gaucho Pampas and the Uruguayan Program of Certified Natural Meat were studied. In-depth interviews with agents from both the cases were carried out. The four stages that compose the proposed framework: motivation, relevance, coherence in the collective action and legitimation were also verified. The results demonstrated that in both the cases studied, the stages of the framework point to favorable conditions, indicating a possible development of competitive advantages. In the specific case of the stage that refers to the coherence of collective action, in which resides the main contribution of this study, the presence of several forms of coordination throughout the SIAL could be identified and also the fact that these forms combine with each other, consequently generating a complementarity between the AET was observed. At last, it was concluded that the composite character of the coordination forms is pertinent in order for one to understand the resource complementarity. This allows one to affirm that the coordination forms have an influence in the exploration of territorial strategic actives.

As convenções sociais de qualidade como suporte à configuração de sistemas agroalimentares locais competitivos : um estudo cross country na pecuária de corte

Malafaia, Guilherme Cunha January 2007 (has links)
No presente estudo examinou-se a influência da coordenação dos Sistemas Agroalimentares Locais (SIAL) na exploração dos ativos estratégicos territoriais (AET) para o desenvolvimento de vantagens competitivas sustentáveis. Para tanto, desenvolveu-se o framework da Construção Social de Vantagens Competitivas em Sistemas Agroalimentares Locais. Esse framework é sustentado por três abordagens teóricas, a Economia das Convenções, a Visão Baseada em Recursos e o Sistema Agroalimentar Local. A conjugação destas três vertentes teóricas permite entender o processo dinâmico de construção coletiva da qualidade de um produto agroalimentar oriundo de uma determinada região, pois proporciona um processo de complementaridade entre os ativos estratégicos territoriais e as formas de coordenação praticadas, bem como permite identificar os fatores de sustentação estratégicos envolvidos nessa complementaridade. Com intuito de validar esse framework, realizou-se um estudo multi casos na pecuária de corte, onde estudou-se a Indicação de Procedência da Carne do Pampa Gaúcho e o Programa de Carne Natural Certificada do Uruguai. Foram realizadas entrevistas em profundidade com os agentes de cada um dos casos, onde se verificou as quatro etapas que compõem o framework proposto, a motivação, a relevância, a coerência na ação coletiva e a legitimação. Os resultados mostraram que em ambos os casos estudados, as etapas do framework sinalizam condições favoráveis, indicando um possível desenvolvimento de vantagens competitivas. No caso específico da etapa referente à coerência da ação coletiva, onde ocorreu a principal contribuição desse estudo, identificou-se a presença de várias formas de coordenação ao longo do SIAL, e que essas formas fazem combinações entre si, gerando, consequentemente, uma complementaridade entre os AET. Por fim, conclui-se que o caráter compósito das formas de coordenação é pertinente para entender a complementaridade dos recursos, o que nos permite afirmar que as formas de coordenação influenciam na exploração dos ativos estratégicos territoriais. / In the present study, the influence of the coordination of Local Agrifood Systems (SIAL) in the exploration of territorial strategic actives (AET) for the development of sustainable competitive advantages was examined. For this purpose, a framework of the Social Construction of Competitive Advantages in Local Agrifood Systems was developed. This framework is supported by three theoretical approaches: Economy of Conventions, Resource- Based Perspective and Local Agrifood System. The conjugation of these three theoretical perspectives assists in the understanding of the dynamic process of collective construction regarding the quality of an agroalimentary product originated from a certain region. This occurs due to the fact that this conjugation provides a complementarity between the territorial strategic actives and the practiced coordination forms and it also allows the identification of strategic sustentation factors involved in this complementarity. With the objective of validating this framework, a study of multiple cases in the beef cattle industry was carried out, in which the Indication of Origin of the Meat of the Gaucho Pampas and the Uruguayan Program of Certified Natural Meat were studied. In-depth interviews with agents from both the cases were carried out. The four stages that compose the proposed framework: motivation, relevance, coherence in the collective action and legitimation were also verified. The results demonstrated that in both the cases studied, the stages of the framework point to favorable conditions, indicating a possible development of competitive advantages. In the specific case of the stage that refers to the coherence of collective action, in which resides the main contribution of this study, the presence of several forms of coordination throughout the SIAL could be identified and also the fact that these forms combine with each other, consequently generating a complementarity between the AET was observed. At last, it was concluded that the composite character of the coordination forms is pertinent in order for one to understand the resource complementarity. This allows one to affirm that the coordination forms have an influence in the exploration of territorial strategic actives.

Collective Firms between Collective and Company

Pohler, Nina 29 January 2021 (has links)
Diese Arbeit möchte verstehen, was es bedeutet gleichzeitig eine Gemeinschaft und ein Unternehmen zu sein, und welche Herausforderungen dadurch für die intraorganisationale Koordination entstehen. Wie vereinbaren alternative Betriebe unterschiedliche Menschen und Rationalitäten miteinander, ohne auf formale Hierarchien zurückzugreifen? In einer vergleichende Fallstudie von drei kleinen, direkt-demokratisch organisierten Kollektivbetrieben wird der Beziehung zwischen Koordination, Bewertung und Moralvorstellungen nachgegangen. Die Arbeit nutzt hierfür Laurent Thévenots pragmatischer Soziologie des Engagements. Die Ergebnisse der Arbeit liefern einen Beitrag zu drei Forschungsbereichen: Die Arbeit liefert einen Beitrag zum Feld der „valuation studies“. Es wird gezeigt, dass die mit Bewertung verbundene Unsicherheit zu Prozessen führen kann, die mehr einer kollektiven Entdeckung, als einem Konflikt entsprechen. Darüber hinaus wird die zentrale Rolle von legitimen Differenzierungs- und Äquivalenzprinzipien für Kommensuration aufgezeigt. Die Arbeit liefert einen Beitrag zur Forschung zum Verhältnis von Koordination, Bewertung und Moralvorstellungen in Organisationen. Sie zeigt, dass ein theoretischer Rahmen, der unterschiedliche Grade der Generalisierung von Koordination beachtet, wichtige Erkenntnisse für das Verständnis intraorganisationaler Koordination liefert. Die Arbeit liefert einen Beitrag zur Forschung über Kollektivbetriebe und Genossenschaften. Indem die eingenommene Perspektive über die Analyse von Governance-Strukturen hinausgeht, wird die Dualität von Kollektivbetrieben als ein Problem der Balance zwischen unterschiedlichen Koordinationsmodi gerahmt. Aus dieser Perspektive ist die zentrale Spannung, die Kollektivbetriebe ausbalancieren müssen, eine zwischen auf Vertrautheit basierender Koordination und Koordination, die auf Generalisierung von Beziehungen beruht. / This thesis wants to understand how alternative firms deal with the complexity of balancing different rationalities in their intraorganizational coordination, in the absence of formal hierarchies. In a comparative case study of three small, democratically governed collective firms, the relationship between coordination and morality is analyzed. The majority of research on collective firms focuses on democratic governance structures, which risks to underestimate the importance of coordination that is based on intimate knowledge and personal relations. This is especially important to understand collective firms, which are dependent on lateral accountability and cooperation between their members. Consequently, this work is informed by the work of Laurent Thévenot which allows to understand coordination based on different levels of generalization. The results of this thesis contribute to three different areas of research: First, contributions are made to the field of valuation studies, by further developing insights on the notion of the test. The thesis also points out the central role of legitimate principles of difference and equivalence for successful commensuration, and the tension between particularity and generalization in standardizing evaluation devices. Second, the study contributes insights for scholarship on coordination and morality in organizations. It demonstrates that considering coordination based on different degrees of generality yields important insights on intraorganizational coordination. Finally, this study contributes to scholarship on cooperatives and collectivist organizations. The often noted duality of collective firms is reframed as the need to balance and mediate different modes of coordination. The study develops a heuristic concept, the composite relation, which explains how collectives are held together despite their central tension between particular and collective goods.

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