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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Environmental Security in the Ecuadorian Amazon: Waorani, Oil and Environment

Pearson, Zoe 14 September 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Impacts of indigenous communities on the biodiversity of neotropical rainforests

Stafford, Ciara January 2017 (has links)
This thesis explores how indigenous communities in the neotropics affect the biodiversity of the forests in which they live; and assesses how the culture, preferences and perceptions of communities can influence the outcome of this relationship. This is first investigated via a case study that compares primate populations between a protected area in the Ecuadorian Amazon and a territory in its adjacent buffer zone that is owned by an indigenous Kichwa community. I then use an ethnoprimatological approach to investigate the attitudes of this community to primates, namely looking at (a) whether primates are seen as a distinct group, (b) the relative importance of primates as sources of bushmeat and pets and (c) the perceived value of primates in terms of their value as a resource or their ecological role. I show that diurnal primates are seen as a cohesive group, but that tree-dwelling non-primates including sloths, kinkajous and tamanduas are also frequently classified as 'monkeys'. The community's perceptions of the value of primates are more closely associated with their potential as bushmeat and pets, whereas few respondents view their importance in terms of their role in the forest ecosystem. I compare our findings to those in studies of other indigenous groups and discuss how they could contribute to more effective conservation planning. Next, I assess how hunting preferences for mammals and birds vary across communities over the whole of central America, Amazonia and the Guianan shield. I show that primates, cetartiodactyls and rodents are the mammalian cornerstones of prey provision for hunters in neotropical communities, whereas Galliformes, Tinamiformes, Psittaciformes, Gruiformes, Piciformes are the most commonly hunted bird orders. The location of a community alone is a significant but weak predictor of the structure of its hunting profile in terms of order preferences. In addition, I found no relationship between a community's age and size and the average biomass of birds or mammals hunted, or the number of mammal species that are targeted. I discuss whether the age and size of communities are robust indicators of past and current hunting pressure, as well as the suitability of cross-sectional data for monitoring large-scale hunting patterns.

Historical processes and structural factors of deforestation in the Amazon: the case of Tena, Ecuador (2014) / Procesos políticos y estructurales de la deforestación en la Amazonía: el caso de Tena, Ecuador (2014)

Gómez de la Torre, Sara, Anda, Susana, Bedoya Garland, Eduardo 10 April 2018 (has links)
The aim of this paper is to analyze and describe the historical, institutional and structural factors of deforestation taking into account the dynamics of intensification or «extensification» of land use in the Amazon region of Tena in Ecuador. A first conclusion was finding the reproduction of an extensive pattern of agriculture in Tena as an important direct agent of deforestation. We believe that this agricultural system originates in historical processes from the sixties, when the state intervenes promoting certain policies of extensive land use, through road construction and specific mechanisms of land titling. The current social and institutional dynamics have failed to reverse such situation, since deforestation is still playing, although there is a tendency to close the agricultural frontier. The indicated form of farming and the corresponding rates of deforestation are played today as a result of structural factors, such as farm size, proximity to roads, the type of technology used and unfavorable market linkages. / El objetivo del presente artículo es analizar y describir los factores históricos, institucionales y estructurales de la deforestación teniendo en cuenta la dinámica de intensificación o «extensificación» de uso del suelo en la región amazónica de Tena, en Ecuador. Una primera conclusión fue constatar la reproducción de una agricultura extensiva en Tena como un importante agente directo de la deforestación. Creemos que dicho sistema agrícola se origina en procesos históricos, desde la década de 1960, cuando el Estado ecuatoriano interviene fomentando ciertas políticas de ocupación extensiva del suelo, a través de la construcción de caminos de penetración y algunas modalidades específicas de titulación de tierras. Las dinámicas sociales e institucionales actuales no han logrado revertir tal situación, pues la deforestación se sigue reproduciendo, a pesar de que existe la tendencia a que se cierre la frontera agrícola. La indicada forma de agricultura y las correspondientes tasas de deforestación se reproducen en la actualidad como resultado de factores estructurales, tales como el tamaño del predio, cercanía a las carreteras, el tipo de tecnología utilizada y una desfavorable articulación con el mercado.

Las relaciones sociales intergeneracionales de la nacionalidad Waorani y la reproducción de las lógicas de manejo territorial ancestral en el barrio waorani en Shell

Duque Orozco, Gabriela Estefania 24 January 2022 (has links)
[ES] Los Waorani del Ecuador son una nacionalidad indígena de reciente contacto. Su territorio ha ido modificándose debido a las presiones extractivas que le han devenido. La migración interna es uno de los efectos visibles de esta realidad. Shellpare es el espacio geográfico donde se han asentado familias waorani que empujan un modelo de desarrollo desde el derecho a la educación, salud y trabajo digno. El objetivo central de este trabajo de investigación es determinar cómo las relaciones sociales intergeneracionales de la Nacionalidad Waorani influyen en la reproducción de las lógicas de manejo territorial ancestral en el barrio waorani en Shell. La Metodología desarrollada es cualitativa. Toma los aportes de la Escuela Intergeneracional Wiñenani-Pikenani y desarrolla procesos como el Campeonato Intergeneracional de Futbol, para la recolección de datos. Se describe el camino ético de la investigación, así como sus principales retos. Se explica la utilidad del programa NVIVO12+ para organizar la información. Entre los resultados se puede destacar que las relaciones sociales intergeneracionales desarrollan formas de diálogo con interacciones tanto materiales como inmateriales entre lo humano y no-humano. Así mismo, se construyen desde el aprender-haciendo, lo que fortalece el concepto de intergeneracionalidad. Otro resultado es el entramado que emerge de ligar las relaciones sociales intergeneracionales (adaptabilidad, proficiencia, enunciación verbal, enunciación no verbal, integrativas, libertad, materialidad e inmaterialidad) con el manejo territorial vernáculo (alta movilidad interna, mapeo territorial, gestión político-administrativa y sistema productivo). Permitiendo concluir que esta contribución empírica es el primer acercamiento a la realidad urbana de los waorani. El aporte al debate teórico a través de conceptos como las interacciones entre lo humano y no-humano, el aprender-haciendo con enfoque intergeneracional y el manejo territorial sostenible dan una posibilidad de reflexión teórica sobre la territorialización de la intergeneracionalidad. Finalmente, se concluye que los conflictos por distribución ecológica que permean la vida de las poblaciones desfavorecidas modifican sus territorios y las formas de relación con lo no-humano. La crisis civilizatoria que el modelo industrial globalizado empuja afecta principalmente a los grupos históricamente excluidos y a los espacios geográficos con bienes comunes extraíbles. / [CA] Els Waorani de l'Equador són una nacionalitat indígena de recent contacte. El seu territori ha anat modificant-se a causa de les pressions extractives que li han esdevingut. La migració interna és un dels efectes visibles d'aquesta realitat. Shellpare és l'espai geogràfic on s'han assentat famílies waorani que espenten un model de desenvolupament des del dret a l'educació, salut i treball digne. L'objectiu central d'aquest treball de recerca és determinar com les relacions socials intergeneracionals de la Nacionalitat Waorani influeixen en la reproducció de les lògiques de maneig territorial ancestral en el barri waorani en Shell. La Metodologia desenvolupada és qualitativa. Presa les aportacions de l'Escola Intergeneracional Wiñenani-Pikenani i desenvolupa processos com el Campionat Intergeneracional de Futbol, per a la recol·lecció de dades. Es descriu el camí ètic de la investigació, així com els seus principals reptes. S'explica la utilitat del programa NVIVO12+ per a organitzar la informació. Entre els resultats es pot destacar que les relacions socials intergeneracionals desenvolupen formes de diàleg amb interaccions tant materials com immaterials entre l'humà i no-humà. Així mateix, es construeixen des de l'aprendre-fent, la qual cosa enforteix el concepte de intergeneracionalidad. Un altre resultat és l'entramat que emergeix de lligar les relacions socials intergeneracionals (adaptabilitat, proficiencia, enunciació verbal, enunciació no verbal, integratives, llibertat, materialitat i immaterialitat) amb el maneig territorial vernacle (alta mobilitat interna, mapatge territorial, gestió polític-administrativa i sistema productiu). Permetent concloure que aquesta contribució empírica és el primer acostament a la realitat urbana dels waorani. L'aportació al debat teòric a través de conceptes com les interaccions entre l'humà i no-humà, l'aprendre-fent amb enfocament intergeneracional i el maneig territorial sostenible donen una possibilitat de reflexió teòrica sobre la territorialització de la intergeneracionalidad. Finalment, es conclou que els conflictes per distribució ecològica que permean la vida de les poblacions desfavorides modifiquen els seus territoris i les formes de relació amb el no-humà. La crisi civilizatoria que el model industrial globalitzat espenta afecta principalment als grups històricament exclosos i als espais geogràfics amb béns comuns extraïbles. / [EN] The Waorani of Ecuador are an indigenous nationality of recent contact. Its territory has been changing due to the extractive pressures that have come to it. Internal migration is one of the visible effects of this reality. Shellpare is the geographical space where Waorani families have settled, pushing a development model based on the right to education, health and decent work. The central objective of this research work is to determine how the intergenerational social relations of the Waorani Nationality influence the reproduction of the logics of ancestral territorial management in the Waorani neighborhood in Shell. The methodology developed is qualitative. It takes the contributions of the Wiñenani-Pikenani Intergenerational School and develops processes such as the Intergenerational Soccer Championship, for data collection. The ethical path of research is described, as well as its main challenges. The usefulness of the NVIVO12 + program for organizing information is explained. Among the results, it can be highlighted that intergenerational social relations develop forms of dialogue with both material and immaterial interactions between the human and the non-human. Likewise, they are built from learning-doing, which strengthens the concept of intergenerationality. Another result is the framework that emerges from linking intergenerational social relations (adaptability, proficiency, verbal enunciation, non-verbal enunciation, integrative, freedom, materiality and immateriality) with vernacular territorial management (high internal mobility, territorial mapping, political-administrative management and productive system). Allowing to conclude that this empirical contribution is the first approach to the urban reality of the Waorani. The contribution to the theoretical debate through concepts such as the interactions between human and non-human, learning-doing with an intergenerational approach and sustainable territorial management provide a possibility of theoretical reflection on the territorialization of intergenerationality. Finally, it is concluded that the ecological distribution conflicts that permeate the lives of disadvantaged populations modify their territories and the forms of relationship with the non-human. The civilizational crisis that the globalized industrial model pushes mainly affects historically excluded groups and geographical spaces with extractable common goods. / Duque Orozco, GE. (2021). Las relaciones sociales intergeneracionales de la nacionalidad Waorani y la reproducción de las lógicas de manejo territorial ancestral en el barrio waorani en Shell [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/180282

ProBenefit : Implementing the Convention on Biological Diversity in the Ecuadorian Amazon

Cortobius Fredriksson, Moa January 2009 (has links)
<p>Legislation on benefit sharing dates back to 1992 and the commandment of the UNConvention on Biological Diversity, hence implementation still has few cases to fall back on(CBD, 1992). The case study of the project ProBenefit presented by the thesis highlights howlack of deliberation can undermine a democratic process. The objective of the thesis is thatProBenefit’s attempt to implement the standards of the CBD on access and benefit sharingwill highlight not only problems met by this specific project, but difficulties that generallymeet democratic processes in contexts of high inequality. To define if the project ProBenefitsucceeded in carrying out a deliberative process the project will be analyzed by the criteria:access to information, representation, legitimacy and involvement.The population in the project area of ProBenefit had a long history of social marginalization,which made it hard for foreign projects to gain legitimacy. The lack of independentorganizations and the late establishment of the project, which resulted in time shortage, madeit impossible to prevent the distrust of the local population. The failure of the projectcoordinators to ensure active participation of all stakeholders resulted in a late and lowinvolvement of the local participants. The absence of independent organization also madedemocratic legitimacy of the process questionable. Even if ProBenefit had a vision ofdemocratic deliberation the project was unable to break down the prevailing unequal powerdistribution which resulted in an unsustainable process and failure. The conclusion of thethesis is that the attainment of deliberation foremost depends on how a project deals with theexisting distribution of power and how it succeeds in involving all stakeholders.</p>

ProBenefit : Implementing the Convention on Biological Diversity in the Ecuadorian Amazon

Cortobius Fredriksson, Moa January 2009 (has links)
Legislation on benefit sharing dates back to 1992 and the commandment of the UNConvention on Biological Diversity, hence implementation still has few cases to fall back on(CBD, 1992). The case study of the project ProBenefit presented by the thesis highlights howlack of deliberation can undermine a democratic process. The objective of the thesis is thatProBenefit’s attempt to implement the standards of the CBD on access and benefit sharingwill highlight not only problems met by this specific project, but difficulties that generallymeet democratic processes in contexts of high inequality. To define if the project ProBenefitsucceeded in carrying out a deliberative process the project will be analyzed by the criteria:access to information, representation, legitimacy and involvement.The population in the project area of ProBenefit had a long history of social marginalization,which made it hard for foreign projects to gain legitimacy. The lack of independentorganizations and the late establishment of the project, which resulted in time shortage, madeit impossible to prevent the distrust of the local population. The failure of the projectcoordinators to ensure active participation of all stakeholders resulted in a late and lowinvolvement of the local participants. The absence of independent organization also madedemocratic legitimacy of the process questionable. Even if ProBenefit had a vision ofdemocratic deliberation the project was unable to break down the prevailing unequal powerdistribution which resulted in an unsustainable process and failure. The conclusion of thethesis is that the attainment of deliberation foremost depends on how a project deals with theexisting distribution of power and how it succeeds in involving all stakeholders.

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