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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Comparisons of the Needs of Adult Learners by Faculty Student Services Staff and Adult Students at a Selected Community College

Horton, Dianne Wahl 08 1900 (has links)
The problem with which this study is concerned is assessing the relationship between the expressed needs of adult community college students and their needs as perceived by selected faculty members and student services staff members at a metropolitan community college. The population of the study was 201 adult students and 77 faculty and student services staff members who took the Adult Learner Needs Assessment Survey, a publication of the American College Testing Program. The data results were analyzed statistically using one-way analysis of variance and the Scheffé multiple comparison procedure. Data were considered statistically significant at the .01 level on all eight hypotheses. Based on the data findings, the following conclusions appear to be warranted. 1. The Adult Learner Needs Assessment Survey seems to provide useful needs assessment information in a convenient format for large scale research. 2. The instrument seems to provide a useful tool for gathering data on the perceptions of the needs of adult learners from community college employees. 3. Both faculty and student services staff groups seem to perceive adult students as needing more assistance with educational and personal needs than is reported by adult students. 4. Both faculty and student services staff groups perceptions of the needs of adult learners, when compared to the needs reported by adult students, appear to be less accurate for those needs for which a lesser degree of assistance is needed and more accurate for those needs for which a greater degree of assistance is needed. 5. The perceptions of the needs of adult learners by both faculty and student services staff groups appear notably similar. 6. This research, using a more rigorous level of significance, validates the general findings of similar research. 7. The research methodology and the use of analysis of variance and Scheffé test as statistical procedures proved to be useful in comparing perceptions of adult learner needs by faculty and student services staff groups to the stated needs of adult students.

Teachers, assessment and outcomes-based education: a philosophical enquiry

Slamat, Jerome Albert 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Education Policy Studies))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009 / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The core question that is addressed in this dissertation is: “How can we think differently about education in order to transcend the predicament that outcomes-based assessment poses for teachers and the practice of teaching?” This question is addressed against the background of my own narrative and experience in education in South Africa and in dialogue with the ideas of a number of contemporary philosophers. I assume an internal link between the outcomes-based discourse and its attendant assessment system. I argue that although outcomes-based education is proclaimed to be a progressive pedagogy, an alternative argument can be made that characterises it as an old behaviourist, management theory, overlain by a new policy technology called performativity. Thereafter, I engage critically with outcomes-based assessment as a prime example of performativity. In the next step I explore the ways in which outcomes-based assessment poses a predicament to teachers and to the practice of teaching. I then construct an alternative view of education that, in my opinion, provides a way to transcend the predicament that outcomes-based assessment poses for teachers and the practice of teaching. I also compare my alternative view of education with a new notion of education as therapy and standing in need of therapy, which is also presented as an alternative to instrumental approaches to education. Thereafter I consider the implications of my alternative view of education for teachers and assessment. I consider potential critiques against my argument at various stages in this dissertation. In the final chapter, I anticipate five more potential critiques against the argument developed in this dissertation and give initial responses to these. At the end of this dissertation I extend an invitation to deliberation in the spirit of my alternative view of education. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die kernvraag wat in hierdie proefskrif aan bod kom, is: “Hoe kan ons anders dink oor onderwys sodat die penarie wat uitkomsgebaseerde assessering vir onderwysers en die onderwyspraktyk meebring, oorkom kan word? Die vraag word beredeneer teen die agtergrond van my eie narratief en ervaring in onderwys in Suid-Afrika en in dialoog met die idees van ’n aantal kontemporêre filosowe. Ek veronderstel ’n interne skakel tussen die uitkomsgebaseerde diskoers en die verbandhoudende assesseringstelsel. Ek voer aan dat hoewel uitkomsgebaseerde onderwys as ’n progressiewe pedagogie voorgehou word, ’n alternatiewe argument gemaak kan word wat dit as ’n ou, behavioristiese bestuursteorie beskryf, wat oordek is met ’n nuwe beleidstegnologie genaamd performatiwiteit. Daarna gaan ek krities om met uitkomsgebaseerde assessering as ’n primêre voorbeeld van performatiwiteit. In die volgende stap verken ek die maniere waarop uitkomsgebaseerde assessering ’n penarie vir onderwysers en die onderwyspraktyk voorhou. Ek ontwikkel dan ’n alternatiewe beskouing van opvoeding wat, na my mening, ’n manier verskaf om die penarie wat assessering vir onderwysers en die onderwyspraktyk veroorsaak, te oorkom. Ek vergelyk ook my alternatiewe beskouing van onderwys met ’n nuwe konsep van onderwys as terapie en as behoeftig aan terapie, wat ook as ’n alternatief vir instrumentele benaderings tot onderwys aangebied word. Daarna oorweeg ek die implikasies van my alternatiewe beskouing van onderwys vir onderwysers en assessering. Ek oorweeg op verskillende stadiums in hierdie proefskrif potensiële punte van kritiek teen my argument. In die laaste hoofstuk antisipeer ek vyf bykomende potensiële punte van kritiek teen die argument wat in hierdie proefskrif ontwikkel is en gee aanvanklike reaksies daarop. Teen die einde van hierdie proefskrif rig ek ’n uitnodiging tot beraadslaging in die gees van my alternatiewe beskouing van opvoeding.

'n Ondersoek na 'n sin van plek en 'n pedagogie van plek in 'n Wes-Kaapse skool

Ontong, Krystle 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study attempted to present a nuanced perspective on the sense of place of learners and the extent to which teachers practice a pedagogy of place. In the study, the researcher investigated the sense of place of twelve Grade 6 and 8 learners at a school, situated in an eco-village in the Stellenbosch vicinity. The assumption is being made that the eco-village is a more conducive context for cultivating a sense of place amongst learners. The group consisted of six learners that did not live in the eco-village and six learners that did live there. Furthermore, an attempt was made to determine what the two Social Sciences teachers' understanding of the concept "place" was, the extent to which they practiced a pedagogy of place and the influence that the eco-village had on their teaching approach. The research report comprises two components, namely (a) a theoretical-philosophical component, and (b) an empirical component. The aim of the theoretical component was to explore the idea of a "sense of place" critically. This was done firstly, by emphasising the nexus between place and space, secondly, to present more clarity on the concept "place" by discussing the multiple meanings underpinning the concept, and lastly, to investigate a sense of place as a multi-dimensional concept. Against the background of a sense of place and pedagogy of place, I critically analysed the South African curriculum statements of the Social Sciences learning area for Grades R to nine, in order to determine how these policy statements address the concept place. Teachers are confronted with these statements on a regular basis and the assumption is that the emphasis being placed on this concept in the statements might have an impact on their pedagogy. This assumption was further explored in the interviews that were conducted with teachers, in an attempt not only to determine their understanding of the concept "place" but also to determine the extent to which they practice a pedagogy of place. Before interviews were conducted with teachers, it firstly determined what learners' sense of place is regarding where they live and attend school. The aim was to establish the differences, similarities, overlappings (if any) between these two groups. This study serves as a confirmation of the complexity regarding educational discourses and practices that explicitly examine the place-specific nexus between the environment, culture and education. It challenges teachers and educators in environmental education to expand the scope of their theory, investigation and practice in order to include the social and ecological contexts of our own inhabitation and those of others. In other words the challenge for teachers and educators lies in reflecting on the relationship between the type of education that they strive for and the type of place that we inhabit and leave behind for future generations. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie het dit ten doel gehad om 'n genuanseerde perspektief te bied op leerders se sin van plek asook die mate waartoe onderwysers 'n pedagogie van plek toepas. Tydens die studie is die sin van plek onder twaalf graad 6- en 8-leerders aan 'n skool, geleë in 'n eko-dorpie in die Stellenbosch-omgewing ondersoek. Die aanname is gemaak dat die eko-dorpie meer bevorderlik is vir die kweek van 'n sin van plek by leerders. Die groep het bestaan uit ses leerders wat nie in die eko-dorpie woon nie en ses leerders wat wel daar woon. Verder is daar gepoog om te bepaal wat die twee Sosiale Wetenskappe-onderwysers se opvatting van die konsep "plek" is, tot watter mate hulle 'n pedagogie van plek toepas en die invloed wat die eko-dorpie op hulle onderrigbenadering het. Die navorsingsverslag bestaan dus uit twee komponente, naamlik (a) 'n teoreties-filosofiese komponent en (b) 'n empiriese komponent. Met betrekking tot die teoretiese komponent is daar beoog om die gedagte van 'n sin van plek te verken deur dit krities te ondersoek. Dit is gedoen deur eerstens die verband tussen plek en ruimte te bespreek, tweedens meer duidelikheid omtrent die konsep "plek" te verkry deur die veelvuldige betekenisse aan die lig te bring en laastens om "sin van plek" as 'n multidimensionele begrip te ondersoek. Wat betref sin van plek en 'n pedagogie van plek, is daar verder beoog om die Suid-Afrikaanse kurrikulumverklarings ten opsigte van die leerarea Sosiale Wetenskappe vir grade R tot nege krities te analiseer om te bepaal tot watter mate die beleidsdokumente die konsep "plek" behandel. Onderwysers word op 'n daaglikse basis met hierdie verklarings gekonfronteer en die aanname is dat die klem wat op die konsep "plek" gelê word, 'n invloed op hulle pedagogie as sodanig sal hê. Hierdie aanname is verder verken in die onderhoude wat met onderwysers gevoer is waar daar nie net gepoog is om hulle opvatting van die konsep "plek" te bepaal nie, maar ook om vas te stel tot watter mate hulle 'n pedagogie van plek beoefen. Alvorens daar met onderwysers onderhoude gevoer is, is daar eerstens bepaal wat leerders se sin van plek is met betrekking tot waar hulle woon en skoolgaan. Daar is beoog om die verskille, ooreenkomste en oorvleuelings (indien enige) tussen die twee groepe leerders se sin van plek vas te stel. Die studie dien as 'n bevestiging van die kompleksiteit aangaande opvoedkundige diskoerse en praktyke wat eksplisiet die plek-spesifieke neksus tussen die omgewing, kultuur en onderwys bestudeer. Dit stel onderwysers en opvoedkundiges in omgewingsopvoeding voor die uitdaging om die omvang van hulle teorie, ondersoek en praktyk uit te brei om sodoende die sosiale en ekologiese agtergrond van ons eie en ander se bewoning in te sluit. Met ander woorde, die uitdaging vir onderwysers en opvoedkundiges lê dus daarin om te reflekteer oor die verhouding tussen die tipe opvoeding wat hulle nastreef en die tipe plekke wat ons bewoon en nalaat vir toekomstige generasies. / Andrew Mellon Foundation

A critical study of international higher education development : capital, capability, and a dialogical proposal for academic freedom as a responsibility

Gibbs, Alexis P. S. January 2013 (has links)
This thesis sets out to critically examine the field of higher education development, as one which is focused on socio-economic inequality and welfare, and determines educational purpose in poorer, or ‘developing’, countries accordingly. My question is whether mainstream development approaches to higher education are really contributing to the provision of more equal education services, or whether they risk reintroducing inequality by treating the priorities of poorer countries differently. To investigate whether there are educational values or purposes common to universities globally irrespective of socio-economic imperatives, I begin the study with a historiographical look at their growth in terms of both ideas of its purpose, and how purpose is realised in actuality. I then trace the emergence of the discourse of international development, and the role that higher education has come to play within it, showing how the field of international higher education development has simplified the notion of university purpose for its own devices. The thesis then looks at underlying assumptions about human nature, defined as the problem of humanism, common to both transcendent ideas of university purpose as well as the development discourse. To avoid the limitations of these assumptions, I argue that a theoretical approach is required that can engage with questions of hybridity and multiplicity in both the history and future of universities, without reducing those questions to abstract ideas. The approach I propose draws upon the dialogism of Mikhail Bakhtin, whose multi-layered understanding of language prevents any one understanding of another person, or of human nature more generally, being considered final. The educational implications for such an approach are finally explored in the concept of academic freedom, which is traditionally conceived of as a right, but is here reconceptualised also as a responsibility.

The Effect of an In-Service Program Utilizing Bloom's Taxonomy on Teachers' Self-Concepts, Cognitive Level of Test Construction, and Attitudes of Students

Castleman, John Lavoid 05 1900 (has links)
The problem of this study was to investigate the effect of an in-service program utilizing Benjamin S. Bloom (Ed.) and others' Taxonomy of Educational Objectives, Handbook I: Cognitive Domain (Bloom's Taxonomy) on (1) the self-concept of experienced secondary English teachers and social studies teachers, (2) the cognitive level of test items on teacher-made examinations, and (3) the attitude changes toward school subjects as rated b students.

Aesthetic Justifications for Music Education: a Theoretical Examination of Their Usefulness

Paul, Stephen John 12 1900 (has links)
Justifications for music education have been studied only by examining historical trends in statements of aesthetic versus utilitarian values, and not from the perspective of evaluating the justifications' usefulness. A number of prominent writers in the music education field, while supporting aesthetic values as important for music education, have expressed doubts about the effectiveness of aesthetic justifications when used for convincing outsiders of the importance of music in the public school curriculum. These doubts, along with a preponderance of aesthetic justifications in the recent music education literature, led to the present study, which conducted a theoretical examination of the usefulness of aesthetic justifications for music education. The study addressed three research problems, namely: (1) the attitudes of the clientele groups of the public schools in terms of their values toward music as a subject in the schools; (2) the attitudes of the groups within the music education profession in terms of their values for music in the public schools and for the profession itself; and 3) the likelihood that justifications based upon "aesthetics" as a system of values would be accepted by the groups both inside arid outside the music education profession. A philosophical-sociological perspective was chosen for the theoretical analysis because the problems of the study concern the manner in which values are accepted or rejected by groups of people. The particular sociological theory chosen combined the symbolic interaction theory of George Herbert Mead and the sociology of knowledge as described by Peter Berger and Thomas Luckmann. Conclusions: Problems arise in justifying music education using aesthetic theory because (1) the symbolic universe of aesthetic theory is complex and is not well-understood by music educators or the clientele of the public schools; and (2) aesthetic theory represents gestures of a reference group with norms and values not usually found in the music educator or clientele groups.

A Study of Behavioral Objectives as They Relate to Speech Communication and Drama Courses

Dukes, Marilee 05 1900 (has links)
The problem with which this thesis is concerned is the definition, justification, and implementation of behavioral objectives as they relate to Speech Communication and Drama courses. Chapter One provides definition and justification of behavioral objectives. In Chapter Two, the process of writing the objectives is explained. Chapter Three contains examples of behavioral objectives which could be implemented in two of the basic courses in the Speech Communication and Drama Department at North Texas State University. Chapter Four furnishes examples for two courses which are based on more specific content. Chapter Five contains conclusions. Evidence indicates that behavioral objectives facilitate learning and accrue advantages to parents, administrators, teachers, and students. The teacher of Speech Communication and Drama can no longer ignore the behavioral precepts.

Dos saberes docentes à prática pedagógica na Escola Vila: contribuição para a formação de professores

Sotero, Morena Cristal Limaverde 16 August 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Filipe dos Santos (fsantos@pucsp.br) on 2018-10-19T11:51:04Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Morena Cristal Limaverde Sotero.pdf: 7065141 bytes, checksum: 11f1504d27ae8fbbd5407d20c03082a1 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-10-19T11:51:04Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Morena Cristal Limaverde Sotero.pdf: 7065141 bytes, checksum: 11f1504d27ae8fbbd5407d20c03082a1 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-08-16 / The debate on education paradigm is relevant facing the imposed challenges by an ethical and ecological crisis which permeates society. A paradigm can be understood as a force acting over a society which submits to certain dogmas and ideologies. Such elements are absorbed and unconsciously reproduced by the people, operating on how they deal with themselves, with the others and with nature. (MORIN, 2010). The present research brings as an investigative field VILA School, in Fortaleza, since it was built on a teaching context over 36 years proposing an education paradigm starting from an Ecosystemic Pedagogical approach, with its curricular principle based on empathy, self-awareness, collaborative work, dialogue with local and global community and creativity. As a starting point we investigated if the teacher’s knowledge related to Vila school pedagogical praxis is contemplated on training activities offered to its teachers. To do so, a qualitative research was held through a focal group with employed teachers and semi structured interviews with coordinators. Data was then processed using IRAMUTEQ software, generating five types of discussion. The analyzed results were organized in two phases: the first with the identified teacher’s knowledge; and the second with the knowledge categories according to the eight dimensions applied on teachers training, proposals of Sousa and Placco (2016). Among the analyzed teacher’s knowledge, it stands out being open to “what’s new”, sensitiveness and planetary consciousness. About the teacher’s training, it is clear the relevance of multidimensionality on teacher’s knowledge, high lightening the dimension we add to those on which we are based upon – Contact with Nature – as a learning source of knowledge for a paradigmatic transformation. We conclude that such investigation may contribute to creating future learning proposals of VILA teachers and possibly other teaching proposals which consider ethic and ecology as guidelines to school learning / A discussão sobre os paradigmas em educação é relevante frente aos desafios impostos por uma crise ética e ecológica que permeia a sociedade. Um paradigma pode ser entendido como uma força, a qual submete uma sociedade a determinados dogmas e ideologias, que são assimilados e reproduzidos de forma inconsciente pelos indivíduos, influenciando-os na maneira que se relacionam consigo mesmos, com o outro e com a natureza (MORIN, 2010). A presente pesquisa tem como campo investigativo a Escola VILA, em Fortaleza, por ser um contexto de ensino que há 36 anos propõe um paradigma de educação a partir de uma abordagem Pedagógica Ecossistêmica, cujo princípio curricular é norteado pela empatia, autopercepção, trabalho colaborativo, diálogo com a comunidade local e global, e criatividade. Como ponto de partida, buscou-se investigar se os saberes docentes imbricados na prática pedagógica da Escola VILA são contemplados nas ações formativas propostas aos seus professores. Para isso, realizou-se uma pesquisa de natureza qualitativa, por meio de um grupo focal com professores em exercício e entrevistas semiestruturadas com os coordenadores. Os dados foram processados por meio do software IRAMUTEQ, gerando cinco classes de discussão. Os resultados analisados foram organizados em duas etapas: a primeira, com a identificação dos saberes docentes; a segunda, com a categorização dos saberes de acordo com as oito dimensões da formação de professores, propostas por Sousa e Placco (2016). Dos saberes docentes analisados, destacam-se a abertura “ao novo”, a sensibilidade e a consciência planetária. Sobre a formação de professores, evidencia-se a relevância da multidimensionalidade na formação docente, com destaque à dimensão por nós acrescentada àquelas em que nos baseamos – Contato com a Natureza –, como fonte formativa de saberes para uma transformação paradigmática do ensino. Concluímos que esta investigação pode contribuir com a organização de futuras propostas formativas dos professores da Escola VILA e, possivelmente, com outras propostas de ensino que considerem a ética e a ecologia como princípios norteadores da aprendizagem na escola

Taxonomia de Bloom como ferramenta para avaliação da aprendizagem em um curso de medicina que utiliza métodos ativos de aprendizagem / Bloom's taxonomy as a learning evaluation tool in a medical course using active learning methods

Machado, Durvalino Vieira 25 September 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Filipe dos Santos (fsantos@pucsp.br) on 2018-11-26T10:53:51Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Durvalino Vieira Machado.pdf: 3822380 bytes, checksum: 5b27364220a6a0ddab3566f8b113d2aa (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-11-26T10:53:51Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Durvalino Vieira Machado.pdf: 3822380 bytes, checksum: 5b27364220a6a0ddab3566f8b113d2aa (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-09-25 / Introduction: This research analyzed the use of the Bloom Taxonomy by medical students in the Tutorial Module Course Unit during the progression of these students from the first to the eighth period. Objective: To evaluate the verbs used by the students in their learning objectives construction. Methodology: Cross-sectional, descriptive, retrospective and quantitative approach study. The non-probabilistic convenience sample was composed of 511 concept maps referring to eight academic semesters, from 2013-2 to 2017-1, where the learning objectives were recorded. The data was recorded on the Excel web platform (Portal Action) of the Google Forms Software. There were included 3.480 items classified as truly learning objectives, submitted to descriptive statistical analysis with average and standard deviation; Pearson's inference analysis at 5% for normal distribution data; Kolmogorov-Smirnov test with 5% normality level significance for non-normal data, in addition to Kruskal Wallis analysis for comparison of learning categories averages. Statistical analysis and graphs were compiled in Excel Software, IBM SPSS statistics 222 version, 2013 and GraphPad Prism, 5 version, 2007. Results: The data point to homogeneous sample with average dispersion, being the variation coefficient of the maps performed of 17.58% and those found of 21.29%; the data related to the maps performed and those found have a non-parametric distribution (p-value = 0.046 and p-value = 0.013, respectively). The 'Knowledge' category was composed by 912 (26.20%) verbs of the total; the 'Understanding' category was composed by the largest number of verbs 2,371 (68.13%); the 'Application' category was composed by 17 (0.48%); the 'Analysis' category by 167 (4.79%); the 'Synthesis' category by 7 (0.20%) and the 'Assessment' category by 6 (0,17%) verbs. The semester average of verbs used by the students was 435 (± 55.94). In the 'Knowledge' and 'Understanding' categories the students used a large amount of the verbs known and understood, which are not on the list presented by Bloom. Conclusion: There was a progressive increase in the students’ use of taxonomy verbs from the less complex to the more complex categories, with higher evidence in the seventh and eighth periods, as the course progressed. It was concluded the need of teacher and student training to use the Bloom Taxonomy as an optimizer of the method’s use. It was inferred that the use of verbs of the 'Knowledge' and 'Understanding' categories stems from the great amount of curricular contents unpublished throughout the curricular matrix, although the spiral design and transversality of the investigated Curricular Unit / Introdução: Esta pesquisa buscou analisar o uso da Taxonomia de Bloom por estudantes de medicina, na Unidade Curricular Módulo Tutorial durante a progressão destes, do primeiro ao oitavo períodos. Objetivo: Avaliar os verbos utilizados pelos estudantes na construção de seus objetivos de aprendizagem. Metodologia: Pesquisa do tipo transversal, descritiva e retrospectiva de abordagem quantitativa. A amostra não probabilística de conveniência foi composta por 511 mapas conceituais referentes a oito semestres letivos, de 2013-2 a 2017-1, onde encontravam-se registrados os objetivos de aprendizagem. Os dados foram registrados na plataforma web em Excel (Portal Action) do Software Google Forms. Foram incluídos 3.480 itens enquadrados como verdadeiramente objetivos de aprendizagem, submetidos à análise estatística descritiva com média e desvio padrão; análise inferência a 5% de Pearson para dados com distribuição normal; Teste de Kolmogorov-Smirnov com nível de significância de 5% de normalidade para dados não normais, além de Análise de Kruskal Wallis para comparação das médias das categorias de aprendizagem. A análise estatística e os gráficos foram confeccionados em Software Excel, IBM SPSS estatistics versão 222, 2013 e GraphPad Prism, versão 5, 2007. Resultados: Apontam para amostra homogênea com média dispersão sendo o coeficiente de variação dos mapas realizados de 17,58% e os encontrados de 21,29%; os dados referentes aos mapas realizados e os encontrados possuem distribuição não paramétrica (valor-p= 0,046 e valorp= 0,013 respectivamente). A categoria ‘Conhecimento’ foi composta por 912 (26,20%) verbos do total; a categoria ‘Compreensão’ foi composta pelo maior número de verbos 2.371 (68,13%); a categoria ‘Aplicação’ por 17 (0,48%); a categoria ‘Análise’ por 167 (4,79%); a categoria ‘Síntese’ por 7 (0,20%) e a categoria ‘Avaliação’ por 6 (0,17%) verbos. A média semestral de verbos utilizados pelos estudantes é de 435 (±55,94). Nas categorias ‘Conhecimento’ e ‘Compreensão’ os estudantes utilizaram grande quantidade dos verbos conhecer e compreender, os quais não encontram-se na lista apresentada por Bloom. Conclusão: Houve crescimento progressivo na utilização de verbos da taxonomia, pelos estudantes, das categorias menos complexas para as mais complexas, com maior evidência no sétimo e oitavo períodos, conforme progrediam no curso. Conclui-se pela necessidade de capacitação docente e discente para a utilização da Taxonomia de Bloom, como otimizadora do uso do método. Infere-se que o uso de verbos das categorias ‘Conhecimento’ e ‘Compreensão’ decorre da grande quantidade de conteúdos curriculares inéditos ao longo da matriz curricular, apesar do desenho em espiral desta e transversalidade da Unidade Curricular investigada

O mercado na universidade: o ensino submetido ao regime do capital - estudo a partir da descrição diagnóstica de professores e coordenadores de instituições de ensino superior privadas particulares na cidade de São Paulo

Bastos, Marcelo de Andrade 02 May 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Filipe dos Santos (fsantos@pucsp.br) on 2017-05-15T16:27:27Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Marcelo de Andrade Bastos.pdf: 1919413 bytes, checksum: ce31f7eb404f3c1298ea65bc7438a96d (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-05-15T16:27:27Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Marcelo de Andrade Bastos.pdf: 1919413 bytes, checksum: ce31f7eb404f3c1298ea65bc7438a96d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-05-02 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / This research aims to study the interferences of the prevailing economic regime in the world over the university. The main issue that motivates this work is the submission of education to the capital system, through a complex network involving national, international, governmental and mercantile agencies, generating profound conceptual, educational and labor changes, evidencing a device aimed at obtaining profit trough labor training, prioritizing competence, effectiveness and quantitative productivity. As a consequence, such dynamics have neglected fundamental issues such as the general, cultural, ethical and humanistic formation of people, important practices that have always been part of the universe of higher education institutions throughout history. This is to say that serious damage to their historic commitment to universality is under way. As far as field research is concerned, a bibliographical research was conducted with content analysis of the data collected through questionnaires and semi-structured interviews with the faculty and coordinators of 4 private higher education institutions in the city of São Paulo, whose results corroborate the occurrence of market practices that end up bringing threats regarding the historical loss and conventional values, of training and of universality, on the other hand, more modern management opportunities that can be exploited as well. The research deals with sociological and educational issues, with reference to Theodor Adorno, Zygmunt Bauman, David Harvey, Michael Apple, Jurjo Torres Santomé, Luiz Antônio Cunha, João dos Reis Silva Jr., Valdemar Sguissardi, among others / Este trabalho de pesquisa tem por objetivo estudar as interferências do regime econômico predominante no mundo sobre a universidade. A principal questão que motiva este trabalho é a submissão do ensino ao regime do capital, por meio de uma complexa trama que envolve agências nacionais, internacionais, governamentais e mercantis, gerando profundas mudanças conceituais, educacionais e trabalhistas, evidenciando um aparelhamento visando a obtenção de lucro para capacitação de mão de obra, priorizando a competência, a eficácia e a produtividade quantitativa. Em consequência, tal dinâmica tem preterido questões fundamentais como a formação geral, cultural, ética e humanística das pessoas, práticas importantíssimas que sempre fizeram parte do universo das instituições de ensino superior no decorrer da história. Isto equivale a dizer que está em curso um grave prejuízo ao seu histórico comprometimento com a universalidade. No que se refere à pesquisa de campo, foi empregada a pesquisa bibliográfica com análise de conteúdo dos dados colhidos mediante questionários e entrevistas semi-estruturadas junto ao corpo de professores e coordenadores de 4 instituições de ensino superior privadas particulares na cidade de São Paulo, cujos resultados corroboram a ocorrência de práticas mercadológicas que acabam por trazer ameaças quanto à perda dos valores históricos e convencionais, de formação e de universalidade, mas por outro lado, também oportunidades de gestão mais moderna que podem ser aproveitadas. A pesquisa se ocupa de questões sociológicas e educacionais, tendo como referência Theodor Adorno, Zygmunt Bauman, David Harvey, Michael Apple, Jurjo Torres Santomé, Luiz Antônio Cunha, João dos Reis Silva Jr., Valdemar Sguissardi, entre outros

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