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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Missão Italiana da Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras da Universidade de São Paulo: ciência, educação e fascismo (1934-1942) / The Italian Mission of the Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras of the Universidade de São Paulo: science, education and fascism (1934-1942)

Silva, Luciana Vieira Souza da 07 July 2015 (has links)
Entre os anos de 1934 e 1942, um grupo de professores que ficou conhecido como Missão Italiana foi contratado para reger algumas cadeiras das ciências exatas e literatura da Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras da Universidade de São Paulo. No presente trabalho, estudamos as negociações institucionais e diplomáticas entre os governos italiano e brasileiro que permitiram a vinda da Missão ao Brasil, a partir da análise de uma série de documentos presentes em arquivos do Brasil e da Itália. Estudamos, também, o modo como a Missão Italiana foi recebida pela imprensa paulista e carioca, bem como a circulação do grupo em espaços dentro e fora da universidade, a partir da análise de diversos jornais do período. Para compreender o envolvimento da Missão Italiana com o cenário de debates do ensino secundário brasileiro, mobilizamos e analisamos os discursos que ela proferiu no período, tendo em vista as possíveis correntes de pensamento as quais os professores se alinhavam ou buscavam refutar. Também estudamos o contato desses professores com a formação das primeiras gerações de matemáticos da FFCL, no que tange ao incentivo à pesquisa, ao engajamento em uma rede internacional de circulação de cientistas e à produção das primeiras teses de doutoramento. Verificamos que o Regime Fascista, que esteve diretamente envolvido na contratação da Missão Italiana, bem como a pertença desses professores ao Partido Nacional Fascista, inicialmente, não foi um problema para a sua vinda ao Brasil. Acompanhando o trabalho da Missão Italiana ao longo dos anos, observamos que as condições de sua permanência no Brasil vão se deteriorar somente com o rompimento das relações diplomáticas em 1942, momento em que a Missão é desmantelada. Nesse estudo, gostaríamos de defender que a passagem desse grupo de professores pelo Brasil não deve ser analisada somente sob a ótica de uma Itália Fascista imperialista, que pretendia dominar o espaço científico e universitário brasileiro, mas como um encontro entre culturas, onde ambas as partes buscaram se beneficiar dos acordos entre Itália e Brasil / In 1934, a group of Italian professors, called the Italian Mission, was hired to teach some disciplines of exact sciences and literature areas of the Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras of the Universidade de São Paulo. In this work, we study both institutional and diplomatic negotiations related to the Mission arriving between Italian and Brazilian governments , based on an extensive series of documents obtained in archives of both sides. The reception in the press and the circulation of these professors in many institutions including the university were studied taking some newspapers as sources. Public speeches of the group were analyzed focusing on their considerations on both the high school system and some educational discussions of the period. We also studied the contributions of the Mission for the constitution of the first generation of Brazilian mathematicians, specially their motivation for the research, the insertion in an international net of researches and the production of the first PhDs thesis on the subject. We observed that the very presence of the fascist regime in the hiring process of the Mission and the fellowship of the group to the fascist national party was not seem as a problem in the Brazil at the beginning of the process. Following the work of the Italian Mission, we see the deterioration of the conditions of permanence of the Italian professors only in 1942 with the rupture of diplomatic relations between Brazil and Italy, when the Mission is dismantled. We would like to sustain that the arriving of the Italian Mission would not be analyzed only from the point of view of the imperialist fascist Italy, who in fact intended to influence the Brazilian scientific field, but as a intercultural encounter, where both Brazil and Italy took advantage in the process

Gurilândia (1948 - 1956). A formação de crianças e professores na página do Estado de Minas / Gurilândia (1948 1956). The children´s and teacher´s education at the Estado de Minas newspaper.

Santos, Andre Carazza dos 08 December 2008 (has links)
Esta dissertação teve por objetivo investigar o suplemento infantil do jornal Estado de Minas, intitulado Gurilândia, no período de 1948 a 1956. Criado em um momento de expansão do mercado consumidor destinado às crianças e valendo-se de condições favoráveis de produção e circulação, explicadas por seu vínculo com o jornal Estado de Minas, o Gurilândia alcançou uma popularidade entre o público mineiro testemunhada por sua longevidade, visto que ainda hoje é produzido. O recorte temporal, necessário para viabilizar a pesquisa, privilegiou os primeiros anos de circulação do suplemento, momento no qual foi dirigido por Celso Brant. Confluiu para essa escolha a representatividade de Brant no cenário cultural e político mineiro, bem como a especificidade do projeto editorial da publicação no período que esteve sob sua responsabilidade. Assim sendo, foi definido, como corpus de análise, os números do suplemento infantil que circularam sob a direção de Celso Brant, ou seja, de 25 de janeiro de 1948 a 18 de março de 1956. Quantitativamente, isso representou 341 números da publicação. O diálogo com a área da História dos Livros, dos Impressos, da Leitura e da Infância subsidiou a tentativa de entendimento dos aspectos da produção, circulação e uso do suplemento infantil. A análise do conteúdo do Gurilândia permitiu concluir que o constante caminhar sobre uma linha educativa foi a marca constitutiva dessa publicação. Para dar corpo a essa proposta, o suplemento lançou mão do estreitamento dos laços com as instituições escolares mineiras, além de veicular uma grande parte de conteúdo com interesses escolares. Esse projeto educativo ficou ainda mais explícito quando se percebeu que pessoas ligadas à Revista do Ensino e à Escola de Aperfeiçoamento, provavelmente as principais responsáveis pela formação de professores mineiros na primeira metade do século XX, contribuíram regularmente no Gurilândia. Embora destinado prioritariamente ao público infantil, o suplemento também incluiu seções direcionadas aos professores, de um teor marcadamente escolanovista. Constatou-se, por fim, que a produção da imprensa escrita infantil desse período foi marcada por duas tendências principais: publicações com predominância de intenções recreativas e publicações com predominância de intenções educativas e até escolares. A análise do Gurilândia permite, seguramente, que o suplemento infantil do Estado de Minas seja encaixado nesse segundo grupo. / This research aims to analyze the children section of the Estado de Minas newspaper called Gurilândia during the period of 1948 to 1956. Gurilândia was created in a booming period for the children consumer market and was benefited by favorable conditions for its production and circulation by the Estado de Minas entrepreneurship group. Due to these facts, Gurilândia became very popular in the state of Minas Gerais, and it is until today printed. The decision to focus on the 1948-1956 years was based on the period in which Celso Brant, an influential person in the cultural and political scene in Minas Gerais during that time, was in charge of Gurilândia. From 01/25/1948 to 03/18/1956 Celso Brant implemented an innovative editorial project to that children supplement, and this research is direct to the 341 editions of Gurilândia under the Celso Brant management. The analyses of production, circulation and use of Gurilândia in this research are influenced by the dialogue with the fields of History of Books, Printing, Reading and Childhood. The main conclusion of this research is that under Celso Brant direction Gurilândia was developed under an editorial line determined by contemporary educational and pedagogic theories. Gurilândia was an important channel to the diffusion of educational material and it was always open to contributions by scholars and other educational institutions from Minas Gerais State. Many professionals linked to Revista do Ensino and Escola de Aperfeiçoamento, important institutions to the formation and education of many teachers during the first half of twentieth century in Minas Gerais State, made regular contributions to Gurilândia. An interesting aspect of Gurilândia is the production of special content not only to children, but also to teachers, under the influence of Escola Nova educational theories. During that time the editorial production aimed at the children market followed basically two movements: one towards the humor and games content, and other towards a more educative material. This research concludes that under Celso Brant direction Gurilândia can without doubts be included in the second group.

晚清進士的考選與教育: 以進士館為中心的研究(1898-1911). / Selection, examination and reeducation of the jinshi degree holders in the late Qing period: a study of the Jinshiguan (進士館), 1898-1911 / Wan Qing jin shi de kao xuan yu jiao yu: yi jin shi guan wei zhong xin de yan jiu (1898-1911). / Selection, examination and reeducation of the jinshi degree holders in the late Qing period: a study of the Jinshiguan (jin shi guan), 1898-1911

January 2011 (has links)
李林. / "2011年8月". / "2011 nian 8 yue". / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2011. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 231-241). / Abstract in Chinese and English. / Li Lin. / Chapter 第壹章 --- 緖論 / Chapter 第一節 --- 硏究範圍與論題旨趣 --- p.1 / Chapter 第二節 --- 相關硏究回顧述評 --- p.3 / Chapter 第三節 --- 重要史料舉隅 --- p.12 / Chapter 第四節 --- 章節結構簡介 --- p.14 / Chapter 第贰章 --- 從經史八股到政藝策論一一清末癸卯、甲辰科會試探究 / Chapter 引言 --- 販書的舉子 --- p.16 / Chapter 第一節 --- 策論與八股 --- p.17 / Chapter 第二節 --- 晚清改試策論及士子的因應 --- p.23 / Chapter 第三節 --- 癸卯、甲辰兩科會試(上):考題與答卷分析 --- p.30 / Chapter 第四節 --- 癸卯、甲辰兩科會試(下):考官與評覈標準 --- p.39 / Chapter 第五節 --- 癸卯、甲辰科覆試、殿試及朝考 --- p.44 / Chapter 第六節 --- 癸卯、甲辰兩榜進士:人數、籍貫、年齢及授職的統計分析 --- p.48 / Chapter 結語 --- 新酒舊瓶的困境 --- p.53 / Chapter 第叁章 --- 天子門生的再教育一一晚清進士館的開設及運作考述 / Chapter 引言 --- “老爺´ح式學生 --- p.57 / Chapter 第一節 --- 明清進士職前教育的背景與契機 --- p.58 / Chapter 第二節 --- 進士館的雛形:京師大學堂仕學院、仕學館´إ --- p.64 / Chapter 第三節 --- 進士館(上):開設、生源及庶務管理 --- p.73 / Chapter 第四節 --- 進士館(中〉:課程、教學及師資分析 --- p.81 / Chapter 第五節 --- 進士館(下):畢業考試及授職分析 --- p.9 2 / Chapter 第六節 --- 進士館(尾聲〉:停辦及改組 --- p.99 / Chapter 結語 --- 制度建構與現實運作之間 --- p.103 / Chapter 第肆章 --- 進士飘蓬渡海東一一東京法政大學留學進士學員群體鉤沉 / Chapter 引言 --- 負笈東瀛的精英 --- p.106 / Chapter 第一節 --- 西洋不如東洋:清末留日教育的興起 --- p.107 / Chapter 第二節 --- 法政大學清國留學生法政速成科的開辦 --- p.112 / Chapter 第三節 --- 法政速成科學生人數及進士學員群體考述 --- p.417 / Chapter 第四節 --- 法政速成科教學活動及師資陣容考察 --- p.125 / Chapter 第五節 --- 法政速成科考試及學科程度試探 --- p.134 / Chapter 第六節 --- 經費乃遊學之母:晚清進士留日經費問題考察 --- p.140 / Chapter 第七節 --- 課堂教學之外的隱性議題:革命、立憲與“束亞共榮´ح --- p.446 / Chapter 結語 --- “速´ح與“成´ح之間:晚清速成法政留學檢討 --- p.151 / Chapter 第伍章 --- 千年變局中的因應一一進士館學員歸國考選及其清末民初出 處問題试探 / Chapter 引言 --- 科目盛衰 --- p.154 / Chapter 第一節 --- 候補之後再候補:進士館留學學員歸國考試及授職分析 --- p.155 / Chapter 第二節 --- 危局中任職多元化:癸卯、甲辰進士晚清經歷考察 --- p.165 / Chapter 第三節 --- 民國果乃敵國乎一一癸卯甲辰進士辛亥後的出處問題 --- p.174 / Chapter 結語 --- 成為“自由流動資源´ح的傳統精英 --- p.180 / Chapter 第陸章 --- 結論:轉型社會中的傳統文化精英 --- p.182 / 附錄 / Chapter 附錄一 --- 癸卯、甲辰進士清末民初簡歷匯總表〔1903-1927〕 --- p.187 / Chapter 附錄二 --- 晚清進士留學題名錄 --- p.211 / Chapter 附錄三 --- 《進士館章程》 --- p.216 / Chapter 附錄四 --- 《進士館條規》 --- p.220 / Chapter 附錄五 --- 〈奏為特設法政速成科學教授遊學官紳以急先務而求實效折〉 --- p.226 / Chapter 附錄六 --- 《法政大學清國留學生法政速成科規則》(附設置趣意書) --- p.228 / 參考文獻 / 中文之部 --- p.231 / 日文之部 --- p.239 / 英文之部 --- p.241

Curso técnico em agronegócio do Centro Paula Souza: uma análise da estrutura curricular / Technical course in Agribusiness of Centro Paula Souza: An analysis of the curricular structure

Manoel, Caroline Penteado [UNESP] 19 December 2016 (has links)
Submitted by CAROLINE PENTEADO MANOEL null (carolinemanoel@hotmail.com) on 2017-03-14T14:12:05Z No. of bitstreams: 1 CAROLINEMANOEL_PGAD_ TUPA_DEZEMBRO 2016.pdf.pdf: 1679459 bytes, checksum: c38466a93c0b891f1d9b3954d3c6bc16 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Juliano Benedito Ferreira (julianoferreira@reitoria.unesp.br) on 2017-03-20T22:18:46Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 manoel_cp_me_tupa_par.pdf: 893294 bytes, checksum: f5372d87e465819a3964041922d3b1bf (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-03-20T22:18:46Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 manoel_cp_me_tupa_par.pdf: 893294 bytes, checksum: f5372d87e465819a3964041922d3b1bf (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-12-19 / Esse trabalho tem como objetivo principal analisar como estão organizados os conteúdos relativos ao agronegócio na estrutura curricular do curso técnico em Agronegócio do Centro Estadual de Educação Tecnológica Paula Souza (CEETEPS). O trabalho apresenta quatro objetivos específicos, que estão configurados em quatro partes, a primeira se refere ao levantamento da história do ensino técnico no Brasil, na segunda parte foi realizada Revisão Bibliográfica Sistemática (RBS) sobre a história do ensino técnico agrícola no Brasil, a terceira parte se configurou na história do Centro Paula Souza e no curso técnico em agronegócio, por fim a última parte demonstrou análise da estrutura curricular do curso técnico em agronegócio. Essa análise está relacionada com a estrutura curricular e a contextualização da região onde o curso técnico em Agronegócio está inserido. Utiliza-se, como procedimento metodológico desse estudo, a pesquisa qualitativa e exploratória, que envolveu levantamento bibliográfico e documental, para a elaboração da rede foi utilizado o programa UCINET 6.109 e o NETDRAW 2.28. O resultado da pesquisa poderá ser utilizado por docentes, discentes e pesquisadores que têm interesse no ensino técnico, além de outros profissionais responsáveis pela formulação de currículos técnicos. Poderá ser usado também para dar elementos de reflexão para a formulação de políticas públicas para a área da educação. / This work has as main objective to analyze how the contents related to agribusiness are organized in the curricular structure of the technical course in Agribusiness of State Center of Technological Education Paula Souza (CEETEPS). The work presents four specific objectives, which are divided into four parts, the first one refers to the history survey of technical education history in Brazil, the second part was Systematic Bibliographic Review (RBS) on the history of agricultural technical education in Brazil, the Third part was configured in the history of the Center Paula Souza and in the technical course in agribusiness, finally the last part demonstrated analysis of the curricular structure of the technical course in agribusiness. This description is related with the analysis of curricular structure and the contextualization of the region where the technical course in Agribusiness is inserted. As a methodological procedure of this study, the qualitative and exploratory research, which involved a bibliographical and documentary search, for the elaboration of the network was used the program UCINET 6.109 and NETDRAW 2.28. The result of the research may be used by teachers, students and researchers who are interested in technical education, as well as other professionals responsible for the formulation of technical resume. It can also be used to provide elements of reflection for the formulation of public policies for education.

Pretos, pardos, crioulos e cabras nas escolas mineiras do século XIX. / Pretos, pardos, crioulos e cabras in the schools of Minas Gerais in 19th century.

Marcus Vinicius Fonseca 31 August 2007 (has links)
O período que compreende os anos de 1820 a 1850, marca o início da construção e da estruturação de uma política de instrução pública com objetivo de educar o povo da província de Minas Gerais. Esta pesquisa procura analisar o nível de relação entre este processo e o segmento mais expressivo dentro da estrutura demográfica de Minas Gerais, ou seja, a população negra livre que era classificada através de diferentes terminologias (pretos, pardos, crioulos, cabras), que demarcavam proximidades e distâncias com o mundo da escravidão. Para realizar a análise utilizamos como referência uma documentação censitária que, em 1831, tentou contabilizar a população de todos os distritos mineiros e registrou as crianças que estavam nas escolas. A partir do registro censitário construímos um perfil racial das escolas mineiras, que foi confrontado com informações fornecidas por outros documentos e revelaram uma presença majoritária dos negros nos espaços voltados para os processos de educação formal. Estes dados foram analisados a partir dos estudos mais recentes sobre a população mineira, em particular aqueles que procuram superar as construções teóricas que reduziram os negros à escravidão. A interpretação que produzimos em relação à presença dos negros nas escolas mineira revela que esta instituição era um dos elementos acionados por este grupo com objetivo de afirmação no espaço social. Isto determinou a realização de uma análise crítica em relação à historiografia educacional, que tradicionalmente interpretou a escola como uma instituição com a qual os negros estabeleceram contatos esporádicos ou casuais. / The period that cover from 1820 to 1850 is the mark for the beginning of a construction and solidification of a politic of public instruction, with its purpose of educate the provincial people of Minas Gerais. This research to analyze the analogy level between this process and the more expressive segment inside of Minas Gerais demographic structure, that is to say, the freedom black population, whom were qualified through different terminologies (pretos, pardos, crioulos, cabras), which it was used to determinates adjacencies and distances within the slavery world. In order to carry through this analysis, we used as reference a census documentation, in which in 1831, it has tried to count the population of all districts of Minas Gerais, as well it has registered the children that was in school. From this census register we built a racial profile of the school in Minas, in which it was collated with information supplied by other documents and they had disclosed a majority presence of black people in areas connected to the formal education. These data were analyzed from recent studies about the population of Minas Gerais, mainly those ones who tries to surpass the theoretician structures which it has reduced the slavery. The interpretation that we shaped concerning the presence of Blacks in the schools of Minas Gerais reveals that this institution was one of the elements motioned by this group with the objective to have their avowal into the social space. This has determined the realization of a critical analysis concerning the educational historiography that traditionally has interpreted the school as an institution in which black people had established sporadical or unplanned contacts.

Historie tělesné výchovy a sportu v Českém Krumlově / The History of Physical Education and Sport in Český Krumlov

KUČERA, Kryštof January 2019 (has links)
This thesis deals with the history and the current situation in physical education and sport in Český Krumlov. Above all, it focuses on the development of individual sports societies and the course of their activities from their beginnings to the present. The development of sport in the chosen area is divided into particular phases, according to important milestones of the historical development of our country. The thesis is devoted to all the important sports in Český Krumlov. Sports associations are chronologically classified into individual phases according to their origin in the first two chapters. The other two chapters classify individual sectors according to their importance in the city. The first period starts at the beginning of organized sporting activities in the city, known from preserved materials and is dated up until 1918, that is, until the end of the First World War. The second period takes place during the interwar period, until the end of the Second World War. The third period begins in 1945 and ends in the revolutionary year of 1989. The last fourth period is devoted to the latest sporting history from 1989 to the present. The oldest information was drawn from the preserved chronicles, archive sources of individual sports associations, literature, and the period novels. Information from the third and fourth periods are complemented by interesting facts from interviews with witnesses to the establishment of physical education sections and particular sporting events.

Minerva at Large: A Study of the Leadership Styles and Educational Philosophies of the Department of Education Secretaries

Herring, Mark Y. 01 May 1990 (has links)
In 1979, President James E. Carter signed into law the thirteenth Cabinet-level office, the Department of Education. Although the United States has had a department, bureau, or office of education since 1867, the newly established Department of Education gave education a seat at the Cabinet table. Since that time, four individuals have served as secretaries: Shirley M. Hufstedler, Terrel H. Bell, William J. Bennett, and Lauro F. Cavazos. Examined in this study were the importance of leadership styles and educational philosophies as exhibited by the four secretaries. A tertiary concern viewed the role of the federal government in education. Leadership styles were determined along the political taxonomy of leadership (transactional or transformational) developed by Burns in 1978. Educational philosophies were examined under the traditional guise given them in most textbooks (Realism, Idealism, Pragmatism, etc.). Two views of government and education were also studied, limited and unlimited. The study was qualitative rather than quantitative. A content analysis was performed on the secretaries speeches, monographs, articles, addresses, and annual reports. Interviews were also conducted with the secretaries or their proxies. Conclusions of the study called into question the appropriateness of the federal Department of Education and its role as a reform agent in the schools and the ability of a given leader to lead at a federal level of responsibility. Educational philosophies were found to be nearly exact predictors of polices formulated and pursued and may act as good barometers for predicting what direction future secretaries may follow. The historical understanding of limited government may be lost on future secretaries, given the proliferation of federal programs by the government.

A Faculdade Adventista de Educação - FAED (1973-1999) : o curso de pedagogia e sua contribuição para a formação de professores no Brasil /

Sales, Giza Guimarães Pereira. January 2019 (has links)
Orientadora: Rosane Michelli de Castro / Banca: Ana Clara Bortoleto Nery / Banca: Katiene Nogueira da Silva / Banca: Renato Stencel / Banca: César Romero Amaral Vieira / Resumo: Em continuidade às pesquisas na área de História da Educação - iniciadas na Graduação em Pedagogia e durante o Mestrado em Educação, ambas desenvolvidas nesta Universidade (UNESP - campus Marília), mediante bolsas PIBIC/CNPQ/UNESP e PPGE/CNPQ/UNESP, apresentam-se nesta Tese resultados finais de pesquisa em nível de Doutorado sobre a qual desenvolveu-se investigação referente à história da formação de professores no Brasil. Trata-se de pesquisa qualitativa com abordagem histórica, centrada em análise documental e bibliográfica. Inicialmente, para contextualização do tema, foram realizadas pesquisas a respeito da inserção dos cursos superiores ligados às instituições confessionais protestantes no país, como por exemplo, igrejas Batista, Presbiteriana, Metodista, Luterana e Adventista com a finalidade de perceber suas contribuições para o Ensino Superior no Brasil, especialmente a partir do final do século XIX e início do XX. As informações obtidas permitiram perceber a proximidade de se completar 50 anos de implantação da Educação Superior Adventista no Brasil e 45 anos da primeira Faculdade Adventista dedicada à formação de professores. Com isso, escolheu-se como tema central da pesquisa: O processo de criação e instalação da Faculdade Adventista de Educação - FAED, do Instituto Adventista de Ensino - IAE - São Paulo - SP e sua contribuição para a formação de professores, entre 1973 - ano de sua criação e 1999 - ano em que se estabeleceu nova organização estrutural na institui... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: In continuity with the researches in the area of History of Education - started at the Undergraduate Program in Pedagogy and during the Masters in Education, both developed at this University (UNESP - Campus Marília), through grants PIBIC / CNPQ / UNESP and PPGE/CNPQ / UNESP, are presented in this thesis, the final results of research at the doctoral level on which research on the history of teacher education in Brazil was developed. It is a qualitative research with a historical approach, focused on documentary and bibliographic analysis. Initially, to contextualize the theme, research was carried out on the insertion of the higher courses connected to Protestant denominational institutions in the country, such as Baptist, Presbyterian, Methodist, Lutheran and Adventist churches, in order to perceive their contributions to Higher Education in Brazil, especially from the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. The information obtained showed the proximity of completing 50 years of implementation of Adventist Higher Education in Brazil and 45 years of the first Adventist Faculty dedicated to the training of teachers. With this, it was chosen as the central theme of the research: The process of creation and installation of the Adventist Faculty of Education - FAED, of the Adventist Institute of Education - IAE - São Paulo - SP and its contribution to the formation of teachers between 1973 - year of its creation and 1999 - year in which a new structural organization was e... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Resumen: En el marco de la investigación sobre el tema de la enseñanza de la educación, iniciadas en la Graduación en Pedagogía y durante el Máster en Educación, ambas desarrolladas en esta Universidad (UNESP - campus Marília), mediante becas PIBIC / CNPQ / UNESP y PPGE / CNPQ / UNESP, en esta tesis resultados finales de investigación a nivel de Doctorado sobre la cual se desarrolló investigación referente a la historia de la formación de profesores en Brasil. Se trata de una investigación cualitativa con enfoque histórico, centrado en análisis documental y bibliográfico. En primer lugar, para contextualización del tema, se realizaron investigaciones acerca de la inserción de los cursos superiores vinculados a las instituciones confesionales protestantes en el país, como por ejemplo, iglesias Batista, Presbiteriana, Metodista, Luterana y Adventista con la finalidad de percibir sus contribuciones a la Enseñanza Superior en Brasil, especialmente a partir del final del siglo XIX y principios del XX. Las informaciones obtenidas permitieron percibir la proximidad de cumplirse 50 años de implantación de la Educación Superior Adventista en Brasil y 45 años de la primera Facultad Adventista dedicada a la formación de profesores. Con ello, se eligió como tema central de la investigación: El proceso de creación e instalación de la Facultad Adventista de Educación - FAED, del Instituto Adventista de Enseñanza - IAE - São Paulo - SP y su contribución a la formación de profesores, entre 1973 - el ... (Resumen completo clicar acceso eletrônico abajo) / Doutor

A Historical and Social Perspective of Korean Art Education

Kean, Kyong (Izabella) Hui 02 August 2006 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to explore the South Korean art education system in the context of history, culture and politics. This thesis provides further explanation on how history has impacted the South Korean art education system and affects current curriculum, theories and practices. Four highly qualified educators and professors from South Korea were interviewed to collect date relating to current practices in South Korean art education. The study focuses on Korean history, which affected the education policies, social perspective, art education theories and curriculum. This study also highlights the relationship of western art education theories and the traditional Korean theories. Understanding culture through history and policies can provide in-depth perspective on why and how South Korean art education has evolved to what it is today. This information may assist art teachers as they modify lessons to fit the needs of students who are immigrating from South Korea.

Holy Cross College Woollahra 1908-2001: A micro-study of Catholic education in the Archdiocese of Sydney in the twentieth century

Garaty, Janice Royaline, res.cand@acu.edu.au January 2008 (has links)
Holy Cross College, Woollahra, was established in the newly formed parish of Holy Cross by Cardinal Moran and the Parramatta Sisters of Mercy in 1908 as a select high school for middle class Catholic girls in the northern section of the Eastern Suburbs of Sydney. Moran made it clear, and it was obvious that the sisters agreed, that the primary purpose of the College was the imparting of the Catholic Faith integrated with a suitable middle class education equal to, but preferably excelling, that provided by the secular state schools. This thesis is informed by two questions: Why did Holy Cross College close in 2001? Did the College achieve the objectives of the founding pioneers of the school, including Cardinal Moran? This strongly contextualised thesis demonstrates that for almost a century Holy Cross College was a microcosm of a complex world, one which was influenced by many factors, at local, state, federal and international levels. These factors, in the early days, included the rapid response of Catholic educators to Peter Board’s ‘New Syllabus’, the first wave women’s movement; and the dubious rationalising argument of Cardinal Moran to extract aid for Catholic schools from the state, which remains an ongoing problem for Catholic education in Australia. While the College in the 1920s was enjoying a growing reputation for highly successful music and academic tuition, it was challenged, through to the 1950s, by such factors as: Pope Pius XI’s call to Catholic Action as interpreted for the Archdiocese of Sydney by Archbishop Kelly; participation in the various public displays of Catholic faith; the rigours of the Great Depression; and the dangers of being in an especially vulnerable location during World War Two. The community of the College which inhabited this complex ‘mini’ world was strongly bonded by common goals and values for the first fifty years of the school’s existence. This was a community which aspired to the fullest possible development of the spiritual, intellectual, cultural and physical attributes of girls through a Catholic education inspired by the Mercy Vision, but always constrained by the reality of finances, staffing, physical resources, and imposed authority. The somewhat idyllic existence of the College with its relatively small numbers and homely atmosphere was disrupted in the 1960s when Holy Cross was selected by the Sydney archdiocesan educational authorities to be a regional school. This study reveals the increasing complexity of the various levels at which authority was exerted over Holy Cross College as a regional school. Regionalisation was a central element in the Sydney Archdiocese’s wide ranging plan to cope with the enormous strains on the Catholic educational system caused by such post-war challenges as the influx of Catholic migrants and the implementation of the Wyndham comprehensive secondary education scheme. There followed the success of the state aid campaigns and the challenges of Vatican II Council, movements which impacted upon the personal and communal lives of the women religious who staffed the College, as well as their students. Also impacting upon the College was the cultural revolution and the second wave women’s movement of the 1960s and 1970s. Throughout this study the geographical setting of the school in Sydney’s Eastern Suburbs and the region’s socio-economic characteristics are explored and emerge as significant factors in both the creation and maintenance of a unique school culture and the decline of Holy Cross College in the 1990s. Finally this decline is mapped in terms of the erosion of the College’s unique identity, which was forged by religious, cultural, geographical, political and pedagogical forces, and eroded by a complex of factors including demography, centralised authority, class, and international economic downturns. It is concluded that the founding sisters and Moran would have mixed and nuanced responses to the question: Did the College achieve the objectives of the founding pioneers?

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