Spelling suggestions: "subject:"educationalfactors"" "subject:"education.theory""
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Cenários do ensino de matemática em escolas rurais da cidade de Tanabi, SP / Scenarios of mathematics teaching in rural schools in Tanabi, SPFernandes, Luzia de Fatima Barbosa, 1981- 04 February 2014 (has links)
Orientador: Maria Angela Miorim / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Educação / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-25T03:52:05Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Fernandes_LuziadeFatimaBarbosa_M.pdf: 5039326 bytes, checksum: d3ddfd08dd5c7ef7299a886eaa4bc934 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2014 / Resumo: Esta investigação, que utilizou a História Oral como método de pesquisa, conforme proposto por Garnica (2010), teve o objetivo central de estudar práticas de ensinar/aprender Matemática nas séries iniciais do ensino fundamental de escolas rurais de Tanabi-SP, durante a segunda metade do século XX. As práticas de ensino de Matemática são entendidas neste estudo como relacionadas a "um grande conjunto, difícil de delimitar e que, a título provisório, pode ser designado como o dos procedimentos. São esquemas de operações e manipulações técnicas" (CERTEAU, 2004, p.109). Apresentado em quatro capítulos, o estudo contemplou, num primeiro momento, aspectos do surgimento das escolas rurais no município em sua relação com o movimento mais amplo de criação destas escolas no Estado de São Paulo. Em seguida, discutiu condições de funcionamento das escolas, dando especial atenção à formação dos professores e às práticas escolares. No terceiro capítulo, a atenção foi dedicada às práticas específicas no ensino da Matemática: na escrita de números, nas operações de adição, subtração, multiplicação e divisão, e no trabalho com a tabuada. Nas considerações finais apresentamos algumas reflexões sobre as práticas de ensino de Matemática de nossos colaboradores, considerando, assim como Fiorentini (1995), que "cada professor constrói idiossincraticamente seu ideário pedagógico a partir de pressupostos teóricos e de sua reflexão sobre a prática" (p. 3). Nessas reflexões apontamos para apropriações da Matemática Moderna que se entrecruzam com pressupostos da Escola Nova / Abstract: This research, that used oral History as a research method, as proposed by Garnica (2010), has as its main objective of studying practices of teaching/learning Mathematics in the early grades of elementary schools in Tanabi-SP during the final years of the twentieth century. Teaching practices of Mathematics are understood - in this study - as related to "a large set that is difficult to define and, provisionally, may be designated as the procedures. Schemes are technical operations and manipulations" (CERTEAU, 2004, p.109). Presented in four chapters, the research tried to show, at first, some aspects of the establishment of rural schools in Tanabi, SP and its relationship with the wider movement for the creation of this type of schools in the State of São Paulo. We then discussed how these schools operated, paying special attention to the training of teachers and school practices. In the third chapter,attention was devoted to specific practice math, such as writing number in the four operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division), and the work with the multiplication tables. In the "Conclusion", we present some reflections on the practices of Mathematics teaching of teachers who were interviewed, considering, as Fiorentini (1995), that "each teacher builds idiosyncratically his pedagogical ideas from theoretical assumptions and their reflection on practice" (p.3). These reflections aim to appropriations Modern Mathematics assumptions that intersect with the fundamentals of the Brazilian movement called "New School" / Mestrado / Ensino e Práticas Culturais / Mestra em Educação
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A educação da "miséria" = particularidade capitalista e educação superior no Brasil / The education of the "misery" : particular capitalist and higher education in BrazilMinto, Lalo Watanabe, 1978- 19 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: José Claudinei Lombardi / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Educação / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-19T05:16:32Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Minto_LaloWatanabe_D.pdf: 2014295 bytes, checksum: a79b2eb229ed787df0cffea2e0a11045 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2011 / Resumo: Este estudo examina a relação entre as transformações da educação superior e o desenvolvimento capitalista no Brasil. Com base no referencial teórico marxista e na análise histórica, argumenta-se que os interesses de classes dominantes nas condições da particularidade brasileira não tornaram imprescindíveis formas autônomas de educação superior. A revolução burguesa se desenvolveu conforme padrões conservadores, não reproduzindo as formas clássicas e, neste sentido, dando origem a um tipo de educação superior também conservador, pouco abrangente, e com funções distintas de outras experiências históricas. Na primeira parte do estudo (capítulos 1 e 2), examina-se esse processo de desenvolvimento sob condições particulares, articulando o caso brasileiro ao desenvolvimento global do modo de produção capitalista. Na segunda parte (capítulos 3, 4 e 5), observam-se as determinações desta particularidade no campo educacional, em especial da educação superior. Esta análise foca o período que vai das reformas do ensino superior da Ditadura aos dias atuais, quadrante histórico que demarca o encerramento da revolução burguesa de extração colonial. Com este, a educação superior tende a se (re)ajustar definitivamente aos padrões da dominação imperialista e da subordinação ao grande capital. / Abstract: This study examines the relationship between changes in the higher education and capitalist development in Brazil. Based on Marxist theory and historical analysis, it is argued that the interests of dominant classes within the conditions of Brazilian particularity did not become indispensable autonomous forms of higher education. The bourgeois revolution unfolded according conservative standards, not reproducing classical forms and, thereby, giving rise to a kind of higher education also conservative and elitist. The first part of the study (chapters 1 and 2) examines this development process under particular conditions, linking Brazil with the global development of capitalist mode of production. The second part (chapters 3, 4 and 5) examines the determinations of this particularity in education, especially in higher education. This analysis covers the period from 68?higher education reforms to contemporary reforms, which marks the historical quarter closing of bourgeois revolution of colonial extraction. With this, higher education tends to (re)fit the patterns of imperialistic domination and subordination to the interests of capital. / Doutorado / Filosofia e História da Educação / Doutor em Educação
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Processo histórico de institucionalização das primeiras escolas agrícolas nos Campos Gerais do Paraná / Process historical the constitution of the first agricultural schools from Campos Gerais in ParanáMartiniak, Vera Lúcia 07 August 2011 (has links)
Orientadores: José Luis Sanfelice, Maria Isabel Moura Nascimento / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Educação / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-19T09:37:04Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Martiniak_VeraLucia_D.pdf: 902747 bytes, checksum: a19342e2f89b846684088cfa4a320446 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2011 / Resumo: Esta tese tem como objeto de pesquisa as escolas agrícolas da região dos Campos Gerais do Paraná, e teve como objetivo analisar, dentro de uma perspectiva histórica, o seu processo de constituição e o modelo de ensino oferecido por estas instituições. As escolas de trabalhadores rurais, no Paraná, foram criadas durante o governo de Getúlio Vargas e visavam qualificar a mão de obra para a agricultura. As escolas eram destinadas aos filhos de agricultores, entretanto, sua gênese reside na criação dos patronatos e abrigos para menores que tinham como objetivo atender a infância desvalida do estado. Assim, o ensino agrícola tinha um duplo sentido: a formação da mão de obra para os filhos de agricultores e a consequente melhoria da produção agrícola com o uso de técnicas e máquinas modernas; e segundo, sob a égide do assistencialismo, o trabalho agrícola nestas instituições passou a ser utilizado como disciplinador do futuro trabalhador. O estudo está delimitado no período de 1910 a 1961, abrangendo, portanto cinco décadas de história. O ano de 1910 é o marco inicial do ensino agrícola, com a criação do Ministério da Agricultura, onde o ensino técnico passou a ser subordinado a este órgão, passando somente à responsabilidade do Ministério da Educação, com a promulgação da Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional, em 1961. A pesquisa partiu da análise das partes envolvidas na relação trabalho e educação, demandando a necessidade em analisar o desenvolvimento histórico do capitalismo do Brasil e os desdobramentos para o desenvolvimento econômico, político e social da região. Para compreender a institucionalização das escolas agrícolas na região dos Campos Gerais, problematizou-se a partir da análise desta conjuntura, baseando-se em três categorias fundamentais: o singular, o particular e o universal. Os resultados da pesquisa apontam que para o processo de modernização da agricultura se fez necessário formar profissionais com o domínio de conhecimentos básicos sobre a agricultura e manejo de máquinas e insumos agrícolas. No entendimento que resulta desta pesquisa, as instituições agrícolas criadas na região dos Campos Gerais, tinham um caráter mais regenerador do que propriamente profissionalizante. O caráter profissionalizante foi se alterando conforme o avanço nas relações capitalistas, forjando um novo trabalhador pronto para atender os interesses do capital. / Abstract: This thesis objected to research the agricultural schools from Campos Gerais Region in Paraná, and aimed to analyze its constitution process and the teaching model offered by these institutions in a historical view. The country-side worker schools, in Paraná, were created during Getúlio Vargas? government and aimed to qualify the manpower for the agriculture. The schools were destined to the agriculturist?s children, although its genesis reside in the creation of patronages and shelters for under ages which objective was to assist the state?s devalued childhood. So, the agricultural teaching had two senses: the manpower formation for the agriculturalists? children and the consequent improvement of the agricultural production with the usage of modern techniques and machines; and in the second place, under the aegis of the welfarism, in these institutions, the agriculture worker started to be used as a future-worker?s discipliner. This study is delimited from 1910 to 1961, which covers five decades of the history. The mark of the beginning of the agriculture teaching is 1910, with the creation of Ministério da Agricultura, where the technical teaching became subordinated to this organ, being a responsibility of the Ministério da Educação, with the National Education?s Lei de Diretrizes e Bases promulgation in 1961. The research started with the analysis of the parts involved in the relation between work and education, demanding the necessity of analyzing the historical development of the capitalism in Brazil and the procedures for the region?s economical, politic and social development. In order to understand the institutionalization of the agricultural schools in the Campos Gerais region, it was problematized considering the analysis of this situation taking into consideration three principal categories: the single, the private, and the universal. The research results show that it is necessary to graduate professionals who dominate basic studies about agriculture and agricultural input and machines dealing for the agricultural modernization process. The understanding of the research portraits that the agricultural institutions created in the Campos Gerais region had a more regenerating character than a professionalizing one. The professionalizing character had been altering according to the advances in the capitalist relations, forming a new worker which was ready to supply the capital concerns. / Doutorado / Doutor em Educação
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A Study of Methodist Higher Education in TexasCrossley, Samuel M. (Samuel Marvin) 12 1900 (has links)
The purposes of the historical study are to describe Methodist education in Texas from 1840 to 1900; to find the reasons behind the proliferation of Methodist institutions after the Civil War and the problems involved in this development; to analyze centralization efforts after 1900 as a pattern of Methodist educational institutions emerged; to describe the evolution of Southern Methodist University as a regional college West of the Mississippi; to give brief descriptive overviews of the other six Methodist institutions in Texas; to describe the current status of Methodist higher education in Texas; to discuss Methodist higher education in Texas at the present and to project the possible future development of Methodist higher education in Texas.
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A study of the effects of communication design of synchronous online graduate courses on level of transactional distance and student satisfactionWisdom, Kendra Lee January 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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The History of “Multicultural” in the United States During the Twentieth CenturyIler, Sarah M. 23 May 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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An Inquiry into PYP Transdisciplinary Understanding in Two Remote Schools in IndonesiaJanuary 2019 (has links)
abstract: This research investigates teachers' understanding of and feelings about transdisciplinary education and the International Baccalaureate's Primary Years Programme (PYP) as utilized by two remote schools in the province of Papua, Indonesia on the island of New Guinea. A goal of transdisciplinary education is to make learning through inquiry authentic, broad, student-centered, and relevant to the real world. In this study I examine educators’ perspectives of how transdisciplinary education is manifested in the two different and yet related elementary schools.
Both schools are supported by a multinational mining company. One school is for expatriate students and the language of instruction is English. The second school, which is for Indonesian students, follows the Indonesian National Curriculum of 2013, with instruction delivered in the Indonesian language by Indonesian teachers. A single expatriate superintendent oversees both schools.
Teacher experience, teacher PYP experience, implications of the PYP framework, cultural implications of the location, and demographics of the school stakeholders were considerations of this research. To acquire data, homeroom teachers, specialist teachers (music, art, physical education, and language), administrators, and PYP coordinators completed a survey and were interviewed. Additional data were collected through document examination and observation.
A broad range of experience with transdisciplinary education existed in both schools, contributing to some confusion about how to implement the PYP framework and varying conceptions of what constitutes transdisciplinary education. Principles of the PYP were evident in curriculum documents and planning and discussed by the teachers in both schools. Educators at the expatriate school identified with the international-mindedness and approaches to learning in the PYP. Educators at the national school valued to character education elements of the PYP, which they viewed as consistent with Indonesian principles of pancasila. The mission and vision statements of the schools in this study aligned with the PYP in different ways. Challenges faced by educators in these schools are acquisition of professional development, experienced teachers and teaching materials due to the remote location of the schools. While transdisciplinary education was described, it was not necessarily implemented. The findings of this study suggest that transdisciplinary education is a mindset that takes time, experience, and commitment to implement. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Music Education 2019
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Participation in high school interscholastic athletic programs as an intervention to increase academic success of students in povertyFroehlich, Jeremy Lee 29 April 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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The Essence of Continued Catholic Homeschooling Family Motivations: A Transcendental Phenomenological InquiryDenney, Ryan W. 05 July 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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The Digital Divide in African Higher Education Institutions, an Analysis Based onUniversity Rankings, Technology, Policy, and Other Offline Factors.Owusu-Kwarteng, Papa K. 25 July 2023 (has links)
No description available.
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