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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The West Virginia Pauley v. Bailey decision: an historical perspective

Flanigan, Jackson L. January 1986 (has links)
In 1979, the West Virginia Supreme Court remanded to the trial court the highly controversial <i>Pauley v. Bailey</u> decision. Subsequently, the trial court judge, Arthur Recht, following the specific instructions of the Supreme Court, ruled the public school finance system unconstitutional. Justice Recht ordered the West Virginia Legislature to develop a state system for funding the public schools that would comply with the constitutional mandate to provide a system of public schools that was "thorough and efficient" (West Virginia Constitution Art. 13 Section 1). Thus, West Virginia joined six other states that have ruled their state systems for financing public schools violative of their respective state constitutions. The purpose of this study was to identify the historical circumstances affecting the public school finance system which ultimately led to the <u>Pauley</u> decision. In addition, the study traced and chronicled the legislative and judicial attempts to implement <u>Pauley</u> through the end of the West Virginia Legislature in 1984. / Ph. D. / incomplete_metadata


Tisdale, Stephanie Joy 07 1900 (has links)
Historically Black Colleges and Universities are institutions that contribute to the higher education of people of African descent. The archives of enslaved and freed people describe their systematic approach to education, highlighting the ways that Black communities in America engaged in teaching and learning. Despite enslavement and forced labor, legalized segregation, race-based economic disenfranchisement, and rampant anti-Black violence, people of African descent curated spaces for learning in their literary societies, fraternal organizations, religious institutions, and schools. Rooted in the Africana ways of knowing that came with them from Africa to the western hemisphere, people of African descent used education to resist the prevailing ideologies of antebellum America. HBCUs emerged as collaborations between existing, Black-led educational efforts, investment from non-Black donors and organizations, and financial support from government entities. Historical records describe the complicated relationship between Black-led educational initiatives and the American infrastructure; the timeline of Black education is saturated with systemic and state-supported racism. Thus, HBCUs served as unique institutional spaces in the landscape of 19th-Century America. This qualitative study uses interviews and open-ended survey responses to investigate how HBCU alumni interpret the pedagogical practices they experienced at predominantly Black institutions. It examines historical documents to uncover the relationship between the Africana intellectual genealogy accumulated in communities of African descent—before the formulation of HBCUs—and the subsequent founding of these institutions. Through a comprehensive exploration of the academic journeys of HBCU alumni of African descent, this study articulates and defines academic success within the context of predominantly Black institutions. Following an Unbroken Genealogy Approach, this investigation uses the Africana Studies Conceptual Categories as a framework to explore academic success at Historically Black Colleges and Universities. The findings suggest that students of African descent who matriculate at HBCUs benefit from the intellectual genealogy of these institutions. The accumulated ways of knowing that impact teaching and learning at HBCUs contribute to an evolving intellectual genealogy that precedes the formation of these institutions. This research establishes the need for detailed historical examinations of every HBCU to explore their earliest foundations, chart their intellectual genealogy through previous and contemporary faculty, investigate the academic experiences of their alumni and current students, and establish how the institutional ways of knowing contribute to the collective narrative of people of African descent. / Policy, Organizational and Leadership Studies

Physical education and physical culture in the Coloured community of the Western Cape, 1837-1966

Cleophas, Francois Johannes 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Sport Science))—University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Physical Education is a human movement activity driven by syllabi and educational programmes. Physical culture refers to human movement programmes with an entertainment component, but that also uses physical education activity. This study serves as an account of Physical Education and physical culture in the Coloured community of the Western Cape in the period 1837 to 1966. It offers a historical exploration of these activities in the social and political context and cuts across narrow definitions of race and class. The research also pays attention to the untold and unpleasant side of the story of Physical Education. This necessitated tracing the origin of Physical Education and physical culture back to their European roots, because of the strong political and cultural links between South Africa and Europe. The Cape Coloured petty bourgeoisie urbanite minority of the 19th and early 20th century were eager but unable to infiltrate the ranks of middle class White society. They were acutely aware of the need to show respect towards the White middle classes and also to distance themselves from the “unruly behaviour” of the working class. For this reason Physical Education and physical culture programmes became suitable means for the Coloured petty bourgeoisie to educate the “less fortunate” Coloured working class masses.

The History and Development of the Alvin School

Boshart, Jarushia Valentine 08 1900 (has links)
"The purpose of this study is not only to satisfy a personal interest, but also to preserve in an interesting narrative form the facts connected with the history and development of the Alvin, Texas, School. The data concerning this subject have been taken from Brazoria County newspapers, The Alvin Sun newspaper files, Alvin School Board Minutes, Alvin School annuals, city records of Alvin and personal interviews. These data have been carefully selected and taken from reliable sources."

A History of the Kilgore College

Bradford, Q. L. 08 1900 (has links)
"This is a history of the Kilgore College, Kilgore, Texas, a junior college for Kilgore and the oil belt. The data concerning the history of this very young publicly owned junior college has been secured through personal interviews with its originators, its administrators past and present, Kilgore newspapers, college catalogs, college annuals, and educational references, public laws and board minutes...The material dealing with the history of this college has been organized to cover the following topics: origin of the college, three periods of material development, internal growth of the college, and summary, conclusions and recommendations." -- leaves 2-3

A máquina de festejar: seus usos e configurações nas escolas primárias brasileiras e portuguesas (1890-1930) / The party machine: its uses and settings in primary schools in Brazil and Portugal (1890-1930).

Cândido, Renata Marcilio 18 April 2012 (has links)
A presente tese teve como objetivo investigar, no âmbito dos estudos históricos educacionais comparados, o objeto e fenômeno festas, realizadas no contexto escolar. A análise incidiu no período considerado de consolidação dos princípios de ensino moderno, do final do século XIX ao início do XX, em dois países cujas histórias políticas, econômicas e sociais se entrecruzaram em diferentes momentos, Brasil e Portugal. A seleção do período justificou-se pela profusão de reformas com o intuito de implementação de um sistema público, estatal, democrático e laico de ensino gestadas no decorrer do século XIX e assumidas como bandeiras dos regimes políticos republicanos. Particularmente, procurou-se compreender como as festas escolares foram forjadas nos projetos políticos e discursos educacionais do período relacionado. A retomada da metáfora da festa-máquina (OZOUF, 1976) foi particularmente fértil para a compreensão do objeto nos seus múltiplos elementos (peças), nas técnicas (engrenagens), e nos saberes e propósitos (funções). A comparação estabelecida entre a festa e a máquina suscitou inquietações a respeito de como esta maquinaria se organizou para as instituições escolares no seu propósito educativo, quais eram seus elementos, suas técnicas, suas funções e saberes. A realização das festas no âmbito escolar não se deu de forma homogênea e direta, tampouco sem equívocos e contradições. O mesmo maquinário utilizado em outros âmbitos sociais e para outros fins, precisou se adaptar ao novo contexto de idealização e concretização, além de reestruturar seus elementos e técnicas que deveriam servir, a partir de então, a um propósito eminentemente educativo. Em estudos realizados nas diferentes áreas sobre os atos festivos é recorrente a associação destes momentos a acontecimentos desregulados, alegres, sem normatização específica e cuja realização serviria à descontração do povo e à renovação das energias a partir da ruptura com o cotidiano. Contrariando tal concepção, a investigação aqui proposta demonstrou que caberiam às comemorações, assim como a todas as atividades realizadas no contexto escolar, uma função de ensino e de aprendizagem, bem como a divulgação de um saber característico da escola moderna, considerada, naquele momento, o modelo ideal de escola. Para a análise da hipótese, utilizaram-se como fontes documentais, textos publicados em periódicos de ensino brasileiros e portugueses, manuais pedagógicos e fotografias localizadas neste corpus. Os trabalhos das áreas distintas que se preocupam com a questão das comemorações e que fundamentaram teoricamente a tese apresentam-se em primeira análise, divididos entre aqueles que tomam as festas como aspecto da vida social (OZOUF, 1976; DEL PRIORE, 2000), os que as examinam em suas relações com outras dimensões da sociedade (DUVIGNOUD, 1983), aqueles que discutem mais detidamente os rituais festivos (BRANDÃO, 1978; DAMATTA, 1990), e ainda os que apresentam o funcionamento e as ressonâncias das festas nas sociedades e nos processos de formação dos sujeitos (RIBEIRO JUNIOR, 1972; AMARAL, 1998). No âmbito educacional, os conceitos de cultura escolar (JULIA, 2001; CHERVEL, 1990) e forma escolar (VINCENT, LAHIRE e THIN, 2001) subsidiaram a investigação. / The present thesis aimed to investigate the object and phenomenon festivals organized inside the school context, according to the compared studies on educational history. The analysis covered the considered consolidation period of the modern education principles, from the end of the 19th century to the beginning of the 20th century, in two countries whose political, economical and social histories are intertwined in different occasions, Brazil and Portugal. The profusion of renovations aimed to the implementation of a state, public, democratic and secular educational system during the 19th assumed as a motto of the republican political regimes was the main reason for the choice of the period. More specifically, we tried to understand how the phenomenon school festivals was inserted in the political projects and in the educational discourses from the period and transformed into expressive practices inside the public primary school contexts. The retaking of the festival-machine metaphor (OZOUF, 1976), was especially fertile for the comprehension of the object and its multiple elements (parts), techniques (gearing), and purposes (functions). The comparison established between festival and machine raises uneasiness in relation to the way the former organized itself for the educational purpose within the educational institutes, which elements, techniques, functions and knowledges were involved. The organization of festivals inside the school area happened neither in a homogeneous and direct way nor without misunderstanding and contradictions. The same machinery used in other social environments and for other purposes not only had to adapt itself to the new context of idealization and concretization, but also had to restructure its elements and techniques to a highly educational purpose from then on. In studies done on different areas about the festive events, the association of these moments with unregulated and cheerful moments without specific rules is recurrent and their organization would be for peoples relaxation and energy renewal due to the routine break. Contradicting this idea, the investigation proposed herein showed that a role of teaching and learning and a disclosure of a distinguished Progressive Education knowledge, considered at that time an ideal model of school, would fit all the festivals, along with all the activities performed inside the school context. Documental sources, texts published in Brazilian and Portuguese educational journals, pedagogic handbooks and pictures located in this corpus were used to analyze this assumption. The works from distinct areas that are concerned about the celebration subject and theoretically justified the thesis presented themselves on first analysis divided among those who take festivals as aspects of social life (OZOUF, 1976; DEL PRIORE, 2000), those who analyze them in their relations with other dimensions of the society (DUVIGNOUD, 1983), those who argue more carefully the festive rites (BRANDÃO, 1978; DAMATTA, 1990), and furthermore those who present the workings and resonance of the festivals in societies and in the formation of subjects process (RIBEIRO JUNIOR, 1972; AMARAL, 1998). In the educational field, the concepts of school culture (JULIA, 2001; CHERVEL, 1990) and school form (VINCENT, LAHIRE e THIN, 2001) contributed to the investigation.

O aluno-problema e o governo da alma: uma abordagem foucaultiana / Problem pupil and the government of the soul: a Foucaultian approach

Rito, Marcelo 11 March 2009 (has links)
Nesse trabalho, o tema do fracasso escolar sofre uma abordagem foucaultiana. Ele é analisado a partir dos efeitos de poder que produz. O referencial teórico impõe à pesquisa a busca por enunciados proferidos por personagens sociais capazes de conduzir condutas de outrem. O corpo documental coletado refere-se a laudos de avaliações aplicadas por clínicas de atendimento psicopedagógico de viés notadamente psiquiátrico. Sobre essa base empírica, especula-se que as similitudes entre os diversos relatórios insinuam a instalação de um regime de verdade em torno de um sujeito, qual seja: o aluno transtornado. Destrinchando a lógica discursiva dessas avaliações diagnósticas, a dissertação sugere que o escolar deficitário produzido por essas testagens é uma recorrência do pregresso aluno-problema constituído pelas narrativas de Artur Ramos na década de trinta do século XX. Supõe-se que as aproximações entre o transtornado dos laudos e o problemático de Artur Ramos apontam para técnicas de governo aplicadas com fito a disciplinar educandos. Decorre dessa suposição a análise a respeito do mecanismo pelo qual opera a dita governamentalidade. Nesse percurso, aventa-se que ela instiga a práticas de auto-governo. Tais ações são escavadas em textos historiográficos dedicados a estudar a conexão entre as medidas estatais dirigidas à população e as intervenções públicas voltadas aos corpos dos indivíduos. A hipótese desse trabalho alega que os saberes psi tiveram suma importância para viabilizar a efetiva transferência dos ideais de normalidade chancelados pelo Estado nos comportamentos dos indivíduos. Considera-se, atualmente, que tais saberes tornaram-se fundamentais, pois permitem a sondagem da alma e, por conseguinte, a condução das interioridades com base na norma aferida nos exames aplicados pelos biotécnicos. Nesse grupo social detecta-se, com base nas pesquisas de Lucien Sfez sobre a biotecnologia na contemporaneidade, a imersão de muitos de seus agentes em uma nova utopia definida pelo autor como uma Utopia da Saúde Perfeita. Nela comparecem definições que apontam para a formação de bioidentidades. Estas operariam no sentido de atrelar cada qual a seu corpo. Assim fazendo, tais verdades produzidas no ambiente laboratorial viabilizariam a redução da vida a um fato biológico. A pesquisa que aqui se sintetiza visa, por fim, atrelar os saberes performativos do aluno-problema às estratégias da biopolítica. Assim, imagina-se a escola como espaço privilegiado para a disseminação de agentes biopolíticos, ou seja, atores competentes para aplicar técnicas de governo sobre todo o alunado por meio da promoção da livre busca pelas interioridades auto-governáveis. / In this work, the subject of school failure follows a Foucaultian approach. The school failure is analyzed from the power effects that it produces. The theoretical referential imposes the search for statements pronounced by social personages capable of driving the behavior of others. The documental corpus so gathered refers to the evaluation reports applied by psychopedagogic treatment clinics with a noticeable psychiatric bias. From this empirical basis, it is supposed that the similarities between the various reports suggest the setting of a system of truth around the individual, that is, the upset pupil. By explaining the discursive logic of these diagnostic evaluations, this essay suggests that the deficitary student coming up from these tests is, in fact, the return of the former problem pupil constituted by the narratives of Arthur Ramos in the thirties of the twentieth century. It is assumed that the approaches between the upset individual from the reports and the disturbed one of Arthur Ramos point out to the government techniques that were applied in order to correct pupils. Such a hypothesis leads to the analysis concerning the mechanism by which the so-called governamentability operates. Hence, it is supposed that it brings about auto-government practices. Such actions were investigated from historiographic texts committed to the study on the connection between the state procedures intended for the population and the public interventions intended for the bodies of the individuals. The hypothesis of this work asserts that the \"psy\"\' knowledges have had a great relevance in making possible the effective transference of the ideals of normality for the individuals behaviors, which was approved by the State. Presently, this kind of knowledge is considered essential, because it allows the assessment of the soul, therefore, the control of the interiorities on the basis of the standard estimated in the exams applied by the biotechnicians. In this social group, it was verified, based on the research by Lucien Sfez on biotechnology in the contemporaneity, the immersion of many of its agents in a new utopia, defined by the author as the Utopia of the Perfect Health. It brings definitions that point out to the development of bioidentities. These ones would operate in order to link each one to his/her own body. Thus, such truths, produced in the lab environment, would make possible to reduce life to a biological fact. Finally, the research, here summarize aims at linking performative knowledges of problem pupil to the strategies of the biopolitics. Therefore, school is seen as privileged place to propagate biopolitical agents, that is, competent actors capable of applying government techniques to the whole group of students, by means of promoting the free search for auto-governed interiorities.

基督敎敎育對中國重建的貢獻. / Jidu jiao jiao yu dui Zhongguo chong jian de gong xian.

January 1979 (has links)
郁德芬. / Thesis (M.A.)--香港中文大學. / Manuscript. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 308-339). / Yu Defen. / Thesis (M.A.)--Xianggang Zhong wen da xue. / Chapter 第一章 --- 序言 --- p.1-25 / Chapter 第二章 --- 中國的需要:一八六○ ´ؤ一九二○ --- p.26-99 / Chapter (一) --- 中國的急遽變遷 / Chapter (二) --- 一八六○ ´ؤ一九二○ 年間的救國運動 / Chapter (甲) --- 「洋務運動」至辛亥革命前的救國運動 / Chapter (乙) --- 辛亥革命及其後的建國運動 / Chapter (1) --- 辛亥革命 / Chapter (2) --- 「心理建設」救國方法 / Chapter (3) --- 「新教育」作為實現「心理建設」 的途徑 / Chapter (丙) --- 總結 / Chapter 第三章 --- 基督教教育與「心理建設」 --- p.100-243 / Chapter (一) --- 序言:基督教的教育事工 / Chapter (二) --- 基督教教育的目的 / Chapter (甲) --- 基督教辦學的宗旨 / Chapter (乙) --- 基督教學校對「收回教育權運動」及「黨化教育」的回應 / Chapter (丙) --- 基督教學校的課程 / Chapter (丁) --- 中國人如何接納基督教的教育? / Chapter (三) --- 基督教的教育有否實現「心理建設」的果效? / Chapter (甲) --- 「新教育」所實現的「心理建設」的 果效 / Chapter (乙) --- 基督教的教育所實現的果效 / Chapter (四) --- 總結 / Chapter 第四章 --- 基督教教育對中國重建的貢獻 --- p.244-273 / Chapter (一) --- 序言 / Chapter (二) --- 「心理建設」的限制 / Chapter (甲) --- 「心理建設」救國方法理論的不足 / Chapter (乙) --- 以「教育」為實現途徑的不足 / Chapter (三) --- 基督教教育與中國重建的關係 / Chapter 第五章 --- 討論:基督教在中國的教育經驗對今日差傳之啟示 --- p.274-306 / Chapter (一) --- 探討「建立教會」與「拓展上帝國」差傳觀念 / Chapter (二) --- 從基督教在中國的教育經驗,看「拓展上帝國」差傳的限制 / Chapter (三) --- 甚麼是今日所需要的差傳? / 參考書目 --- p.307-339 / 附錄一至八 --- p.340-355

A study of the processes and outcomes of women's schooling in Guangzhou, 1931-1937.

January 1999 (has links)
by Tom Wood Kon. / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1999. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 217-232). / Abstracts in English and Chinese. / Chapter Chapter One: --- Introduction --- p.1 / Chapter 1.1 --- The Substantive Problem: Women's Disadvantageous Position in Educationin China before 1842 --- p.2 / Chapter 1.2 --- Context of the Study: Education for Girls in Guangdong in 1930s --- p.4 / Chapter 1.2.1 --- Political Environment in 1930 China --- p.6 / Chapter 1.2.2 --- Economic Conditions --- p.8 / Chapter 1.2.3 --- Education in Rural Areas --- p.10 / Chapter 1.2.4 --- Guangdong in the 1930s --- p.11 / Chapter 1.3 --- Perspectives of the Study: Symbolic Interactionism --- p.14 / Chapter 1.4 --- Significance of the Study --- p.15 / Chapter 1.5 --- Research Questions --- p.15 / Chapter Chapter Two: --- Theoretical Context of the Study: --- p.18 / Chapter 2.1 --- Symbolic Interactionism --- p.18 / Chapter 2.2 --- Sociology of Education: The Processes of Schooling --- p.20 / Chapter 2.2.1 --- The Deweyan Perspective --- p.20 / Chapter 2.2.2 --- The Structural-Functionalist Perspective --- p.21 / Chapter 2.2.3 --- Structural-Functionalist View of Knowledge --- p.22 / Chapter 2.2.4 --- Schooling and Theories of Reproduction --- p.23 / Chapter (1) --- Economic-Reproductive Model --- p.23 / Chapter (2) --- Cultural-Reproductive Model --- p.23 / Chapter (3) --- Hegemonic-State Reproductive Model --- p.24 / Chapter 2.2.5 --- Schooling and the Theories of Resistance --- p.26 / Chapter 2.2.6 --- The New Sociology of Education --- p.27 / Chapter 2.2.7 --- Paulo Freire's View on Schooling Process --- p.32 / Chapter 2.3 --- Benefits of Schooling --- p.33 / Chapter 2.3.1 --- Structural-Functionalist Theory --- p.34 / Chapter 2.3.2 --- Human Capital Theory --- p.36 / Chapter 2.3.3 --- Education and State Formation --- p.38 / Chapter 2.3.4 --- Benefits from Individual Points of View --- p.40 / Chapter 2.4 --- The Question of Applicability --- p.42 / Chapter Chapter Three: --- Historical Context of the Study --- p.45 / Chapter 3.1 --- Women's Education in China before 1942 --- p.45 / Chapter 3.2 --- "Development of Women Education in China, 1842-1930s" --- p.49 / Chapter 3.2.1 --- The Contribution of Mission Schools --- p.50 / Chapter 3.2.2 --- The Private Schools for Girls --- p.55 / Chapter 3.2.3 --- The Government Efforts in Girls' Education --- p.57 / Chapter 3.2.4 --- Educational conditions in Guangdong --- p.61 / Chapter 3.2.5 --- Portrait of the First Girl School --- p.63 / Chapter Chapter Four: --- Research Design --- p.66 / Chapter 4.1 --- Definition of Key Concepts --- p.66 / Chapter 4.1.1 --- Benefits of Schooling --- p.66 / Chapter 4.1.2 --- Schooling Process --- p.67 / Chapter 4.1.3 --- Curriculum and Hidden Curriculum --- p.67 / Chapter 4.2 --- The Scope of Study --- p.68 / Chapter 4.3 --- Research Methods --- p.70 / Chapter 4.3.1 --- Qualitative Studies --- p.70 / Chapter 4.3.2 --- In-depth Interview --- p.72 / Chapter 4.3.3 --- Documentary and Textual Analysis --- p.73 / Chapter 4.4 --- Sample Selection --- p.76 / Chapter 4.5 --- Data Collection and Organization --- p.77 / Chapter 4.6 --- Limitations of the Study --- p.78 / Chapter Chapter Five: --- The Profiles of the Respondents --- p.80 / Chapter 5.1 --- Ru - Daughter of a Doctor of Chinese Medicine --- p.80 / Chapter 5.2 --- Fang 226}0ؤ Daughter of a Postman --- p.83 / Chapter 5.3 --- Rong 226}0ؤDaughter of a Restaurant Owner --- p.87 / Chapter 5.4 --- Qing 226}0ؤ Daughter of a Judge --- p.90 / Chapter 5.5 --- Summary --- p.93 / Chapter Chapter Six: --- Acquisition of the Educational Opportunity --- p.97 / Chapter Chapter Seven: --- The Origins and Development of the Girls' School --- p.106 / Chapter 7.1 --- The Origins --- p.106 / Chapter 7.2 --- Development of the School --- p.107 / Chapter 7.2.1 --- The Tianma Lane Period (1928-33) --- p.107 / Chapter 7.2.2 --- The Tengfeng Road Period (1934-37) --- p.109 / Chapter 7.2.3 --- The Liangjiao Period (1937-38) --- p.111 / Chapter 7.3 --- Sources of Students --- p.114 / Chapter Chapter Eight : --- Reconstruction of the Schooling Processes --- p.116 / Chapter 8.1 --- The Physical Environment --- p.116 / Chapter 8.2 --- Assembly --- p.119 / Chapter 8.3 --- Curriculum --- p.125 / Chapter 8.4 --- Extra-curricular Activities --- p.135 / Chapter 8.5 --- Anti-Japanese Activities --- p.137 / Chapter 8.6 --- Communist Activities --- p.142 / Chapter 8.7 --- Social Environment --- p.144 / Chapter 8.7.1 --- The Principals --- p.145 / Chapter 8.7.2 --- The Teachers --- p.149 / Chapter 8.7.3 --- The Classmates --- p.157 / Chapter Chapter Nine: --- The Outcomes of Schooling --- p.163 / Chapter 9.1 --- Life as a Teacher During Social and Political Upheavals --- p.163 / Chapter 9.1 --- The Impact of War --- p.163 / Chapter 9.1.3 --- The Meaning of Education --- p.167 / Chapter 9.1.3 --- Application of Knowledge --- p.171 / Chapter 9.2 --- Teaching Life in the 'New China' --- p.178 / Chapter 9.2.1 --- Attitudes towards the New State --- p.179 / Chapter 9.2.2 --- The Orientation of Values --- p.181 / Chapter 9.2.3 --- Life as Teacher --- p.184 / Chapter 9.3 --- Benefits of Schooling --- p.193 / Chapter 9.3.1 --- The Elitist Education --- p.193 / Chapter 9.3.2 --- Independence of Educated Women --- p.194 / Chapter 9.3.3 --- Being Competent and Active Participation --- p.196 / Chapter 9.3.4 --- The Impact of Knowledge --- p.198 / Chapter 9.3.5 --- Cultivation of Critical and Rational Mind --- p.200 / Chapter 9.3.6 --- The Search for Freedom of Love and Marriage --- p.202 / Chapter 9.3.7 --- We are Graduates of 1937 --- p.205 / Chapter 9.3.8 --- The Bond of Sisterhood --- p.208 / Chapter 9.4 --- Conclusion --- p.210 / Interview Guide --- p.213 / Glossary --- p.214 / Reference in English --- p.217 / Reference in Chinese --- p.227

"有教無類": 中晚明士大夫對宦官態度的轉變及其行動的意義. / 中晚明士大夫對宦官態度的轉變及其行動的意義 / 有教無類 / "Education without discrimination": a study of mid and late Ming scholar-officials' change of attitude to the eunuchs and the significances of their resultant actions / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection / "You jiao wu lei": zhong wan Ming shi da fu dui huan guan tai du de zhuan bian ji qi xing dong de yi yi. / Zhong wan Ming shi da fu dui huan guan tai du de zhuan bian ji qi xing dong de yi yi / You jiao wu lei

January 2012 (has links)
本文以明人對宦官態度轉變及其相應行動爲中心,著重從政治文化互動的角度,探討在明代君權專制強化而滋生發達宦官政治情況之下,士大夫如何因應這一政治結構和政治生態的變化,調整思維與行動的方式,施展和落實儒家的政治理想與目標的過程、言行表現及其意義。 / 本文認爲明代中後期的士大夫在對待宦官態度與問題上,出現重要的轉變與調適,他們趨向於呼籲改變與宦官對立的關係,普遍強調宦官具備與常"人"一致的天性與善端,主張以引導和"教化"的方式令其從善。這一思維轉向的要義,是中晚明的士大夫在承認宦官官僚政治和認識宦官顯著角色及地位的基礎上,思考通過"改造"宦官進而改善政治。 / 中晚明時期這股思維轉向更重要地表現為以"化宦"為中心内容的行動與實踐。對宦官讀書之所--内書堂重振的共識與努力以及撰作宦官教化用書,即是這一實踐的直接落實。中晚明人士在内書堂教育和撰作宦官教化書籍中,均重視以歷史和本朝歷史上的宦官善惡實例來強化宦官道德理想教育,感召和鼓勵其去惡向善、忠君愛國以及輔養君德。這是他們借"化宦"來"格君"的努力,是他們施展上層經世理想的表現和重要内容。 / 在晚明集中出現的衆多宦官教化用書中,萬曆初王畿所作"化宦"書《中鑒錄》是一本對宦官有實際影響和感召力的著作。這與書中揚棄傳統偏見,尊重並同情宦官歷史,鼓勵他們具有常"人"的良知等情形密切關係。與之相反的個案則是張世則撰作的《貂璫史鑒》,以受到宦官排斥告終。其"成敗"視乎它們有否契合中晚明以來宦官在知識文化增廣之餘主體和自我意識提高的趨向。 / 綜核本文討論所得,主要有以下三點認識。第一,明代士人與宦官的關係複雜多樣,不能以對抗與勾結的二元結構予以簡單處理。中晚明時期不斷出現的"化宦"思想和實踐顯示,士大夫傾向於覺得他們與宦官處於同一政治文化之中,並且有意強化已趨"一體"的向路。第二,在政治現實不利和政治空間有限的情況下,明代士大夫能務實而敏銳地利用"化宦"來"格君",可見他們不曾放棄得君行道的理想,熱情未減。這是政治與文化之間高度呼應、交互影響與滲透的應有真義和全貌。第三,儒家核心價值系統中的原則為後人改造世界提供精神和經典的來源。中晚明人士思考宦官具有"人"的面向與價值並將他們納入"有教無類"之中,顯示儒家價值系統只有回到現實政治與社會生活中並積極地予以回應,摸爬滾打中,才能得到充實和實踐。這是儒學實踐性的特點和要求。 / This dissertation studies the attitudes and actions of scholar-officials to the eunuchs in the Ming dynasty. From the perspective of political and cultural interaction, it explores how scholar-officials coped with changes in the political structures and political ecologies in which eunuch politics became a major issue of government. It examines scholar-officials’ thinking and action in dealing with the eunuchs while attempting to implement their political ideal when monarchical despotism reigned in Ming times. / The study finds that there are important changes in scholar-officials’ attitudes in mid and late Ming times. Instead of discrimination against eunuchs they tended to see eunuchs as their equal as human beings. They believed that eunuchs have similar human nature and humaneness as theirs, and advocated making them good imperial servants by moral and civil education. They adopted an approach that government improvement can be achieved by “transforming the eunuchs through a Confucian-based education and recognizing the eunuch’s significant role and status in the imperial government. / Mid and late Ming scholar-officials were eager to put their new ideas into actions. They were keen in reviving the Nei Shu Tang(内書堂), the eunuch school in the palace and in writing books specially intended to educate the eunuchs. These books have a common focus on the eunuch’s moral sense. Good and bad examples from history are cited to encourage them to get rid of evil thought and action and to cultivate their good sense to serve their monarchs and the imperial court well and loyally, thus also to help improve the monarch’s character and enhance his virtues. I consider such effort by mid and late Ming scholar-officials to improve the emperor through educating the eunuchs a key form of upper-level statecraft. / The research finds that the Zhong Jianlu(《中鑒錄》/ Mirror of the Eunuchs)written in the very beginning of the Wanli period by Wang Ji(王畿), the most famous student of Wang Yangming(王陽明), was a very effective education book for enlightening the eunuchs. The success of the book owes much to the respect and sympathy it show for the eunuchs. It considers them as ordinary human beings with conscience and good will rather than discriminating them by traditional prejudice. By contrast, the Diaodang Shijian(《貂璫史鑒》/Historical Mirror of the Eunuchs)written by Zhang Shize(張世則)in the middle period of the Wanli emperor, although also aiming to educate the eunuchs, failed to attract them because of a different approach to its presentation. These two examples shows that whether an education book was accepted by the eunuchs depends on whether it responded aptly to eunuch population’s increase in knowledge and cultural achievement, as well as eunuchs’ awareness of their importance in late Ming times. / In conclusion, this dissertation presents the following three views. First, the relationship between the scholar-officials and the eunuchs, which was often considered in oppositional or conflicting terms, was more complex and diverse. Scholar-officials in mid and late Ming times came to realize, and emphasized, that their political culture should be shared by the eunuchs. Second, Ming scholar-officials were pragmatic attempting to rectify their monarchs by educating the eunuchs, who were their immediate servant. This also shows that scholar-officials still had strong interest in influencing the monarch with their ideals and values at the highest level of imperial government. Third, scholar-officials’ consideration of eunuchs as their fellow human beings capable of being educated for good heart and behavior suggests that the Confucian value system worked in a positive way only when abiding to the reality of political and social life. The practice of Confucian learning finds expression and meaning not in empty theories. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / 吳兆丰. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2012. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 312-336) / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Abstracts in Chinese and English. / Wu Zhaofeng. / Chapter 第一章 --- 緒論 --- p.9 / Chapter 一 --- 政治、制度史研究中的明代宦官 --- p.10 / Chapter 二 --- 明代宦官與士大夫關係研究的現狀 --- p.22 / Chapter 三 --- 社會文化視角下的明代宦官 --- p.27 / Chapter 四 --- 本文的結構和內容安排 --- p.31 / Chapter 第二章 --- "攻宦"的效果與思考:以成化名臣王恕為中心 --- p.33 / Chapter 一 --- 引言 --- p.34 / Chapter 二 --- "攻宦"與王恕名節的建立 --- p.35 / Chapter 三 --- "攻宦"與王恕"格君"的努力 --- p.40 / Chapter 四 --- 成化末王恕奏疏的彙刊與謀劃入閣的關係 --- p.46 / Chapter 五 --- 餘論:"攻宦"的名與實 --- p.54 / Chapter 第三章 --- 調適與轉變:明中後期士大夫對宦官的省思 --- p.57 / Chapter 第一節 --- 真德秀《大學衍義》對宦官的態度及其"反響" --- p.58 / Chapter 一 --- 《大學衍義》齊家之要--目的設置用意 --- p.58 / Chapter 二 --- 《大學衍義》對宦官的態度與定位 --- p.62 / Chapter 三 --- 《大學衍義》宦官部份在明代的反響 --- p.68 / Chapter 第二節 --- 明成、弘年間士大夫對"化宦"的思考與嘗試 --- p.77 / Chapter 一 --- "宦侍亦人也":丘濬的思考 --- p.77 / Chapter 二 --- "人皆可以為堯舜":賀欽的嘗試 --- p.84 / Chapter 第三節 --- 正、嘉年間士人對"化宦"的強調與共識 --- p.90 / Chapter 一 --- "性無內外"與"不以類求":湛若水的個案 --- p.90 / Chapter (一) --- 《聖學格物通》及其對議禮的態度 --- p.90 / Chapter (二) --- "性無內外":《格物通》對"得宦"的強調 --- p.96 / Chapter (三) --- "不以類求": 湛若水與太監丘得的來往 --- p.100 / Chapter 二 --- "有教無類":正、嘉年間儒臣對宦官的普遍共識 --- p.102 / Chapter (一) --- 從黃佐、方鵬到王瓊、顧應祥:"不以其人而沒其善" --- p.103 / Chapter (二) --- 何瑭:"内臣未必無君子,外臣未必無小人" --- p.105 / Chapter (三) --- 唐樞:"有教無類" --- p.107 / 小結 --- p.112 / Chapter 第四章 --- "化宦"與"格君":中晚明人士重振內書堂的共識與努力 --- p.114 / Chapter 第一節 --- "以為汙辱":成 弘年間士大夫對內書堂的觀感和態度 --- p.115 / Chapter 第二節 --- "宮府一體":中晚明士大夫對內書堂的重視和重振 --- p.120 / Chapter 一 --- 初振與新義:正德和嘉靖初年的情形 --- p.120 / Chapter (一) --- 景暘與何瑭 --- p.120 / Chapter (二) --- 陸深與徐階 --- p.122 / Chapter 二 --- 共識與努力:嘉靖中至萬曆中的情形 --- p.125 / Chapter (一) --- 貢汝成:"患無以教之" --- p.126 / Chapter (二) --- 郭樸、孫升、趙貞吉 --- p.129 / Chapter (三) --- 李春芳、胡傑、亢思謙、汪鏜 --- p.132 / Chapter (四) --- 姚弘謨、李貴及其《思齊錄》 金達、陶大臨 --- p.136 / Chapter (五) --- 羅萬化、 黃鳳翔、 趙志皋 --- p.140 / Chapter (六) --- 黃洪憲、 張元忭及其《內館訓言》、敖文禎 --- p.143 / Chapter (七) --- 禮部的呼籲:沈鯉《典禮疏》 --- p.151 / Chapter (八) --- 內書堂教材的確定:《中鑒錄》與《貂璫史鑒》 --- p.156 / Chapter (九) --- 教材的挑戰者:焦竑周如砥《中學始肄》 --- p.157 / Chapter 第三節 --- 餘緒:啓、 禎年間的情況 --- p.163 / Chapter 一 --- 東林的聲音:錢士升 --- p.163 / Chapter 二 --- "教養內監,最是重任":善書的強調 --- p.164 / Chapter 三 --- "我者"與"他者":宦官劉若愚振刷内書堂的倡議 --- p.167 / 小結 --- p.171 / Chapter 第五章 --- 著作與教化:王畿編纂"化宦"書《中鑒錄》的政治背景與内容特色 --- p.173 / Chapter 一 --- 引言 --- p.173 / Chapter 二 --- 《中鑒錄》的流傳、影響及其版本問題 --- p.175 / Chapter 三 --- 萬曆初王畿編纂《中鑒錄》的背景及其推廣的努力 --- p.187 / Chapter 四 --- 《中鑒錄》初刊和復梓者太監孫隆、劉成的事略 --- p.199 / Chapter (一) --- 翻刻者劉成的生平事略 --- p.199 / Chapter (二) --- 劉成與初刊者孫隆的關係 --- p.202 / Chapter (三) --- 孫隆的生平及其首刊《中鑒錄》的背景 --- p.206 / Chapter (四) --- 孫隆再度提督蘇杭織造期間的政治表現 --- p.216 / Chapter 五 --- 《中鑒錄》的內容安排 特色與取材 --- p.224 / Chapter 六 --- 小結 --- p.239 / Chapter 第六章 --- 同調與異趨:萬曆年間的宦官教化書籍 --- p.241 / Chapter 第一節 --- 《中鑒錄》與萬曆年間宦官教化書籍的持續出現 --- p.241 / Chapter 一 --- 王畿的同調:鄒德涵的聲音 --- p.241 / Chapter 二 --- 宦官"爰書":李騰芳《宦寺考》 --- p.243 / Chapter 三 --- "銘讒鼎而志梼杌":徐學聚《歷朝璫鑒》 --- p.248 / Chapter 四 --- "均治"之書:劉元卿《六鑒舉要》 --- p.253 / Chapter 五 --- 勸善戒惡:胡良臣《內臣昭鑑錄》 --- p.256 / Chapter 六 --- 宦官模範:佚名《中貴芳摹》 --- p.258 / Chapter 第二節 --- 張世則《貂璫史鑒》的撰作與命運:兼與《中鑒錄》比較 --- p.259 / Chapter 一 --- 張世則的生平與思想 --- p.259 / Chapter 二 --- 《貂璫史鑒》撰作的政治背景和直接用意 --- p.261 / Chapter 三 --- 《貂璫史鑒》內容特色與其備受宦官冷遇的關係 --- p.266 / Chapter 四 --- 餘論 --- p.275 / 小結 --- p.276 / Chapter 第七章 --- 結語 --- p.277 / Chapter 一 --- 明代士人與宦官關係的重新認識 --- p.281 / Chapter 二 --- "化宦"與士人"得君行道"理想的施展 --- p.282 / Chapter 三 --- 儒家價值系統的充實和實踐 --- p.284 / Chapter 附錄一 --- 丘濬《世史正綱》宦官條目後按語 --- p.285 / Chapter 附錄二 --- 張元忭《內館訓言》 --- p.292 / Chapter 附錄三 --- 王畿《中鑒錄·中鑒答問》 --- p.297 / Chapter 附錄四 --- 王畿《中鑒錄》的按語 --- p.302 / Chapter 附錄五 --- 圖一:馮保《經書音釋》自撰跋文後之印章 --- p.310 / Chapter 附錄六 --- 圖二:金忠《御世仁風》手書跋文後之章印 --- p.311 / 參考文獻 --- p.312

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