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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Feldstudie zu fieberhaften Erkrankungen des Pferdes unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Ehrlichiose und des freien Endotoxins

Stumpf, Gerald 23 November 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Verfasser: Gerald Stumpf Titel: Feldstudie zu fieberhaften Erkrankungen des Pferdes unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Ehrlichiose und freien Endotoxins Institut: Institut für Bakteriologie und Mykologie der Veterinarmedizinischen Fakultät der Universität Leipzig Eingereicht im Dezember 2005 Bibliographische Daten: 92 Seiten, 13 Abbildungen, 15 Tabellen, 134 Quellenangaben Schlüsselworte: Pferd – Fieber – Ehrlichiose – Endotoxin – CRP – Neopterin – PCR Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit den in der ambulanten Praxis vorkommenden fieberhaften Erkrankungen des Pferdes. Ein Ziel bestand in der Analyse und Verifizierung der klinischen Beobachtungen in der Praxis und der routinemäßigen Laborparameter. Durch die Verwendung zusätzlicher Parameter wurde deren diagnostische Bedeutung am erkrankten Pferd untersucht, um so den diagnostischen Rahmen bei der ätiopathogenetischen Aufklärung des Fiebers unbekannter Genese zu erweitern. Anhand eigener Untersuchungen von Erkrankungen mit Fieber unbekannter Genese im Vergleich zu anderen fieberhaften Krankheiten des Pferdes wurde die Bedeutung des Fiebers unbekannter Genese beim Pferd herausgestellt und das Krankheitsgeschehen charakterisiert. In die Laboruntersuchungen wurden die Entzündungsparameter Neopterin und CRP zusätzlich einbezogen. Mittels Antikörpernachweisen wurde die Beteiligung von Endotoxinen an der Entstehung von Fieber unbekannter Genese untersucht. Außerdem wurde die PCR zum Nachweis von Ehrlichiose bei spontan fieberhaft erkrankten Pferden eingesetzt. Bei 195 (50,9%) von insgesamt 383 Patienten wurde Fieber unbekannter Genese (Fiebertyp 1) registriert, im Jahresdurchschnitt waren es 65 (56 - 72) Pferde (Tab. 2). Dieser Fiebertyp hatte demnach die größte Bedeutung (p0,05). Es tritt in den Herbst und Wintermonaten am häufigsten auf. Rasse- und Altersprädispositionen ist nicht feststellbar. Es handelt sich um ein mit Fieber einhergehendes Krankheitsgeschehen mit geringer Kontagiosität. Der CRP-Wert liegt bei den Patienten mit Fieber unbekannter Genese im Normbereich. Das bedeutet, in Übereinstimmung mit OKIN et al. (2005), AGRAWAL (2005) und DE MAAT (2004), dass es nicht zu den entsprechenden mit Gewebszerfall einhergehenden Entzündungsreaktionen gekommen war. Das Neopterin wurde hier erstmals bei Pferden mit Fieber unbekannter Genese. Dieser Wert war erhöht (x=7,29). Es ist ein unspezifischer Parameter für den negative Korrelation (r=0,33, p0,05) mit Anti-Endotoxin-IgG festgestellt wurde. Die Erhöhung der Immunglobuline der Klasse IgG (Antiendotoxin-IgM: x=1,18 und Anti-Lipid-A-IgM: x=1,5) weist auf eine Beteiligung freier Endotoxine an der Entstehung von Fieber unbekannter Genese beim Pferd hin. Das Vorkommen von Anaplasma phagocytophilum (Ehrlichia equi) wurde erstmals in Deutschland beim Pferd molekulargenetisch nachgewiesen. Obwohl die ätiologische Diagnosestellung in dieser Studie nur begrenzt erweitert werden konnte, ergeben sich nach der hier vorgenommenen Charakterisierung des Fiebers unbekannter Genese beim Pferd für die Zukunft gute Ansatzpunkte für den gezielten Einsatz der PCR mit selektiv ausgewählten Primern, um den diagnostischen Rahmen zu erweitern. / Author: Gerald Stumpf Titel: Fieldstudy of febrile diseases in the horse in particular condition of ehrlichiosis and free endotxin Institute: Institute of Bacteriology and Mycology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Leipzig Submitted in December 2005 Bibliographic data: 92 pages, 13 figures, 15 tables, 134 references Key words: Horse – Fever – Ehrlichiosis – Endotoxin – CRP – Neopterin - PCR The importance and prevalence of fever of unknown origin in horses was investigated, characterised and compared with other febrile conditions in horses. Inflammatory and stress parameters such as neopterin and CRP were included in the investigated laboratory profile. The level of IgG was investigated by an immunological approach for checking the involvement of endotoxins in the genesis of fever. PCR was used for the detection of ehrlichiosis in horses with spontaneous fever. In total, 383 horses with febrile conditions were examined within a period of 3 years. In 195 horses (50.9%) fever of unknown origin was diagnosed (fever type 1) indicating that this is the most important fever type in horses (p0.05) mainly seen in autumn and winter. In contrast, an age or race predispostion could not be detected. Typically, this fever type is characterised by a low contagiosity. The horses with fever of unknown oigin showed CRP values within the physiological range. This is indicative for the lack of tissue damage and respective inflammatory processes and supports the findings of OKIN et al. (2005), AGRAWAL (2005) und DE MAAT (2004). To the knowledge of the author, this is the first report on investigations of neopterin in horses with fever of unknown origin. Neopterin is an unspecific parameter and showed a negative correlation (r=0.33, p0.05) with anti-endotoxin IgG. The mean neopterin value in horses with fever of unknown oigin was increased (7.29). The observed increase of anti-endotoxin-IgM and anti-Lipid A-IgM indicates the involvement of endotoxins in the genesis of fever of unknown origin in horses. Moreover, this is the first report about the molecular genetic detection of Anaplasma phagocytophilum (Ehrlichia equi) in horses in Germany. In conclusion, the characterisation of fever of unknown origin in this thesis may stipulate further targeted investigations using PCR with selective primers to improve the etiological diagnosis of this disease.

Estudo laboratorial de agentes infecciosos transmitidos por carrapatos em pacientes com doença de Lyme-símile brasileira (síndrome Baggio-Yoshinari) / Laboratorial study of tick-borne infectious agents in patients with brazilian Lyme-like disease (Baggio-Yoshinari Syndrome)

Bonoldi, Virginia Lucia Nazário 27 January 2010 (has links)
Ehrlichiose Monocítica Humana, Anaplasmose Granulocítica Humana, Babesiose, Febre Maculosa das Montanhas Rochosas e Doença de Lyme são doenças transmitidas por carrapatos encontradas no Hemisfério Norte. No Brasil, a DL-símile chamada de Síndrome Baggio-Yoshinari (SBY) é descrita, mas as características epidemiológicas, clínicas e laboratoriais são diferentes da DL original. Nos Brasileiros, as outras doenças transmitidas por carrapatos são pouco estudadas. O objetivo desta pesquisa é estudar a possibilidade de co-infecção entre a SBY e outras doenças transmitidas por carrapatos, através de ensaios laboratoriais para Ehrlichia spp, Babesia spp and Rickettsia spp em um grupo de 70 pacientes com SBY. Dez pacientes estavam na fase inicial da doença e 60 no estágio latente. Eritema Migratório (EM) esteve presente em 27 (38,6%), artrite em 26 (37,1%), febre em 13 (18,5%), cefaléia em 29 (41,4%), artralgia em 36 (51,4%), mialgia em 51 (72,8%), fadiga em 38 (54,3%), meningite em 4 ((5,7%), neurite craniana em 8 (11,4%), radiculopatia periférica em 9 (12,8%), encefalomielite em 4 (5,7%), cardiopatia em 7 (10%), lesão de pele atípica em 10 (14,3%) e anemia em 10 (14,3%). O ELISA (Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay) para Borrelia burgdorferi foi positivo em 21 (30%) pacientes do grupo da SBY e apenas em 3 dos 50 (6%) indivíduos do grupo controle (p = 0.01). Usando o método de Western blotting (WB) modificado para antígenos da B. burgdorferi, trinta e cinco (50%) dos pacientes com SBY foram positivos, e 2 (4%) indivíduos do grupo controle. (p0,001). A Reação de Imunofluorescência Indireta (RIFI) (IgG) apresentou resultados significativos para três das cinco espécies de Rickettsia spp analisadas: R. parkeri (8,6%) (p = 0,032), R. amblyommii (22.8%) ( p = 0,031) e para R. bellii (8.6%) ( p = 0,032). O Teste do Qui-quadrado foi usado para análise estatística. . Poucos pacientes apresentaram positividade para antígenos de B. bovis (RIFI e ELISA) e B. equi (RIFI). A RIFI para antígenos da Ehrlichia canis foi positiva apenas para um (1.4%) paciente com SBY. Isto nos leva a concluir que pacientes com SBY apresentaram co-infecção com R. parkeri, R.. amblyommi e R. belli, sugerindo que a SBY possa ser transmitida pelos mesmos carrapatos responsáveis pela transmissão destas Rickettsias. / Human Monocytic Ehrlichiosis, Human Granulocytic Anaplasmosis, Babesiosis, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever and Lyme Disease (LD) are tick-borne diseases commonly found in the North hemisphere. In Brazil, a LD-like illness called Baggio- Yoshinari Syndrome (BYS) is described, but epidemiological, clinical and laboratorial features are different from the original LD. In Brazilian humans, the other tick-borne diseases are less frequently studied. The aim of this survey was to verify the possibility of co-infections between BYS and other tick-borne diseases, using laboratorial assays to Ehrlichia spp, Babesia spp and Rickettsia spp in a group of 70 patients with BYS. Ten patients were at initial stage of the disease and 60 patients were in a latent stage. Erythema migrans (EM) was present in 27 patients (38.6%), arthritis in 26 (37,1%), fever in 13 (18.5%), headache in 29 (41.4%) arthralgia in 36 (51.4%), myalgia in 51 (72,8%), fatigue in 38 (54,3%), meningitis in 4 (5.7%), cranial neuritis in 8 (11.4%), peripheral radiculopathy in 9 (12.8%), encephalomyelitis in 4 (5.7%), cardiopathy in 7 (10%), atypical skin eruptions in 10 (14.3%) and anemia in 10 patients (14.3%). ELISA (Enzyme Linked Immunossorbent Assay) for Borrelia burgdorferi antigens was positive in 21 patients (30%) of BYS group, while only 3 (6%) from 50 normal individuals had positive reactions (p = 0.01). Using the modified Western Blotting (WB) method for B. burgdorferi antigens, 35 (50%) of the BYS patients were positive, and 2 normal individuals (4%) from the control group (p 0,001). Indirect Immunofluorescence Assay (IFA) (IgG) presented positive results for three of five species of Rickettsia tested: R. parkeri (8, 6%) (p = 0,032), R. amblyommii (22.8%) (p = 0,031) and for R. bellii (8.6%) (p = 0,032). Chi-square test was used for the statistic analysis. A few patients developed a positive reaction to B. bovis (IFA and ELISA) and B. equi antigens (IFA). IFA for Ehrlichia canis antigens was positive in only one patient (1.4%) with BYS. It was possible to conclude that BYS patients presented a coinfection with R. parkeri, R. amblyommi and R. bellii, suggesting that BYS can be vectored by the same ticks responsible for the transmission of Rickettsial agents.

Estudo laboratorial de agentes infecciosos transmitidos por carrapatos em pacientes com doença de Lyme-símile brasileira (síndrome Baggio-Yoshinari) / Laboratorial study of tick-borne infectious agents in patients with brazilian Lyme-like disease (Baggio-Yoshinari Syndrome)

Virginia Lucia Nazário Bonoldi 27 January 2010 (has links)
Ehrlichiose Monocítica Humana, Anaplasmose Granulocítica Humana, Babesiose, Febre Maculosa das Montanhas Rochosas e Doença de Lyme são doenças transmitidas por carrapatos encontradas no Hemisfério Norte. No Brasil, a DL-símile chamada de Síndrome Baggio-Yoshinari (SBY) é descrita, mas as características epidemiológicas, clínicas e laboratoriais são diferentes da DL original. Nos Brasileiros, as outras doenças transmitidas por carrapatos são pouco estudadas. O objetivo desta pesquisa é estudar a possibilidade de co-infecção entre a SBY e outras doenças transmitidas por carrapatos, através de ensaios laboratoriais para Ehrlichia spp, Babesia spp and Rickettsia spp em um grupo de 70 pacientes com SBY. Dez pacientes estavam na fase inicial da doença e 60 no estágio latente. Eritema Migratório (EM) esteve presente em 27 (38,6%), artrite em 26 (37,1%), febre em 13 (18,5%), cefaléia em 29 (41,4%), artralgia em 36 (51,4%), mialgia em 51 (72,8%), fadiga em 38 (54,3%), meningite em 4 ((5,7%), neurite craniana em 8 (11,4%), radiculopatia periférica em 9 (12,8%), encefalomielite em 4 (5,7%), cardiopatia em 7 (10%), lesão de pele atípica em 10 (14,3%) e anemia em 10 (14,3%). O ELISA (Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay) para Borrelia burgdorferi foi positivo em 21 (30%) pacientes do grupo da SBY e apenas em 3 dos 50 (6%) indivíduos do grupo controle (p = 0.01). Usando o método de Western blotting (WB) modificado para antígenos da B. burgdorferi, trinta e cinco (50%) dos pacientes com SBY foram positivos, e 2 (4%) indivíduos do grupo controle. (p0,001). A Reação de Imunofluorescência Indireta (RIFI) (IgG) apresentou resultados significativos para três das cinco espécies de Rickettsia spp analisadas: R. parkeri (8,6%) (p = 0,032), R. amblyommii (22.8%) ( p = 0,031) e para R. bellii (8.6%) ( p = 0,032). O Teste do Qui-quadrado foi usado para análise estatística. . Poucos pacientes apresentaram positividade para antígenos de B. bovis (RIFI e ELISA) e B. equi (RIFI). A RIFI para antígenos da Ehrlichia canis foi positiva apenas para um (1.4%) paciente com SBY. Isto nos leva a concluir que pacientes com SBY apresentaram co-infecção com R. parkeri, R.. amblyommi e R. belli, sugerindo que a SBY possa ser transmitida pelos mesmos carrapatos responsáveis pela transmissão destas Rickettsias. / Human Monocytic Ehrlichiosis, Human Granulocytic Anaplasmosis, Babesiosis, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever and Lyme Disease (LD) are tick-borne diseases commonly found in the North hemisphere. In Brazil, a LD-like illness called Baggio- Yoshinari Syndrome (BYS) is described, but epidemiological, clinical and laboratorial features are different from the original LD. In Brazilian humans, the other tick-borne diseases are less frequently studied. The aim of this survey was to verify the possibility of co-infections between BYS and other tick-borne diseases, using laboratorial assays to Ehrlichia spp, Babesia spp and Rickettsia spp in a group of 70 patients with BYS. Ten patients were at initial stage of the disease and 60 patients were in a latent stage. Erythema migrans (EM) was present in 27 patients (38.6%), arthritis in 26 (37,1%), fever in 13 (18.5%), headache in 29 (41.4%) arthralgia in 36 (51.4%), myalgia in 51 (72,8%), fatigue in 38 (54,3%), meningitis in 4 (5.7%), cranial neuritis in 8 (11.4%), peripheral radiculopathy in 9 (12.8%), encephalomyelitis in 4 (5.7%), cardiopathy in 7 (10%), atypical skin eruptions in 10 (14.3%) and anemia in 10 patients (14.3%). ELISA (Enzyme Linked Immunossorbent Assay) for Borrelia burgdorferi antigens was positive in 21 patients (30%) of BYS group, while only 3 (6%) from 50 normal individuals had positive reactions (p = 0.01). Using the modified Western Blotting (WB) method for B. burgdorferi antigens, 35 (50%) of the BYS patients were positive, and 2 normal individuals (4%) from the control group (p 0,001). Indirect Immunofluorescence Assay (IFA) (IgG) presented positive results for three of five species of Rickettsia tested: R. parkeri (8, 6%) (p = 0,032), R. amblyommii (22.8%) (p = 0,031) and for R. bellii (8.6%) (p = 0,032). Chi-square test was used for the statistic analysis. A few patients developed a positive reaction to B. bovis (IFA and ELISA) and B. equi antigens (IFA). IFA for Ehrlichia canis antigens was positive in only one patient (1.4%) with BYS. It was possible to conclude that BYS patients presented a coinfection with R. parkeri, R. amblyommi and R. bellii, suggesting that BYS can be vectored by the same ticks responsible for the transmission of Rickettsial agents.

Perfil do parasitismo sanguíneo por análises moleculares envolvendo Babesia, Ehrlichia e Hepatozoon em cães sintomáticos na área metropolitana de Goiânia / Blood parasitism profile of Babesia, Ehrlichia and Hepatozoon determined by molecular analysis in syntomatic dogs in the metropolitan area of Goiânia, Goiás

DUARTE, Sabrina Castilho 31 March 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-07-29T15:13:55Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 TESE SABRINA CASTILHO DUARTE.pdf: 306533 bytes, checksum: 4d48881b72114026737e6c40bb7b94fb (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-03-31 / In the genera Babesia, Ehrlichia and are positioned Hepatozoon species of parasites responsible for babesiosis, ehrlichiosis and hepatozoonosis respectively. These organisms have in common the fact that they are transmitted by tick vectors in dogs infected and cause general symptoms such as fever, anemia and jaundice accompanied by intracellular infections. In the state of Goias had not work with phylogenetic approach for these blood parasites. The overall objective of this study was molecular analysis of isolates of Babesia, Hepatozoon and Ehrlichia obtained from symptomatic dogs in Goiânia, Goiás State, thus confirming that the species and subspecies involved in infections. For this, DNA extraction was carried out of samples, followed by carrying out PCR with generic primers. After the PCR was obtained fragments of the 18S rRNA region for samples of Babesia and Hepatozoon and 16S rRNA for the detection of species of the genus Ehrlichia. PCR products obtained were purified and used for sequencing. We sequenced 35 samples of Babesia spp. and of these 17 were used for phylogenetic studies. Two samples of Hepatozoon spp. 17 samples were sequenced and Ehrlichia spp which only five were used for analysis. Analyses performed with the identity of sequenced samples allowed the identification of B. vogeli canis, Hepatozoon canis and Ehrlichia canis. When confronted with the species and subspecies of reference from other regions of Brazil and the world showed close molecular similarity, which demonstrates the low variability between different samples from different geographic regions. For the analysis using the program MEGA4 and subsequent construction of a phylogenetic tree samples in this study formed their own groups always association with the reference samples for the respective species. Thus it was concluded that samples of B. c. vogeli H. canis and E. canis from dogs in the city of Goiania GO show close similarity with isolates from other regions of the world / Nos gêneros Babesia, Ehrlichia e Hepatozoon são posicionadas as espécies de parasitos responsáveis pela babesiose, ehrlichiose e hepatozoonose respectivamente. Estes microrganismos têm em comum o fato de serem transmitidos por carrapatos vetores e causarem nos cães infectados sinais gerais como febre, anemia e icterícia acompanhados de infecções intracelulares. No estado de Goiás não haviam trabalhos com abordagem filogenética relativos a estes hemoparasitos. O objetivo geral do presente trabalho foi realizar análise molecular de isolados de Babesia, Ehrlichia e Hepatozoon obtidos de cães sintomáticos na cidade de Goiânia, Estado de Goiás, verificando assim qual a espécie e subespécie envolvida nas infecções. Para isto, foi realizado extração de DNA das amostras, seguido da realização de PCR com oligonucleotídeos genéricos. Após a PCR obteve-se fragmentos da região do 18S rRNA para as amostras de Babesia e Hepatozoon e do 16S rRNA para a pesquisa de espécies do gênero Ehrlichia. Os produtos de PCR obtidos foram purificados e utilizados para o sequenciamento. Foram seqüenciadas 35 amostras de Babesia spp. e destas 17 foram utilizadas para os estudos filogenéticos. Duas amostras de Hepatozoon spp. foram seqüenciadas e 17 amostras de Ehrlichia spp sendo que apenas cinco foram utilizadas para as análises. As análises de identidade realizadas com as amostras seqüenciadas permitiram a identificação de B. canis vogeli, Hepatozoon canis e Ehrlichia canis. Quando confrontadas com as espécies e subespécies de referência de outras regiões do Brasil e do mundo apresentaram estreita similaridade molecular, o que demonstra a baixa variabilidade entre as diferentes amostras de diferentes regiões geográficas. Pela análise feita utilizando-se o programa MEGA4 e subsequente construção de árvores filogenéticas as amostras deste estudo formaram grupos próprios sempre em associação com as amostras de referência para as respectivas espécies. Dessa forma foi possível concluir que as amostras de B. c. vogeli, H. canis e E. canis provenientes de cães da cidade de Goiânia-GO apresentam estreita similaridade com isolados de outras regiões do mundo

Aspectos Cl?nicos e Laboratoriais da Cinomose, Ehrlichiose e Borreliose em C?es (Canis familiaris, Linnaeus, 1758) Naturalmente Infectados. / Laboratory of Clinical Aspects of Canine Distemper, Ehrlichiosis and Borreliosis in Dogs (Canis familiaris, Linnaeus, 1758) Naturally Infected.

Santos, Vania Gomes dos 10 July 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T20:18:30Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2008 - Vania Gomes dos Santos.pdf: 493126 bytes, checksum: 3cd32670acfcb8f78f94330257390af6 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-07-10 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico / Most infectious and parasitic diseases in dogs, have an initial phase with nonspecific symptoms such as apathy, anorexia and occasionally fever with respiratory, gastrointestinal and nervous abnormalities. Generally these changes are related to infection by canine distemper, Ehrlichia sp and the potential presence of exotic etiological agents such as Borrelia sp. This study aimed to detect the occurrence of the canine distemper virus, antibodies against Ehrlichia sp and homologous antibodies against Borrelia burgdorferi in dogs of the Zoonotic Diseases Control Center Paulo Dacorso Filho, of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil correlating with clinical symptoms and haematological disorders. To conduct the research, blood samples were collected from 38 animals collectively housed in five boxes from a population of 125 dogs without defined race, sex, different ages and with an unknown vaccination history. The presence of a positive animal for the canine distemper virus and the absence of clinical cases indicate that the dogs were naturally immunized or have subclinical infection. The number of positive but asymptomatic animals, for Anaplasma platys and Ehrlichia canis in the morphological analysis of blood smears was high, especially for A. platys indicating a high prevalence of sub-clinical infection. However, there was a high title of antibodies against Ehrlichia sp showing prior exposure to this agent. The high titles of homologous antibodies against Borrelia burgdorferi, indicates prior exposure or crossreaction with the spirochete Borrelia sp. and indicates the presence of the causative agent in the region. / A maioria das enfermidades infecciosas e parasit?rias em c?es apresenta uma fase inicial com sintomas inespec?ficos como apatia, anorexia e ocasionalmente febre evoluindo com altera??es respirat?rias, gastrointestinais e nervosas. Em geral essas altera??es s?o relacionadas com a infec??o por viroses como cinomose, bacterioses como Ehrlichia sp., al?m da potencial presen?a de agentes etiol?gicos ex?ticos como Borrelia sp. O presente estudo teve como objetivos detectar qualitativamente o ant?geno do v?rus da cinomose, avaliar a ocorr?ncia de anticorpos anti-Ehrlichia sp. e anticorpos hom?logos contra Borrelia burgdorferi em c?es acautelados no Centro de Controle de Zoonoses (CCZ) Paulo Dacorso Filho, pertencente ao Munic?pio do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil e correlacionar com sintomas cl?nicos e altera??es hematol?gicas. Para realiza??o da pesquisa, foram coletadas amostras de sangue de 38 animais alojados coletivamente em cinco baias de uma popula??o de 125 c?es sem ra?a definida, machos e f?meas, de diferentes idades e com hist?rico de vacina??o desconhecido. A presen?a de um animal positivo para o v?rus da cinomose e aus?ncia de casos cl?nicos indica que os c?es estavam naturalmente imunizados ou com infec??o subcl?nica. O n?mero de animais positivos, por?m assintom?ticos, para Anaplasma platys e Ehrlichia canis ? an?lise morfol?gica em esfrega?os sang??neos foi elevado, especialmente para A. platys indicando uma alta preval?ncia de infec??o sub-cl?nica. Em contrapartida houve um alto t?tulo de anticorpos anti-Ehrlichia sp. evidenciando exposi??o pr?via a este agente. A elevada presen?a de anticorpos hom?logos anti-Borrelia burgdorferi indica exposi??o pr?via ou rea??o cruzada com espiroqueta do g?nero Borrelia e indica a circula??o do agente etiol?gico na regi?o estudada.

Feldstudie zu fieberhaften Erkrankungen des Pferdes unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Ehrlichiose und des freien Endotoxins

Stumpf, Gerald 12 September 2006 (has links)
Verfasser: Gerald Stumpf Titel: Feldstudie zu fieberhaften Erkrankungen des Pferdes unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Ehrlichiose und freien Endotoxins Institut: Institut für Bakteriologie und Mykologie der Veterinarmedizinischen Fakultät der Universität Leipzig Eingereicht im Dezember 2005 Bibliographische Daten: 92 Seiten, 13 Abbildungen, 15 Tabellen, 134 Quellenangaben Schlüsselworte: Pferd – Fieber – Ehrlichiose – Endotoxin – CRP – Neopterin – PCR Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit den in der ambulanten Praxis vorkommenden fieberhaften Erkrankungen des Pferdes. Ein Ziel bestand in der Analyse und Verifizierung der klinischen Beobachtungen in der Praxis und der routinemäßigen Laborparameter. Durch die Verwendung zusätzlicher Parameter wurde deren diagnostische Bedeutung am erkrankten Pferd untersucht, um so den diagnostischen Rahmen bei der ätiopathogenetischen Aufklärung des Fiebers unbekannter Genese zu erweitern. Anhand eigener Untersuchungen von Erkrankungen mit Fieber unbekannter Genese im Vergleich zu anderen fieberhaften Krankheiten des Pferdes wurde die Bedeutung des Fiebers unbekannter Genese beim Pferd herausgestellt und das Krankheitsgeschehen charakterisiert. In die Laboruntersuchungen wurden die Entzündungsparameter Neopterin und CRP zusätzlich einbezogen. Mittels Antikörpernachweisen wurde die Beteiligung von Endotoxinen an der Entstehung von Fieber unbekannter Genese untersucht. Außerdem wurde die PCR zum Nachweis von Ehrlichiose bei spontan fieberhaft erkrankten Pferden eingesetzt. Bei 195 (50,9%) von insgesamt 383 Patienten wurde Fieber unbekannter Genese (Fiebertyp 1) registriert, im Jahresdurchschnitt waren es 65 (56 - 72) Pferde (Tab. 2). Dieser Fiebertyp hatte demnach die größte Bedeutung (p0,05). Es tritt in den Herbst und Wintermonaten am häufigsten auf. Rasse- und Altersprädispositionen ist nicht feststellbar. Es handelt sich um ein mit Fieber einhergehendes Krankheitsgeschehen mit geringer Kontagiosität. Der CRP-Wert liegt bei den Patienten mit Fieber unbekannter Genese im Normbereich. Das bedeutet, in Übereinstimmung mit OKIN et al. (2005), AGRAWAL (2005) und DE MAAT (2004), dass es nicht zu den entsprechenden mit Gewebszerfall einhergehenden Entzündungsreaktionen gekommen war. Das Neopterin wurde hier erstmals bei Pferden mit Fieber unbekannter Genese. Dieser Wert war erhöht (x=7,29). Es ist ein unspezifischer Parameter für den negative Korrelation (r=0,33, p0,05) mit Anti-Endotoxin-IgG festgestellt wurde. Die Erhöhung der Immunglobuline der Klasse IgG (Antiendotoxin-IgM: x=1,18 und Anti-Lipid-A-IgM: x=1,5) weist auf eine Beteiligung freier Endotoxine an der Entstehung von Fieber unbekannter Genese beim Pferd hin. Das Vorkommen von Anaplasma phagocytophilum (Ehrlichia equi) wurde erstmals in Deutschland beim Pferd molekulargenetisch nachgewiesen. Obwohl die ätiologische Diagnosestellung in dieser Studie nur begrenzt erweitert werden konnte, ergeben sich nach der hier vorgenommenen Charakterisierung des Fiebers unbekannter Genese beim Pferd für die Zukunft gute Ansatzpunkte für den gezielten Einsatz der PCR mit selektiv ausgewählten Primern, um den diagnostischen Rahmen zu erweitern. / Author: Gerald Stumpf Titel: Fieldstudy of febrile diseases in the horse in particular condition of ehrlichiosis and free endotxin Institute: Institute of Bacteriology and Mycology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Leipzig Submitted in December 2005 Bibliographic data: 92 pages, 13 figures, 15 tables, 134 references Key words: Horse – Fever – Ehrlichiosis – Endotoxin – CRP – Neopterin - PCR The importance and prevalence of fever of unknown origin in horses was investigated, characterised and compared with other febrile conditions in horses. Inflammatory and stress parameters such as neopterin and CRP were included in the investigated laboratory profile. The level of IgG was investigated by an immunological approach for checking the involvement of endotoxins in the genesis of fever. PCR was used for the detection of ehrlichiosis in horses with spontaneous fever. In total, 383 horses with febrile conditions were examined within a period of 3 years. In 195 horses (50.9%) fever of unknown origin was diagnosed (fever type 1) indicating that this is the most important fever type in horses (p0.05) mainly seen in autumn and winter. In contrast, an age or race predispostion could not be detected. Typically, this fever type is characterised by a low contagiosity. The horses with fever of unknown oigin showed CRP values within the physiological range. This is indicative for the lack of tissue damage and respective inflammatory processes and supports the findings of OKIN et al. (2005), AGRAWAL (2005) und DE MAAT (2004). To the knowledge of the author, this is the first report on investigations of neopterin in horses with fever of unknown origin. Neopterin is an unspecific parameter and showed a negative correlation (r=0.33, p0.05) with anti-endotoxin IgG. The mean neopterin value in horses with fever of unknown oigin was increased (7.29). The observed increase of anti-endotoxin-IgM and anti-Lipid A-IgM indicates the involvement of endotoxins in the genesis of fever of unknown origin in horses. Moreover, this is the first report about the molecular genetic detection of Anaplasma phagocytophilum (Ehrlichia equi) in horses in Germany. In conclusion, the characterisation of fever of unknown origin in this thesis may stipulate further targeted investigations using PCR with selective primers to improve the etiological diagnosis of this disease.

Ehrlichia canis e Anaplasma platys em c?es (Canis familiaris, Linnaeus, 1758) trombocitop?nicos da Regi?o dos Lagos do Rio de Janeiro. / Ehrlichia canis and Anaplasma platys in trombocitopenic dogs (Canis familiaris, Linnaeus, 1758) of Regi?o dos Lagos, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Accetta, ?rica Mateus Toledo 27 August 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T20:18:30Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2008 - Erica Mateus Toledo Accetta.pdf: 809163 bytes, checksum: 04d79d0b9854d1e99fd77cff6ae68a4f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-08-27 / Canine ehrlichiosis is an important infectious disease whose prevalence has been increasead in most areas of Brazil. Clinical signals and the laboratorial findings are variable. The present work had as objective to determine the frequency of the infection for E. canis and Anaplasma platys in dogs with trombocytopenia at Regi?o dos Lagos - State of Rio de Janeiro. It has been evaluated the CBC of 1127 dogs with trombocytopenia, a total of 3019 laboratorial tests carried through in the period of June 2006 and July 2007, at CEVET Lagos Lab, providing atendence to several clinics of Araruama, Iguaba Grande, S?o Pedro d Aldeia, Cabo Frio, Arraial do Cabo and B?zios. Erliquiosis was diagnosised through haemoparasit in smears of total blood s research stained with Panoptic kit. Eighty-four dogs (7.45%) were considered infected by the discovery of morulae of Ehrlichia spp. e Anaplasma platys. Normocytic normochromic anaemia and monocytosis were the most hematological alterations found. / A erliquiose canina ? uma importante doen?a infecciosa cuja preval?ncia tem aumentado significativamente em v?rias regi?es do Brasil. Os sinais cl?nicos e os achados laboratoriais s?o vari?veis. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo determinar a freq??ncia da infec??o por E. canis e A. platys em c?es com trombocitopenia na Regi?o dos Lagos do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Foram avaliados os exames hematol?gicos de 1127 c?es com trombocitopenia de um total de 3019 exames realizados no per?odo de junho de 2006 a julho de 2007, no laborat?rio CEVET Lagos, que presta atendimento ?s diversas cl?nicas dos munic?pios de Araruama, Iguaba Grande, S?o Pedro d Aldeia, Cabo Frio, Arraial do Cabo e B?zios. A erliquiose foi diagnosticada atrav?s da pesquisa de hemoparasitos em esfrega?os de sangue total corados com kit pan?ptico. O diagn?stico baseou-se no achado de m?rulas de Ehrlichia spp. e Anaplasma platys, sendo considerados infectados 84 (7,45%) c?es. Anemia normoc?tica normocr?mica e monocitose foram as altera??es hematol?gicas mais freq?entes.

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