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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Einfluss von Fraxinus pennsylvanica (MARSH.) auf die Biodiversität in Hartholzauenwäldern der Mittelelbe

Albrecht, Birte Marie 23 July 2024 (has links)
Die Verbreitung von gebietsfremden Arten in Gebiete außerhalb ihres natürlichen Verbreitungsgebietes kann zu einem Verlust der Biodiversität führen. Einst als produktionssteigerndes Mittel eingesetzt, wurden viele gebietsfremde Baumarten in Mitteleuropa und Deutschland eingeführt und verblieben dort in den Wäldern. Unter anderem wurde in den Hartholzauenwäldern der Mittelelbe in Sachsen-Anhalt die nordamerikanische Rot-Esche (Fraxinus pennsylvanica) eingebracht und sie nimmt heute rund 50 % der Fläche ein. Um die Fragen zum Einfluss der Etablierung von F. pennsylvanica auf die Vielfalt der Waldstrukturen und der Arten in der Krautschicht zu bearbeiten, wurden vergleichende Erhebungen in 20 Beständen durchgeführt, die sich hinsichtlich der Bestandsanteile von F. pennsylvanica im Oberstand unterscheiden. Die Bestände wurden hinsichtlich der Bestandsstruktur und Totholzaufkommen sowie auf kleineren Plots mit je einem Bezugsbaum (F. pennsylvanica oder Quercus robur als Referenz) das Bodenmikrobiom und Bodenvegetation sowie Naturverjüngung der Gehölze untersucht. Am deutlichsten scheint die Einflussnahme von F. pennsylvanica in Reinbeständen. Diese sind weniger stark strukturiert und weisen mehr Anfälligkeiten gegenüber Umwelteinflüssen auf. Für alle anderen Bestandsformen waren die Effekte eher gering und zum Teil konnte in Misch- oder Dominanzbeständen eine höhere Diversität als in Referenzbeständen festgestellt werden. Unabhängig von der gesetzlichen Lage zum Umgang mit Neophyten in Schutzgebieten wird F. pennsylvanica als in die Hartholzauenwälder der Mittelelbe eingegliederte Baumart eingeschätzt, die das Potenzial hat, ausfallende Arten, wie die heimische Gewöhnliche Esche (Fraxinus excelsior), zu ersetzen. / The spread of alien species in areas outside their natural range can lead to a loss of biodiversity. Once used as a tool of increasing production, many alien tree species were introduced into Central Europe and Germany and remained in the forests there. Among other, the north american Green Ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica) was introduced into the hardwood floodplain forests of the Mittelelbe in the federal state of Saxony-Anhalt and today it occupies around 50% of the area. In order to address the questions about the influence of the establishment of F. pennsylvanica on the diversity of forest structures and species in the herbaceous layer, comparative surveys were carried out in 20 stands that differed in terms of the proportion of F. pennsylvanica in the upper stand. Investigations on stand structure and deadwood as well as, in smaller plots with a reference tree (F. pennsylvanica or Quercus robur as a reference), investigations on soil microbiome, ground vegetation and natural regeneration were examined. The influence of F. pennsylvanica appears to be clearest in pure stands. These are less structured and are more susceptible to environmental influences. For all other types of stands, the effects were rather small and, in some cases, a higher diversity was found in mixed or dominant stands than in reference stands. Regardless of the legal situation regarding the handling of neophytes in protected areas, F. pennsylvanica is considered to be a tree species integrated into the hardwood floodplain forests of the Mittelelbe, which has the potential to replace failing species such as the common ash (Fraxinus excelsior).

Water quality of the Red River system in the period 2012 - 2013 / Chất lượng nước hệ thống sông Hồng giai đoạn 2012 - 2013

Le, Thi Phuong Quynh, Ho, Tu Cuong, Duong, Thi Thuy, Nguyen, Thi Bich Ngoc, Vu, Duy An, Pham, Quoc Long, Seidler, Christina 07 December 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Few data are available on the quality of Red river water that is used for multi-purposes, including for domestic water demand in some rural areas. This paper presents the observation results of the Red River water quality in two years 2012 and 2013. The monitoring results showed that the average concentrations of nutrients (N, P) were still far lower than the allowed value of the Vietnamese standard limits for surface water quality (QCVN 08:2008/BTNMT, column A2). Due to the impoundment of two big dams in the Da tributary, the suspended solids contents in river water decreased remarkably. The dissolved heavy metal (DHM) concentrations varied in a high range: Cu: 10 – 80 μg.l-1; Zn: 2 – 88 μg.l-1; Cr: 0.2 – 5.1 μg.l-1; Pb: 2 - 107 μg.l-1; Cd: 2 – 12 μg.l-1; Mn: 2 - 35 μg.l-1; and Fe: 160 – 2370 μg.l-1. Most of the mean values of DHM were lower than the allowed values of the QCVN 08:2008/BTNMT, but at several points of time, several DHM (e.g. Fe, Cd, Pb) contents exceeded the allowed values. The Total Coliform (TC) and Fecal Coliform (FC) densities varied in a high range: TC: 23 to 13,000MPN.100ml-1 and FC: 0 to 1,600MPN.100ml-1 and they exceeded the allowed values QCVN 08:2008/BTNMT at several points observed. The dissolved organic carbon (DOC) contents were in low level and the particulate organic carbon (POC) content mainly derived from soil organic leaching and erosion in the basin. The results underlined the need for regularly monitoring the river water quality, and there should be some effective solutions to manage and treat the waste sources in order to provide safe water for different actual purposes use in the Red River basin. / Rất ít số liệu sẵn có về chất lượng nước sông Hồng, dòng sông được sử dụng cho nhiều mục đích, bao gồm cả cung cấp nước sinh hoạt ở một số vùng nông thôn. Bài báo trình bày các kết quả quan trắc chất lượng nước sông Hồng trong hai năm 2012 và 2013. Kết quả quan trắc cho thấy chất dinh dưỡng (N, P) thấp xa so với giới hạn cho phép của tiêu chuẩn Việt Nam về chất lượng nước mặt (QCVN 08: 2008/BTNMT cột A2). Do có hai hồ chứa trên sông Đà, hàm lượng chất rắn lơ lửng trong nước sông giảm đáng kể. Các kim loại nặng hòa tan (DHM) có hàm lượng dao động trong khoảng rộng: Cu: 10-80 μg.l-1; Zn: 2-88 μg.l-1; Cr: 0,2-5,1 μg.l-1; Pb: 2-107 μg.l-1; Cd: 2-12 μg.l-1; Mn: 2-35 μg.l-1; và Fe: 160 - 2370 μg.l-1. Hầu hết các giá trị trung bình của DHM thấp hơn giá trị cho phép của quy chuẩn QCVN 08: 2008/BTNMT, tuy nhiên, tại một số thời điểm, một số DHM (ví dụ Fe, Cd, Pb) có hàm lượng vượt quá giới hạn cho phép. Mật độ tổng coliform (TC) và coliform phân (FC) dao động trong khoảng rộng: TC: 23 đến 13,000MPN.100ml-1 và FC: 0 đến 1,600MPN.100ml-1 và tại một số thời điểm mật độ TC và FC vượt giá trị cho phép của Quy chuẩn QCVN 08:2008/BTNMT. Hàm lượng cabon hữu cơ hòa tan (DOC) ở mức thấp, và hàm lượng cacbon hữu cơ dạng không tan (POC) chủ yếu có nguồn gốc từ đất rửa trôi và xói mòn trong lưu vực. Kết quả quan trắc nhấn mạnh nhu cầu giám sát thường xuyên chất lượng nước sông, và nên có các giải pháp hiệu quả để quản lý và xử lý các nguồn gây ô nhiễm trong lưu vực nhằm cung cấp nước sạch cho các mục đích sử dụng nước sông Hồng như hiện nay.

Electrochemical Phase Formation of Ni and Ni-Fe Alloys in a Magnetic Field

Ispas, Adriana 02 November 2007 (has links) (PDF)
The aim of this work was to investigate the effects that a magnetic field can induce during the electrodeposition of Ni and Ni-Fe alloys. Special regard was given to mass transport controlled effects. Magnetic field effects on the nucleation and growth of ferromagnetic layers and on the properties of electrodeposited layers (like grain size, texture, morphology or roughness) were investigated. The influence of a magnetic field on the magnetic properties of Ni layers and on the composition of Ni-Fe alloys was also studied. Nucleation and growth of thin Ni layers on gold electrodes under a superimposed magnetic field were analysed in-situ with the Electrochemical Quartz Crystal Microbalance technique. Three theoretical models were chosen for characterizing the Ni nucleation: Scharifker-Hills (SH), Scharifker-Mostany (SM) and Heerman-Tarallo (HT). The AFM images proved that more nuclei appear in a magnetic field in the case that the Lorentz force and the natural convection act in the same direction. From all the models, the HT model gave the best agreement with the AFM results. When the Lorentz force and the natural convection act in the same direction, an increase of the Ni partial current with the magnetic field was obtained. When they act in opposite directions, the Ni current was influenced just at the beginning of deposition (first 10 seconds). At longer times, the magnetic field has no effect on the Ni current. However, the total current (jNi+jHER) decreases with the magnetic field. In the absence of a macroscopic MHD convection, the Ni current decreases with the magnetic field the first 10-15 seconds of deposition. On longer time scales no influence of the magnetic field could be noticed for this configuration. When the magnetic field was applied perpendicular to the electric current, an increase of the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) with the magnetic flux density was noticed. Hydrogen reduction is mass transport controlled. Therefore, the magnetic field will increase the limiting current of the HER. Optical microscopy images showed that the hydrogen bubbles were circular in the absence of the MHD convection and that they presented a tail when a Lorentz force was present. The direction of the tail depends on the net force induced by the natural and MHD convections. The interplay between the natural and MHD convections proved to be important during Ni-Fe alloy deposition, too. When the Lorentz force and the natural convection act in the same direction, an increase of the Fe content of the alloys with the magnetic field was observed. When the Lorentz force was perpendicular to the natural convection, no significant changes were observed in the composition of the layers. The alloy composition did not change with the magnetic field when the electric current was parallel to the magnetic field lines. Two surfactants were used in the case that Ni was electrodeposited from a sulfamate bath: SDS and sulfirol 8. The Ni layers obtained from a sulfamate bath with sulfirol 8 presented larger grains compared to the layers deposited from a bath free of surfactants. This increase of the grain size was attributed to the incorporation of the surfactant in the deposit. Coarser layers were obtained in a magnetic field (applied perpendicular to the electric current) when the electrodeposition was done from an electrolyte with surfactants. The number of grains increased with the magnetic field for the Ni layers electrodeposited from a bath free of surfactants and for a bath with SDS. As a consequence, the grain size decreased. In the case of the electrolyte with sulfirol 8, the number of grains decreased with the magnetic field, and their size increased. For the Ni-Fe alloys, which contained less than 10 at% Fe, the preferred crystalline orientation changes from (220), in the absence of a magnetic field, to (111), (when the magnetic field was applied perpendicular to the electric current). When the magnetic field lines were parallel to the electric current, both the (111) and (220) textures were preferred in almost the same proportion. As a general conclusion of this work it can be said that by choosing the right experimental condition, one can improve the morphology and the properties of the deposited layers by applying a magnetic field. At the same time, the mass transport processes can be influenced by a magnetic field.

Entwicklung einer Methode zum Aufdecken von potentiellen Fehlern in der Konstruktion

Henze, Lars 04 August 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Vorbeugende QM-Techniken operationalisieren die Funktionen des Qualitätsmanagements (QM) mit dem Ziel einer abgesicherten Produktentstehung. Sie leisten einen wesentlichen Beitrag zur Erhöhung der Produktqualität. Jedoch zeigen Untersuchungen, dass deren Einsatz häufig sehr große Probleme bereitet. Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht vordergründig die FMEA, QFD und DRBFM. Neben der Beschreibung ihrer Anwendungsbereiche, werden die Vorteile und Schwächen gegenübergestellt. Es gilt, die Schwächen mit Hilfe einer neu entwickelten Methode zu umgehen bzw. zu eliminieren. Die Entwicklung zentraler Schwerpunkte zur Erreichung von Null-Fehlerqualität liefert die Basis für die Erstellung einer Checkliste in Form eines Fragenkataloges. Ziel soll es sein, durch die Systematik des Fragenkataloges und Wahl des Antwortformates Fehlerursachen zu vermeiden.

Monetary policy, financial systems and the real economy : theoretical aspects and empirical evidence from the US and the Euro area /

Melzer, Christian. January 2006 (has links) (PDF)
University, Diss.--Bonn, 2006.

Die Entnazifizierung in der SBZ sowie die Rolle und der Einfluß ehemaliger Nationalsozialisten in der DDR als ein soziologisches Phänomen /

Kappelt, Olaf, January 1900 (has links)
Diss.--Würzburg, 1997. / Bibliogr. p. 584-591.

Bayesian learning in financial markets: price adjustments, fundamentals, and risk /

Müller, Christoph. January 2009 (has links)
Zugl.: Köln, University, Diss., 2009.

Genotypic variation in drought response of silver birch (Betula pendula Roth) / Genotypische Variation der Trockenstress-Antwort der Hängebirke (Betula pendula Roth)

Aspelmeier, Stella 30 October 2001 (has links)
No description available.

Late Quaternary vegetation, climate and fire dynamics in the Podocarpus National Park region, southeastern Ecuadorian Andes / Spätquartäre Vegetations-, Klima- und Feuerdynamik in der Podocarpus Nationalpark Region, in den südöstlichen Anden Ecuadors

Niemann, Holger 28 April 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Die Bedeutung des sozialen Einflusses für selbstbezogene Markenfunktionen / The importance of social influence for self-centered brandfunctions

Quante, Tanja 29 October 2009 (has links)
No description available.

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