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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Att elda för kråkorna? : hushållens energianvändning inom bostadssektorn i Sverige 1913-2008 / Letting the fire go up the chimney? : household energy consumption in the residential sector in Sweden 1913-2008

Levin, Mikael January 2014 (has links)
This thesis investigates the development of the long-term energy consumption in the Swedish households by estimating the sector’s total energy use and moreover, by examining how structural, institutional and economic factors have affected the demand for energy in the residential sector during the period 1913-2008. The investigated period covers a transition from traditional fuels, such as firewood, to fossil fuels and finally renewable energy. Previous quantitative research in the field of energy history has mainly focused on estimates of the primary energy supply, and further, this research has primarily been supply-oriented and has therefore focused the production of energy and the supporting infrastructure.   Overall, there is currently a lack of knowledge covering the long-term patterns in Swedish household’s energy consumption, including changes of the household energy mix. Identifying the central mechanisms behind these changes is the central research question in this thesis. Improved understanding of the energy transformation in Swedish households constitutes important knowledge for all actors who address energy and climate policy, not the least are knowledge about the complex factors that have affected the household consumption of fossil fuels, and thereby the household’s carbon dioxide emissions, important.- The aim of this thesis is to contribute to a better under-standing of the households' role in the energy system and how this role has changed during the 1900s until 2008.   The thesis uses a structural analytical approach, based on the concepts suggested by foremost Olle Krantz and Lennart Schön, to understand how the household’s energy consumption is linked to structural changes and techno-logical development. Although the structural analytical chronology, as suggested by Schön, primary builds on the industrial sector, the households can be expected to follow a similar pattern of transformation. This since general-purpose energy technologies is central for the pattern of transformation. However, since different sectors face different conditions and different abilities to utilize the energy, it is equally plausible to assume that the households follow a different pattern than other sectors. The response could either have been faster or slower.   The thesis concludes that the period covering the years 1913 to 1973 was a catching-up phase. The households lagged behind the industrial sector with respect to the transition to coal, electricity and oil. But in 1973 the households had however a similar energy mix to other sectors. The second conclusion is therefore that the households made a faster transition from oil to electricity and district heating. After 1985 the household’s energy mix took a different path compared to other sectors, which is the third conclusion. After 1985 the household’s oil consumption continued to decline as the consumption of district heating was increasing. The households were also more prone to increase their consumption of bio-fuels during the 1990s.

Kyrkoherdens lön i Björklinge församling 1910-1932 : En undersökning av dess vardagliga funktion med grund i Martin Heideggers Vara och tid

Wenell, Sam January 2018 (has links)
Den här magisteruppsatsen förenar de tre områdena Svenska kyrkans ekonomiska historia, svensk lönebildningshistoria och Martin Heidegger. Jag hävdar inledningsvis att prästerskapets löner är den bästa utgångspunkten för en ekonomisk-historiker som vill ta sig an Svenska kyrkan, och konstaterar mot bakgrund av tidigare forskning om lönebildning på den svenska arbetsmarknaden att lönebegreppet i bristande utsträckning har bearbetats på den mikrohistoriska nivå jag väljer att kalla ”den mänskliga tillvarons nivå”. För att angripa denna nivå definierar jag lönebegreppet utifrån Martin Heideggers teori om människan och hennes möjligheter i den vardagliga världen. Med grund i Heideggers Vara och tid analyserar jag löneutbetalningarna i kontanter till kyrkoherden i Björklinge församling 1910-1932, samt prästgården som var knuten till tjänsten. Resultaten visar att Heideggers ontologi kan vara fruktbar att använda, men att tillämpbarheten vid empiriska studier ännu är begränsad, och att fortsatt teoretiskt arbete är nödvändigt. / This Master's thesis combines three fields of study, namely the economic history of the Church of Sweden, the Swedish history of wage development, and Martin Heidegger. Initially, I suggest that the wages of the clergy is the best starting point for an economic historian wishing to approach the study of the Church of Sweden. I conclude with regards to previous research on the subject of wage development on the Swedish labor market, that the term ”wage” has been dealt with to an unsatisfying degree on the microhistorical level I have opted to call ”the level of the human condition”. To approach this level I define the term ”wage” based on Martin Heidegger's theory about the human being and her possibilities in the everyday world. Starting out with Heidegger's Being and Time, I analyze the payment of cash wages to the vicar of Björklinge parish 1910-1932, as well as the parsonage tied to that position. The results show that the use of Heidegger's ontology can prove fruitful, though its applicability in matters of empirical studies is yet limited, and that continued theoretical work is needed.

Att göra reklam för reklamen : Reklambranschens opinionsbildning 1965-1977

Funke, Michael January 2004 (has links)
No description available.

Sustainability passion in fashion : Challenges and Opportunities for Small and Medium-sized Swedish Apparel Brands when Working with Corporate Social Responsibility in their Global Supply Chain

Weidstam, Erik January 2014 (has links)
The overall economic development during the nineteenth and twentieth century has left us with an interconnected global society. However, the pollution does not adhere to the boundaries of nation-states. Therefore, the sustainability issue calls for holistic solutions on all levels of society, from individuals to states, large NGOs, and in particular the companies that produce the goods we consume. Corporate initiatives on this matter are usually referred to as Corporate Social Responsibility, or CSR. Many large corporations have been under scrutiny from different stakeholders ever since the early 1990’s and it is no longer possible for them to neglect their responsibility for i.e. pollution or human rights. However, smaller actors do not receive as much attention as their larger competitors, due to lower stakeholder awareness. With this background, this master thesis aims at investigating how small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) within the apparel industry in Sweden perceive their opportunities and challenges when working with CSR in their global supply chain. Thus, the thesis hopes to help bridge a scientific gap, and also connects to Supply Chain Management, SCM. This was accomplished through a literature review that identified and categorized different aspects of the problem. Following this, a multiple-case study with eight different brands was carried out, interviewing representatives from the organizations. The results show, among other things, that for SMEs, top management and/or owner values and commitment are of significant importance. This is in line with the literature. On the other hand, aspects like difficulties with language and cultural barriers were not an issue, contrary to the current academic research on SMEs. This was said to be due to the organizations extensive implementation or use of social capital through long-lasting business relations, which is another characteristic of the SME sector identified by the literature. Existing industry initiatives and cooperation between brands can work, but external help to manage these projects is essential for their success. Available Environmental Management Systems (EMS) on the other hand are often considered too expensive, time-consuming or unknown to end-consumers to be implemented. On the contrary, harsher government regulation and enforcement, both in Sweden as well as in the production countries are advocated. This is particularly noticeable, since generally, private sector representatives tend to be against government regulations. / Mistra Future Fashion

Reglerad sprängkraft : dynamiten, staten och den svenska civila sprängmedelsindustrin 1858-1950

Sabo, Josefin January 2017 (has links)
The development of new innovations in explosives was an important part of the industrialization process from the mid-nineteenth century. The establishment of the world´s first nitroglycerin factory – Nitroglycerin Aktiebolaget (NA) in Stockholm in 1864 started a process replacing gunpowder with nitroglycerin and from 1868 by the safer invention dynamite. This affected both the long-term relationships between the mining industry and the powder mills and the demand from new industries for efficient and safe explosives. Even though the explosives industry was a small industry, it was of great importance for many other industries and for economic transformation. With dynamite and its successors, society also faced new risks. As a result, an extensive legislation was developed at an early stage which was supplemented with further supervision from a government authority in various organizations from 1895. The aim of the thesis is to investigate and analyze the major decision-making processes of the Swedish civilian explosives industry during the period 1858-1950. The purpose of the work is to contribute to gaining knowledge about how the society´s regulation of different industries has evolved and how state and private actors have acted in the development of new regulations. The work is structured around three main questions. The first question is about how the Swedish explosives industry developed during the period. How did the technological development of the industry and the explosives look like and had this any impact on the questions the actors within the industry drove? The second question is about how the dynamite industry was regulated. What did the regulations contain and how was the control organized? How did rights and obligations look like and how was the industry affected by this? The third question concerns the regulatory process itself. How and why did the regulations change and which actors were involved in the various changes? How did the Government and the actors act and can we see shifts over time between their different roles and interests? The study concludes that NA was the actor that, by using different methods, managed to gain the greatest influence over the regulatory process. Although the traditional established powder mill industry competed with NA at an early stage, it was nevertheless the initial, high-tech company that was involved in creating new national regulations in negotiation with the regulating authorities. This was a process of regulatory capture where NA, by combining both direct and indirect capture methods, managed to gain influence over regulations in the long run. A parallel but slightly different characteristic of this regulatory capture process is risk minimization for the public. Despite the occurrence of regulatory capture the regulations developed in a kind of a co-regulation system where the regulators became dependent on NA to provide the technical and practical expertise needed to build the necessary regulatory framework.

Interregional Migration, Wages and Labor Market Policy : Essays on the Swedish Model in the Postwar Period

Molinder, Jakob January 2017 (has links)
The Swedish model is perceived as a successful framework for combining rapid labor market adjustment with low inequality. Formulated by Gösta Rehn and Rudolf Meidner and implemented from the 1950s, it has been associated with the peak in economic restructuring and interregional migration during the 1960s. However, there is little empirical evidence for this. This thesis consists of an introduction and four essays. It explores three aspects of the model from a long-run perspective: interregional migration, wage dispersion and labor market policy. Essay I uses new data to track interregional migration rates in the postwar period (1945-1985). The results show that the responsiveness of interregional migration to local labor market conditions remained stable over time; it was neither higher during the 1960s nor lower when migration declined after 1970. Essay II employs a regression-decomposition framework to analyze the evolution of wage dispersion. The results suggest that wage dispersion was stable from centralized bargaining’s introduction in 1956 to the late 1960s. Afterwards, there was a rapid decline, likely because of solidaristic bargaining. Essay III contrasts the implementation of the active labor market policy to regional policy. Following a decisive shift around 1970, the focus on north to south mobility was replaced with policies to stimulate northern employment. Declining rural support for the Social Democrats and electoral competition from the Center Party caused this shift. Finally, Essay IV is a case study about mobility subsidy usage in Västernorrland County using sources on relocation allowances from 1965, 1970 and 1975. The results indicate that in the 1960s there was strong selection into the program by young persons with good labor market prospects. However, the program’s use did not change after the regional policy shift in the early 1970s. The collective results suggest that the policies associated with the Swedish model were minor for economic restructuring patterns. The migrations of the 1960s and the decline in regional disruptions after 1970 should instead be explained by studying the consequences of structural changes, how regions were progressively affected differently and the possible role that government policies played in directing demand for labor across space.

Kallt krig följt av europeisk värmebölja? : Doktrin och försvarsekonomi i Sverige och Finland 1989 - 2009

von Friedrichs Grängsjö, Lovisa January 2017 (has links)
I denna uppsats undersöks förändringarna i Sveriges och Finlands försvarsekonomi i relationtill respektive lands säkerhetspolitiska doktrin under perioden 1989–2009, i syfte att analyserahur dessa samvarierar. Uppsatsen bidrar till ekonomisk-historisk forskning med en empirisktgrundad diskussion om hur försvar, hotbild och tillförda ekonomiska resurser relaterar tillvarandra. Resultatet av undersökningen visar att Sveriges försvarsdoktrin inte följs av enkoherent försvarsekonomi. Sverige kombinerar en realistisk försvarsdoktrin med en liberalförsvarsekonomi, och Finland gör tvärtom. Relationen mellan försvarsvarsekonomi ochförsvarsdoktrin är ett resultat av många komplexa processer. / This thesis treats the complex relationship between defence expenditures, defence doctrinein relation to the internal and external politics of a nation. The subject of the thesis is Sweden’sdefence policy and its defence expenditures compared to those of Finland during the turbulentyears between 1989 and 2009. The empirical part of the thesis is based on defence expendituresand the official statements made by both Finland’s and Sweden’s governments respectively.This thesis shows that both Sweden’s and Finland’s defence doctrine during the analysed periodis inconsistent with the development of the country’s defence expenditures. The politicallydecided defence expenditures are not consistent with the defence doctrine.

I persuadörernas verkstad. Marknadsföring i Sverige 1920-1965 : En studie av ord och handling hos marknadens aktörer / In the workshop of the persuaders : Marketing in Sweden 1920–1965. A study of word and action of the actors at the market.

Hermansson, Kenth January 2002 (has links)
A basic assumption in the thesis is that the expansion of production and consumption in the Swedish society during the first half of the 20th century involved market as well as consumer activities of a new kind. The thesis explores the development and practice of marketing towards consumers as a main activity of actors in the market, how it was formulated in textbooks an trade journals and followed up in the activity of two Swedish companies (Barnängen and MEA, Militärekiperingsaktiebolaget). The focus is on the period 1920-1965. In the first part the main lines of the dissertation is drawn. The second part focus on texts on marketing and the main characteristics of the period is discussed. It covers the topics of marketing, distribution, advertising and selling on a general level. In two more detailed chapters, the topics of market analysis and the marketing problems and praxis in retailing is dealt with. The third part focus on the practice in the two companies. Market research from the company of Barnängen is examined with the focus on products, groups of consumers, which technique was used, how and if recommendations were followed up in product politics or advertising. The results showed a shift in the use of techniques and product politics towards more sophisticated instruments and a closer relation to a wider market. Retailers use of marketing practice is examined in the company of MEA (Militär Ekiperings Aktiebolaget). The result showed a shift in both use of advertising and advertised products over the period 1930-1960. It was also detected a shit in the relation to the market that went from customer relation to a more anonymous consumer market. The fourth part ties the normative and practical levels together. The consequences for the consumers are also taken in for discussion. It showed that in the overall perspective a change towards a wider consumer market took place.

On the Ocean of Protectionism : The Structure of Swedish Tariffs and Trade 1780–1830

Häggqvist, Henric January 2015 (has links)
In the field of international trade there is an intriguing tension between the ideological allure of free trade and the political reality of protectionism. Typically, the former is favored by scholars while the latter has been more historically prevalent. Protectionism in the form of tariffs and other obstacles trade was generally a preferred trade policy around the globe in the 18th and early 19th centuries. Sweden was no exception and has been seen as highly protectionist and mercantilist during this period. This thesis has sought to shed new light on Swedish trade policy between 1780 and 1830. It has done so by quantifying and homogenizing tariffs and import bans in order to be able to analyze the structure of tariffs. The thesis stands on a theoretical ground which takes into account the different plausible reasons for setting tariffs. It has placed some emphasis on the possible tension between the desire to shelter one’s own industry from foreign competition and the need to use tariffs for fiscal purposes, as an important source of government revenue. It is therefore argued that tariffs need to be separated theoretically and empirically. A simple model is presented which aims to discern three types of tariffs. The model takes into account the tariff rate itself, and also the structure of trade and the presence of domestic substitution. The thesis has found that Swedish tariffs were generally high over the period and that protectionism was prevalent in a large number of economic sectors. There is tentative evidence that protectionist tariffs also distorted trade in certain types of goods, even if they didn’t have an impact on total import levels. Tariffs were also set so as to separate between raw materials and more processed goods, what is called mercantilist differentiation. Substantial empirical support is given to the claim that certain tariffs on inelastic consumption goods were of great fiscal importance, and increasingly so as the period progressed. The fiscal pressure maintained or even increased the import tariffs, which made it possible to decrease tariffs on exports.

Ny tid över tegarna : Nyodling och skifte i Torstuna härad 1750-1914

Lundqvist, Maja January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to elucidate the importance of the enclosure movement for the agricultural development in the area of Mälardalen, Sweden. This is done through a case study of Torstuna härad between the years 1750-1914 by sampling five points in time. By studying the long term development of land reclamation and its correlation with meadow acreage, crop rotation and animal stock the thesis argues that the the radical enclosures in the 1850’s was a course of action to regain opportunities for agricultural expansion. The most intense period of land reclamation was after the implementation of radical enclosure which brought with it a change from communal land use to private ownership. Private property rights meant a new set of advantages for the individual farmer to plan and invest and balance the arable and the meadow.

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