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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Electrodermal activity and sympathetic arousal during collaborative learning

Pijeira Díaz, H. J. (Héctor Javier) 23 April 2019 (has links)
Abstract This dissertation investigates high school students’ individual and interpersonal physiology of electrodermal activity (EDA) during collaborative learning in naturalistic settings. EDA is an index of sympathetic arousal, which is concomitant with cognitive and affective processes. Two data collections were organized with students working collaboratively in triads. The first one took place during the performance of a science task, and the second during two runs of a six-week advanced physics course. The data collected included EDA (measured unobtrusively using Empatica® E3 and E4 wristbands), performance measures (pre- and post-tests, task solutions, and course exam), and questionnaires on cognitive, affective, and collaborative aspects of learning. The work was reported in three articles. The results indicate that, on average, students spent more than half (60%) of the class at a low arousal level, possibly signaling relaxation, disengagement, or boredom. Most of the time (≈60–95% of the lesson), triad members were at a different arousal level, which might indicate that students took turns (alternating task-doers) in executing the task or applied some division of labor rather than truly collaborating. In terms of achievement, sympathetic arousal during the exam was a predictor of the exam grades, and pairwise directional agreement of EDA was positively and highly correlated to the dual learning gain. Arousal contagion could have occurred in up to 41% of the high arousal intervals found. The possible arousal contagion cases took place mostly on a 1:1 basis (71.3%), indicating that interactions in a collaborative learning triad seem to occur mainly between two members rather than among the three. The findings provide an ecologically-valid picture of the students’ EDA responses in the classroom, both individually and collaboratively, benefiting from the connection of arousal to cognitive and affective processes to increase the saliency of otherwise elusive phenomena. Methodologically, the study contributes to the exploration and exploitation of psychophysiological approaches for collaborative learning research. On a practical level, it provides physiological indices that could be incorporated into learning analytics dashboards to support students’ awareness and reflection, and teachers’ pedagogical practices. / Tiivistelmä Tässä väitöstutkimuksessa tarkastellaan elektrodermaalista aktiivisuutta (EDA) ja tästä johdettua sympaattista vireystilaa ja fysiologisia indeksejä, samanaikaisesti yksilöiden ja yksilöiden välisten kognitiivisten ja affektiivisten prosessien kanssa. Tutkimusaineisto kerättiin yhteisöllisen oppimisen tilanteista, joissa oppilaat työskentelivät kolmen hengen ryhmissä. Ensimmäinen osa aineistosta kerättiin oppilaiden suorittaessa luonnontieteiden alan tehtävää ja toinen kahden fysiikan syventävän kurssin aikana. Aineistoon sisältyi EDA (Empatica® E3- ja E4-rannekkeista), oppimisen mittaukset (alku- ja lopputestit, tehtävien ratkaisut ja kurssikokeet) sekä kyselylomakkeet oppimisen kognitiivisista, affektiivisista ja yhteisöllisen työskentelyn näkökulmista. Tutkimus on raportoitu kolmessa artikkelissa. Tulokset osoittavat, että opiskelijoiden sympaattisen hermoston vireystila oli keskimäärin yli puolet (60 %) luokkatyöskentelystä alhainen, mikä viittaa mahdolliseen rentoutumiseen, osallistumisen puutteeseen tai tylsistymiseen. Ryhmänjäsenet olivat suurimman osan ajasta (≈60-95 %) eri vireystilan tasoilla, mikä voi tarkoittaa, että he suorittivat tehtävää vuorotellen (tehtävän suorittajaa vaihdellen) tai jonkinlaista työnjakoa käyttäen, yhteisöllisen työskentelyn sijaan. Sympaattinen vireystila kurssikokeessa ennusti kokeen arvosanoja. Lisäksi oppilasparien EDA:n samansuuntaisuus korreloi vahvasti oppimistulosten kanssa. Yksilöiden välillä tapahtuvaa sympaattisen vireystilan ”tarttumista” on voinut esiintyä jopa 41 prosentissa todetuista korkean vireystilan intervalleista. Mahdolliset ”tarttumiset” ilmenivät enimmäkseen (71,3%) 1:1 suhteessa, mikä viittaa siihen, että vuorovaikutus yhteisöllisessä oppimisessa näyttäisi tapahtuvan pääasiassa kahden yksilön välillä kaikkien kolmen sijaan. Tulokset tarjoavat ekologisesti validin kuvan opiskelijoiden EDA-reaktioista luokkahuoneessa sekä yksilöllisesti että yhteisöllisesti tarkasteltuna, selventäen samalla kuvaa sympaattisen vireystilan yhteydestä kognitiivisiin ja affektiivisiin prosesseihin. Menetelmällisesti tutkimus kartoittaa psykofysiologisen lähestymistavan mahdollisuuksia yhteisöllisen oppimisen tutkimuksessa. Se esittelee fysiologisia indeksejä, jotka voitaisiin visualisoida oppimisen analytiikan sovelluksissa opiskelijoiden tietoisuuden ja reflektion sekä opettajien pedagogisten käytäntöjen tukemiseksi.

Fonctionnement exécutif et traitement émotionnel dans le syndrome Prader-Willi : études en neuropsychologie et psychophysiologie cognitives / Executive functioning and emotional processing in Prader- Willi syndrome : studies in cognitive neuropsychology and psychophysiology

Chevalere, Johann 08 December 2014 (has links)
Le syndrome de Prader-Willi (SPW) est une maladieneurodéveloppementale rare d’origine génétique dont les manifestationspsychologiques incluent une déficience intellectuelle légère à modérée, descomportements ritualisés, une obsession pour la nourriture, des accès de colèreet une labilité émotionnelle. Le premier objectif de ces études est d’appuyer lalittérature suggérant un déficit des fonctions exécutives dans le SPW. Ledeuxième objectif est d’évaluer s’il existe un déficit du traitement émotionneldans le SPW. Le troisième objectif est de déterminer si les effets modulateurs dela valeur émotionnelle sur l’efficience du contrôle exécutif sont exprimésdifférentiellement dans le SPW comparativement à la population saine. Deuxpré-expériences et cinq expériences ont été menées en utilisant des mesurescomportementales (pré-expériences 1, 2, expériences 1 à 5) et une associationentre mesures comportementales et mesures électrodermales (expériences 1, 2,3, 5). Les mesures comportementales montrent un ralentissement du traitementde l’information et une plus faible précision des réponses dans le SPW. Lesmesures physiologiques montrent des réponses de plus faible intensité et defaçon surprenante, plus précoces dans le SPW. Dans la majorité des cas, letraitement émotionnel de l’information est identique dans les deux groupes auniveau des mesures objectives. En revanche, l’évaluation subjective d’images àconnotation émotionnelle montre un biais de positivité dans le SPW. Enfin,l’efficience de la capacité de mise à jour de l’information est singulièrementaltérée dans le SPW lorsque l’environnement comporte des références à lanourriture. / Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) is a rare neurodevelopmental geneticdisease whose psychological manifestations include mild to moderateintellectual disability, ritualistic behavior, obsession with food, temper tantrums,emotional lability and psychiatric disorders. The first aim of these studies is tosupport the growing evidence that PWS people show an impairment ofexecutive functions. The second aim is to investigate whether PWS people havean impairment of emotional processing. A third objective is to determine if themodulating effects of emotional significance on the efficiency of executivecontrol are differentially expressed in PWS in comparison to the healthypopulation. Two pre-experiments and five experiments were conducted usingbehavioral measures (pre-experiments 1, 2 and experiments 1 to 5) and bothbehavioral and electrodermal measures (experiments 1, 2, 3, 5). Behavioral datashowed a global slowness of processing and a lower response accuracy.Physiological data showed weaker but surprisingly earlier responses in the PWSgroup. In the majority of cases, emotional processing was identical in the twogroups at the level of objective measures. In contrast, the subjective rating ofpictures of emotional significance showed an overall positive rating bias in thePWS group. Finally, the updating capacity of working memory is singularlyhampered in PWS when the environment contains references to food.

Cognitive Demands of Mothers of Young Children in the Presence of Emotional Distraction

Duersch, Michelle 08 April 2020 (has links)
Stress and parenting often go hand in hand, with high physical and emotional demands from children often coupled with pressures and responsibilities adults bear from work, school, and other involvements outside the home. Parents often prioritize their children's needs above their own physical, emotional, and social needs. While current literature addresses stress in mothers, it has yet to understand under what circumstances her children may modify her stress levels and whether her stress response, in turn, affects cognition. This study seeks to investigate the impact of such a taxing environment on mothers' stress and cognition using a challenging mnemonic discrimination paradigm. It was hypothesized that the auditory distraction of a mother's own children during the task would impair her ability to encode and retrieve images and also increase her physiological stress response. Prior research has outlined how irrelevant noise and induced stress modify behavioral outcomes, and how mnemonic discrimination of emotional stimuli differs from that of neutral stimuli. However, to our knowledge, there have been no tests in any group using distracting noise (a type of induced stress) during emotionally valenced mnemonic discrimination tasks. This led to the development of our task in order to better understand stress and distraction coupled with valenced imagery. Encoding was divided into two blocks, with one block occurring during the presentation of white noise and the alternate block occurring during the presentation of noise from children, either live audio feed to a mother's own children (experimental condition) or prerecorded audio of a group of children (control condition). We found that retrieval did decrease as a result of child noise, and that memory performance for neutral stimuli was greater than for negative or positive stimuli. Physiological measurements (electrodermal activity and heart rate) were also obtained to view the stress response, but only electrodermal activity showed significance. A significant relationship was found between electrodermal activity and behavioral scores in the experimental group. Our results also suggest that perceived and induced stress coupled with distraction leads to lower memory performance and increased physiological stress responses.

Assessing the relationship between resting autonomic nervous system functioning, social anxiety, and emotional autobiographical memory retrieval

Smith, Brianna January 2018 (has links)
Thesis advisor: Elizabeth Kensinger / Individuals with social anxiety disorder (SAD) tend to have emotional memory biases in the encoding and retrieval of social memories. Research has shown reduced heart rate variability (HRV) in clinical populations suffering from anxiety, including social anxiety. Heightened sympathetic activation—as measured by the electrodermal activity (EDA)—has also been associated with anxiety disorders. The aim of the present study was to examine the relation between HRV, social anxiety, and re-experiencing of emotional autobiographical memories. 44 healthy young adults were recruited from the Boston College campus through SONA. Participants were given an online survey that instructed them to retrieve 40 specific events from the past in response to 40 socially relevant cues. For each event, participants were instructed to provide a brief narrative, make several ratings for the event (on a scale from 1-7), and indicate the specific emotions they experienced both at the time of retrieval and of the event. Approximately one month after the completion of the memory survey, participants engaged in a 2-hour memory retrieval session while undergoing psychophysiological monitoring (heart rate, skin conductance, and respiration). Following the retrieval task, participants completed self-report questionnaires of social anxiety symptom severity and trait emotion regulation strategy (i.e., tendency to reappraise or suppress emotions). The present study found that positive memories had higher re-experiencing ratings as compared to negative memories. Contrary to the original study hypothesis, however, there was no significant interaction between average re-experiencing (or arousal) ratings of positive or negative social autobiographical memories and SAD likelihood. A nonlinear, cubic relationship was found between one of three metrics of HRV and social anxiety symptom severity. A significant effect was found between skin conductance and SAD likelihood, which was likely driven by an almost significance difference in skin conductance between the SAD unlikely and the SAD very probable groups; these findings provide further insight into the relationship between autonomic nervous system (ANS) functioning and social anxiety. Further, the present results suggest the intriguing possibility that there may be a nonlinear relationship between HRV and severity of social anxiety. Future research with a larger sample size is needed to corroborate these findings. / Thesis (BS) — Boston College, 2018. / Submitted to: Boston College. College of Arts and Sciences. / Discipline: Departmental Honors. / Discipline: Psychology.

Is Selective Mutism An Emotion Regulation Strategy For Children With Social Phobia? A Single Case Design Investigation

Scott, Samantha L 01 January 2012 (has links)
To determine whether children with selective mutism (SM) withhold speech to regulate their emotional arousal and decrease automatic distress, the current study examines the behavioral and physiological responses of children with SM in comparison to children with social phobia (SP) and children with no psychiatric disorder (TD) as they participate in two social situations. A single case design strategy is used to compare behavioral and physiological responses both within and across groups. Examining the temporal sequencing of behaviors and physiology provides a direct test of the utility of emotion regulation theory as it pertains to children with social phobia/selective mutism. The results indicate that children with SM show elevated arousal and emotional reactivity across all interaction segments relative to other children. Unique affective, behavioral and physiological responses occur between and within groups in relation to situational demands. The temporal sequencing of behavioral and physiological responses suggests that behavioral deficits may be related to underutilized and/or deficient physiological response systems and that not speaking represents a primitive avoidance strategy by children with SM to regulate extreme physiological arousal.

Apport des études expérimentales en conduite automobile dans la mise en place d’une formation à la sécurité routière lors d’interactions avec les systèmes d’aide / The contribution of driving experimentation to the development of a training programme for advanced driver assistance systems

Petit-Boulanger, Claire 19 December 2011 (has links)
La conduite automobile est l’une des rares tâches nécessitant un apprentissage et le passage d’un examen initial, qui ne prévoit pas de mise en situation critique ni l’obligation de recyclages réguliers. En conséquence, les conducteurs ne connaissent pas les nouveaux systèmes d’aide et de sécurité proposés par les constructeurs automobiles et risquent de ne pas ou de mal s’en servir en conduite nominale. L’objectif de ce travail a été de vérifier, auprès de conducteurs novices et expérimentés, leur réelle capacité à utiliser les systèmes d’aide et de sécurité impliqués dans la régulation longitudinale du véhicule, en situation nominale et en situation d’urgence. Des essais ont été menés sur route, piste et simulateur de conduite. L’originalité de l’étude a porté sur la mesure du comportement du conducteur et de ses performances, pour approcher au mieux leur état fonctionnel (éveil physiologique, attention) induit par la charge mentale lorsqu’ils étaient confrontés à ces situations. On a privilégié l’utilisation de mesures physiologiques en continu et, en particulier, celles de l’activité électrodermale. Les résultats obtenus ont permis de conclure que les conducteurs -soumis à une situation critique, et en conséquence à une charge mentale élevée - utilisaient ces systèmes d’aide de manière inappropriée. Découlent de ces conclusions, deux offres de formations pour pallier la méconnaissance et la mauvaise utilisation des systèmes d’aide et de sécurité / Driving is one of the few activities which require both training and initial examination, but for which there are neither critical situation testing nor regular refresher courses. This creates two key problems: Through a lack of knowledge of the driving aids and safety systems offered by car manufacturers, drivers may fail to use or may misuse them in normal driving situations; secondly, an emergency situation may become critical if the driver has not previously experienced it in controlled conditions. The aim of this study was to check novice and experienced drivers’ ability to use the driving aids and safety systems proposed for vehicle longitudinal control in both nominal and critical situations. Trials were carried out in the field, on tracks and on driving simulators. The uniqueness of the study comes from combining driver behaviour and performance measurements to best correspond to the attention and workload observed when drivers were subjected to these situations. We therefore favoured the use of continuous physiological measures, and in particular electrodermal activity. The results enabled us to conclude that the use of these systems in critical situations was often inappropriate and necessitated a high workload. These conclusions led to the development and deployment of two training programmes in order to compensate for the lack of knowledge and misuse of the driving aids and safety systems

Psychophysiologische Untersuchung mentaler Beanspruchung in simulierten Mensch-Maschine-Interaktionen

Ribback, Sven January 2003 (has links)
In der vorliegenden Untersuchung wurde ein arbeitspsychologisches Problem thematisiert, dass in Mensch-Maschine-Systemen auftritt. <br /> In Mensch-Maschine-Systemen werden Informationen in kodierter Form ausgetauscht. Diese inhaltlich verkürzte Informationsübertragung hat den Vorteil, keine lange Zustandsbeschreibung zu benötigen, so dass der Mensch auf die veränderten Zustände schnell und effizient reagieren kann. Dies wird aber nur dann ermöglicht, wenn der Mensch die kodierten Informationen (Kodes) vorher erlernten Bedeutungen zuordnen kann. Je nach Art der kodierten Informationen (visuelle, akustische oder alphanumerische Signale) wurden Gestaltungsempfehlungen für Kodealphabete entwickelt. <br /> Für Operateure resultiert die mentale Belastung durch Dekodierungsprozesse vor allem aus dem Umfang des Kodealphabetes (Anzahl von Kodezeichen), der wahrnehmungsmäßigen Gestaltung der Kodes und den Regeln über die Zuordnung von Bedeutungen zu Kodezeichen. <br /> <br /> Die Entscheidung über die Güte von Kodealphabeten geschieht in der Arbeitspsychologie in der Regel über Leistungsindikatoren. Dies sind üblicherweise die zur Dekodierung der Kodes benötigte Zeit und dabei auftretende Zuordnungsfehler. Psychophysiologische Daten werden oft nicht herangezogen.<br /> Fraglich ist allerdings, ob Zeiten und Fehler allein verlässliche Indikatoren für den kognitiven Aufwand bei Dekodierungsprozessen sind, da im hochgeübten Zustand bei gleichen Alphabetlängen, aber unterschiedlicher Kodezeichengestaltung sich häufig die mittleren Dekodierungszeiten zwischen Kodealphabeten nicht signifikant unterscheiden und Fehler überhaupt nicht auftreten. <br /> Die in der vorliegenden Arbeit postulierte Notwendigkeit der Ableitung von Biosignalen gründet sich auf die Annahme, dass mit ihrer Hilfe zusätzliche Informationen über die mentale Beanspruchung bei Dekodierungsprozessen gewonnen werden können, die mit der Erhebung von Leistungsdaten nicht erfasst werden. Denn gerade dann, wenn sich die Leistungsdaten zweier Kodealphabete nicht unterscheiden, können psychophysiologische Daten unterschiedliche Aspekte mentaler Beanspruchung erfassen, die mit Hilfe von Leistungsdaten nicht bestimmt werden können. <br /> Daher wird in Erweiterung des etablierten Untersuchungsansatzes vorgeschlagen, Biosignale als dritten Datenbereich, neben Leistungsdaten und subjektiven Daten mentaler Beanspruchung, abzuleiten, um zusätzliche Informationen über die mentale Beanspruchung bei Dekodierungsprozessen zu erhalten.<br /> Diese Annahme sollte mit Hilfe der Ableitung von Biosignalen überprüft werden. <br /> <br /> Der Begriff mentaler Beanspruchung wird in der bisherigen Literatur nur unzureichend definiert und differenziert. Daher wird zur Untersuchung dieses Konzepts, die wissenschaftliche Literatur berücksichtigend, ein erweitertes Modell mentaler Beanspruchung vorgestellt.<br /> Dabei wird die mentale Beanspruchung abgegrenzt von der emotionalen Beanspruchung. Mentale Beanspruchung wird weiterhin unterschieden in psychomotorische, perzeptive und kognitive Beanspruchung. Diese Aspekte mentaler Beanspruchung werden jeweils vom psychomotorischen, perzeptiven oder kognitiven Aufwand der zu bearbeitenden Aufgabe ausgelöst.<br /> <br /> In der vorliegenden Untersuchung wurden zwei zentrale Fragestellungen untersucht:<br /> Einerseits wurde die Analyse der anwendungsbezogenen Frage fokussiert, inwieweit psychophysiologische Indikatoren mentaler Beanspruchung über die Leistungsdaten (Dekodierungszeiten und Fehleranzahl) hinaus, zusätzliche Informationen zur Bestimmung der Güte von Kodealphabeten liefern. <br /> Andererseits wurde der Forschungsaspekt untersucht, inwieweit psychophysiologische Indikatoren mentaler Beanspruchung die zur Dekodierung notwendigen perzeptiven und kognitiven Aspekte mentaler Beanspruchung differenzieren können. Emotionale Beanspruchung war nicht Gegenstand der Analysen, weshalb in der Operationalisierung versucht wurde, sie weitgehend zu vermeiden. Psychomotorische Beanspruchung als dritter Aspekt mentaler Beanspruchung (neben perzeptiver und kognitiver Beanspruchung) wurde für beide Experimentalgruppen weitgehend konstant gehalten.<br /> <br /> In Lernexperimenten hatten zwei anhand eines Lern- und Gedächtnistests homogenisierte Stichproben jeweils die Bedeutung von 54 Kodes eines Kodealphabets zu erwerben. Dabei wurde jeder der zwei unahbhängigen Stichproben ein anderes Kodealphabet vorgelegt, wobei sich die Kodealphabete hinsichtlich Buchstabenanzahl (Kodelänge) und anzuwendender Zuordnungsregeln unterschieden. Damit differierten die Kodealphabete im perzeptiven und kognitiven Aspekt mentaler Beanspruchung.<br /> Die Kombination der Abkürzungen entsprach den in einer Feuerwehrleitzentrale verwendeten (Kurzbeschreibungen von Notfallsituationen). In der Lernphase wurden den Probanden zunächst die Kodealphabete geblockt mit ihren Bedeutungen präsentiert. <br /> Anschließend wurden die Kodes (ohne deren Bedeutung) in sechs aufeinanderfolgenden Prüfphasen randomisiert einzeln dargeboten, wobei die Probanden instruiert waren, die Bedeutung der jeweiligen Kodes in ein Mikrofon zu sprechen. <br /> Während des gesamten Experiments wurden, neben Leistungsdaten (Dekodierungszeiten und Fehleranzahl) und subjektiven Daten über die mentale Beanspruchung im Verlauf der Experimente, folgende zentralnervöse und peripherphysiologische Biosignale abgeleitet: Blutdruck, Herzrate, phasische und tonische elektrodermale Aktivität und Elektroenzephalogramm. Aus ihnen wurden zunächst 13 peripherphysiologische und 7 zentralnervöse Parameter berechnet, von denen 7 peripherphysiologische und 3 zentralnervöse Parameter die statistischen Voraussetzungen (Einschlusskriterien) soweit erfüllten, dass sie in die inferenzstatistische Datenanalyse einbezogen wurden.<br /> <br /> Leistungsdaten und subjektive Beanspruchungseinschätzungen der Versuchsdurchgänge wurden zu den psychophysiologischen Parametern in Beziehung gesetzt. Die Befunde zeigen, dass mittels der psychophysiologischen Daten zusätzliche Erkenntnisse über den kognitiven Aufwand gewonnen werden können.<br /> <br /> Als weitere Analyse wurden die Kodes post hoc in zwei neue Kodealphabete eingeteilt. Ziel dieser Analyse war es, die Unterschiede zwischen beiden Kodealphabeten zu erhöhen, um deutlichere reizbezogene psychophysiologische Unterschiede in den EEG-Daten zwischen den Kodealphabeten zu erhalten. Dazu wurde diejenigen, hinsichtlich ihrer Bedeutung, parallelen Kodes in beiden Kodealphabeten ausgewählt, die sich in der Dekodierungszeit maximal voneinander unterschieden. Eine erneute Analyse der EEG-Daten erbrachte jedoch keine Verbesserung der Ergebnisse.<br /> <br /> Drei Hauptergebnisse bezüglich der psychophysiologischen Parameter konnten festgestellt werden:<br /> Das erste Ergebnis ist für die psychophysiologische Methodik bedeutsam. Viele psychophysiologische Parameter unterschieden zwischen den Prüfphasen und zeigen damit eine hinreichende Sensitivität zur Untersuchung mentaler Beanspruchung bei Dekodierungsprozessen an. Dazu gehören die Anzahl der spontanen Hautleitwertsreaktionen, die Amplitude der Hautleitwertsreaktionen, das Hautleitwertsniveau, die Herzrate, die Herzratendifferenz und das Beta-2-Band des EEG. Diese Parameter zeigen einen ähnlichen Verlauf wie die Leistungsdaten. Dies zeigt, dass es möglich ist, die hier operationaliserte Art mentaler Beanspruchung in Form von Dekodierungsprozessen psychophysiologisch zu analysieren.<br /> <br /> Ein zweites Ergebnis betrifft die Möglichkeit, Unterschiede mentaler Beanspruchung zwischen beiden Gruppen psychophysiologisch abzubilden:<br /> Das Hautleitwertsniveau und das Theta-Frequenzband des Spontan-EEG zeigten Unterschiede zwischen beiden Stichproben von der ersten Prüfphase an. Diese Parameter indizieren unterschiedlichen kognitiven Aufwand in beiden Stichproben über alle Prüfphasen.<br /> <br /> Das wichtigste Ergebnis betrifft die Frage nach einem Informationsgewinn bei Einsatz psychophysiologischer Methoden zur Bewertung der Güte von Kodealphabeten: <br /> Einen tatsächlichen Informationsgewinn gegenüber den Leistungsdaten zeigte die Amplitude der elektrodermalen Aktivität und die Herzraten-Differenz an. Denn in den späteren Prüfphasen, wenn sich die Leistungsdaten beider Kodealphabete nicht mehr unterschieden, konnten unterschiedliche Ausprägungen dieser psychophysiologischen Parameter zwischen beiden Kodealphabeten verzeichnet werden. Damit konnten unterschiedliche Aspekte mentaler Beanspruchung in beiden Kodealphabeten in den späteren Prüfphasen erfasst werden, in denen sich die Leistungsdaten nicht mehr unterschieden. <br /> <br /> Alle drei Ergebnisse zeigen, dass es, trotz erheblichen technischen und methodischen Aufwands, sinnvoll erscheint, bei der Charakterisierung mentaler Belastungen und für die Gestaltung von Kodealphabeten auch psychophysiologische Daten heranzuziehen, da zusätzliche Informationen über den perzeptiven und kognitiven Dekodierungsaufwand gewonnen werden können. / In this study a problem from the work psychology was focussed, which appears in human-machine systems.<br /> In human-machine systems informations were exchanged as codes. Using this kind of shortened information transmission needs no long description of the system state, so that the operator can react to the changed system state in a quick and efficient way. This is possible only in this case, if the operator has learned the meaning of the codes before. For the different kinds of coded informations (visual, acoustic or alphanumeric signals) special recommendations for their design were developed.<br /> Mental workload caused by decoding processes resulting from the size of the code alphabet, the percepted design of the codes, and the rules about the allocation of code meanings.<br /> <br /> The decision about the validity of code alphabets in work psychology is normally made by indicators of performance, which are the decoding times and decoding mistakes. Nearly all studies do not refer to psychophysiological data. <br /> It is questioned, if times and mistakes alone are valid indicators for the cognitive cost, because in well learned state and for the same size of the code alphabet but different design of the codes, the decoding times between code alphabets are not significantly different, and mistakes do not appear.<br /> This study postulates a necessity for the registration of psychophysiological data, so that additionally informations, which are not included in the performance data, can be examined. If the performance data does not differ between two code alphabets, psychophysiological data measures different aspects of mental workload, which could not be detected by performance data. To enlarge the established approach, it is recommended to registrate biosignals as a third domain of data to get additional informations about decoding processes.<br /> These hypotheses should be verified by registration of biosignals.<br /> <br /> There are vague definitions and deficient differentiations of the concept of mental workload in the scientific publications. To examine mental workload an enlarged model of mental workload is presented. Mental workload is delimited from emotional strain. Furthermore mental workload is differentiated in psychomotoric, perceptive, and cognitive aspects. These aspects of mental workload are caused by the psychomotoric, perceptive, and cognitive cost, which are initiated by the assigned task.<br /> <br /> Two main questions were examined in this study. <br /> First question refers to applied research. Do psychophysiological indicators of mental workload provide more information about the validity of code alphabets than performance data?<br /> The second question refers to what extent psychophysiological indicators of mental workload necessary for the decoding process could differentiate the perceptive and cognitive aspects of mental workload. <br /> <br /> >The emotional strain was not the objective of this study, therefore it was excluded from the experimental design.<br /> Psychomotoric workload as the third aspect of mental workload was a constant value for both experimental samples.<br /> <br /> In two learning experiments two samples with identical habituational memory performance were instructed to learn the meaning of 54 codes of a code alphabet. Both samples was presented another code alphabet, which differed in the number of included letters and the allocation rules. Thus the two code alphabets differed in the perceptive and in the cognitive aspect of mental workload.<br /> The combination of abbreviations was comparable to those used in a fire station. In a learning phase the code alphabets were presented with their meanings. Afterwards the codes were presented without their meanings in six following tests phases. Subjects were instructed to answer in a microphone. <br /> During the whole experiment performance data, subjective data of perceived strain, and psychophysiological data were registrated. The psychophysiological data contained: blood pressure, heart rate, phasic and tonic electrodermal activity, and the EEG. Thirteen peripherphysiological and seven EEG parameters were extracted from these raw data. Seven peripherphysiological and three EEG parameters accomplished the statistical premises and were included to further statistical analysis.<br /> Performance data and subjective data were set in relation to the psychophysiological parameters. The outcomes showed that using psychophysiological data generate additional informations about the cognitive cost.<br /> <br /> For further analysis the code items were divided into two new code alphabets. The intention of this analysis was to maximize the difference between the two code alphabets to get more stimuli based psychophysiological differences in the EEG data. This analysis included those pairs of codes with identical meaning and maximum difference in their decoding time. This further analysis did not improve the outcomes. <br /> <br /> Three main outcomes in respect to the psychophysiological data were detected. <br /> The first one is an important outcome for psychophysiological methodology. Many psychophysiological parameters differ between the test phases and thus show a sufficient sensitivity to examine mental workload in decoding processes. The number of spontaneous electrodermal responses, the amplitude of electrodermal responses, the electrodermal level, the heart rate, the heart rate difference, and the beta-2 frequency band of the EEG belong to these parameters. These parameters show a similar distribution like performance data. This shows the possibility of the operationalized mental workload through decoding processes analysable with psychophysiological methods.<br /> A second outcome concerns the possibility to show differences in mental workload between both samples in psychophysiological parameters:<br /> The electrodermal level and the theta frequency band of the EEG showed differences between both samples beginning from the first test phase. These parameters indicate different cognitive cost in both samples in all test phases.<br /> <br /> The most important outcome regards to the profit of information by using psychophysiological methods to test the validity of code alphabets. The amplitude of the electrodermal responses and the heart rate difference shows a surplus of information compared to performance data. Thus in later test phases, in which the performance data did no longer differ, different characteristics of psychophysiological parameters between both code alphabets were registrated. Therefore different aspects of mental workload could be quantified.<br /> <br /> All three outcomes showed that, nevertheless of the considerable technical and methodological expenditure, it is reasonable to use psychophysiological data to design code alphabets, because it supplies additional information about the perceptional and cognitive cost of the decoding processes.

Physiological Aberrations in Patients with Schizophrenia

Nilsson, Björn January 2009 (has links)
In schizophrenia, subtle aberrations in the brain cause functional disturbances like psychotic symptoms and social disability. There are, however, also disturbances outside the CNS indicating a systemic manifestation in the disease. The aim of the present thesis was to gain deeper understanding of the pathophysiological mechanisms underlying schizophrenia with a particular interest in peripheral and systemic manifestations with relevance for the increased risk of obesity and metabolic complications seen in the disease. Therefore, resting energy expenditure (REE), physical capacity, and relevant body composition variables were measured in patients with schizophrenia and in healthy controls. Also niacin skin flush response and electrodermal activity (EDA) were studied. Patients with schizophrenia exhibited significantly lower REE expressed as kJ/kg, and also lower values compared with predicted levels than the controls. The difference could not be attributed to medication or variations in body composition between the two groups. There was a gender difference with the lowest levels found in male patients. Male patients exhibited significantly lower physical capacity in terms of predicted maximal oxygen uptake capacity and faster increase in respiratory quotient than male controls. The oral niacin test revealed a significantly delayed skin flush reaction in patients compared with controls. The patients also exhibited lower EDA response. There was a significant association in response patterns for the niacin and the EDA tests in the patients, but not in controls. In a test-retest study in patients there was acceptable stability for EDA measures but low test-retest stability for niacin variables. The previously found association in responses for the two tests was, however, replicated. The results gain support for the concept of schizophrenia as a disease with systemic manifestations including metabolic dysregulation. The findings add to the understanding of the weight gain and the increased risk for cardiovascular morbidity seen in this condition.

Omedveten arousal i butiksmiljön : Om arousals påverkan på kunders beteende och upplevelse / Unconscious arousal in the store environment : About arousal’s effect on customers’ behavior and experience

Eriksson, Johan, Södermyr, Sissel January 2017 (has links)
Titel: Omedveten arousal i butiksmiljön. Nyckelord: Arousal, omedveten arousal, servicescape, butiksmiljö, konsumtionsbeteende, GSR-armband, eyetracking, elektrodermal aktivitet. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka vilka faktorer som framkallar omedveten arousal i en riktig butiksmiljö. Vidare vill vi undersöka om skillnader i kundrelaterade konsumtionsvariabler påverkar omedveten arousal. Metod: Studien kombinerar en kvantitativ och kvalitativ ansats där 60 respondenter deltog i studien. Data samlades in via två enkäter, GSR-armband och ett par eyetracking-glasögon. Bidrag: Studien har bidragit med en kategorisering av omedvetna arousalutslag baserat på vad respondenter reagerat på i butiken. Skillnader i kundrelaterade konsumtionsvariabler har identifierats i förhållande till omedveten arousal. Originalitet: Med hjälp av studiedesignen har data kunnat samlas in i en riktig butiksmiljö. Respondenterna har således kunnat handla som vanligt i en miljö med andra kunder, personal och fysiska faktorer i butiken. / Title: Unconscious arousal in a store environment. Key words: Arousal, unconscious arousal, servicescape, store environment, consumer behavior, GSR-wristband, eye tracking, electrodermal activity. Purpose: The purpose with this study is to examine what factors evoke unconscious arousal in a real store environment. We will also examine if there are any differences in customer related consumption variables which affect unconscious arousal. Method: The study combines a quantitative and a qualitative approach where 60 respondents participated in the study. Data was collected by two surveys, a GSR-wristband and a pair of eyetracking-glasses. Contributions: The study has contributed with a categorization of unconscious arousal peaks based on what the respondents reacted to in the store. Differences in customer related consumption variables have been identified in relation to unconscious arousal. Originality: The study design has allowed data to be collected in a real store environment. The respondents have been able to shop as usual in an environment with other customers, staff and physical factors in the store.

Rôle de la prise de perspective et de la flexibilité cognitive dans les déficits empathiques : application à la dépression sous-clinique. / The role of perspective-taking and cognitive flexibility in empathic deficits : application to subclinical depression.

El bouragui, Khira 09 November 2019 (has links)
La prise de perspective (PP) renvoie à la capacité de comprendre le point de vue psychologique d’autrui. Elle constitue une notion complexe, impliquant différents processus, comme la capacité de prendre conscience de soi et d’autrui, d’inhiber son point de vue, de passer d’un point de vue à un autre ou d’endosser la perspective d’autrui. Ces étapes mobilisent la conscience de soi (CS), la distinction soi-autrui (DSA) et la flexibilité cognitive (FC).Notre recherche vise à évaluer comment des déficits dans chacune de ces sphères pourraient sous-tendre une altération des capacités de PP. Pour ce faire, trois protocoles originaux sont utilisés : ils s’attachent à clarifier les liens entre la PP et les autres composantes empathiques à l’aide de mesures physiologiques, à évaluer les déficits des composantes évoquées dans la dépression sous-clinique et à tester l’effet de deux programmes d’entraînements (CF, PP) sur la symptomatologie dépressive.Les résultats montrent une implication de la PP comme processus transversal des réponses empathiques et son lien avec les composantes automatiques de l’empathie. Ils soutiennent l’existence d’un pattern de déficits en CS, DSA, FC et PP semblables à ceux mis en évidence dans les niveaux cliniques de dépression. Enfin, l’efficacité d’un entraînement à la CF sur les capacités de PP ajoute un argument au lien causal unissant les deux concepts. Nos résultats contribuent à mieux comprendre la dynamique commandant à une chaîne de déficits inter-reliés pour mieux prévenir la maladie chez les personnes à risques. / Perspective-taking (PT) refers to the ability to understand the psychological point of view of others. It is a complex notion involving the ability to become aware of oneself and others, to inhibit one's point of view, to move from one point of view to another and to adopt the perspective of others. These various stages mobilize self-consciousness (CS), self-other distinction (SOD) and cognitive flexibility (CF).Our research aims to evaluate how deficits in each of these spheres could underlie an alteration of perspective-taking abilities. To do so, it uses three original protocols aimed at clarifying the links between PT and the other empathic components by using physiological measures, evaluating the deficits of the processes mentioned in subclinical depression and to test the effect of two training programs (CF, PT) on depressive symptomatology.The results show PT involvement as a transversal process of empathic responses and its connection to the automatic components of empathy. They also support the existence of a pattern of deficits in CS, SOD, FC and PT similar to those found in clinical depression levels. Finally, the effectiveness of PT training on PT capabilities adds an argument to the causal link between these two concepts. Our results contribute to a better understanding of the dynamics driving a chain of interrelated deficits to better prevent the emergence of depression among people at risk.

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