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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Att våga skicka in pengarna : en studie om tillit och trygghet inom e-handel / Show me the money! A study of trust and security in e-commerce

Johansson, Emma, Efraimsson, Stina January 2012 (has links)
Internet har under de senaste decennierna haft en explosionsartad utveckling och transparensen som finns har öppnat många nya dörrar. Tillgängligheten har lett till att e-handel tar allt fler marknadsandelar och blir allt vanligare. Detta har dock väckt diskussion kring tillit och trygghet på Internet i allmänhet och vid e-handel i synnerhet. Avsikten med studien är att utröna vad det är som skapar tillit vid e-handel och syftet är att bidra med nya tillskott till den redan befintliga forskningen. Via en kvalitativ undersökning med personliga konsumentintervjuer som forskningsmetod har nya aspekter inom e-handel och tillit plockats fram. Slutsatser som kan dras av studien visar på att e-handelsföretag borde lägga stor vikt vid att bygga upp tillit hos sina konsumenter. Detta bör främst göras genom en bra siduppbyggnad med snygg design, bra system och olika betalningslösningar. Det är också centralt att lägga fokus på god kommunikation med konsumenterna och erbjuda en välfungerande kundtjänst. I kontrast till den teoretiska referensramen kan dessutom även konstateras att resultatet visar på att tredjepartssäkerhetscertifieringar inte har en sådan omfattande roll för tillit hos konsumenter som redan handlar på Internet som teorin tidigare påstått. / Program: Kandidatutbildning i företagsekonomi

E-newspaper Navigation - Designing navigational aids for a new electronic medium

Henriksson, Simon, Lindqvist, Mats, Söderblom, Martin January 2005 (has links)
<p>In this paper we examine the need of navigational aids when designing interfaces for e-newspapers </p><p>– newspapers presented on a digital paper built on E-Ink technology. By reviewing literature on </p><p>navigation, and by handling input from both newspaper designers and potential e-newspaper </p><p>adopters, we have suggested a number of navigational aids for the future e-newspaper. Our </p><p>suggestions have been tested through a prototype using a modification of the Cooperative </p><p>Usability Testing model (CUT) on a total of fifteen potential users. The results show that most </p><p>users prefer a linear organization of the e-newspaper. To render a sense of depth in this flat </p><p>medium, page-numbering is essential. Several different interaction possibilities will also be </p><p>needed to ease the navigation and our suggestions include a blend of page-turning and hyper </p><p>linking, combined with an index to give the user a better overview of the content.</p>

The Plausibility of implementing Receive Antenna Diversity in the Downlink of CDMA450 system

Sayago Montilla, David January 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Elektronisk Handel : Framtagning av två implementeringsmodeller

Lindgren, Sandra, Pettersson, Erik January 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Network Analyzer Functionality Simulator

Rodriguez, Ramón January 2007 (has links)
<p>The objective of this thesis work was to implement all the hardware and software necessary to simulate the functionality of a Vector Network Analyzer (VNA). With equipment that is already available, and is common in a measurement station, the most common functions of a VNA were implemented, using an Vector Signal Generator, that provide the signal for testing, and a Vector Signal Analyzer, to make all the amplitude and phase measurements. With these instruments and the appropriate software that control them, the basic functionality of a Vector Network Analyzer can be achieved with a reasonable accuracy. With this system, we can reduce costs, avoiding the need of a real VNA and take advantage off instruments that are already available in a laboratory. A Complete measurement system of all four scattering parameters is proposed at the end of the report for future implementation. With this implementation all the different S-parameter measurements were made with an acceptable accuracy that can be comparable to a commercial VNA.</p>

DEVELOPMENT OF AN EMI MEASUREMENT SYSTEM : Performance Analysis of Bluetooth communication under noise environment

Perez, Felix, Ferrer, Javier January 2008 (has links)
<p>This thesis is a project carried out at the “Centre for RF Measurements Technology of Gävle”. The first aim of this work was basically to develop an EMI measurement system, to that purpose, it has been used an EMI Tester receiver, Spectrum Analyzer and a broadband antenna. Tables and graphics are shown to provide the values of the different detectors utilized.</p><p>Using this measurement system, an interference file was recorded and then inserted in a Bluetooth communication model. The interference file was simulated with Matlab Simulink, to check how the interference affected the communication; the effects of the signal degradation are presented in a graphic.</p><p>Finally a real Bluetooth communication was established using two Bluetooth modules from Free2Move Company, to prove that the effect of microwave oven interferences produces the increase of transmission time and therefore decrease the Throughput.</p>

Tjockleksmätning med ultraljud : <em>Icke konventionell metod med signalbehandling</em>

Östlin, Anders January 2010 (has links)
<p>Tjockleksmätning av rör med ultraljud görs typiskt genom att mäta tiden mellan två efterföljande ekon av en utsänd puls. Detta är ofta en svår process som är känslig för störningar och påverkan utifrån. Denna rapport beskriver hur detta i stället kan göras i frekvensdomänen för att minska effekterna av dessa problem.</p><p>För att göra detta härleds en signalmodell som beskriver de effekter som är nödvändiga för att utföra mätningarna. Utifrån signalmodellen togs metoder fram för att analysera och fastställa tjockleken på den uppmätta signalen.</p><p>En av metoderna fungerar så bra att den skulle kunna användas.</p> / <p>Ultrasonic thickness gauging of steel tubes is typically performed by observing the time difference between two following echoes. This process is often connected to various problems regarding interference. This thesis describes how to avoid these problems by using signal processing and analyzing the signals in the frequency domain.</p><p>To achieve these results a signal model that describes the necessary effects is derived. From this model different measurement methods to analyze and determine the thickness are developed.</p><p>One of the methods proved to be useful.</p>

Utveckling av Vobbla Racing Produkters försäljning på internet

Thorstensson, Tony, Udd, Ola January 2008 (has links)
<p>Vobbla Racing is a racing team who has an online sales department that is in need of an upgrade to be more efficient and easier to use. Before this study their present homepage was anything but structured. The products were sorted in an illogical order which made it difficult for the customer to find a wanted product. The customer had to summarize the products, transport sums and other costs. The order had to be e-mailed or phoned in to Vobbla Racing Produkter. As new products arrived to the assortment a structured control of the warehouse was difficult to achieve. By creating a web shop and an online inventory system it will be more efficient and easier to use both for employee and costumer. An administrator shall by an administrator site handle the product-, order-, and menu information. The customer shall easily navigate through the product pages and add wanted products to the shopping cart. The customer shall also be able to register as a member of Vobbla Racing Produkter to easier place an order and to get information such as previous orders. We made an analysis of Vobbla Racing\2019s present sales procedure and their wanted situation which showed areas in their activities that were in need of efficiency. A survey was made for us to get a brief overview of how a web shop is build. It helped us to get an understanding in our planning of the web structure. The web shop is build with ASP that works against a database to get and store information. The products in the shopping cart are stored in a cookie so that the database and web shop doesn't get overloaded. The shopping cart is always available for the customer to give an overview of his products. Vobbla Racing Produkter is happy with the result. We created the critical parts for the shopping and inventory, but not everything we had hoped for.</p>

Elektronisk signatur : Hur säkra är elektroniska signaturer ur avtalsrättslig synpunkt?

Levén, Malin January 2005 (has links)
Communication between parties in an important process in their relationship can be based on a contract. This communication can for exemple be composed by a handwritten contract or an electronic contract. Contract law makes no difference between these two forms. to create more favourable requirements for commencing a contract or an ongoing contract there are possibilities to use standard agreements. Therefore a contract can be based on the will of the parties or on a standard agreement. An electronic signature shall secure that electronic transferred information has not been altered and also to identify the sender of the information. By way of encryption information in a document is guarded from unauthorized acess. Electronic signatures are produced by using encryption technology which is devided into two groups, symmetrical and asymmetrical encryption. It is possible to secure this encryption in a "smart card" which functions like a charge card. To verify a signature is just as important as using encryption to secure information. A third party can be engaged by both parties. A company or a public authority can be engaged as long as they have no interest in the intermediary information. Who this third party is can be confirmed in a certificate. This certificate can also consist of details about the sender confirming that it is the right party. Existing legislation is available since swedish contract law is applicable on electronic contracts and signatures. Two EC-directives concerning this area are also available for the parties to apply when using electronic contracts. Both directives are acknowledging electronic contracts and signatures the same legal effect as other forms of contracts, like handwritten and oral ones. Further they do not accept national laws that are making it difficult or that are forbidding the use of electronic communication.

Elektroniska fakturor till konsumenter : När kommer genombrottet?

Byström, Edvard, Lund, Oskar January 2005 (has links)
Sverige har idag nästan 5 miljoner privata Internetbanksavtal och elektroniska fakturor för privatkunder har funnits i drygt 8 år, ändå har genombrottet för e-Fakturan låtit vänta på sig. Genomsnittlig andel e-Fakturor hos de 287 organisationer som erbjuder tjänsten överstiger inte 4 procent. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att mäta nyttan av att erbjuda e-Faktura samt att svara på frågan varför tjänsten fått så litet genomslag bland både organisationer och konsumenter. Undersökningen grundar sig på en webbaserad enkät riktad till 190 av de anslutna organisationerna av vilka 41 procent valt att delta. Resultatet visar att e-Fakturan i genomsnitt innebär nästan en halvering av kostnaden per faktura men att detta bör sättas i relation till grundinvesteringen och antalet utställda fakturor. Den genomsnittliga återbetalningstiden är dock mindre än tre år och införandet uppges ha blivit både lättare och billigare än förväntat. Resultaten visar att organisationer generellt inte har någon anledning att vänta med att erbjuda e-Faktura till dess att intresset från konsumenter har ökat, då det även med dagens nivå betalar sig inom rimlig tid. Indikationer förekommer på att fler konsumenter skulle använda tjänsten om de kunde få alla sina fakturor som e-Faktura. Samtidigt tar det tid för konsumenter att ändra sina vanor och de gamla alternativen, pappersfaktura och autogiro, täcker fortfarande de flestas behov.

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