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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Beräkning av massa genom mätning av hydraultryck

Lynghed, Christoffer, Andersson, Viktor January 2009 (has links)
Vår uppgift var att ta fram en algoritm för hur lastens massa förhåller sig till hydraultrycket i ett hydraulsystem för en truck. Algoritmen skulle sedan implementeras i en vågprototyp. Lösningen skulle vara kostnadseffektiv. För att undersöka sambandet utfördes mätserier där vi provade olika komponenter. Resultatet av mätserierna analyserades och vi fann ett samband mellan massan och hydraultrycket. Med hjälp av sambandet kunde sedan programkod för en vågprototyp skrivas tillsammans med tillhörande funktioner. Resultatet blev en fungerande vågprototyp för trucken som användes. Denna prototyp behöver dock testas och utvärderas ytterligare på fler truckar innan en eventuell slutprodukt kan bli aktuell. / Our task was to develop an algorithm for the relationship between mass and hydraulic pressure in a hydraulic system in a forklift. The algorithm was then to be implemented in a prototype of a forklift scale. The solution had to be cost-effective. To examine the relationship we performed series of measurements in which various components were tested. The results of the measurements were analyzed and we found a correlation between mass and hydraulic pressure. Due to this we could write a code for a forklift scale prototype with features. The forklift scale prototype worked on the forklift that we used but it needs to be tested and evaluated further in more forklifts before a final product can be made.

Design of control system for metal dosing and transfer

Haichun, Cao January 2009 (has links)
<p>Developing an automatic control system from original stage is quite time consuming, a lot of works must be done before the final result, in order to save designing time and money, a systematic way to carry through development is necessary. This project will give an experience about using a systemic method to develop an automatic control system for metal dosing and transfer from original stage. The project will be divided into several different phases, and each phase focuses on some different important tasks. In this project a research of PLCs and stepper motors and then give suitable suggestions of selection of them have been done. One of important roles for this project is to develop a prototype machine and use computer to model and simulate prototype and whole machine, therefore, in this project, using SDL assistant with Matlab to model and simulate both prototype and whole machine have been processed. Because of some unexpected condition, this project doesn’t include real PLC programming.</p>

Enabling autonomous envionmental measurement systems with low-power wireless sensor networks

Bader, Sebastian January 2011 (has links)
Wireless Sensor Networks appear as a technology, which provides the basisfor a broad field of applications, drawing interest in various areas. On theone hand, they appear to allow the next step in computer networks, buildinglarge collections of simple objects, exchanging information with respect totheir environment or their own state. On the other hand, their ability tosense and communicate without a fixed physical infrastructure makes theman attractive technology to be used for measurement systems.Although the interest inWireless Sensor Network research is increasing,and new concepts and applications are being demonstrated, several fundamentalissues remain unsolved. While many of these issues do not requireto be solved for proof-of-concept designs, they are important issues to beaddressed when referring to the long-term operation of these systems. Oneof these issues is the system’s lifetime, which relates to the lifetime of thenodes, upon which the system is composed.This thesis focuses on node lifetime extension based on energy management.While some constraints and results might hold true from a moregeneral perspective, the main application target involves environmental measurementsystems based onWireless Sensor Networks. Lifetime extensionpossibilities, which are the result of application characteristics, by (i) reducingenergy consumption and (ii) utilizing energy harvesting are to be presented.For energy consumption, we show howprecise task scheduling due to nodesynchronization, combined with methods such as duty cycling and powerdomains, can optimize the overall energy use. With reference to the energysupply, the focus lies on solar-based solutions with special attentionplaced on their feasibility at locations with limited solar radiation. Furtherdimensioning of these systems is addressed.It will be shown, that for the presented application scenarios, near-perpetualnode lifetime can be obtained. This is achieved by focusing on efficient resourceusage and by means of a carefully designed energy supply.

Development of equipment for measuring Ocular Micro-Tremor

Muqdisi, Menhal January 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Characterization of Low Cost Printed Sensors for Smart Packaging

Unander, Tomas January 2008 (has links)
<p>Currently there are very significant interests in printed electronics in the world. The possibility to produce electronics in a roll to roll printing process will considerably reduce the cost of the electronic devices. However, these new devices will most probably not replace the traditional silicon based electronics, but will be a complement in low cost applications such as in intelligent packages and other printable media. One interesting area is printable low cost sensors that add value to packages. In this thesis a study of the performance of low cost sensors is presented. The sensors were fabricated using commercial printing processes used in the graphical printing business. The sensors were characterized and evaluated for the intended application. The evaluated sensors were moisture sensing sensor solutions and touch sensitive sensor solutions.</p><p>A printable touch sensitive sensor solution is presented where the sensor is incorporated into a high quality image such as in point of sales displays. The sensor solution showed good touch sensitivity at a variety of humidity levels. Four printed moisture sensor concepts are presented and characterized. Firstly, a moisture sensor that shows good correlation to the moisture content of cellulose based substrates. Secondly, a sensor that measures the relative humidity in the air, the sensor has a measuring accuracy of 0.22% at high relative humidity levels. Thirdly, a moisture sensor that utilizes unsintered silver nano-particles to measure the relative humidity in the air, the sensor has a linear response at very low relative humidity levels. And fourth, an action activated energy cell that provides power when activated by moisture. A concept of remote moisture sensing that utilizes ordinary low cost RFID tags has also been presented and characterized. The remote sensor solution works both with passive and semi-passive RFID systems. The study shows that it is possible to manufacture low cost sensors in commercial printing processes.</p> / <p>Det är för närvarande ett stort intresse för tryckt elektronik. Att kunna tillverka elektroniska komponenter i en rulle till rulle process möjliggör en reducering av tillverkningskostnaden. Dessa nya komponenter kommer sannolikt inte konkurrera ut den traditionella kiselbaserade elektroniken utan kommer att kunna komplimentera kiselelektronik i segment där kostnaden är väldigt viktig som i intelligenta förpackningar och andra tryckta medier. Ett intressant område är tryckta sensorer som kan addera värde till förpackningar. I denna avhandling presenteras en studie kring tryckta sensorer som kan tillverkas till låg kostnad. Sensorerna är tillverkade i kommersiella grafiska tryckpressar. Sensorerna karakteriseras och utvärderas för de applikationer som de är tänkta för. I denna avhandling har fuktsensorer och beröringskänsliga sensorer undersökts.</p><p>Det presenteras en tryckt beröringskänslig sensor som integreras i ett högkvalitativt grafiskt tryck. Denna sensor är tänkt att användas i reklamskyltar för att skapa interaktivitet. Sensorn har en bra känslighet vid varierande fukthalter. Även fyra fuktsensorer presenteras och utvärderas. Den första sensorn mäter fukthalten i cellulosabaserade substrat och visar en bra korrelation till fukthalten i substratet. Den andra sensorn mäter den relativa fukten i luften, denna sensor har en mätnoggrannhet på 0.22% för höga fukthalter. Den tredje sensorn använder partiklar i nanostorlek för att mäta fukthalten i luften. Denna sensor fungerar väldigt bra vid låga fukthalter. Den fjärde sensorn är en energicell som producerar el när den blir fuktig. Även en fuktsensor som kan läsas av på håll utvärderas. Detta sensorkoncept är baserad på vanliga RFID taggar och kan användas med både passiva och semi-passiva taggar. Denna avhandling visar att det är möjligt att tillverka sensorer till en låg kostnad in en traditionell grafisk tryckpress.</p>

Flit Synchronous Aelite Network on Chip

Subburaman, Mahesh Balaji January 2008 (has links)
<p> </p><p>The deep sub micron process technology and application convergence increases the design challenges in System-on-Chip (SoC). The traditional bus based on chip communication are not scalable and fails to deliver the performance requirements of the complex SoC. The Network on Chip (NoC) has been emerged as a solution to address these complexities of a efficient, high performance, scalable SoC design. The Aethereal NoC provides the latency and throughput bounds by pipelined timedivision multiplexed (TDM) circuit switching architecture. A global synchronous clock defines the timing for TDM, which is not beneficial for decreasing process geometry and increasing clock frequency. This thesis work focuses on the Aelite NoC architecture. The Aelite NoC offering guaranteed services exploits the complexities of System-on-Chip design with real time requirements. The Aelite NoC implements flit synchronous communication using mesochronous and asynchronous links.</p><p> </p><p> </p>

Design av stimuligenerator för radarmålsökare / Design of a stimuli generator for radar target seekers

Brodin, Johan January 2009 (has links)
<p>During the development of microwave based sensors such as radar target seekers, input signals are needed to verify the performance of the system. Therefore, a channel board has been developed by previous thesis projects at Saab Bofors Dynamics. It uses a technique called Digital Radio Frequency Memory (DRFM). The purpose of this board is to sample and digitally store radio frequency signals in order to reconstruct them after a certain delay.</p><p>The aim of this thesis project was to use the channel board named above to construct a portable instrument for generation of stimuli signals. This assignment has been divided into two tasks: firstly, to construct and put together the hardware components and secondly, to implement a graphical user interface for the instrument. An embedded computer from VIATechnologies with the form factor Nano-ITX was chosen. Since Ethernet is the communication interface on the channel board, a commercial network router was used establish the connection between the channel board and the computer. In order to simplify future development the first step was to implement device drivers that support all functions of the channel board. These drivers where then used for the design of a graphical user interface.</p><p>The result of this project was a portable stimuli generator with a graphical user interface which can be used for target echo generation as well as a generic signal generator. The functionality of the instrument was verified through generation of known signal patterns which were measured and proven to be correct with a digital oscilloscope.</p> / <p>Under utvecklingen av sensorer baserade på mikrovågsteknik, exempelvis radarmålsökare behövs insignaler som efterliknar verkligheten för att verifiera systemens prestanda. För detta ändamål har Saab Bofors Dynamics i samband med tidigare examensarbeten utvecklat ett kanalkort med en teknik som kallas Digitalt Radiofrekvent Minne (DRFM). Syftet med detta kort är att sampla och lagra högfrekventa radiovågor digitalt, för att efter en valbar tidsfördröjning rekonstruera dessa signaler.</p><p>I detta examensarbete har kanalkorten använts för att konstruera ett portabelt instrument för generering av godtyckliga stimulisignaler. Arbetet har bestått av två större delmoment, konstruktion och sammansättning av instrumentet samt implementation av ett grafiskt användargränssnitt. Ett inbyggt moderkort på formatet Nano-ITX från VIA Technologies valdes som inbyggd dator och kommunicerar med kanalkorten över Ethernet via en nätverksrouter. För att förenkla utvecklingen av mjukvara inleddes arbetet med att ta fram drivrutiner med stöd för kanalkortets samtliga funktioner. Dessa utnyttjades sedan för att bygga upp instrumentets användargränssnitt och kan med fördel användas vid framtida vidareutveckling.</p><p>Resultatet blev en portabel stimuligenerator som med det grafiska användargränssnittet kan användas för målekogenerering och som en generisk signalgenerator. Instrumentets funktionalitet verifierades genom att generera kända signalmönster vilka sedan mättes och kontrollerades med ett digitalt oscilloskop.</p>

Mean Value Model of the Gas Temperature at the Exhaust Valve / Medelvärdesmodell av gastemperaturen vid avgasventilen

Ainouz, Filip, Vedholm, Jonas January 2009 (has links)
<p>Over the years many investigations of the gas temperature at the exhaust valve have been made. Nevertheless the modeling of the gas temperature still remains an unsolved problem. This master thesis approaches the problem by attempting to model the exhaust gas temperature by using the standard sensors equipped in SI engines, together with an in-cylinder pressure sensor which is needed in order to develop certain models. The concept in the master thesis is based upon a parameterization of the ideal Otto cycle with tuning parameters which all have physical meanings. Input variables required for the parameterization model is obtained from a fix point iteration method. This method was developed in order to improve the estimates of residual gas fraction, residual gas temperature and variables dependent of those, such as temperature at intake valve closing. The mean value model of the temperature, at the exhaust valve, is based upon the assumption of the ideal gas law, and that the burned gases undergoe a polytropic expansion into the exhaust manifold. Input variables to the entire model are intake manifold pressure, exhaust manifold pressure, intake manifold temperature, engine speed, air mass flow, cylinder pressure, air-to-fuel equivalence ratio, volume, and ignition timing. A useful aspect with modeling the exhaust gas temperature is the possibility to implement it in turbo modeling. By modeling the exhaust gas temperature the control of the turbo can be enhanced, due to the fact that energy is temperature dependent. Another useful aspect with the project is that the model can be utilized in diagnostics, to avoid hardware redundency in the creation of the desired residuals.</p>

System analysis of a diesel engine with VGT and EGR

Johansson, Thomas January 2005 (has links)
<p>To fulfil emission requirements specified by environment demands, such as Euro 4 and Euro 5, there is a need to utilize engines based on technologies such as Variable Turbine Geometry (VGT) and Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR). A model of an engine using VGT and EGR was created by Ph.D student Johan Wahlström at Linköping University. This thesis evaluates Wahlström's model and shows how it successfully describes the engine and its behaviour. The thesis also confirms theories about the occurrens of non.minimum phase behaviour in different transfer functions, e.g. from VGT signal to the mass flow through the compressor.</p><p>An interesting phenomenon when applying VGT and EGR is a nonlinearity leading to, for example, that the same pressure in the intake manifold can occur for two different VGT signals. Such phenomenon can cause problems when designing a control system. Furthermore, this nonlinearity also results in a replacement of the nonminimum phase behaviour with an overshoot when a large (above 80%) VGT control signal is used.</p><p>This thesis also provides a linearized model, which describes the engine satisfactory. The linearization results in transfer functions with two zeros and three poles, whose locations do not change much when varying engine speed and load (except at high load and low engine speed). This fact will most likely make it possible to utilize just a few different linearizations for all speeds and loads. However, altering VGT and EGR positions greatly affect the transfer functions. Thus, several linearizations are probably needed to cover all operating points.</p><p>When designing a future control system a good strategy is to utilize a decoupled system since the model has strong cross-connections. Another solution would be to apply multi dimensional control strategy, e.g. LQ-theory.</p>

High precision frequency synchronization via IP networks

Gustafsson, Andreas, Hir, Danijel January 2010 (has links)
<p>This  report  is  a  part  of  a  master  thesis  project  done  at  Ericsson  Linköping  incooperation with Linköpings Tekniska Högskola (LiTH). This project is divided intwo different parts.  The first part is to create a measurement node that collectsand processes data from network time protocol servers.   It is used to determinethe  quality  of  the  IP  network  at  the  node  and  detect  potential  defects  on  usedtimeservers or nodes on the networks.The second assignment is to analyze the collected data and further improve theexisting synchronization algorithm.  Ip communication is not designed to be timecritical and therefore the NTP protocol needs to be complemented with additionalsignal processing to achieve required accuracy.  Real time requirements limit thecomputational complexity of the signal processing algorithm.</p>

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