Spelling suggestions: "subject:"embedded"" "subject:"imbedded""
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Flight Software Development for Demise Observation CapsuleZamouril, Jakub January 2017 (has links)
This work describes the process of the design of a flight software for a space-qualified device, outlines the development and testing of the SW, and provides a description of the final product. The flight software described in this work has been developed for the project Demise Observation Capsule (DOC). DOC is a device planned to be attached to an upper stage of a launch vehicle and observe its demise during atmospheric re-entry at the end of its mission. Due to constraint on communication time during the mission and the need to maximize the amount of transferred data, a custom communication protocol has been developed. / Demise Observation Capsule
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Early Detection Of Artificial Deadlocks In Process NetworksBharath, N 05 1900 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.
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Proposta para aceleração de desempenho de algoritmos de visão computacional em sistemas embarcados / Proposed algorithms performance acceleration computer vision in embedded systemsAndré Márcio de Lima Curvello 10 June 2016 (has links)
O presente trabalho apresenta um benchmark para avaliar o desempenho de uma plataforma embarcada WandBoard Quad no processamento de imagens, considerando o uso da sua GPU Vivante GC2000 na execução de rotinas usando OpenGL ES 2.0. Para esse fim, foi tomado por base a execução de filtros de imagem em CPU e GPU. Os filtros são as aplicações mais comumente utilizadas em processamento de imagens, que por sua vez operam por meio de convoluções, técnica esta que faz uso de sucessivas multiplicações matriciais, o que justifica um alto custo computacional dos algoritmos de filtros de imagem em processamento de imagens. Dessa forma, o emprego da GPU em sistemas embarcados é uma interessante alternativa que torna viável a realização de processamento de imagem nestes sistemas, pois além de fazer uso de um recurso presente em uma grande gama de dispositivos presentes no mercado, é capaz de acelerar a execução de algoritmos de processamento de imagem, que por sua vez são a base para aplicações de visão computacional tais como reconhecimento facial, reconhecimento de gestos, dentre outras. Tais aplicações tornam-se cada vez mais requisitadas em um cenário de uso e consumo em aplicações modernas de sistemas embarcados. Para embasar esse objetivo foram realizados estudos comparativos de desempenho entre sistemas e entre bibliotecas capazes de auxiliar no aproveitamento de recursos de processadores multicore. Para comprovar o potencial do assunto abordado e fundamentar a proposta do presente trabalho, foi realizado um benchmark na forma de uma sequência de testes, tendo como alvo uma aplicação modelo que executa o algoritmo do Filtro de Sobel sobre um fluxo de imagens capturadas de uma webcam. A aplicação foi executada diretamente na CPU e também na GPU embarcada. Como resultado, a execução em GPU por meio de OpenGL ES 2.0 alcançou desempenho quase 10 vezes maior com relação à execução em CPU, e considerando tempos de readback, obteve ganho de desempenho total de até 4 vezes. / This work presents a benchmark for evaluating the performance of an embedded WandBoard Quad platform in image processing, considering the use of its GPU Vivante GC2000 in executing routines using OpenGL ES 2.0. To this goal, it has relied upon the execution of image filters in CPU and GPU. The filters are the most commonly applications used in image processing, which in turn operate through convolutions, a technique which makes use of successive matrix multiplications, which justifies a high computational cost of image filters algorithms for image processing. Thus, the use of the GPU for embedded systems is an interesting alternative that makes it feasible to image processing performing in these systems, as well as make use of a present feature in a wide range of devices on the market, it is able to accelerate image processing algorithms, which in turn are the basis for computer vision applications such as facial recognition, gesture recognition, among others. Such applications become increasingly required in a consumption and usage scenario in modern applications of embedded systems. To support this goal were carried out a comparative studies of performance between systems and between libraries capable of assisting in the use of multicore processors resources. To prove the potential of the subject matter and explain the purpose of this study, it was performed a benchmark in the form of a sequence of tests, targeting a model application that runs Sobel filter algorithm on a stream of images captured from a webcam. The application was performed directly on the embbedded CPU and GPU. As a result, running on GPU via OpenGL ES 2.0 performance achieved nearly 10 times higher with respect to the running CPU, and considering readback times, achieved total performance gain of up to 4 times.
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The car is the most common vehicle in the world. Millions of cars are produced annually. In order for each car to find its buyer, car companies are forced to constantly improve the design of the car. Modern models are emerging, new car systems are being developed and implemented. All this is accompanied by a huge flow of information, in which it is easy to get lost. This master’s work is devoted to the trace analysis and connection of two different files. The paper proposes a developed algorithm of trace analysis for some functions of the vehicle in the C++ programming language. The files that we use to trace analysis relate to the model and the final result of its simulation.EATOP is a tool with which a model based on the EAST-ADL language was developed. Adapt is an event simulator with which our model of automotive functionality was simulated. The purpose of the study is to identify possible ways to meet timing requirements. The work is carried out in collaboration with Volvo Group Truck Technology. This company provided the LogFile, which presents results of the simulation, and model. We get an analysis of performance, one of the ways to trace data and timing. The results of our implementation are presented and discussed.
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Vzdáleně řízený termostat / Remotely controlled thermostatZávodný, Vilém January 2014 (has links)
The aim of my thesis is to understand the manufactured thermostats and design own thermostat to allow the most basic possibilities classical thermostats plus setup and management via web interface. It is a realization of a small web server that works closely with hardware peripherals. In addition, the web interface is still possible to manage a Web server of TFT LCD screen or applications for smart phone with Android. In addition, the thermostat allows the temperature reading from the BLE modules. All temperatures are continuously stored in a database and graphically processed.
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Autonomní generátor testovacích skriptů / Autonomous generator of test scriptsHorký, Stanislav January 2015 (has links)
The subject of this master thesis are state machines and their testing. To this purpose, an application is described, which is able to test these state machines autonomously. Application have two parts, first generator and editor of data is built and second part is testing procedure, which is able to test state machines in question and to give corresponding test report.
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Realizace terminálu pro vzdálenou vizualizaci a ovládání obytného domu / Terminal for remote visualization and control conditions in the houseSzalay, Patrik January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the modification of an existing device for controlling the heating system of the house. The original proposal builds on my bachelor thesis Terminal for visualization and control conditions in a house. Adjustments are based on the findings of the test operation and the deficiencies found in everyday operations. Here, the emphasis is on simple design, low acquisition cost and durability of the resulting device. Newly designed wireless units will replace the original wired sensors, as well as the control unit of the existing device based on the prototype system will be replaced with a new wireless central unit. The alphanumeric display with control buttons will remain as the control panel of this unit. The wireless central unit is connected via a serial communication interface to the visualization and control unit, which extends the offered options of the heating control system.
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Development of Generic Communication Middleware for Embedded Sensor Systems Transmitting Health ParametersKailayanathan, Subaharan, Kamdod, Saji January 2020 (has links)
Health technology or e-Health is one of the most rapidly growing areas in healthcare today and it has been an important requirement as a new concept of healthcare industry. Since global society has been changed to aging society and the healthcare cost has been increasing in the 21st century since 2007. As the total number of people aged 65 or older is expected to increase from 12% to 22% in 2050 which is double the rate, and at the same time there is a decrease in in-fertility rates and increase in life expectancy due to the increase in life quality, there is a need to investigate the needs and requirements of an intelligent embedded sensor systems in health applications, and to develop a new communication protocol or set of protocols that can be used to send data collected from a hub within a house, home-care or a complex and send it securely and reliably to a central database where the gathered data can be monitored by a medical professional to make decisions for further interventions. The employed communication protocol should also be able to securely transmit confidential parameters from the hospital network to a central server outside of the hospital network. The final protocol must be inline with the regulations of the EU. This thesis is done in collaboration with Tjeders AB, Stille AB, and Embedded Sensor Systems for Health Plus (ESS-H+) research profile at Mälardalen University. In this thesis, different communication protocols such as IPSec and TLS and algorithms such as AES and RSA are examined and based on the requirements provided by the companies certain of these protocols and algorithms will be used in the final implementation. Different performance metrics such as overhead, round trip delay and throughput will be measured for the chosen communication protocols and recommendations will be given on which of the protocols and algorithms needs to be used to obtain an optimized, secure and reliable network.
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Tool Integration and Safety : A Foundation for Analysing the Impact of Tool Integrationon Non-functional PropertiesAsplund, Fredrik January 2012 (has links)
The increasing complexity of embedded systems development is becoming difficult to handle with development environments based on disjoint engineering tools. Support for interactions between various engineering tools, especially through automated means, has therefore received an increased amount of attention during the last few years. The subsequent increase in the amount of tool integration is leading to an increased impact of tool integration on non-functional properties of development efforts, development environments and end products. At the same time there is a lack of methods and tools for analysing the relationship between these properties and tool integration. To establish a foundation for analysing this generic relationship, the specific relationship between tool integration and the safety of end products is analysed in this thesis. A survey was conducted to analyze the State of the Art of tool integration as related to safety. This survey specifically identified the lack of an efficient handling of tool integration by modern safety standards as an important concern. In relation to this survey, three theories were identified as of specific importance. These are the school of thought known as Systems Thinking, the Systems-Theoretic Accident Model and Processes (STAMP) causality model and the System-Theoretic Process Analysis (STPA) hazard analysis technique. Building on these theories, this thesis provides original contributions intended to (1) describe concepts and models related to tool integration and safety (the first and second contribution), (2) link tool integration to safety in a way that reduces complexity during analysis (the third contribution) and (3) propose how to interpret and make use of the implications of the presented theories and the first three contributions (the fourth and fifth contribution). • The first contribution is a new conceptual model of a development effort that emphasizes tool integration. • The second contribution is a new reference model for tool integration in highly heterogeneous environments. • The third contribution consists of nine safety-related tool chain properties, i.e. properties of tool chains that could mitigate at least part of the risks introduced by tool integration. • The fourth contribution is a proposition on how to identify safety implications due to a high level of automation of tool integration. • The fifth contribution is a proposition for a new software tool qualification process.
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Utveckling av sensorbaserat system för personräkning i inomhusmiljö / Development of sensor-based system for indoor people countingSandström, Joakim January 2021 (has links)
I det här arbetet presenteras ett system som utvecklats i syfte att kunna räkna personer. Systemet är tänkt att användas i mötesrum för upp till tio personer och använder sig av infraröd teknik i form av thermopile arrayer. I arbetet har tre olika sensorer använts för utvärdering. Sensorerna som använts är Panasonic Grid-EYE med pixelupplösningen 8×8 och detekteringsvinkeln 60°×60° samt två stycken Heimann 32x32d, båda med upplösningen 32×32 pixlar, men med detekteringsvinkeln 90°×90° respektive 105°×105°. Systemet är programmerat med hjälp av utvecklingskortet STM32L476RG och är skrivet i språket C. I systemet används två metoder för att beräkna antalet personer. Den ena metoden jämför temperaturförändringen i ett rum i förhållande till då rummet är tomt och den andra metoden använder sig av bildbehandlingsmetoder som interpolering, filtrering och beräkning av area. Sensorerna utvärderas även individuellt utifrån egenskaper som noggrannhet, strömförbrukning och implementationskostnad. Script har även skapats i MATLAB som, i kombination med mikrokontrollern, används för att grafiskt presentera temperaturvärdena från sensorerna. Den sensor som visade sig vara bäst lämpad för att räkna personer är Heimann 32×32d med detekteringsvinkeln 105°×105°. Detta tack vare den större detekteringsvinkeln som resulterar i en större detekterbar yta samt upplösningen på totalt 1024 pixlar som sammantaget ger en högre noggrannhet för personräkning. Denna sensor kräver dock mer komplexa och tidskrävande beräkningar för behandling av data än Grid-EYE. Dessa skillnader är ändå marginella, där noggrannheten och den större detekterbara arean väger upp nackdelarna. De experimentella resultaten visar att Heimann 32×32d med 105°×105° ger en noggrannhet på c:a 98.3 % vid mätning på höjden 2.45 m. Detta motsvarar en yta på c:a 39.1 m2 och systemet kan räkna upp till minst 4 personer. För Grid-EYE och samma höjd har ej noggrannheten fastställts, men har endast en detekterbar yta på c:a 7.7 m2 där maximalt 4 personer bedöms kunna räknas. / In this work, a system is being developed with the purpose of counting people. The system is intended for use in meeting rooms for up to ten persons and utilizes infrared technique using thermopile arrays. For this work, three different sensor have been used for evaluation. A Panasonic Grid-EYE with a resolution of 8×8 and a Field of View (FoV) of 60°×60°, and two Heimann 32×32d sensors, both having a resolution of 32×32, but with the FoV 90°×90° and 105°×105° respectively. The system has been programmed using the microcontroller STM32L476RG, and with the programming language C. In this system, two methods for people counting has been implemented. The first method compares the total change in temperature of a room in relation to when the room is empty and the other method uses image processing methods, such as interpolation, filtering and area calculations. The sensors are also being evaluated individually, based on characteristics such as accuracy, current consumption and implementation cost. To graphically display the temperature values of the sensors, scripts has been made for MATLAB that uses information sent by the microcontroller. The sensor which seem to be best suited for counting people is the Heimann 32×32d with the FoV 105°×105°. The main advantage of this sensor is its wider FoV, covering a larger area, and its higher resolution, which overall yields a higher accuracy when counting people. However, this sensor requires more complex and time-consuming calculations when processing data than the Grid-EYE. Still, these differences are marginal where the accuracy and the larger detectable area for the HTPA outweighs its disadvantages. The experimental results shows that the Heimann sensor with 105°×105° FoV can achieve an accuracy of ≈98.3 % measuring at a height of 2.45 m. At this height, the detectable area for the sensor is ≈39.1 m2 and is being able to count up to at least 4 persons. As for the Grid-EYE and with the same scenario, the accuracy has not been determined, but has a detectable area of ≈7.7 m2 and is estimated being able to count up to a maximum of 4 persons.
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