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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Determinants of work engagement and organisational citizenship behaviour amongst nurses

Herholdt, Karin 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MCom)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: South Africa has a population of just over 50 million people. However, there are only approximately 260 698 nurses according to the register of the South African Nursing Council. The nursing shortage is not only limited to South Africa, but is a global phenomenon, and this shortage is getting worse every day. Various factors can be blamed for the increasing nursing shortage. Every day nurses face demanding working hours, stressful work environments and a large shortage of resources. Nurses from private hospitals regard themselves as "overworked money-making machines". Nevertheless, the health care needed by the population of South Africa is rapidly increasing. The high prevalence of HIV/AIDS is also a challenging contributor, worsening the nursing shortage crisis. The current dysfunctional nursing situation in the healthcare facilities of South Africa reflects a negative image of the nursing profession. Consequently, the number of individuals considering nursing as a profession is decreasing. The nursing shortage is not only a threat to the wellbeing of nurses, but to the lives of millions of South Africans who need health care. A common phenomenon amongst nurses is burnout, which leads to decreased quality of care and high turnover rates and contributes to the nursing shortage. Also, other nurses experience work engagement and display organisational citizenship behaviour in the same working environments than the nurses who experience burnout. Work engagement (WE) and organisational citizenship behaviour (OCB) are ideal outcomes. This study investigated distinguishing factors between nurses that allow them to experience WE and exhibit OCB. The Job Demands-Resources model played an integral role in the study. Therefore, the specific focus of the study was job and personal resources, as well as job demands, as factors contributing to WE and OCB amongst nurses. Servant leadership (SL) as job resource, psychological capital (PsyCap) as personal resource, and IT (Illegitimate tasks) as job demand were identified as possible factors that explain the variance in WE and OCB. A literature review was conducted in which prominent antecedents of WE and OCB were identified. A number of hypotheses were formulated and tested by means of an ex post facto correlation design. The unit of analysis was nurses from two of the largest private hospital groups in South Africa. The nurses were employed at one hospital in Gauteng and three hospitals in the Western Cape. Data was collected from 208 nurses located within the chosen hospitals. Data collection on all five variables, namely work engagement, organisational citizenship behaviour, servant leadership, psychological capital and IT, was conducted by means of self-administered questionnaires. The measurements included in the self-administered questionnaire were selected in terms of their validity and reliability. The following measurements were included; Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES), Organisational Citizenship Checklist (OCB-C), Servant Leadership Questionnaire (SLQ), Psychological Capital Questionnaire (PCQ) and the Bern Illegitimate Task Scale (BITS). The data collected was analysed by means of item analyses and structural equation modelling. A PLS path analysis was conducted to determine the model fit. The most significant findings were that SL, as a job resource, and PsyCap, as a personal resource, were positively related to WE amongst nurses. The results also revealed that PsyCap was positively related to OCB. Lastly, it was found that IT, as a job demand, are negatively related to WE amongst nurses. These results support the assumptions of the JD-R model that specific job and personal resources lead to WE. The results provide guidelines regarding practical managerial implications and strategies to address the challenges experienced by nurses. The results, together with the managerial implications, made it possible to provide valuable insights and recommendations for industrial psychologists, as well as for further studies. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Suid-Afrika het ‘n bevolking van net oor die 50 miljoen mense. Daar is egter volgens die register van die Suid-Afrikaanse Verpleegkunderaad net omtrent 260 698 verpleërs. Die tekort aan verpleërs is nie net tot Suid-Afrika beperk nie, maar is ‘n globale fenomeen, en die tekort word elke dag groter. Verskeie faktore kan vir die toenemende verpleërtekort blameer word. Verpleërs word elke dag gekonfronteer met veeleisende werksure, stresvolle werksomstandighede en ‘n groot tekort aan hulpbronne. Verpleërs by privaat hospitale beskou hulleself as “oorwerkte geldmaakmasjiene”. Nietemin neem die gesondheidsorg wat deur die Suid-Afrikaanse bevolking benodig word, vinnig toe. Die hoë voorkoms van MIV/VIGS is ook ‘n uitdagende bydraer wat die verpleërtekort vererger. Die huidige wanfunksionele verpleegtoestand in die gesondheidsorgfasiliteite van Suid-Afrika word weerspieël in die negatiewe beeld van die verpleegberoep. Gevolglik verminder die getal mense wat verpleging as ‘n beroep oorweeg. Die verpleërtekort bedreig nie net die welstand van verpleërs nie, maar ook die lewens van miljoene Suid-Afrikaners wat gesondheidsorg benodig. ‘n Algemene verskynsel onder verpleërs is uitbranding (burnout), wat lei tot ‘n afname in die kwaliteit van sorg en hoë omsetkoerse en bydra tot die verpleërtekort. Ander verpleërs ervaar egter werksbetrokkenheid (work engagement) en vertoon organisatoriese burgerskapsgedrag (organisational citizenship behaviour) in dieselfde omgewing waar verpleërs uitbranding ervaar. Werksbetrokkenheid en organisatoriese burgerskapsgedrag is ideale uitkomstes. Hierdie studie het onderskeidende faktore onder verpleërs ondersoek wat hulle toelaat om werksbetrokkenheid te ervaar en organisatoriese burgerskapsgedrag te vertoon. Die model van werkseise en hulpbronne (Job Demands-Resources (JD-R) model) het ‘n integrale rol in die studie gespeel. Die spesifieke fokus van die studie was dus op werks- en persoonlike hulpbronne, sowel as werkseise, as faktore wat bydra tot werksbetrokkenheid en organisatoriese burgerskapsgedrag onder verpleërs. Dienaarleierskap en sielkundige kapitaal as werkshulpbronne, en illegitieme take as werkseis, is geïdentifiseer as moontlike faktore wat die verskil in betrokkenheid en organisatoriese burgerskapsgedrag verklaar. ‘n Literatuuroorsig is onderneem waarin belangrike antesedente van betrokkenheid en organisatoriese burgerskapsgedrag geïdentifiseer is. ‘n Aantal hipoteses is geformuleer en deur middel van ‘n ex post facto korrelasie-ontwerp getoets. Die eenheid van analise was verpleërs werksaam by twee van die grootste privaathospitaalgroepe in Suid-Afrika. Die verpleërs was werksaam by een hospitaal in Gauteng en drie hospitale in die Wes-Kaap. Data is by 208 verpleërs in die gekose hospitale versamel. Dataversameling oor al vyf veranderlikes, naamlik werksbetrokkenheid, organisatoriese burgerskapsgedrag, dienaarleierskap, sielkundige kapitaal en illegitieme take, is deur middel van selftoepasvraelyste versamel. Die volgende metings is ingesluit: Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES), Organisational Citizenship Checklist (OCB-C), Servant Leadership Questionnaire (SLQ), Psychological Capital Questionnaire (PCQ) en die Bern Illegitimate Task Scale (BITS). Die versamelde data is deur middel van item-ontleding en struktuurvergelykingsontleding geanaliseer. ‘n Gedeeltelike kleinstekwadrate-baananalise (partial least squares path analysis) is onderneem om die passing van die model te bepaal. Die belangrikste bevindinge was dat dienaarleierskap, as ‘n werkshulpbron, en sielkundige kapitaal, as ‘n persoonlike hulpbron, positief verband hou met werksbetrokkenheid onder verpleërs. Die resultate toon ook dat sielkundige kapitaal positief verband hou met organisatoriese burgerskapsgedrag. Laastens is bevind dat illegitieme take, as ‘n werkseis, negatief verband hou met werksbetrokkenheid onder verpleërs. Hierdie resultate ondersteun die aannames van die model van werkseise en hulpbronne (J-DR) dat spesifieke werks- en persoonlike hulpbronne lei tot werksbetrokkenheid. Die resultate verskaf riglyne vir praktiese bestuursimplikasies en strategieë om die uitdagings wat deur verpleërs ervaar word, aan te spreek. Die resultate, tesame met die bestuursimplikasies, het dit moontlik gemaak om waardevolle insigte en aanbevelings vir bedryfsielkundiges, asook vir verdere studies, te maak.

The influence of team dialogue sessions on employee engagement

Seymour, Michael Andrew Warwick 02 1900 (has links)
Orientation: This study is about team dialogue and how dialogue in teams may impact on levels of employee engagement, especially how this can be applied and used in Industrial & Organisational Psychology. Research purpose: The aim of this study was to investigate the influence that dialogue sessions in work teams may have on employee engagement. Motivation for the study: The manager and first-line superior play a crucial role in facilitating and enabling the connection between the employee and the organisation and how this impacts on employee engagement. When practised successfully, dialogue may have an influence on the level of employee engagement, as it allows groups to move beyond any one individual’s understanding to gain new insights and to create ideas in ways that could not be achieved individually. It may be argued that team dialogue and relational practices could assist in improving employee engagement in the South African workplace. Research design, approach and method: The study used a quasi-experimental approach in terms of which an experimental group was exposed to an organisational development intervention of team dialogues over a period of time and then compared to a control group that had not been exposed to the organisational development team dialogue intervention. The main findings were reported and discussed, and recommendations were made. Main findings: Team dialogues have an impact on employee engagement Contributions/value add: This study contributes to the field of Industrial & Organisational Psychology in that it demonstrates the influence that team dialogue has on employee engagement. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M. Com. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)

Relationships between intrinsic motivation, social support and work engagement of shift workers in a South African chemical company

Mokalake, Kgomotso Silvia 11 1900 (has links)
The aim of the study was to investigate whether statistically and practically significant positive relationships exist between intrinsic motivation, social support and work engagement of shift workers in a South African Chemical Company. The expected outcome was to find statistically and practically significant positive correlations between these variables for these workers. A cross sectional survey was conducted among a sample of 207 shift workers from a South African Chemical Company. Data was collected by means of existing standardised and validated questionnaires, to measure intrinsic motivation (six-item measure) validated by Kuvaas and Dysvik, 2009, perceived social support (Work Experiences Scale, May, Gilson, & Harter, 2004), and work engagement (Utrecht Work Engagement Scale, Henn & Barkhuizen, 2009; Shimazu & Schaufeli, 2009). The statistical analysis included descriptive statistics, and Pearson product-moment correlation coefficients. The results showed that there were statistically and practically significant positive relationships between these variables for this sample group / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M. Com. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)

An evaluation of employee assistance programmes and the impact of workplace wellness on employee productivity: a case study of the Eastern Cape Provincial (2007-2012)

Mazantsana, Nomzamo January 2012 (has links)
An employee wellness programme is a programme that promotes and supports the well-being of its employees and is aimed at increasing productivity. Employee Assistance Programmes (EAPs) are used as a means of ensuring employee wellness. Employee Assistance Programme can be defined as a programme aimed at improving the quality of life of employees and their families by providing support and helping to alleviate the impact of everyday work and personal problems. EAPs are intended to help employees deal with their personal problems that might adversely impact their work performance, health and well-being. The main goal of the EAP is to enhance productivity as well as social functioning of individuals.The main objective of the study as to evaluate the Employee Assistance Programmes and the impact of Workplace Wellness on employee performance in the Eastern Cape Provincial Legislature. This was triggered by the fact that Wellness and EAPs are not visible in the ECPL and the Legislature continues to lose employees due to ill-health and resignations. The institution is characterised by a culture of “us” and “them”, us, referring to Labour and them to Management, and therefore resulting in low staff morale. This raised some concern from the researcher as there is an EAP paid for by the Legislature, but awareness, utilisation and effectiveness of the programme remain a challenge. Due to the nature of the institution’s core business, it is perhaps even more vital for the Legislature to create an organisational culture of caring and employees to be nurtured. It is believed that it is more cost effective and beneficial to both the employer and the employee to retain trained employees, than it is to lose troubled employees and hire new ones, in particular because there is no guarantee that the new ones will not, in time also show signs of problems. The researcher used applied research in this study to explore the need for the EAP as well as how best the programme can be implemented. A combination of an explanatory-descriptive design was used for this study because little is known about the phenomenon or programme. For this research, the researcher used a combination of interval/systematic and random sampling to complement each other in reducing any bias that has the potential of occurring when applying interval/systematic sampling. To get representation and precision, the researcher divided 285 employees according to their ranks. The results from this attempt were: Secretariat=25, Management=42, Administrative staff=196, General Workers=33 NEHAWU Shopstewards=10. The researcher then divided employees in each respective category by one tenth or 10% of each category to get the number of respondents from each category to be included in the sample and added up all categories to get the sample size. The sample of this study was thus, Secretariat=1, Management=4, Administrative staff=20, General workers=3 and NEHAWU Shopstewards=1 and made up a sample size of 29. Only one questionnaire was compiled for all the respondents because EAP recognise that employees start from the CEO of a company to the lowest paid employee in that company and, as such considers all employees to be equal. Research results indicated that there are some limitations in the utilisation of EAP and that employees are faced with both personal and work-related problems. Thus it became clear that the whole concept of Employee Wellness and Employee Assistance Programmes needed to be overhauled and restructured to ensure maximum benefit.

The impact of transformational leadership on subordinate job satisfaction

Balgobind, Vanisha 06 1900 (has links)
The aim of the study was to determine the impact of transformational leadership styles of managers on subordinates' job satisfaction, in a steel and mining company. Leadership was conceptualised from the trait, behavioural, contingency and neocharismatic theories. Job satisfaction was derived from content and process theories.The literature highlighted leadership and job satisfaction theories, the changing context of leadership and research of both transformational leadership and job satisfaction. The study was exploratory and a random sample (N=126) was used. The Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire was used to measure transformational leadership and the Job Satisfaction Survey was used to measure subordinate job satisfaction. The results indicated that there was a significant impact of transformational leadership styles of managers on subordinates' job satisfaction, more specifically, in terms of fringe benefits and pay dimensions of job satisfaction, as well as the biographical variable, age. Future research may include transformational leadership styles and other variables such as performance and productivity in the steel and mining industry as well as the biographical variable, age. uture research may include transformational leadership styles and other ariables such as performance and productivity in the steel and mining ndustry. / Industrial Psychology / M.Adm. (Industrial Psychology)

The impact of organisational culture on organisational commitment

Manetje, Ophillia Maphari 30 November 2005 (has links)
A review of the literature reveals that organisational commitment is an outcome of organisational culture, when reviewing the definitions, theoretical development and models of these two concepts. The integration of organisational commitment with organisational culture indicates that there is a need for a scientific study to determine the relationship between these two variables. The empirical study involved the participation of 371 respondents in an organisation. A survey was conducted using the organisational commitment scale and the organisational culture questionnaire to determine the relationship between organisational culture and organisational commitment. The results suggest that organisational culture has an effect on organisational commitment. Recommendations are made to successfully implement both organisational culture and organisational commitment change initiatives. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M.A. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)

Opvoedermotivering in die Oos-Kaap

Wevers, Nicolaas Ebenhaezar Jacobus 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Te midde van ingrypende veranderinge in die Suid-Afrikaanse onderwysstelsel, word verwag dat opvoeders hul taak op 'n gemotiveerde wyse moet uitvoer om die jeug voor te berei vir die toekoms. Hierdie kwalitatiewe navorsing het ten doel die ondersoek na faktore waardeur opvoedermotivering beinvloed word en die rol van skoolbestuurders (skoolhoofde en hul bestuurspanne) in die motivering van opvoeders. Deur 'n omvattende hteratuurstudie is die begrip motivering duideliker belig en is die verskynsel van motivering ondersoek aan die hand van verskillende moti veringsteoriee. 'n Empiriese ondersoek, deur middel van semi-gestruktureerde onderhoudvoering met opvoeders en skoolbestuurders in die Oos-Kaap, is uitgevoer om te bepaal watter faktore opvoederrnotivering beinvloed. Daar is bevind dat opvoedermotivering deur "n groot verskeidenheid faktore beinvloed word en dat skoolbestuurders 'n belangrike rol te speel bet in die motivering van opvoeders. Op grond van die bevindinge van die empiriese ondersoek is aanbevelings gemaak wat kan lei tot beter opvoedermotivering. / In the midst of drastic educational change in South Africa, it is expected that educators must fulfil their duties in a motivated manner and to thoroughly prepare our youth for the future. This qualitative research sought to explore the factors contributing to the motivation of educators and to determine what role school managers (principals and their management teams) play in the motivation of educators. By means of an extensive literature search, the term motivation was iluminated and the phenomenon of motivation was explored through different motivational theories.. An empirical inquiry through semi-structured interviews with educators and school managers were conducted in the Eastern Cape to determine the factors contributing to the motivation of educators.. The findings in this research showed that educators are motivated or demotivated by a variety of factors. It also showed that school managers have an important role to play in the motivation of educators. / Educational Leadership and Management / M. Ed. (Onderwysbestuur)

Generational motivation and preference for reward and recognition in a South African facilities management firm

Close, Donné Sue 01 1900 (has links)
Generational sub-groups have been stereotyped as requiring different approaches in the workplace with regard to what keeps them motivated. This research study was conducted from a humanistic-existential paradigm, seeking to find ways to avoid the demotivation of employees that can result from one-size fits all reward and recognition policies. The research attempts to establish the existence and nature of generational differences. Two quantitative measuring instruments, namely the Rewards Preferences Questionnaire (RPQ) and the Motivation Measure, were distributed electronically to all staff of a South African facilities management firm. The findings indicated that there are generational sub-group preferences for certain types of reward, and different perceptions about what types of reward attract, motivate and retain employees. They can be motivated differently by some reward structures. However, for others there was no obvious preference among the generational sub-groups. The main recommendation of the study is that companies adopt a flexible approach to reward and recognition, allowing employees to tailor reward structures according to their needs. Remuneration is the most preferred method of rewarding employees across all generations. / Industrial & Organisational Psychology / MCOM (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)

The relationship between attitudes towards supervisory support and work performance of employees in an education department in Mpumalanga

Mabotha, Abner Khutso 09 May 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between attitudes towards supervisory support after training and work performance of employees at the Department of Education’s Nkangala District in Mpumalanga during 2008. The sample comprised a complete sampling frame of HR and finance personnel. A five-point Likert scale was used to evaluate the attitudes of respondents towards supervisory support, and their work performance scores were correlated with the ratings of the attitudes towards supervisory support after training. Pearson’s product- moment correlation coefficient (PPM) was used to assess the relationship between the two variables. The results showed no significant relationship between attitudes towards supervisory support and work performance. The ANOVA test found that a significant (p= .016) difference only existed between attitudes towards supervisory support and educational level. The hypothesis stated in this study was therefore rejected. / Human Resource Management / M. Tech. (Human Resource Development)

Investigating factors that motivate teachers to teach after normal working hours : a case study in the Capricorn district of Limpopo

Sehlapelo, Thekelo Walter 11 1900 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to identify factors that motivate teachers to teach after hours. It was a qualitative study employing the interpretive research paradigm. The study employed a case study design of three secondary schools. Twelve teachers were purposively selected. Data was collected through focus groups and open-ended questionnaires of which thematically analyzed. Key findings revealed that teachers are motivated to teach after hours by among others their ability, pertinent PD, resources, positive environment, theories of motivation and goals set. The study concluded that these factors should be upheld. The study also recommended enough time for PD, bursaries and salary adjustments, teacher involvement in textbook requisition, excellence awards, incentivisation and goal setting. / Educational Leadership and Management / M. Ed. (Education Management)

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