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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Relació entre Neurogenina3 i la via de senyalització Wnt en la formació de les cèl•lules beta del pàncrees

Pujadas i Rovira, Gemma 15 June 2012 (has links)
El pàncrees és una glàndula secretora formada per teixit exocrí i endocrí. El compartiment endocrí està format per les cèl•lules alpha (productores de glucagó), les cèl•lules beta (productores d'insulina), les cèl•lules delta (somatostatina), les cèl•lules PP (polipèptid pancreàtic) i les cèl•lules epsilon (grelina). La Diabetis Mellitus és un grup de malalties metabòliques que es caracteritzen per mantenir nivells elevats de glucosa en sang com a resultat de la incapacitat de produir o utilitzar la insulina. Les cèl•lules productores d'insulina són les cèl•lules beta del pàncrees. Actualment, el tractament de la diabetis es basa en injeccions periòdiques d'insulina. Per solucionar i millorar la vida d'aquests pacients hi ha molts grups que treballen per trobar noves fonts de cèl•lules productores d'insulina que recuperin la massa de cèl•lules beta perdudes durant la diabetis. Per a això, és necessari conèixer detalladament els passos que se succeeixen per generar una cèl•lula productora d'insulina a partir d'una cèl•lula indiferenciada. Durant la organogènesi pancreàtica s'activen un conjunt de factors de transcripció que són essencials per a la correcta formació de l'òrgan, entre ells el factor proendocrí Neurogenina3 (Neurog3), així com també un seguit de senyals extrínsecs (vies de senyalització) que participen en aquest procés. Neurogenina3 és un factor de transcripció de la família bHLH que exerceix un paper essencial en la diferenciació endocrino-pancreàtica, ja que en la seva absència no hi ha formació de les cèl•lules endocrines del pàncrees. En el primer objectiu d'aquesta tesi hem identificat possibles noves dianes de Neurog3, mitjançant l'ús d'un model de diferenciació endocrina in vitro de cèl•lules ductals pancreàtiques, en el qual la sobreexpresió de Neurog3 indueix l'activació del programa transcripcional endocrino-pancreàtic. Mitjançant l'estudi de canvis globals en el perfil d'expressió gènica d'aquestes cèl•lules hem identificat un conjunt de gens relacionats amb la via de senyalització Wingless (Wnt) com a dianes potencials de Neurog3 in vitro. Entre aquests gens, hem centrat els nostres estudis en l'anàlisi del gen que codifica pel lligand de la via Wnt, Wnt9a. El segon objectiu d'aquesta tesi se centra a estudiar la possible participació del lligand Wnt9a en el procés de diferenciació endocrina del pàncrees. Així, vam demostrar per primera vegada la presència en pàncrees embrionari de ratolí del mRNA de Wnt9a, així com la regulació gènica d'aquest lligand per part de factors de transcripció que participen al programa de diferenciació endocrina. Estudiem també el paper de Wnt9a dins de la cascada endocrino-pancreàtica, demostrant un paper regulador de Wnt9a sobre els efectes promoguts per Neurog3 en alguns dels gens endocrins estudiats. Aquests resultats ens han portat al tercer objectiu d'aquesta tesi: caracterització de la diferenciació endocrino-pancreàtica en el model murí gen-anul•lat per Wnt9a. A estadi e18.5 (just abans del naixement) observem un augment generalitzat de les cèl•lules productores d'hormones del compartiment endocrí (cèl•lules β insulina-positives, cèl•lules α glucagó-positives i cèl•lules δ somatostatina-positives) en relació a l'àrea pancreàtica total, que correlaciona amb una major taxa de proliferació d'aquestes. L'anàlisi de l'expressió gènica realitzat a estadi e15.5 (moment de màxima expansió endocrina) no mostra diferències en els nivells del mRNA de Neurog3, indicant que l'augment en el compartiment endocrí observat a e18.5 no es deu a una major especificació endocrina. No obstant això, l'estudi de diferents factors integrants del programa transcripcional endocrí mostra un augment en l'expressió de Pdx1 en els animals deficients que podria explicar l'augment en cèl•lules beta observat a e18.5. Per tant, en aquesta tesi definim per primera vegada la relació directa entre factors de transcripció bHLH i components de la via Wnt en pàncrees, així com identifiquem la presència del mRNA de Wnt9a en pàncrees embrionari de ratolí i en illots adults. Demostrem la regulació gènica de Wnt9a per part de factors de la cascada de transcripció endocrina, així com la regulació d'aquests per part de Wnt9a sota l'acció de Neurog3. Identifiquem, mitjançant l'estudi del model animal gen anul•lat per Wnt9a, un augment del compartiment endocrí abans del naixement, a causa d'una major taxa de proliferació, en absència de Wnt9a. Per tant, el conjunt d'aquests resultats indicaria que la via de senyalització Wnt juga un paper important durant el procés de diferenciació endocrina del pàncrees, suggerint una connexió entre el programa transcripcional endocrí i la via de senyalització intracel•lular Wnt. / The pancreas is a gland consisting of secretory exocrine and endocrine tissue. The endocrine compartment is formed by the alpha cells (glucagon producing), the beta cells (insulin producing), delta cells (somatostatin), PP (pancreatic polypeptide) cells and epsilon cells (ghrelin). Diabetes Mellitus is a group of metabolic diseases characterized by maintaining high levels of blood glucose resulting from the inability to produce or use insulin. Currently, the treatment for diabetes is based on regular injections of insulin. There are many groups working on finding new sources of insulin-producing cells to recover beta cells mass lost during diabetes development. For this reason, it’s necessary to detail the molecular steps that occur from an undifferentiated cell to an insulin-producing cell. During pancreatic organogenesis, a set of transcription factors that are essential for proper formation of the organ are activated, including the proendocrine factor Neurogenin3 (Neurog3), as well as a number of extrinsic signals (signalling pathways). Neurogenin3 is a transcription factor that belongs to bHLH transcription factors family. It plays an essential role in pancreatic-endocrine differentiation, since in its absence there is no formation of endocrine cells. In the first objective of this thesis we have identified potential new targets for Neurog3, using an in vitro model of endocrine differentiation process, pancreatic ductal cells (mPAC), in which adenoviral overexpression of Neurog3 induces the activation of the transcriptional differentiation program. Using whole genomic profile study, we identified a set of genes related to signalling Wingless (Wnt) pathway as potential targets of Neurog3 in vitro. Among these genes, we focused our studies on the analysis of the gene encoding the ligand of the Wnt pathway, Wingless- type MMTV integration site 9A (Wnt9a). The second objective of this thesis focuses on the study of the possible role of Wnt9a during endocrine differentiation. Thus, we demonstrate for the first time, the presence of Wnt9a mRNA in mouse embryonic pancreas, as well as its regulation by transcription factors involved in endocrine differentiation program. We studied the role of Wnt9a within the endocrine differentiation cascade, demonstrating a regulatory role of Wnt9a on some Neurog3 activated genes. Finally, we did the characterization of the endocrine differentiation process in the Wnt9a knock out animal mouse model. At embryonic stage (e) 18.5 (just before birth), we observed a general increase in the major hormone-producing cells of the endocrine compartment (β cell insulin-positive, α cells glucagon-positive cells and δ somatostatin- positive) in relation to the total pancreatic area, which correlated with a high rate of proliferation. The analysis of gene expression performed at (e) 15.5 (time of maximum endocrine expansion) shows no difference in levels of Neurog3 mRNA, indicating that the increase in the endocrine compartment observed at (e) 18.5 is not due to a greater endocrine specification. However, the study of transcriptional endocrine factors shows an increase in the expression of Pdx1 gene in the deficient Wnt9a animals; this could explain the increase in beta cells observed at (e) 18.5. Therefore, this thesis define for the first time the direct relationship between bHLH transcription factors and components of the Wnt pathway in the pancreas, as well as the identification of Wnt9a mRNA in embryonic mouse pancreas and in adult islets. We demonstrate the regulation of Wnt9a by transcription factors of the endocrine cascade and the regulation of some of them by Wnt9a. We have identified an increase of the endocrine compartment, just before birth, in Wnt9a deficient animals, probably due to a higher rate of proliferation in the absence of Wnt9a. Hence, all these results indicate that Wnt signalling pathway plays an important role during pancreatic endocrine differentiation, suggesting a connection between the endocrine transcriptional program and Wnt signalling.

Développement embryonnaire du pancréas chez la souris : étude du rôle de HIF-1alpha / Pancreas development during mouse embryogenesis : role of HIF-1alpha

Soggia, Andrea 25 June 2014 (has links)
Le pancréas est une glande mixte à composantes endocrine et exocrine. Le tissu endocrine, essentiellement composé de cellules bêta productrices d’insuline, joue un rôle prépondérant dans le maintient de l’homéostasie glucidique. La perte qualitative ou quantitative des cellules bêta conduit au développement de pathologies caractérisées par une hyperglycémie chronique et connues sous le nom de diabète. Le développement de stratégies thérapeutiques innovantes, thérapie cellulaire ou médecine régénérative, pour guérir le diabète repose sur une connaissance précise des mécanismes développementaux impliqués dans la formation des cellules bêta. Ainsi, au delà de l’intérêt cognitif, il est primordial de comprendre au mieux les évènements cellulaires et moléculaires qui régissent l’organogénèse pancréatique pour offrir des thérapies alternatives. Le développement embryonnaire s’effectue dans un environnement où la pression partielle en oxygène (pO2) est faible. Par ailleurs, une étude menée au sein du laboratoire a montré que la pO2 influence la différenciation des cellules bêta pancréatique in vitro. En effet, lorsque des pancréas embryonnaires sont cultivés sur filtre en hypoxie (pO2=3%), le développement des cellules bêta est drastiquement diminué comparativement à une condition de 21% d’O2. Le facteur de transcription HIF-1 (Hypoxia Inducible Factor-1), composé d’une sous-unité alpha sensible au niveau d’oxygène et d’une sous-unité bêta constitutivement présente, permet à la cellule de s’adapter à un environnement pauvre en O2, notamment en favorisant la formation de nouveaux vaisseaux sanguins au cours d’un processus appelé angiogénèse. L’objectif de ma thèse était d’étudier le rôle de HIF-1alpha au cours du développement embryonnaire du pancréas in vivo. Pour cela, nous avons utilisé des lignées murines génétiquement modifiées permettant de stabiliser constitutivement la protéine HIF-1alpha dans l’épithélium pancréatique. En utilisant ce modèle murin, nous avons montré que la différenciation endocrine et le développement des cellules bêta est altéré dans les pancréas mutants comparativement aux contrôles. Par ailleurs, en utilisant une approche pharmacologique in vitro conduisant à l’ablation des cellules endothéliales du pancréas, nous avons pu restaurer une différenciation endocrine comparable aux contrôles. Ce travail a permis d’éclaircir le rôle de HIF-1 et de la vascularisation au cours du développement embryonnaire du pancréas. Nos résultats indiquent que ces paramètres doivent être pris en compte pour améliorer les protocoles actuels permettant de générer des cellules bêta in vitro. / The pancreas is an endoderm-derived organ which is composed by both an exocrine and an endocrine compartment. Within the endocrine tissu, insulin-producing beta-cells are essential for the regulation of glucose homeostasis. The loss of beta-cells can lead to pathologies such as diabetes. Currently, people suffuring from diabetes can be treated but not permanently cured. The development of innovating therapeutical approaches, like cellular therapy or regenerative medecine, relies on the precise knowledge of the mechanisms regulating the ontogenesis of pancreatic beta-cells. Different studies have linked proper embryonic development and low-oxygen tension (pO2). Specifically, when embryonic pancreases are cultured in vitro under a hypoxic condition (pO2=3%), the beta-cells development is impaired compared to a normoxic condition (pO2=21%). Different pathways are involved in the cell adaptation to hypoxia, such as the ubiquitous Hypoxia Inducible Factor 1-alpha (HIF-1alpha). The aim of my PhD project was to elucidate the role of HIF-1alpha during pancreatic development in vivo. To do so, we used genetically modified mice allowing the constitutive stabilization of HIF-1alpha in pancreatic epithelial cells. We have shown that HIF-1alpha stabilization leads to a reduction of endocrine differentiation and beta-cells development. Moreover, using a pharmacological approach in vitro consisting in deleting endothelial cells, we rescued the endocrine differentiation in the mutant pancreases. In conclusion, my data demonstrated the negative influence of both HIF-1 and endothelial cells on endocrine differentiation processes.

Gene expression and cell cycle regulation in human pancreas development and congenital hyperinsulinism

Salisbury, Rachel January 2015 (has links)
The dynamics of β-cell mass are at the focus of an extensive international effort to develop β-cell replacement therapies for type 1 diabetes. During normal fetal development endocrine cells emerge from a pool of PDX1+/SOX9+ multipotent progenitors that transiently express the proendocrine gene NGN3. These cells become hormone-positive and are seen to bud from the ductal structures and aggregate into islet clusters. Congenital hyperinsulinism in its diffuse form (CHI-D) is characterised by an increase in hormone-positive cells associated with ducts and diffuse patterns of insulin expression. CHI-D arises from mutations inactivating the KATP channel and is diagnosed following persistent episodes of hypoglycaemia caused by an inappropriate secretion of insulin. Whilst existing knowledge has focused on the β-cell, we have explored the histology of CHI-D across multiple pancreatic cell lineages. The starting hypothesis considered CHI-D as an over-exuberance of endocrine differentiation with a progenitor population underlying this process. We suggest CHI-D is not simply an excessive proliferation of pre-existing β-cells. Expression of many transcription factors involved in endocrine differentiation were unchanged in CHI-D, NKX2.2 was increased and persisted in δ-cells. The incidence of nucleomegaly was also confirmed in CHI-D samples, predominantly in the β- and δ-cell lineages. Whilst increases in endocrine cell proliferation were subtle, the ductal and acinar cell lineages had significantly elevated proliferation correlating with changes in cell cycle regulation. The expression of NGN3 was profiled in a range of human fetal samples to determine whether a competence window for endocrine differentiation exists during development. Peak expression was observed between 10-17 wpc whilst protein and transcript expression were both reduced by birth and postnatally. Combined with the data in CHI-D and postnatal controls, it is likely that endocrine commitment ceases in human towards the end of gestation and that further increases in β-cell mass rely on proliferation or NGN3-independent pathways. These data provide new clues for the pathological mechanisms of CHI-D and the establishment and maintenance of the β-cell mass in the human pancreas. We have shown an altered potential for cell proliferation in CHI-D in previously unappreciated ways and provide a rationale for studying molecular components of the β-cell to help unlock β-cell proliferation as a therapeutic option in diabetes.

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