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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Integrated Agronomic Management Practices for Tall Fescue in Mississippi

Slusher, Patton J 14 August 2015 (has links)
Tall fescue (Schedonorus arundinaceus), is a cool season perennial that provides grazing into the early summer months for southern livestock. Grazing the tall fescue variety, Kentucky-31, has negative effects on animal health, particularly after jointing. Two studies were arranged as randomized complete blocks in a split-plot design, with three replicates to compare: the effect of ten herbicides on seedhead suppression, or the effect of inter-seeding legumes [white clover (Trifolium repens) or alfafla (Medicago sativa)] coupled with nitrogen supplementation on fescue yield and forage nutritive value. The herbicides imazethapyr + 2,4-D and without, metsulfuron + chlorsulfuron, reduced seedheads emergence, but not yield compared to the control. Kentucky-31 inter-seeded with white clover and fertilized with 11 kg N ha-1 produced greater biomass than tall fescue fertilized with 11 kg N ha-1. The inter-seeding of white clover produced composite forage samples with greater in vitro dry matter disappearance than nitrogen supplemented alfalfa.

Compartive studies of parasitic plants\' haustorial system: structural and phylogenetic perspectives / Estudos comparados do sistema haustorial de plantas parasitas: perspectivas estruturais e filogenéticas

Teixeira-Costa, Luíza 05 April 2019 (has links)
The parasitic life style has repeatedly evolved in several occasions within nearly every life kingdom. Among Plants, parasitic clades are currently believed to have diverged 12 times independently, comprising over 1% of all extant diversity of flowering plants (Angiosperms). This great variety of species is translated into a wide array of plant habits, body sizes, modes of host infestation, photosynthetic capacity, life cycles, occupied environments, etc. Still, all of these ca. 4,600 plant species are united by the presence of a particular organ known as haustorium. Said to \"morphologically define parasitism among plants\", this peculiar plant organ carries out the main parasitic functions, from initial attachment and invasion of host tissues, to the stablishmente of a morpho-functional bridge that allows parasite-host communication and substance exchange. Considering the importance of this organ for the parasitic plant lifeform, the wide diversity of these plants is analyzed here in terms of structural and evolutionary aspects of the haustorium development. Initially, detailed studies are presented for the species characterized by two infestation modes: mistletoes, i.e., parasites the attach to host stems and branches; and endophytic parasites, i.e., plants that colonize the interior of the host body and are only visible outsite the host during the reproductive phase. Regarding mistletoes, details obtained from broad studies on their haustorium morphogenesis were used for a phylogenetic analysis of ancestral character state reconstruction and divergence time estimations. Results suggest that the change from root to aerial parasitism could have been facilitated by a common background for haustorium development shared by root parasites and early diverging mistletoes. From these early ancestors, specialization of haustorium tissue located internally to the host stems/branches would have led to evolution of different morphologies of the host-parasite connection, including the rise of a few endophytic species within mistletoe clades. In the second chapter, endoparasitism is detailed and discussed, including endophytic mistletoes but mainly focusing on the four puzzling plant families exclusively composed of species showing this infestation mode. Despite their reduced body size and endophytic system initially composed of parenchyma cells only, endoparasitic species of these four families are shown here to differentiate conductive phloem and/or xylem cells. Different strategies for the establishment of host-parasite connections are also reported and discussed as probably related to flower size. The hypothesis of parasitic plant control over host cambium differentiation is highlighted as a likely explanation for the alterations observed in host xylem and phloem anatomy. In the sequence, the third chapter is dedicated to a study of the terminology related to haustorium morphology and anatomy. A total of 48 terms are presented and discussed in an illustrated and referenced glossary. As the main result, parasitic plant haustorium is understood as a complex organ, composed of different tissues and cell types. The frequent equalization of this complete organ with one of its parts is discussed as frequently leading misunderstandings of the very parasitic nature of some species and lineages of haustorium-forming plants. Finally, the fourth chapter provides a broad comparative study of this peculiar organ in all 12 independent lineages of parasites. Methods in plant morphology and anatomy were combined with the current phylogenetic paradigm of parasitism evolution among plants. A general developmental sequence is discussed to be common in all haustoria, despite their varied ontogenetic origin. In all analyzed parasitic clades, direct host-parasite xylary connections were formed; on the other hand, phloem connections were detected in species of four clades only. A comparison between the huadotium and other plant organs discusses terminal haustoria to be a modified root, while lateral haustoria could be interpreted as either a modified stem, or as neoformation. Altogether, these results indicate the existence of very conservative mechanisms for haustorium formation throughout all of its diversity / O estilo de vida parasita tem evoluído repetidamente em várias ocasiões em quase todos os reinos da vida. Entre as plantas, acredita-se que os clados parasitas divergiram 12 vezes de forma independente, compreendendo mais de 1% de toda a diversidade existente de plantas com flores (Angiospermas). Essa grande variedade de espécies é traduzida em uma ampla gama de hábitos, tamanhos corporais, modos de infestação da planta hospedeira, capacidade fotossintética, ciclos de vida, ambientes ocupados, etc. Ainda assim, todas esses ca. 4.600 espécies de plantas estão unidas pela presença de um órgão específico conhecido como haustório. Dito como a \"definição morfológica do parasitismo entre as plantas\", este peculiar órgão vegetal realiza as principais funções parasitárias, desde a fixação inicial e invasão dos tecidos hospedeiros, até o estabelecimento de uma ponte morfofuncional que permite a comunicação parasita-hospedeira e a troca de substâncias. Considerando a importância deste órgão para a forma de vida da planta parasita, a grande diversidade destas plantas é analisada aqui em termos de aspectos estruturais e evolutivos do desenvolvimento do haustório. Inicialmente, são apresentados estudos detalhados para as espécies caracterizadas por dois modos de infestação: ervas-de-passarinho, ou seja, parasitas que se prendem a caules e ramos da hospedeira; e parasitas endofíticas, plantas que colonizam o interior do corpo hospedeiro e apenas são visíveis no exterior da hospedeira durante a fase reprodutiva. Quanto às ervas-de-passarinho, os detalhes obtidos a partir de estudos amplos sobre a morfogênese do haustório foram utilizados para uma análise filogenética de reconstrução do estado de caráter ancestral e estimativas do tempo de divergência. Os resultados sugerem que a mudança do parasitismo da raiz para o parasitismo aéreo poderia ter sido facilitada por um contexto comum para o desenvolvimento do haustório, compartilhado por parasitas de raízes e pelas primeiras ervas-de-passarinho a divergirem. A partir desses primeiros ancestrais, a especialização do tecido haustorial localizado internamente aos ramos da hospedeira levaria à evolução de diferentes morfologias da conexão parasita-hospedeira, incluindo o surgimento de algumas espécies endofíticas dentro dos clados de ervas-de-passarinho. No segundo capítulo, o endoparasitismo é detalhado e discutido, incluindo ervas-de-passarinho endofíticas, mas principalmente com foco nas quatro famílias de plantas intrigantes compostas exclusivamente por espécies que mostram esse modo de infestação. Apesar de seu tamanho corporal reduzido e do sistema endofítico inicialmente composto somente por células de parênquima, as espécies endoparasitas dessas quatro famílias são mostradas aqui como capazes de diferenciar células condutoras de floema e/ou xilema. Diferentes estratégias para o estabelecimento de conexões parasita-hospedeira também são relatadas e discutidas como provavelmente relacionadas ao tamanho das flores dessas plantas. A hipótese de controle de plantas parasitas sobre a diferenciação cambial da hospedeira é destacada como provável explicação para as alterações observadas na anatomia do xilema e floema hospedeiro. Na seqüência, o terceiro capítulo é dedicado a um estudo da terminologia relacionada à morfologia e anatomia do haustório. Um total de 48 termos são apresentados e discutidos em um glossário ilustrado e referenciado. Como principal resultado, o haustório das plantas parasitas é compreendido como um órgão complexo, composto por diferentes tecidos e tipos celulares. A frequente equalização deste órgão completo com uma de suas partes é discutida como freqüentemente levando a mal-entendidos sobre a natureza parasitária de algumas espécies e linhagens. Finalmente, o quarto capítulo fornece um amplo estudo comparativo desse órgão peculiar em todas as 12 linhagens independentes de parasitas. Métodos em morfologia e anatomia vegetal foram combinados com o atual paradigma filogenético de evolução do parasitismo entre plantas. Uma seqüência geral de desenvolvimento é discutida como sendo comum em todos os haustórios, apesar de sua origem ontogenética variada. Em todos os clados parasitas analisados, conexões xilemáticas diretas entre parasitas e hospedeiras foram obsrvadas; por outro lado, as conexões do floema foram detectadas em espécies de apenas quatro clados. Uma comparação entre o haustório e outros órgãos vegetais discute o haustório terminal como sendo uma raiz modificada, enquanto o haustório lateral pode ser interpretado como um caule modificado ou como uma neoformação. Em conjunto, estes resultados indicam a existência de mecanismos conservados para a formação de haustórios em toda a sua diversidade

Transformação genética e patogenicidade de Guignardia citricarpa / Genetic transformation and pathogenicity of Guignardia citricarpa

Rodrigues, Maria Beatriz Calderan 23 August 2010 (has links)
O Brasil é líder absoluto no comércio internacional de suco de laranja concentrado congelado participando com 82% do volume comercializado no mundo. Guignardia citricarpa é um fungo Ascomiceto agente causal da Mancha Preta dos Citros (MPC), uma doença importante no contexto da Citricultura, causando lesões negras em frutos tornando-os impróprios para a exportação, já que não são aceitos na União Européia pois o patógeno é classificado como quarentenário. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo principal estabeler a metodologia de transformação genética de G. citricarpa para futuramente auxiliar no entendimento dos mecanismos de patogenicidade desta espécie, visando diminuir perdas na citricultura brasileira devido à MPC. Além disso, foi realizada uma análise do gene da enzima endopoligalacturonase, a qual está associada à capacidade de patógenos em colonizar plantas. Para elucidar esse fenômeno, foi realizada a busca de genes relacionados à patogenicidade em outros fungos fitopatogênicos previamente descritos e confirmados participarem no processo de doenças em diversas plantas. Considerando que esses genes possuem uma região conservada para esse fim, após o alinhamento dessas sequências foram construídos primers e o gene de endopoligalacturonase foi identificado no gênero Guignardia sp. Outra espécie pertencente a esse gênero é G. mangiferae, conhecida como endófito de citros, ou seja, coloniza os tecidos internos da planta hospedeira sem causar dano. Em análises enzimáticas foi observado que a quantidade de endopoligalacturonase produzida pela espécie patogênica é superior à da espécie endofítica, mostrando que essa enzima pode participar do processo de patogenicidade de G. citricarpa. Estudos para comprovar a participação de genes nos mecanismos de patogenicidade em diversas espécies utilizando reconhecimento de genes e genômica funcional, expressão e knockout de genes estão sendo realizados, permitindo uma visão geral da organização genômica do sistema patogênico. Pensando nisso, esse trabalho descreve pela primeira vez a metodologia de transformação genética de G. citricarpa via micélio e a obtenção de transformantes expressando a proteína verde fluorescente (GFP). Micélios do fungo foram transformados pelo sistema via Agrobacterium tumefaciens com o plasmídeo pFAT-gfp, contendo os genes de resistência à higromicina B (hgr) e da GFP. A otimização do protocolo de agrotransformação foi realizada a partir do teste de diferentes condições como: tipo de membrana, concentração de agente indutor e tempo de cocultivo. A melhor condição incluiu a utilização de membrana de éster de celulose; 200 PM de AS e 96 horas de co-cultivo. Os transformantes apresentaram alta estabilidade mitótica (82%) e tiveram a inserção do gene hgr confirmada por PCR e do gfp observada em microscopia óptica de epifluorescência. Além disso, foi acompanhado o desenvolvimento do fungo inoculado em frutos, mostrando a interação planta-patógeno. O estabelecimento do sistema de transformação por Agrobacterium para G. citricarpa possibilita o uso dessa ferramenta para estudos de mutagênese insercional e interrupção gênica visando a identificação de genes importantes, como os envolvidos com os mecanismos de patogenicidade utilizados por esse fungo. / Brazil is the world leader in the international trade of frozen orange juice concentrate, taking part with around 82% of the traded volume. Guignardia citricarpa (anamorph Phyllosticta citricarpa) is a fungal pathogen of citrus plants, being described as the causal agent of citrus black spot (CBS), one of the most important fungal diseases of citrus worldwide. Its symptoms are black lesions on fruit, making them unsuitable for the international fresh market, since they are included in the quarantine list of the European Plant Protection Organization (EPPO). Moreover, when the disease is severe it may cause extensive premature fruit drop that reduces yields of fruit for processing. Taking this into consideration, the current work aimed to improve the understanding on the pathogenic mechanisms of this fungus. Firstly, in an attempt to elucidate this phenomenon, it was performed a search for pathogenicity genes previously reported to some pathogenic fungi and confirmed to participate in the process of infection in many plants , especially endopolygalacturonase. Primers were designed using the conserved regions of the genes and allowed the identification of the Guignardia spp. endopolygalacturonase gene for the first time. This enzyme has been described as playing important role in the process of fungal diseases in plants. In the present work, enzymatic analysis showed that the pathogen G. citricarpa produced significantly greater amounts of endopolygalacturonase when compared to G. mangiferae, a closely related fungus described as a citrus endophyte. This result suggests that this enzyme may participate in the process of pathogenicity, characteristic of the pathogenic species. Genetic transformation methods have been used to prove the involvement of genes in pathogenic mechanisms, however, a suitable methodology for G. citricarpa has not been described yet. In this way, this study describes for the first time a methodology for genetic transformation of G. citricarpa via mycelia and the successful generation of transformants expressing the green fluorescent protein (GFP) and resistant to the hygromycin B antibiotic. Mycelia of the fungus were genetically transformed via Agrobacterium tumefaciens hosting the plasmid pFAT-gfp, which carries the genes for resistance to hygromycin B (hph) and for GFP (gfp). The protocol was optimized through different test conditions (type of membrane, concentration of the inducing agent acetosyringone and duration of the co-cultivation period). The higher transformation efficiencies were observed using cellulose ester membrane, 200 PM of acetosyringone and 96 hours of cocultivation. The transformants showed high mitotic stability (82%) and the insertion of the T-DNA was confirmed by PCR and GFP expression through epifluorescence microscopy observation. Moreover, it was observed the development of the fungus in inoculated oranges, showing the plant-pathogen interaction observed by epifluorescense microscopy. The establishment of the Agrobacterium-mediated transformation system for G. citricarpa represents an important step on the search for unveiling important genes of this fungus, such as those involved in the pathogenic mechanisms.

Taxtomina A e Piriformospora indica no controle de Phytophthora nicotianae em citros e Phytophthora plurivora em faia (Fagus sylvatica) / Thaxtomin A and Piriformospora indica in the control of Phytophthora nicotianae in citrus and Phytophthora plurivora in beech (Fagus sylvatica)

Brand, Simone Cristiane 26 February 2016 (has links)
Espécies de Phytophthora tem se destacado ao longo da história devido ao seu potencial destrutivo, se iniciando com a devastadora P. infestans na Irlanda e se estende até os dias de hoje com P. nicotianae em citros e P. plurivora em faia. Uma característica importante deste grupo de patógenos é que as medidas de controle da doença se baseiam na prevenção da entrada do patógeno na área visto que, uma vez instalado, o produtor precisa conviver com o mesmo, pois não se dispõem de métodos efetivos de controle. Neste sentido, a busca por métodos de controle torna-se primordial. O endofítico radicular Piriformospora indica, tem-se destacado em vários patossistemas devido a sua habilidade de induzir resistência contra patógenos, aumentar a tolerância à estresses abióticos e promover o crescimento de plantas. Taxtomina A, produzida por Streptomyces scabies, é capaz de ativar mecanismos de defesa de plantas, os quais são efetivos contra agentes patogênicos. Objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar o efeito de P. indica e da taxtomina A sobre P. nicotianae em citros e P. plurivora em faia. Ambos foram avaliados quanto ao seu efeito direto sobre os patógenos em questão. O indutor de defesa vegetal Bion® foi utilizado em alguns ensaios para fins de comparação. Plântulas de citros e faia foram tratadas com concentrações crescentes de taxtomina e parâmetros fisiológicos, bioquímicos e de controle da doença foram avaliados. Taxtomina A não apresenta efeito direto sobre os patógenos avaliados. Os dados de incidência da doença em plântulas de faia tratadas com taxtomina A nas concentrações de 10, 25, 50 e 100 μg se mostraram consistentes com a quantidade de DNA do patógeno no sistema radicular, demonstrando que, aparentemente, a toxina induziu suscetibilidade nas plântulas de faia. Em citros, para os parâmetros fisiológicos e bioquímicos avaliados, em linhas gerais, a taxtomina A nas concentrações de 50 e 100 μg demonstrou potencial de aplicação no patossistema citros - P. nicotianae. Quando avaliada a mortalidade de plantas inoculadas com o patógeno e tratadas com taxtomina, bem como, quando quantificado o DNA do oomiceto no sistema radicular, as referidas concentrações também apresentaram os melhores desempenhos. Plântulas das mesmas espécies foram submetidas a inoculação com P. indica, sendo avaliados os efeitos na promoção de crescimento, na atividade de enzimas e de genes relacionados ao processo de defesa, bem como, no controle da doença. Não foi observado efeito direto do endofítico radicular sobre os patógenos avaliados. Quando plântulas de citros foram inoculadas com P. indica e depois com P. nicotianae, não foi observada promoção de crescimento e controle da doença. As análises histológicas e moleculares demonstraram a presença do endofítico no sistema radicular de plântulas de citros e faia. Análises bioquímicas revelaram apenas aumentos pontuais no teor de proteínas e na atividade da β-1,3-glucanase e da peroxidase no tratamento com P. indica + P. nicotianae. Os genes PR-1.4, PR-1.8, PR-β-glucosidase e Hsp70 foram induzidos em plântulas inoculadas com P. indica e com o patógeno, bem como no tratamento com Bion® e patógeno, porém em menor magnitude. O endofítico P. indica ativa o sistema de defesa de plântulas de citros, no entanto, os mecanismos ativados não são efetivos para o controle da doença na interação citros - P. nicotianae. / Phytophthora species has been important throughout history because of its destructive potential, starting with the devastating P. infestans in potatos in Ireland and extending to the present day with Phytophthora nicotianae on citrus and Phytophthora plurivora on beech. An important feature of this group of pathogens is that the disease control measures are based upon prevention of pathogen entry into the area since, once installed, producers have to live with it, because they do not have effective methods of control. Accordingly, the search for control methods becomes essential. The root endophytic fungus Piriformospora indica has been shown to induce resistance against pathogens, increase tolerance to abiotic stresses and promote the growth of plants. On the other hand, the phytotoxin thaxtomin A, produced by Streptomyces scabies, is able to activate plant defense mechanisms, which are effective against pathogens. Thus, the objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of P. indica and thaxtomin A on the control of P. nicotianae on citrus and P. plurivora on beech. Both were assessed for their direct effect on these pathogens. The plant defense inducer Bion® was used in some tests for comparison. Besides that, seedlings of citrus or beech were treated with P. indica or increasing concentrations of thaxtomin and physiological / biochemical parameters as well as those related to induction of resistance and disease control were evaluated. The results showed that thaxtomin A did no exhibit any direct effect on the pathogens. The incidence of disease on beech seedlings treated with thaxtomin A, in concentrations of 10, 25, 50 and 100 ug, were consistent with the amount of DNA of the pathogen in the root tissue, demonstrating that, apparently, the toxin induced susceptibility in the seedlings. In citrus, for the physiological and biochemical parameters evaluated, in general, the thaxtomin in the concentrations of 50 and 100 ug showed potential for application in the citrus pathosystem - P. nicotianae. When the mortality of the seedlings treated with thaxtomin and inoculated with the pathogen as well as the oomycete DNA amount in the root system were evaluated these concentrations also had the best performances. As mentioned above, seedlings of beech or citrus were also inoculated with the endophyte and its effect on growth promotion, enzyme activities, the expression of genes related to defense process and on disease control was measured. There was no direct effect of the root endophyte on the pathogens. When citrus seedlings were inoculated with P. indica and then with P. nicotianae, there was no growth promotion or disease control. Histological and molecular analysis showed the presence of the endophytic fungus inside the root system of citrus and beech seedlings. Biochemical analyzes revealed only occasional increases in protein content and the activities of β-1,3-glucanase and peroxidase in the treatment with P. indica + P. nicotianae in citrus seedlings. The genes PR-1.4, PR- 1.8, PR-β-glucosidase and Hsp70 were induced in seedlings inoculated with P. indica and challenged with the pathogen as well as in the treatment with the resistance inducer Bion® plus pathogen, but to a lesser magnitude. Finally, the endophytic P. indica is able to active defense system in citrus, however, the activated mechanisms seems not to be effective in controlling the disease in the interaction citrus - P. nicotianae.


Taylor, Victoria A. 01 January 2017 (has links)
Kentucky 31 tall fescue (KY31) infected with the common toxic endophyte strains of Epichloё coenophiala produces toxic alkaloids that improve plant vigor, but cause numerous adverse effects in grazing animals. Researchers developed a variety of KY31 containing an alternative strain of E. coenophiala, termed novel endophyte (NE). Adverse health effects in mares have not been evaluated. Experiments in this thesis tested the hypothesis that the NE pasture does not cause adverse effects typically associated with KY31. Specific aims were to: 1) compare forage ergovaline concentrations between KY31 vs NE pastures; 2) evaluate palmar artery diameters in mares grazing KY31, NE, or orchardgrass-bluegrass (OGBG) pastures; 3) determine mare serum prolactin, estradiol, and progesterone concentrations associated with ingesting each pasture type over time; and 4) measure foaling outcomes, including percentage of live foals, foal birth weights, and foal growth rates. In 2015, six nonpregnant mares grazed KY31, six pregnant mares grazed NE and six pregnant mares grazed OGBG pastures. In 2016, eighteen mares were used; six mares grazed each pasture type. Study results showed that ergovaline did not appear to be produced by NE. Novel endophyte pasture did not have negative effects on palmar artery diameter, reproductive hormones, or foaling outcomes.

Characterization of tomato root-endophytic fungi and analysis of their effects on plant development, on fruit yield and quality and on interaction with the pathogen Verticillium dahliae

Andrade Linares, Diana Rocío January 2011 (has links)
Non-mycorrhizal fungal endophytes are able to colonize internally roots without causing visible disease symptoms establishing neutral or mutualistic associations with plants. These fungi known as non-clavicipitaceous endophytes have a broad host range of monocot and eudicot plants and are highly diverse. Some of them promote plant growth and confer increased abiotic-stress tolerance and disease resistance. According to such possible effects on host plants, it was aimed to isolate and to characterize native fungal root endophytes from tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) and to analyze their effects on plant development, plant resistance and fruit yield and quality together with the model endophyte Piriformospora indica. Fifty one new fungal strains were isolated from desinfected tomato roots of four different crop sites in Colombia. These isolates were roughly characterized and fourteen potential endophytes were further analyzed concerning their taxonomy, their root colonization capacity and their impact on plant growth. Sequencing of the ITS region from the ribosomal RNA gene cluster and in-depth morphological characterisation revealed that they correspond to different phylogenetic groups among the phylum Ascomycota. Nine different morphotypes were described including six dark septate endophytes (DSE) that did not correspond to the Phialocephala group. Detailed confocal microscopy analysis showed various colonization patterns of the endophytes inside the roots ranging from epidermal penetration to hyphal growth through the cortex. Tomato pot experiments under glass house conditions showed that they differentially affect plant growth depending on colonization time and inoculum concentration. Three new isolates (two unknown fungal endophyte DSE48, DSE49 and one identified as Leptodontidium orchidicola) with neutral or positiv effects were selected and tested in several experiments for their influence on vegetative growth, fruit yield and quality and their ability to diminish the impact of the pathogen Verticillium dahliae on tomato plants. Although plant growth promotion by all three fungi was observed in young plants, vegetative growth parameters were not affected after 22 weeks of cultivation except a reproducible increase of root diameter by the endophyte DSE49. Additionally, L. orchidicola increased biomass and glucose content of tomato fruits, but only at an early date of harvest and at a certain level of root colonization. Concerning bioprotective effects, the endophytes DSE49 and L. orchidicola decreased significantly disease symptoms caused by the pathogen V. dahliae, but only at a low dosis of the pathogen. In order to analyze, if the model root endophytic fungus Piriformospora indica could be suitable for application in production systems, its impact on tomato was evaluated. Similarly to the new fungal isolates, significant differences for vegetative growth parameters were only observable in young plants and, but protection against V. dahliae could be seen in one experiment also at high dosage of the pathogen. As the DSE L. orchidicola, P. indica increased the number and biomass of marketable tomatoes only at the beginning of fruit setting, but this did not lead to a significant higher total yield. If the effects on growth are due to a better nutrition of the plant with mineral element was analyzed in barley in comparison to the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Glomus mosseae. While the mycorrhizal fungus increased nitrogen and phosphate uptake of the plant, no such effect was observed for P. indica. In summary this work shows that many different fungal endophytes can be also isolated from roots of crops and, that these isolates can have positive effects on early plant development. This does, however, not lead to an increase in total yield or in improvement of fruit quality of tomatoes under greenhouse conditions. / Endophyten, die nicht zu den Mykorrhizapilzen gehören, können das Innere von Wurzeln ohne sichtbare Krankheitssymptome besiedeln und bilden so mit der Pflanze neutrale oder mutualistische Wechselwirkungen. Diese Pilze, auch als nicht-clavicipetale Endophyten bekannt, haben ein breites Wirtsspektrum von mono- und dikotyledonen Pflanzen und weisen eine hohe Diversität auf. Einige von ihnen fördern Pflanzenwachstum und erhöhen Resistenz und Toleranz gegenüber biotischem und abiotischem Stress. Ausgehenden von diesen möglichen Effekten auf ihre Wirtspflanzen war das Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit die Isolierung und Charakterisierung neuer pilzlicher Wurzelendophyten der Tomate (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) und die Analyse ihres Einflusses auf Pflanzenentwicklung und Pflanzenresistenz, sowie auf Ertrag und Fruchtqualität unter Einbeziehung des Modellendophyten Piriformospora indica. Aus vier verschiedenen Anbaugebieten in Kolumbien konnten 51 neue Pilzstämme von oberflächensterilisierten Tomatenwurzeln isoliert werden. Diese Isolate wurden vorcharakterisiert und 14 potentielle Endophyten bezüglich ihrer Taxonomie, ihrer Besiedlungsmuster und ihres Einfluss auf das Pflanzenwachstum näher untersucht. Sequenzierung der ITS Region des ribosomalen RNA Genclusters und genaue morphologische Charakterisierung zeigten, dass sie zu verschiedenen phylogenetischen Gruppen innerhalb der Ascomycota gehören. Neun Morphotypen ließen sich beschreiben, wobei sechs zu den ‚Dark Septate Endophytes’ (DSEs) gehören, aber nicht mit der bekannten Phialocephala Gruppe verwandt waren. Ausführliche konfokale mikroskopische Untersuchungen ergaben sehr verschiedene Besiedelungsmuster der Wurzelendophyten vom Endringen in die Epidermis bis zum Hyphenwachstum durch den Kortex. Topfexperimente unter Gewächshausbedingungen zeigten dass die Isolate in Abhängigkeit von der Inokulumkonzentration und der Zeit der Besiedlung das Wachstum der Tomaten sehr unterschiedlich beeinflussten. Drei neue Isolate (die beiden unbekannte pilzlichen Endophyten DSE48 und DSE49 und eines identifiziert als Leptodontidium orchidicola) mit neutralen oder positiven Effekten wurden für weitere Versuche ausgewählt. In mehreren Experimenten sollte ihr Einfluss auf das vegetative Wachstum, auf Ertrag und auf Fruchtqualität untersucht werden, sowie ihre Fähigkeit die Auswirkungen des Pathogens Verticillium dahliae auf Tomatenpflanzen zu vermindern. Obwohl wachstumsfördernde Effekte durch alle drei Pilze in jungen Pflanzen beobachtet wurden, waren vegetative Wachstumsparameter nach 22 Wochen der Besiedlung nicht mehr beeinflusst bis auf ein signifikante Erhöhung des Wurzeldurchmessers durch den Endophyten DSE49. L. orchidicola dagegen erhöhte die Biomasse und den Glukosegehalt der Früchte, aber nur zu frühen Ernteterminen und bei einer bestimmten Intensität der Wurzelbesiedelung. Hinsichtlich eines schützenden Effekts, konnten die Endophyten DSE49 und L. orchidicola die Krankheitssymptome, die durch V. dahliae verursacht wurden, vermindern, aber nur bei einem geringen Pathogendruck. Um zu überprüfen, ob der Modellendophyt P. indica in Produktionssytemen eingesetzt werden kann, wurde seine Auswirkungen auf Tomaten untersucht. Ähnlich wie die neuen pilzlichen Isolate, zeigte aber auch er seinen fördernden Einfluss nur auf das frühe vegetative Wachstum. Schützende Effekte gegen V. dahliae konnten ebenfalls nur bei niedrigem Pathogendruck konstant beobachtet werden. Wie L. orchidicola erhöhte P. indica die Biomasse an marktfähigen Tomaten am Anfang des Fruchtansatzes, was nicht zu einem insgesamt höheren Ertrag führte. Ob die beobachteten Effekte auf ein verbesserte Nährstoffversorgung der Pflanze zurückzuführen seien, wurde in Gerste im Vergleich mit dem arbuskulären Mykorrhizapilz Glomus mosseae untersucht. Während der Mykorrhizapilz sowohl Phosphat wie Stickstoffaufnehme der Pflanze erhöhte, konnte dies für P. indica nicht festgestellt werden. Zusammenfassend zeigt diese Arbeit, dass auch aus Wurzeln von Kulturpflanzen viele verschiedene pilzliche Endophyten isoliert werden können, und dass einige von diesen durchaus einen positiven Effekt auf die frühe Pflanzenentwicklung aufweisen. Zumindest für Tomate unter Gewächshausbedingungen führen diese Effekte aber nicht zu einer Erhöhung des Gesamtertrags oder einer nachhaltigen Verbesserung der Fruchtqualität.


Johnston Monje, David Morris 26 May 2011 (has links)
Endophytes are organisms that live inside plants without causing disease and include microbes that benefit their hosts by aiding in nutrient acquisition and pathogen control. This thesis concerns the endophytes of the genus Zea which includes modern maize (Zea mays L.). Beginning 9,000 years ago, maize was domesticated from wild grasses in Mexico (teosintes), bred into diverse varieties and moved to new soils throughout the Americas. The impact of these long-term changes on the associated endophytic communities has not been examined. Furthermore, today, maize is routinely transplanted around the world to facilitate breeding, but the short-term impact of switching soils on endophyte composition is not known. I attempted to answer the first question by surveying the bacterial endophytes that inhabit 14 diverse ancestral, ancient and modern Zea genotypes. To answer the second question, three extreme Zea genotypes, ancestral, intermediate and modern, were grown side by side on two extreme soils that span the tropical-to-temperate migration route of maize. Endophyte populations from seeds, roots and shoots were DNA fingerprinted using terminal restriction length polymorphism (TRFLP) of 16S rDNA. To understand microbial functions, bacteria were cultured and tested for >13 in vitro traits including nitrogen fixation, phosphate solubilization, plant hormone production and antibiosis. Relationships between endophyte communities were analyzed using principle component analysis (PCA) and Sᴓrensen’s similarity index. The results show that different Zea tissues and genotypes have diverse endophytic communities. The community composition of seed endophytes correlates with host phylogeny suggesting that as humans bred maize, they inadvertently impacted its microbial inhabitants, though the change was gradual. Soil swapping and growth on sterile sand confirm that shoot and root endophyte communities in juvenile plants are primarily inherited. However, a given maize genotype can also select and take up the same microbes (based on TRFLP) from geographically diverse soils. These latter results show that the endophyte communities of Zea plants are significantly buffered from the short-term effects of migration. A few microbes and microbial traits are conserved across all Zea genotypes and soil treatments, suggestive of a core taxonomic and functional microbiota for this agriculturally important genus. / OMAFRA New Directions, Ontario Research Fund, Canadian Foundation for Innovation

Correlation of fecal ergovaline, lolitrem B, and their metabolites in steers fed endophyte infected perennial ryegrass straw

Murty, Lia D. 21 November 2012 (has links)
Perennial ryegrass (PRG, Lolium perenne) is a hardy cool-season grass that is infected with the endophytic fungus Neotyphodium lolii, which enables the plant to be insect repellant and drought resistant, lowering the use of insecticides and fertilizers. However, this fungus produces the compound lolitrem B (LB, m/z 686.4) which causes the tremorgenic neurotoxicity syndrome 'ryegrass staggers' in livestock consuming forage which contains <2000 ppb LB. Ergovaline (EV, m/z 534) is a vasoconstrictor normally associated with tall fescue (Festuca arudinacea), but has also been found in endophyte-infected PRG. Past research has shown a strong linear correlation between levels of LB and EV in PRG. The purpose of this study was to examine the linear relationship between EV and LB in feces and determine common metabolites. To accomplish this, four groups of steers (n=6/group) consumed endophyte- infected PRG over 70 days consumed the following averages of LB and EV: group I 2254ppb LB/633 ppb EV; group II 1554ppb LB/ 373ppb EV, group III 1011ppb LB/259ppb EV, and group IV 246ppb LB/<100ppb EV. Group I in week 4 was inadvertently given a washout period at which time the steers consumed the amount of LB and EV given to group IV (control). Both feed and feces samples were extracted using difference solid phase extraction methods and quantified by HPLC-fluorescence for LB and EV. Concentrations of EV and LB obtained through HPLC-fluorescence in both PRG and feces showed a linear relationship. Additional screening for metabolites was conducted LC-MS/MS and showed possible oxidation and reduction metabolites for both toxins. / Graduation date: 2013

Taxtomina A e Piriformospora indica no controle de Phytophthora nicotianae em citros e Phytophthora plurivora em faia (Fagus sylvatica) / Thaxtomin A and Piriformospora indica in the control of Phytophthora nicotianae in citrus and Phytophthora plurivora in beech (Fagus sylvatica)

Simone Cristiane Brand 26 February 2016 (has links)
Espécies de Phytophthora tem se destacado ao longo da história devido ao seu potencial destrutivo, se iniciando com a devastadora P. infestans na Irlanda e se estende até os dias de hoje com P. nicotianae em citros e P. plurivora em faia. Uma característica importante deste grupo de patógenos é que as medidas de controle da doença se baseiam na prevenção da entrada do patógeno na área visto que, uma vez instalado, o produtor precisa conviver com o mesmo, pois não se dispõem de métodos efetivos de controle. Neste sentido, a busca por métodos de controle torna-se primordial. O endofítico radicular Piriformospora indica, tem-se destacado em vários patossistemas devido a sua habilidade de induzir resistência contra patógenos, aumentar a tolerância à estresses abióticos e promover o crescimento de plantas. Taxtomina A, produzida por Streptomyces scabies, é capaz de ativar mecanismos de defesa de plantas, os quais são efetivos contra agentes patogênicos. Objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar o efeito de P. indica e da taxtomina A sobre P. nicotianae em citros e P. plurivora em faia. Ambos foram avaliados quanto ao seu efeito direto sobre os patógenos em questão. O indutor de defesa vegetal Bion&reg; foi utilizado em alguns ensaios para fins de comparação. Plântulas de citros e faia foram tratadas com concentrações crescentes de taxtomina e parâmetros fisiológicos, bioquímicos e de controle da doença foram avaliados. Taxtomina A não apresenta efeito direto sobre os patógenos avaliados. Os dados de incidência da doença em plântulas de faia tratadas com taxtomina A nas concentrações de 10, 25, 50 e 100 &mu;g se mostraram consistentes com a quantidade de DNA do patógeno no sistema radicular, demonstrando que, aparentemente, a toxina induziu suscetibilidade nas plântulas de faia. Em citros, para os parâmetros fisiológicos e bioquímicos avaliados, em linhas gerais, a taxtomina A nas concentrações de 50 e 100 &mu;g demonstrou potencial de aplicação no patossistema citros - P. nicotianae. Quando avaliada a mortalidade de plantas inoculadas com o patógeno e tratadas com taxtomina, bem como, quando quantificado o DNA do oomiceto no sistema radicular, as referidas concentrações também apresentaram os melhores desempenhos. Plântulas das mesmas espécies foram submetidas a inoculação com P. indica, sendo avaliados os efeitos na promoção de crescimento, na atividade de enzimas e de genes relacionados ao processo de defesa, bem como, no controle da doença. Não foi observado efeito direto do endofítico radicular sobre os patógenos avaliados. Quando plântulas de citros foram inoculadas com P. indica e depois com P. nicotianae, não foi observada promoção de crescimento e controle da doença. As análises histológicas e moleculares demonstraram a presença do endofítico no sistema radicular de plântulas de citros e faia. Análises bioquímicas revelaram apenas aumentos pontuais no teor de proteínas e na atividade da &beta;-1,3-glucanase e da peroxidase no tratamento com P. indica + P. nicotianae. Os genes PR-1.4, PR-1.8, PR-&beta;-glucosidase e Hsp70 foram induzidos em plântulas inoculadas com P. indica e com o patógeno, bem como no tratamento com Bion&reg; e patógeno, porém em menor magnitude. O endofítico P. indica ativa o sistema de defesa de plântulas de citros, no entanto, os mecanismos ativados não são efetivos para o controle da doença na interação citros - P. nicotianae. / Phytophthora species has been important throughout history because of its destructive potential, starting with the devastating P. infestans in potatos in Ireland and extending to the present day with Phytophthora nicotianae on citrus and Phytophthora plurivora on beech. An important feature of this group of pathogens is that the disease control measures are based upon prevention of pathogen entry into the area since, once installed, producers have to live with it, because they do not have effective methods of control. Accordingly, the search for control methods becomes essential. The root endophytic fungus Piriformospora indica has been shown to induce resistance against pathogens, increase tolerance to abiotic stresses and promote the growth of plants. On the other hand, the phytotoxin thaxtomin A, produced by Streptomyces scabies, is able to activate plant defense mechanisms, which are effective against pathogens. Thus, the objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of P. indica and thaxtomin A on the control of P. nicotianae on citrus and P. plurivora on beech. Both were assessed for their direct effect on these pathogens. The plant defense inducer Bion&reg; was used in some tests for comparison. Besides that, seedlings of citrus or beech were treated with P. indica or increasing concentrations of thaxtomin and physiological / biochemical parameters as well as those related to induction of resistance and disease control were evaluated. The results showed that thaxtomin A did no exhibit any direct effect on the pathogens. The incidence of disease on beech seedlings treated with thaxtomin A, in concentrations of 10, 25, 50 and 100 ug, were consistent with the amount of DNA of the pathogen in the root tissue, demonstrating that, apparently, the toxin induced susceptibility in the seedlings. In citrus, for the physiological and biochemical parameters evaluated, in general, the thaxtomin in the concentrations of 50 and 100 ug showed potential for application in the citrus pathosystem - P. nicotianae. When the mortality of the seedlings treated with thaxtomin and inoculated with the pathogen as well as the oomycete DNA amount in the root system were evaluated these concentrations also had the best performances. As mentioned above, seedlings of beech or citrus were also inoculated with the endophyte and its effect on growth promotion, enzyme activities, the expression of genes related to defense process and on disease control was measured. There was no direct effect of the root endophyte on the pathogens. When citrus seedlings were inoculated with P. indica and then with P. nicotianae, there was no growth promotion or disease control. Histological and molecular analysis showed the presence of the endophytic fungus inside the root system of citrus and beech seedlings. Biochemical analyzes revealed only occasional increases in protein content and the activities of &beta;-1,3-glucanase and peroxidase in the treatment with P. indica + P. nicotianae in citrus seedlings. The genes PR-1.4, PR- 1.8, PR-&beta;-glucosidase and Hsp70 were induced in seedlings inoculated with P. indica and challenged with the pathogen as well as in the treatment with the resistance inducer Bion&reg; plus pathogen, but to a lesser magnitude. Finally, the endophytic P. indica is able to active defense system in citrus, however, the activated mechanisms seems not to be effective in controlling the disease in the interaction citrus - P. nicotianae.

Transformação genética e patogenicidade de Guignardia citricarpa / Genetic transformation and pathogenicity of Guignardia citricarpa

Maria Beatriz Calderan Rodrigues 23 August 2010 (has links)
O Brasil é líder absoluto no comércio internacional de suco de laranja concentrado congelado participando com 82% do volume comercializado no mundo. Guignardia citricarpa é um fungo Ascomiceto agente causal da Mancha Preta dos Citros (MPC), uma doença importante no contexto da Citricultura, causando lesões negras em frutos tornando-os impróprios para a exportação, já que não são aceitos na União Européia pois o patógeno é classificado como quarentenário. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo principal estabeler a metodologia de transformação genética de G. citricarpa para futuramente auxiliar no entendimento dos mecanismos de patogenicidade desta espécie, visando diminuir perdas na citricultura brasileira devido à MPC. Além disso, foi realizada uma análise do gene da enzima endopoligalacturonase, a qual está associada à capacidade de patógenos em colonizar plantas. Para elucidar esse fenômeno, foi realizada a busca de genes relacionados à patogenicidade em outros fungos fitopatogênicos previamente descritos e confirmados participarem no processo de doenças em diversas plantas. Considerando que esses genes possuem uma região conservada para esse fim, após o alinhamento dessas sequências foram construídos primers e o gene de endopoligalacturonase foi identificado no gênero Guignardia sp. Outra espécie pertencente a esse gênero é G. mangiferae, conhecida como endófito de citros, ou seja, coloniza os tecidos internos da planta hospedeira sem causar dano. Em análises enzimáticas foi observado que a quantidade de endopoligalacturonase produzida pela espécie patogênica é superior à da espécie endofítica, mostrando que essa enzima pode participar do processo de patogenicidade de G. citricarpa. Estudos para comprovar a participação de genes nos mecanismos de patogenicidade em diversas espécies utilizando reconhecimento de genes e genômica funcional, expressão e knockout de genes estão sendo realizados, permitindo uma visão geral da organização genômica do sistema patogênico. Pensando nisso, esse trabalho descreve pela primeira vez a metodologia de transformação genética de G. citricarpa via micélio e a obtenção de transformantes expressando a proteína verde fluorescente (GFP). Micélios do fungo foram transformados pelo sistema via Agrobacterium tumefaciens com o plasmídeo pFAT-gfp, contendo os genes de resistência à higromicina B (hgr) e da GFP. A otimização do protocolo de agrotransformação foi realizada a partir do teste de diferentes condições como: tipo de membrana, concentração de agente indutor e tempo de cocultivo. A melhor condição incluiu a utilização de membrana de éster de celulose; 200 PM de AS e 96 horas de co-cultivo. Os transformantes apresentaram alta estabilidade mitótica (82%) e tiveram a inserção do gene hgr confirmada por PCR e do gfp observada em microscopia óptica de epifluorescência. Além disso, foi acompanhado o desenvolvimento do fungo inoculado em frutos, mostrando a interação planta-patógeno. O estabelecimento do sistema de transformação por Agrobacterium para G. citricarpa possibilita o uso dessa ferramenta para estudos de mutagênese insercional e interrupção gênica visando a identificação de genes importantes, como os envolvidos com os mecanismos de patogenicidade utilizados por esse fungo. / Brazil is the world leader in the international trade of frozen orange juice concentrate, taking part with around 82% of the traded volume. Guignardia citricarpa (anamorph Phyllosticta citricarpa) is a fungal pathogen of citrus plants, being described as the causal agent of citrus black spot (CBS), one of the most important fungal diseases of citrus worldwide. Its symptoms are black lesions on fruit, making them unsuitable for the international fresh market, since they are included in the quarantine list of the European Plant Protection Organization (EPPO). Moreover, when the disease is severe it may cause extensive premature fruit drop that reduces yields of fruit for processing. Taking this into consideration, the current work aimed to improve the understanding on the pathogenic mechanisms of this fungus. Firstly, in an attempt to elucidate this phenomenon, it was performed a search for pathogenicity genes previously reported to some pathogenic fungi and confirmed to participate in the process of infection in many plants , especially endopolygalacturonase. Primers were designed using the conserved regions of the genes and allowed the identification of the Guignardia spp. endopolygalacturonase gene for the first time. This enzyme has been described as playing important role in the process of fungal diseases in plants. In the present work, enzymatic analysis showed that the pathogen G. citricarpa produced significantly greater amounts of endopolygalacturonase when compared to G. mangiferae, a closely related fungus described as a citrus endophyte. This result suggests that this enzyme may participate in the process of pathogenicity, characteristic of the pathogenic species. Genetic transformation methods have been used to prove the involvement of genes in pathogenic mechanisms, however, a suitable methodology for G. citricarpa has not been described yet. In this way, this study describes for the first time a methodology for genetic transformation of G. citricarpa via mycelia and the successful generation of transformants expressing the green fluorescent protein (GFP) and resistant to the hygromycin B antibiotic. Mycelia of the fungus were genetically transformed via Agrobacterium tumefaciens hosting the plasmid pFAT-gfp, which carries the genes for resistance to hygromycin B (hph) and for GFP (gfp). The protocol was optimized through different test conditions (type of membrane, concentration of the inducing agent acetosyringone and duration of the co-cultivation period). The higher transformation efficiencies were observed using cellulose ester membrane, 200 PM of acetosyringone and 96 hours of cocultivation. The transformants showed high mitotic stability (82%) and the insertion of the T-DNA was confirmed by PCR and GFP expression through epifluorescence microscopy observation. Moreover, it was observed the development of the fungus in inoculated oranges, showing the plant-pathogen interaction observed by epifluorescense microscopy. The establishment of the Agrobacterium-mediated transformation system for G. citricarpa represents an important step on the search for unveiling important genes of this fungus, such as those involved in the pathogenic mechanisms.

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