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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The interaction between the intracellular endophytic bacterium, Methylobacterium extorquens DSM13060, and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.)

Koskimäki, J. (Janne) 17 May 2016 (has links)
Abstract To date, plant endophytic bacteria have mainly been studied in roots of crop plants. However, shoot-associated endophytes are less diverse than root-associated ones. Hence, endophytic bacteria of plant shoots evolved different traits, than root colonizers, especially with types of host tissues infected and patterns of growth and development. This study found Methylobacterium extorquens colonized pine seedlings similarly to stem-colonizing rhizobia of other plants. M. extorquens DSM13060 was isolated from meristematic cells in shoot tip cultures of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.). M. extorquens infected the plant stem through epidermis or stomatal apertures, forming infection pockets in the root and stem epidermis, or cortex. Post-infection, thread-like infection structures passed through the endoderm, invading vascular tissues. This led to systemic colonization of above and below ground-parts, observed in in vitro grown Scots pine. A novel mechanism enabling development of endophyte-host symbiosis is discovered within the M. extorquens – Scots pine model. This mechanism involves ability of M. extorquens to produce polyhydroxybutyrates (PHB) to protect itself from host-induced oxidative stress during infection. Upon initial colonization on the host surface, M. extorquens DSM13060 consumes methanol as a carbon source, using it to biosynthesize PHB. PHB are then degraded, upon host infection, by PHB depolymerases (PhaZ) to yield methyl-esterified 3-hydroxybutyrate oligomers. These oligomers have substantial antioxidant activity towards host-induced oxidative stress, enabling the bacterium to bypass host defenses and colonize further tissues. The bacteria can also store PHBs for future protection. The capacity for PHB production and, thus, protection from oxidative stress, is discovered in a wide taxonomic range of bacteria. This study also shows meristematic endophytes are important in growth and development of their hosts. Unlike many bacterial root endophytes, M. extorquens DSM13060 does not induce plant growth through hormones. However, this bacterium can colonize the interior of living host cells, where it aggregates around the nucleus of the host plant. M. extorquens DSM13060 genome encodes nucleomodulins, eukaryotic-like transcription factors, which may intervene in host transcription and metabolism. / Tiivistelmä Kasvin sisällä elävien endofyyttisten bakteerien tutkimus on perinteisesti keskittynyt viljelykasveihin ja niiden juuristoon. Kasvien maanpäällisissä versoissa elävät endofyytit eroavat merkittävästi juuriston bakteereista lajirikkauden suhteen. Versoissa eläville bakteereille on todennäköisesti kehittynyt erilaisia sopeumia kuin juuriston endofyyttilajeille. Endofyyttinen Methylobacterium extorquens DSM13060 elää männyn silmujen kasvusolukossa lisäten isäntäkasvin kasvua. Tässä tutkimuksessa M. extorquens –bakteerin todettiin siirtyvän männyn taimiin samoja mekanismeja käyttäen kuin Rhizobium –suvun typensitojabakteerit. Metylobakteeri tunkeutui isäntäkasviin aktiivisesti soluseinien läpi tai varren ilmarakojen kautta muodostaen mikropesäkkeitä juuren ja varren pinnoille, sekä infektiotaskuja kuorisolukkoon. Bakteeri eteni infektiolankojen avulla endodermin ohi johtosolukoihin, mikä mahdollisti bakteerin siirtymisen muualle taimeen. M. extorquens käytti kasvin pinnalla runsaana olevaa metanolia hiilenlähteenään, varastoiden sen solujen sisäiseksi polyhydroksibutyraatti (PHB) polymeeriksi. Infektion myöhemmissä vaiheissa bakteeri hajotti varastoidun polymeerin PHB-depolymeraasientsyymien (PhaZ) avulla lyhyiksi rasvahappoketjuiksi. Nämä metyloidut 3-hydroksibutyraatin oligomeerit suojasivat bakteeria isäntäkasvin puolustuksen tuottamilta happiradikaaleilta mahdollistaen infektion etenemisen. Tutkimuksessa saatujen tulosten perusteella endofyytin solunsisäinen energiavarasto, PHB, toimii pelkistävänä varastona ympäristön hapettavaa stressiä vastaan. Löytö osoitti uudenlaisen antioksidatiivisen puolustumekanismin, joka on levinnyt laajalle bakteerikunnassa ja liittyy yleisesti bakteerien kykyyn sietää vaikeita olosuhteita. Toisin kuin useat juurissa elävät bakteeriendofyytit, M. extorquens ei lisää isäntäkasvin kasvua tuottamalla kasvihormoneja. Bakteeri kykenee elämään männyn elävien solujen sisällä tumien läheisyydessä. M. extorquens DSM13060 genomi sisältääkin useita geenejä, jotka koodaavat nukleomoduliineja, eukaryoottisolujen säätylytekijöiden kaltaisia entsyymejä, joiden avulla bakteeri todennäköisesti vaikuttaa isäntäkasvin aineenvaihduntaan. Vastaavaa vaikutusmekanismia ei ole aikaisemmin kuvattu endofyyteillä. Tutkimus korostaa aiemmin tuntemattomien meristemaattisten bakteeriendofyyttien merkitystä isäntäkasvin kasvussa ja erilaistumisessa.

Plant breeding aspects of ryegrasses (Lolium sp.) infected with endophytic fungi

Stewart, Alan V. January 1987 (has links)
Some aspects of the presence of systemic endophytic fungi in agriculturally important New Zealand grasses were studied in relation to plant breeding. Seedling resistance to adult Argentine stem weevil feeding in perennial ryegrass, Italian ryegrass and tall fescue was found to be related to the presence of their respective Acremonium endophytes in the seed rather than to plant genetic resistance. In addition a study of perennial ryegrass revealed that this resistance was independent of endophyte viability. The seedling resistance conferred by the endophyte of Italian ryegrass was found to be beneficial for field establishment. This endophyte differs from that in perennial ryegrass and tall fescue in that it does not confer resistance to Argentine stem weevil on mature plants, but only on seedlings. The extent of plant genetic seedling tolerance to adult Argentine stem weevil feeding was limited to broad inter-specific differences, with tall fescue more tolerant than perennial ryegrass and both of these more tolerant than Italian ryegrass. This ranking corresponds with previous observations on feeding preference on mature plants. A study of factors affecting the concentration of endophyte mycelia in infected seed of perennial ryegrass revealed that plant genetic factors had little effect. The major factors studied were: 1) the endophyte concentration in the maternal parent plant directly influenced the endophyte concentration in the seed. 2) nitrogen fertilizer applications to a seed crop reduced the concentration of mycelia in the seed, with earlier applications having a greater effect. 3) application of the fungicide propiconazole (Tilt) to a seed crop reduced the endophyte concentration in the seed. 4) the endophyte concentration in the seed was found to directly influence the endophyte concentration in seedlings, six month old plants and that of seed harvested from a first year seed crop. As there have been no previous reports of tetraploid perennial ryegrass cultivars with endophyte an experiment was conducted to determine if these could be developed by the standard procedure of colchicine treatment. The results revealed that endophyte was retained following colchicine treatment.

Use of plant growth promoting endophytic bacteria to alleviate the effects of individual and combined abiotic stresses on plants as an innovative approach to discover new delivery strategies for bacterial bio-stimulants

Tufail, Muhammad Aammar 19 May 2021 (has links)
Bacterial endophytes are the organisms that live inside the plant for a full or a part of their life cycle. Endophytic bacteria have captured the interest of agriculture industry due to their plant beneficial properties, such as synthesis of phytohormones, solubilization of soil nutrients, and alleviation of biotic and abiotic stresses. Several studies have reported that stress tolerant endophytic bacteria can work with a similar performance as non-stressed conditions when inoculated to the plants under stressed conditions. Combination of abiotic stresses such as salinity, drought and low nitrogen stress can have additive or agonistic effects on bacterial and plant growth, and their interactions. However, very few studies have reported the impact of combined stress on endophytic bacterial assisted plant growth promotion. Therefore, understanding the underlying mechanisms of endophytic bacterial assisted plant’s tolerance abiotic stresses may provide the means of better exploiting the beneficial abilities of endophytic bacteria in agricultural production. Thus, the aim of this thesis was to study the stress tolerance mechanisms, beneficial characteristics, and plant growth promotion characteristics of endophytic bacteria under individual and combined abiotic stresses. Transcriptome analysis of endophytic bacteria revealed that tolerance mechanisms to deal with one kind of stress is different than concurrent stresses. Salinity and drought stress largely modulated the genes involved in flagellar assembly and membrane transport, showing reduced motility under stress conditions to preserve the energy. Additionally, bacterial endophyte that can fix nitrogen was studied with maize plant growth promotion under drought and low nitrogen stress conditions. The results suggested that diazotrophic bacterial endophyte can promote plant growth under moderate individual and combined stress conditions. Plant growth promoting endophytic bacteria can be utilized as an efficient tool to increase crop production under individual and concurrent abiotic stresses.

Urban Lawn Management: Addressing the Entomological, Agronomic, Economic, and Social Drivers

Alumai, Alfred 05 December 2008 (has links)
No description available.


Shittu, Hakeem Olalekan 05 October 2010 (has links)
When tomato Craigella is infected with Verticillium dahliae Dvd-E6 (Dvd-E6), a tolerant state is induced with substantial pathogen load, but few symptoms. Unexpectedly, these plants are more robust and taller with Dvd-E6 behaving as an endophyte. Some endophytes can protect plants from virulent pathogens. This research was undertaken to improve understanding of the cellular and molecular nature of Verticillium tolerance in tomato, especially whether infection by Dvd-E6 can protect Craigella from virulent V. dahliae, race 1 (Vd1). To permit mixed infection experiments a restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP)-based assay was developed and used for differentiating Dvd-E6 from Vd1, when present in mixed infections. The results suggested that protection involves molecular interplay between Dvd-E6 and Vd1 in susceptible Craigella (CS) tomatoes, resulting in restricted Vd1 colonization. Further studies showed a dramatic reduction of Vd1 spores and mycelia. To examine genetic changes that account for these biological changes, a customized DNA chip (TVR) was used to analyze defense gene mRNA levels. The defense gene response was categorized into four groups. Group 1 was characterized by strong induction of defense genes followed by suppression. However, Vd1-induced gene suppression was blocked by Dvd-E6 in mixed infections. These genes included some transcription factors and PR proteins such as class IV chitinases and beta glucanases which are known to target fungal spores and mycelia. Experiments also were repeated with a Craigella resistant (CR) isoline containing a fully active Ve locus (Ve1+ and Ve2+). The biological results showed that the presence of the Ve1+ allele resulted in restricted Vd1 colonization and, in a mixed infection with Dvd-E6, Vd1 was completely eliminated from the plant stem. Surprisingly, there was no significant increase in defense gene mRNAs. Rather, elevated basal levels of defense gene products appeared sufficient to combat pathogen attack. To investigate functional effects of the genetic changes observed, an inducible RNAi knockdown vector for a defense gene (TUS15G8) with unknown function (pMW4-TUS15G8) as well as the Ve2 resistance gene (pMW-Ve2) was prepared as a initial step for future transformation analyses. Taken together the results reveal intriguing but complex biological and molecular changes in mixed infections, which remain a basis for future experiments and potential agricultural benefits. / Canadian Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship Plan

Endophytes of commercial Cranberry cultivars that control fungal pathogens

Elazreg, Karima 04 1900 (has links)
Les endophytes sont des microorganismes (généralement des bactéries et des champignons) qui vivent dans les tissus végétaux mais n'activent pas le système immunitaire/défense des plantes, contrairement aux pathogènes végétaux qui activent généralement les réponses immunitaires des plantes. Des recherches récentes ont montré que pratiquement toutes les plantes cultivées en plein champ contiennent un certain nombre d'endophytes, et que certains endophytes stimulent la croissance des plantes et renforcent la résistance contre les agents pathogènes. Les endophytes sécrètent des composés chimiques (métabolites secondaires) qui suppriment la croissance des agents pathogènes, un processus connu sous le nom de biocontrôle. En raison de ces propriétés de biocontrôle, les endophytes sont une alternative potentielle aux pesticides chimiques pour lutter contre les maladies des plantes. En conséquence, le biocontrôle est devenu un domaine de recherche important. Mon projet de recherche comportait les objectifs spécifiques suivants : (i) isoler les endophytes des plants de canneberges acquis auprès de deux producteurs commerciaux de canneberges de la variété Stevens situés au Québec, Canada (Bieler Cranberries Inc, et Gillivert Inc.) ; (ii) tester l'activité de biocontrôle des endophytes contre une collection de champignons pathogènes et ensuite inoculer les endophytes les plus actifs dans des plants de canneberges obtenus par germination de la variété Stevens (Bieler Cranberries Inc. ) et Scarlet Knight (Daniele Landreville) ; et (iii) identifier des groupes de gènes de métabolites secondaires en séquençant, assemblant et annotant le génome d'un endophyte qui présentait de fortes caractéristiques de biocontrôle. Dans le cadre de ce projet de recherche, des tests antagonistes in vitro ont été réalisés avec des endophytes de la canneberge et un champignon pathogène, qui ont montré que Pseudomonas sp. CSWB3, Pseudomonas sp. CLWB12 et la souche fongique Lachnum sp. EFK28 étaient les plus actifs et ces souches ont donc été sélectionnées pour des études plus approfondies. Des expériences de germination de semis in vitro et d'inoculation d'endophytes ont montré que les souches bactériennes Pseudomonas sp. CSWB3 et Pseudomonas sp. CLWB12 amélioraient la croissance des semis de canneberges de la variété Stevens. Comme les Pseudomonas sp. CSWB3 et Pseudomonas sp. CLWB12 ont tous deux un effet antagoniste élevé sur les champignons pathogènes, un seul (Pseudomonas sp. CSWB3) a été soumis à une analyse du génome. Le séquençage, l'assemblage, l'annotation et l'analyse du génome de Pseudomonas sp. CSWB3 a révélé que cette souche possède cinq groupes de gènes biosynthétiques de métabolites secondaires qui codent pour les protéines responsables de la biosynthèse des composés antifongiques/antimicrobiens : pyrrolnitrine, pyoluteorine, putisolvine, 2,4-diacétylephloroglucinol, bicornutine A1 et bicornutine A2. Sur la base des résultats de ces travaux, nous concluons que certains endophytes de la canneberge qui possèdent des groupes de gènes codant pour des métabolites secondaires antifongiques peuvent supprimer les pathogènes fongiques et améliorer la croissance des plantes. / Endophytes are microorganisms (typically bacteria and fungi) that live within plant tissue but do not activate the plant defense/immune system, unlike plant pathogens that typically do activate plant immune responses. Recent research has shown that virtually all plants grown under field conditions contain a number of endophytes, and that certain endophytes stimulate plant growth and enhance resistance against pathogens. Endophytes secrete chemical compounds (secondary metabolites) that suppress pathogen growth, a process known as biocontrol. Because of these biocontrol properties, endophytes are a potential alternative to chemical pesticides for combatting plant disease. Accordingly, biocontrol has become an important field of research. My research project was comprised of the following specific aims: (i) isolate endophytes from cranberry plants that were acquired from two commercial producers of cranberries of the Stevens variety located in Quebec, Canada (Bieler Cranberries Inc, and Gillivert Inc.); (ii) test the biocontrol activity of endophytes against a collection of fungal pathogens and then inoculate the most active endophytes into cranberry seedlings that were obtained by germinating Stevens (Bieler Cranberries Inc.) and Scarlet Knight (Daniele Landreville) seeds; and (iii) identify secondary metabolite gene clusters by sequencing, assembling, and annotating the genome of one endophyte that exhibited strong biocontrol characteristics. As part of this research project, in vitro antagonistic tests were conducted with cranberry endophytes and fungal pathogen, which showed that Pseudomonas sp. CSWB3, Pseudomonas sp. CLWB12, and the fungal strain Lachnum sp. EFK28 were the most active and therefore these strains were selected for further studies. In vitro seedling germination and endophyte inoculation experiments showed that the bacterial strains Pseudomonas sp. CSWB3 and Pseudomonas sp. CLWB12 enhanced the growth of cranberry seedlings of the Stevens variety. Since Pseudomonas sp. CSWB3 and Pseudomonas sp. CLWB12 both had a high antagonistic effect on fungal pathogens, only one (Pseudomonas sp. CSWB3) was subjected to genome analysis. Sequencing, assembly, annotation, and analysis of the Pseudomonas sp. CSWB3 genome revealed that this strain possesses five secondary metabolite biosynthetic gene clusters that encode proteins responsible for the biosynthesis of the antifungal/antimicrobial compounds pyrrolnitrin, pyoluteorin, putisolvin, 2,4-diacetylephloroglucinol, bicornutin A1, and bicornutin A2. Based on the results of this work, we conclude that certain cranberry endophytes that possess gene clusters encoding antifungal secondary metabolites can suppress fungal pathogens and enhance plant growth.

Thousand Cankers Disease of Eastern Black Walnut: Ecological Interactions in the Holobiont of a Bark Beetle-Fungal Disease

Geoffrey M Williams (11186766) 27 July 2021 (has links)
<p>Eastern black walnut (<i>Juglans nigra</i> L.) ranks among the most highly valued timber species in the central hardwood forest and across the world. This valuable tree fills a critical role in native ecosystems as a mast bearing pioneer on mesic sites. Along with other <i>Juglans</i> spp. (Juglandaceae), <i>J. nigra</i> is threatened by thousand cankers disease (TCD), an insect-vectored disease first described in 2009. TCD is caused by the bark beetle <i>Pityophthorus juglandis</i> Blackman (Corthylini) and the phytopathogenic fungus <i>Geosmithia morbida</i> Kol. Free. Ut. & Tiss. (Bionectriaceae). Together, the <i>P. juglandis</i>-<i>G. morbida</i> complex has expanded from its historical range in southwest North America throughout the western United States (U.S.) and Europe. This range expansion has led to widespread mortality among naïve hosts <i>J. nigra</i> and <i>J. regia</i> planted outside their native distributions.</p> <p> The severity of TCD was previously observed to be highest in urban and plantation environments and outside of the host native range. Therefore, the objective of this work was to provide information on biotic and abiotic environmental factors that influence the severity and impact of TCD across the native and non-native range of <i>J. nigra</i> and across different climatic and management regimes. This knowledge would enable a better assessment of the risk posed by TCD and a basis for developing management activities that impart resilience to natural systems. Through a series of greenhouse-, laboratory- and field-based experiments, environmental factors that affect the pathogenicity and/or survival of <i>G. morbida</i> in <i>J. nigra</i> were identified, with a focus on the microbiome, climate, and opportunistic pathogens. A number of potentially important interactions among host, vector, pathogen and the rest of the holobiont of TCD were characterized. The <i>holobiont</i> is defined as the whole multitrophic community of organisms—including <i>J. nigra</i>, microinvertebrates, fungi and bacteria—that interact with one another and with the host.</p> <p>Our findings indicate that interactions among host, vector, pathogen, secondary pathogens, novel microbial communities, and novel abiotic environments modulate the severity of TCD in native, non-native, and managed and unmanaged contexts. Prevailing climatic conditions favor reproduction and spread of <i>G. morbida</i> in the western United States due to the effect of wood moisture content on fungal competition. The microbiome of soils, roots, and stems of trees and seedlings grown outside the host native range harbor distinct, lower-diversity communities of bacteria and fungi compared to the native range, including different communities of beneficial or pathogenic functional groups of fungi. The pathogen <i>G. morbida</i> was also associated with a distinct community of microbes in stems compared to <i>G. morbida</i>-negative trees. The soil microbiome from intensively-managed plantations facilitated positive feedback between <i>G. morbida</i> and a disease-promomting endophytic <i>Fusarium solani</i> species complex sp. in roots of <i>J. nigra</i> seedlings. Finally, the nematode species <i>Bursaphelenchus juglandis</i> associated with <i>P. juglandis</i> synergizes with <i>G. morbida</i> to cause foliar symptoms in seedlings in a shadehouse; conversely, experiments and observations indicated that the nematode species <i>Panagrolaimus</i> sp. and cf. <i>Ektaphelenchus</i> sp. could suppress WTB populations and/or TCD outbreaks.</p> <p>In conclusion, the composition, function, and interactions within the <i>P. juglandis</i> and <i>J. nigra</i> holobiont play important roles in the TCD pathosystem. Managers and conservationists should be aware that novel associations outside the host native range, or in monocultures, intensive nursery production, and urban and low-humidity environments may favor progression of the disease through the effects of associated phytobiomes, nematodes, and climatic conditions on disease etiology. Trees in higher diversity, less intensively managed growing environments within their native range may be more resilient to disease. Moreover, expatriated, susceptible host species (<i>i.e.</i>, <i>J. nigra</i>) growing in environments that are favorable to novel pests or pest complexes (<i>i.e.</i>, the western U.S.) may provide connectivity between emergent forest health threats (<i>i.e.</i>, TCD) and native host populations (<i>i.e.</i>, <i>J. nigra</i> in its native range).</p>

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