Spelling suggestions: "subject:"english as a foreign language"" "subject:"3nglish as a foreign language""
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A qualitative study on students’ perceptions of (un)willingness to communicate in English as a foreign languageFager, Linn January 2020 (has links)
This study aims at exploring (1) the circumstances under which some Swedish learners of English are likely to participate in conversations in the target language, and (2) how teachers in upper secondary school might increase these students' willingness to communicate (WTC) in English during lessons. Five students retaking the mandatory first course of English in Swedish upper secondary school volunteered for the study. The data were collected through semi-structured interviews, and the transcripts were analysed using qualitative content analysis. The results of the study showed that learners perceive the learning environment to be a ma jor factor affecting their WTC. Moreover, it was concluded that being able to convey a message is important for the students, and that uncertainty about whether or not they will be able to do so strongly affects their WTC. The results also showed that their WTC is strongly connected to their listening comprehension. In light of the reported beliefs and perceptions of the learners, it is suggested that students can be trained for strategies to use when they encounter problems in vocabulary retrieval as well as listening comprehension. Repeating exercises to make the learners feel safe has also been a suggestion.
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“Mitt mål är att de alltid ska ha sagt någonting på engelska under lektionen” : En intervjustudie om lärares didaktiska val för att främja elevers muntliga kommunikation i engelskundervisningenAntonsson, Tove, Jarl, Emma, Fogelström, Veronica January 2022 (has links)
I läroplanen för engelska i grundskolan föreligger ett stort fokus på den kommunikativa förmågan, samtidigt upplever elever en ovilja till att kommunicera på engelska under lektionerna. I förhandenvarande studie undersöktes hur lärare i årskurs 4-6 didaktiskt strukturerar sin undervisning för att motivera elever till att kommunicera på engelska i skolan. För att besvara frågeställningarna “Vilka förutsättningar menar lärare är centrala för elevers vilja att kommunicera på engelska under engelskundervisning?” och “Vilka didaktiska val gör lärare för att motivera elever till att kommunicera på engelska under engelskundervisningen?” har intervjuer genomförts med sex behöriga lärare i engelska på årskurs 4-6. Empirin har analyserats utifrån ett sociokulturellt perspektiv. Resultaten visar att lärare upplever klassrumsklimatet som centralt för att eleverna ska känna sig trygga att kommunicera på engelska under lektionerna. Det framkommer även som fördelaktigt att vara flera vuxna eller lärare under lektionerna för att ge utrymme för stöttning samt undervisning eller aktiviteter i mindre grupper. I enlighet med tidigare forskning beskriver lärarna även en omfattande vilja till variation gällande de aktiviteter som genomförs under lektionerna, något som ansågs uppmuntra till kommunikation på målspråket engelska. Lärarens roll som förebild beskrivs i studien som viktig då läraren modellerar målspråksanvändning för eleverna, vilket uppmuntrar eleverna till kommunikation på engelska. Tidigare forskning och resultaten i denna studie förespråkar till stor del samma didaktiska val. Vidare forskning bör dock undersöka skillnader mellan lärares uppfattning av sin egen undervisningspraktik i relation till vad som kan observeras utifrån lärares lektioner.
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It's storytime! : Elevperspektiv på att använda bilderböcker i engelskundervisning / It's storytime! : Pupils' perspective on using picture books in English teachingBark, Åsa, Cederqvist, Miia January 2022 (has links)
Engelska som skolämne behöver bemöta eleverna på ett motiverande sätt och ha ett innehåll som främjar elevernas språkförmågor så att de kan bli trygga språkanvändare på engelska i framtiden. Forskning anser att läsning är en grundläggande nyckel för att skaffa ny kunskap. Genom att använda bilderböcker i språkundervisning som ett undervisningsinstrument kan elevernas upplevelse och motivation främjas, vilket vidare kan påverka deras framtidaanvändande av målspråket. Syftet med denna studie är, för det första, att undersöka elevers upplevelse av att läraren använder bilderböcker i engelskundervisning och för det andra hur eleverna då upplever sin motivation till att lära sig engelska språket genom dessa. I studien utgår vi ifrån två frågeställningar: 1) Hur eleverna upplever engelskundervisningen genom att läraren använder engelska bilderböcker i den? 2) Hur eleverna upplever att deras motivation till att lära sig engelska språket påverkas genom att läraren använder engelska bilderböcker i undervisningen? Studien utgår ifrån en kvalitativ metod och en fenomenografisk teori där vi valt att samla indata genom semistrukturerade fokusgruppsintervjuer. Urvalet till studien var 7 elever som har erfarit engelskundervisning där läraren har använt engelska bilderböcker i närtid. Under studiens genomförande gick eleverna i en årskurs tre och var mellan 9 till 10 år. Analysarbetet av den insamlade data vi erhållit har utgått ifrån fenomenografiskt ramverk, vilket fokuserar på elevernas egna personliga upplevelser av fenomenet. Utifrån en fenomenografisk analysmodell i sju steg har elevernas utsagor delats in i tre övergripande beskrivningskategorier. I resultatet urskiljs tre beskrivningskategorier såsom: elevernas upplevelse, deras upplevelse av motivation och deras vision kopplat till engelskundervisning där läraren använt engelska bilderböcker. Resultatet visar att eleverna upplever klassrumsmiljön som lugnande och inspirerande när läraren använder engelska bilderböcker i engelskundervisning. De upplever att de motiveras av intresseväckande händelser i bilderboken, men också bokens rika bilder och väl avvägda text. Dessutom visar resultatet att eleverna har utvecklat en vilja och ett självförtroende att läsa en bilderbok på engelska på egen hand.
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An Evaluation of a Curriculum for Basic Training in TESOLWilson, Gordon Travis 17 August 2009 (has links) (PDF)
A formal evaluation of BYU's Basic Training in TESOL course shows the strengths and weaknesses of the curriculum of this course. Interns take this course in preparation for international internships where they may be asked to teach English. However, the interns are generally not seeking majors or even minors in TESOL. Furthermore, most interns are not seeking any teaching major. Internship locations vary throughout the world and include, but are not limited to the following regions: Central and South America, Africa, Asia, Southeast Asia, and the Pacific Islands. This MA curriculum evaluation project reports findings of a formal evaluation of BYU's Linguistics 377, Basic Training in TESOL, a course designed to provide interns with minimal teacher training in preparation for international internships. It specifically looks at how effectively the basic training course prepares the interns and to what extent it helps increase the confidence of the interns. This report presents quantitative and qualitative data collected from the interns enrolled during the Winter 2008 semester course, via interviews and questionnaires. The evaluation also offers recommendations for the course and other volunteer programs, as well as future research recommendations.
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The Test of English as a Foreign Language Sample Test as a Measure of Adolescent Language AbilityOsborn, Paul Gardiner 01 January 1988 (has links) (PDF)
Relative performance on the Test of English as a Foreign Language Sample Test (TOEFL-ST) was explored in sixty native English speaking high school students. Subjects also were administered the Fullerton Language Test for Adolescents and the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test Revised. The TOEFL-ST was not difficult for this population, indicating that TOEFL tests taken by foreign speaking college students probably assess a level of native English competency well below the high school level. The three tests, including subtests, appear to measure a wide array of subdomains of language competency. The data do not support the conclusion that any of these tests could be substituted for the others in assessing language competency.
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Medborgarskapande i engelskundervisningen. En analys av två läroböckerFélix Ferreira, Ingrid Heléna January 2016 (has links)
According to the Swedish national curriculum from 2011 and the latest school legislation from 2008, there is greater emphasis on schools’ dual purpose. Schools’ most pre-dominant task is not only to provide students with knowledge in different subject areas. Equally important is their task to foster skilled and engaged democratic citizens, who will contribute to the greater good of their society. Studies have shown that schools are failing in preparing students for their participation in a democratic society, and therefore also failing the second part of their legislative undertaking. The backbone of this thesis is the assumption that there is room in language teaching for what I would like to call ”real content”, i.e. content which really matters to students and teachers alike. The purpose of this thesis is to examine what kind of support teachers can find in text books for English as a foreign language when it comes to fostering responsible and competent democratic citizens. Two text books were examined - Blueprint A and Blueprint Vocational, since studies point to the fact that the democratic deficit is even more prominent in vocational education, which in turn can pose a threat not only to the students of vocational programs, but to our society as a whole.The results show that for those teachers who wish to take their democratic assignment seriously and teach not only language skills but also democratic skills, there are many texts dealing with democracy and values in both text books, as well as numerous exercises with the aim to improve students’ democratic skills, such as communication, critical thinking, argumentation etc. The explanation for the shortcomings identified in many studies therefore has to be found elsewhere. Furthermore, the findings of this study confirm the differences in perception of vocational students and students who will continue their studies at university level.
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Teachers' and students' experiences and perceptions of formative assessmentEriksson, Maria January 2016 (has links)
This research paper looks at teachers’ views, and use, of formative assessment in the subject of English 6. It also highlights students understanding and processing of feedback and their opinions of eight assessment tools. The study was carried out using mixed methods research with individual teacher interviews, a student focus group interview, and a questionnaire. My finding shows the difficulties with identifying formative assessment and working with this in a way that helps students in their development of English 6, and the need for tools to make feedback and guidance clearer for students. Furthermore, this study identifies the need for guidance from the Swedish national agency of education regarding how teachers should incorporate formative assessment in their classroom.
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Literature in EFL : A qualitative study of how EFL upper secondary school teachers in Sweden reflect on the uses of literature in EFL / Skönlitteratur i engelskundervisning : En kvalitativ studie om hur gymnasiala engelsklärare i svenska skolor reflekterar över användning av skönlitteratur i engelskundervisningNäslund, Maja January 2024 (has links)
Research shows that there are several benefits that can be extracted from the usage of literature in EFL. The question is which benefits teachers tend to make use of in their classrooms. The present study set out to map upper secondary school teachers’ reflections on the topic of literature in EFL, in general as well as in relation to language learning. The three research questions were to find out (1) teachers’ views regarding opportunities as well as challenges of literature in the EFL classroom, (2) how EFL teachers reason around their own uses of literature in EFL, and lastly, (3) how EFL teachers reflect on literature in relation to language learning. The data was collected from semi-structured interviews with three teachers. The study found that, overall, the teachers viewed literature as an important part of EFL partly because it can be utilized to acquire tools for literary analysis, to learn about the world, to create a basis for discussion about difficult topics and lastly, to develop language proficiencies.
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To what extent can explicit morphology instruction promote vocabulary development for older adolescent or adult learners of English as a foreign language? / I vilken utsträckning kan explicit morfologisk instruktion främja ordförrådets utveckling hos gymnasieelever eller vuxna inlärare av engelska som ett främmande språk?Parment, Camilla, Hägglund, Thore January 2023 (has links)
Vocabulary development is important when it comes to learning a language, but it is also a challenging task. The Swedish syllabus focuses on implicit knowledge, and explicit teaching has been shown to have a positive impact on learners’ implicit knowledge. Therefore, this research synthesis explores to what extent explicit morphological teaching can be beneficial and improve vocabulary development for older adolescent and adult learners of English as a foreign language. It also explores how these findings are related to the English syllabus for upper secondary education in Sweden. The methods include searching several electronic databases with specific related search terms and using inclusion and exclusion criteria to obtain relevant articles. The research synthesis compiles the findings of a total of eight articles on both the effect of receptive vocabulary and productive vocabulary. The results indicate that explicit morphology instruction has a positive outcome for learners of English as a foreign language in both receptive and productive vocabulary, and, that it may be a useful teaching method. Finally, the results correlate with previous research and with the Swedish steering documents and the communicative classroom in the Swedish context. For further research, it would be of interest to see if the results are applicable in a Swedish context, and thus, further studies in a Swedish context are encouraged.
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Teaching pronunciation effectively in an EFL classroom; a literature review / Effektivt undervisande i uttal på engelska som ett främmande språk i ett klassrum; en litteraturöversiktOlsson, My, Osborne, Alice January 2024 (has links)
This study provides a literature review of the most effective ways to teach pronunciation to EFL secondary school students in Sweden. There is limited time allocated to pronunciation leading to a scarcity of available effective methods. This impacts the important role which intelligibility holds in pronunciation. Therefore, the objective of this review centres around finding the most effective ways to teach pronunciation in a Swedish EFL secondary school classroom, considering a variety of approaches. A selection of electronic databases were used consisting of specific search terms and limitations, concentrating on English language pronunciation. This resulted in eight articles, all of which experimented on finding ways to teach pronunciation. These studies are different in their methods and objectives, studies all lead to different results which we categorised into three themes: computer-assisted learning, social network learning and unconventional learning. Although all studies reported positive outcomes, only two were proven to be the most effective for this context. The results indicate that computer-assisted learning in combination with a teacher is the most effective way to teach pronunciation to EFL learners. This aligns with both the Swedish curriculum and two educational theories formulated by Krashen and Vygotsky. Our findings demonstrate an opportunity to implement this combination into the Swedish school context and allow for future research projects on pronunciation.
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