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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Agile requirements engineering in globally distributed software development projects / Agil kravhantering i globalt utspridda mjukvaruutvecklingsprojekt

Lindström, Erik January 2020 (has links)
Requirements engineering remains an important discipline to reduce costs, development times and improve quality in software engineering projects. With Agile methods gaining prominence in a rapidly globalized world, many requirements engineering efforts are today made in distributed contexts, with both teams and stakeholders being separated by physical and organisational distances. At the same time, it is not well understood how agile methods for requirements engineering apply to distributed contexts. This thesis investigates the implementation and use of agile methods for requirements engineering in distributed software engineering contexts. Observations made over a three-month study of the CHAMP project, a joint IT and process development effort between major European truck manufacturers Scania and MAN, are used to assess how commonly practices agile methods perform when implemented over distances. The case study of the CHAMP study suggests that the implementation of agile methods is highly context-sensitive, with limited current opportunities to formulate general heuristics for successful applications. The results of the CHAMP study indicate that distributed contexts hamper team communications when compared to co-located efforts, making it more difficult to implement an overall agile project model. However, individual methods, particularly the use of work backlogs, are found to offer increased structural flexibility beneficial to distributed workflows. Additionally, the CHAMP observations suggest implementing agile methods in new contexts requires an organisational mandate, as agile workflows are less predictable than linear models and can expose the surrounding organisation to higher uncertainty. / Kravhantering är fortsatt ett viktigt verktyg för att reducera kostnader, utvecklingstider och öka leveranskvalitet i mjukvaruutveklingsprojekt. Då agila metoder har blivit allt vanligare i en snabbt globaliserad värld, genomförs idag många kravhanteringsprocesser i utspridda sammanhang, där både projektets personal och intressenter är separerade av fysiska och organisatoriska avstånd. Samtidigt är det inte väl förstått hur agila metoder för kravhantering applicerar i utspridda sammanhang. Detta examensarbete undersöker hur agila metoder han implementeras och användas för kravhanteringsprocesser i utspridda mjukvaruutvecklingsprocesser. Observationer insamlade under en tremånadersstudie av CHAMP-projektet, ett gemensamt IT- och affärsutvecklingsprojekt mellan de stora europeiska lastbilstillverkarna Scania och MAN, används för att bedöma hur vanligt förekommande agila metoder fungerar när de tillämpas i agila sammanhang. Fallstudien av CHAMP-projektet indikerar att den specifika kontexten kan kraftigt påverka implementationen ag agila metoder, vilket för närvarande begränsar möjligheten att formulera generella tumregler för hur de framgångsrikt kan lanseras. CHAMP-studiens resultat påvisar att utspridda projekt har svårare att kommunicera jämför med samlokaliserade grupper, vilket gör det svårare att implementera sammanhållet agila projektmodeller. Samtidigt kan enskilda agila metoder, särskilt användningen av backlogs, hjälpa till att öka flexibiliteten i projekt, vilket är värdefullt i utspridda arbetsprocesser. Slutligen påvisar observationerna från CHAMP-projektet att det är viktigt med ett organisatoriskt mandat vid implementationen av agila metoder, då de är mindre förutsägbara än linjära processer och kan utsätta omkringliggande organisationer för högre osäkerhet.

Cloud Computing Referenzarchitektur: IT-Dienstleistungszentren der Öffentlichen Verwaltung in der ebenenübergreifenden Verzahnung Digitaler Infrastrukturen

Burow, Stephan 18 July 2024 (has links)
Nach wie vor fehlen grundlegende, in der Praxis validierte Konzepte, Modelle und Ansätze, die eine Transformation und sichere Anwendung des Cloud-Computing bei Bund, Land und Kommune erlauben. Referenzmodelle, eine ebenenübergreifende einheitliche Infrastrukturlösung und zentral verwaltete Datenbestände sind notwendig, um IT-Dienstleistungszentren der öffentlichen Verwaltung zu befähigen, die qualitativen und quantitativen Ansprüche an die IT-Diensterbringung nachhaltig zu erfüllen (vgl. von Lucke 2015: 232). Vor diesem Hintergrund und im Kontext der Wirtschaftsinformatik zielt der hier vorliegende Beitrag auf die Entwicklung eines Ansatzes zur wissenschaftlichen Herleitung einer, aus strategischer, technologischer und organisatorischer Sicht, geeigneten Cloud Computing Referenzarchitektur (CCRA) für die digitale Vernetzung der föderalen Verwaltungsebenen ab. Ausgewählte Enterprise Architecture Frameworks (EAF), vergleichbare CCRA und einschlägige Studien sollen einem neu zu beschreibenden Ansatz zu Grunde gelegt werden, der zeigt, wie eine zu entwickelnde CCRA mit Hilfe von Enterprise Architecture Management (EAM) in die meist heterogen aufgestellte Mehr-Ebenen-Architektur öffentlicher IT-Dienstleister von Bund, Land und Kommune ganzheitlich integriert werden kann.:Inhaltsverzeichnis Bibliographische Beschreibung II Vorwort III Inhaltsverzeichnis IV Abbildungsverzeichnis VII Tabellenverzeichnis X Abkürzungsverzeichnis XI Zusammenfassung XV 1 Einführung 1 1.1 Ausgangslage und Motivation der Arbeit 2 1.2 Zielsetzung und Forschungsfragen 6 1.3 Aufbau der Arbeit 8 2 Wissenschaftstheoretische Einordnung 10 2.1 Forschungsmethodisches Vorgehen 10 2.2 Systematische Literaturanalyse 13 2.2.1 Vorgehen und Aufbau der Literaturanalyse 13 2.2.2 Durchführung der Literaturanalyse 13 2.2.3 Ergebnisdarstellung und Auswertung der Literaturanalyse 20 2.3 Einordnung in den Kontext der Wirtschaftsinformatik 30 2.4 Begriff und Klassifikation einer Referenzarchitektur 34 2.5 Zusammenfassung 42 3 IT-Dienstleistungszentren der Öffentlichen Verwaltung im Mehrebenensystem 43 3.1 Grundlagen der Öffentlichen Verwaltung im Mehrebenensystem 43 3.2 Rechtlicher Rahmen für IT-Kooperationen 47 3.3 Informations- und Kommunikationstechnik der Öffentlichen Verwaltung 55 3.3.1 Soziotechnische Entwicklung 55 3.3.2 Wirtschaftliche Entwicklung und Disruption 59 3.4 Stand der digitalen Transformation im Mehrebenensystem 63 3.5 IT-Dienstleistungszentren der Öffentlichen Verwaltung (Domäne) 71 3.5.1 Begriffsbestimmung der Domäne 71 3.5.2 Rechts- und Organisationsformen 73 3.5.3 IT-Steuerung und IT-Strategie 77 3.5.4 Architekturmanagement 90 3.5.5 Cloud Computing 97 3.6 Zusammenfassung 118 4 Methodische Herleitung und Analyse der Anforderungen 119 4.1 Methodenentwicklung 119 4.1.1 Methodenauswahl- und beschreibung 119 4.1.2 Methodendesign 121 4.2 Vorgehensmodell und Entwicklung der CCRA 124 4.2.1 Phase I – Analyse und Entwicklung der Domäne 126 Umfeld- und Stakeholderanalyse 128 Domänenabgrenzung 137 4.2.2 Phase II - Anforderungsanalyse 137 4.2.3 Phase III - Architekturanalyse 142 4.2.4 Phase IV - Referenzmodellierung 149 4.2.5 Phase V - Wiederverwendung und Patterns 153 4.3 Zusammenfassung 155 5 Cloud Computing Referenzarchitektur (CCRA) für IT-Dienstleister der Öffentlichen Verwaltung 156 5.1 Beschreibung der CCRA 156 5.1.1 Ebenen der CCRA 157 Strategische Ebene 158 Geschäftsarchitektur und übergreifende Geschäftsprozesse 158 Anwendungsarchitektur 158 Informationsarchitektur 158 Technologische Infrastruktur 159 5.1.2 Rollenkonzept 159 5.1.3 Schnittstellen der CCRA 161 5.2 Anwendungsmethodik für die Referenzarchitektur 162 5.2.1 Annahmen für eine exemplarische Anwendung 162 5.2.2 Anwendungsmodell für die CCRA 165 5.3 Zusammenfassung 166 6 Evaluation der Cloud Computing Referenzarchitektur 167 6.1 Anforderungsklassifikation 169 6.2 Forschungsbegleitende Evaluation 177 6.3 Analytische, merkmalsbasierte Evaluation 179 6.4 Expertenbefragung und qualitative Inhaltsanalyse 184 6.4.1 Methodik und Vorgehen 185 6.4.2 Leitfadengestützte Expertenbefragung 185 Interviewleitfaden 186 Expertenauswahl 187 Experteninterviews 189 6.4.3 Qualitative Inhaltsanalyse 191 6.4.4 Quantitative Bewertung 213 6.5 Fallstudie 217 6.5.1 Beschreibung der Fallstudie 218 6.5.2 Auswertung der Fallstudie 222 6.6 Zusammenfassung 224 7 Zusammenfassung und Ausblick 225 7.1 Zusammenfassung der Arbeit 225 7.2 Ausblick 229 Literaturverzeichnis CCXXX Anhang CCLXV Anhang A Dokumentation der Literatursuche CCLXV Anhang B Feedbackbogen – Expertenbefragung CCLXXXIV Anhang C Codierte Themenmatrix CCXC Curriculum Vitae 1 Selbständigkeitserklärung 3

Внедрение и адаптация системы управления запасами в компании геологоразведочной отрасли : магистерская диссертация / Implementation and adaptation of the inventory management system in an exploration company

Петрова, А. Г., Petrova, A. G. January 2024 (has links)
The purpose of graduate qualification work is to improve the efficiency of the logistics process through the introduction of inventory management information system. The object of the study is the information system of inventory management in the exploration company. Subject of the study - business process of inventory management. The practical significance of the research is significant and can have a direct impact on the transparency of the entire supply chain, making informed management decisions and improving operational efficiency. Scientific novelty of the work is to improve the organization and control of the supply process of the company under consideration through the introduction of inventory management system. / Цель выпускной квалификационной работы – повышение эффективности процесса материально-технического снабжения за счет внедрения информационной системы управления запасами. Объект исследования – информационная система управления запасами в геологоразведочной компании. Предмет исследования – бизнес-процесс управления запасами. Практическая значимость проводимого исследования существенна и может оказывать непосредственное влияние на прозрачность всей цепочки поставок, принятии обоснованных управленческих решений и повышение операционной эффективности. Научная новизна работы заключается в усовершенствовании организации и контроля процесса снабжения рассматриваемой компании за счет внедрения системы управления запасами.

Разработка и развитие мобильного приложения управления здоровым образом жизни : магистерская диссертация / Design and development of a mobile application for healthy lifestyle management

Хандрик, Ю. А., Khandrik, Yu. A. January 2024 (has links)
Цель исследования – опираясь на теоретические и практические основы разработки мобильных приложений, проанализировать современные методы разработки и рассмотреть их применимость к сфере digital-health. Объектом исследования выпускной квалификационной работы является мобильное приложение для управления здоровым образом жизни «IMPULSE», а предметом – методы и инструменты управления жизненным циклом мобильного приложения «IMPULSE». Научная новизна исследования состоит в рассмотрении и разработке уникальных процессов работы команды и функциональных возможностей приложения, а также современному и гибкому подходу к проектированию маркетинговой стратегии и элементов приложения. Практическая значимость исследования заключается в проектировании долгосрочного плана развития компании для дальнейшей презентации работы инвестору с целью привлечения средств на осуществление этапа разработки. / The aim of the research is to analyze modern development methods and consider their applicability to the digital-health sphere based on the theoretical and practical foundations of mobile application development. The object of the research is a mobile application for healthy lifestyle management "IMPULSE", and the subject is methods and tools of life cycle management of the mobile application "IMPULSE". The scientific novelty of the research consists in the consideration and development of unique team processes and functional capabilities of the application, as well as a modern and flexible approach to the design of marketing strategy and elements of the application. The practical significance of the study is to design a long-term plan for the development of the company for further presentation of the work to the investor in order to attract funds for the implementation of the development phase.

The role of emotional intelligence in implementing information technology strategies

van Blerk, Willem Eben January 2013 (has links)
Thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree Doctor of Technology: Information Technology in the Faculty of Informatics and Design at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology 2013 / The alignment between business and information technology (IT) strategies has been a challenge for many years. Strategic alignment models and enterprise architecture methodologies and frameworks have been developed to assist business and IT managers with improving alignment between business and IT strategies. The business analyst, systems analyst and project manager are key role players in delivering the information systems (IS) needs of business and therefore key in aligning business and IT strategies. Despite literature and research suggesting a positive influence of emotional intelligence on occupational performance in various industries, the development of emotional intelligence of the business analyst, systems analyst and project manager is neglected by software development organisations. Emotional intelligence is neglected in industry IS competency models as well as documented standards for the business analysis and project management profession (BABOK and PMBOK). Emotional intelligence is not addressed in strategic alignment models and enterprise architecture methodologies and frameworks. Emotional intelligence is equally neglected in IS literature. Systematic research investigating the impact of emotional intelligence on occupational performance of IT professionals remains sparse. The purpose of this study was to determine which emotional intelligence competencies are needed to improve the occupational performance of business analysts, systems analysts and project managers in delivering business information system needs. The study took the form of a multiple interpretive case study. Qualitative data was collected using semi-structured interviews with stakeholders from 20 software development organisations utilising the roles of the business analyst, systems analyst and project manager. Quantitative data was collected using the Genos Emotional Intelligence Inventory with the aim of identifying the patterns of emotional intelligence visible in the sample of business analysts, systems analysts and project managers assessed. The study suggests emotional intelligence has a role to play in alignment between business and IT strategies. It is proposed that industry IS competency models as well as the standards for the business analysis and project management profession as documented in BABOK and PMBOK include specific emotional intelligence competencies. The study also proposes that higher education institutions in IT/IS such as universities of technology, as well as training providers focusing on business analysis, systems analysis and project management, should focus not only on technical skills but emotional intelligence skills as well when developing the supply pipeline of business analysts, systems analysts and project managers. Keywords: Emotional intelligence, business – IT alignment, information technology, enterprise architecture, business analyst, systems analyst, project manager, competencies, non-technical skills.

Archealth : enterprise architecture framework para sistemas telehealth baseados em tv digital interativa

Meneses, Diego Armando de Oliveira 10 August 2016 (has links)
From the 1970s to the present time, the World Health Organization (WHO) explains the importance of health promotion in the world. The increased interest in promoting health and increasing health costs for the economies contributed to the recognition of health care as an important area of research. One of the most important aspects of these research currently is the Telehealth, using Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) to try to provide universal access to health. The use of Interactive Digital TV technology helps in accessing remote locations and creates the opportunity to distribute applications across their infrastructure. Dealing with the problems that arise from the convergence of these concepts is of great importance. The architectural description process helps in the development of applications and systems based on the referenced concepts. However, there are no frameworks to help the description of architectures for this particular domain. This paper proposes the ARCHealth an enterprise architecture framework created to assist the architecture development process in accordance with ISO/IEC/IEEE 42010:2011. The ARCHealth was based on the principles of primary health care, taking into account the main concerns of stakeholders and the specific area. / Desde a década de 1970 até o presente momento, a Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS) expõe a importância da promoção da saúde no mundo. O aumento do interesse na promoção da saúde e os custos de saúde crescentes para as economias contribuíram para o reconhecimento dos cuidados à saúde como uma importante área de pesquisa. Uma das vertentes mais importantes dessas pesquisas atualmente, é a Telehealth, que utiliza das Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação (TIC) para tentar prover acesso universal à saúde. O uso da TV Digital Interativa auxilia no acesso a locais remotos e cria a oportunidade de distribuir aplicações através de sua infraestrutura. Lidar com os problemas que surgem a partir da convergência desses conceitos é de grande importância. O processo de descrição de arquitetura auxilia no desenvolvimento de aplicações e sistemas baseados nos conceitos referenciados. Porém, não existem muitos frameworks que auxiliem a descrição de arquiteturas para esse domínio específico. Este trabalho propõe o ARCHealth, um enterprise architecture framework criado para auxiliar o processo de desenvolvimento de arquitetura em conformidade com a norma ISO/IEC/IEEE 42010:2011. O ARCHealth foi elaborado com base nos princípios de Atenção Primária à Saúde, levando em consideração as principais preocupações das partes interessadas e do domínio específico.

Optimalizace procesů distribuční společnosti / Optimization of processes in a distribution company

Švadlenková, Pavla January 2010 (has links)
The diploma thesis called Optimization of processes in a distribution company is focused on a firm, fictionally named ABC Ltd which, however, represents a real distribution company, a holding company to be precise, whose parent company is based in the Czech Republic and its subsidiaries are located in Italy, China and Australia. The overall number of staff of the whole concern is sixteen, so it falls into the category of small companies. The main purpose of this paper is to analyze the company's processes. The greatest benefit of the thesis is saving the company's expenses based on optimization of the company's processes. In the introduction to the paper all the goals and benefits are stated. The next chapter reveals a brief description of skills that are vital for working on the practical part of the paper and meeting all the goals that have been set at the beginning. The introduction to the practical part deals with introducing the company ABC Ltd. The main topic of this part is the analysis of the present state of the firm's enterprise architecture. One of these architectures, the process one, describes the company's processes which are divided into the main and the supporting ones. In the main processes the potential for improvements is identified. The conclusion brings evaluation of the limits which follow from the revealed potential and suggestions for supporting the limits in the form of project solution.

Optimalizace procesů nákupního oddělení FMCG společnosti / Optimization of processes in procurement departmenf of FMCG company

Neumann, Martin January 2012 (has links)
The diploma thesis called "Optimization of processes in procurement departmenf of FMCG company" is focused on the optimization of procurement processes in an unnamed FMCG company. The main goals of this work include the analysis of similar solutions in business process optimization and selection of appropriate methods and procedures. Other objectives are to analyze the current state of processes, their support and maturity and potential improvement identification in selected processes. Last goal is a suggestion of project proposals designed to achieve potential improvement identification in the analyzed procurement processes. Contribution of this thesis is to analyze the purchasing process from the perspective of process maturity, its priorities, support and potential for improvement. Modelling of current processes in a unified methodology and tool is another benefit of this work. The work consists of an introductory section that defines the objectives, benefits and working methods. The following is a description of the research work and basic terms, thus ending the theoretical part. The practical part contains the characteristics of the company, a description of existing processes, potential improvement identification and a proposal of support in identified real potentials.

Vývoj front-endových aplikací / Development of front-end applications

Machynka, Jan January 2013 (has links)
The diploma thesis on Development of Front-end Applications focuses on the design of computerization of enterprise processes covered by a unified front-end application. Exploratory research was used to suggest working methods to solve technological growth of the enterprise and how to evaluate business need of a front-end application. Later chapters present basic summary of development methodology used for automation of business processes. The diploma thesis innovatively proposes a role of a front-end specialist who does not need to create a program code and has closer relation to business departments. There are recommend analytical standards and development tools for automation of business processes as well as front-end implementation. Finally the work attaches a model example demonstrating relative simplicity and practical realization of new techniques for front-end application development. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

Разработка модели анализа данных для управления потребительским поведением в цифровом формате продаж : магистерская диссертация / Development of a data analysis model for managing consumer behavior in digital sales format

Кравченко, М. В., Kravchenko, M. V. January 2022 (has links)
В магистерской диссертации рассмотрены современные проблемы управления данными с использованием информационных приложений. Изучена деятельность торгового предприятия ООО «Мастер-Торг», проведено моделирование основных бизнес-процессов, разработана системы информационной поддержки в организации онлайн-продаж, а также применен системно-динамический подход для оценки внедрения вэб-ресурса. / In the master's thesis, modern problems of data management using information applications are considered. The activity of the trading enterprise LLC "Master-Torg" was studied, modeling of the main business processes was carried out, information support systems were developed in the organization of online sales, and a system-dynamic approach was applied to evaluate the implementation of a web resource.

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