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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Bjuder din organisation in till att arbeta med sociala medier som ett verktyg för kunskapsdelning? : Uppfattningar kring sociala mediers möjligheter till kunskapsdelning i en organisation / Does your organization afford social media as a knowledge sharing tool?

Niemi, Mimmi, Kalén, Klara January 2021 (has links)
Användningen av sociala medier i organisationer har ökat och bland annat kan det unika verktyget användas för att supporta kunskapsdelning mellan individer inom och bortanför organisationens gränser. En förståelse av individens upplevelse av sociala medier är kritiskt för såväl informatikforskningen samt för organisationer som kan dra lärdom av det vid införande av sociala medier i verksamheten. Därför är studiens syfte att beskriva och söka förståelse för vad individer i en organisation uppfattar att sociala medier kan bidra med till deras kunskapsdelning och utöka kunskapsområdet för hur teknik uppfattas ur ett affordance-perspektiv. Syftet besvaras genom en fallstudie och sju kvalitativa forskningsintervjuer. Det transkriberade materialet har hanterats individuellt och tolkats utifrån tidigare forskning samt analyserats utifrån den teoretiska modell som studien tar fram. Resultatet visar att kontexten har mångfaldig inverkan på hur individen uppfattar sociala medier och hur artefakten kan användas. Kunskapsdelning på sociala medier kan öka möjligheten till att identifiera expertis, skapa en kunskapskarta och bredda sitt sociala nätverk men leda till för mycket information och en kritisk syn på innehållet. Studien stödjer den forskning som visar på att explicit kunskap kan spridas på sociala medier och framför allt genom att den kombineras med annan explicit kunskap. / The use of social media in organizations has increased and among other things the unique tool can be used to support knowledge sharing between individuals within and beyond organization boundaries. An understanding of the individual's experience of social media is critical for both informatics research and organizations that can learn from it when introducing social media in businesses. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to describe and seek understanding of what individuals in an organization perceive that social media can contribute to their knowledge sharing and expand the research area for how technology is perceived from an affordance perspective. The purpose is achieved by a case study and seven qualitative research interviews. The transcribed material has been processed individually and interpreted in accordance with previous research and analyzed on the basis of the theoretical model that this study elaborated. The results show that context has multiple impacts on how an individual perceives social media and its area of use. Knowledge sharing on social media can increase the opportunity to identify expertise, create a knowledge map and broaden one's social network, but can also produce too much information and a judgemental view of the content. The study supports previous research that shows that explicit knowledge can be shared on social media foremost by combining it with other’s explicit knowledge.

Facebook at Work – Does It Work? : Lessons from Early Adopters of the Enterprise Social Media Platform Workplace by Facebook

Persson, Maja January 2018 (has links)
Through a qualitative case study, this paper explores how early adopters at the non-governmental organization Save the Children used the enterprise social media (ESM) platform Workplace by Facebook and identifies some challenges and opportunities. Data was collected through semistructured interviews and analyzed together with platform-generated user data, based on an affordance approach using three metaphors developed by Leonardi et al. (2013) that illustrate the different roles ESM often plays in organizational processes; leaky pipe (communication that everyone can see), echo chamber (communication among likeminded), and social lubricant (smooth and easy communication). The study concludes that early adopters used Workplace by Facebook to share and learn about program activities around the organization, to maintain and expand their social network, to perform their own work in more efficient ways, and to have fun. By facilitating learning across the organization, Workplace offers opportunities for program improvement and building social capital. There is a risk however, that these opportunities are never fully realized due to traces of a leader-centered culture which stifles honest communication. Workplace communities of coworkers with similar interests provided excellent opportunities for collaboration, innovation and creating a sense of belonging. However, a leader-centered culture can lead to closed and secret groups, hiding the knowledge for others to see, due to lack of trust. Fun, social-related groups such as Office Twins were highly appreciated among early adopters and helped strengthen relations and build social capital, although the blurred lines between social and work could lead to unwanted behavior such as romantic invitations.

Knowledge sharing on enterprise social media among information professionals

Holm, Maria Carolina Cysneiros January 2021 (has links)
Through a qualitative case study, this study explores why enterprise social media is used for knowledge sharing among information professionals, and what factors drive and hinder sharing knowledge on enterprise social media among information professionals. Data was collected through online semi-structured interviews with seven information professionals based in a Scandinavian country. Qualitative analysis of content was used in this study and the results were analyzed according to the affordances of enterprise social media of visibility, persistence and association, and related to previous research. The study concludes that information professionals use enterprise social media for knowledge sharing to increase their professional development, and there are diverse factors influencing knowledge sharing on enterprise social media. Some significant drivers to knowledge sharing are helping others and develop expertise. Significant barriers are fear of sharing and lack of trust in content. The outcome of this study gives a better understanding of why information professionals use enterprise social media for knowledge sharing and what factors influence their knowledge sharing practices on enterprise social media.

Supporting Group Communication Among UX Consultants / Stöd för gruppkommunikation bland UX-konsulter

Feldt, Tommy January 2015 (has links)
Professional User Experience (UX) practitioners have an inherent need for effective group communication practices. If they work as external consultants, the need is arguably even greater. Enterprise Social Media (ESM) technologies have affordances that make them seem promising for this domain. The aim of this thesis is thus to identify the domain-specific communicative needs of UX consultants, and discuss how these might be supported using ESM. A case study was conducted, examining how the ESM system Yammer was used by a group of UX consultants at a major Swedish IT firm. Through interviews with members of the group, together with content analysis of Yammer messages, three categories of communicative needs were identified: Solving design problems, Supporting “guerilla activities” and Making knowledge and relationships visible. The results further showed that the Yammer tool had failed to support these needs and consequently fallen into disuse. Finally, implications for future use of ESM technologies in the UX domain are discussed, and some practical recommendations are given. / Yrkesaktiva inom User Experience (UX)-området har ett stort behov av effektiv kommunikation–både externt gentemot intressenter och användare, och internt inom gruppen. Det senare gäller I allra högsta grad de som arbetar som externa UX-konsulter, då dessa inte alltid har möjlighet att träffa sina kollegor på daglig basis, men ändå kan behöva råd, hjälp och stöd. Att använda sociala teknologier speciellt skapade för organisationer, så kallade Enterprise Social Media (ESM), som medium för denna internkommunikation är en möjlighet som framstår som särskilt lovande, och som idag redan testats av företag i UX-branschen. Målet med denna studie var därför att identifiera de domän-specifika kommunikativa behov som finns bland UX-konsulter, och diskutera hur väl ESM-lösningar lyckas stödja dessa. Under våren 2015 genomfördes en fallstudie bland en grupp UX-konsulter på ett ledande svenskt IT-företag som under en tid använt ESM-verktyget Yammer. Bland gruppmedlemmarna fans interaktionsdesigners, utvecklare, kravanalytiker och UX-strateger. Genom intervjuer och kontextuella observationer av gruppmedlemmarna, samt textuell analys av meddelandena i deras Yammer-kanal identifierades tre kategorier av kommunikativa behov inom gruppen. Dessa var 1) Att bistå lösandet av designproblem, 2) Att stödja “gerillaaktiviteter”, och 3) Att göra kunskap och sociala relationer synliga. Studiens resultat visade vidare att verktyget Yammer inte hade lyckats uppfylla dessa behov på ett tillfredsställande sätt, vilket lett till att det inte längre användes I någon större utsträckning av gruppen.  Slutligen diskuteras resultatets implikationer för hur ESM kan komma att användas för UX-arbete i framtiden, och ett par konkreta rekommendationer lämnas.

Design för motivation och engagemang i enterprise social media : Användning av inre motivation för utformandet av gamification och persuasive design / Design for motivation and engagement in enterprise social media : The use of intrinsic motivation for the design of gamification and persuasive design

Thölin, Emma, Esnaashari Esfahani, Pegah January 2023 (has links)
På grund av Covid-19 pandemin har sättet vi arbetar på förändrats och allt fler människor arbetar idag på distans. Detta har medfört att medarbetare kan känna sig ensamma utan en tillhörighet till den arbetsplats de jobbar på, vilket kan ha negativa effekter på deras engagemang och prestationer. Den sociala kulturen på arbetsplatsen är en viktig del i att få medarbetare att känna tillhörighet och det behöver, på grund av det ökade distansarbetet, finnas ett sätt för dessa medarbetare att socialisera sig online. Det är framför allt företagets ansvar att möjliggöra denna socialisering för att stärka banden mellan sina anställda och detta kan göras genom användning av enterprise social media. Enterprise social media är en typ av social plattform där användarna kan dela kunskap, kommunicera med medarbetare samt få information från företaget. Det finns utmaningar med engagemanget på denna typ av plattformar och denna studie syftar till att ta reda på vad medarbetarnas inre motivation till användning är samt hur denna motivation kan användas för att forma design genom gamification och persuasive design. För att undersöka detta har studien genomförts tillsammans med företaget Amirra där semistrukturerade intervjuer genomförts med användare av plattformen. Resultatet av intervjuerna visade att den inre motivationen för medarbetarna är att lära känna och socialisera sig med sina kollegor samt att känna en tillhörighet på arbetsplatsen. Utifrån detta gjordes en analys av empirin och tidigare forskning för att ta fram designförslag i form av en prototyp med element från gamification och persuasive design. Prototypen validerades sedan med deltagarna för att bekräfta eller dementera dessa förslag och om de hade kunnat påverka engagemanget på plattformen. Resultatet av studien visar att det sannolikt går att påverka användarnas engagemang och aktivitet i enterprise social media genom att basera design på medarbetarnas inre motivation. Detta innefattar enkla tävlingar, badges och att göra möjligheten att utföra uppgifter enklare, vilket också bekräftades av deltagarna. / The way we work has changed due to the Covid-19 pandemic as more people now work remotely. This has resulted in employees feeling lonely as they lack a sense of belonging to their workplace, which can have negative effects on their commitment and performance. The social culture in the workplace is an important part of making employees feel connected, and a s a result of the increase in remote work there needs to be a way for these employees to socialize online. It is primarily the company's responsibility to enable this socialization, to strengthen the ties between its employees and this can be done through the use of enterprise social media. Enterprise social media is a type of social platform where users/employees can share knowledge, communicate, and receive information from the company. There are often challenges with engagement on these types of platforms, and in this study we aim to find out what employees' internal motivation for usage is, and how this motivation can be used to shape design through gamification and persuasive design. To investigate this, the study was carried out together with the company Amirra, where semi-structured interviews were conducted with users of the platform. The results of the interviews showed that the inner motivation for the employees is to get to know and socialize with their colleagues and to feel a sense of belonging in the workplace. Based on this, an analysis of the empirical evidence and previous research was made to produce design proposals in the form of a prototype with elements from gamification and persuasive design. The prototype was then validated with the participants to confirm or deny these propositions, and whether they had been able to influence engagement on the platform. The results of the study shows that it is likely to influence user engagement and activity in Enterprise social media by basing the design on employees' inner motivation. This includes simple competitions, badges and making the ability to perform tasks easier, which was also confirmed by the participants.

The place of enterprise social media platforms in today’s enterprises : evaluation of usage and impact on workplace tools / Le rôle des plateformes de média sociaux dans les entreprises : évaluation d'usage et impact sur l'environnement de travail numérique

Alimam, Mayla 06 March 2017 (has links)
De plus en plus, les entreprises incitent aujourd’hui leurs employés à adopter des modes de travail agiles et flexibles. Cette transformation est outillée par de nouvelles plateformes informatiques intitulées "plateformes de média sociaux d’entreprise" (de l’anglais "Enterprise Social Media platforms – ESM platforms"). Ces plateformes portent la promesse d’améliorer la communication des employés dans leur environnement de travail tout en outillant leurs liens sociaux. Néanmoins, le bénéfice de l’usage de ces plateformes par leurs employés demeure vague et peu mesurable pour les entreprises, dont les dirigeants ont pourtant besoin d’évaluer cet usage et de mesurer ainsi tangiblement le succès de leurs investissements. De plus, le fait d’introduire des plateformes ESM dans les environnements de travail impacte la façon dont les outils existants, tels que la messagerie électronique, sont considérées et utilisés. La question qui se pose est alors de savoir si ces nouvelles plateformes pourraient remplacer l’usage des outils existants. Dans ce contexte, cette thèse adresse la problématique de la place des plateformes ESM dans les entreprises d’aujourd’hui. Elle examine l’usage réel de ces plateformes en offrant une analyse quantitative des réseaux sociaux, établie à partir de l’usage actuel de ces plateformes. En s’appuyant sur un modèle de recherche conçu pour caractériser l’activité, la thèse applique des tests d’hypothèse qui permettent de comparer l’usage prévu de ces plateformes à leur usage réel, et ainsi de mesurer le succès du déploiement de ces plateformes. De plus, cette thèse étudie, à travers une approche déductive et expérimentale, la capacité des plateformes ESM à remplacer l’usage des outils existants dans les environnements de travail. Ces plateformes fonctionnent aujourd’hui plutôt en tandem avec d’autres outils tels que la messagerie électronique. Cette thèse propose ainsi d’améliorer la messagerie par une fonctionnalité de tagging social afin que l’utilisateur puisse bénéficier de son réseau social sous-jacent. Ce service de tagging est ensuite testé et validé via un prototype. Pour conclure, cette thèse propose des scenarios pour les futurs systèmes sociaux, englobant la totalité des outils de l’environnement de travail au sein des entreprises / Today’s organizations are increasingly promoting a shift of employees’ ways of working towards more agility and flexibility. This shift is empowered by new IT tools commonly known as “Enterprise Social Media” (ESM). Taking mainly the form of integrated platforms, these tools are deployed with the promise of enhancing employees’ communicative activities at the workplace while capitalizing on their social connections. Yet, it remains unclear for companies how their employees benefit from the use of these new tools (i.e., ESM platforms). Managers are unable to evaluate the use of these platforms and thus, tangibly measure the success of their investments. Moreover, introducing ESM platforms to the workplace impact the way the existing tools, such as email, are regarded and used. This leads to the question of whether these new platforms may be substitutes for the use of the existing tools. This thesis tackles the mentioned polemical questions about the place of ESM platforms in today’s enterprises. Carried out jointly with Orange labs, the thesis assesses the role ESM platforms could play in supporting organizations in reaching their objectives and hence sustaining their businesses in an extreme competitive context. It explores the real use of these platforms by offering a quantitative social network analysis and data mining of an established ESM platform currently in use. While relying on a proposed research model that characterizes the activity, the applied hypothesis tests allow determining the correct use of ESM platforms, which in turn indicates the success of their deployments. Moreover, the thesis argues through a reasoning approach that the ESM platforms are not capable of substituting the use of existing workplace tools. Instead, they work in tandem with certain tools such as email. Based on the latter argument, the email tagging service is introduced as an example of how existing workplace tools may be enriched with social features to derive increased benefit for the workforce. The thesis finally validates the service through implementation and testing. To conclude, it proposes and discusses scenarios of future social systems that involve the overall set of workplace tools in enterprises

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