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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Agricultura urbana : contribuição para a qualidade ambiental urbana e desenvolvimento sustentável : estudo de caso - hortas escolares no município de Feliz/RS

Comelli, Juliana Pasquetti January 2015 (has links)
O crescimento desordenado dos centros urbanos distancia o homem da natureza. Este cenário é intensificado com o crescimento populacional nas cidades, que poderá atingir, em 2030, 60% da população mundial. As ações do homem vêm transformando gradativamente o espaço habitado e essas transformações, muitas vezes são negativas, provocando a degradação e dete-rioração do ambiente urbano, tornando-o hostil e com condições de habitabilidade inadequa-das. A qualidade ambiental urbana depende de um conjunto de aspectos: sociais, ecológicos, biológicos, econômicos, tipológicos, tecnológicos e paisagísticos, estando diretamente ligada ao conforto no ambiente construído, no qual as áreas verdes cumprem um papel fundamental para manter o equilíbrio e são indicadores importantes da qualidade de vida. Muitas cidades não conseguem administrar adequadamente o rápido crescimento da população e enfrentam enormes desafios no planejamento e gerenciamento do espaço urbano. As situações econômi-cas e políticas instáveis, em adição a fenômenos naturais agravam ainda mais essa condição de vulnerabilidade. Dentro deste quadro, modelos econômicos mais justos e preocupações com a saúde e a alimentação, são questões que estão ganhando destaque no cenário mundial. Uma das alternativas que pode contribuir neste sentido é a Agricultura Urbana, que além de colaborar para a segurança alimentar, produzindo alimentos perto de seus consumidores, re-duz a pegada ecológica e contribui no aumento das áreas verdes das cidades e na diminuição de impactos sobre os recursos hídricos, entre outros. Diante desse contexto, o objetivo dessa dissertação é a investigação e análise das experiências das hortas escolares do município de Feliz como uma ferramenta educativa para a difusão de conhecimentos sobre a prática de produção de alimento no meio urbano. O método de pesquisa adotado foi o Estudo de Ca-so. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida em três fases: a primeira, definição e planejamento, trata da busca de referencial teórico sobre o tema, do planejamento da pesquisa e da seleção dos casos investigados; a segunda, preparação, coleta e análise, aborda a condução dos estudos de ca-sos investigados, procedimentos de coleta e análise dos dados e a terceira, análises e conclu-sões, versa sobre as análises dos dados e dos resultados obtidos. A investigação e observa-ção junto aos casos de estudo, escolas municipais e estaduais, somadas a órgãos do Estado, localizados no município de Feliz, no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul e seu contexto, resultou nas fontes de evidências da pesquisa. Os resultados indicaram que as atividades desenvolvi-das com os alunos envolvidos na implantação das hortas escolares e o envolvimento da co-munidade e técnicos de órgãos do Estado contribuem para a difusão de práticas de produção de alimentos no meio urbano, provendo a criação de espaços mais saudáveis e uma melhor qualidade de vida no meio urbano. Verificou-se, também, que o projeto horta escolar promove a participação social, desenvolvendo as habilidades coletivas dos alunos, integrando a comu-nidade escolar com a comunidade local e a sociedade civil organizada. Esses resultados apon-tam para um potencial a ser desenvolvido e explorado, sobre o papel da escola na difusão do conceito Agricultura Urbana, podendo a vir constituir uma proposta viável entre as políticas públicas. / The uncontrolled growth of urban centers distance man from nature. This scenario is intensi-fied with population growth in cities, which could reach, in 2030, 60% of the world popula-tion. Human activities have gradually been transforming the living space and these changes are often negative, causing the degradation and deterioration of the urban environment, mak-ing it hostile and with inadequate housing conditions. The urban environmental quality de-pends on a group of aspects: social, ecological, biological, economical, typological, techno-logical and landscaping and is directly linked to the environmental comfort of the buildings, in which the green areas play a key role in maintaining the balance and are important indica-tors of life quality. Many cities cannot properly manage the rapid growth of the population and face enormous challenges in the planning and management of urban space. The unstable economic and political situations, in addition to natural phenomena further aggravate this vul-nerable condition. Within this framework fairer economic models, health and nutrition are issues that are gaining prominence on the world stage. One of the alternatives that can con-tribute is the Urban Agriculture, which in addition to contribute to food security, by producing food close to its consumers, reduces the ecological footprint and helps increasing the green areas of cities and reducing impacts on resources water, among others. In this context, the aim of this thesis is to research the potential for integration of urban agriculture as a more sustain-able strategy for the production of food in a small city, from the analysis of case studies of school gardens in the town of Feliz. The research method adopted was the Case Study. The research was conducted in three phases: the first, definition and planning, deals with the search theoretical framework on the subject, the planning of the research and the selection of cases to be investigated; the second, preparation, collection and analysis, deals with the stud-ying of the researched cases and data collection and analysis and the third, analysis and con-clusions, deals with the analysis of the data and the results obtained. Research and observation together with the researched cases, municipal and state schools, added to State agencies, lo-cated in the town of Feliz in the state of Rio Grande do Sul and its context, are the sources of evidence for this research. The results indicated that the activities with the students involved in the implementation of school gardens and community involvement and technicians from State agencies contribute to the spread of food production practices in urban areas, providing the creation of healthier spaces and a better quality of life in urban areas. It was also verified that the school garden project promotes social participation, developing the collective skills of the students by integrating school community with the local community and organized civil society. These results point to a potential to be developed on the school's role in spreading the concept of Urban Agriculture that and may come to be a viable proposal in public policies.

Avaliação do potencial de estoque de carbono por Sibipiruna (Poincianela pluviosa var. peltophoroides (Benth.) L.P. Queiróz) na arborização viária de Maringá - PR / Evaluation of potential carbon stock in Sibipiruna (Poincianella pluviosa var. peltophoroides (Benth.) L. P. Queiroz) planted in the urban area in Maringa - PR.

Brun, Flavia Gizele König 14 September 2012 (has links)
O estudo teve por objetivo quantificar o estoque de carbono (C) e biomassa em indivíduos de Sibipiruna (Poincianella pluviosa) na arborização viária de Maringá, PR. A seleção das árvores amostra partiu do banco de dados para supressão da prefeitura municipal. Após fez-se a medição dos indivíduos avaliando-se: altura total (ht), altura da primeira bifurcação (hbif), altura do primeiro galho vivo (hgalho), altura de copa (hc), área de copa (Ac) e diâmetro à altura do peito (DAP). Para as condições do manejo e do meio urbano, consideraram-se: área livre, tipo de poda realizada, fitossanidade, qualidade de copa e tronco. Selecionou-se 24 árvores num intervalo diamétrico de 45,1 a 70,0 cm. Nas árvores abatidas, aferiu-se a biomassa fresca (madeira e casca do tronco, galhos e folhas). Para a copa fez-se uma sub-amostra (10,0 kg) para folhas e galhos finos e retirou-se uma alíquota para determinação do peso seco e teor de C. O peso úmido da copa (folhas e galhos finos), galhos grossos e madeira do tronco foi determinado em balança de carga (10.000,0 kg). Para a amostragem de madeira do tronco, foram retirados 3 discos de 5 cm de espessura na base, DAP e a 90% da altura. A casca foi separada dos discos, pesada e retirada uma alíquota para determinação de massa seca e C. As amostras foram enviadas a Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná - Campus Dois Vizinhos e secas em estufa de circulação e renovação de ar, a 70,0ºC por 72 horas. Na fração madeira do tronco fez-se uma amostra composta dos discos das árvores. Após, as frações foram pesadas e moídas para análise química. Com base nas relações entre a quantidade de C e biomassa com as variáveis dendrométricas, construíram-se modelos de regressão linear para cada fração. Para o inventário de determinação do estoque de C estratificou o perímetro urbano (zonas norte, sul, centro, leste e oeste) onde se sorteou 10,0% dos bairros, totalizando 23 e realizou-se o censo. Na avaliação da influência do meio e manejo sobre o estoque de C e biomassa empregou-se regressão múltipla verificando-se a interdependência. A quantidade total de biomassa acumulada no perímetro inventariado foi de 1.696,4 Mg e de C foi de 734, 9 Mg, e para o perímetro urbano foi de 16.673 Mg de biomassa e 7.695,6 Mg de C estocados. A zona norte apresentou maior representatividade (53,1%) no estoque de C. A compartimentalização do estoque de C foi: galhos>madeira do tronco>folhas>casca do tronco. Os principais fatores que influenciaram o estoque de C foram: poda de levantamento e copa \"vigorosa\" (folhas); poda de levantamento, copa \"vigorosa\" e tronco \"íntegro\"(galhos); presença de fungos e copa \"vigorosa\" (casca); copa \"vigorosa\" e troncos \"injuriados\" (madeira); poda de levantamento, copa \"vigorosa\" e troncos \"injuriados\" (carbono total). Para a construção de protocolos de sequestro de C em árvores viárias é crucial o estudo do crescimento das árvores no meio urbano para observar as respostas do crescimento destas, e implementação de um manejo adequado para um o contínuo incremento do estoque de C nestas. / The study aimed to quantify sibipiruna trees (Poincianella pluviosa) carbon stock (C) and biomass, planted in the streets of Maringa, PR. Sample trees selection was based on the database for trees removal belonging to Maringá city hall. After that, trees were measured, evaluating: total height (Th), height at first fork (Haff), height of the first live branch (Hoflb), canopy height (Ch), crown area (Ca) and diameter at breast height (DBH). For the management and urban environment conditions, the following parameters were considered: open area, type of pruning, plant health, crown and trunk quality. Twenty-four (24) trees were with a DBH ranging from 45.1 to 70.0 cm, were selected. In felled trees, fresh biomass was measured (wood, bark, branches and leaves). For crown sampling, a sub-sample (10.0 kg) for leaves and fine branches was done and an amount of each component was taken for dry weight and C determination. Crown fresh weight (leaves and fine branches, thick branches and wood) was determined to load balance (10,000.0 kg). Wood sampling was done through disks (5.0 cm thickness) removal in the base, at DBH and at 90% of trunk length. Bark was removed from the disks, weighed and an amount aliquot taken for determination of dry matter and C. Samples were sent to Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná - Campus Dois Vizinhos and oven (with air renovation and circulation), at 70.0 º C for 72 hours. In wood fraction, a composite sample from the tree\'s disks was done. After that, the fractions were weighed and milled for chemical analysis. Based on the relations between C amount and biomass and the dendrometric variables, were constructed linear regression models for each fraction. Inventory to determine C stock came from urban area stratification (northern, southern, central, east and west) where 10.0% of these neighborhoods were reflled, totalizing twenty-three (23); and them census was done. When evaluating the environment influence and the management on C stock and biomass, a multiple regression was used verifying interdependence. The total biomass accumulation by in the inventoried area was 1696.4 Mg, with 734.9 Mg C and for the urban area was 16,673.0 Mg of biomass and 7,695.6 Mg C storage. Northern area showed higher representativeness (53.1%) in C stock. The compartmentalization of C stock was: branches> wood > leaves> bark. Main factors that influenced the C stocks were: crown lifting pruning and vigorosus crown (leaves); survey crown lifting pruning, vigorosus crown and intact trunk (branches); fungi presence and vigorosus crown (bark); vigorous crown and trunks injuries (wood); crown lifting pruning, vigorosus crown and trunks injuries (total carbon). For the construction of protocols C sequestration in trees road is crucial to study the growth of trees in the urban environment to observe the growth of these answers, and implantation of appropriate management for a continuous increase in C stock these

貿易自由化下環保標章制度之效果分析 / The effect of eco-label under trade liberalization

蕭文棟 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著經濟的快速發展,人類活動對環境的衝擊日趨嚴重,為了抑制環境的損害,近年來,環保標章逐漸成為各國政府採用的新興環境管制工具,而目前大部分文獻著重於分析環保標章是否對消費者的行為模式產生改變及是否有效發揮減少污染排放與提升社會福利的效果,至於實行後有關貿易效果的部分,較少著墨。因此本文主要探討國內市場、廠商結構有所不同,但皆已實施環保標章制度的情況下,環保標章與非環保標章產品廠商之最適價格、產量及利潤,以及因貿易自由化造成關稅的下降,對於污染稅與國內環境品質的影響為何? 本文以垂直差異化模型,描述消費者行為,並建立一個多家非環保標章廠商與一家環保標章廠商於本國市場進行價格競爭的兩國兩廠商理論模型。發現本國廠商為環保標章廠商時,不論在本國觀點或全球觀點下,將對汙染進行課稅,且關稅的下降將促使本國政府提高汙染稅,環境品質會因關稅下降而惡化。本國廠商為非環保標章廠商時,在本國觀點下,將對汙染進行補貼,關稅下降促使本國政府提高汙染補貼,同樣使得環境品質因而惡化;然而,在全球觀點下,將對汙染進行課稅,關稅的下降促使汙染稅跟著調降,環境品質因此而獲得改善。 / Due to the rapid economic development, the environment has got worse. This fact makes eco-label become a new environmental instrument which used by many countries in recent years. Recently, the economists want to figure out the influence of the eco-label. Those researches mainly focus on whether the eco-label changes the consumer behavior patterns and whether it can effectively reduce pollution emissions and improve social welfare. However, in those papers, the effect on trade is less mentioned. This paper focuses on the optimal price, quantity and profit of firms with and without eco-labels, as well as how the decline in tariffs caused by trade liberalization will influence the pollution tax and the domestic environmental quality. In this paper, we use the vertical differentiation model to describe consumer behavior. What we set here is when the local company is the eco-label product maker, the foreign company will produce non-green products, and vice versa. We found that when local company is the eco-label product maker, no matter in a domestic point of view or from the global perspective, the pollution will be taxed, and the decline in tariffs will raise pollution tax, so the deterioration of environmental quality. When local company is not eco-label product maker, there are two different consequences: in domestic view, the pollutions will be subsidized. We also can see as the tariffs declines, the government will raise its pollution subsidy, which will make the deterioration of environmental quality. From the global perspective, the pollution will be taxed, the decline in tariffs will lead to the reducing of pollution tax, so will improve the quality of the environment.

Övergödning av Mälaren : Betydelsen av antalet beviljade dispenser av stallgödselspridning vid Sagån

Vinberg, Ulrika January 2010 (has links)
Eutrophication was recognized in the early 1900's and results in severe algal blooms, increased biomass production and eventually leads to an altered ecosystem. In Mälardalen we find the most eutrophic lakes. Most of the applied phosphorus and nitrogen into seas and oceans comes from agriculture, and the nutrients losses are affected by local weather conditions and soil type. Guidelines for storage and distribution of manure were introduced in the 80s, and the rules were strengthened January 1, 2010. Localities and previous county administrations can whether there are special reasons, grant an exemption for manure application during winter-periods despite the current ban. In this essay I have examined how many exemptions of manure application that has been granted at the Sagån river, and what implications it has for the eutrophication of Lake Mälaren. Sagån’s catchment area extends through Enköping, Sala, Heby, Västerås and Uppsala. Since 2000, 23 waivers of manure application have been granted, most of these deviations have occurred on snow-covered ground or when the weather change considerably. This means that much of the nutriment in the manure went down to the nearby water when the snow melted. Computations were made In order to find out how much phosphorus was spread each time. The conclusion is that the pig manure contains significantly more phosphorus, meaning greater phosphorus losses. However, these calculations are only estimates. Several farmers were contacted to find out what they think about the regulation of the management and application of manure. They believe that the new legislation does not pose a problem for them. But farmers with small distribution areas in relation to the number of animals could have some problems.

Cobia cage culture distribution mapping and carrying capacity assessment in Phu Quoc, Kien Giang province / Vị trí phân bố và tính toán sức chịu tải môi trường khu vực nuôi cá bớp lồng bè (Cobia or Back King fish) tại Phú Quốc, Kiên Giang

Nguyen, Thi Hong Diep, Wenresti, Glino Gallardo, Nitin, Kumar Tripathi, Truong, Hoang Minh 14 November 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Cobia fish cage is the most popular marine culture species raised in Phu Quoc Island, Vietnam. For its sustainable development, there is a need to determine the carrying capacity to avoid nega-tive marine environmental impact in the future. This study was carried out to collect water samples each two months at the lowest and highest tides at four points around the farming area in Rach Vem, Phu Quoc Island, Kien Giang Province from February to October 2011. Water quality in cobia cage culture was surveyed to assess the environmental status of coastal aquaculture areas including seven parameters such as DO, COD, BOD, TSS, TN, TP and Chlorophyll-a. These parameters are suitable to rear cobia fish cage in this area. Nitrogen and phosphorus are considered as the principal nutrients produced by the cobia fish farm and affecting water environment. This study found that the carrying capacity for fish cage farming in the area is 290.96 to 727.81 tons (based on total nitrogen) and 428.64 to 1,383.88 tons (based on total phosphorus) from February to Au-gust 2011. The maximum number of cobia cages should be, based on total nitrogen, from 64 to 266 and, based on total phosphorus, from 94 to 253. Moreover, this study examined the possibility of remote sensing and geographic information system (GIS) technique based on Object-based Image Analysis (OBIA) method by THEOS imagery for mapping of cage culture facilities and detect the location for cobia cage culture in study area. / Cá bớp nuôi lồng bè là một trong những loài cá nuôi phổ biến khu vực ven biển Phú Quốc, Việt nam. Nhằm phát triển bền vững vùng ven biển, đề tài thực hiện đã xác định và đánh giá hiện trạng môi trường nước và sức tải môi trường của nghề nuôi cá bớp lồng bè ở đảo Phú Quốc. Nghiên cứu này được thực hiện thông qua việc thu mẫu môi trường nước mỗi 2 tháng theo mức nước triều cao nhất và thấp nhất tại 4 điểm quanh khu vực nuôi tại ấp Rạch Vẹm, huyện Phú Quốc, tỉnh Kiên Giang từ tháng 02-10/2011. Chất lượng nước khu vực nuôi thủy sản cũng được khảo sát với 7 chỉ tiêu gồm DO, COD, BOD, TSS, TN, TP, Chlorophyll-a. Các thông số chất lượng môi trường này phù hợp nuôi cá bớp tại khu vực nghiên cứu dựa trên tiêu chuẩn chất lượng môi trường. Trong nghiên cứu này, đạm và lân là 2 thông số được sử dụng để tính toán sức tải môi trường. Sức tải môi trường được tính toán cho khu vực nuôi cá bớp dao động khoảng từ 290.96 tấn đến 727.81 tấn (tính trên hàm lượng đạm tổng số) và từ 428,64 tấn đến 1.383,88 tấn (tính trên hàm lượng lân tổng số) trong thời gian từ tháng 2 đến tháng 10 năm 2011. Số lượng tối đa lồng bè nuôi cá bớp khoảng từ 64 đến 266 (đạm tổng số) và từ 94 đến 253 (lân tổng số) dựa vào phân tích hồi quy tương quan. Bên cạnh đó, công nghệ viễn thám và hệ thống thông tin địa lý (GIS) đã được ứng dụng bằng cách sử dụng ảnh THEOS để xác định vị trí và phân bố không gian khu vực nuôi cá lồng bè dựa trên phương pháp phân tích đối tượng theo hướng (OBIA).

Natural and civic place attachment and the relation to pro-environmental behaviours in Trail and Nelson, British Columbia

Scannell, Leila 30 April 2008 (has links)
The relation between place attachment and pro-environmental behaviour has not been thoroughly examined. Of the few studies to have investigated this, findings conflict (Uzzell, Pol, & Badenas, 2002; Vaske & Kobrin, 2001). Possibly, these inconsistencies relate to the definition of place attachment. The current study distinguished two dimensions of place attachment: social-symbolic (civic), and physical-natural. Data were collected from 104 community members in two proximate towns. Participants indicated their levels of natural and civic attachment, evaluated the current and future local environmental quality, and reported their pro-environmental behaviours. Greater place attachment was associated with more positive current evaluations in Trail. Surprisingly, environmental evaluations did not predict pro-environmental behaviour in either town. Both types of place attachment predicted pro-environmental behaviour in Nelson, but in Trail, only natural attachment was significant. Thus, for different cities, different types of place attachment will predict pro-environmental behaviour. Implications and directions for further research are discussed.


GUIDOTTI, LAURA 28 January 2015 (has links)
Scopo del progetto era valutare lo stato di salute e la qualità dei suoli agricoli lombardi e di alcune sue aree caratterizzate da specifiche criticità ambientali, attraverso un monitoraggio multidisciplinare. L’uso di indicatori biologici accoppiato alle classiche tecniche analitiche ha consentito di implementare le informazioni ottenute dal punto di vista chimico-fisico. Contrariamente al passato infatti, la componente vivente del suolo è diventata fondamentale alla comprensione delle sue condizioni, in quanto esso è stato riconosciuto come sistema strettamente connesso agli altri comparti ambientali, influenzato e caratterizzato da tutti gli organismi che lo compongono. Sulla base di ciò sono state indagate la struttura e le caratteristiche delle comunità microbiche, dei lombrichi e dei protozoi ciliati, le attività enzimatiche del suolo, e la genotossicità delle sostanze inquinanti utilizzando il trifoglio come pianta indicatrice. Abbiamo inoltre avuto modo di applicare alcune tecniche che esulano dal classico monitoraggio, ma che forniscono informazioni preziose circa il comportamento di una sostanza o di un elemento. Si tratta dell’applicazione della diluizione isotopica per determinare la presenza del cromo esavalente in suoli potenzialmente contaminati, e di biosaggi con batteri bioluminescenti per valutare la biodisponibilità di arsenico e mercurio in un Sito di Interesse Nazionale. / The aim of the project was to assess health status and quality of agricultural soils of the Lombardia region, and some areas with critical environmental situations, through a multidisciplinary monitoring. The use of biological indicators coupled to classic analytical techniques, has allowed the implementation of the information obtained from the chemical-physical point of view. Contrary to the past, the living component of the soil has become crucial to better understand its condition, as it has been recognized as a system closely related to other environmental media, influenced and characterized by all organisms that compose it. Basing on this it was investigated the structure and characteristics of microbial communities, earthworms and ciliated protozoa, the enzymatic activities of the soil, and the genotoxicity of pollutants using clover plants as indicator. We also had the opportunity to apply some of the techniques that are outside the classic monitoring, but that can provide valuable information about the behavior of a substance or an element. These techniques are: the application of isotope dilution to determine the presence of hexavalent chromium in potentially contaminated soils, and bioassays with bioluminescent bacteria to assess the bioavailability of arsenic and mercury in a Site of National Interest.

Natural and civic place attachment and the relation to pro-environmental behaviours in Trail and Nelson, British Columbia

Scannell, Leila 30 April 2008 (has links)
The relation between place attachment and pro-environmental behaviour has not been thoroughly examined. Of the few studies to have investigated this, findings conflict (Uzzell, Pol, & Badenas, 2002; Vaske & Kobrin, 2001). Possibly, these inconsistencies relate to the definition of place attachment. The current study distinguished two dimensions of place attachment: social-symbolic (civic), and physical-natural. Data were collected from 104 community members in two proximate towns. Participants indicated their levels of natural and civic attachment, evaluated the current and future local environmental quality, and reported their pro-environmental behaviours. Greater place attachment was associated with more positive current evaluations in Trail. Surprisingly, environmental evaluations did not predict pro-environmental behaviour in either town. Both types of place attachment predicted pro-environmental behaviour in Nelson, but in Trail, only natural attachment was significant. Thus, for different cities, different types of place attachment will predict pro-environmental behaviour. Implications and directions for further research are discussed.

Qualidade ambiental de solos agricolas da bacia do Rio Jaguari - Sao Paulo / Environmental quality of agricultural soils within the Jaguari River basin - São Paulo

RUBY, ELAINE C. 09 October 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T12:27:12Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T13:56:55Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Dissertacao (Mestrado) / IPEN/D / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN-CNEN/SP

Meio ambiente e qualidade de vida na Estância Turística de Presidente Epitácio - São Paulo /

Santos, Ricardo dos. January 2010 (has links)
Orientador: Antonio Cezar Leal / Banca: Edson Luis Piroli / Banca: Salvador Carpi Júnior / Resumo: Esta pesquisa foi realizada com o objetivo principal de analisar a qualidade de vida, a qualidade ambiental e as transformações na paisagem da área urbana da Estância Turística de Presidente Epitácio, Estado de São Paulo (sede municipal e distrito Campinal) e contribuir com o planejamento ambiental urbano visando a melhoria da qualidade de vida da população. Foram realizados levantamento bibliográfico, coleta de dados e informações em órgãos públicos, trabalhos de campo, entrevistas, e foram aplicados 715 questionários com os moradores, sendo 691 questionários na área urbana de Presidente Epitácio e 24 no distrito Campinal. Na elaboração dos questionários, foram considerados indicadores quantitativos (condição socioeconômica, infraestrutura urbana e meios de consumo coletivo) e indicadores qualitativos (questões referentes à percepção da população). Para definir a quantidade de questionários a serem aplicados, foi realizado um cálculo estatístico para obter uma amostra que foi distribuída entre os diversos setores censitários, divisão territorial empregada pelo IBGE (Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística) que permite promover informações mais detalhadas sobre cada área. Como resultados, identificou-se a partir da opinião da população e através dos indicadores selecionados para a análise, que a qualidade de vida na cidade e no distrito é considerada razoável, sendo identificados entre outros, problemas como desemprego, necessidade de melhorias na oferta dos serviços de saúde, de equipamentos públicos, de segurança, alagamentos em ruas, ausência de áreas de lazer e áreas verdes em bairros, deposição irregular de lixo na periferia e em outras áreas, ausência ou inadequada arborização e intensificação de problemas decorrentes da formação da represa da UHE ... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: This research was performed with the main objective of analyzing life and environmental qualities and the transformations in the landscape of the urban area of the tourism resort of Presidente Epitácio, state of São Paulo (town headquarters and Campinal district) and to contribute with the environmental urban planning, aiming the improvement of life quality of the population. It was achieved bibliographic study, data collection and information in public bodies, field jobs, interviews and it was applied 715 questionnaires with the residents, which 691 of them were done in the urban area of Presidente Epitácio and 24 in Campinal. In the elaboration of the questionnaires, it was considered quantitative indicators (socioeconomic condition, urban infrastructure and ways of collective consumption) and qualitative indicators (issues about the perception of the population). To define the quantity of questionnaires to be applied, it was achieved a statistic calculation to obtain a sample that was given to several census sectors, territorial division used by IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics) that allows to promote further information about each area. As results, it was identified from the opinion of the population and the selected indicators to the analysis, that the quality of life in the town and in the district is considered reasonable, identifying among the others, problems such as unemployment, necessity of improvement in the offer of health services, public and security equipments, flooding in the streets, shortage of leisure and green areas, irregular deposition of trash in the suburb and in other areas, shortage or inadequate afforestation and intensification of problems coming from the dam formation of UHE ... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre

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