Spelling suggestions: "subject:"epithelial cells."" "subject:"pithelial cells.""
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Antigenpräsentation in der intestinalen MukosaBaumgart, Daniel C. 26 May 2005 (has links)
Die Ätiologie chronisch entzündlicher Darmerkrankungen ist bis heute ungeklärt. Sie beinhaltet eine unkontrollierte Aktivierung von immunologischen Effektorzellen durch antigenpräsentierende Zellen, wie zum Beispiel dendritische Zellen und intestinale Epithelzellen, die Antigene der luminalen Flora fehlerkennen und/oder falsch verarbeiten und den daraus resultierenden Gewebsschädigungsmechanismen. Am Interleukin-2 defizienten Mausmodell der Colitis ulcerosa konnten wir zeigen, daß T-Zellen eine zentrale Rolle beim mukosalen Entzündungsprozeß bei chronisch entzündlichen Darmerkrankungen und insbesondere bei Colitis ulcerosa spielen. So kann zum Beispiel im Tiermodell eine Colitis ulcerosa durch Injektion von T-Zellen aus kranken Tieren auf gesunde Kontrolltiere übertragen werden. T-Zellen gehören zu den wichtigsten Produzenten pro-inflammatorischer Zytokine. Das Ausbleiben der Darmentzündung bei keimfrei gehaltenen Interleukin-2 defizienten Mäusen stützt die Hypothese einer Fehlaktivierung von T-Zellen durch luminale Antigene. In weiterführenden Experimenten haben wir den Beweis erbracht, daß primäre mukosale Epithelzellen das Potential zur Antigenpräsentation besitzen. Ihre Funktion besteht jedoch offenbar in der aktiven, reversiblen Hemmung von CD4+ T-Zellantworten. Da sie in unmittelbarem Kontakt mit den luminalen Antigenen stehen, kommt ihnen zumindest im Kolon eine regulatorische, tolerogene Rolle zu. Eine Störung dieses Prozesses trägt möglicherweise zur Ausbildung und Aufrechterhaltung unkontrollierter Entzündung bei chronisch entzündlichen Darmerkrankungen und insbesondere bei Colitis ulcerosa bei. Dendritische Zellen sind die am längsten bekannten und potentesten antigenpräsentierenden Zellen. Wir konnten zeigen, daß bei Patienten in Remission bereits ein Mangel an zirkulierenden unreifen, d.h. potentiell tolerogenen, dendritischen Zellen besteht, der bei akuten Schüben stark zunimmt. Dendritische Zellen von Patienten reagieren auf mikrobielle Modellstimuli im Gegensatz zu dendritischen Zellen von Gesunden mit der Ausbildung eines aktivierten Phänotyps und der Sekretion pro-inflammatorischer Zytokine. Unsere Daten lassen vermuten, daß ihre tolerogene Rolle gestört ist und sie möglicherweise aktiv zum Entzündungsgeschehen durch eine Fehlreaktion auf die kommensale Flora beitragen. Die klinische Relevanz der gestörten T-Zellaktivierung wird durch klinische Daten deutlich. Wir haben gezeigt, daß der T-Zellaktivierungshemmer Tacrolimus zur überbrückenden Therapie refraktärer chronisch entzündlicher Darmerkrankungen bis zum Wirkeintritt konventioneller Immunmodulatoren, wie zum Beispiel Azathioprin oder 6-Mercaptopurin, zur raschen Induktion einer Remission und auch bei Therapieversagen konventioneller Immunmodulatoren geeignet ist. Weiterhin demonstrierten wir seine Wirksamkeit bei refraktären extraintestinalen Komplikationen chronisch entzündlicher Darmerkrankungen, wie dem Pyoderma gangrenosum. / The etiology of inflammatory bowel disease is still unknown. Patients with inflammatory bowel disease have an inappropriate T-cell response to antigenic components of their indigenous gut flora and/or food stream. This breakdown in "oral tolerance" is poorly understood. However, this phenomenon likely relates to how antigen presenting cells, such as dendritic cells and epithelial cells, process and present antigen(s) to T-cells. Our data in the interleukin-2 knock out mouse model of ulcerative colitis underscores the central role of T-cells for the inflammatory process in inflammatory bowel disease and particularly ulcerative colitis. Adoptive transfer experiments showed that T-cells from diseases animals can transmit the ulcerative like disease onto healthy controls. T-cells are among the main producers of pro-inflammatory cytokines. The absence of the ulcerative colitis like disease in gnotobiotic interleukin-2 mice supports the hypothesis of an inappropriate T-cell response towards the indigenous flora. In additional studies we were able to show, that intestinal epithelial cells are capable to present antigen. However, their major role is apparently the reversible silencing of activated CD4+ T-cell responses. Their close proximity with luminal antigens suggest a regulatory, tolerogenic role at least in the colon. A disturbance of this process probably contributes to the occurrence and perpetuation of uncontrolled inflammation in inflammatory bowel disease and particularly UC. Dendritic cells are the longest known most potent antigen presenting cells. We have demonstrated that inflammatory bowel disease patients lack circulating, immature, and thereby potentially tolerogenic dendritic cells. Cultured dendritic cells from inflammatory bowel disease patients showed a more vigorous response to microbial surrogate stimuli compared with healthy controls. Our data suggest that the normally tolerogenic role of circulating dendritic cells is impaired in inflammatory bowel disease patients. It appears that they actively contribute to the inflammatory process by a false response to the indigenous flora. The clinical relevance of an uncontrolled T-cell activation is supported by our clinical data. We demonstrated that the T-cell activation inhibitor tacrolimus is suitable for the management of refractory inflammatory bowel disease. Low dose oral tacrolimus was also effective in refractory extraintestinal complications of inflammtory bowel disease such as pyoderma gangrenosum. The concepts and available data of current and evolving biologic therapies are extensively discussed.
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Einfluss des probiotischen Escherichia coli Nissle 1917 (EcN) auf die Infektion mit atypischen enteropathogenen E. coli (aEPEC) im porcinen in vitro-ModellKleta, Sylvia 16 June 2009 (has links)
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde in einem in vitro-Modell mit porcinen intestinalen Epithelzellen (IPEC-J2) der Einfluss des probiotischen E. coli Nissle 1917 (EcN) auf die Infektion mit atypischen EPEC (aEPEC) untersucht. EcN reduzierte bei Vorinkubation auf IPEC-J2 die aEPEC-Infektion drastisch. Konfokale Laserscanning- und Elektronenmikroskopie zeigten, dass EcN die Adhäsion und Mikrokoloniebildung inhibierte, jedoch nicht die Ausbildung von Attaching and Effacing-Läsionen adhärenter aEPEC. Der inhibierende Effekt von EcN wurde durch dessen sehr gute Adhäsionsfähigkeit an IPEC-J2 vermittelt. Die F1C-Fimbrien wurden als wichtigster Adhäsionsfaktor von EcN identifiziert. Darüber hinaus waren auch H1-Flagellen durch Ausbildung interbakterieller Verbindungen maßgeblich an der Adhäsion des Stammes beteiligt. In gleichem Maß wie die Vorinkubation von EcN reduzierte die Koinkubation seines Kulturüberstandes die aEPEC-Infektion, was auf die Abgabe eines inhibierenden Faktors in den Kulturüberstand schließen lässt. Dieser Faktor wurde auch von anderen pathogenen sowie nicht pathogenen E. coli-Stämmen in Schüttelkultur gebildet und scheint deshalb nicht spezifisch für EcN zu sein. Jedoch ermöglichte erst die gute Adhäsionsfähigkeit von EcN auf der Epithelzelloberfläche die Abgabe ausreichender Mengen des Inhibitors und eine Beeinflussung der aEPEC-Infektion. Die Ergebnisse weisen darauf hin, dass durch EcN die initiale Anheftung von aEPEC an die Wirtszelle unterbunden wird. Der inhibierende Effekt von EcN auf die aEPEC-Infektion war zeitabhängig. Im Gegensatz zur Vorinkubation erhöhten Ko- und Nachinkubation von EcN die Adhäsion von aEPEC und hatten einen geringeren inhibierenden Effekt auf die Mikrokoloniebildung. Dieser gegensätzliche Effekt auf die Adhäsion von aEPEC wird möglicherweise von einem zweiten Faktor hervorgerufen. Dieser scheint nur dann wirksam zu sein, wenn der inhibierende Faktor in zu geringer Konzentration oder erst nach Adhäsion von aEPEC vorliegt. / In this study, the effects of the probiotic E. coli strain Nissle 1917 (EcN) on host cell infection with atypical enteropathogenic E. coli (aEPEC) were investigated in an in vitro porcine intestinal epithelial cell model (IPEC-J2). In pre-incubation experiments, EcN drastically reduced the infection efficiencies of aEPEC. Using confocal laser scanning microscopy and scanning electron microscopy, it was shown that EcN inhibited the attachment and formation of microcolonies, but not the formation of attaching and effacing lesions by adherent aEPEC. The inhibitory effect was mediated by the adherent properties of EcN to epithelial cells. The F1C fimbriae were identified as the most important adhesion factor of EcN in vitro. Furthermore, the H1 flagellae were also shown to be involved in the adhesion of EcN, serving as bridges between bacterial cells. Co-incubation of culture supernatants of EcN reduced the infection efficiencies of aEPEC to the same extent as in pre-incubation with EcN bacteria, indicating the secretion of an inhibitory factor by EcN. This factor was also secreted by other pathogenic and non-pathogenic E. coli strains in shaking culture and therefore does not appear to be specific for EcN. However, the outstanding ability of EcN to adhere to epithelial cells largely contributes to the secretion of sufficient concentrations of this inhibitory factor und to the influence on the aEPEC infection. The results suggest that EcN interferes with the initial adhesion of aEPEC to host cells. The inhibitory effect of EcN was found to be time-dependent. In contrast to pre-incubation experiments, co- and post-incubation of EcN actually increased the adhesion efficiencies of aEPEC and showed only minor effects on microcolony formation. This second effect of EcN on aEPEC adhesion, possibly due to a second factor, appears only to be effective when the putative inhibitory factor is either present at low concentrations or after aEPEC is already adherent to host cells.
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Die Invasion von Epithelzellen durch E. coli ShigellaAdam, Thomas 24 June 2004 (has links)
Shigellen sind enteroinvasive E. coli-Klone, die beim Menschen das Krankheitsbild der bakteriellen Ruhr verursachen. Wichtige Virulenzeigenschaften dieser Bakterien werden von dem 220 kb großen Plasmid pINV kodiert. Die für das Krankheitsbild typischen blutig-eitrigen Durchfälle sind Folge der retrograden Zerstörung der Kolon-Mukosa ausgehend von der initialen Infektion im Bereich des Recto-Sigmoids. Die Infektion der Darmmukosa erfolgt über M-Zellen und assoziierte Makrophagen, nach deren apoptotischem Untergang das Bakterium Zugang zum basolateralen Pol der Enterozyten erhält; eine direkte Infektion der Enterozyten vom Darmlumen über deren apikalen Pol wird nicht beobachtet. Das eigentliche Ziel der invasiven Shigellen ist das Zytoplasma des Enterozyten, da nur dort eine relevante Replikation der Bakterien stattfindet. Dabei wird die Ausbreitung der Bakterien durch ihre Fähigkeit begünstigt, von einer primär infizierten Epithelzelle ausgehend benachbarte Epithelzellen über Plasmamembran-Ausstülpungen zu infizieren, ohne dabei den geschützten Raum des epithelialen Zytoplasmas zu verlassen. Die Aufklärung des epithelialen Invasionsmechanismus auf molekularer Ebene ist deshalb von essenzieller Bedeutung für das Verständnis sowohl der Pathogenese der Erkrankung als auch der Ökologie des Erregers. Die Infektion humaner Epithelzellen durch Shigellen erfolgt durch bakterielle Induktion von Membranausstülpungen, die über dem Bakterium fusionieren und morphologisch der Makropinozytose ähneln. Die Ausbildung der zellulären Protrusionen geht mit bedeutenden Umbauvorgängen des Zytoskeletts einher. Wir konnten zunächst in einer mikromorphologischen Analyse die einzelnen Etappen des Zytoskelett-Umbaus sowie die Mikroarchitektur der Protrusionen beschreiben. Anschließend gelang es, mit T-Plastin, Rho und einem Myosin IX Struktur- und Regulations-Moleküle zu identifizieren, die für die bakterielle Invasion funktionell bedeutend sind. Dabei fielen unterschiedliche bakteriell induzierte Rekrutierungsmuster verschiedener Rho-Isoformen und verschiedener Proteine der Rho-Familie auf. Insbesondere wurden RhoA und RhoC in unterschiedliche Bereiche des Invasionskomplexes rekrutiert. Mit umfangreichen Mutationsanalysen dieser Rho-Isoformen gelang es schließlich erstmals, ein humanes Proteinmotiv mit Techniken der `zellulären Mikrobiologie´ zu charakterisieren. Das mit Hilfe unseres Shigellen-Infektionsmodells an Epithelzellen beschriebene Rekrutierungsmotiv von Rho dürfte von fundamentaler Bedeutung sein für die räumliche Aktivitätsregulation dieser Proteinfamilie in normalen und in stimulierten Zellen. / Shigella comprise enteroinvasive clones of E. coli and are the cause of bacillary dysentery in humans. Important virulence traits of these bacteria are encoded by the 220 kb pINV plasmid. The bloody-purulent diarrhea typically seen in this disease results from retrograde destruction of colonic mucosa after inital infection of the recto-sigmoid. Infection of intestinal mucosa is via M-cells and associated macrophages. After apoptotic degradation of macrophages the microorganism gains access to the basolateral pole of enterocytes. Direct infection of enterocytes from the intestinal lumen via the apical pole is not observed. Invasive shigella target the cytoplasm of enterocytes since relevant microbial replication only takes place in this compartment. Microbial spread within the epithelial cell layer is via protrusions of the cytoplasmic membrane that reach from cell to cell thus enabling intercellular transitions without leaving the safe cytoplasmic compartment of epithelial cells. Insight into the molecular mechanisms of epithelial cell invasion is therefore essential for the comprehension of the pathogenesis of the disease as well as the ecology of the microorganism. Infection of human epithelial cells by Shigella results from bacteria-induced formation of membraneous protrusions that finally fuse above the bacterium and morphologically resemble macropinocytosis. The formation of cellular protrusions is associated with important rearrangements of the cytoskeleton. In a micromorphological study we first described the different steps of cytoskeletal reorganization and the microarchitecture of the protrusions. We then could identify structure and regulatory molecules that are functionally involved in bacterial entry: T-plastin, Rho and a myosin IX. These studies also showed different bacteria-induced recruitment patterns of Rho isoforms and of various members of the Rho protein family. In particular, RhoA and RhoC were recruited into different regions of the invasion structure. Using exhaustive mutation analysis of these Rho isoforms, we for the first time characterized a human protein motif using methods of `cellular microbiology´. The recruitment motif described using our model of epithelial cell invasion by Shigella should be significant for the spatial regulation of activity of this protein family in normal and in stimulated cells.
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O v?rus sincicial respirat?rio induz NETose cl?ssica ROS-dependente atrav?s da ativa??o de PAD4 e das vias de necroptoseMuraro, Stefanie Primon 16 March 2018 (has links)
Submitted by PPG Pediatria e Sa?de da Crian?a (pediatria-pg@pucrs.br) on 2018-05-21T13:12:10Z
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Previous issue date: 2018-03-16 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is a major cause of diseases of the respiratory tract in humans being mainly associated with bronchiolitis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and asthma exacerbation. RSV infection occurs primarily in pulmonary epithelial cells and, once infection is established, an innate immune response is triggered and mainly neutrophil recruitment is induced. Neutrophils can extrude neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs) capable of entrapping and inactivate a multitude of microorganisms because of its composition and due to the stringy nature of DNA fibers. Recently, was demonstrated that RSV particles and its fusion (F) protein were able to induce the release NETs coated with neutrophil elastase and myeloperoxidase, both antimicrobial peptides. Also, was observed that the excessive formation of NETs can have negative consequences to the host, such as airway obstruction during RSV infection. Therefore, the aim was to evaluate the mechanisms involved in NET formation induced by RSV infection of neutrophils, alveolar epithelial cells (A549) or lung fibroblasts (MRC5). Human neutrophils were infected with RSV and were able to induce NETs release only after 3 hours of stimulation indicating classical NETosis. Next was characterized NETs formation during infection associating DNA extrusion with MPO, NE and F protein of RSV. Was also observed NADPH oxidase and PAD4 dependence and PI3K/AKT, ERK and p38 MAPK pathways during infection. The inhibition of these signaling pathways, PAD4 and ROS production abolished NET formation. Considering a possible involvement of necroptosis during NETs production, were tested MLKL and RIPK inhibitors and evaluated LDH release in the supernatant of infected neutrophils. Neutrophils released LDH and depend on necroptosis induction to produce NETs. Likewise, neutrophils were co-cultured with A549 or MRC5 cells infected with RSV. Both A549 and MRC5 cells triggered NET release by human neutrophils in a virus concentration-dependent manner, the opposite occurs when used UV-inactivated virus. Briefly, RSV induces the classical/ROS-dependent NETosis by human neutrophils, and this effect relies on specific kinases activity. Furthermore, neutrophils are able to recognize pulmonary cells infected by RSV, releasing NETs. Thus, NETs release control could be crucial for minimizing tissue inflammation caused by RSV infection. / O v?rus sincicial respirat?rio (VSR) ? uma das principais causas de doen?as do trato respirat?rio em humanos sendo associado principalmente com bronquiolite, doen?a pulmonar obstrutiva cr?nica (DPOC) e exacerba??o de asma. O VSR infecta principalmente c?lulas epiteliais pulmonares e, uma vez que a infec??o ? estabelecida, uma resposta imune inata ? desencadeada e ocorre o recrutamento de c?lulas do sistema imune, principalmente neutr?filos. Os neutr?filos podem liberar redes extracelulares de neutr?filos (NETs) capazes de capturar e inativar uma grande quantidade de microrganismos devido ? sua composi??o e natureza fibrosa das fibras de DNA. Recentemente, foi demonstrado que part?culas do VSR al?m da prote?na de fus?o (F) do v?rus foram capazes de induzir a libera??o de NETs revestidas com elastase neutrof?lica e mieloperoxidase, ambos pept?deos com atividade antimicrobiana. Al?m disso, observou-se que a forma??o excessiva de NETs pode ter consequ?ncias negativas para o hospedeiro, como a obstru??o das vias a?reas durante a infec??o por VSR. Portanto, o objetivo foi avaliar os mecanismos envolvidos na forma??o de NET induzida pela infec??o por RSV em neutr?filos humanos, c?lulas epiteliais alveolares (A549) ou fibroblastos pulmonares (MRC5). Neutr?filos humanos foram infectados com VSR e foram capazes de induzir a libera??o de NETs somente ap?s 3 horas de infec??o, indicando uma NETose cl?ssica. Em seguida, foi caracterizada a forma??o de NETs durante a infec??o associando a extrus?o de DNA com as prote?nas MPO, NE e com a prote?na F do VSR. Tamb?m se observou a depend?ncia de NADPH oxidase e PAD4 e das vias de sinaliza??o PI3K / AKT, ERK e p38 MAPK durante a infec??o. A inibi??o dessas vias de sinaliza??o, da produ??o de PAD4 e de EROs aboliu a forma??o de NET. Considerando um poss?vel envolvimento da necroptose na produ??o de NETs, foram utilizados inibidores de MLKL e RIPK1 e foi avaliada a libera??o de LDH no sobrenadante de neutr?filos infectados. Os neutr?filos liberaram LDH e dependeram da ativa??o da necroptose para produzir NETs. Do mesmo modo, os neutr?filos foram co-cultivados com c?lulas A549 ou MRC5 infectadas com VSR. Ambas as c?lulas A549 e MRC5 desencadearam a libera??o de NET por neutr?filos humanos de uma maneira dependente da concentra??o de v?rus, o oposto ocorreu quando usado um v?rus UV-inativado. Resumidamente, o VSR induz a NETose cl?ssica / dependente de EROs em neutr?filos humanos, e este efeito depende de atividade espec?fica de quinases. Al?m
disso, os neutr?filos s?o capazes de reconhecer c?lulas pulmonares infectadas pelo VSR, induzindo a libera??o NETs. Assim, o controle de libera??o de NETs pode ser crucial para minimizar a inflama??o do tecido causada pela infec??o por VSR.
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Efeito da glicose sobre os mecanismos de extrusão de prótons em células MDCK. / Effect of glucose on mechanisms of proton extrusion in MDCK cells.Damasceno, Rosélia dos Santos 14 June 2010 (has links)
Este estudo investigou o efeito da glicose sobre a atividade e expressão da isoforma 1 do trocador Na+/H+ (NHE1) e da H+-ATPase do tipo vacuolar, em células MDCK (Mardin Darby Canine Kidney), linhagem derivada de rim de cão, que apresenta características similares às células principais e intercalares das porções distais do néfron. Por microscopia de fluorescência, se avaliou a velocidade de recuperação do pHi (dpHi/dt) e a capacidade tamponante (<font face=\"symbol\">bi). A partir desses parâmetros, se calculou o efluxo de H+ (JH+). Por Western blot, se avaliou a expressão de NHE1 e da subunidade E da H+-ATPase do tipo vacuolar. Resultados: Na condição controle o efluxo de H+ foi de 6.27 ± 0.51 mM/min (n = 9). O tratamento agudo com glicose (25 mM) aumentou o efluxo de H+ via NHE1, o qual foi modulado pela PI3 cinase. Na mesma condição, não se observou alterações na atividade da H+-ATPase. O tratamento crônico com glicose (25 mM) induziu significante aumento do efluxo de H+, via NHE1 e H+-ATPase. O efeito estimulador da glicose sobre a atividade de NHE1 e H+-ATPase foi dependente da atividade da p38 MAP cinase. Além disso, o tratamento crônico com glicose (25 mM) induziu fosforilação do sistema ezrin/radixin/moesin (ERM) e Akt. Conclusões: Nossos resultados indicam que no tratamento agudo com glicose (25 mM), o NHE1 foi modulado pela PI3 cinase. Contudo, no tratamento crônico com glicose (25 mM), a atividade do NHE1 foi modulada pelo sistema ERM/Akt e a atividade da H+-ATPase foi modulada pela p38 MAP cinase. / This study investigated the effect of glucose on the activity and expression of Na+/H+ exchanger isoform 1 (NHE1) and vacuolar H+-ATPase, in Mardin Darby Canine Kidney (MDCK) cells from dog kidney, with similar characteristics to principal and intercalated cells of the distal nephron. The pHi recovery rate (dpHi/dt) and the buffering capacity (<font face=\"symbol\">bi) was evaluated through fluorescence microscopy. From these parameters the H+ efflux (JH+) was calculated. By Western blot, the NHE1 and H+-ATPase (E subunit) expression was evaluated. Results: In the control situation the H+ efflux was 6.27 ± 0.51 mM/pH units (n = 9). Acute treatment with glucose (25 mM) increased the H+ efflux via NHE1, which was modulated by PI3 kinase. In the same condition, the H+-ATPase activity did not change. Chronic treatment with glucose (25 mM) induced significant increase in H+ efflux via NHE1 and H+-ATPase. The stimulatory effect of glucose on the NHE1 and H+-ATPase activity was dependent on p38 MAP kinase activity. Furthermore, chronic treatment with glucose (25 mM) induced Ezrin/radixin/moesin (ERM) and Akt phosphorylation. Conclusions: Our results indicate that during the acute treatment with glucose (25 mM), the NHE1 is modulated by PI3 kinase. However, during chronic treatment with glucose (25 mM), NHE1 activity was modulated by the ERM/Akt system and of H+-ATPase activity was modulated by p38 MAP Kinase.
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Apoptose precoce, proliferação celular sincrônica tardia e perfil de expressão de proteínas ao complexo esclerose tuberosa e às doenças renais policísticas durante tubulogênese in vitro / Apoptosis, late synchronous cell proliferation and expression profile of TSC and PKD proteins during in vitro tubulogenesisSilva, Crysthiane Saveriano Rubião 14 May 2013 (has links)
O complexo esclerose tuberosa (CET) e as doenças renais policísticas autossômica dominante (DRPAD) e autossômica recessiva (DRPAR) são doenças monogênicas associadas a cistogênese renal. Os produtos dos genes mutados nessas enfermidades, respectivamente tuberina e hamartina para CET, policistina-1 (PC1) e policistina-2 para DRPAD, e poliductina/fibrocistina para DRPAR, modulam proliferação, diferenciação, apoptose, crescimento e/ou migração celular. Neste estudo empregamos um sistema tridimensional de cultura de células IMCD para caracterizar os perfis de expressão dessas proteínas durante a tubulogênese. Usando uma matriz de colágeno tipo I/Matrigel e fator de crescimento de hepatócito (HGF), a formação de estruturas alongadas se iniciou dois dias após o plaqueamento in vitro (2 DIV), ao passo que o desenvolvimento de lúmen ocorreu entre 10-14 DIV. A marcação para caspase-3 ativa foi mais intensa nas fases iniciais da tubulogênese, enquanto a marcação para Ki-67 foi uniformemente pronunciada em estágios mais tardios. A tuberina e a hamartina apresentaram expressão citoplasmática e co-localização acentuada em 6 e 12 DIV. A PC1 apresentou maior expressão nas porções ramificadas dos túbulos que nas não ramificadas no 12 DIV, um padrão não verificado para a PC2. Estas proteínas exibiram expressão citoplasmática, assim como expressão ocasional e pontual na membrana plasmática. PD1 também apresentou expressão citoplasmática. Nossos dados sugerem que a apoptose e a ciclagem celular sincrônica durante a tubulogênese in vitro são mais acentuadas, respectivamente, em fases mais precoces e mais tardias da formação tubular. Nossos achados demonstram, além disso, que as proteínas relacionadas ao CET e às DRPs são expressas in vitro durante a tubulogênese, apoiando um papel importante para a interação tuberina-hamartina na formação tubular, e são consistentes com o padrão de expressão diferencial da PC1 observado durante a nefrogênese / Tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) and autosomal dominant and recessive polycystic kidney diseases (ADPKD and ARPKD) are monogenic diseases associated with renal cystogenesis. The products of the genes mutated in these disorders, respectively tuberin and hamartin for TSC, and polycystin-1 (PC1), polycystin-2 (PC2) and polyductin/fibrocystin (PD1) for PKD, modulate cell proliferation, differentiation, apoptosis, growth and/or migration. We have employed an IMCD tridimensional cell culture system to characterize their expression profiles along tubulogenesis. Using a type I collagen/Matrigel matrix and hepatocyte growth factor (HGF), the formation of elongated structures initiated 2 days after in vitro plating (2 DIV) while lumen developed between 10-14 DIV. Active caspase-3 labeling was more intense in initial phases of tubulogenesis while Ki-67 staining was uniformly pronounced in later stages. Tuberin and hamartin showed cytoplasmic expression and marked co- localization at 6 and 12 DIV. PC1 displayed higher expression in branching than non- branching portions of the tubules at 12 DIV, a pattern not verified for PC2. These proteins presented cytoplasmic and occasional, punctate membrane expression. PD1 also showed cytoplasmic expression. Our data suggest that apoptosis and synchronous cell cycling during in vitro tubulogenesis are more remarkable, respectively, in early and later steps of tubule formation. In addition, our findings demonstrate that the TSC and PKD proteins are expressed in vitro during tubulogenesis, supporting an important role for tuberin-hamartin interaction in tubular formation, and are consistent with the differential PC1 expression pattern observed during nephrogenesis
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Le stress protéotoxique : le prix à payer pour la tolérance au soi immunitaireSt-Pierre, Charles 03 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Cellules souches, hormones sexuelles et régénération thymiqueDumont-Lagacé, Maude 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Caractérisation de l'effet cytoprotecteur des cellules souches mésenchymateuses sur l'apoptose et sur les altérations phénotypiques des cellules épithèliales alvéolaires soumises à l'hypoxie / Mesenchymal stem cells reduce hypoxia-induced apoptosis in alveolar epithelial cells by modulating HIF and ROS hypoxic signalingsBernard, Olivier 22 February 2016 (has links)
La fibrose pulmonaire idiopathique (FPI) et le syndrome de détresse respiratoire aiguë (SDRA) de l’adulte constituent des affections sévères du poumon distal, avec un pronostic sombre pour les patients. A ce jour, aucun traitement n’est réellement efficace. De manière intéressante, une hypoxie alvéolaire est retrouvée dans ces pathologies.La thérapie cellulaire utilisant des cellules souches mésenchymateuses humaines (CSMh) pourrait représenter un intérêt thérapeutique chez l’Homme. Cependant, leurs mécanismes d’action sont multiples et encore mal définis. Aussi, nous avons testé in vitro l’hypothèse selon laquelle les CSMh pourraient exercer un effet cytoprotecteur paracrine sur les cellules épithéliales alvéolaires (CEA) soumises à l’hypoxie.Dans une première étude, nous avons montré qu’une exposition prolongée à l’hypoxie telle que celle rencontrée au cours de la FPI induisait des modifications phénotypiques des CEA primaires de rat, évocatrices d’une transition épithélio-mésenchymateuse (TEM). On observe une perte progressive d’expression des marqueurs épithéliaux (TTF1, AQP5, ZO-1 et E-Cadhérine), couplée à l’apparition tardive de marqueurs mésenchymateux (α-SMA et Vimentine). Ces modifications phénotypiques s’accompagnent de l’expression dès les premières heures d’hypoxie de facteurs de transcription impliqués dans la TEM (SNAI1, TWIST1 et ZEB1) ou induits par l’hypoxie (HIF-1α et HIF-2α), et de protéines induisant la TEM (TGF-β1 et CTGF). La co-culture des CEA avec des CSMh en fond de puits prévient les modifications phénotypiques induites par l’hypoxie ainsi que l’expression des facteurs pro-TEM TWIST1, ZEB1, TGF-β1 et CTGF. Cet effet bénéfique des CSM est en partie expliqué par la sécrétion d’un facteur de croissance épithélial, le KGF.Dans une deuxième étude, nous avons confirmé que les CEA entraient en apoptose en condition hypoxique, via l’induction de deux voies de signalisations hypoxiques pro-apoptotiques. D’une part, les facteurs de transcription induits par l’hypoxie HIF sont stabilisés, et une cible pro-apoptotique, Bnip3, est induite. D’autre part, l’hypoxie induit une accumulation d’espèces réactives à l’oxygène délétère pour la cellule, perturbant l’équilibre redox de la cellule, endommageant l’ADN, et conduisant à l’apoptose. Cette accumulation pourrait résulter notamment d’une diminution de l’activité des enzymes anti-oxydantes SOD, en hypoxie. Le manque d’oxygène entraine également l’expression de CHOP, facteur de transcription pro-apoptotique impliqué dans le stress du réticulum endoplasmique, qui va13inhiber l’expression de la protéine anti-apoptotique Bcl-2. Nous avons montré que la culture des CEA en présence de milieu conditionné de CSMh (mc-CSMh) permet de prévenir partiellement l’apoptose des CEA en hypoxie, en modulant la voie de signalisation HIF, et en prévenant l’accumulation et les effets délétères des ROS. L’effet protecteur des CSM impliquerait le KGF comme observé lors de la première étude, mais également le HGF.Ces deux études indiquent que les CSMh sont susceptibles d’exercer des effets cytoprotecteurs paracrines vis-à-vis des CEA soumises à l’hypoxie aiguë ou prolongée, en limitant d’une part les modifications phénotypiques évocatrices de TEM, et d’autre part l’apoptose des CEA via la modulation des voies de signalisations hypoxiques. La sécrétion par les CSMh de KGF et de HGF, facteurs de croissance épithéliaux connus pour leurs effets bénéfiques sur les CEA, explique en partie les effets protecteurs paracrines des CSMh. Nos résultats suggèrent que les effets cytoprotecteurs des CSMh vis-à-vis des CEA pourraient contribuer aux effets bénéfiques des CSMh observés in vivo dans différents modèles animaux de fibrose induite, ou lors d’agressions alvéolaires aiguës. / Acute or chronic alveolar injuries provoke massive apoptosis of alveolar epithelial cells (AEC) that compromises an efficient repair of the alveolar epithelium and leads to lung diseases such as ARDS or IPF. These disorders are commonly associated with local alveolar hypoxia aggravating their progression through the stimulation of AEC apoptosis. Administration of allogenic mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) has been shown to limit lung inflammation and fibrosis in murine models of alveolar injury, through a still poorly understood paracrine mechanism. In a first study, we showed that long term exposure of AEC in hypoxia leads to phenotypic alterations which looks like epithelio-mesenchymal transition (EMT). Co-culture with MSCs prevent hypoxia-induced EMT.In a second work, we studied whether MSC could protect AEC from hypoxia-induced apoptosis and the mechanisms involved. hMSC-conditioned media (hMSC-CM) significantly reduced hypoxia-induced apoptosis of AEC. Such a anti-apoptotic effect was also obtained with ROS scavenger N-acetylcystein or HIF1a inhibitor YC-1. hMSC-CM decreased the protein expression of HIF1α and HIF2α and of their pro-apoptotic target Bnip3 in hypoxic AEC. hMSC-CM also reduced ROS accumulation in hypoxic AEC by enhancing the activity of anti-oxidant enzymes and prevented the induction of CHOP, a pro-apoptotic factor induced by ROS signaling. The paracrine effect of hMSC was partly dependent on KGF and HGF secretion. hMSC prevent via a paracrine effect hypoxia-induced apoptosis of AEC by modulating hypoxic and ROS signaling.These two studies show that MSCs exert cytoprotective effects in vitro against hypoxia-induced apoptosis and EMT in AEC
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Entwicklung eines bioartifiziellen TrachealersatzesEndres, Michaela 18 October 2005 (has links)
Verschiedene Ursachen erfordern rekonstruktive Maßnahmen an der Trachea zur Erhaltung eines suffizienten Luftweges. Häufig treten im Rahmen dieser Eingriffe Infektionen und Schädigungen auf, die die Bildung von Granulationsgewebe nach sich ziehen und zu Stenosen führen können. Der Einsatz von epithelialisierten autogenen oder auch allogenen Transplantaten, die mit der Methode des Tissue Engineering hergestellt werden, bietet einen neuen Lösungsansatz, um Stenosen zu vermeiden. Diese Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Isolierung, Kultivierung und Charakterisierung von humanem respiratorischen Epithelzellen (hREC), sowie deren Einsatz in Co-Kulturen mit humanen Chondrozyten als einen ersten Schritt zur Transplantatherstellung. Die hREC wurden sowohl in nativem Gewebe als auch in Monolayerkultur und in verschiedenen Differenzierungkulturen histologisch und immunhistochemisch analysiert. Zusätzlich wurde die Ziliogenense mit der Elektronenmikroskop untersucht. Eine weitere Charakterisierung erfolgte durch die Genexpressionsanalyse einiger Cytokeratine auf RNA-Ebene mit der semiquantitativen real-time RT-PCR. Mittels Durchflusszytometrie konnten Basalzellen, die auch als Vorläuferzellen des humanen respiratorischen Epithels gelten, mit den Antikörpern CD49f und CD104 detektiert und analysiert und unter Verwendung der fluoreszenzaktivierten Zellsortierung (FACS) separiert werden. Es zeigte sich, dass die hREC in den Proliferationskulturen dedifferenzierten und durch spezielle Basalzellmarker angefärbt wurden. Die Differenzierungskulturen und ALI-Kulturen gaben erste Hinweise auf die Differenzierung der Zellen. In den Co-Kulturen konnte unter dem Einfluß eines Air-Liquid-Inteface ebenfalls eine Re-differenzierung der Zellen beobachtet werden. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass es möglich ist, eine Epithelialisierung von kollagenbeschichteten Biomaterialien oder auch autologem Knorpel zu erreichen, um diese Konstrukte für das Trachea Tissue Engineering einzusetzen. / The replacement of extensive tracheal defects resulting from intensive care medicine, trauma, or large resections is still challenged by the re-epithelialization of an autologous or alloplastic trachea replacement. Therefore, this thesis was performed to investigate the potential of culture expanded human respiratory epithelial cells (hREC) to regenerate a functional epithelium for trachea tissue engineering.hREC from nasal turbinates were freshly isolated, expanded and subsequently cultured in high-density multilayers to allow epithelial differentiation. Composition of epithelial cells in native respiratory epithelial tissue and culture expanded hREC were analyzed by histological staining and by immunohistochemical staining with the specific antibodies. Differentiation of culture expanded hREC was further characterized by gene expression analysis of a cytokeratin pattern using semi-quantitative real-time RT-PCR technique. Furthermore, basal cells known as progenitors of the respiratory epithelium were seperated by Fluorescense Activated Cell Sorting with the basal cell specific antibodies CD49f and CD104. Co-cultures of hREC and human chondrocytes (hCHO) or human cartilage respectively were compared to Air-Liquid-Interface cultures containing hREC and hCHO.Histological and immunohistochemical staining and Scanning Electron Microscopy pictures of hREC in differentiation cultures demonstrated basal cells covering the collagenous matrix. These cells formed a cellular multilayer, which is composed of a basal layer of undifferentiated basal cells and an upper layer of cells differentiating along the squamous metaplasia and ciliated cell lineage. Lineage development of cultured hREC was further documented by the induction of specific cytokeratins. Our results suggest that culture expanded hREC have the potential to colonize collagen coated biomaterials as well as autologous cartilage grafts and to regenerate epithelial cell types for trachea tissue engineering.
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